NAME 20 Multiple choice questions 1. explain why a cell membrane is called a fluid mosaic A. the fluid mosaic model states that phospholipids bilayer behaves like a fluid, and the lipids and proteins constantly moves in a cell B. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus C. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape D. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape 2. plasma membrane allows certain molecules to enter/leave the cell interact with its environment A. get rid of wastes Robert Hooke ( nonliving cells) B. Anton van Leeuwenhoek ( living cells) C. cell outer boundary that acts as a barrier between the inside and outside of cell D. region of cell within the plasma membrane that includes the fluid, cytoskeleton except nucleus 3. as a cell becomes smaller it surface are to volume will_______? A. it reflects the function B. increase C. central vacoule D. cellulose 4. what are the three basic parts of a cell and their function? A. as organisms evolve cells couldn't survive independently, so a group of cells that carry out specialized jobs is a tissue, group of tissues is a organ, and a group of organs is a organ system t hat does a specialized job B. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape C. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus D. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna 5. which organelle help plant cells keep rigid? A. mitochondria chloroplast B. it reflects the function C. cellulose D. central vacoule 6. how are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ? A. the fluid mosaic model states that phospholipids bilayer behaves like a fluid, and the lipids and proteins constantly moves in a cell microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape B. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus C. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna D. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger 7. what are the three basic principles of a cell theory microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape A. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape 1. all living organisms are compose of one or more cells 2. cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms B. 3. cells come fro the reproduction of existing cells plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus C. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna D. as organisms evolve cells couldn't survive independently, so a group of cells that carry out specialized jobs is a tissue, group of tissues is a organ, and a group of organs is a organ system t hat does a specialized job 8. who was the first scientist to observe living and nonliving cells? A. cell outer boundary that acts as a barrier between the inside and outside of cell microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape B. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape C. as organisms evolve cells couldn't survive independently, so a group of cells that carry out specialized jobs is a tissue, group of tissues is a organ, and a group of organs is a organ system t hat does a specialized job Robert Hooke ( nonliving cells) D. Anton van Leeuwenhoek ( living cells) 9. cytoplasm A. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger B. region of cell within the plasma membrane that includes the fluid, cytoskeleton except nucleus allows certain molecules to enter/leave the cell interact with its environment C. get rid of wastes D. part of cytoplasm that includes molecules and small particles but not membrane bound organelles 10. whats the main component of cell wall A. central vacoule B. cellulose C. it reflects the function D. cell surface area to volume ratio 11. cytosol A. part of cytoplasm that includes molecules and small particles but not membrane bound organelles B. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger allows certain molecules to enter/leave the cell interact with its environment C. get rid of wastes D. region of cell within the plasma membrane that includes the fluid, cytoskeleton except nucleus 12. What are the characteristics shared by living things? A. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape B. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape C. organized parts, energy obtained from its surroundings, reproduce, change with time, perform chemical reactions, and respond to their environments plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus D. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna 13. function of mitochondria allows certain molecules to enter/leave the cell interact with its environment A. get rid of wastes B. transfer energy to atp from organic molecules C. cell surface area to volume ratio D. two phospholipids, and proteins 14. what are cell membrane made out of? A. two phospholipids, and proteins B. it reflects the function C. cell surface area to volume ratio D. mitochondria chloroplast 15. functions of plasma membrane? A. transfer energy to atp from organic molecules allows certain molecules to enter/leave the cell interact with its environment B. get rid of wastes C. part of cytoplasm that includes molecules and small particles but not membrane bound organelles D. region of cell within the plasma membrane that includes the fluid, cytoskeleton except nucleus 16. whats the relationship between cells, organs, organ systems, and tissues? microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape A. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus B. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna C. as organisms evolve cells couldn't survive independently, so a group of cells that carry out specialized jobs is a tissue, group of tissues is a organ, and a group of organs is a organ system t hat does a specialized job D. it reflects the function 17. what are the three components of cytoskeleton and function plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus plasma membrane acts a barrier to protect inside and outside of cell cytoplasm is contents between plasma membrane and nucleus A. nucleus is the brain of cell that carry coded info in the form of dna B. as organisms evolve cells couldn't survive independently, so a group of cells that carry out specialized jobs is a tissue, group of tissues is a organ, and a group of organs is a organ system t hat does a specialized job C. prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelle and since it lack a nucleus dna is just floating around, and eukaryotic cells are bigger microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments microtubules: maintain cell shape microfilaments: maintenance and changing of cell shape D. intermediate filaments: maintain nucleus shape 18. what organelles contain their own dna and was aid to be evidence in prokaryotes? A. central vacoule B. mitochondria chloroplast C. two phospholipids, and proteins D. it reflects the function 19. Whats the relationship between cell shape and cell function A. as organisms evolve cells couldn't survive independently, so a group of cells that carry out specialized jobs is a tissue, group of tissues is a organ, and a group of organs is a organ system t hat does a specialized job B. mitochondria chloroplast C. it reflects the function D. cellulose 20. what limits the the growth of cells? A. cellulose B. cell surface area to volume ratio C. central vacoule D. two phospholipids, and proteins