WHAT’S NEW IN CMG SOFTWARE VERSION 2013 COPYRIGHT © 1987-2013 COMPUTER MODELLING GROUP LTD. 13.CMG.M1 CONTENTS IMPORTANT GENERAL CHANGES FOR 2013 AND FUTURE RELEASES IMPORTANT COMMON SIMULATOR CHANGES IN 2013 COMMON GRID PROCESSING CHANGES 1 2 2 Transmissibility Multipliers.....................................................................................................................................2 Improved Corner-Point Efficiency..........................................................................................................................2 Corner-Point to Node-Based Grid Conversion ......................................................................................................2 Parallel Grid Processing Enhancement.................................................................................................................2 Other New Keywords ............................................................................................................................................2 COMMON WELL MANAGEMENT CHANGES 3 Enhancement to AUTO DRILL Option...................................................................................................................3 New Operating Constraints for Wells ....................................................................................................................3 Operating Constraints in History Match Mode.......................................................................................................3 New Keywords *WTINCR, *GCONPINCR, *GCONIINCR.....................................................................................3 Enhancements to Existing Keywords ....................................................................................................................3 Enhancement of Trigger Capability .......................................................................................................................3 OTHER CHANGES 4 Geomechanics ......................................................................................................................................................4 Use of Compaction Tables in Recurrent Section...................................................................................................4 Separate Graphics/Restart SR2 Files ...................................................................................................................4 Flexibility in Restarting a Run................................................................................................................................5 Parallel Processing................................................................................................................................................5 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN IMEX 2013 SIMULATOR CHANGES 6 6 Initialization Regions Separate from PVT Regions................................................................................................6 Solver Technology (Improved Parallel Performance) ............................................................................................6 Other New Keywords ............................................................................................................................................6 TEMPLATE DATASET CHANGES 6 DATA INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF IMEX 7 What's New in CMG Software 2013 i IMPORTANT CHANGES IN GEM 2013 SIMULATOR CHANGES 8 8 Ion-Exchange Modelling........................................................................................................................................8 CBM Modelling......................................................................................................................................................8 Hydrocarbon Viscosity Defaulting..........................................................................................................................8 Dynamic Dimensioning of Reaction-Related Arrays..............................................................................................8 Temperature-Dependent Volume Shifts ................................................................................................................8 Other New Keywords ............................................................................................................................................8 WELL MANAGEMENT CHANGES 9 Enhancement to AUTO DRILL Option...................................................................................................................9 TEMPLATE DATASET CHANGES DATA INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF GEM IMPORTANT CHANGES IN STARS 2013 SIMULATOR CHANGES 9 10 11 11 New Keywords Related to Output .......................................................................................................................11 Thermal Conductivity...........................................................................................................................................11 PVT Sets .............................................................................................................................................................11 Relative Permeability...........................................................................................................................................11 Initialization .........................................................................................................................................................11 Parallel Processing..............................................................................................................................................12 New Recurrent Data............................................................................................................................................12 Enhancements to Existing Keywords ..................................................................................................................12 WELL MANAGEMENT CHANGES 12 Flexible Wellbore.................................................................................................................................................12 Other New Keywords ..........................................................................................................................................12 TEMPLATE DATASET CHANGES 13 DATA INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF STARS 14 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN CMOST 2013 GENERAL CHANGES What's New in CMG Software 2013 15 15 ii IMPORTANT CHANGES IN BUILDER/RESULTS 2013 GENERAL CHANGES - BUILDER 16 16 Polygon Manager ................................................................................................................................................16 Property Modifications.........................................................................................................................................16 Process Wizards .................................................................................................................................................16 Hydraulic Fracture Updates.................................................................................................................................16 Node-Based Grids...............................................................................................................................................16 GENERAL CHANGES - RESULTS 17 Results 3D...........................................................................................................................................................17 Results Report ....................................................................................................................................................17 Results Graph .....................................................................................................................................................17 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN WINPROP 2013 GENERAL CHANGES 18 18 Temperature-Dependent Volume Shift................................................................................................................18 STARS PVT ........................................................................................................................................................18 Lumping of Components .....................................................................................................................................18 Phase Diagram for Pure Component ..................................................................................................................18 New Phase Property Plots ..................................................................................................................................18 OTHER CHANGES IMPORTANT CHANGES IN LAUNCHER 2013 GENERAL CHANGES IMPORTANT CHANGES IN DATAIMPORTER 2013 GENERAL CHANGES What's New in CMG Software 2013 18 20 20 20 20 iii IMPORTANT GENERAL CHANGES FOR 2013 AND FUTURE RELEASES The 2013 General Release and subsequent/future releases are targeted for 64-bit operating systems and hardware only. Customers using 32-bit systems will be requested to use the 2012 release. What's New in CMG Software 2013 1 IMPORTANT COMMON SIMULATOR CHANGES IN 2013 Note: Except where indicated by the icons for the applicable simulators, the features listed in this section are for all three simulators—GEM, IMEX, and STARS. COMMON GRID PROCESSING CHANGES Transmissibility Multipliers New keyword *TRANSMULT allows the specification of the action to take (replacement or accumulation) when encountering successive transmissibility multipliers, in both the Reservoir Description and Recurrent Data sections. *REPLACE (the default) allows the current multiplier to be replaced by the new multiplier. *ACCUMULATE allows the current multiplier to be multiplied by the value that was just read in. *TRANSMULT may be altered in recurrent data to change the default *REPLACE option to *ACCUMULATE. New keyword *INTER_REGION_TM specifies the inter-region transmissibility multiplier between two adjacent regions defined by new keyword *TRANS_MULT_REGION. This option can be used to reduce or eliminate flow between two regions. Improved Corner-Point Ef ciency New *BLOCKS sub-keyword *RG lets you assign nodes (using *NODES and so on) to locally refined grids defined via *REFINE. The node-based corner-point keywords *NODES, *NODEX, *NODEY, *NODEZ, and *BLOCKS may use the *BINARY_DATA facility. Corner-Point to Node-Based Grid Conversion New keyword *CRNCON_NODE (or command line option ‘-crncon_node’) allows the corner-point grid to be converted into a node-based grid for internal representation within the simulator. This option has been found to speed up grid processing tasks especially for large models, at the expense of some increase in storage requirements. Node-based grids have been found to be very efficient for grids with a large number of refined cells (for example, hydraulically fractured wells modelled using the LS-LR-DK technique). Parallel Grid Processing Enhancement New keyword *GRIDPAR can optionally specify the number of threads to be used for parallel gridprocessing. For runs using parallel processing for Jacobian building and/or for linear solver, the number of threads for grid-processing are inherited from existing keywords and use of *GRIDPAR is not required. Other New Keywords New keywords *FLUX_SECTORNAMES and *FLUX_ISECTOR define flux sectors. This keyword was already available in IMEX. What's New in CMG Software 2013 2 COMMON WELL MANAGEMENT CHANGES Enhancement to AUTO DRILL Option *DRILLT allows the user to enter a time delay between successive well automatic drilling operations. It applies to the drilling priority specified by the *DRILLQ keyword to the case where the priority list is generated by a set of internal user-selected algorithms. New Operating Constraints for Wells A new type of well operating constraint has been introduced. The *WCUTBACK sub-keyword of *OPERATE specifies that a well will run on a reduced rate target of the specified control phase whenever it violates the base value of GOR, GLR, WOR, WGR or PRS constraint. This also affects other keywords that use the operating condition (*TARGET, *WTMULT, and *WTINCR). Operating Constraints in History Match Mode A new special history-matching mode has been added to allow treatment of (all) observed surface phase rates as a history matching constraint. The *OPERATE-HIST keyword signals that a well’s operating constraints, entered using the *OPERATE keyword, are historically observed rates, allowing the well to operate under the history matching mode. This control mode is useful for making the well produce/inject the correct amount of voidage from/to the reservoir or sectors before the mobility ratios are fully matched. Under history matching mode, it is possible to specify the reservoir fluid rate using sub-keyword *RSV. This converts the STC fluid rates entered by the *OPERATE keywords to reservoir fluid volumes. The reservoir volume (based on current reservoir conditions) is produced. *ALTER-HIST allows the modification of the historically observed flow rates. New Keywords *WTINCR, *GCONPINCR, *GCONIINCR *WTINCR allows the modification of any previously specified well constraint by applying an incremental value to that constraint. *GCONPINCR and *GCONIINCR allow the same incremental modification for production and injection groups. These keywords were already available in STARS. Enhancements to Existing Keywords For keywords *GCONP and *GCONI, sub-keyword *TARGET has been changed to *GTARGET to avoid confusion with primary keyword *TARGET. Support for sub-keyword *TARGET continues but may be withdrawn in the future. Enhancement of Trigger Capability A number of keywords have been added to enhance the current capability of triggers: • In addition to the instantaneous values of rates or production ratios, it is now possible to specify a moving average of a rate, GOR for example, over a specified time period using keyword *AVRGTIME as a trigger condition. • Ability to specify trigger conditions on lift gas for wells and/or groups. The lift gas rates, and cumulative and production ratios, such as GOR, can be specified as a trigger condition. • Ability to specify maximum and minimum in saturations, pressure or temperature for a sector. This adds to the previously available average saturation, pressure, and temperature in a sector. What's New in CMG Software 2013 3 OTHER CHANGES Geomechanics New keyword *STRESS_RETURN controls the method used to compute stress return to the yield surface. Previously the method was always *SUBSTEP, but new sub-keyword *GCPA allows you to specify the Cutting Plane Algorithm approach for Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager models. New keyword *GMONETONE specifies one-to-one mapping between the host grid and the geomechanics grid. This option allows for faster mapping between the two grids, especially when the host grid has local grid refinement. New keywords *GRSTRESTAB and *GRPRESTAB specify formation geomechanical properties that depend on effective mean stress and reservoir pressure respectively. New keywords *GAMALI, *GAMALJ, and *GAMALK define a geomechanics grid that is an amalgamated copy of the host simulator grid. The following new *GOUTSRF *GGRID sub-keywords let you plot radial and tangential stresses, and displacements for 3D radial grid. These sub-keywords are available also with *OUTSRF *GRID. STRESRAD: STRESTAN: ESTRESRAD: ESTRESTAN: DISPLRAD: DISPLTAN: Radial total stress Tangential total stress Radial effective stress Tangential effective stress Radial displacement Tangential displacement Use of Compaction Tables in Recurrent Data Section The gridblock *CTYPE value (compaction table number) can now be reassigned in the Recurrent Data section. This allows the user to realistically model processes where permeability modification vs. pressure behavior is added later in a run. Hydraulically fracturing and introducing fracture conductivity vs. pressure behavior in a new well partway through a simulation is an example of this. Refer to the IMEX and GEM user guides for further information, as some restrictions apply to the use of this feature in the Recurrent Data section. Separate Graphics/Restart SR2 Files The default behavior when writing out SR2 graphics and restart data has been changed, and a keyword and a command-line option to control if graphics and restart information in the SR2 files are combined or separated, for both input and output, have been added. In the case of IMEX, new default ‘*RESTART_SR2 *SEPARATE’ (-restart_sr2 separate) separates graphics and restart data. In the case of STARS, new default ‘*RESTART_SR2 *MAIN’ (-restart_sr2 main) combines graphics and restart data. Combined or separated SR2 files must be kept consistent, between initial and restart runs. The new IMEX default is to use the *SEPARATE option as this option requires less disk space and takes less CPU time for output due to writing the graphics data in single precision while writing restart data in double precision. The *MAIN option needs to write both graphics and restart data in double What's New in CMG Software 2013 4 precision to maintain restarting accuracy. See the *RESTART_SR2 keyword in the IO Control section of the simulator user guides for details on file naming conventions. GEM writes restart data in a separate file, with extension .rst. Flexibility in Restarting a Run New keywords *RESTIME and *RESDATE (and command-line argument “-resdate”, or “-restime”) let you specify a date from which to restart, as well as a timestep number. The *RESDATE ‘date’ and *RESTIME ‘time’ keywords can be used, in addition to *RESTART ‘num’, to make restarting of GEM, IMEX, and STARS runs more straightforward. Parallel Processing Partitioning of Linear Solver Domains in Two Dimensions New *PPATTERN sub-keyword *AUTOP2D specifies automatic parallel partitioning in two grid dimensions. This was already available in IMEX. What's New in CMG Software 2013 5 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN IMEX 2013 SIMULATOR CHANGES Initialization Regions Separate from PVT Regions Initialization regions may be specified using the *NREGIONS and *ITYPE keywords. Previous versions of IMEX linked PVT regions to initialization regions, so one PVT region was required for each initialization region. This is no longer the case. Older datasets are unaffected. Solver Technology (Improved Parallel Performance) Improvements to the implementation of parallelization in IMEX have allowed the simulator to run more efficiently on larger numbers of threads on shared-memory processors. Other New Keywords Pressure vs. Depth Table (*PREST) During non-equilibrium initialization, it is possible to assign block pressures using a table of reservoir pressures vs. depth for each PVT region. Previous versions of IMEX required the user to enter the entire pressure array. This option simplifies non-equilibrium initialization. Output of Well PI Based on an Approximation of the Well’s Drainage Pressure (*OUTSRF *WELL *PDRAIN, *PDRAIN-METHOD) Specification of *OUTSRF *WELL *PDRAIN initiates a more involved calculation of a well’s productivity index based on a flexible approximation of well drainage area/pressure. *PDRAINMETHOD controls how the approximate drainage pressure is calculated. Change the Minimum Oil Saturation Initially Placed in Each Block when Using API-Tracking Option (*APIMINSO) Using the API-Tracking Option, it was possible for the model not to initialize blocks with a small amount of oil (to prevent formulation issues) when using the *DEPTH_AVE option. This issue has been eliminated in this release. In addition, the initial minimum oil is now controllable using the *APIMINSO keyword in the Initialization section. TEMPLATE DATASET CHANGES The following table lists new or modified IMEX template dataset files: mxflu006.dat Demonstrates *PREST table input. mxsmo060.dat Demonstrates initialization regions. mxsmo061.dat Demonstrates *CTYPE in recurrent data. mxwwm055.dat Demonstrates *DRILLT. mxwwm056.dat Demonstrates gas lift triggers. mxwwm057.dat Demonstrates new sector triggers. mxwwm058.dat Demonstrates *AVRGTIME in triggers. mxwwm059.dat Demonstrates *OPERATE-HIST. What's New in CMG Software 2013 6 mxwwm060.dat Demonstrates *WCUTBACK in *OPERATE. mxwwm061.dat Demonstrates *PDRAIN well PI output option. DATA INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF IMEX None. What's New in CMG Software 2013 7 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN GEM 2013 SIMULATOR CHANGES Ion-Exchange Modelling The geochemical modelling capabilities of GEM have been enhanced to include simulation of the ion-exchange mechanism which involves replacement of one ion by another at the solid surface. The implementation allows modelling of low-salinity water flooding in GEM. CBM Modelling The CBM modelling capability has been enhanced by: • Adding a new priority ranking criterion based on production-potentials for queuing up the wells to an automatic drilling schedule. • Allowing the adsorption input to be modified by a per-gridblock-based multiplier to account for ash content, quality of the coal, and so on. • Simplifying the relative permeability input for CBM models by not requiring the input of the oil phase relative permeabilities. Hydrocarbon Viscosity Defaulting The system for defaulting viscosity parameters is now the same as for other EOS data; that is, the first EOS set uses internally stored defaults or calculated values for any data that is not specified. Dynamic Dimensioning of Reaction-Related Arrays The geochemical reaction-related arrays in GEM are now dynamically dimensioned to use storage more efficiently. GEM also removes the limit on number of reactions to be used for chemical equilibrium and mineral reactions, which was previously restricted to 50. Temperature-Dependent Volume Shifts GEM now supports the use of temperature-dependent volume shifts that can be activated by the input of linear temperature-dependent volume corrections for each component. Other New Keywords New Keywords Related to Parallel Processing New keywords are added that enable alignment of linear solver arrays during parallel processing (*AI_ALIGN, *FI_ALIGN, and *CACHE_ALIGN). These improvements allow the simulators to run more efficiently on a larger number of threads on shared memory processors. *AI_ALIGN is automatically turned on for runs undergoing frequent change in implicitness pattern. OpenMP scheduling for such runs is also adjusted, unless optionally set by the user. Simulator Performance Indicators Simulator performance indicators such as elapsed time, elapsed time rate, cumulative time steps, cumulative Newton cycles, cumulative solver iterations, cumulative timestep cuts, Newton cycles per timestep, solver iterations per Newton cycle, material balance error, average implicitness, and average memory usage for each time step, can now be written to the SR2 file as a special history, What's New in CMG Software 2013 8 for comparison of two or more runs. New sub-keyword *SIMPERF of *OUTSRF *SPECIAL allows the output of all of the above simulator performance indicators to be written to the special history. It is also possible to output them individually through new sub-keywords *ELTSCUM, *ELTSRATE, *TSTEPCUM, *NCYCCUM, *SOLITCUM, *TSCUTCUM, *NCYCPTS, *SOLITPN, *MBERROR, *AVGIMPL, and *MEMUSAGE. Output Enhancements *OUTSRF and *OUTPRN sub-keywords *OILH, *GASH, *WATH, and *FLUIDH have been added to facilitate the output of oil, water, gas, and total fluid enthalpies to the SR2/output files. *OUTSRF *SPECIAL sub-keywords *WSTRMOLDEN and *WSTRMASDEN have been added to facilitate the output of well-stream molar and mass densities. New sub-keyword *TAVG of *OUTSRF *SPECIAL allows the output of average reservoir temperature to the SR2 file. WELL MANAGEMENT CHANGES Enhancement to AUTO DRILL Option In addition to the enhancement outlined in Common Well Management Changes, keyword *DRILLT also provides the following for GEM: • Ability to specify the maximum number of wells with auto drill status that can be opened at one time. • Ability to specify a drainage radius for each of the listed production wells. The drainage radius is used to calculate in-place amounts for each well and surface stream. • Ability to specify an alternate phase for ranking wells with auto drill status. TEMPLATE DATASET CHANGES The following table lists new or significantly modified GEM template dataset files: gmsmo051.dat Demonstrates use of compaction table redefinition in recurrent section – LGR in Reservoir Description section. gmsmo052.dat Demonstrates use of compaction table redefinition in recurrent section – LGR in Recurrent Data section. gmsmo053.dat Demonstrates use of temperature-dependent volume shifts. gmsmo054.dat CBM modelling with simplified rel-perm input (via *KRCBM keyword). gmsmo055.dat CBM modelling with use of multiplying factor to adsorbed amounts calculated by Langmuir isotherm. gmsmo056.dat Ion-exchange modelling. A low-salinity water flood is simulated. gmsmo057.dat A companion template to gmsmo056.dat. Ion-exchange modelling is turned off for comparison with results from gmsmo056.dat. gmsmo058.dat CBM reservoir development with AUTODRILL. User-defined drainage radius of wells is used as an input to prioritize drilling of wells. gmsmo059.dat CBM reservoir development with AUTODRILL. A companion template dataset to gmsmo058.dat. Uses instantaneous production potential to prioritize drilling of wells. gmgmc054.dat Use of cutting plane algorithm (CPA) for plastic stress return. gmgmc055.dat Use of sub-stepping approach for plastic stress return. What's New in CMG Software 2013 9 gmgmc056.dat Use of keyword *GMONETONE with overlapping corner-point grids. gmgmc057.dat Use of *GRSTRESTAB (stress-dependent mechanical properties). gmgmc058.dat Use of *GRPRESTAB (pressure-dependent mechanical properties). gmgmc059.dat Use of amalgamating and contracting grid to output radial and tangential displacement, and effective stress. gmtrg014.dat Use of maximum reservoir-pressure criterion to control voidage replacement factor. gmtrg015.dat Use of gaslift rate and gaslift+gas production rate as trigger conditions. gmtrg016.dat Use of average time as trigger condition over which a moving average of a quantity is to be calculated. gmwwm101.dat Use of *OPERATE-HIST/*ALTER-HIST keywords. gmwwm102.dat Use of WCUTBACK constraint option. gmwwm103.dat Prioritization of drilling queue by ranking algorithm based on product of oil rate and oil in place (*DRILLQ *IPPDRNINP). gmwwm104.dat Companion template to gmwwm103.dat. The wells are assigned priority on the drill queue based on the IPP (instantaneous production potential). gmwwm105.dat Illustrate the ability to blend in a user-defined drilling priority list with the IPP (instantaneous production potential) based ranking algorithm. DATA INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF GEM Restarts generated from previous versions are not compatible with this version of the code due to additional reading/writing of data. What's New in CMG Software 2013 10 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN STARS 2013 SIMULATOR CHANGES New Keywords Related to Output Using new *OUTPRN sub-keyword *FLUX_SECTOR, you can write flux-sector reports to the text output file, at times specified by *WPRN *SECTOR. See *OUTPRN EXPLANATION section “FluxSector Reports” in the STARS User Guide for further information. New *OUTSRF sub-keyword *FLUX_SECTOR enables flux-sector reporting to the SR2 for plotting in Results. See the *OUTPRN EXPLANATION section of “Flux-Sector Reports” in the STARS User Guide. You can now plot heat loss statistics for individual grid directions using new *OUTSRF *SPECIAL sub-keywords DRHLOSSCUM and DRHLOSSRATE. You can plot the enthalpies used in the *PHWELLBORE model using new *OUTSRF *SPECIAL PHWELL sub-keyword ENTHALPY. New *OUTSRF *SPECIAL sub-keywords such as CRLLRATE, let you plot control and lumped well layers specified by *LAYERCLUMP in the “Recurrent Data” section of the STARS User Guide. Thermal Conductivity New keyword *THCONGTAB specifies thermal conductivities for modelling a gas blanket (reduced heat loss through gas-filled annulus). You can change the thermal conductivity dataset used by FlexWell and *PHWELLBORE *SAMODEL using new keywords *THTYPE_FLX and *THTYPE_SAM respectively. PVT Sets Multiple sets of PVT, K-value, and viscosity definitions for the same component(s) can now be specified using new keywords *PVTSET and *PTYPE. Fluid flow is not allowed between cells with different PVT sets. Most keyword options and controls (e.g., table versus correlation) must be the same across PVT sets. Relative Permeability New sub-keyword *KILLOUGH_MOD of the *KILLOUGH option of *HYS_KRO and *HYS_KRW lets you use a modified formulation of the Killough method for the wetting phase if its relative permeability hysteresis is required. Additional control of the non-wetting phase relative permeability hysteresis for Carlson and Killough methods is provided by new keywords *HYS_CFACTNW and *HYS_TRAPNW. Multi-point scaling for saturation endpoints of rock-fluid curves is now enabled through new keywords *3PTSCALING, *3PTSCAL_KRW, and so on. Initialization New keyword *GASZONE specifies the initial oil saturation in the gas zone when using the *DEPTH_AVE method. What's New in CMG Software 2013 11 Parallel Processing New keyword *AI_ALIGN is added to enable alignment of linear solver arrays during parallel processing. This allows the simulator to run more efficiently, on a larger number of threads, on shared memory processors. New Recurrent Data You can change the porosity function in the Recurrent Data section, on a per-cell basis, using new keywords *UPOR_CP, *UPOR_CT, and *UPOR_REF. Keywords *PERMI, *PERMJ, and *PERMK are now allowed in the Recurrent Data section, with some restrictions. Enhancements to Existing Keywords Viscosity sets (*VISCTYPE, *VSTYPE) have been merged into PVT sets, but pre-existing data with viscosity sets (and *PVTSET absent) is still supported. Hysteresis The context of keywords *HYS_CFACTG and *HYS_TRAPG has been changed from global (one instance applies to all relative permeability sets) to one instance per interpolation set. The default values of *HYS_TOLW, *HYS_REVW, *HYS_TOLG, and *HYS_REVG have been -6 -4 changed from 10 to 10 . Special Treatment of Fracture Cell Type Keyword *NORM has been enhanced to account for special treatment of fracture cell type. Previously fracture cells internally used two times the matrix *NORM values, and sometimes the resulting time-step sizes were not as expected and could not be controlled as required. The new treatment of *NORM ensures that fracture cells have a separate numerical set (*NUMSET, *NUMTYPE), so that the time-step size calculation for matrix/fracture cases is more controllable and transparent. To provide backwards compatibility, the fracture numerical set is created and seeded automatically, if needed. The same comments apply to the discretized wellbore cell type which used 5 times the matrix values. A fatal error message is issued if negative values are found for K-value correlation (keywords *KV1, *KV2, *KV3) in pressure range *MINPRES to *MAXPRES. If negative values occur only at high pressures, a *MAXPRES adjustment is suggested. WELL MANAGEMENT CHANGES Flexible Wellbore The following option has been added to the Flexible Wellbore feature. Information can be found in FlexWell_Keywords.doc in the STARS | DOC folder. • New keyword *SHUT-WELL controls the action of a Flexible Wellbore when all of its streams have been shut in: *OFF (no calculations), *ON (all calculations performed), and *COND-ONLY (full heat conduction, reduced fluid/heat convection). Other New Keywords You can now specify the injection-stream composition in terms of global mole fractions using new *INCOMP sub-keywords *WATER-GAS-Z, *WATER-OIL-Z, and *WATER-GAS-OIL-Z. What's New in CMG Software 2013 12 Using new keyword *INJ-TEMP, you can specify injection temperature without having to redefine the well via *INJECTOR/*OPERATE. You can reset a well index during the run using new keyword *SETPI. New *OUTSRF *SPECIAL sub-keywords (CRLLRATE, for example) let you plot control and lumped well layers specified by *LAYERCLUMP. *SAMODEL is now available with multiple parallel tubings. TEMPLATE DATASET CHANGES Fluid Types stflu055.dat Verify/illustrate *THCONGTAB in discretized wellbore. stflu056.dat Verify/illustrate *THCONGTAB in FlexWell. stflu057.dat Verify/illustrate *PVTSET/*PTYPE for heavy-oil SAGD. Geomechanics stgeo068.dat Verify/illustrate *STRESS_RETURN *GCPA. stgeo070.dat Verify/illustrate *GMONETONE with overlapping corner-point grids. stgeo071.dat Verify/illustrate *GRSTRESTAB (stress-dependent mechanical properties). stgeo072.dat Verify/illustrate *GRPRESTAB (pressure-dependent mechanical properties). stgeo073.dat Verify/illustrate *GEOGRID *CART with *GAMALI/J/K. Grid Options stgro065.dat Verify/illustrate *TRANSMULT *ACCUMULATE. stgro066.dat Verify/illustrate *BLOCKS *RG for node-based LGR. Simulator Options stsmo061.dat Verify/illustrate *UPOR_CP and *UPOR_CT. stsmo062.dat Illustrate *SOLVER *PARASOL with *PPATTERN *AUTOP2D. stsmo063.dat Verify/illustrate *3PTSCALING, *3PTSCAL_x. stsmo064.dat Verify/illustrate *GASZONE *NOOIL. stsmo065.dat Verify/illustrate *BINARY_DATA for *NODES, *BLOCKS. stsmo066.dat Verify/illustrate recurrent permeability - single porosity. stsmo067.dat Verify/illustrate recurrent permeability - dual porosity. stsmo068.dat Verify/illustrate *FLUX-SECTOR output - RC volume/mass. stsmo069.dat Verify/illustrate *FLUX-SECTOR output - RC/SC volume. 6b.dat Change: Add *RESDATE. Wells and Well Management stwwm015.dat Change: Add *DRILLT. stwwm056.dat STO group target with guide rates. stwwm057.dat STF group target with guide rates. stwwm058.dat Change: Add special history. stwwm083.dat Verify/illustrate *OPERATE-HIST and *ALTER-HIST. What's New in CMG Software 2013 13 stwwm084.dat FlexWell *SHUT-WELL *ON for shut-in production tubing. stwwm085.dat FlexWell *SHUT-WELL *COND-ONLY for shut-in production tubing. stwwm086.dat FlexWell *SHUT-WELL *COND-ONLY for shut-in injector. stwwm087.dat Verify/illustrate GOR well cutback constraint (*OPERATE *GOR *STG). stwwm088.dat Verify/illustrate mole-based *INCOMP for multi-phase co-injection. stwwm089.dat Verify/illustrate *INJ-TEMP to reset injection temperature. stwwm090.dat Verify/illustrate *SETPI *MULT and *MULTO to modify well indices. DATA INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF STARS Keyword *VSTYPE may not appear without keyword *VISCTYPE. Negative values of K-value correlation (*KV1, *KV2, *KV3) are no longer tolerated in the pressure range *MINPRES to *MAXPRES; instead, a *MAXPRES adjustment is suggested. Trigger *ON_WELL *TEMP is available for producers only. What's New in CMG Software 2013 14 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN CMOST 2013 GENERAL CHANGES CMOST 2013 will be shipped independently of the General Release. Please contact your Account Manager for further details. What's New in CMG Software 2013 15 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN BUILDER/RESULTS 2013 GENERAL CHANGES - BUILDER Polygon Manager A Polygon Manager has been added to the Builder interface. The purpose of this manager is to provide an easy way to select a range of grid blocks in the IJ-2D Areal view. Using the mouse, virtually any boundary can be created. Based on where the mouse is clicked, any block wLWKD FHQWURLGWKDWLVZithin the boundarywill be included. The PolygonManager alsoprovides a way to create sectors or property modifications and apply them to thepolygonVWKDWhave been defined. If polygons exist, they can also be used to create reporting groups based on wells that are defined within the polygon boundary. Property Modifications It is now possible to choose whether or not you want to remove, incorporate or retain MOD information associated with properties. These options will appear when you try to calculate properties which have a MOD keyword associated with them, or when you are combining layers in a dataset with MOD keywords. Properties can be modified at later dates, if the properties being modified are allowed in the Recurrent Data section (e.g. permeability). When Builder writes out these modifications at later dates, they will appear as new keyword definitions for the range of blocks selected. Consequently, the “MOD” keyword will not be seen and the use of operators other than “=” will not be allowed for later dates. Process Wizards A new LTO combustion model has been added. When it is combined with classic burning reactions, it gives results that duplicate lab results better than previous models. The calculation method for stoichiometric coefficients for all classic burning reactions has been changed to include a hydrogen balance between reactants and products. The input method for reaction enthalpy has been changed for classic burning reactions so that the user inputs a value normally measured in the lab (gross heat of combustion from a bomb calorimeter). The various reaction rates, reactions orders, etc., have been changed to help reduce material balance errors when running with STARS. This will provide better results when working with smaller models and smaller blocks. Hydraulic Fracture Updates When selecting a well or a specific date in the hydraulic fractures dialog, the option “Delete Fractures” is now enabled so it is easy to delete multiple fractures for the same well or the same date. Node-Based Grids The ability to edit node-based grids has been added. After converting to a node-based grid, it is now possible to add Cartesian refinement, or split/combine layers in the grid. What's New in CMG Software 2013 16 GENERAL CHANGES - RESULTS Results 3D • No changes. Results Report • No changes. Results Graph • No changes. What's New in CMG Software 2013 17 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN WINPROP 2013 GENERAL CHANGES Temperature-Dependent Volume Shift A linear temperature-dependent volume shift model has been implemented in WinProp. This model is useful for matching density data over a range of temperatures, especially for heavy oils. The temperature-dependent parameter in the model may be adjusted via regression, or estimated with a correlation. This model is also available in GEM. The previous temperature-dependent volume shift formulation is still available; however, it cannot be adjusted in regression and is not available in GEM. STARS PVT It is now possible to specify both Basic STARS PVT and STARS K-value generation in a single calculation option. The previous behavior of running only one of these calculations is still available. Lumping of Components The data entry window for the Lumping option has been modified. It is now possible to enter the pseudo-component number for any individual component directly in the lumping scheme table. This allows lumping of non-adjacent components. All existing Lumping datasets will run as before, but will be converted to the new data entry format when opened in WinProp. Phase Diagram for Pure Component It is now possible to generate a pure component Pressure-Temperature diagram (vapor pressure curve) using the Two-Phase Envelope calculation option. No changes in input are required. This feature will be active if only one component is defined, or if only one component in a multicomponent system has a non-zero composition. New Phase Property Plots Phase enthalpy, heat capacity, and entropy are now available to be plotted via the Plot Control tab for the two-phase flash, multiphase flash, and multi-phase with solid flash. OTHER CHANGES • The functionality for exporting plot data to XML has been completed, allowing the export of all plot data for all calculation options, export of all plot data for one calculation option, or export of plot data for one plot. • Options for the Component Selection/Properties window have been added to delete multiple components, and to duplicate the current component. A button to “Update Component Properties” has also been added. This feature was previously accessed only through the menu bar. What's New in CMG Software 2013 18 • Default binary interaction parameters and volume shifts have been modified for some library components, particularly for the SRK EOS. • Excess enthalpy, heat capacity, and entropy may be calculated using the Lee-Kesler EOS/corresponding states model, to allow comparison of this model with excess properties calculated directly from the cubic EOS. What's New in CMG Software 2013 19 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN LAUNCHER 2013 GENERAL CHANGES • No changes. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN DATAIMPORTER 2013 GENERAL CHANGES • DataImporter recognizes and supports SCALECRS. The SCALECRS keyword is translated directly into a *3PTSCALING entry, with the YES/NO arguments mapping to ON/OFF respectively. What's New in CMG Software 2013 20