Final examination Biology 11 Name: I. __________________Date:___________ Score:_______________ Multiple Choice: Read the question below and write the answer before the number. ____1. What human organ system is responsible for exchanging gases with the outside environment? A) respiratory system B) endocrine system C) excretory system D) external ventilation ____2. Oxygen-rich blood is carried through pulmonary arteries from the lungs to the heart. A) True B) False ___3. Oxygen-poor blood is carried through systemic veins from the body tissues back to the heart. A) True B) False ____4. The __________ houses the vocal cords. A) larynx B) bronchus C) pharynx D) esophagus ____5. The trachea divides into two __________ that lead to the lung . A) glotti B) tracheae C) bronchi D) bronchioles 1 ____6.Each bronchiole terminates in an elongated space enclosed by a multitude of air pockets called_. A) the glottis B) alveoli C) the larynx D) the pharynx ____7. Each alveolar sac is surrounded by __________ carrying blood. A) arteries B) veins C) venules D) capillaries ____8. During __________, the respiratory pigment hemoglobin combines with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin in the pulmonary capillaries. A) internal respiration B) external respiration C) anaerobic respiration D) ventilation ____9. Ventilation is another term for___________. A) inspiration B) expiration C) breathing D) inhalation E) exhalation ____10. The _____ system transports nutrients and oxygen to cells and removes their waste. A) digestive B) cardiovascular C) excretory D) respiratory ____11. The circulatory system has ______ types of blood vessels. A) one B) two C) three D) four 2 ____12. _____ are small arteries just visible to the naked eye. A) Venules B) Capillaries C) Veins D) Arterioles ____13. The venae cavae carry low-oxygen blood to the ______ of the heart. A) right ventricle B) right atrium C) left ventricle D) left atrium ____14. The AV node signals ____________ . A) the atria to contract B) the ventricles to contract C) the SA node to produce an impulse D) Both a and b are correct choices. _____15. The largest artery in the systemic circuit is the ______ . A) anterior vena cava B) pulmonary vein C) aorta D) femoral artery ____16. The ______ arteries serve the heart muscle. A) femoral B) hepatic C) iliac D) coronary ____17. The two components of the cardiovascular system are __________. A) the heart and the aorta B) the heart and all the arteries C) the heart and the blood vessels D) the blood vessels and the lymphatic system ____18. The two basic cell types of the blood are __________. A) red blood cells and white blood cells B) platelets and macrophages C) make up 45% of the volume of whole blood D) all of the above E) none of the above ____19. The liquid portion of blood is called ____. A) lymph B) plasma 3 C) a cellular matrix D) blood cells ____20. The iron-containing red colored molecule found in red blood cells is _____. A) erythropoietin B) lymphocyte C) hemoglobin D) hemolysis ____21. White blood cells ______. A) have a nucleus B) lack hemoglobin C) fight infection D) all of the above ____22. B lymphocytes are associated with ________. A) antibody production B) macrophage production ____23. The _____ system removes nitrogenous waste is. A) digestive B) cardiovascular C) excretory D) respiratory E) urinary ____24. Filtration... A) occurs when the filtrate passes from the peritubular capillaries back to the nephron tubules. B) occurs when blood fluids leave the afferent arteriole and enter the Bowman’s capsule. C) occurs when blood fluids leave the glomerulus and enter the Bowman’s capsule. D) occurs when the filtrate passes from the nephron tubules back to the efferent arteriole. E) occurs when the filtrate passes from the nephron tubules back to the peritubular capillaries. ____25. The removal of metabolic wastes from the body is called __________ A) secretion B) defecation C) excretion D) maintenance 4 ___26. Besides the excretion of metabolic wastes, which of these describes a vital function of the kidneys? A) The kidneys maintain the water-salt balance of the body. B) The kidneys regulate the blood's pH. C) The kidneys assist the hormone system. D) All of these are correct. ____27. The __________ extend(s) from the urinary bladder to an external opening. A) ureter B) renal arteries C) urethra D) glomerulus For question fill in the blanks Identify the building blocks of the complex biomolecules. 28 Protein-____________________________ 29. Lipids-____________________________ 30. Carbohydrates-_____________________ 5 Part II. Trace the flow of air into and through the anatomically correct order of structures. Mark the letter of the choice in the following flow chart. A. Anatomical Order of Air Flow 26. ____ 27. _____ 28. ________ 29. __________ 30. ____________ Anatomical Choices A. B. C. D. E. bronchi larynx nasopharynx bronchiole trachea B. Match the Structure indicated by a symbol with its correct Name COLUMN VIII # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Illustration Name this structure ? Name this structure # Name this structure $ Name this structure(s) % Name this structure(s) @ 6 C. Illustration of Human Heart C.The illustration of Human Heart above, match the structure marked by symbol with its correct anatomical name. COLUMN VII 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name this structure Name this structure Name this structure Name this structure Name this structure Name this structure Name this structure Name this structure @ # $ % ## $$ && %% 7 D. Trace the flow of food through the anatomically correct order of structures. Mark the letter of the choice in the following flow chart. COLUMN IX Anatomical Flow of Food MOUTH 1. _____ 2. ____ 3. ________ 4. __________ 5. ____________ 6. _____________ ANUS Part III. Schuhlsville is an island of 5000 square miles off the coast of Jabooty. There are currently 250,000 inhabitants of the island. Last year, there were 12,000 new children born and 10,000 people were recorded as deceased. 1. What is the current population density? 2. What are the birth and death rates? 3. What is the population growth rate (r)? 4. In how many years will the population of Schuhlsville double? 8 5. Calculate the growth rates and doubling times for the countries listed below. Birth Rate (2011) Death Rate (2011) United States 13 8 Mexico 19 5 Japan 8 9 United Kingdom 13 9 China 12 7 India 23 7 Nigeria 41 16 South Africa 21 14 Canada 11 7 Italy 9 10 Country Growth Rate (r) Doubling Time 9 Code……..Use the code to label the parts. CODE A. B. C. D. E. AB. AC. AD. AE. BC. BD. BE. CD. CE. DE. ABC. ABD. ABE. ACD. ACE. ADE. BCD. BCE. BDE. CDE. ABCD. ABCE. ABDE. C Aorta Aortic Semi-Lunar Valve Chordae Tendinae Epicardium Interventricular Septum Mitral Valve Left Atrium Left Ventricle Mediastinum Papillary Muscle Parietal Pericardium Pulmonary Arteries Pulmonary Capillaries Pulmon Semi-Lun Valve Pulmonary Trunk Pulmonary Veins Right Atrium Right Ventricle Sinoatrial Node Superior Capillary Systemic Arteries Systemic Capillaries Transverse Tricuspid Valve Vena Cava, Inferior Vena Cava, Superior None Of The Above A-B Alveoli Bronchus Bronchiole Bronch Cartilage Capillary Carina Pulm Artery Pulmon Vein Smooth Muscle Trachea D Anus Ceacum Duodenum Esophagus Ileum Jejunum Large Intestine Oropharynx Rectum Sigmoid Colon Stomach Small Intestine Transverse Colon 10 11