Call for Papers

Call for Papers Strategies
Tole Sutikno
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (AIES)
Academics can receive thousands of call for
papers (CFP) emails every year
 CFP kita harus menarik, rapi dan informatif jika kita
ingin mereka membukanya
So how do you, make your call for papers stand
out from the crowd?
Kita perlu orang untuk membuka email CFP kita, membacanya, mengklik,
mengirim paper. Ini adalah tantangan dari apa yang disebut pemasaran email,
yang merupakan bidang yang cukup kompleks.
Tiga aturan emas (golden rules):
1. Buat garis subjek yang kuat
(Craft a strong subject line)
2. Desain menarik = rasio klik-tayang lebih tinggi
(Appealing design = higher click through rate)
3. Mengelola daftar penerima CFP
(Managing your list of recipients)
Buat garis subjek yang kuat
(Craft a strong subject line)
Hal pertama yang akan dilihat penerima di inbox email adalah baris subjek. Setelah membaca
baris subjek, penerima email akan memutuskan dalam sepersekian detik jika email kita layak
untuk dibuka atau tidak. Itu sebabnya kita membutuhkan baris subjek yang kuat dan menarik.
Generic subject lines can get lost in the crowd, and may even get caught in spam
folders. Make sure your subject line is clear, relevant and to the point.
Summarize the email, tell the recipient what you expect from them (to submit to
your journal/conference). Include the name of your journal/conference.
Don’t make it too long. It will get cut off, and your message will not be as
Highlight the benefits of your journal/conference. "Scopus Electrical & Electronics
Engineering Journal Call For Papers" is more compelling (menarik) than "Electrical
& Electronics Engineering Call For Papers".
Kita mungkin harus mengirim satu atau dua pengingat (reminders). Jika itu yang terjadi, kita
dapat menyertakan "pengumuman kedua" atau "kesempatan terakhir untuk mengirimkan" ke
baris subjek pengingat ini untuk menarik penerima untuk mengambil tindakan.
Desain menarik = rasio klik-tayang lebih tinggi
(Appealing design = higher click through rate)
To encourage recipients to click on your links or buttons, you need to make
your email visually attractive. A great template can do a lot for less than
stellar content. And it can make a newsletter full of great content shine even
• Make it easy to read and find information. Format your text into headings,
sub headings and paragraph text. Add some colours and enough spacing.
And make sure the email contains all the relevant information.
• Ensure your call to actions (links or buttons) clearly stands out. Put them
in a different colour and not too far down the email.
• Don’t rely (mengandalkan) on images too much. Some college systems
have a firewall set up blocking images appearing on emails.
Desain menarik = rasio klik-tayang lebih tinggi
(Appealing design = higher click through rate)
Mengelola daftar penerima CFP
(Managing your list of recipients)
Hal terakhir yang perlu kita pikirkan terhadap calon Penulis adalah
jangan sampai CFP kita seperti spam yang menjengkelkan dan
berulang-ulang. Bayangkan seorang penjual menelepon kita dua atau
tiga kali dengan informasi yang sama. Kita tidak akan terlalu terkesan!
Hal yang sama berlaku untuk email.
Dari mana kita mendapatkan daftar Penulis potensial? Bagaimana kita
Bangun daftar Penulis potensial dengan bijak. Kita dapat mulai dari
daftar penulis/delegasi yang berpartisipasi dalam konferensi/jurnal kita
di masa lalu.
To make your life easier, we strongly advise using a tool to send your
email. Mailchimp is a good, cost-effective option (free for less than
2,000 subscribers).
Making your call for papers stand out isn’t easy.
But here are 3 ways to do it.
1. Call people up and tell them about it
2. Exhibit – and speak – at related conferences
3. Send a personalised call for papers
 (Tugas P Tole & B Lina)
10 Easy Ways to Promote our Call
for Papers
Call for Papers checklist
Sending out a Call for Papers for our conference/journal is a standard part of any organizers’ job.
To ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible and that our request is reaching the right
academics, we’ve put together a ten-step checklist to help us create and promote our next Call
for Papers.
1. Be succinct. Researchers already have a very busy schedule. Don’t add to it. Be as
straightforward as possible in your email and make sure you’ve included all the information
researchers need to make their submission.
2. A second set of eyes never hurts. Get a colleague to review your email to check for typos and
to make sure you haven’t missed any important information.
3. Put it in context. Some researchers receive dozens or even hundreds of invitations to present
at conferences. Make yours stand out by tying the conference to a current topic in the news
4. Quality over quantity. Double-check your email list. By ensuring you only have the most
relevant academics on your list, you’ll avoid spamming (and annoying) people.
5. Personalize. Get in touch directly with contacts from your network. Researchers will take an
invitation more seriously if it comes from someone they know. Consider adding a short personal
message – it only takes a couple of minutes and makes a big difference for the recipient.
Call for Papers checklist (cont.)
.. ten-step checklist ..:
6. Make a call to action. Integrate buttons or banners on your website homepage and any
relevant event pages. Promote your call for papers on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and in
relevant social media groups – they can be a great way of reaching a niche audience.
7. Write a blog post. If you have a blog, publish a short article detailing your call for papers and
the requirements for submission. That way, you have a chance of reaching people who didn’t get
the email directly.
8. Mention in your newsletter. Include a two-line description and a link directing recipients to the
collection page in your regular newsletter.
9. Plan for the future. At your event, set up posters and include a description in the program to
highlight your Call for Papers for next year’s conference.
10. Change your email signature. Add a link to the submissions page in your email signature and,
while you’re at it, get your colleagues to do this too.
These few simple tips will help us maximize the number of quality submissions we receive when
we send out your next Call for Papers. Keep them in mind and we’re sure to have a great line-up
of researchers involved in our next conference/journal issues.
CFP secara teknikal
• Hany, Iqbal, Dian, … ?
Thank you