Skills & Mgt Inventories
It is am individualized personnel record held on each employee except those currently in mgt.
It contains info on following areas:
Personal info
Education, training, skill competence
Work History
Performance Appraisal
Career Info
Hobbies & Interest
Skills & Mgt Inventories
Record are kept thorough HRMS.
Mgt Inv System – enhanced skill inventory.
Info contain:
History of Mgt/Professional
Record of mgt/professional training course
Key accountabilities
Assessment center && appraisal areas.
Professional & industrial associational members.
Succession Planning
Critical for effective organizational functioning.
Because it is absolutely essential to create a system to reward mgrs for developing & retaining employees.
It uses demographic trends
Basically the focus is on identifying & developing board skills & behaviors
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Two aspects of S/P:
Long-Term Succession –
– process of training & work experience to enable individuals to assume higher level job appointment.
Short-term Emergency Replacement – of individuals who have quit.
S/P is a more effective in filling vacant positions.
Succession Planning cont…
Why Succession Planning is crucial for
HR Effectiveness?
Enables an org to respond appropriately.
Helps to stay on track when inevitable change occur.
Helps develop people as they prepare for new experience & jobs.
This experience also helps to improve their performance in current position.
Y are motivated with succession planning activities.
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Supports new org structures & flexibility by explicitly providing backups to various positions
Helps to reduce the organizational dependency on any one employee.
Saves time & money by having plans already in place to enable smooth internal employee movement & continuity.
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What is Succession & Replacement
For identifying possible successor for specific position chart is important?.
Info foe succession are collected from:
Current managerial assessment
Info inventory – education, training, history etc.
Succession info –are sensitive so confidential.
Access to these records should be highly restricted.
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S/r Chart resembles to typical org chart.
But practically it ha more detail info.
Specially it includes the name of the incumbent & a short list (who might replace the incumbent)
This short list is determined by the mgrs in conjunction with HR Staff.
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What is Succession Readiness Code
It is an important aspect of S/R Chart.
It is listed next to the names of all employees.
Contains two elements:
Y’s level of performance in current job
Y’s readiness for movement or promotion.
Because of these codes charts are more effective & saves time & money.
Succession Planning cont…
S/R Chart helps to identify ripple or chain effect.
Ripple or Chain Effect – effect caused when one promotion or transfer in the org causes several other personnel movements in the org as a series of subordinated are promoted to fill the sequential openings.