Punctuation Marks: Understanding Usage What are punctuations? • Punctuation is an important aspect of writing. • Helps you make your writing more understandable. • Using punctuation marks can enhance clarity in your writing. Full Stop (.) • A full stop should always be used to end a sentence. ▫ indicates that a point has been made and that you are about to move on to further explanations • Example: ▫ Dinner was delicious. • Used to indicate abbreviations Telephone Number = Tel. No. September = Sept. Pages = pp. Comma (,) • A comma is useful pause before proceeding add a phrase that does not contain any new subject The boy, who knew that his mother was about to arrive, ran quickly towards the opening door. separate items on a list The shopping trolley was loaded high with bottles of juice, fruit, vegetables, cereals and cartons of milk. use more than one adjective (a describing word, like beautiful) The boy was happy, eager and full of anticipation at the start of his summer holiday. Exclamation Mark (!) • Indicates strong feeling within a sentence. ▫ Help! The house is on fire. • It can also be used to indicate a sharp instruction. ▫ Stop! Police! • To indicate humor ▫ Ha! Ha! Ha! Question Mark (?) • Question mark simply indicates that a sentence is asking a question. • It always comes at the end of a sentence. ▫ Have you completed your quiz? ▫ Do you have any more classes today? Semi-colon (;) • When joining two connected sentences. We set out at dawn; the weather looked promising. • The semi-colon can also be used to assemble detailed lists. The conference was attended by delegates from Paris, France; Texas, USA; London, UK; Stockholm, Sweden; Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Mumbai, India. Colon (:) • The colon within a sentence makes a very pointed pause between two phrases. • It is most commonly used when listing. She placed the following items into the trolley: juice, fruit, vegetables, cereals and cartons of milk. • Used within a heading, or descriptive title. Human Resource Management: Guidelines for Telephone Advisers Apostrophe (’) • The apostrophe, sometimes called an inverted comma has two main uses. • The apostrophe indicates possession or ownership. The girl's hat was green. • Another use of the apostrophe is to indicate where a letter is omitted. We're going to do this course. Quotation or Speech Marks (“….”) • Quotation or speech marks are used to: ▫ to mark out speech ▫ when quoting someone else's speech. My grandpa said, "Share your chocolates with your friends”. “Ali, don't do that!" Hyphen (-) • The hyphen is used to link words together. • For example: sub-part eighteenth-century people week-end second-class post References: • Punctuation at Work: Simple Principles for Achieving Clarity and Good Style by Richard Lucman • The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus • Punctuation and Spelling By Rebecca Vickers • Punctuation Signs and Symbols. Retrieved from: http://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/punctuation1.html • What are fourteen punctuation marks in English? Retrieved from: http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/punctuation/what/ fourteen-punctuation-marks.html