The legality of Trump tariffs on Chinese goods Лю цзыхао из экономического факультета The World Trade Organization (WTO) might be the first victim of the trade war between China, the United States, and the European Union. Today, each is in flagrant violation of its rules, and the institution’s credibility as the protector of a rules-based trading system is in serious doubt. As legal cover for its decision, the United States invoked a rarely used WTO clause that allows members to suspend some trade concessions on national security grounds. And WTO scholars agree that Trump did not violate the letter of the law. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Washington’s defense has been quite clear: According to the national security clause, the WTO cannot “prevent any contracting party from taking any action which it considers LOREM necessary for the protection of its essential security interests,” and only the United States can decide what is required to protect those interests. The tariffs plainly violate basic tariff commitments made by the United States under GATT Article II. with regard to the WTO, however, GATT Article XXI contains an exception to WTO obligations that allows a WTO member nation to take measures “it considers necessary” to protect “essential security interests” relating to traffic in goods and materials “carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment” or taken in time of “emergency in international relations.” The phrase “it considers necessary” makes Article XXI a provision that is “self-judging” and renders its invocation unreviewable at least to a degree. WTO rules require that whenever one member country believes that another has violated its trading rights, it must bring the matter to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body. Only this body can authorize retaliation. Since these countries acted wholly unilaterally in retaliating to Trump’s gambit, there is no question that they broke the rules. Following the steel and aluminum tariffs, the United States had imposed subsequent tariffs on imports from China worth $250 billion. (China, naturally, responded i n kind.) This time, the president used U.S. law—Section 301 of Trade Act of 1974—to justify the decision. U.S. officials complaint about Chinese licensing practices that the U.S. says appeared to violate the WTO’s intellectual pr operty agreement. The other U.S. accusations against China including unfair support of investment in U.S. assets to obtain technology - did not seem to involve the WTO. The WTO panel thinks the U.S. law conformed to WTO rules because the United States had “explicitly, officially, repeatedly and unconditionally” confirmed it would only employ Section 301 tariffs based on the outcome of a WTO dispute. Thank you!