Drug Research Project-Marking Rubric! Criteria 1 Information -Minimal information was provided. -No titles were included. -No information is in your won words. No extra information was provided to better understand 2 -Minimal information was included. -No titles were included. -Some information was in your own words, but is clear you copy and pasted some. -No extra information was provided to better understand the drug. 3 -All information was included. -Titles were included for each section. -All information was in your own words. -No extra information provided to better understand the drug. Presentation -Too quiet, couldn’t hear you. -Read right off the presentation. -No information was given to others. -Presentation was hard to follow or hear. -Minimal information was given on the drug. -Were not able to answer audience’s questions. -Voice was loud enough so everyone could hear. -You relayed all required information to the class. -Were able to answer the audience’s class. Visual/ Effort -No colours. -No pictures. -Very little effort put into the project. -Didn’t use any class time for the project. -Project not finished. -Some colour. -Some relevant pictures. Some effort put into the project. -Project is not easy to follow. -Used minimal time in class for the project. Project somewhat complete. -Project grabs attention by using colour and relevant pictures. -Obvious effort was put into the project. -Used class time efficiently to complete project. -Project is complete. 4 -All information was included. -Titles were included for each section. -All information was in your own words. -Extra information was included to help others understand the drug. -Voice was loud enough so everyone could hear. -You grabbed the audience’s attention by providing interesting relevant information. -Were able to answer audience’s questions. -Project grabs attention by using colour and relevant pictures and stats. -Extra effort was put in to make the presentation complete. -Used class time efficiently to complete project. -Project is complete. Drug Research Project You are going to research the following: - Name, street names, slang. - Description of the drug. - Effects – What does it do? Physical and mental. Long term and short term. - How is it used? How does it enter the body? - Where do you purchase? - Legal status in Canada. - Negative consequences to your body. - Addictiveness. - Pictures. Your group will verbally present your drug to the class in a slideshow presentation. You will be assessed on the information you produce, the quality of your presentation, visual aspects and your work effort.