UNIVERSITY OF PHNOM PENH FACULTY OF ………………… DEPARTMENT OF ………………… Bachelor of Arts in ………………… Academic Year COURSE SYLLABUS Course Title Course Code WS102 No. of Credits Pre-requisites WS101 (Code) Course Coordinator(s) Common Course (Code) Email Other Course Teacher(s)/Lecturer(s) Telephone No. Qualification Course Type Core Course Offer in Academic Year 1st Semester Compulsory Elective 2nd Semester 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION Writing Skills 102 (WS102) course is designed for intermediate level students to enhance paragraph skills for academic writing and written communication in English. Students will learn to write topic, supporting, and concluding sentences. Furthermore, students will be able to write different types of paragraphs such as definition, process analysis, descriptive, opinion, and narrative paragraphs and compile a portfolio documenting processes and procedures they follow in writing those paragraphs. WS102 continues from WS101 to prepare students for WS201 and WS202. 2. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course, learners should gain the following knowledge: (3-4 LOs) Label core components of paragraphs (PLO1 & PLO7) Differentiate types of paragraphs (PLO1 & PLO7) Identify mechanics and language expressions to achieve cohesion and coherence in paragraph writing (PLO1 & PLO7) By the end of the course, learners should be able to use the following skills: (3-4 LOs) Explain functions of different components of a paragraph (PLO1 & PLO7) Write effective topic, supporting, and concluding sentences (PLO1 & PLO7) Produce different types of paragraphs appropriately (PLO1 & PLO7) Compile a portfolio showcasing multiple drafts of paragraphs and processes taken to produce effective paragraphs (PLO9, PLO11 & PLO12) By the end of the course, learners should develop the following attitudes: (2 LOs) Develop positive attitudes to and habits of reading and independent learning, free writing, and peer-editing (PLO7) Demonstrate responsibility for group work and collaboration (PLO8 & PLO9) Appreciate good qualities of extended academic writing (PLO1 & PLO7) 3. Course Outline Course Outline Week TOPIC/ACTIVITY 1 - Introduction - Unit 1: WHAT IS A PARAGRAPH? 2 - Unit 2: DEVELOPING IDEAS FOR WRITING A PARAGRAPH 3 - Unit 3: THE TOPIC SENTENCE 4 - Unit 4: SUPPORTING AND CONCLUDING SENTENCES 5 - Unit 5: PARAGRAPH REVIEW 6 - Unit 6: DEFINITION PARAGRAPGHS 7 - Unit 6: DEFINITION PARAGRAPGHS (cont.) 8 - Unit 7: PROCESS ANALYSIS PARAGRAPHS 9 - Unit 7: PROCESS ANALYSIS PARAGRAPHS (cont.) 10 - Unit 8: DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPHS Contact Hours Required Readings 11 - Unit 8: DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPHS (cont.) 12 - Unit 9: OPINION PARAGRAPHS 13 - Unit 9: OPINION PARAGRAPHS (cont.) 14 - Unit 10: NARRATIVE PARAGRAPHS 15 - Unit 10: NARRATIVE PARAGRAPHS (cont.) 4. Essential Documents: Core Textbook Additional Reading materials 5. Teaching and Learning Activities 6. Student Responsibilities Students are expected to complete all the tasks assigned by their course instructor. Students are also expected to complete all these tasks on time. Any late submission will result in mark deduction. Students are also expected to write journals after each lesson as assigned by their instructor. A journal is a piece of writing about a topic. In other words, it is a paragraph written by students as a practice for what they have learned in class. The journal should be type-written or hand-written (depending on your instructor) with double-spacing for each line. In the case of type-written, use either Book Antiqua or Times New Roman fonts, size 12pt, with a 1 inch margin on each side. Students are also expected to complete all their individual work by themselves. Any act of plagiarism (copying other people’s work without properly acknowledging it), in parts or whole, will result in mark deduction or invalidation of the work. Similarly, students are to avoid any act of cheating during the quizzes, progress tests, or examinations. Finally, students are expected to actively participate in all the class work of this course. In certain occasion, students will be asked to work individually. Yet, at other times, students will be asked to work in pair or group. 7. Course Policy: (Plagiarism and Cheating Policy) 8. Assessment Methods Assessment Task Progress Test 1 Score (%) 10 Progress Test 2 10 Assignment 10 Journal Writing 7.5 Portfolio 7.5 Quizzes 5 Homework 5 Class participation/In-class writing 5 Semester Exam 40 Related to ELOs Note: Studies Office requires 40% Formative and 60% Summative Assessments 9. Description of Assessment Tasks 10. Rating Scale Letter Grade Grade Point Score Explanation A 4.00 85-100 Excellent B+ 3.50 80-84 Very Good B 3.00 75-79 Good C+ 2.50 70-74 Fairly Good C 2.00 65-69 Fair D+ 1.50 60-64 Poor D 1.00 50-59 Very Poor F 0.00 <50 Fail