cell structure theory type review for final

10. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus to hold their DNA, and
9. Unjumble the sentences below to form the three tenets of
cell theory.
a. are made all of cells organisms
b. and basic the cells are unit of things function in all structure living.
membrane-enclosed organelles that have specialized functions.
Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus around their DNA, no membrane
bound organelles, but they still make protein. List three things that
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells have in common.
c. from only cells cells pre-existing come
1-8 Hints. A eukaryotic cell is like a factory. Eukaryotic cells have a
nucleus to hold their DNA, and membrane-enclosed organelles that
have specialized functions. Parts of factories have functions that are
like the structures in cells. For example, chocolate factories make
chocolates, cells make proteins, and both use parts with similar
functions. Use the descriptions and diagrams on this page to identify
the cell parts and their function on the diagram on the back of this
The chocolate making machine
makes the individual chocolates
like a ribosome makes proteins.
The packaging and shipping center in the
chocolate factory wraps the chocolates and
loads them on trucks heading to stores like a
Golgi apparatus packages and exports proteins
from the cell.
The generator in the chocolate
factory provides usable energy like
the mitochondria of the plant cell
The recycling area helps the factory
breakdown worn-out parts into re-usable
pieces like the lysosome in the cell.
The walls, doors, and windows of the
chocolate factory control what gets in
and out of the factory like the cell
membrane of the cell. This results in
The conveyor belt that moves the
chocolates is like an endoplasmic
reticulum that helps transport proteins in
the cell.
The office in the chocolate factory stores the
information on how to make the chocolates
like a nucleus stores DNA/genetic information
about how to make proteins.
Identify each organelle or structure and
describe its function (what it does, it’s job).