TITLE: Career Exploration TEACHER: Chris Bishop COURSE: SPOKES DURATION: 2 weeks Content- What will Students Learn? Career exploration, Budget Management, Employment portfolio, Goal setting, Customer Service, WV Welcome CAREER/TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Resume- JS.1.1, JS.1.3 Career Planning- CP.1.1, JS.1.1, 1.3 Welcome WV-PWA 1.2, 1.4 Bring Your A Game- PWA.1.1,1.3 Budgeting- M.2.5, US.1.2 LE.K.8.4 Demonstrate knowledge of personal qualities and abilities needed for career success. LE.K.8.3 Demonstrate knowledge of attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement. ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Literacy Cover Letter Resume Goal Setting Career Exploration Inventory Math Budgeting: personal and survival budget 21ST CENTURY SKILLS Creativity/Innovation Critical Thinking Problem Solving Communications/Collaboration Information/Media/Tech Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy Technical Literacy Life/Career Skills LE.P.2.8 Recognize the importance of courtesy and respect for customers and colleagues and maintain good interpersonal relationships. Flexibility/Adaptability L.E.1.14 Determine strategies for coping with various problems. L.E.1.11 Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate etiquette in social situations. Social/Cross-Cultural Skills Initiative/Self-Direction SCENARIO/PROBLEM/ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS You are an adult student. You are faced with seeking a job. You must overcome your barriers to become employed. Once you have decided on a career plan and an employment portfolio, you will participate in a mock interview to a panel of employers. FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Quizzes/Tests Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Notes/Graphic Representations X Essay Test Rough Draft X Written Product with Rubric X Practice Presentation X Oral Presentation with Rubric X Preliminary Plans/Goals/Checklists of Progress X Other Product or Performance with Rubric X Journal/Learning Log X Self-Evaluation or Reflection X Evaluation by Authentic Audience X Other: MODIFICATIONS/SUPPORT/EXTENSIONS Briefly Describe the Learning Activities for Each Day Week 1 Day 1 Orientation/Paperwork Week 2 Day 6 Goal Setting- creating smart goals Day 2 Introduction to Career Exploration, using CFWV.org Day 3 Employment PortfolioResume Day 4 Employment Portfoliocover letter, references Day 5 Budget Management Lesson Day 7 Job Search- enrolling with workforce Day 8 Communicating with the public- customer service Day 9 Welcome WV Hospitality certification Day 10 Mock Interview Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Week 3 Day 11 Week 4 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20