Running head: SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Scholarly Paper on Interprofessional Education Prepared by Raed Jaradat Ibrahim Ayasreh 9180172 9170152 Submitted to Professor. Ferial Hayajneh The University of Jordan Faculty of Nursing Nursing education and curriculum development course 2018 1 SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 2 Introduction In the clinical area, all healthcare providers work together to provide high-quality care for their clients. However, the undergraduate education of potential nurses and other healthcare providers is separate. Interprofessional education (IPE) was developed and applied in some western countries as teaching-learning strategy in which students from different health disciplines meet and learn together. In this paper, we will analyze the concept of IPE beginning from definition of it, moving to discussing its relevance to the learning theories, its benefits, barriers hindering its application, and strategies assisting the faculties and educators to facilitate the IPE implementation. Overview of Interprofessional Education Interprofessional education (IPE) is a pedagogical approach in which teachers or educators engage in teaching a group of students from diverse disciplines such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, and other health care specialties, in order to enhance communication and collaboration between peers with different roles and perspectives and this will reflect positively in improving the quality of care administered to the clients in the health institutions (Edwards, 2016). The need for interprofessional education arose from the complexity of the health care system which means that all health care providers are coming together from different professions and specializations to provide the best quality of care to the clients, and this necessitate presence of effective relationships between health care providers and working as a team rather than as fragments (Lipsitz, 2012). However, the majority of current health institutions face the problem of disharmony between nurses and physicians represented by disrespect, power relationships, conflicts, and tensions (Matziou et al, 2014). This disharmony may be related to the lack of SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 3 awareness of each discipline about the roles of the others or may be related to differences in educational cultures of both nurses and physicians. Therefore, there was a strong need to enhance the communication skills of health care providers not just during their work, but also during their study before graduation, and this will be achieved effectively through application of interprofessional education. Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel (2011) identified a number of competencies that must be covered during interprofessional education curriculum, including: values/ethics for interprofessional practice, roles/responsibilities, interprofessional communication, and teams / teamwork. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is the representative of nursing profession in this panel and recommended involving the interprofessional education as a requirement for all university degrees in nursing: bachelor, master, doctoral degrees (Cranford & Bates, 2015). To the best of my knowledge, no Jordanian nursing faculties adopt the interprofessional education principles in their curriculum. Relevance of IPE to Other Learning Theories In this section, the principles of interprofessional education are compared to the assumptions of some learning theories, and this will assist in the planning and implementation of interprofessional education in our curriculum and nursing education. Adult Learning Theory Adult learning theory was developed by Malcolm Knowles (1978) who stressed on the point that adults learn in different way from children. Knowles set a number of assumptions distinguished his theory including: (1) movement from being dependent to self-directed person, (2) growing learning experience as person matures, (3) readiness to learn increases as person SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 4 matures, (4) movement from postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application, and (5) adults are more influenced by internal motivations rather than external ( Keating, 2015). Interprofessional education runs counter to adult learning theory in that learning process is not centralized to one person, but it is collaborative and groupwork, and that persons are learning with others not independently. On the other hand, both theories agree on the importance of experiences constructed either personally or through social interaction (Edwards, 2016). Transformative Learning Theory This theory assumes that persons reshape and reset their beliefs, conceptions and feelings based on their experiences and not exclusively dictated from others. Use of critical reflection and experience are considered as the major concepts of this theory (Keating, 2015). Transformative theory is highly accordant with interprofessional education, in that teachers enhance the learners within a group to critically reflect their ideas, experiences, and perspectives in a specific situation and not just doing what teachers dictate to them. Constructivist Learning Theory This theory emphasizes that persons construct their subjective evidence based on their understandings and on their culture and context. This is congruent with the principles of interprofessional education in that learners are active and create solutions to problems face them according to their diverse knowledge and perspectives and based on the interaction between all health-related students. SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 5 Benefits of IPE Advantages of interprofessional education were discussed richly in the literature by researchers from different disciplines including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, rehabilitation sciences in addition to nursing. There is an evidence that interprofessional education has great positive influence on students as it enhances the awareness of nursing and other healthcare students about their expected roles in the clinical area after graduation (Lash et al, 2014), and this may lead to diminishing the potential conflicts which may arise between healthcare providers in their work, and improved decision-making process (Illingworth & Chelvanayagam, 2017; Lash et al, 2014). Additionally, Visser, et al (2018) found that meeting of students with different disciplines may improve the quality of care because the focus of this meeting will be based on the client not the specialty of these students. Furthermore, effectiveness of teaching and learning process is maximized as interprofessional education provide the student with opportunity to see how the other healthcare providers work, to ask questions in freely manner, and to facilitate effective feedback based on discussion of students from different disciplines (Visser et al, 2018). In conclusion, interprofessional education is so helpful at the long term as it assists potential nurses to achieve higher level of holism in providing multidimensional care to their clients (Goldsberry, 2018). Barriers to the Implementation of IPE There were many obstacles which may hinder the application of interprofessional education in universities and health institutes. According to Visser, et al (2018), power hierarchal relationships between healthcare professions which dominates the environment of health setting may make the meeting of students and employees from different disciplines more difficult and less effective and may arise harsh conflicts between them. SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 6 It is so essential for each healthcare profession such as nursing to have a specialized knowledge, theories, and beliefs. However, these distinguished boundaries of the professions may dampen the agreement among professional curriculum developers (Goldsberry, 2018). For example, nursing curriculum developers may focus on nursing theories which are socially and humanistically based, whereas medicine curriculum developers may focus on theories which are more physically and physiologically based. This discrepancy may make the interprofessional education more difficult. In her earlier research work, Vesser and her colleagues (2017) found that non-nursing employees were less familiar with the roles and responsibilities of nurses, and this make these nonnursing professionals especially physicians to underestimate the competencies and capabilities of nurses and this may complicate the implementation of interprofessional education. Financial factor was considered as another obstacle facing the faculty and teachers in implementation of the interprofessional education as it requires different resources such as money, laboratories, simulation labs, and internet networks. At the level of individuals, feelings and attitudes of students and teachers which arise from their different specialties may also affect the popularity and acceptance of the interprofessional education as teaching/learning strategy. For example, faculty who have negative attitudes and who don’t understand IPE principles will not values any benefit of it. Additionally, the workloads of the faculty may discourage them to develop or participate in IPE strategies (Lawlis, Anson, & Greenfield, 2014). Suggestions for Facilitating the Implementation of IPE It is so obvious through reading the literature that application of IPE is not easy mission. So that a set of strategies may be used to facilitate the incorporation of IPE in the curriculum. For SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 7 successful implementation of IPE, the first step is to form a team from different health schools such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, … etc. This team must be composed of teaching staff who are enthusiastic to apply IPE and use it in their curriculum. This team also has the responsibility to determine areas or subjects which are appropriate to be taught through IPE, and to determine the time, place, and technology used in IPE. According to Herrmann, Woermann, & Schlegel (2014), most of failures in applying IPE were related to the differences in the timetables and schedules of the courses, classes, and clinical training times among the all health schools. Informal relationships was one of the essentials for successful application of IPE as revealed by Herrmann, Woermann, & Schlegel (2014) who assured that conflicts and negative prejudices are controlled and overcome, and this facilitate the positive interaction and feedback between all students. Administrative support primarily from the deans and heads of health schools must be existent and this type of support may take many forms (Lash et al, 2014). For example, administration of the educational settings must provide the needed resources to implement IPE effectively, they are responsible to supply the schools with simulation labs in which comprehensive interprofessional scenarios can be developed. Also, the administration of the health schools has a great role in selecting appropriate competent enthusiastic staff for the committees of interprofessional curriculum development. Ways for Implementing IPE The application of IPE has been evolved over time as a result of the advancement of technology. Traditionally, IPE was operationalized through bringing the students from different disciplines together in single classes to take specific subjects. This traditional method may be SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 8 beneficial in teaching theoretical courses such as basic sciences of biology and chemistry, and basic medical sciences such as anatomy and physiology. However, this classical format of IPE may be useful as a first step in adoption of IPE programs before moving to interprofessional clinical training. The major advantage of merging theoretical classes is that it doesn’t need extensive or expensive resources (Illingworth & Chelvanayagam, 2017). Online learning is another way to apply IPE in which computer platforms such as Blackboard is used to develop an online environment for students to discuss and learn together. In these platforms the instructors from different disciplines can participate in developing a scenarios and case studies, and then all students who already a have an account on these platforms can come in online and participate in discussion of theses scenarios through blogs and they can share their ideas, knowledge, opinions from their different perspectives and specialties. Teachers and students can also share different types of information related to the cases and scenarios such as videos, audios, pictures, Word documents, and PowerPoint files, and this enhance the learning and teaching process (Myers & Obrien, 2015). High fidelity simulation (HFS) which is considered as a modern form of education utilizing computer-based mannequin, gives the students the opportunity to learn and demonstrate different types of skills, to enhance the decision-making capabilities, and assist them in building confidence in a safe environment. Incorporation of High fidelity simulation in interprofessional education has manifold benefits such as enhancing the awareness of students from each discipline about other roles of other disciplines (Meyer et al, 2017), and enhancing the clinical problem solving and collaboration (Joyal et al, 2014). SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Framework of the Scholarly Paper 9 SCHOLARLY PAPER ON INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 10 References Cranford, J. S., & Bates, T. (2015). Infusing Interprofessional Education Into the Nursing Curriculum. Nurse Educator, 40(1), 16-20. doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000000077 Edwards, M. E. (2016). 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