History Fair Planning Guide: Middle School Project

History Fair Planning Guide
December 19th from 7:30 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
Parental invitation from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Set up time from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. (student only set-up)
Break down time from 2:30 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. (student only break down)
● Innovation
● Religion and lifestyle
● Power and politics
● Geography
● Social Justice
Content Requirements:
● Essential Question
● Timeline
● Clear Process
● Key Details (Facts)
● Sources
● Visuals
○ Pictures
○ Diagrams
○ Charts
○ Maps
Product Requirements
● Tri-Fold
● Tangible Product
Timeline of Events
Date due
Topic Choice
October 15
Essential Question
October 30
Key Facts
November 12
November 26
December 3
December 10
Tri-Fold Poster
December 15
Tangible Product
December 15
In Class Presentations
December 17-18
History Fair Presentation
December 19
Proposition 2:
Group partners + Topic choice and
essential question
November 26
3 main sources
December 3
Tri-fold and tangible product
December 14
History Fair presentation
December 19
7th Graders FBS will be asked to work on “Food is a resource”:
5 periods : Nov. 30 ; Dec 3 ; Dec 6 ; Dec 7 ; Dec 10.
Task: To create an informative product that answers an inquiry
question, as well as a tri-fold poster to present your findings,
As a group, you will:
#1 choose a topic of interest related to the guideline presented by your
#2 formulate a question to be answered through research.
#3 research your topic in order to answer your question
#4 cite sources as you research
#5 synthesize the information acquired to respond to your question
#6 display your findings on your tri-fold poster
#7 create a tangible product related to your questions and/or findings
#8 present and share your knowledge at the history fair
Members of the group : _____________________________________________________
� just a remember : the best partner is the one I will work my best with!
What topic are you interested in ? Circle the one that both of you feel to work
on :
● Innovation
● Religion and lifestyle
● Power and politics
● Geography
● Social Justice
What question you have always want to answer on this topic ?
� What is a “question” in history and geography ?
History and Geography are sciences. They follow the scientific method and the
method of the “inquiry”. Historians and Geographers ask questions about a
phenomena to understand it better. An example :
� What is a key fact? List your key facts here:
� What is a timeline and what does it show? Create a sketch of your timeline
To start, you need to do some research.
Write down in the space below your 3 main sources you’ve been using to answer
your question :
● ________________________________________________________________________
● ________________________________________________________________________
● ________________________________________________________________________
� What is a “source” in history and geography ?
History and Geography use two kinds of sources : primary and secondary. The
first ones are first-hand information and original data, most of the time created
at the time of the event. Secondary resources are an analysis of the first ones.
� How do I check the information acquired from my source is reliable? The
information should be consistent in at least 2 sources.
� just a remember : How to cite sources ? (Mini in-class lesson)
� What was the best source that I found and why?
Now it’s time to think about presenting your work and explaining it in front of the
Use the box below to write down all your ideas for the tri-fold you will be creating
and the product you want to show to the judges …
Time to get organized to work efficiently outside the class :
List below the element that you both need to be done or finish and share the
load of work :
� Am I working efficiently with my partner ? 5 questions for you :
❏ Am I meeting with my partner at the time that we agreed on or do I prefer
to postpone the meetings ?
❏ Am I an helpful partner ready to give a hand to have our project done or
do I think my partner and I are working separately ?
❏ Am I working efficiently and respecting the deadlines or do I prefer to work
at my own path ?
❏ Do I bring new ideas to the project or do I prefer to do what my partner is
asking me to do ?
❏ Do I care about the quality of the work I am producing or do I think my
partner will redo all the work I am doing ?
We hope that you had fun working on this History Fair and, please, don’t forget
to glue below your best picture during that time of hard work!!!!!
Judging Criteria
❏ Question
❏ Clear and related to the topic
❏ Enables depth of thought
❏ Presentation of findings
❏ Clear and focused
❏ Answers question thoroughly
❏ All research clearly and appropriately cited
❏ Tri-Fold poster
❏ Content
❏ Topic is easy to identify
❏ Question is clearly displayed
❏ Findings are evident yet not too wordy
❏ Craftsmanship
❏ Clean and neat
❏ Visual aides
❏ Product
❏ Content relevancy
❏ Product has an understandable link to the
❏ Craftsmanship
❏ Clean and neat
❏ Well-thought out and made with intention
❏ Presentation
❏ Good presentation skills
❏ Knowledge of their topic and findings evident
❏ Minimal reading from text