Canadian Confederation History Inquiry Worksheet

Name: _________________________
History Inquiry Unit
Expectation being covered: Assess the impact of some key social, economic, and political factors,
including social, economic, and/or political inequality, on various Canadians between 1850 and
1890 as well as on the creation and expansion of the Dominion of Canada.
Big Idea: The struggles of individuals and groups in Canada during the years of Confederation helped to lay the
groundwork for some of the rights that we as Canadians have today.
Learning Goals
I wonder ….
More questions I have from my
questions or my findings.
Students will be able to:
- evaluate the importance of various
internal and external factors that played a
role in the creation of the Dominion of
Canada and the expansion of its territory.
- analyse some of the actions taken by
various groups and/or individuals in
Canada between 1850 and 1890 to
improve their lives.
- formulate questions to guide
investigations into perspectives of
different groups on some significant
events, developments, and/or issues that
affected Canada and/or Canadians
between 1850 and 1890.
- gather and organize information and
evidence about perspectives of different
groups on some significant events,
developments, and/or issues that affected
Canada and/or Canadians between 1850
and 1890, using a variety of sources
- evaluate evidence and draw conclusions
about perspectives of different groups on
some significant events, developments,
and/or issues in Canada during 1850 and
What do you need to understand to be able to do during this project?
How do you plan to show your learning? ___________________________________________________
Why did you choose this method? ________________________________________________________
Who is the audience for this product? Describe its usefulness to others.
At the end of each session please use your journal, duotangs, etc. to respond to one of the following
Today I learned that ….
Things that went well today were ….
I think I will need more time to complete … because …
Task 1
2 lessons
Why did the citizens of British North American colonies want to become their own
Work in groups of 4s or 5s to do some quick research on some of the reasons and find the overall
gist of the reasons. Then each group will be assigned a reason to find out more about. Each
member of the expert group will be divided into a new group to share their learning.
Homework: Continue research at home to consolidate learning on the main reasons for
Task 2
How does Canada look now compare to before 1867?
Find a map of Canada before 1867 and a current map. Describe how it has changed.
Task 3
(Language & History
combined period)
What was life like in the different colonies of British North America in the 1860s?
Work in pairs, or groups of 3s or 4s to research the different colonies. Brainstorm different
concepts you could use to find your information. E.g. population make up; main industry;
religion; trading partners; etc.
Then create a web to show the information you researched.
Use the main heading Confederation: and subheadings: Social; Political; Economic to display
your learning
Task 4
What might some of the reasons citizens used to support or oppose Confederation?
Research the internet and/or the textbook to determine some of the reasons people had For
Confederation OR Against Confederation
Task 5
2 periods
(Language & History
combined period)
You will be assigned a colony. Read the assigned sheets to determine some of the reasons the
citizens had for and against confederation. Discuss and share perspectives FOR and AGAINST
Confederation that you found. Use that information to write a monologue.
Task 6
Present your monologue in your assigned groups. One member of the group will video tape using
an I-pad.
Task 7
2 periods
(Language & History
combined period)
Create a short drama presentation acting as citizens from different colonies. You are at different
social events/gatherings and start to share their reactions to the prospect of Confederation.
Events could be a house party; at the grocery store; inside the parliament; at the park;
etc. Situation must be relevant to the time period.
Task 7 con’t:
1 period
Practice and present your skits to show your groups point of view and learning.) When one group
is presenting the other groups will evaluate and reflect on the learning demonstrated by the group.
Task 8
1 period
Choose an appropriate graphic organizer to help show the major events that occurred during the
Charlottetown, Quebec and London conferences.
Task 9
2 periods
(Language & History
combined period)
Pretend you are one of the delegates at The Quebec Conference. Read over the 72 resolutions
and focus on the main 7. Then choose one of the following activities to complete. 1) Write at
least 3 diaries entries to show some of the happenings at the conference; 2) write a letter back to
a loved one in Britain telling them about what occurred at the conference; 3) prepare a news
report and act as a radio announcer to relay the events of the conference; 4) write a letter to the
editor of the newspaper to share your views of what ‘really’ happened at the
conference. Remember to include whether you agree/disagree with the resolutions. You
must provide evidence to help support your opinion.
Task 9
2 periods
Compare how Canada as a country is run today and how is was organised in 1867. Use this
information to help answer the following question. Feel free to use a graphic organizer to help
you organize your thoughts.
How might life in Canada today be different if the provinces had not agreed to the British
North American Act of 1867?
Task 10
5 periods
(Language & History
combined period)
Use the overall curriculum expectation and the learning we have done throughout the unit to
create your inquiry question. See the teacher for feedback on your question before moving on to
research. You will be given 5 periods to complete your chosen activity to show your learning.
*Please note that a research period will only be given at the beginning of the
activity. Research will be done at home and brought in to help complete your inquiry. You
may choose from a variety of ways to show your learning but it must be put together at
Task 11
2 periods
The class will have 2 periods to work in groups to share their learning and receive peer
feedback. All sessions will be recorded for viewing by your teacher.
Self Reflection Sheet
During this project I used technology to help me ….
Some new things that I learned about this subject/topic that I could now TEACH others are …. (Explain in
detail and explain their importance.)
The next time I have an assignment like this I would …. (Think of some things that you would do differently
next time if you were completing a similar activity like this one.)
During the project I
__ used story boarding
__ used idea mapping
__ used flow charting
__ used note cards
__ formed good questions
__ used outlining
__ developed a topic/purpose
__ created one draft
__ created two or more drafts
__ Other:
I knew my work was good
__ I used a rubric provided by teacher
__ I used a rubric developed by me
__ One or more classmates gave me
feedback on it
During the project I
__ Working well with others
__ Time management
__ Editing / Proofreading
__ Developing other questions
__ my teacher gave me feedback on it
__ Other
To get information I used __ Drawings / paintings __ Internet sites __ Video / TV ___ Interviews __ Surveys __Data tables /
charts ___CD-ROMs ___ Books / magazines / newspapers ___Maps
How many total resources did you use?_____ (Write a number.)
How much do you think others will learn from your presentation?
Not much
A little
Quite a lot
How much did you enjoy learning about your subject /topic?
How well does your presentation show what you have learned?
Not much
Not much
A little
A little
Quite a lot
Quite a lot
Name: _____________________________
Rubric to evaluate History Inquiry Unit on Creating Canada
Knowledge & Understanding
-shows knowledge of how key
events and developments
impact different groups
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
- you did a very simple job
explaining some of the key
events or developments that
occurred between 1850 and
1890 and their impact on
various groups
- you did a fair job explaining
some of the key events
or developments that occurred
between 1850 and 1890 and
their impact on various groups
- you were able to clearly and
explain some of the key events
or developments that occurred
between 1850 and 1890 and
their impact on various groups
- you were able to clearly and
precisely explain some of the
key events or developments
that occurred between 1850
and 1890 and their impact on
various groups
- your project showed a
beginning understanding of a
few of the key aspects of the
British North America Act
- your project showed an
adequate understanding of
some of the key aspects of the
British North America Act
- your project showed a solid
understanding of most of the
key aspects of the British North
America Act
- your project showed a
thorough understanding of
key aspects of the British North
America Act
- you demonstrated a basic
ability to formulate one or two
critical thinking questions to
help guide your investigations .
- you demonstrated a
satisfactory ability to formulate
a few critical thinking questions
to help guide your
- you demonstrated a clear
ability to formulate some
critical thinking questions to
help guide your investigations
- you demonstrated an
outstanding ability to
formulate critical thinking
questions to help guide your
- using critical thing skills to
develop logical strategies
- you experienced some
difficulty evaluating how diverse
groups were treated different
legal status, rights and privileges
and give a limited number of
reasons how this treatment
might have impacted on their
development as a people
- you were able to satisfactorily
evaluate how diverse groups
were treated different legal
status, rights and privileges and
give a few reasons how this
treatment might have impacted
on their development as a
- you were able to evaluate
how diverse groups were
treated different legal status,
rights and privileges and give a
some reasons how this
treatment might have
impacted on their
development as a people
- you were able to critically
evaluate how diverse groups
were treated different legal
status, rights and privileges
and give a number of reasons
how this treatment might have
impacted on their
development as a people
- demonstrates ability to
analyze information to use to
show learning
- you did a simple job analyzing
information taken from your
sources, and then chose a one
or two relevant details to
include in your project
- you did a satisfactory job
analyzing information taken
from your sources, and then
chose a few relevant details to
include in your project
- you did a good job analyzing
information taken from your
sources, and then chose some
relevant details to include in
your project
- you did an outstanding job
gathering and organizing
information and evidence
about perspectives of different
groups during Canada’s
journey for Confederation
- organisation of ideas
-you did a basic job organising
your learning in a clear way. It
was difficult to follow at some
-you did an adequate job
organising your learning in a
clear way so that it was
somewhat easy to follow.
-you did a solid job organising
your learning in a clear and
organize way so that it was
easy to follow.
-you did an excellent job
organising your learning in a
clear and organize way so that
it was easy to follow.
- use of graphics to help
communicate learning
- you were able to use a few
graphics (maps, pictures, charts)
to help enhance your learning
- you were able to some
different graphics (maps,
pictures, charts) to help
enhance your learning
- you were able to use a variety
to appropriate graphics (maps,
pictures, charts) to help
enhance your learning
- you were able to use a wide
variety of appropriate graphics
(maps, pictures, charts) to help
enhance your learning
- use of vocabulary terms
directly related to the topic
- you included a few key
vocabulary terms directly
related to your topic to help
showcase your learning
- you included some key
vocabulary terms directly
related to your topic to help
showcase your learning
- you included a variety of key
vocabulary terms directly
related to your topic to help
showcase your learning
- you included a wide variety of
key vocabulary terms directly
related to your topic to help
showcase your learning
- demonstrates understanding
of the British North American
- developing critical thinking
questions to guide research