Blending & Rhyming Bingo Worksheet


Blending Bingo (sample)

Fox (f-ox)/k//s/

Milk (m-il k )/k/

Map (m-ap)/p/

Seal (s-eal)/l/

Mouse (m-ouse)/s/ Rain (r-ain)/n/

Sink (s-ink)/k/ Moon (m-oon)/n/

Last sounds are indicated by / /

Door (d-oor)/r/

House (h-ouse)/s/

Bow (b-ow)/o/

Duck (d-u ck )/k/

Bike (b-ike)/k/

Cat (c-at)/t/

Chair (ch-air)/r/

Bed (b-ed)/d/

The example above is designed specifically for sounds. The variations below match into the first unit of the

Kindergarten curriculum. As you might infer, many variations on this are possible.

Bingo Board


Play : Students will choose images that rhyme with a particular sound.

Objective : complete four in a row to win Bingo

Example :

1. choose the pictures that rhyme with cat

2. choose the pictures that rhyme with pop

3. choose the pictures that rhyme with pig pig ball can fig pop mop cat bat man dig leg ball hat shoe socks fox

Woohoo! You got BINGO!

Notes : a. These are images, not words b. Instructions should be audio, not text c. would be great if the names of each image could be heard when tapped d. rhyming words can be found within the lessons, attached to a rhyming app indicator e. sets of images (associated with sounds) should rotate so students can go back and try again with a fresh set

Reference from the lessons

• Prompt students with picture cards on the display board. Have them listening for the initial sound /b/. Sort words into those that start with /b/ and those that do not. Use bumblebee as the anchor picture

Sound Awareness

Play : students choose images that have a particular sound.

Objective : Complete four in a row for BINGO.

Example :

1. choose the pictures that start with the /b/ sound

2. choose the pictures that have the /a/ sound pig fig pop mop ball cat bat man can dig leg ball

Notes : f. These are images, not words g. Instructions should be audio, not text h. would be great if the names of each image could be heard when tapped i. rhyming words can be found within the lessons, attached to a rhyming app indicator j. sets of images (associated with sounds) should rotate so students can go back and try again with a fresh set hat shoe socks fox
