12/14/2018 Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to industry English (https://www.moneycontrol.com/) Search Quotes, News, NAVs App Subscription (https://www.moneycontrol.com/subscription) Specials Stocks (https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/) Feedback (https://www.moneycontrol.com/cdata/feedback.php? ag=oth) Log In (http://www.network18online.com/) (http://twitter.com/moneycontrolcom) Sign Up (http://www.facebook.com/moneycontrolFB) (https://www.moneycontrol.com/) Ad closed by Report this ad Why this ad? 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(https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/widget/whatsapp.html) text=Household Ad closed by debt Stop seeing this ad at 7- Why this ad? year high as lenders hold back on loans to industry - (https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php? (https://twitter.com/home? (https://plus.google.com/share? 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The financial liabilities of households peaked in MUST LISTEN FY18, at 4 percent of their disposable income, according to the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Annual Report (https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/AnnualReport/PDFs/0ANREPORT201718077745EC9A874DB38C991F580ED14242.PDF) for 2017-18. The sudden spike in gross national disposable income (GNDI) comes after five consecutive years of households tightening their belts and scaling down on debt. Between FY12 and FY17, the gross debt was shaved off in an incremental manner, from 3.2 percent of disposable income to 2.4 percent. Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to... Opinion | More transparency must in RBI governor appointment We have to brace ourselves for a slowdown: Former CEA Arvind... Podcast | Digging Deeper - Will the King( sher) of good times y back home? (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/podcastdigging-deeper-will-the-king sherof-good-times- y-back-home3284171.html) Former CEA Arvind Subramanian calls for review by experts to clear... https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/household-debt-at-7-year-high-as-lenders-hold-back-on-loans-to-industry-2904421.html 1/11 12/14/2018 Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to industry Households chipped away at their liabilities as the economy expanded. However, the fall in 40 basis points STAY UPDATED between FY16 and FY17 should be viewed in consonance with demonetization, a force majeure event that Subscribe to our Daily Newsletter shook the financial world. On November 8, 2016, the government decided to invalidate high value currency Enter Email address Submit notes as legal tender, a move that added to the stress on the banking sector, whereby it desisted from issuing fresh loans due to the cash crunch. Get Daily News on your Browser Enable TRENDING NEWS Google launches shopping website in India (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/googlelaunches-shoppingwebsite-in-india3288401.html) (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/googlelaunches-shopping-website-inindia-3288401.html) Rajasthan Election Result 2018 LIVE: Ashok Gehlot named chief minister, Sachin Pilot will be deputy CM (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/rajasthanelection-result-2018-live-updates-ashokgehlot-named-chief-minister-sachinpilot-will-be-deputy-cm-3272111.html) Apple plans new $1 billion campus for Austin, Texas (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/appleplans-new-1-billion-campus-for-austintexas-3289141.html) Goa govt cites Steve Jobs to defend CM Parrikar's 'private right' to work (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/goagovt-cites-steve-jobs-to-defend-cmparrikars-private-right-to-work3285231.html) Central Railway recovers Rs 125 crore from errant travellers in 8 months (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/centralrailway-recovers-rs-125-crore-from-erranttravellers-in-8-months-3285111.html) AROUND THE WEB by (https://mgid.com/advertisers? utm_source=widget&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=add&utm_content=273811) RELATED NEWS However, lending picked up in FY18, with a correction in real estate prices spurring demand in the real estate sector. Banks have also been relatively Macro@Moneycontrol I New loan pricing regime generous in loosening their purse strings for unsecured personal loans, adding (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/macromoneycontrolto the liabilities of households. i-new-loan-pricing-regime3292891.html) The RBI’s Annual Report also provides documentary evidence that personal Understanding the Kotak-RBI loans are à la mode. More Indian families are taking up personal loans to battle – Letter, spirit, rules and a court petition finance marriage expenses, high-end mobile phones, electronic appliances, (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/understandingthe-kotak-rbi-battle-letterspirit-rules-and-a-courtpetition-3292201.html) RBI board meet: Members discuss liquidity issues; silent on PCA and foreign vacations. The share of personal loans to the total liabilities of (https://brainberries.co/movietv/10-stunning-asian-actressesno-man-can-resist/) 10 Most Breathtaking Asian Actresses In The World (https://brainberries.co/movietv/10stunning-asian-actresses-no-man-canresist/) households has increased by 5.4 percentage points, from 19.4 percent at the end of FY15 to 24.8 percent in March 2018. For the same time frame, outstanding non-food credit expanded by 63 percent, (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/rbifrom 11.7 lakh crore to 19 lakh crore. Housing loans accounted for Rs 9.8 lakh board-meet-members-discussliquidity-issues-silent-on-pcacrore, nearly half the Rs 19 lakh crore debt under the personal-loans umbrella 3291781.html) in March 2018. Lenders have disbursed 55 percent more housing loans in FY18 when compared to the same period three years ago. (https://herbeauty.co/entertainment/the-week-long-wedding-ofpriyanka-chopra-and-nick-jonas/) Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas: Hollywood's Biggest Wedding Ever (https://herbeauty.co/entertainment/th e-week-long-wedding-of-priyankachopra-and-nick-jonas/) (https://sponsoredlinks/The_Actual_Cost_Of_Health_Insurance_In The Actual Cost Of Health Insurance In Delhi May Surprise You (https://sponsoredlinks/The_Actual_Cos t_Of_Health_Insurance_In_Delhi_May_Su rprise_You) Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to... Opinion | More transparency must in RBI governor appointment We have to brace ourselves for a slowdown: Former CEA Arvind... Former CEA Arvind Subramanian calls for review by experts to clear... https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/household-debt-at-7-year-high-as-lenders-hold-back-on-loans-to-industry-2904421.html 2/11 12/14/2018 Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to industry Industrial credit has flagged lending to other sectors, with banks growing wary of big corporate loans. The total credit to industry fell from 44.3 percent of non-food credit in March 2015 to 35.1 percent in March 2018. Personal and housing loans have been the biggest gainers in banks’ push to reduce exposure to industry. Lenders are issuing more housing loans despite a slowdown in the real estate sector, which is still reeling under the twin impact of demonetization and the implementation of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act. With more money being pumped into the sector through lending to home-owners, developers will get a fillip in delivering pledged projects. Housing prices have rebounded in some cities such as Hyderabad and Kolkata, while prices remain subdued in others. Easy access to credit cards is inducing more Indians to splurge. Outstanding credit card payments doubled, from around Rs 30,000 crore in FY15 to Rs 69,000 crore in FY18. The share of credit card debt to the total liabilities of households amounts to almost 1 percent. Automobile loans have also seen robust growth. Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to... Opinion | More transparency must in RBI governor appointment We have to brace ourselves for a slowdown: Former CEA Arvind... Former CEA Arvind Subramanian calls for review by experts to clear... https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/household-debt-at-7-year-high-as-lenders-hold-back-on-loans-to-industry-2904421.html 3/11 12/14/2018 Household debt at 7-year high as lenders hold back on loans to industry The trend in the ‘other personal loans’ category indicates that people are increasingly unwilling to put off aspirational goals such as a foreign holiday for lack of funds. Banks on their part, are not shirking from lending to people looking to live life on the installment plan. ‘Other personal loans’ accounted for 6.6 percent of total household debt, up 2.7 percent from 3.9 percent in FY15. The central bank is looking to generate quarterly estimates of household financial savings to better gauge the economy. The RBI’s annual report found that household income increased to 7.1 percent of GNDI in FY18, highlighting the fact that asset growth at the household level is more than keeping pace with debt. First Published on Sep 1, 2018 11:02 am TAGS #Banks (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Banks.Html) #Car Loan (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Car-Loan.Html) #Credit Card (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Credit-Card.Html) #Home Loans (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Home-Loans.Html) #Industry (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Industry.Html) #RBI (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Rbi.Html) #Reserve Bank Of India (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Reserve-Bank-Of-India.Html) #Vehicle Loan (Https://Www.Moneycontrol.Com/News/Tags/Vehicle-Loan.Html) MOST POPULAR (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/urjitpatels-history-of-dissent-here-are-the-issues-that-rbi-guv-had(https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/slideshowwith-government-3273891.html) brokerages-bet-on-7-stocks-that-can-give-7-64-returns-in-ayear-3278331.html) Urjit Patel’s history of dissent: Here are Slideshow | Brokerages bet on 7 stocks the issues that RBI guv had with In pics | Assembly Elections 2018: Final that can give 7-64% returns in a year government tally for all ve states (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/slideshow(https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/urjit(https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/inbrokerages-bet-on-7-stocks-that-canpatels-history-of-dissent-here-are-thepics-assembly-polls-2018- nal-tally-for- give-7-64-returns-in-a-yearissues-that-rbi-guv-had-withall- ve-states-3281211.html) 3278331.html) government-3273891.html) (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/in-pics-assemblypolls-2018- nal-tally-for-all- ve-states-3281211.html) AROUND THE WEB by (https://mgid.com/advertisers? utm_source=widget&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=add&utm_content=272546) (https://www.news18.com/photogallery/movies/happy-birthdayamitabh-bachchan-10-rare-photos-you-must-see-1542801.html) Amitabh Bachchan: 10 Rare Photos You Must See (https://www.news18.com/photogallery/ (https://sponsoredlinks/The_Actual_Cost_Of_Health_Insurance_In_ movies/happy-birthday-amitabhThe Actual Cost Of Health Insurance In bachchan-10-rare-photos-you-must-see- Delhi May Surprise You (https://sponsoredlinks/Car_Insurance_Policy_Changes_All_Nation 1542801.html) (https://sponsoredlinks/The_Actual_Cost Car Insurance Policy Changes All National _Of_Health_Insurance_In_Delhi_May_Sur Capital Territory of Delhi ... prise_You) (https://sponsoredlinks/Car_Insurance_P olicy_Changes_All_National_Capital_Terri tory_of_Delhi_Drivers_Must_Know) (https://www.news18.com/photogallery/india/mahatma-gandhi40-rare-photos-you-must-see-1645549.html) These 40 Rare Photos Of Mahatma Gandhi Will Surprise India (https://www.news18.com/photogallery/i ndia/mahatma-gandhi-40-rare-photosyou-must-see-1645549.html) (https://Term_Insurance_Of_50_Lakh_Cover_For_As_Low_As_Rs_11D (https://Work_9-5_They_Trade_A_Few_Hours_A_Day) Work 9-5? 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