Mechanical Properties of Solids Worksheet

1. A structural steel rod has a radius of 10mm and length of 1m. a 100KN force stretches along its
length. Calculate stress, elongation and strain on the rod. Young’s modulus of the structural
steel is 2*1011 Nm-2.
2. A copper wire of length 2.2m and a steel wire of length 1.6m both of diameter 3mm are
connected end to end. When stretched by a load, the net elongation is found to be 0.7mm.
Obtain the load applied.
3. A square lead slab of side 50 m and thickness 10cm is subject to a shearing force of 9*104N. The
lower edge is riveted to the floor. How much will the upper edge be displaced?
4. Why solids are less compressible that that of liquids or gases? The average depth of Indian
Ocean is 3000m. calculate the fractional compression, ΔV/V , of water at the bottom of the
ocean, given that the bulk modulus of water is 2.2*109 N/m2 (take g=10m.s2)
5. What is meant by buckling? What is the amount of sag suffered by a bar of length l, breadth b
and depth d when loaded at the center by a load W?
1. A structural steel rod has a radius of 10mm and length of 1m. A 100KN force stretches along its
length. Calculate stress, elongation and strain on the rod. Young’s modulus of the structural
steel is 2*1011 Nm-2.
2. A copper wire of length 2.2m and a steel wire of length 1.6m both of diameter 3mm are
connected end to end. When stretched by a load, the net elongation is found to be 0.7mm.
Obtain the load applied.
3. A square lead slab of side 50 m and thickness 10cm is subject to a shearing force of 9*104N. The
lower edge is riveted to the floor. How much will the upper edge be displaced?
4. Why solids are less compressible that that of liquids or gases? The average depth of Indian
Ocean is 3000m. calculate the fractional compression, ΔV/V , of water at the bottom of the
ocean, given that the bulk modulus of water is 2.2*109 N/m2 (take g=10m.s2)
5. What is meant by buckling? What is the amount of sag suffered by a bar of length l, breadth b
and depth d when loaded at the center by a load W?