4th quarter revisin sheet answer


Al-Oruba International Schools


Grade 12 Review sheets

Model Answer

Complete the following:

1- Gender roles are The specific behaviors and attitudes that a society establishes for men and women.

2- Sociologist interpret cross-cultural variation as evidence that gender roles are socially created.

3- Gender is the behavioral and psychological traits considered appropriate for men and women

4- Extended family consists of two or more generations. while

Family of procreation consists of the individual, his or her spouse, and their children

5- Monogamy is marriage to only one person at a time

6- Polyandry is the pattern of marriage which allows a woman to marry more than one man at a time.

7- Egalitarian means that the mother and the father share authority

8- Family is the most universal social institution.

9- Polyandry was a result of female infanticide

10- Tertiary level of kinship includes the primary relatives of the individual's secondary relatives.

11- Max Weber referred to legitimate power as authority

12- in Rational- Legal authority, Power is based on formal rules and regulations.

13- in Authoritarianism , power rests firmly with the state.

14- Junta are a small group has seized power from the previous government by force.

15- Dictatorship means power is in the hands of single individual.

16- Absolute Monarchy is An authoritarian system in which the hereditary ruler holds absolute power.

17- Totalitarianism is the most extreme form of authoritarianism.

18- Primary kinship includes seven possible categories.

19- Cherismatic authority based on the characteristics of a person in power.

20- Traditional authority last for the life of the leader and based on long-standing


21- Bilocality allows the newly married couple to choose whether they live

near the husband's or the wife's family.

22- Secondary level includes primary relatives of an individual’s primary relatives

23- Coercion it is the exercise of power through force or the threat of force and it is

based on fear.

Answer the following:

1 - How did the degree taken on a gender identity affect a person ?

the degree to which a person takes on a gender identity affects his or her response

to the gender roles established by a society as a whole.

2- What are the reasons of social inequality in terms of gender?

a) human reproduction kept women pregnant or nursing children at home.

b) according to men's control of economic and political spheres, they passed laws

blocked women access to power

c) institutionalized discrimination because sexism became part of society

3 - What are the conditions needed for democracy?

a) Industrialization b) access to information

c) Limits on power d) shared values

4- why is constitutional monarchy considered a democracy? because the ultimate power rests with elected officials

5 - What are the functions of family?

a) Regulations of sexual activity

b) reproduction

c) socialization

d) Economic and emotional security

6- What is meant by "Democracy"?

In a democracy, power is exercised through the people.

Define the following:

1- Sexism: the belief that one sex is by nature is superior to the other

2- Gender Identity: The awareness of being masculine or feminine

3- Patriarchy :A system in which men are dominant over women

4- Polygyny: a man is permitted to marry more than one woman at a time.

5- Neolocality : : The newly married couple is free to set up a residence apart of both parents

6- Matriarchy : The family in which the mother holds most of the authority.

7 - Incest taboo: A norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain

relatives .

8- kinship: a network of people who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption

9- Family: network of people who are related by marriage, blood , or adoption

10 Marriage : is a set of norms that establishes and characterize the relationship between married individuals .

11- Power: The ability to control the behavior of others with or without their consent

12- Political Institution: A system of roles and norms that govern the distribution and exercise of power in a society

13- Legitimacy: when power is exercised with the consent of people being governed.

Put ( √ ) or ( × ) and correct the wrong ones :

1- The most common form of polygamy is polyandry.

( F )

The most common form of polygamy is polygyny

2 - the family of orientation is a nuclear family in which the person is born

or adopted. ( T )

3- Polygny is allowing a man to marry more than one woman at a time. ( T )

4- Extended family consists of one or both parents and their children. . ( F )

Nuclear family consists of one or both parents and their children

5- Traditional authority belongs to the office not to the person. . ( F )

Rational-Legal authority belongs to the office not to the person. .

6- Patrilocality refers to that the couple are expected to live near the wife's

parents . ( F )

Patrilocality refers to that the couple are expected to live near the husband's

parents .


Matrilocality refers to that the couple are expected to live near the wife's

parents .

7- Secondary level of kinship includes the primary relatives of the individual's tertiary

relatives. ( F )

Tertiary level of kinship includes the primary relatives of the individual's Secondary


8- Secondary level of kinship includes 150 possible categories.

( F )

Tertiary level of kinship includes 150 possible categories.

Or Secondary level of kinship includes 30 possible categories.

9- Coercion is the opposite of authority ( T )

10- Tadtional Authority belongs to the office , not the person ( F )

Rational-Legal Authority belongs to the office , not the person

11- Tadtional Authority lasts for the life of the leader ( T )

12- Matrilineal descent means that kinship is traced through both parents. ( F )

Bilateral descent means that kinship is traced through both parents.

Or Matrilineal descent means that kinship is traced through the mother’s side
