The transitive ‘need’ construction in Russian: a null BE GET analysis Mikhail Knyazev FDSL 13, Göttingen, 05.12.2018 Some ‘need’ predicates in Russian • nado ‘need’ (non-verbal, Dat Possessor, non-agreeing (impersonal)) • nužno ‘need’ (non-verbal, Dat Possessor) • agreeing form (Nom Theme): nužen (MASC.SG), nužna (FEM.SG), nužno (NEUT.SG), nužny (PL) • non-agreeing (impersonal) form nužno (= NEUT.SG) • neobxodimo ‘necessary’ (non-verbal, agreeing & non-agreeing forms, Dat-Possessor, Nom-Theme (≈ nužno)) • trebovat’sja ‘be required’ (verbal, Dat Possessor, Nom Theme) • nuždat’sja ‘be in need of’ (verbal, Nom Possessor, PP Theme) 2 ‘Need’ with a clausal complement (NEED+CLAUSE) • Dat Possessor + nado/nužno + infinitival/subjunctive clause (a) Emu nado / nužno [kupi-t’ lopatu]. him.DAT need / need buy-INF spade ‘He needs to buy a spade.’ (b) Emu nado /nužno, [čtoby ona kupila lopatu]. him.DAT need need that.SUBJ she bought.SUBJ spade ‘He wants (lit. needs) her to buy a spade.’ 3 ‘Need’ with a nominal complement (NEED+NOM) • Dat Possessor + agreeing nužno + Nom-Theme (a) (b) Emu him.DAT nužn-a / need-F.SG *nužno /* nado need need ‘He needs a spade.’ Emu nužn-y /*nužno /* nado him.DAT need-PL need need lopat-a. spade(F)-NOM.SG det-i. children-NOM.PL ‘He needs children.’ ≈ English intensional transitive ‘need’ (Larson et al. 1997, Harves 2008) 4 NEED+ACC construction • Dat Possessor + Non-agreeing nužno/nado ‘need’ + Accusative Theme (a) (b) Len-e nado otdel′n-uju komnat-u... Lenja-DAT.SG need separate-ACC.F.SG room-ACC.SG ‘Lenja needs a separate room.’ (Valentina Oseeva, Dinka, 1959)* Mne nužno lopat-u. I.DAT need spade-ACC.SG ‘I need a spade.’ (Vera Panova, Serëža, 1955) • Nado seems to be more natural than nužno (also higher token frequency) * examples so cited are from the Russian National Corpus 5 Examples in a larger context (a) ― Vot èto dlja Dinki s Myshkoj, vot èta ― mame, vot èta ― mne, a vot èta ― stolovaja, zdes’ možet na divane spat' Lenja… ― Lene nado otdel’nuju komnatu, ved’ on budet zanimat’sja! ‘This [room] is for Dinka and Myshka, this one for mom and this one for me and this one is a dining room, Lenja can sleep here on the couch.’ ‘Lenja needs a separate room because he will study [there].’ (b) Serezha vošel vo dvor i skazal: ― Korostelev! Mne nužno lopatu. ― Lopatu?.. ― peresprosil Korostelev. ( ‘Serjozha entered the courtyard and said, ‘Korostelev! I need a spade’. ‘A spade?’, repeated Korostelev? 6 NEED+ACC construction • Genitive Themes are also possible but rare (a) {Ja srusskij čelovek}, mne nužno I.NOM Russian man me.DAT need ‘{I am a Russian man}, I need a heroic deed.’ podvig-a. deed-GEN.SG (Andrej Dmitriev. Prizrak teatra, Znamja, 2003) (b) Nado dosok, material-a {, čtoby postroi-t′ lestnicu}. need planks.GEN.PL material-GEN.SG that.SUBJ build-INF staircase ‘One needs planks, building material {to build staircase}.’ (Nikolaj Dežnëv, V koncertnom ispolnenii, 1993) 7 Basic facts about NEED+ACC • Strong colloquial flavor often found in dialogues • Often rejected by the speakers (perceived as word play) • Rare in the corpus, more frequent in the spoken corpus than in the written one (see next slide) • Mentioned/discussed in descriptive and theoretical literature (Bulachovskij 1948, Švedova 1980, Pesetsky 1980, Billings 1997, 2017, De Haan 2002, Bailyn 2011), mostly in connection with Accusative-assigning non-verbal predicates (e.g. vidno ‘visible’, slyšno ‘audible’, žal’ ‘pity’) • No full-fledged description/analysis (absent in Harves and Kayne’s (2012) typological survey of transitive ‘need’) 8 NEED+ACC in spoken & written parts of RNC (Only texts written after 1950) 9 Research questions 1. What are the distributional and semantic/pragmatic properties of NEED+ACC? 2. What is the best analysis of NEED+ACC that could account for these differences? 10 Main claims • The NEED+ACC construction is biclausal with a null possessive verb GET • The NEED+ACC construction involves an EVAL(uative) head in the Speech Act domain Proposed analysis for NEED+ACC: PossessorDATi [EVAL nado/nužno + EVAL ] ti nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] 11 Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Distributional properties of NEED+ACC Semantic/pragmatic properties of NEED+ACC Syntactic analysis of NEED+ACC with null GET and EVAL Syntactic analysis of NEED+NOM 12 Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Distributional properties of NEED+ACC Semantic/pragmatic properties of NEED+ACC Syntactic analysis of NEED+ACC with null GET and EVAL Syntactic analysis of NEED+NOM 13 Distributional properties of NEED+ACC • Predicates other than nužno/nado • Subjunctive particle by • Order with the copula • Deverbal nominals as Themes • Abstract/mass nouns as Themes • Animacy of the Dative argument 14 Predicates other than nužno/nado • Necessity predicates with Dat Possessor other than nužno/nado are disallowed in NEED+ACC but possible in NEED+NOM (a) (b) ??neobxodimo/ *trebuetsja / Mne me.DAT necessary be.required.PRES.3SG Intended: ‘He needs a/the book.’ Mne neobxodim-a/ trebuetsja me.DAT necessary-F.SG be.required.PRES.3SG ‘He needs a/the book’ nužno need lopat-u spade-ACC.SG NEED+ACC lopat-a. spade-NOM.SG NEED+NOM 15 Predicates other than nužno/nado • Necessity predicates with Dat Possessor other than nužno/nado and possible in NEED+CLAUSE (a) (b) Emu him.DAT neobxodimo / trebuetsja [kupi-t’ lopatu]. necessary is required buy-INF spade ‘He needs to buy a spade.’ Emu neobxodimo /trebuetsja, [čtoby ona kupila him.DAT necessary is required that.SUBJ she bought.PST lopatu]. spade ‘He wants (lit. needs) her to buy a spade.’ 16 Predicates other than nužno/nado • Just one example with neobxodimo ‘necessary’ in RNC (texts after 1950) (a) Dlja moego ščast′ja mne neobxodimo bylo for my happiness me.DAT necessary was.NEUT.SG ‘For my happiness, I needed a baby.’ rebënk-a. baby-ACC.SG (Jurij Dombrovskij. Roždenie myši,1951–1956) • Significantly less frequent than nužno ‘need’ 17 Verbless subjunctive • NEED+ACC is possible with by (“Verbless subjunctive”, see Dobrushina 2015), but disallowed with NEED+NOM (although nužno sounds somewhat stilted/archaic) (a) (b) (c) Len-e nado by otdel′n-uju komnat-u... Lenja-DAT.SG need SUBJ separate-ACC.F.SG room-ACC.SG ‘Lenja would need a separate room.’ ??Mne nužno by lopat-u. me.DAT need SUBJ spade-ACC.SG ‘I would need a spade.’ *Mne nužna by lopat-a. me.DAT need-F.SG SUBJ spade-NOM.SG Intended: ‘I would need a spade.’ NEED+ACC NEED+ACC NEED+NOM 18 Verbless subjunctive • NEED+CLAUSE shows a similar pattern general property of (non-agreeing) nužno by (a) (b) Len-e nado by [pereexa-t’ v otdel′n-uju komnat-u...] Lenja-DAT.SG need SUBJ move -INF in separate-ACC.F.SG room-ACC.SG ‘Lenja would need to move in a separate room.’ ??Mne nužno by [kupi-t’ lopat-u.] me.DAT need SUBJ buy-INF spade-ACC.SG ‘I would need to buy a spade.’ 19 With copula • The NEED + copula order appears to be more natural for NEED+ACC, no strong preference for NEED+NOM (judgments are murky) (a) (a) Emu him.DAT (??bylo) nado/nužno (bylo) lopat-u. was.NEUT.SG need/need was.NEUT.SG spade-ACC.SG ‘He needs a spade.’ Emu (byla) him.DAT was.F.SG ‘He needs a spade.’ NEED+ACC nužn-a (byla) need-F.SG was.F.SG lopat-a. spade-ACC.SG NEED+NOM 20 With copula • The pattern is similar in NEED+CLAUSE (a) Emu him.DAT ACC.SG (a) (??byl-o) nado/nužno (byl-o) [kupi-t’ lopat-u]. was-NEUT.SG need/need was-NEUT.SG buy-INF spade- ‘He needed to buy a spade.’ Emu (*budet) nado/nužno (budet) [kupi-t’ lopat-u]. him.DAT will be need/need will be buy-INF spade-ACC.SG ‘He will need to buy a spade.’ 21 Deverbal nominals as Themes • Deverbal nominals are disallowed in NEED+ACC but possible in NEED+NOM (a) *Nam nado / nužno ubork-u us.DAT need need tidying.up-ACC.SG Intended: ‘We need tidying up.’ NEED+ACC (b) Nam nužn-a ubork-a us.DAT need-F.SG tidying.up(F)-NOM.SG NEED+NOM ‘We need (someone to) to tidy up (for us).’ (lit. ‘need tidying up’) 22 Deverbal nominals as Themes • Deverbal nominals are disallowed in NEED+ACC but possible in NEED+NOM, Cf. other intensional transitive verbs (note Genitive marking) (a) (b) (c) *Nam nado / nužno otdyx (?*otdyx-a) us.DAT need need rest.ACC.SG rest-GEN.SG Intended: ‘We need rest.’ Nam nužen otdyx us.DAT need-M.SG rest(M).ACC.SG ‘We need need rest.’ My zaslužili otdyx / zasluživaem we.NOM deserved rest.ACC.SG deserve ‘We deserve(d) rest’ NEED+ACC NEED+NOM otdyx-a DESERVE rest-GEN.SG 23 Deverbal nominals as Themes • “Retroactive” deverbal nominals (where Possessor is construed with an internal argument, see, e.g., Safir 1991)) show the same pattern (a) (b) (c) *Nam nado / nužno pomošč’(*-i) / podderžk-u (?*-i) us.DAT need need help-ACC.SG(-GEN.SG) support-ACC.SG(-GEN.SG) Intended: ‘We need help/support.’ NEED+ACC Nam nužn-a pomošč’ / podderžk-a us.DAT need-F.SG help(F)-NOM.SG support(F)-NOM.SG ‘We need help/support.’ NEED+NOM Cel′ èta – bezuslovno, xorošaja, i zasluživaet podderžk-i. ‘This goal is surely good and deserves support[-GEN.SG].’ DESERVE (Dmitrij Verchoturov, “Russkie v Izraile: mnenie rossijanina”, Lebed′, 2003) 24 Deverbal nominals as Themes • “Retroactive” deverbal nominals (where Possessor is construed with an internal argument, see, e.g., Safir 1991)) show the same pattern (a) (b) *Emu nado / nužno osmotr him.DAT need need examination.ACC.SG Intended: ‘He needs a [medical] examination.’ Emu nužen osmotr him.DAT need.M.SG examination.NOM.SG ‘He needs a [medical] examination.’ vrač-a doctor-GEN NEED+ACC vrač-a doctor-GEN NEED+NOM ( 25 Deverbal nominals as Themes • “Retroactive” deverbal nominals with inanimate Possessors also possible only for NEED+NOM (nuždat’sja ‘’ might sound more natural for inanimate Possessors) (a) Volos-am (ženščin-am) nado / nužno hair-DAT women-DAT need necessary *zaščit-u (?*-y) NEED+ACC protection-ACC.SG (-GEN.SG) Intended: ‘Hair (women) need(s) protection.’ (b) Volos-am (ženščin-am) nužn-a zaščit-a NEED+NOM hair-DAT women-DAT need-F.SG protection(F)-NOM.SG ‘Hair (women) need(s) protection.’ ( (c) Volos-у hair-NOM.PL (ženščin-y) women-NOM.PL nuždajutsja ‘Hair (women) are in need of protection.’ v zaščit-e in protection(F)-LOC.SG NUŽDAT’SJA 26 Abstract/mass nouns as Themes • Abstract/mass nouns often sound degraded in NEED+ACC (with Genitive), but are possible in NEED+NOM, cf. other intensional transitive verbs (a) (b) (c) Ej nužno *porjadok / ?*porjadk-a. her.DAT need order-ACC.SG order-GEN.SG Intended: ‘She needs order.’ Lel′ka – domovitaja, ej nužen porjadok. Lelka houseproud her.DAT need.M.SG order(M).NOM.SG ‘Lelka is houseproud, she needs order.’ (Daniil Granin, Zubr, 1987) Obščestvennost’ xočet porjadk-a... Public.NOM wants order-GEN.SG ‘The public wants order.’ (G Arbatov, Čelovek sistemy,2002) NEED+ACC NEED+NOM WANT 27 Abstract/mass nouns as Themes • Abstract/mass Themes with inanimate Possessors also possible only for NEED+NOM (a) Mo-im myšč-am (mne) nužno my-DAT.PL muscles- DAT.PL me.DAT need Intended: ‘My muscles (I) need energy.’ (b) Mo-im myšč-am (mne) nužn-a my-DAT.PL muscles- DAT.PL need-F.SG ‘My muscles (I) need energy.’ ?*ènergi-i / *ènergij-u energy-GEN.SG /energy-ACC.SG NEED+ACC ènergij-a. energy(F)-NOM.SG NEED+NOM (Natal'ja Radulova. Krasavchik v dome // «Ogonek», 2015) 28 Abstract/mass nouns as Themes • But there are some naturally-occurring examples with Genitive abstract/mass Themes (a) {Ja srusskij čelovek}, mne nužno podvig-a. I.NOM Russian man me.DAT need deed-GEN.SG ‘{I am a Russian man}, I need a heroic deed.’ s (Andrej Dmitriev. Prizrak teatra, Znamja, 2003) (b) Nado dosok, material-a {, čtoby postroi-t′ lestnicu}. need planks.GEN.PL material-GEN.SG that.SUBJ build-INF staircase ‘One needs planks, building material {to build staircase}.’ (Nikolaj Dežnëv, V koncertnom ispolnenii, 1993) 29 Abstract/mass nouns as Themes • But there are some naturally-occurring examples with Genitive abstract/mass Themes (a) Krys-am tože nužno rat-DAT.PL also need ljubv-i love-GEN.SG ‘Do rats also need love?’ (Oleg Pavlov, “Karagandinskie devjatiny…”, Oktjabr′, 2001) (b) Tebe nužno garantij? you.DAT need guarantees.GEN.PL ‘Do you need guarantees[-GEN.PL/-ACC.PL]?’ (S.A. Eremeeva, Lekcii po istorii iskusstva, 1999) 30 Abstract/mass nouns as Themes • Genitive Themes are significantly less frequent with NEED+ACC than with intensional verbs like xotet’ ‘want’ • Given that abstract/mass Themes are marked with Genitive, there is a dispreference for abstract/mass Themes in NEED+ACC 31 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • Inanimate Dat Possessors are disallowed in NEED+ACC, but possible in NEED+NOM. • Problem: these examples could be independently blocked due to deverbal/abstract Themes (a) (b) Volos-am (ženščin-am) nado / nužno *zaščit-u (?*-y) NEED+ACC hair-DAT women-DAT need necessary protection-ACC.SG (-GEN.SG) Intended: ‘Hair (women) need(s) protection.’ Volos-am (ženščin-am) nužn-a zaščit-a NEED+NOM hair-DAT women-DAT need-F.SG protection(F)-NOM.SG ‘Hair (women) need(s) protection.’’ 32 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • Inanimate Dat Possessors are disallowed in NEED+ACC, but possible in NEED+NOM. • Problem: these examples could be independently blocked due to deverbal/abstract Themes (a) (b) Mo-im myšč-am (mne) nužno ?*ènergi-i / *ènergij-u my-DAT.PL muscles- DAT.PL me.DAT need energy-GEN.SG /energy-ACC.SG Intended: ‘My muscles (I) need energy.’ NEED+ACC Mo-im myšč-am (mne) nužn-a ènergij-a. my-DAT.PL muscles- DAT.PL need-F.SG energy(F)-NOM.SG ‘My muscles (I) need energy.’ NEED+NOM (Natal'ja Radulova. Krasavchik v dome // «Ogonek», 2015) 33 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • Inanimate Dat Possessors in NEED+NOM often take abstract/mass/deverbal Themes hard to establish the animacy restriction independently • But there are some inanimate Dat Possessors in NEED+NOM with concrete Themes (a) Kart-e nužen map-DAT.SG need.M.SG ‘The map needs a table.’ stol table.ACC.SG NEED+NOM (Viktor Šitarev. “Vsevidjaščij glaz navigator”, Technika – molodëži, 1991) (b) Avtobus-u nužen bus-DAT.SG need.M.SG ‘The bus needs a driver.’ voditel’. driver.NOM.SG NEED+NOM (Mariam Petrosjan, Dom, v kotorom..., 2009) 34 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • Examples in a larger context (a) V kroxotnoj xodovoj rubke i tak tesno ot priborov, a karte nužen stol, pričëm ves′ma solidnyx razmerov. ‘A tiny pilot room is already packed with devices, but a map needs a table, and a rather large one.’ (b) Skaži, čto avtobusu nužen voditel′, a ljubomu, sadjaščemusja za rul′, nužny voditel′skie prava. ‘Say that the bus needs a driver and anyone getting behind the wheel needs a driving license.’ 35 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • With concrete Themes Inanimate Possessors seem to be disallowed in NEED+NOM although they are possible with animate Possessors (a) *Kart-e nužno / nado stol map-DAT.SG need need NEED+ACC, INANIMATE table.ACC.SG Intended: ‘The map needs a table.’ (b) Nam nužno/nado us.DAT need need stol NEED+ACC, ANIMATE table.ACC.SG ‘We need a table’ 36 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • With concrete Themes Inanimate possessors seem to be disallowed in NEED+NOM although they are possible with animate Possessors (a) *Avtobus-u nužno / nado voditelj-a. bus-DAT.SG need driver-ACC.SG need NEED+ACC, INANIMATE Intended: ‘The bus needs a driver.’ (b) Im nužno Them.DAT need / nado voditelja. need NEED+ACC, ANIMATE driver-ACC.SG ‘They need a driver.’ 37 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • There is also an animacy restriction in NEED+CLAUSE control properties (a) (b) *Kart-e nužno / nado [leža-t’ na stol-e] NEED+CLAUSE map-DAT.SG need need lie-INF on table-LOC.SG Intended: ‘The map needs to lie on the table.’ Kart-a dolžn-a [leža-t’ map(F)-DAT.SG must-F.SG lie-INF ‘The map must lie on the table.’ na on stole] table-LOC.SG 38 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • There is also an animacy restriction in NEED+CLAUSE (a) (b) *Avtobus-u bus-DAT.SG nužno / nado need need [upravlja-t’-sja voditel-em]. be.led-INF-REFL driver-INS.SG Intended: ‘The bus needs to be led by a driver.’ Avtobus dolžen [upravlja-t’-sja bus(M).NOM.SG must.M.SG be.led-INF-REFL ‘The bus must be led a driver.’ NEED+CLAUSE voditel-em]. driver-INS.SG 39 Animacy restriction on the Possessor • However, the effect was not confirmed in an acceptability rating (1–7 Likert scale) study (2 × 2 factorial design (NOM/ACC × ANIMACY/INANIMACY), N = 71) • Perhaps a floor effect 40 Summary of the distributional properties Other modal predicates (neobxodimo, etc.) Subjunctive by Copula + NEED order Deverbal Themes Abstract/Mass Themes Inanimate Dat argument NEED+ACC NEED+NOM NEED+CLAUSE ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ (?) ✗ ✓ ✗ Rare ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ N/A N/A ✗ (?) ✗ 41 Roadmap 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Distributional properties of NEED+ACC Semantic/pragmatic properties of NEED+ACC Syntactic analysis of NEED+ACC with null GET and EVAL Syntactic analysis of NEED+NOM 42 Semantic and pragmatic properties • Non-possessive paraphrases • “Requirement” reading • Inchoative possessive (‘get’) paraphrases • Subjective necessity 43 Obligatory possessive paraphrases • Paraphrases with non-possessive verbs are disallowed in NEED+ACC even when the pragmatically more plausible, implausible possessive interpretation is forced against ellipsis analysis (a) Mne nado / nužno musor me.DAT need need garbage.ACC NEED+ACC ‘I need (to get/#throw out) the garbage’ (b) Mne nado / nužno arendn-uju plat-u NEED+ACC me.DAT need need leasing-ACC.F.SG payment-ACC.SG ‘I need (to get/#pay) the rent’ (when uttered by a tenant) 44 Obligatory possessive paraphrases • Paraphrases with non-possessive verbs are also disallowed for NEED+NOM, at least for concrete Themes (a) Mne nužen musor me.DAT need.M.SG garbage(M).NOM.SG ‘I need (to get/#throw out) the garbage.’ (b) Mne nužn-a arendn-aja plat-a me.DAT need.F.SG leasing-ACC.F.SG payment(F)-ACC.SG ‘I need (to get/#pay) the rent’ NEED+NOM NEED+NOM 45 ”Requirement” reading • “Requirement” reading (‘X requires Y for proper functioning’) is possible for NEED+NOM (with inanimate Possessors and/or deverbal/abstract/mass Themes), but disallowed for NEED+ACC (a) (b) Mo-im myšč-am nužno ?*ènergi-i / *ènergij-u my-DAT.PL muscles- DAT.PL need energy-GEN.SG /energy-ACC.SG Intended: ‘My muscles need (=require) energy.’ NEED+ACC Mo-im myšč-am nužn-a ènergij-a. my-DAT.PL muscles- DAT.PL need-F.SG energy(F)-NOM.SG ‘My muscles need (=require) energy.’ NEED+NOM 46 ”Requirement” reading • “Requirement” reading (‘X requires Y for proper functioning’) is possible for NEED+NOM (with inanimate Dat Possessors and/or Deverbal Themes), but disallowed for NEED+ACC (a) (b) Volos-am nado / nužno *zaščit-u / (??-y) hair-PL.DAT need need protection-ACC.SG -GEN.SG Intended: ‘Hair needs (=requires) protection’ Volos-am nužn-a zaščit-a hair-DPL.AT need-F.SG protection(F)-NOM.SG ‘Hair needs (=requires) protection’ NEED+ACC NEED+NOM 47 ”Requirement” reading • “Requirement” reading (‘X requires Y for proper functioning’) is possible for NEED+NOM (with inanimate Dat Possessors and/or Deverbal Themes), but disallowed for NEED+ACC (a) (b) *Kart-e nužno / nado stol map-DAT.SG need need table.ACC.SG Intended: ‘The map need (=requires) a table.’ Kart-e nužen stol map-DAT.SG need.M.SG table(M).ACC.SG ‘The map needs (=requires) a table.’ NEED+ACC NEED+NOM 48 ”Requirement” reading • “Requirement” reading (‘X requires Y for proper functioning’) is possible for NEED+NOM (with inanimate Dat Possessors and/or Deverbal Themes), but disallowed for NEED+ACC (a) (b) *Avtobus-u nužno / nado voditelj-a. bus-DAT.SG need need driver-ACC.SG Intended: ‘The bus needs (=requires) a driver.’ Avtobus-u nužen voditel’. bus-DAT.SG need.M.SG driver.NOM.SG ‘The bus needs (=requires) a driver.’ NEED+ACC NEED+NOM 49 Obligatory paraphrases with ‘get’ • NEED+ACC disallows non-inchoative possessive (‘get’) paraphrases, cf. Harley 2004, whereas they are possible for NEED+NOM (a) (b) Emu him.DAT nužn-a mašina. need-F.SG car(F)-NOM.SG ‘He needs (= to get/have) car.’ Emu nužno mašin-u. him.DAT need car-ACC.SG NEED+NOM NEED+ACC ‘He needs (= to get/#have) a car.’ 50 Obligatory paraphrases with ‘get’ • NEED+ACC disallows non-inchoative possessive (‘get’) paraphrases, cf. Harley 2004, whereas they are possible for NEED+NOM (a) (b) Emu him.DAT nužn-a need-Fs.SG (ego) his mašina. car(F)-NOM.SG ‘He needs (= to have/#to get) (his) car.’ {He will not sell it}’ #Emu nužno (ego) mašin-u. him.DAT need his car-ACC.SG NEED+NOM NEED+ACC ‘He needs (#to get/#to have) (his) car.’ {He will not sell it}’ 51 Subjectivity necessity • NEED+ACC expresses subjective necessity ‘According to the Speaker/Attitude Holder, X needs to get X’ • NEED+ACC cannot be embedded under proferring predicates like ‘demonstrate’ [Anand and Hacquard 2012], which present the embedded proposition as an objective fact (a) Psichologičeskij test pokazal, čto Lëne… i. ??…nužno otdel′nuju komnat-u NEED+ACC ii. nužna otdel′naja komnat-a NEED+NOM ‘The psychological test demonstrated that Lenja needs a separate room’ 52 Subjectivity necessity • Evidence: Dat Possessor in NEED+ACC is more frequently realized as 1SG pronouns than in NEED+NOM Subjective judgments will be more likely be about Speaker’s own needs than objective judgments Subjectivity necessity • Evidence: Neobxodimo ‘necessary’ and trebovat’sja ‘required’ are disallowed in NEED+ACC they could be taken to express objective necessity (a) ??neobxodimo/ Mne me.DAT necessary ‘I need a spade.’ *trebuetsja/ be.required.PRES.3SG nužno need lopat-u spade-ACC.SG • Independent evidence: Neobxodimo ‘necessary’ cannot be combined with the subjunctive particle by, which is subjective (see Dobrushina 2015) (b) *neobxodimo by/nado by/nužno by 54 Summary of semantic & pragmatic properties NEED+ACC NEED+NOM Obligatory possessive paraphrases with concrete Themes “Requirement” reading ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ Non-inchoative possessive paraphrases Objective necessity ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ 55 Roadmap 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Distributional properties of NEED+ACC Semantic/pragmatic properties of NEED+ACC Syntactic analysis of NEED+ACC with null GET and EVAL Syntactic analysis of NEED+NOM 56 Syntactic analysis for NEED+ACC • Analysis with null GET • Evidence for Null GET from BY+ACC construction • Potential problems for null GET • EVAL as expression of subjective necessity 57 Syntactic analysis for NEED+ACC: null GET • NEED+ACC is biclausal with an abstract infinitival complement with control properties (assuming NEED+CLAUSE is a control structure (cf. animacy restriction on the Dat argument) • Infinitival complement is headed by null possessive verb GET, cf. Harley 2004, Harves 2008 • GET has selectional restrictions on its Possessor and Theme arguments and assigns Acc (a) (b) PossessorDATi nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] GET: <Possessor (Animate), ThemeACC (Concrete Object)> 58 Syntactic analysis for NEED+ACC: null GET • The analysis in (a)–(b) accounts for: Obligatory ‘get’ paraphrases Lack of the “requirement” reading No deverbal/abstract/mass Themes Animacy restriction on the Possessor Patterning with NEED+CLAUSE wrt ??Copula+ ‘need’, cf. NEED+NOM Patterning with NEED+CLAUSE wrt possibility of subjunctive, cf. NEED+NOM Acc marking on the Theme (a) (b) PossessorDATi nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] GET: <Possessor (Animate), ThemeACC (Concrete Object)> 59 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Family of “verbless subjunctive” constructions (Dobrushina 2015), including the BY+ACC construction (p.c. Ora Matushansky): (a) (b) Len-e by Lenja-DAT.SG SUBJ otdel′n-uju komnat-u... separate-ACC.F.SG room-ACC.SG ‘Lenja would rather get a separate room.’ Mne by lopat-u. me.DAT SUBJ spade-ACC.SG BY+ACC BY+ACC ‘I would (rather) get a spade.’ 60 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Same distributional and semantic/pragmatic properties are obtained for the BY+ACC construction as for the NEED+ACC • • • • Accusative marking on the Theme Obligatory possessive readings No deverbal & abstract Themes No inanimate possessors & requirement readings 61 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Nominative Themes are disallowed (Dobrushina 2015) (a) (b) *Len-e by Lenja-DAT.SG SUBJ otdel′n-aja komnat-a... separate-NOM.F.SG room-NOM.SG Intended: ‘Lenja would rather get a separate room.’ *Mne by lopat-a. me.DAT SUBJ spade-NOM.SG BY+NOM BY+NOM Intended: ‘I would (rather) get a spade.’ 62 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Paraphrases with non-possessive verbs are disallowed (a) (b) Mne by musor I.DAT SUBJ garbage.ACC ‘I would (to get/#throw out) the garbage Mne by arendn-uju plat-u I.DAT SUBJ leasing-ACC.F.SG payment-ACC.SG ‘I would (to get/#pay) the rent’ BY+ACC BY+ACC 63 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Deverbal & abstract Themes are disallowed (a) *Nam we.DAT by SUBJ ubork-u / otdyx tidying.up-ACC.SG rest.ACC.SG Intended: ‘We would rather tidy up / rest’ ?*porjadk-a. (b) Ej by *porjadok/ her.DAT SUBJ order-ACC.SG order-GEN.SG Intended: ‘She would rather have order.’ BY+ACC BY+ACC 64 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Inanimate Possessors & requirement readings are disallowed (a) (b) *Kart-e by map-DAT.SG SUBJ stol table.ACC.SG Intended: ‘The map would need (=require) a table.’ Volos-am by *zaščit-u / (??-y) hair-DAT SUBJ protection-ACC.SG -GEN.SG BY+ACC BY+ACC Intended: ‘Hair would need (=require) protection’ 65 Evidence for null GET: BY+ACC construction • Same distributional and semantic/pragmatic properties are obtained for the BY+ACC construction as for the NEED+ACC Structure of BY+ACC as in (a) with Dative assigned by Infinitival Clause (contra Dobrushina 2015, who argues for the ellipsis analysis) independent evidence for GET (a) PossessorDAT by [PossessorDAT GET ThemeACC] 66 Potential problems for null GET • Overt polučit’ ‘get’ paraphrases often do not work, overt imet’ or byt’ ‘be’ paraphrases seem to be more generally available GET should be more abstract than its overt paraphrases, cf. van Riemsdijk 2002 (a) Ej nužno detej, {pora vydava-t’} her.DAT need kids.ACC.PL time marry-INF ‘She needs kids, {it is high time to marry her}’ NEED+ACC Vladimir Recepter. Uzlov, ili Obrashhenie k Kazanove (1993) (b) Ej nužno [#polučit’/ imet’ detej] her.DAT need get-INF have-INF kids.ACC.PL time ‘She needs to have kids, {it is high time to marry her}’ marry-INF 67 Syntactic analysis for NEED+ACC: subjectivity • NEED+ACC Is headed by the EVAL head (expressing subjective evaluation) in the Speech Act domain (Speas & Tenny 2003) • EVAL head must be overtly realized by [+EVAL] elements including nado/nužno and subjunctive by nado/nužno moves to EVAL (a) (b) (c) PossessorDATi [EVAL nado/nužno + EVAL ] ti nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] PossessorDATi [EVAL nado/nužno + by ] ti nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] PossessorDATi [EVAL by ] [PossessorDATi GET ThemeACC] 68 Syntactic analysis for NEED+ACC: subjectivity • Analysis in (a)–(c) accounts for: Copula + ‘need’ position (assuming T below EVAL) No objective necessity modals like neobxodimo ‘necessary’ and trebovat’sja ‘be required’ (no [+EVAL] feature) Availability of by in NEED+ACC but not in NEED+NOM (no EVAL) acceptability of neobxodimo ‘necessary’ and nužno in NEED+BY+ACC and NEED+BY+CLAUSE correlate (conditioned by the same [+EVAL] feature) (a) (b) (c) PossessorDATi [EVAL nado/nužno + EVAL ] ti nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] PossessorDATi [EVAL nado/nužno + by ] ti nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] PossessorDATi [EVAL by ] [PossessorDATi GET ThemeACC] 69 Roadmap 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Distributional properties of NEED+ACC Semantic/pragmatic properties of NEED+ACC Syntactic analysis of NEED+ACC with null GET and EVAL Syntactic analysis of NEED+NOM 70 Syntactic analysis for NEED+NOM • Harves 2008: NEED+NOM is biclausal with a null BE/GET predicate (although no explicit analysis is provided), as in (a) • Main challenge: 1. explain away non-possessive/requirement reading (with deverbal/abstract Themes and/or inanimate Possessors) 2. at the same time explain obligatory possessive paraphrases with concrete Themes (a) PossessorDATi nužno [PossessorDATi/PROi BE/GET ThemeNOM] 71 Syntactic analysis for NEED+NOM • Deverbal/abstract Themes: possessive paraphrase with a silent present tense copula (p.c. Dmitry Zelensky) (a) Emu nužen osmotr him.DAT need.M.SG examination.NOM.SG ‘He needs to be examined by a doctor’ (b) U nego *est’ / OK∅ osmotr at him.GEN is examination.NOM.SG ‘He is having an examination’ BY+NOM 72 Syntactic analysis for NEED+NOM • Deverbal/abstract Themes: possessive paraphrase with a silent present tense copula (p.c. Dmitry Zelensky) (a) Ej nužen porjadok. her.DAT need.M.SG order(M).NOM.SG ‘She needs order.’ (b) U nee *est’/ OK∅ porjadok at her.GEN is order(M).NOM.SG #‘She has order.’ BY+NOM 73 Syntactic analysis for NEED+NOM • Requirement reading: No possessive paraphrase available (a) Kart-e nužen stol map-DAT.SG need.M.SG table.NOM.SG ‘The map needs (=requires) a table.’ (b) *U kart-y est’/ ∅ stol at map-GEN.SG is table.NOM.SG Intended: ‘#The map has a table.’ NEED+NOM 74 Syntactic analysis for NEED+NOM • Requirement reading: No possessive paraphrase available (a) Volos-am nužn-a zabot-a hair-PL.DAT need-F.SG care(F)-NOM.SG ‘Hair needs (=requires) protection’ (b) *U volos est’/ ∅ zabot-a at hair.GEN.PL is care-NOM.SG Intended: #‘Hair has care.’ NEED+NOM 75 Syntactic analysis for NEED+NOM • Analytical options: 1. NEED+NOM is sometimes (e.g. with ‘requirement readings’) monoclausal 2. BE is more abstract does not have to license possessive paraphrases with byt’ ‘be’ (cf. van Riemsdijk 2002) 3. NEED+NOM Is always monoclausal possessive meaning (with concrete Themes) arises via a different mechanism, perhaps a special “rule of composition” for want+NP, see Fodor & Lepore 1998 (3) might be preferred given that NEED+NOM patterns NEED+CLAUSE wrt OKCopula + ‘need’ order 76 Summary and conclusion • Proposed biclausal analysis for NEED+ACC with null possessive GET and EVAL(uative) head in (a) accounts for all its distributional and semantic/pragmatic properties: • restriction to nado/nužno • availability of subjunctive by • Preferred ‘Need’ + Copula order • Restrictions with Deverbal/Abstract/Mass Themes • Obligatory inchoative possessive meaning • Animacy restriction on the Dative argument & no requirement reading (a) PossessorDATi [EVAL nado/nužno + EVAL ] ti nado/nužno [PROi GET ThemeACC] 77 Summary and conclusion • Harves’s (2008) biclausal analysis of NEED+NOM with possessive BE/GET in (a) faces difficulties with non-possessive/requirement reading should be made more precise/revised along the following lines: • Monoclausal + special rule of composition • Ambiguous between biclausal and monoclausal • More abstract semantics of possessive BE (a) PossessorDATi nužno [PossessorDATi/PROi BE/GET ThemeNOM] 78 Thank you for your attention! 79