1. Burdens of proof MPC 1.12 No person can be convicted of an offense unless each element of the offense is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. a. Prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt every element of an offense. MPC broadly defines “element” b. Defenses: i. defendant has burden to prove by preponderance of the evidence c. Denial: ii. prosecution has burden to disprove the denial beyond a reasonable doubt d. even if the prosecution has the burden of proof, defendant may have burden of production e. permissive presumptions (presumed fact) i. all that is needed for a permissive presumption is a rational connection (51% or greater) between the proven fact and the presumed fact ii. prosecution has proven the proved fact, and the defendant has not produced evidence to the contrary, so it is ok to presume the permissive presumption iii. defendant would have to present counter evidence compelling enough to defeat the prosecutions fact f. mandatory presumptions i. unconstitutional when they would make the defendant prove or disprove an elemental fact of the crime ii. incompatible with the presumption of innocence Notes a. permissive presumptions are ok because the jury MAY presume the fact but does not have to. b. Mandatory presumptions are unconstitutional because the jury HAS TO presume the fact in absence of evidence to the contrary. Essentially shifts burden to the defendant unconstitutional ii. This is different than strict liability because with mandatory presumptions the statute will say that there is a requisite mens rea and actus reus, but only requires prosecution to prove actus reus unconstitutional. Strict liability only requires that the prosecution prove the actus reus, but actus reus is the only requirement of the crime 2. Voluntary act: MPC §2.01 a. A willed physical act; a willed muscular contraction or bodily movement by the actor. Liability for the commission of an offense may not be based on an omission unaccompanied by a voluntary act unless the omission is expressly made sufficient by the law defining the offense or a duty to perform the omitted act is imposed by law b. Not guilty of an offense unless his liability is based on conduct which includes a voluntary act (woman on cruise ship, pitches her across room with knife) i. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. You can have an involuntary act as part of a voluntary act, just go back to the last voluntary act and decide if it was culpable Voluntary acts are constitutionally required condition for criminal punishment i. You cannot punish someone for status. i.e. cannot punish someone for being an addict, but you can punish them for possessing drugs. Habits are voluntary acts Strict liability and voluntary acts: disregards mens rea. Only matters that the actus reus occurred The following are not considered voluntary: i. Reflex or convulsion ii. Bodily movement while unconscious or asleep iii. Conduct during hypnosis (does not address brain washing) iv. Bodily movement that is not a product of the effort or determination of the actor Possession is a voluntary act if the possessor knowingly procured or received the item or was aware of his control for a sufficient period of time to have been able to terminate his possession. MPC does not define sufficient amount of time Prosecution must prove voluntary act, but the defendant has burden to produce negating facts Insanity in regards to voluntary acts i. Affirmative defense ii. Defendant has burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence Omission: no duty to act unless duty is imposed by law. liability for the commission of an offense may not be based on an omission unaccompanied by action unless the omission is expressly made sufficient by the law defining the offense; or a duty to perform the omitted act is otherwise imposed by law. i. One who is the culpable cause of harm must rescue ii. One who is the innocent causation does not have a duty to act. iii. Status based duty to act: spouse, parent. Lover/ roommate doesn’t count iv. Contract based duty to rescue. Victim doesn’t need to rely on or even know about it. i.e. lifeguard that drowning swimmer doesn’t know about v. Voluntary assistance has duty to continue it vi. Bystander with ability to intervene does not have any duty 3. General Requirements of culpability: MPC §2.02 a. Minimum requirements of culpability: a person is not guilty unless they have acted purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently, as the law may require, with respect to each element of an offense b. Purposely i. A person acts purposely with respect to a material element of an offense when his conscious object is to engage in conduct of that nature or cause c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. a result, and if the element involved attendant circumstances he is aware of their existence or believe or hopes they exist Knowingly i. A person acts knowingly with respect to a material element of an offense if the element involves the nature of his conduct or attendant circumstances, he is aware that his conduct is of that nature or that such circumstances exist, and if the element involves a result of his conduct, he is aware that a result is practically certain to occur because of his conduct. Recklessly i. A person acts recklessly with respect to a material element of an offense when he consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the material element exists or will result from his conduct. Actors conduct involves a gross deviation from the standard of conduct that a law abiding person would observe in the actor’s situation. Negligently i. A person acts negligently with respect to a material element of an offense when he should be aware of a substantial risk that the material element exists or will result from his conduct. Risk must be of such a nature and degree that the actors failure to perceive it involves a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in that actors situation. Conditional purpose: an element of an offense is established although such purse is conditional, unless the condition negates the harm. Transferred intent in re purpose: Mean to shoot A but you shoot B, still purposeful homicide. Willful blindness: when a person seeks to keep themselves unaware of a situation to avoid criminal liability. courts usually treat this as knowing Risk believed in for recklessness must be substantial and unjustifiable. In reality, probability of the risk does not matter, the unjustifiability does. ii. Whether the risk is substantial or unjustifiable is a matter of law Purpose + knows to a practical certainty that his actions at least increase probability of killing victim = guilty Purpose + knows a practical certainty he will kill = guilty No purpose + knows to a practical certainty chances are increased = reckless No purpose + knows to a practical certainty he will kill= knowing No purpose + believes there is a risk above 0 he will kill= reckless No purpose + no belief (but belief is incorrect) = negligent 4. Strict Liability: MPC § 2.05 a. No culpability needs to be proven b. Justification for strict liability is that most people in the defendant’s situation are taking an unjustified risk. i.e. statutory rape, death during the commission of an armed robbery. 5. Mistakes: MPC § 2.04 a. Ignorance or mistakes as to a matter of fact or law is a defense if: i. The ignorance or mistake negatives the purpose, knowledge, belief, recklessness, or negligence required to establish a material element of an offense OR ii. The law provides that the state of mind established by the ignorance of mistake constitutes a defense. b. Defense of ignorance or mistake is not available if the defendant would be guilty of another offense had the situation been as he supposed c. Mistakes are mistakenly labeled by the MPC as defenses. They are actually denials. i. With a defense, you admit the elements of the crime but provide reasons as to why you committed them ii. With a denial, you would say you did not commit the crime because you lacked the required mens rea. Burden is on the defendant to produce this, but prosecution has the burden to prove you did not make that mistake d. Mistakes do not negate purpose iii. Purpose has to do with whether something is your conscious object. You want to kill someone, don’t think it will actually work, but it does. Your mistake has not negated your purpose e. Mistakes negate knowing iv. Knowing is practically certain that something will occur. If you do not think something will occur, but it does, you cannot have done it knowingly. May have been reckless or negligent f. Mistakes do not negate recklessness iii. Recklessness is an actor acting on a belief with the probability that certain harm will occur and there is no justification for taking the action. Risk of something occurring is either 1 or 0. Just because you have made a mistake estimating the risk of something, doesn’t mean you have no behaved recklessly iv. Russian roulette with a 100 chamber gun. Didn’t think that the chamber had the one bullet in it, but it did. Mistake was made, but it was still reckless. g. Mistakes may or may not negate negligence ii. Negligent actor is always going to be mistake is some sense. A reasonable mistake cannot be negligent, so if the mistake made is reasonable, then they are not negligent. h. Mistake of jurisdiction: MPC 1.13 strict liability. Often not an element of a crime that you know you are in a particular jurisdiction 6. Causation and Concurrence: MPC §2.03 MPC a. Conduct is the cause of a result when iii. iv. The result in question would not have occurred but for the conduct The relationship between the conduct and result satisfies any additional causal requirements b. When purposely or knowingly causing a particular result is an element of a crime, the lement is not established if the actual result is not within the purpose or contemplation of the actor unless: ii. The result differs only in that a different person or property is injured; OR iii. The result involves the same kind of injury as that intended and is not too far remote c. When recklessly or negligently causing a particular result is an element of an offense, the element is not established if the actual result is not within the risk of which the actor is ware or should have been aware unless: iii. The result differs only in that a different person or property is injured; OR iv. The result involves the same kind of injury as that intended and is not too far remote d. When causing a particular result is a material element of an offense for which strict liability is imposed, the element is not established unless the actual result is a probable consequence of the actor’s conduct Notes e. When there are two sufficient causes there is no sufficient cause ii. Courts will often suspend necessary cause requirement and punish both (this is a fudge) f. A but for cause may be established, but the causal sequence may be such that we don’t want to attribute the result to the defendant’s conduct g. Intervening causes break the causal chain iii. There can be culpable and nonculpable interventions h. Culpability is not the focus of cause. Focused on linkage of the action to the result i. Deviant causal chain: if a result is desired from ones conduct, but it comes about in a different way, still guilty of the crime. If A wants to kill B by poisoning him, and he instead slips and falls in it, A is still guilty of homicide. j. When mens rea to kill does not occur at the time of the actual killing, attempted homicide. Shot V to kill him, thought he was dead so you push him over a cliff, and that is actually what killed him attempted homicide 7. Defenses: MPC § 3.01 a. Justifications: affirmative defense. Did the right thing in the situation. ii. Objective justifications: acts that are truly justified under the law, exceptions to the law. - Burden of proof is on the defendant as it is not an element of the offense - Cannot have competing justifications: if Y attacks X, and X defends himself, Y cannot defend against X - 3rd parties may intervene on behalf of justified parties iii. subjective justifications: actor believes they are objectively justified but they are mistaken - should actually be considered an excuse, as the actor is not justified - 3rd parties may not intervene on behalf of subjectively justified actors - someone can resist you - if the justification is mistaken, the mens rea for the crime committed is borrowed from the mens rea of the mistaken justification. i.e. if you negligently believe in the justification, then you are guilty of the crime at a negligent level b. excuses: different from a justification because you are not claiming you did the right thing, but you have an excuse. iii. 3rd parties may not assist 8. Choice of evils: MPC § 3.02 a. Conduct the actor believes is necessary to avoid harm or evil to himself or another is justified provided that: iv. The harm or evil sought to be avoided is greater than that sought be prevented by the law defining the offense charged; AND v. The law defining the offense does not provide exceptions or defense for the specific situations involved; AND vi. A legislative purpose to exclude the justification does not plainly appear b. When the actor was reckless or negligent in bringing about the situation requiring a choice of evils, this justification is unavailable. Mens rea swap c. Lesser evils justification does not require that you desire the lesser evil, only that you believe it and pick the lesser evil d. When you create the harm that requires a lesser evils defense, you now have an affirmative duty to aid. ii. When you do aid, you do not get the full justification. You are guilty at the level of culpability in which you caused the necessity for the lesser evils. a. Negligently break the damn, have to divert river and flood V’s farm, killing V guilty of negligent homicide e. In order to get lesser evils defense, you have two be choosing between two evils recognized by law. ii. Cannot trespass on abortion clinic claiming you are stopping homicide. Abortion is legal. f. Cannot use an innocent person as means to produce the more desired result (eating the cabin boy on a ship). Using a person as a means to save a greater number of people is not a lesser evil g. Mercy killings are not allowed as a lesser evil at the risk that people will invoke mercy killings when it really wasn’t 9. Intoxication: MPC § 2.08 a. Intoxication is not a defense unless it negatives an element of the offense b. When recklessness establishes an element of the offense, if the actor, due to self-intoxication, is unaware of a risk which we would have been aware of had he been sober, such unawareness is immaterial c. Intoxication itself does not constitute mental disease d. Intoxication which is not self induces or is pathological is an affirmative defense if because of the intoxication, at the time of the conduct, the actor lacks a substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law e. Definitions iii. Intoxication: - Disturbance of mental or physical capacities resulting from the introduction of substances into the body iv. Self-induced intoxication: - Intoxication causes by substances which the actor knowingly introduces into his body, the tendency of which he knows or ought to know causes intoxication, unless he introduces them pursuant to medical advice v. Pathological: - Intoxication grossly excessive in degree, given the amount of the intoxicant, to which the actor does not know he is susceptible f. Involuntary intoxication itself is not a defense, must also have insanity element vi. Voluntary intoxication + mens rea = guilty vii. Voluntary intoxication + no mens rea = reckless viii. Involuntary intoxication + mens rea = guilty ix. Involuntary intoxication + no mens rea = not guilty - If you still appreciate the criminality of your action at the time it is committed, then the fact that the intoxication was involuntary is immaterial 10. Duress: MPC § 2.09 MPC a. An affirmative defense that the actor engaged in the conduct because he was coerced to do so by use of, or threat of use of, unlawful force against his person or the person of another, which a person of reasonable firmness in his situation would have been unable to resist b. Defense is unavailable if the actor recklessly placed himself in a situation in which it was probable that he would be subjected to duress. Also unavailable is he was negligent in placing himself in such a situation, wherever negligence is sufficient to establish culpability for the offense charged Notes c. Coercion doesn’t have to be coercing you to commit the target crime. Coercing you to do X, so you must commit a crime in order to avoid X d. This is not a justification, it is an excuse e. Must be a threat of force, or bodily harm. Cannot be something like blackmail that would only damage reputation. Also it has to be unlawful. Could cause bodily harm, but if it is not also unlawful, then you do not get the defense f. Acting on the coercion must be immediately necessary 11. Self-defense: MPC § 3.04 MPC a. The use of force in self-defense is justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force b. The use of force is not justified: ii. To resist arrest which the actor knows is being made by a peace officer, even if the arrest is unlawful; OR iii. To resist force by the occupier or owner of property, where the actor knows that the person is doing so to protect the property This does not apply if: - the actor is a public officer performing his duties (or a person assisting him); OR - the actor has been unlawfully dispossessed of the property and is making a justified reentry; OR - the actor believes that such force is necessary to protect himself against death or serious bodily harm c. the use of deadly force is not justifiable unless the actor believes it is necessary to protect himself against death, serious bodily harm, kidnapping, or rape. Nor is it justifiable if: iv. the actor, with the purpose of causing death or serious bodily injury, provoked the use of force against himself; OR v. the actor knows he can avoid the necessity of using deadly force with complete safety by retreating or by surrendering a possession of a thing or by complying with a demand, except that - the actor is not required to retreat from his dwelling or place of work, unless he was the initial aggressor Notes d. self-defense is a justification e. it is always pre-emptive in nature: anticipating a further attack that has not yet happened f. Doctrine of proportionality: you can use deadly force in self-defense to protect yourself against only certain harms. Harms that are less than those, you cannot use deadly force to protect against ii. Retreat requires you to give up a right that is not proportionate to the killing of the assailant iii. Necessity requires you give up the force you would like to use if you can do it by other means g. Self-defense requires you to give up a lesser right when possible. If you can give up a lesser right and avoid killing someone in self-defense, then you must do so h. If assumption that force or deadly force was immediately necessary was reasonable, then you get the defense. If your belief was reckless or negligent, then you are prosecuted at the level of negligent or reckless. ii. The model penal code swaps the mens rea because your culpability level of your belief should replace the culpability level of the action iii. The common law does not do this i. Threat under the model penal code does not need to be imminent, but the use of force must be immediately necessary ii. When is the use of force immediately necessary? Usually, the sooner you act the more likely it is that your force will be effective j. Under common law, the threat must be imminent k. Shooting a firearm in someone’s direction is deadly force, it doesn’t matter where you were aiming or what you actually hit l. The model penal code does not necessarily require that the deadly force be used in the present occasion to justify self-defense. You can make inference about future conduct based on past behavior m. Deadly force to protect property is not ok n. A shield/ hostage is no different than a bystander, so any harm you inflict on them is likely negligent or reckless ii. In individual who kills or injures an innocent person may be liable for negligently or recklessly killing that person. Prosecution would have to show that they took an unjustified risk o. Past experience matters in predicting the danger that you are facing. It is the evidentiary basis from which you predict what is going to happen to you. p. When you are attacked in a way that is not going to cause you serious bodily injury or death you cannot use deadly force even if it is the only means you have of preventing the attack q. You have to believe that you are being attacked and need to use self defense in order to get the justification. ii. Under MPC: If your belief in the need for self defense is mistaken: if belief was reasonable but mistaken, you are still justified; if belief was negligent, or otherwise, then you sub the mens rea- negligent belief negligent homicide iii. Under common law, if your belief is mistaken, if it is not reasonable, then it is a regular homicide r. Defense of property: you can fire without warning under 3.06 if you think an armed and dangerous person is entering your property s. In defense of property, can only set up a spring gun if it is protecting your person on you property. You have to be on the premises for the gun to be set up. 12. Mental Disease or defect: MPC § 4.01-4.03 MPC 4.01 a. a person is not responsible for criminal conduct, if at the time of the conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacked the capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law b. mental disease or defect does not include an abnormality manifested only by repeated criminal or antisocial conduct 4.02 c. evidence that the defendant suffered from a mental disease or defect is admissible whenever it is relevant to prove that the defendant did or did not have a state of mind which is an element of the offense 4.03 d. mental disease or defect excluding responsibility is an affirmative defense Notes e. 4.01 must be proven by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence f. sociopaths/ psychopaths are not excusable under 4.01. 13. Attempts: MPC § 5.01 a. A person is guilty of an attempt to commit a crime if, acting with the kind of culpability otherwise required for the commission of the crime, he: ii. Purposely engages in conduct that would constitute the crime if the attendant circumstances were as he believed them to be; iii. When causing a particular result is an element of a crime, he does or omits to do something with the purpose of causing or with the belief that it will cause such a result without further conduct on his part; OR iv. Purposely does or omits to do anything which, under the circumstances as he believes them to be, is an act or omission constituting a substantial step b. Conduct is not considered a substantial step unless it is strongly corroborative of the actor’s criminal purpose ii. Lying in wait, searching for, or following the contemplated victim iii. Enticing or seeking to entice the contemplated victim to go to the contemplated place for the commission of the crime iv. Unlawful entry where it is contemplated that the crime will be committed v. Possession of materials which are to be used in the commission of the crime, which are designed for unlawful use or serve no lawful purpose under the circumstances vi. Soliciting an innocent agent to engage in conduct designed to aid c. Renunciation: when the actors conduct would otherwise constitute an attempt, it is an affirmative defense that he abandoned his effort or otherwise prevented its commission in a way that manifests a voluntary renunciation Notes d. Two kinds of attempts ii. Completed attempts - MPC 5.01(1)(a): D purposely engages in conduct which would constitute the crime if the attendant circumstances were as he believed them to be iv. Incomplete attempts - MPC 5.01(1)(c): D does or omits something which, under the circumstances as he believes them to be, constitutes a substantial step in a course of conduct to culminate in the commission of the crime v. * 5.01(1)(b) straddles both complete and incomplete attempts - complete attempt: when causing a particular result is an element of a crime and you have done everything to cause the result but you fail: shoot but miss - incomplete attempt: you have done everything you need to do to complete the attempt but you could still stop it. Light thefuse on a bomb, you don’t have to do anything else, but you could still stop it. “Lit fuse” attempts e. factually impossible attempts: there is a law, you know what the law is, and believe that you are violating it, but you are mistaken as to a fact. Guilty under these ii. knowing that hunting season starts October 15, believing today is the 14, and going hunting anyway. Made a mistake about a fact, i.e. what the date is. f. legally impossible attempts: there is no such law that you think you are violating. Cannot punish an attempt for something that is not illegal. ii. Believe that hunting season starts on October 16, knowing today is the 15 and going hunting anyway, when in fact hunting season starts on the 15. Made a mistake about what the law is. 14. Solicitation: MPC § 5.02 MPC a. A person is guilty of solicitation to commit a crime if with the purpose of promoting or facilitating its commission, he commands, encourages, or requests another person to engage in specific conduct which would constitute a crime or an attempt a crime, or establish his complicity in the commission or attempt b. It is immaterial that the actor fails to communicate with the person he solicits to commit a crime if his conduct was designed to effect such communication c. It is an affirmative defense that the actor, after soliciting another person to commit a crime, voluntarily persuaded him not to do so or otherwise prevented the commission of the crime Notes d. When you are guilty of soliciting a crime you are generally also guilty of an attempt under 5.01(3), but you can only be punished for one e. 5.02(1) includes soliciting attempts. You don’t solicit attempts, you solicit crimes, but if it fails and becomes an attempt, you solicited the attempt ii. cannot solicit someone to pickpocket a pocket you know to be empty f. solicitation has a mens rea requirement (purpose) and an actus reus requirement (encourage, request, or command) ii. double mens rea: you have to have the mens rea of purpose in that you want them to commit the crime, and the mens rea for the target crime that you want them to commit iii. solicitor does not care about the solicitees mental state while committing the target crime iv. must have purpose of promoting or facilitating the target crime v. actus reus requirement does not require that the command be explicit vi. if you have purpose that the target crime be committed, chance of success dos not matter vii. you can encourage someone to commit a crime without them knowing that it is your purpose- oblique solicitation viii. if you are indifferent, you lack purpose ix. unless condition justifies the crime, the conditional purpose does not negate criminality. May allow time for solicitor to change their mind 15. Conspiracy: MPC § 5.03 MPC a. A person is guilty of conspiracy with another person or persons to commit a crime if with the purpose of promoting or facilitating its commission he: ii. Agrees that one or more of them will engage in conduct which constitutes a crime, or an attempt or solicitation of the crime; OR iii. Agrees to aid in the planning or commission of a crime or the attempt or solicitation of the crime b. If a person guilty of conspiracy knows that a person with whom he conspired has conspired with another person or persons to commit the same crime, he is guilty of conspiring with them also, whether or not he knows their identity c. If a person conspired to commit a number of crimes, he is guilty of one conspiracy so long as the multiple crimes are the object of the same agreement or continual conspiratorial relationship d. It is an affirmative defense that the actor, after conspiring to commit a crime, thwarted the success of the conspiracy, voluntarily renouncing criminal purpose. e. If an individual abandons an agreement, the conspiracy is terminated as to him only if when he tells his coconspirators of his abandonment or informs law enforcement of the conspiracy and his participation Notes a. Close connection to solicitation. Conspiracies are usually preceded by solicitation. If a solicitation is accepted, you get a conspiracy b. Actus reus of a conspiracy is the agreement c. MPC treats an attempted agreement as an agreement. Under Common law, you need an actual agreement (compliance of all parties) d. Under MPC, if one party is found to be innocent, others can still be found guilty. Under common law, if one party is found innocent, all are innocent e. Mens rea of conspiracy i. Purpose of promoting or facilitating the actus reus of the target crime. Mental state surrounding the commission of the crime does not matter. You don’t care if the person committing the crime has the mens rea or not. f. Agreements do not need to be verbal, can be manifest by conduct g. Agreement does need to be transparent. Need reflexive mutual transparency. Mere knowledge is insufficient h. Cannot conspire to kill someone recklessly, but you can conspire to be reckless in a way that may kill someone i. A conditional purpose that does not negate the harm of the crime is immaterial, even if the conditional purpose is extremely unlikely j. Factual impossibilities do not get you out of conspiracy 16. Liability for the conduct of another; complicity a. 2.06(2) innocent instrumentality b. 2.06(3) a person is an accomplice c. complicity is not a crime, it is a way of being criminally liable for the conduct of another d. complicit not only by aiding, but also by attempting to aid e. 5.01(3): if you do something that would make you an accomplice under 2.06, and the principle doesn’t carry out the crime, you are guilty of an attempt f. Principle: the person who, with the requisite mens rea: ii. Physically commits the acts that constitute the offense; OR iii. Commits the offense by use of an innocent instrumentality g. Accomplice: a secondary party is an accomplice in the commission of an offense if he intentionally assists the principle to engage in the conduct that constitutes the crime. ii. Assists includes many forms of conduct: aiding, abetting, encouraging, soliciting, or advising in the commission of the offense h. changes from the common law ii. under MPC, to be complicit, the principle has to carry out the actus reus but he doesn’t have to be guilty. If principle cant be convicted, the accomplice still can be. i.e. if principle has a justification but accomplice does not. iii. under MPC, an attempt to aid can make you can accomplice. Under common law, you actually have to aid i. Cannot convict victim/ receiving party of crime an accomplice. You don’t convict statutory rape victim as an accomplice to commit statutory rape. You don’t convict drug purchaser as an accomplice to sell drugs. j. mere knowledge that your aid will be used to commit an offense is not sufficient, the actor must have the purpose to promote the actus reus of the crime k. if you are an accomplice, you are guilty of the crime that is committed or an attempt if no crime is actually committed l. getting out of a 5.01(3) attempt m. n. o. p. q. r. ii. take back all aid, OR iii. give timely warning to law enforcement purpose doesn’t have to be the ultimate purpose, may be an intermediate purpose conspiracy does not make one guilty as an accomplice under MPC, solicitation does. BUT usually a conspiracy is solicited. If commission of crime X is promoted, but crime Y is committed, does this matter? ii. At what point do you say the crime solicited wasn’t the crime committed? Crimes that occur in the commission of the solicited crime under MPC: ii. D is not an accomplice to crimes he did not solicit committed in the commission of the crime he did solicit iii. UNLESS the crimes are a strict liability element of the crime solicited (like with arson and homicide). Crimes that occur in the commission of the solicited crime under common law: ii. Pinkerton makes every conspirator complicit in every crime committed in the furtherance of a conspiracy If you solicit crime a, and crime b is committed and it is a lesser part of crime a, then you are complicit in crime b