Lee Tze Saw BAF3M Module 1 Activity 1 Q1. What is meant by financial position? Financial Position also call balance sheet which involve asset, liabilities and personal equity. The calculation of financial position is Total Value of Item one’s owned - Total debt = Personal Net worth Q2. Define asset and give an example. Asset is a certain thing that have its own value that own by a person or business. For instance, furniture and office appliance. Q3. A)Define liability and give an example. Liability is a debt that you owed a bank or a person, like bank loan and personal loan. B) Define owner’s equity Owner’s equity means a person net worth. Q4. What is the balance sheet equation? Balance sheet equation forms the basis of double entry accounting, with a formula of A= L+OE Asset= liabilities + personal equity Q5. What is a balance sheet? Balance sheet is a sheet that involve asset, liabilities and personal equity with specific date. Q6. Why did Rick Millar decide to go into business for himself? What risk did he take? The reason he decide to go business because he is very interest in sport and he has knowledge in business as he is degree graduates with athletics background. Rick Millar take a rick by using “Goldman’s Gym” name to open his gym centre in Niagara Region though he doesn't know how the outcome would be, plus need to pay for monthly fees to Goldman as using their name. Q7. How is the owner’s equity calculated? Total assets deduct total liabilities. Q8. In what order are assets listed on the balance sheet? Assets that last shorter can be convert to cash will be listed first then follow by things that last for longer or used for long time in business. For example: Cash Account receivable ( from customers) Office supplies Land Building Q9. In what order liabilities listed on the balance sheet? Liabilities listed according to date, the maturity date list first then follow by longest term. Example: Account payable Bank loan Mortgage loan