Period 4 Transportation LEQ, How to Construct a Thesis and LEQ Structure

Period 4 – Periodization LEQ,
How to Construct a Thesis and Structural writing guide
“To what extent were developments in transportation a
turning point in bringing about economic and social
change in the United States in the period 1800 to 1848.”
Suggested Thesis Formula: “X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.”
‘X’ represents the strongest point against your argument. We call this the counter-argument.
‘A and B’ represent the three strongest points for your argument. We call these your organization categories.
‘Y’ represents the position you will be taking – in other words, your stand on the prompt.
Periodization: P or Take a Position: TAP
Pre-Write Conceptual Framework: T-Chart
Evaluate whether something was a turning point or a major marking period in history, noting what things
were like before and after that period. X = counter argument, why something was or was not a turning point
A, B, C = argument, why something was a turning point broken up into organizational categories Y = your
assertion statement
Begin with a well-developed thesis statement that does three things:
1. Make a historically defensible claim. State a position and be persuasive.
2. Address all parts of the question (causation). (Utilizing the language of the question, but NOT restating it.)
3. Appear in one place in the introduction or conclusion. As long as the thesis statement directly answers the
question, utilizes the language of the question, states a position does the above three things, the placement
doesn’t matter.
In addition, make sure your thesis:
4. Establishes organizational categories (OC): Use MEGA PIC themes as categories, but add complexity.
Suggested structure for writing the APUSH LEQ
1 point:
The Thesis MUST:
 Make a historically defensible
 Address all parts of the
question (causation).
 Do more than just re-state the
 Appear in one place in the
introduction or conclusion.
Body Paragraphs
2 points:
Point 1. Addresses the topic in
question with specific
examples of relevant
Point 2. Utilizes specific
evidence to fully and
effectively substantiate the
thesis (or relevant argument).
2 points:
Point 1. DESCRIBES the ways
in which the historical
development in the prompt was
different from AND similar to
developments that preceded
and/or followed
Point 2. ANALYZES the extent
to which the historical
development specified in the
prompt was different from
AND similar to developments
that preceded and/or followed,
providing specific examples to
1. Contextualization (not for point in LEQ, but suggested)
 “Setting the Stage”
 What was going on during the time period?
 2-3 sentences
2. Thesis
 set up the argument,
 address all parts of the question,
 directly address the targeted skill (Causation, Comparison,
Periodization, CCOT, etc.)
 1-2 sentences
1. Topic sentences
 Connect events of the era into your argument (more
 Directly address historical themes (Migration, Politics and
Power, Identity, etc.– MEGA PIC)
2. Example sentences
 Include direct and specific examples
 3-5 per paragraph
3. Analysis
 Argue why your examples support your point
 Connect details with historical themes
 Connect analysis with the targeted historical skill
Order of points 2 and 3 can be rearranged as needed to form a complete
7-10 sentence paragraph
To include synthesis, do ONE of the following two things in your
concluding thoughts:
1 point:
1. Connect the essay topic to a development in a different historical
period, situation, era, or geographical area. (About 90% of valid synthesis
Extends the argument to make a
connection beyond the scope of
the prompt.
attempts fall into this category of synthesis.)
2. A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of
the essay.
Sentence Stems
When stuck on how to include the skills and documents in your writing…
Thesis Sentence Stems…
Set the stage- include all required components of prompt
o Date range, location, topic – Before…
During… After...
o Overview and background of topic
Provide the road map- create reasoned, supported argument
o State clear position on the continuum – extremely… somewhat… a little... mostly not... definitely
o Provide categories- social, political, economic, religious, geographic, cultural
Recognize contrary evidence and complexity involved in topic
o Although…
Even though… Despite…
o On the contrary… On the other hand…
o To a lesser extent….. To a greater extent…
Periodization (LEQ)
The real turning point of ….. was …
….. can be considered the beginning/end of…
….. can all be classified within the ……… era/period…
The ….. era/period can be considered one of…..
…. was a time of…
The true beginning of…. is…
… and… serve as the beginning and end of the period because…
Contextualization (Required on DBQ, suggested on LEQ)
This makes sense because nationally/internationally at the time…
The theme of ….. is seen…
…. was a time of ….. because across the nation/world….
The larger story of…..
This fits into….
…. serves as a great example of…
…. is representative of….
…. exemplifies the larger/continual/emerging trend of…