Group 3 Due Date: October 28, 2017 Bulaong, Angelique S. Salas, Isaiah Justine C. Daligdig, Kimberly Joy S. Sumalinog, Angela Joyce P. De Guia, Ann Caroline M. I. Executive Summary Nike,founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, is the world’s largest designer, marketer, and distributor of athletic footwear and athletic apparel. It also designs, markets, and distributes sports-related apparel, equipment, and accessories. Its flagship product is Nike brand footwear, but it also has Nike Golf, Cole Haan, Converse, Hurley International, and Umbro Ltd. Even though the competition in footwear and apparel industry is extremely fierce, Nike is the leader in athletic footwear with estimated 37% of worldwide sales. Currently, most of Nike’s production is outsourced, like the other competitors. II. Statement of the Problem Nike needs an effective strategic plan in order to remain in the industry given the current economic condition, fierce competition and the emerging market online. III. Causes of the Problem Strengths Weaknesses 1 · As a sports brand, Nike has well- · Nike’s net income decreased 21% known athlete as endorsers such as to $1.48 billion. Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and · Tiger Woods. popularity of aerobics boom of that · time period. In effect, the company The Jordan brand makes up In 1980, Nike miscalculated the roughly 5% of Nike’s overall revenue. trailed the rest of the athletic footwear · industry. Nike’s revenue in 2009 is 2.9% · higher. · Nike is the world’s largest Almost all of Nike’s footwear is manufactured designer, marketer, and distributor of United athletic footwear and apparel, and contractors. sports-related apparel, equipment and · in States countries by outside independent accessories. · Nike has diversified brands, Cole Haan shoes, Bauer, Hurley, Converse, Starter, and Umbro Ltd. · Nike estimates that they sell more than 25,000 retail accounts in the United States; 43% of total company revenues for fiscal 2008 came from United States. · Nike products are found in a wide variety of retail locations. 2 · Nike uses independent sales representatives to sell the company’s specialty products. · provides the customers the ability to design and purchase Nike products from the company itself. · Nike sells more than 27,000 retails accounts outside the United States. · Nike sells apparel products with licensed college or professional team logos, athletic bags, and accessories. · composed Nike’s key executives are of individuals with established backgrounds. 3 Opportunities · Threats Nike’s primary target market, 12 to · Raw materials for Nike products 24-year-old age bracket, is less price are typically sourced in the countries sensitive. where production takes place thus · quality varies from country to country. The footwear industry is globally in scale and scope. · · region the company operates. The implementation of North American Free Trade Agreement · Tax policies are different in every Customers after the age of 40 are (NAFTA) and the entry of China into not willing to pay more than $35 to $40 the World Trade Organization (WTO) per pair for athletic footwear. helped eliminate quotas and tariff barriers for foreign footwear manufacturers to ship their goods into the United States. · The advancement of technology allows footwear companies to pursue a direct to consumer sales channel. · Web-based sales strategy enables customers to customize footwear and other merchandise to fit their needs. 4 Competitor Analysis Adidas Rank in the Market Puma Number 2 competitor in the Number 3 competitor in the athletic footwear market athletic footwear market Sales 22% of worldwide sales 2.5 billion euros Products offered Athletic footwear, apparel, Broad range of athletic and and sporting equipment lifestyle articles, including footwear, apparel, and accessories Mission “To be the leading sports “To be the most desirable brand in the world” Revenue sport lifestyle company” As of 2008, 10.8 billion euros Number of employees 23,000 10,000 5 Adidas was the Official Usain Bolt, a well-known Strengths Sportswear Partner for the athlete, wore a gold Puma Beijing 2008 Olympic Theseus II spikes in 2008 Games. Yao Ming, Beijing Olympics. a basketball Chinese superstar, endorses a line of Reebok basketball shoes contributed to that Adidas’ position as a market leader in both Europe and China. Failing sales in Europe and Weakness the United States. PESTLE Analysis Political · Tax policies differ from region by region. · There was a global recession during 2009. · Higher sales growth was seen in Brazil, Eastern Europe, India, and China. Economic Social 6 · Consumers’ buying preferences are affected by the marketing icons of a brand or product. · Young consumers, ages 12- to 24- year old, are less price sensitive in buying casual and athletic footwear. · Athletic footwear brands market their products through sponsoring major sports events such as the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Technological · Outsourcing of production to other countries has been a trend for big companies. · · Research and development are done in the companies’ home locations. Internet plays a vital role in aiding footwear companies to have a direct consumer sales channel. · Web-based sales strategies are equipped to customize footwear and other merchandise directly to the customer’s needs and taste. Legal · North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the entry of China in World Trade Organization (WTO) helped eliminate quotas and tariff barriers for international footwear manufacturers to ship their goods into the United States. Environmental There is no environmental factor mentioned in the case. IV. Alternatives 7 The table below is the decision criteria used to evaluate the alternative courses of actions below. The decision criteria are ranked as to 5 being the highest, and 1 being the lowest. Decision Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks 1. Time for Implementation 2. Tangible Costs 3. Ease of modification/scalability/flexibility 4. Risk levels 5. Cost savings 6. Increase in sales or market share 7. Return on investment 8. Similarity to existing organization products 9. Increase in customer satisfaction 10. Acceptability to Management 8 11. Marketing Improvements 12. Distribution Strategy Improvements 1. Consider other market of the company’s products Currently, Nike products focus more on products for men. In this alternative, Nike would target other market for its products like the women and children. Women nowadays are becoming more athletic than before. They want to stay physically fit and are interested in some sports men do. Targeting women for its products will let women switch to Nike since the company is known for offering reputable quality to its customers. According to the case study, sales of the company are concentrated in the youth and young adults. Looking this as an opportunity, Nike should provide products with the same quality to children. Targeting children for its products is necessary since most children nowadays idolize some endorsers of Nike. A research will be conducted to determine the possible designs the new markets prefer and also the price they are willing to pay. By doing this alternative, the company will capture a larger market for its products. Thus, sustainability of the business will be ensured. Pros: This alternative will capture a larger market and increase the profitability of the company. Cons: If the company will not have a good research study of the new markets, entering in these new markets will not be successful. 9 Decision Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks Expanding in new would take because the markets time company needs a welldone market research of the 1. Time for Implementation prospective customers. The company will incur a cost in doing the 2. Tangible Costs market research This flexible alternative is because the company has a control 3. Ease modification/scalability/flexibility of on which market to enter. 10 If the market research was not properly done, the company vulnerable is to risks associated with entering the 4. Risk levels wrong market segment. There 5. Cost savings is little cost savings. There will be an increase in market share if the company captured 6. Increase in sales or market share the right market. Return on investment will be high if the company captured the 7. Return on investment right market. Other companies are 8. Similarity to products existing organization also entering new markets. 11 There would be an increase in customer satisfaction 9. Increase in customer satisfaction in market tapped. This alternative moderately 10. Acceptability to Management the is acceptable. Entering new markets would mean improvement 11. Marketing Improvements in marketing. Distribution would improve in tapping new 12. Distribution Strategy Improvements 2. markets. Diversification Significant percentage of Nike customers wear its products for leisure or as a fashion accessory. This product focus on providing on a new product line that has an emphasis on both quality and fashion essence. Although it will have an emphasis on fashion, this new product line will not eliminate the “Nike experience” the customers feel when wearing Nike products. The company will not sacrifice the quality of the product in focusing with the fashion side. This alternative will enable customers wear their Nike footwear anywhere they want depending on the 12 style of the footwear. Pros: Customers will have an option to wear Nike products on any occasion depending on the style of the footwear. Also, the company will have an increase in profit since a significant percentage of the Nike footwear customers prefer in wearing Nike footwear for leisure and not for athletic purposes. Cons: This alternative is costly since it needs a lot of research on the market of the new product line. Decision Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks Diversification would not easily be implemented. The company needs to go through new products 1. Time for Implementation development. The company will incur a cost in new products 2. Tangible Costs development. 13 This alternative can be modified because the company has control on 3. Ease modification/scalability/flexibility of how to diversify the products. Diversification has little risk levels as long as the new product line 4. Risk levels is innovative enough. There 5. Cost savings is little cost savings. Diversification will lead to high increase of market share because different 6. Increase in sales or market share needs of customers were tapped. Return on investment will be high because customers of Nike also use their products for 7. Return on investment leisure. 14 Other companies are 8. Similarity to existing organization also diversifying their products products. There would be an increase in satisfaction customer because different needs of the 9. Increase in customer satisfaction customers are provided. This alternative highly is acceptable to the 10. Acceptability to Management management. Diversifying would mean improvement in marketing 11. Marketing Improvements especially with the new products. Distribution would also improve especially with 12. Distribution Strategy Improvements 3. Strengthen the new products. advertising strategy This alternative is composed of two strategies: continue to have superstar endorsers and sponsor athletic programs. Nike is known for famous athletic endorsers. This strategy helps in 15 the profitability of the company as shown in the case study. This alternative suggests that the company should acquire different athletic endorsers to boost the sales of the products and increase brand awareness. Often, products became famous because of the endorsers of these products especially if the endorsers are known on their respective fields. The job of endorsers is to make people buy the products because they are also using the products. Pros: By implementing this alternative, brand awareness and sales would increase. Endorsers will encourage people buy Nike products. Cons: Fees for endorsers especially if they are famous are expensive since these endorsers are in demand in the public. On the other hand, sponsoring athletic programs will increase brand awareness on the products of Nike. This alternative suggests that Nike should consider sponsoring some athletic programs like Olympics. By doing this, athletes would be able to experience Nike products and might consider buying its products if they would be satisfied with the quality and comfort it offers. Also, Nike’s sales will be expected to increase in doing this alternative since people watching athletic programs will become aware of the products due to the sponsorship. Pros: This alternative will increase brand awareness and sales of the company. Cons: Sponsorship is expensive depending on the size of the different athletic programs. 16 Decision Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks Strengthening the advertising strategy would take time. Nike needs to decide who would be its athlete endorsers 1. Time for Implementation and what athletic programs. The company will incur a cost in strengthening 2. Tangible Costs the advertising strategy The company can strengthen its advertising company but it has little control 3. Ease modification/scalability/flexibility of on how the customers would be affected by it. This 4. Risk levels alternative has moderate risk level. 17 There 5. Cost savings is little cost savings. This alternative would increase brand awareness which in effect has the potential for a high increase in 6. Increase in sales or market share sales. This alternative would have a high return on 7. Return on investment investment. Other companies are 8. Similarity to existing organization products also strengthening their marketing strategies. There would be an increase in customer satisfaction especially in customers who are a fanatic of a specific 9. Increase in customer satisfaction athlete endorser. 18 This alternative highly is acceptable to the 10. Acceptability to Management management. Strengthening advertising would the strategy mean improvement 11. Marketing Improvements an in marketing in general. This alternative to be effective also needs an improved 12. Distribution Strategy Improvements 4. distribution stategy. Technological advancements This alternative is using technology as an opportunity to increase the profitability of the company. Nike should create a webpage that will showcase the company and the products of the company. Since studies show that e-commerce is booming in the business industry, entering the e-commerce will be an advantage of Nike against it competitors. Nike’s webpage will provide customers an option to customize footwear and other merchandise that suits the customers’ needs. In addition, the company should also create social media accounts to reach wider audience. Through social media, the company and customers can communicate faster on launching new products or on queries of customers. 19 Pros: Entering e-commerce and using social media accounts will let Nike reach a wider audience. Also, the customization option will let customers create what the products based on their needs and taste. Cons: People might not be encouraged to purchase in the webstore since some websites on the internet are found not legitimate. Decision Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks Entering e- commerce and putting up a webpage is not hard with the help of 1. Time for Implementation professionals. The company will incur an initial cost in 2. Tangible Costs putting up a webpage. 20 The company would have control over its 3. Ease of modification/scalability/flexibility webpage and presence in the internet would be globally. This alternative has low risk level especially 4. Risk levels the technology is booming. Once the webstore is operated, there would be a lot of 5. Cost savings cost savings. This alternative would increase market share because it can 6. Increase in sales or market share reach a wider audience. This alternative would 7. Return on investment have a high return on investment. 21 Other 8. Similarity to existing organization products companies are also entering e commerce. There would be an increase in customer satisfaction especially communicating with customers can be done 9. Increase in customer satisfaction easier and faster. This alternative is acceptable to the 10. Acceptability to Management management. The company can take advantage of social media in improving its marketing 11. Marketing Improvements strategy. Through e- commerce, the company 12. Improvements Distribution Strategy can sell products globally. 22 V. Recommendations 1. Diversification Since Nike has alot of capital surplus and low long-term debt, the company has a lot of funds to accept and explore investment opportunities. The company should consider adding new business segments like Nike for women, accessories, kids, teens, etc. Through this, Nike would be able to expand its market share and would be able to cater more customers. This will also increase the company’s revenue and profitability instead of incurring a lot of opportunity costs due to unexploited business opportunities. 2. Put up a webstore The company should embrace e-commerce and put up a webpage. Through setting up an online store, Nike would be able to have a stronger customer commitment and be able to reach a larger market share. Moreover, through the internet, the company would be able to update its valued customers of the latest trends in the company. Furthermore, Nike could provide customized shoes services to its customers to provide the utmost satisfaction for each consumer type. 3. Advertise in the internet, especially in social media With the advancement of technology, Nike should utilize advertising its product through the internet. The company can endorse in the social media to expand its market share. Through the additional advertising tool, Nike would be able to reach a larger market share and be able to increase its revenues. Plus, advertising in the internet is cheaper compared to other type of advertising but it has the widest market reach. 23