Foods & Nutrition I Mid-Term Study Sheet: Safety, Recipes, Math

Foods and Nutrition I Mid-Term Study Sheet
Safety and Sanitation:
1. How long should you wash your hands? 20 seconds
2. Why would you wash the top of a can before opening it?
Prevent dirt from getting into the product.
3. What is cross-contamination?
Harmful bacteria from raw food are exposed to foods
which are not going to be cooked.
4. What are the temperatures of the danger zone?
41 degrees to 135 degrees
5. What is one of the most common foods in which crosscontamination occurs? Produce
6. How long can perishable sit at room temperature?
No longer 2 hours
7. What is the ideal temperature for the inside of the
refrigerator? 33-40 degrees
8. What is freezer burn? It is when food has been allowed to
Obtain moisture and has been stored in the freezer too
9. What temperature should hot food on a serving line be
kept at? 155 degrees
Why do chefs wear white? Cleanliness
What type of shoes do chefs wear? Clogs, closed
toed, non-skid shoes
How do you know who the chef in charge of the
kitchen is? He has tallest hat!
What is the disease associated with dented cans?
Why do you put a damp cloth under a cutting board?
To prevent it from sliding around while cutting foods.
Small and Large Equipment:
1. What is the difference between a pot and saucepan?
Pot has two handles and is larger and a saucepan has one.
2. What is the difference between a paring knife and a
peeler? Paring knife is a small single blade and the peeler
has a swivel double blade
3. What piece of equipment should you use to level off dry
ingredients? Metal spatula
4. What would you use to measure 2/3 cup of sugar?
A 1/3 dry measuring cup twice.
5. What amount do you adjust the temperature when you
are using a convection oven? 25 degrees lower.
6. Can you identify and know the uses of general small and
large equipment by pictures?
bench scraper-used to scrape the
“bench” where you are working.
box grater-used for grating cheese
and other food products.
China cap-used for straining sauces.
strainer-used for straining
small particles from liquids and food items.
liquids from foods.
Colander-used for straining
Garlic press-used for pressing
Double Boiler-used to cook delicate foods (can burn easily)
such a chocolate by heating water and allowing the water
to cook the food.
Salamander Broiler-broils food
as the heat is coming from the top of the oven.
Trunnion Kettle-large kettle used to cook foods by the
heating of water, similar to a double broiler.
Using Recipes:
1. What is a recipe? List of Ingredients and directions for
making a food product.
2. Can you double a recipe for baked goods? Most all recipes
can be doubled.
3. What information is included in a recipe?
1. Ingredients-and their amounts
2. Servings/yield-how much it makes or serves
3. The time to prepare/cook
4. The temperature
5. Size pan needed
6. Nutritional information
4. When measuring dry ingredients such as flour and sugar
what do you use? Dry measuring cups.
5. When measuring liquids, you need to look at the
measuring cup how? Flat surface at eye level.
6. How do you measure a cup of brown sugar? Pack it into a
dry measuring cup.
7. Why can you place several sheet pans in a convection oven
and all the items will cook evenly? The convection oven
uses a fan to circulate hot air.
See Questions/answers on review sheet
Nutrition: 1,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,18
Kitchen Math:
Know all 10 equivalents and those we covered.
1. How many tsp= 1 tablespoon?
3 tsp
2. How many tbsp= 1 cup?
16 tbsp
3. How many ounces= 1 cup?
8 ounces
4. How many ounces= 1 lb?
16 oz
5. How many TBSP= 1 stick of butter?
8 tbsp
6. How many sticks of butter=1 cup?
2 sticks
7. How many cups in one gallon?
16 cups
8. How many cups in one quart?
4 cups
9. How many quarts in one gallon?
4 quarts
How many pints in one quart? 2 pints