Suhermi (18709251007) Seftika Anggraini (18709251016) Restu Widhi Laksana WHAT IS BELIEFS? Beliefs as propotional attitude, beliefs as subjectif probability, beliefs as inference, and beliefs as association (Egan, 1986). Beliefs have a significant effect on the way we view ourselves as learners and how we operate in the classroom (Dweck, 2000; Hofer, 2001; Schraw, 2000; Sinatra, 2001). 1 WHAT IS IMPLICIT BELIEF? Much of our behavior is shaped by unconscious beliefs about key aspects of learning, such as intelligence and knowledge. Implicit beliefs often give rise to an implicit theory; that is, a set of tacit assumptions by a person about how some phenomenon works. Understanding implicit beliefs is an important first step in becoming self-regulated. 2 IS INTELLIGENCE CHANGEABLE? Incremental Theory Intelligence is the ability to adapt successfully to an environment Intelligence is changeable and controllable Can be improved (Ackerman & Lohman, 2006; Perkins, 1995) Entity Theory Intelligence is internal, stable, and uncontrollable trait Intelligence is fixed and unchangeable Can not be improved (Weiner, 1986; Jensen, 1992) 3 Incremental Theory Entity Theory Learning Goal Performance Goal Performance Approach Performance Avoidance 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF LEARNING-AND PERFORMANCE-ORIENTED STUDENTS Learning Orientation Improving competence Seeks challenge Persists Attributes success to effort Positive response to failure Uses strategies effectively Self-regulated Performance Orientation Providing competence Avoids challenge Quits Attributes success to ability Negative response to failure Uses inappropriate strategies Helpless 5 FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI BELIEFS OF INTELLIGENCE? Ames & Archer (1988) Dweck (2000) Dispositional factors: Basic Personality make up Environmental factors: school, teachers, and classmates Performance Values Performance goal students Improvement Values Learning goal students 6 FORSTERING ADAPTIVE GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Promote the view that intellectual development is controllable. Reward effort and improvement while deemphasizing native ability. Emphasize the process rather than the products of learning. Stress that mistakes are a normal (and healthy) part of learning. Encourage individual rather than group, evaluative standars. 7 THANK YOU