Installation instructions for the Optenni Lab 4.1 software 1. Introduction The Optenni Lab matching circuit optimization and impedance analysis software supports the node-locked and floating network license scenarios. The node-locked license allows Optenni Lab to be used only on a single computer. For the floating network license a computer administrator sets up a computer to act as a license server for Optenni Lab. End users can install the Optenni Lab software on their workstations and the license server restricts the number of simultaneous users. 2. Installation of the Optenni Lab software To install Optenni Lab, run the installer program OptenniLabInstaller4.1.exe. Follow the instructions on the screen. If you have administrative rights, you can install the program for all users of the computer or just for yourself. Otherwise, the program will be installed just for yourself. After the installation, take a look at the folder “Optenni Lab Tutorials” that can be opened in the following ways: 1. Start Optenni Lab and select Help/Optenni Lab Tutorials. 2. Press the Windows start button, press “All Programs”, locate Optenni Lab 4.1 and select “Optenni Lab Tutorials”. In the tutorials folder, please take first a look at the document “1- START HERE/Basic functionality.pdf” Optenni Ltd, September 29, 2017 3. Obtaining a license file for a node locked license To obtain a node-locked license file, please follow these instructions: 1. Please turn off the possible radio switch if you are using a laptop computer (the switch that controls WLAN and Bluetooth radios). 2. Obtain the computer information with either of the two methods: a. Using Optenni Lab: Start Optenni Lab. The License Status dialog opens. Press the “Store computer info” button on the top right corner of the dialog and store the xml file on a suitable place on the computer. The file contains information about the network cards and the operating system. b. Using a standalone program provided by your distributor: run the program StoreComputerInfo.exe. An xml file named “computerinfo.xml” will be created in the current folder. 3. Send the xml file that was generated in the previous step to Optenni Ltd or to your local Optenni distributor. 4. You will receive a license file from Optenni Ltd or from your local Optenni distributor by e-mail. Store this on your computer. 5. Launch Optenni Lab from the start menu. If there is no valid license file installed, the License Status dialog will be opened. Press “Browse” and select the license file that you stored in the previous step. The license file will be copied to the installation directory and renamed license.lic and you may receive a security warning for the copy operation. Exit the license dialog by pressing the OK button. 6. If you are replacing and old license file with a new one, start Optenni Lab, select File/License…, press the Browse button and select the new license file. Optenni Ltd, September 29, 2017 4. Floating network license scenario 4.1 For computer administrator: setting up the license server You will receive separate instructions on setup up the Optenni Lab floating license server. 4.2. For end users: using a floating network license When a computer administrator has set up an Optenni Lab license server he or she should have communicated the IP address (e.g. or server name (e.g. and server port (e.g. 6200) to you. Please install Optenni Lab on your computer as described in Section 2 and start the program. The License Status dialog will open. Press the Floating button and enter the IP address (or server name) and server port information that you obtained from the computer administrator. Press the Test button to see the validity of the data. If all the floating network licenses are in use, press the Network license status tab to see who is using the software. Press OK to leave the dialog. The settings will be remembered and you will only see this dialog if all licenses are in use or there is some other problem with the license server. This dialog can also be opened by selecting the menu command File/License. Optenni Ltd, September 29, 2017