Advanced Topics in Image Analysis and
Machine Learning
Image Degradation and
Week 02
Faculty of Information Science and Engineering
Ritsumeikan University
Today’s class outline
– Overview of Soft Computing
  Definition
  Applications
  Techniques
– Genetic Algorithms
  Introduction
to Genetic Algorithms
– Image Restoration Project
Soft Computing:
A Brief Introduction
Soft vs. Hard Computing
Hard Computing, the normal programming that we
do, requires precise and known in advance
algorithms that generate the exact solution
Soft Computing differs from conventional hard
computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is
tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and
Soft Computing is to find approximate solutions to
both imprecisely and precisely formulated problems
Soft Computing: The Idea
Exploit the tolerance for imprecision,
uncertainty and partial truth to achieve
tractability, robustness, and low solution cost
  There are many intractable problems in the
world that have no known polynomial
algorithm available for their solutions (e.g.
VLSI layout design, cargo placement /
packing optimisation, etc.)
Soft Computing Applications
Handwriting and speech recognition
  Image processing and data compression
  Automotive system control and
  Decision-support systems (planning and
scheduling, etc.)
  Artificial vision systems
  Consumer electronics control
  …
Techniques of Soft Computing
Soft Computing includes three major
complementary groups of techniques:
- Evolutionary Computation: Genetic
Algorithm (GA) and Genetic
- Neurocomputing: Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) and Machine Learning
- Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Rough
Sets, and Probabilistic Reasoning
Overview of the Techniques
 Evolu&onary Computa&on: the algorithms for search and op&miza&on  Neurocompu&ng: the algorithms for learning and curve fi<ng  Fuzzy Logic and Probabilis&c Reasoning: the algorithms for dealing with decision‐making imprecision and uncertainty, and Rough Sets: the approach to handle uncertainty arising from the granularity in the domain of discourse Evolutionary Computation:
Genetic Algorithm
The idea (by John Holland, in 1970s):
- Evolution works biologically so, maybe, it will
work with simulated environments
- Each possible solution (whether good or bad) is
represented by a chromosome – a pattern of bits
which works as DNA. Then:
Determine the better solutions
Mate these solutions to produce new solutions which
are (hopefully) occasionally better than the parents
Repeat this for many generations
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
ANN Training
 ANN’s are trained in a variety of ways.  During the training process, the weights for links among the different neurons are modified un&l the desired output is generated for each input case used in the training process OUTPUT
.2 .1
Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
Sets with fuzzy boundaries
- Consider a set of tall people
Crisp set A
Fuzzy set B
Rough Sets
A rough set is a set with vague boundaries.
By comparison, a regular set has sharp
boundaries, that is, elements on the
boundary either belong to the set or do not
belong to it.
Rough Sets
Set membership of elements on the boundary of
a rough set is undetermined, i.e., it is not known
whether they belong to the set or not.
A rough set is characterised by its lower
approximation, that is, a collection of elements
which belong to the set for sure, and its upper
approximation, that is a collection of elements
which may belong to a set.
A boundary of a rough set is defined as a
difference between the upper approximation
and the lower approximation.
Simulated Annealing: The
A simple, smooth 2D
Global Maximum
A real-world problem
Optimisation problem:
Search of the global
Simulated Annealing: The Idea
(Physical) annealing is the process of
slowly cooling down a substance (like a
heated liquid metal)
Simulated annealing is a stochastic
optimisation method implemented by the
Metropolis Algorithm (Monte Carlo):
–  Current thermodynamic state = solution (hopefully, the
global maximum)
-  Energy equation = objective function
-  “Ground” (stable) state = global optimum
Genetic Algorithm (GA) OVERVIEW
A class of probabilistic optimisation
  Inspired by the biological evolution process
  Uses concepts of “Natural Selection” and
“Genetic Inheritance” (Darwin 1859)
  Originally developed by John Holland (1975)
  Special Features:
– Traditionally emphasizes combining
information from good parents (crossover)
– There are many GA variants, e.g.,
reproduction models, operators
GA overview (cont)
Particularly well suited for hard problems where
little is known about the underlying search space
Widely-used in business, science and engineering
Holland’s original GA is now known as the simple
genetic algorithm (SGA). Other GAs use different:
–  Representations
–  Mutations
–  Crossovers
–  Selection mechanisms
Function Optimisation
GA's are useful for solving
multidimensional problems containing
many local maxima (or minima) in the
A real-world problem
solution space
A simple optimisation
problem (no need to use a
GA to solve this!)
A standard method of finding maxima or
minima is via the gradient
decent (gradient ascent) method
I found
the top!
Problem: this method may find only a local
Genetic Algorithm: the Idea
My height
is 13.2m
My height
is 10.5m
My height
is 7.5m
My height
is 3.6m
The Genetic Algorithm uses
multiple climbers in parallel to
find the global optimum
Genetic algorithm – some iterations
A climber has approached the
“global maximum”
I found
the top!
GA Stochastic operators
Selection replicates the most successful
solutions found in a population at a rate
proportional to their relative quality
Crossover takes two distinct solutions and
then randomly mixes their parts to form novel
Mutation randomly perturbs a candidate
The Evolutionary Cycle
fittest parents
initiate &
evaluated 䇺strong䇻
GA Example:
the MAXONE problem
Suppose we want to maximise the number of
ones in a string of 10 binary digits
  A gene can be encoded as a string of 10
binary digits, e.g., 0010110101
  The fitness f of a candidate solution to the
MAXONE problem is the number of ones in
its genetic code, e.g. f(0010110101) = 6
  We start with a population of n random
strings. Suppose that n = 6
Example (initialisation)
Our initial population of parent genes is made using
random binary data:
s1 = 1111010101 f (s1) = 7
s2 = 0111000101 f (s2) = 5
s3 = 1110110101 f (s3) = 7
s4 = 0100010011f (s4) = 4
s5 = 1110111101 f (s5) = 8
s6 = 0100110000f (s6) = 3
The fitness f of a parent gene is simply the sum of the bits.
Selection is an operation that is used to
choose the best parent genes from the
current population for breeding a new
child population
Purpose: to focus the search in promising
regions of the solution space
Example (Selection)
Next we apply fitness proportionate selection with the
roulette wheel method:
f (i )
Individual i will have a
∑ f (i )
probability to be chosen
We repeat the extraction
as many times as the
number of individuals we
need to have the same
parent population size
(6 in our case)
Area is
to fitness
Example (selection continued)
Suppose that, after performing selection, we get
the following population:
parents s`
s1` = 1111010101
s2` = 1110110101
s3` = 1110111101
s4` = 0111000101
s5` = 0100010011
s6` = 1110111101
parents (s)
Example (crossover)
• Next we mate parent strings using crossover.
• For each pair of parents we decide according
to a crossover probability (for instance 0.6)
whether to actually perform crossover or not.
• Suppose that we decide to actually perform
crossover only for pairs (s1`, s2`) and (s5`, s6`).
• For each pair, we randomly choose a
crossover point, for instance bit 2 for the first
and bit 5 for the second parent
Example (crossover cont.)
Before crossover:
s1` = 1111010101
s2` = 1110110101
s5` = 0100010011
s6` = 1110111101
After crossover:
s1`` = 1110110101
s2`` = 1111010101
s5`` = 0100011101
s6`` = 1110110011
Note: sometimes crossover
results in no changes to the pair!
Example (mutation)
The final step is to apply random mutation: for
each bit in the current gene population we allow
a small probability of mutation (for instance 0.05)
Before applying mutation:
After applying mutation:
s1`` = 1110110101
s2`` = 1111010101
s3`` = 1110111101
s4`` = 0111000101
s5`` = 0100011101
s6`` = 1110110011
s1``` = 1110100101
s2``` = 1111110100
s3``` = 1110101111
s4``` = 0111000101
s5``` = 0100011101
s6``` = 1110110001
f (s1``` ) = 6
f (s2``` ) = 7
f (s3``` ) = 8
f (s4``` ) = 5
f (s5``` ) = 5
f (s6``` ) = 6
Purpose: mutation adds new information that may be
missing from the current population
Example: Results
• In one generation, the total population
fitness changed from 34 to 37, thus
improved by ~9%
• At this point, we go through the same
process all over again (repetition), until a
stopping criterion is met
Another example – Maximise X2
Simple problem: maximise y=x2 over the x
interval {0,1,…,31}
GA approach:
• Representation: binary code, e.g. 01101 ↔ 13(10
• Population size: 4 genes (parents)
• Random initialisation
• Roulette wheel selection
• 1-point crossover, bit-wise mutation
We will show one generational cycle as an example
example: selection
• Make sure you understand this slide! You will implement
something similar during your image restoration coding project!
Probi calculation for gene S1:
Prob(169) = 169/1170 = 0.144
Expected count(S1 ) = Probi * n = 0.14 * 4 = 0.58
x2 example:
• Each pair of genes may undergo crossover.
• The crossover points are randomly selected.
• Notice that, after crossover, the average population fitness
increased from 293 to 439, and the best genes fitness increased
from 576 to 729!
x2 example: mutation
• All gene bits may undergo mutation (based on the mutation rate).
• Notice that, after mutation, the average population fitness
increased from 439 to 588(the best genes fitness did not change
GA Group Projects
• Today we will form teams of several students;
• Each team will implement a GA in Matlab (or C/Java/VB?) to
restore a corrupted image:
• Each team should have one good programmer, and access to a
notebook computer (preferably with Matlab)!
• You will submit a written report and give a short presentation in
week 15
GA Group Project: details
The form of the corruption source is additive noise:
N(row,col)= NoiseAmp×sin([2π×NoiseFreqRow×row]+[2π
Teams must code a simple GA that optimises the three
unknown constants NoiseAmp, NoiseFreqRow, and
NoiseFreqCol such that the restoration error (the difference
between the original and GA-optimised restored image) is
To make things easy, we will measure the average per-pixel
restoration error, thus:
Restoration error = (Ioriginal + NoiseGA)-Icorrupted
where Ioriginal is the original uncorrupted Lena image,
Icorrupted is the corrupted image (I will give you), and
NoiseGA is the modelled GA corruption noise using the
noise equation above.
GA Group Project: details
Each iteration of your GA will, for each gene in the population:
–  Generate new values for NoiseAmp, NoiseFreqRow, and
–  Corrupt the original image using the equation
–  Measure the restoration error (subtract the corrupted image from the
original image). This becomes the (inverse of) this gene’s fitness
–  Make new child genes using selection, crossover, and mutation functions.
The search ranges for the three variables are:
–  NoiseAmp
0 to 30.0
–  NoiseFreqRow 0 to 0.01
–  NoiseFreqCol 0 to 0.01
Each gene encodes all three variables. If you use 1 byte per
variable, each gene will be 24-bits, if you use 2-bytes per
variable, 48 bits:
10110111 01010001 11001010 (24-bits per gene)
NoiseAmp NoiseFreqRow NoiseFreqCol
You need to map the (binary) integer values of each gene to
floating point values for the variables. I.e, for NoiseAmp,
00000000=0.0 and 11111111=30.0
Next Lecture
We will learn more about Genetic
Algorithms (GAs)
We will discuss the image
restoration project.
Read: Gonzalez and Woods
Access to the course website:
 http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/~gulliver/iaml
Homework: Project
Start coding your GA. User inputs are population size
(integer, e.g., 50), crossover rate (%, integer, e.g.
60), mutation rate (%, integer, e.g. 5), and total
iterations (integer, e.g. 100).
Make arrays to hold the gene binary values
Fill the arrays with random binary data
Map the gene’s binary values to the three noise
parameters’ values (floating point)
Using the equation
calculate the corruption noise for each pixel of the
image. Remember, the noise values can be
negative, so use signed data types.