CHAPTER 5 NOTES (Autosaved)

Physical changes
Cognitive changes
Language development
Early childhood education
Body growth and change
o Average growth is 2½ inches and 5-7 pounds per year
o Gender differences
Girls are slightly smaller and lighter than boys
Girls have more fatty tissue, boys have more muscle tissue
o Trunk of the body lengths
o Body fat shows a slow, steady decline
The brain
o Continuing development of brain and nervous system
Increasing brain maturation linked to emerging cognitive abilities
o Rapid, distinct growth spurts
Most rapid growth in the prefrontal cortex from 3-6 years
Myelination: Process through which axons are covered with a layer of fat cells
o Increases speed and efficiency of information traveling through the nervous
o Linked to attention, hand-eye coordination, higher-level thinking skills
o Children with higher cognitive ability showed increased myelination by 3 years of
o Poverty and parenting are linked to the development of the brain
o Higher levels of maternal sensitivity in early childhood associated with higher
total brain volume
Gross motor skills
o Simple movements at age 3
o More adventurous at age 4
o Hair-raising risks at age 5
Fine motor skills
o Still clumsy at 3 years
o More precise fine motor coordination at 4 years
o Coordination continues to improve by 5 years
Overweight young children
o Serious health problems in early childhood
o Strongly influenced by caregivers’ behavior
o Determined by body mass index
o U.S. has second highest rate of childhood obesity
o Viewing as little as one hour of television daily was associated with an increase in
body mass index (BMI) between kindergarten and first grade
o When mothers participate in prenatal and early childhood WIC progrygs, young
children showed short-term cognitive benefits
o Children showed longer-term reading and math benefits Emotions: Feeling, or
affect, that occurs when a person is in a state or interaction that is important to
him or her
Biological and environmental influences
o Facial expressions of basic emotions same across cultures
o Emotion-linked interchange provides foundation for the infant’s developing
attachment to the parent
o Social relationships
Provide the setting for the development of a rich variety of emotions
o Display rules are not universal
Govern when, where, and how emotions should be expressed
o Guideline: young children get average of 15 or more minutes physical activity per
hour over a 12-hour period
Or about 3 hours per day total
o Vigorous physical activity linked to lower probability of being overweight or
o Sixty minutes of physical activity per day in preschool academic contexts
improved early literacy
Illness and death
o Leading causes of death in early childhood in U.S. are:
Cardiovascular disease
o Safety influenced by:
Children’s own skills and safety-related behaviors
Characteristics of their family, home, school, peers, and community
o Parental smoking is a major danger to children’s health
Piaget’s Preoperational Stage (ages 2-7)
o Children represent the world with words, images, and drawings
o Children form stable concepts and begin to reason
o Cognitions are dominated by egocentrism and magical beliefs
o Children do not yet perform operations – reversible mental actions
Symbolic function substage (ages 2-4): Child gains the ability to mentally represent an
object that is not present
o Two important limitations:
Egocentrism: Inability to distinguish one’s own perspective from
someone else’s
Animism: Belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are
capable of action
Early emotions
Intuitive thought substage (ages 4-7): Children use primitive reasoning and want to
know the answers to questions
o “Why?” questions signify an interest in reasoning
o Two important limitations:
Centration: Centering attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of
all others
Conservation: Altering a substance’s appearance does not change its
basic properties
Vygotsky’s social constructivist approach
o Emphasizes social contexts of learning
o Construction of knowledge through social interaction
Zone of proximal development (ZPD): Range of tasks that are too difficult for the child
alone but that can be learned with guidance
o Scaffolding - Changing the level of support
o More-skilled person adjusts amount of support to fit child’s current performance
Language and thought
o Children use speech to communicate socially and to help them solve tasks
o Private speech - Use of language for self-regulation
Important tool of thought during early childhood
Children internalize inner speech, which becomes their thoughts
More private speech = more social competence
Evaluating Vygotsky’s theory
o Vygotsky was not specific enough about age-related changes
o Overemphasized the role of language in thinking
o How much is too much collaboration and guidance?
Attention - Focusing of mental resources on select information
o Executive attention:
Action planning
Allocating attention to goals
Error detection and compensation
Monitoring progress on tasks
Dealing with novel or difficult circumstances
o Sustained attention: Focused and extended engagement with object, task, event,
or other aspect of the environment
Children make advances in both forms of attention
o Greatest increase in sustained attention during early childhood
Deficiencies in attention
o Salient versus relevant dimensions
o Planfulness
Ability to control and sustain attention is related to school readiness
Memory - Retention of information over time
o Short-term memory: Individuals can retain information up to 30 seconds with no
Increases during early childhood
Assessed with memory span task
Myelination in a number of brain areas was linked to young children’s
processing speed
o Memory span increases with age
Rehearsal - repeating information after it has been presented
Used more often as a memory strategy among older children
Speed and efficiency of processing also increases memory span
How accurate are young children’s long-term memories?
o Age differences in children’s susceptibility to suggestion
o Individual differences in susceptibility
o Interviewing techniques can produce substantial distortions in children’s reports
about highly salient events
Autobiographical memory
o Memory of significant events and experiences in one’s life
o Young children’s memories take on more autobiographical characteristics
Executive function (EF):
o Umbrella-like concept that encompasses higher-level cognitive processes:
Managing one’s thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and self
Secure attachment to mother during toddler years linked to higher levels
of EF at 5 to 6 years of age
High levels of control by fathers predicted a lower level of EF in 3-yearolds
Peer problems in early childhood was linked to lower EF later in
In early childhood, there are developmental advances in:
o Cognitive inhibition
o Cognitive flexibility
o Goal-setting
o Delay of gratification
o Emergent literacy and vocabulary development
Advances in executive function linked to school readiness
Sustained Attention: involves focused and extended engagement with an object, task,
event, or other aspect of the environment
o Preschool sustained attention was liked to a greater linked to a greater likelihood
of completing college at 25 years of age
Theory of mind: Awareness of one’s own mental process and the mental processes of
o Ages 2 to 3 - Children begin to understand the following three mental states:
o Ages 4-5
Realization that others have false beliefs
o Individual differences
Prefrontal cortex function and various aspects of social interaction
Secure attachment
Mental state talk
Having older siblings
Friends who engage in mental state talk
Individual differences in ages in which children reach milestones of theory of mind
o Parents who talk to children about feelings frequently
o Children with autism
o Symbolic skills
o Language development
Phonology: Sound system of a language, including the sounds used and how they may be
During preschool years, children:
o Become sensitive to the sounds of spoken words
o Produce all the sounds of their language
o Demonstrate a knowledge of morphology rules
Use plurals, possessives, prepositions, articles, and verb forms
Morphology: Units of meaning involved in word formation
Learn and apply rules of syntax
o Syntax: Involves the way words are combined to form acceptable phrases and
Growing mastery of complex rules for how words should be ordered
o Semantics: Meaning of words and sentences
o Pragmatics: Appropriate use of language in different contexts
Young children’s literacy
o Parents and teachers provide supportive atmosphere for developing literacy skills
Children should participate in a wide range of listening, talking, writing,
and reading experiences
Instruction should be built on what children already know about language,
reading, and writing
o Strategies for using books effectively with preschool children
Use books to initiate conversation
Use what and why questions
Encourage children to ask questions about stories
Choose some books that play with language
Child-centered kindergarten
o Emphasizes education of the whole child and promoting physical, cognitive, and
socioemotional development
o Principles of child-centered kindergarten:
Each child follows unique developmental pattern
Learn best through firsthand experiences with people and materials
Play is important in child’s total development
Montessori approach
o Child is given freedom and spontaneity in choosing activities
o Seeks to develop “self-regulated problem solvers who can make choices and
manage time effectively”
o Deemphasizes verbal interactions in socioemotional development
Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP)
o Based on typical developmental patterns of children within a particular age span
o Uniqueness of each child (individual-appropriateness)
Education for young children who are disadvantaged
o Project Head Start
Compensatory program designed to provide children from low-income
families opportunity to acquire the skills and experiences important for
success in school
Represents the largest federally-funded program for U.S. children
Improved parenting engagement and skills in the success of Head Start
Controversies in early childhood education
o Early childhood curriculum
Child-centered, constructivist approach, along the lines of
developmentally appropriate practice
Academic, direct instruction approach
o Universal preschool education