lesson planning guide


Essentials of


Instruction and Assessment

Lesson Cycle Planning Guide







Which of the TEKS are being addressed through this lesson? (Special education teachers should also address which of the IEP goals/objectives are being addressed)


What is the student learning objective for this lesson? (Remember Bloom’s & include clear, appropriate and performable content



What materials will be used to conduct this teaching cycle?

___Textbook ___Handouts ___Visual aids ___Computer ____ PowerPoint ___Manipulatives ___Video

___Internet ___Other:

Anticipatory Set/Statement of

L earning

O bjective:

What will you do to grab the students’ attention, and put students into a receptive frame of mind?

In what way will you activate their prior knowledge and experience to help them relate to today’s lesson?

Do they need brief practice on previous/related learning?

How will you assess their level of knowledge about the topic?

How will you communicate the learning objective to students?

How will students be assisted to understand the value and relevance of the objective?

Instructional Input/Teacher

E xplanation & Modeling

How will you present or organize instruction so students gain the information?

What knowledge will you communicate to the students? What new information do they need?

What are the essential facts, concepts, generalizations, and principles that should be emphasized?

What skills, processes, competencies, and/or procedures do students need to master in this lesson?

How will students be aided in constructing meaning—how will students experience the information presented in the lesson? (Remember learning styles (V isual,

A uditory,

T actile





multiple intelligences, graphic organizers)

How will the skills and processes be modeled? How will you show/demonstrate the skill or competence so the students will also be able to do it? Will students need to see a demonstration and/or example of the acceptable finished product or process in order to achieve the instructional objective?

What are some guiding questions about the topic that would help students develop their critical thinking and problem solving abilities? ( Remember Bloom’s and questions that encourage metacognition )

Checking for Understanding:

How will you check that the students have understood the information/task/skill before engaging them in further instruction or practice? (ongoing monitoring/diagnosis/assessment)

What questions might you ask at this point to encourage students’ self-assessment?

What questions might you ask to clarify any misunderstandings and to gauge how well the students understand?

Guided Practice:

What activities will the students do with your presence to practice or work toward the desired learning outcome?

(Remember VAT/K and MI)

What flexible grouping structures will be used to facilitate learning?

If they make mistakes, think about how you will provide immediate corrective feedback.


How will you end the lesson?

What guiding questions might you ask of the students? (What did we learn? How does this lesson relate to you and the “real” world? What were the most significant or interesting parts of the lesson? What do you need to remember about… Summarize the important points by….)

Independent Practice:

Once students can perform without major errors, discomfort or confusion, how will they achieve the desired objective without your presence? What independent activities and tasks are to be part of this lesson?

How do these activities and tasks reinforce student mastery of the objective?

Region 10 ESC Teacher Preparation and Certification Program updated: 2-2-18 pw

Essentials of Instruction and Assessment

Lesson Cycle Planning Guide

Will there be homework associated with this lesson? Will it be activity-based, paper-based, a product or project?

Monitor & Adjust:

What strategies will be used to insure that student progress is monitored from the beginning to the end of the lesson?


What assessment strategies will be used to determine whether the objective has been achieved? (Remember Bloom’s, learning styles and MI and consider which type of assessment is most appropriate for the objective: selected response, constructed response and/or observation)

Will you use a rubric or observation checklist? If you are using a rubric, has it been given to students beforehand to use as a guide?

What metacognitive strategies might be used so students can express and monitor their own comprehension?

If the lesson will last several days, will there be short quizzes

/check for understandings


Accommodation and

/ or

M odifications:

Are there students who need special accommodations? (English language learners, 504 students, special education students)

Has an ARD committee mandated modifications for a student or students?

Consider what adjustments should be made in the following areas:






What additional learning opportunities might be provided?

Classroom Management:

What will you need to think through in order to have a smooth flow of instruction with minimal disruption? ( flexible grouping, seating arrangement, transitions, supplies, use of manipulatives)

Region 10 ESC Teacher Preparation and Certification Program updated : 2-2-18 pw
