Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee Newsletter A joint newsletter of the Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee and the Superfund and Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee. Vol. 20, No. 2 CHAIRS’ MESSAGE Gene Schmittgens Jr., Anne Viner, John Gullace, and Lauren Daniel On May 22, 2017, Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), established a Task Force to review the federal Superfund program and to “provide recommendations . . . on how the agency can restructure the cleanup process, realign incentives of all involved parties to promote expeditious remediation, reduce the burden on cooperating parties, incentivize parties to remediate sites, encourage private investment in cleanups and sites and promote the revitalization of properties across the country.” The Task Force completed its work within a month of its creation, and on July 25, 2017, released a 26-page report to the public with 42 specific recommendations for improving the Superfund program. The pace at which EPA will address the Task Force recommendations is not entirely known at this point, but as of now all signs point to speed. In December 2017, EPA published an initial list of sites targeted “for immediate and intense attention”—one of the specific recommendations made by the Task Force. The list is intended to be dynamic, with sites moving on and off, but for now it includes 22 sites with which the Administrator intends to be directly involved. In addition, in the first few months of 2018, EPA released a list of sites “with the greatest expected redevelopment July 2018 and commercial potential,” and issued new guidance designed to enable EPA to use money from site special accounts to provide incentives for developers and other bona fide prospective purchasers to undertake cleanups. EPA intends to issue quarterly reports on its progress toward implementing the Task Force’s recommendations, and to host a series of “listening sessions” for interested stakeholders. In this special joint newsletter, the Environmental Transactions and Brownfields (ETAB) Committee and the Superfund and Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee have teamed up to present a series of articles to our readership that are specifically focused on the Task Force recommendations. The newsletter presents six articles covering a range of topics from strategies on effective implementation of the Task Force recommendations to what the Task Force may have missed altogether. We thank each of our authors for their contributions, and hope you enjoy the articles! Gene Schmittgens Jr. and Anne Viner are chairs of the Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee. John Gullace and Lauren Daniel are chairs of the Superfund and Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 1 Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee Newsletter Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2018 Rob Gelblum, Tom Doyle, and Lindsay Howard, Editors AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SECTION OF ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY, AND RESOURCES In this issue: Chairs’ Message Gene Schmittgens Jr., Anne Viner, John Gullace, and Lauren Daniel ...........1 Superfund Reform Through Communication: Is Better Communication with Stakeholders the Key to Superfund Reform? Ilene Munk and James P. Brady ..............3 July 24, 2018 The Administration’s Regulatory Reform for Fuel Economy and Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Standards: Assessing the Significant Changes and Potential State Conflicts Committee Program Call Expediting Cleanup and Remediation at Complex Sites Through Adaptive Management Chris Moody, R.G. .....................................7 August 2-7, 2018 ABA Annual Meeting Chicago, IL Superfund Reforms: Potential Impacts on Private Party CERCLA Claims J. Barton Seitz and Thomas C. Jackson .................................10 August 10, 2018 30th Annual Texas Environmental Superconference Austin, TX Primary Sponsor: State Bar of Texas, Environment & Natural Resources Law Section Working with EPA and PRP Groups to Achieve Task Force Goals David Batson and Stephen Smithson ...14 Alternative Financing Offers Advantages for Superfund Remediation Timothy D. Hoffman ................................17 42 Shades of Superfund Larry Schnapf ...........................................19 Copyright © 2018. American Bar Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Send requests to Manager, Copyrights and Licensing, at the ABA, by way of www.americanbar.org/reprint. Any opinions expressed are those of the contributors and shall not be construed to represent the policies of the American Bar Association or the Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources. 2 CALENDAR OF SECTION EVENTS CALENDAR OF SECTION EVENTS August 23, 2018 SEER Social—Happy Hour Portland, OR October 17-20, 2018 26th Fall Conference Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina San Diego, CA March 25-27, 2019 37th Water Law Conference Grand Hyatt Denver Denver, CO March 27-29, 2019 48th Spring Conference Grand Hyatt Denver Denver, CO For full details, please visit www.ambar.org/EnvironCalendar Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 SUPERFUND REFORM THROUGH COMMUNICATION: IS BETTER COMMUNICATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS THE KEY TO SUPERFUND REFORM? Ilene Munk and James P. Brady Foley & Mansfield, PLLP Portland, Oregon The Superfund program has been the source of both criticism and praise since it was signed into law on December 11, 1980. The strict, joint and several liability scheme in Superfund was designed to assign liability for cleanup costs related to the historic releases of hazardous substances, even in instances where the entities that released those hazardous substances were no longer living, solvent, or identifiable. Those parties within the four broad categories of Superfund liability1 (owner, operator, arranger for disposal, or transporter) quickly found themselves with a large cleanup liability for releases caused by entities no longer solvent or identifiable. These Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) complained bitterly to their elected officials about the manifest injustice of the liability scheme, and potential chilling effect on property development. Those concerns resulted in some minor changes to Superfund in 1986 with the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), but criticism remained related to both the liability scheme and the delays in addressing some of the most contaminated sites—those on the National Priorities List (NPL). The Trump administration, through EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, has made Superfund reform a priority. Administrator Pruitt convened a Superfund Task Force that identified five goals, the last of which is “Engaging Partners and Stakeholders.” The Task Force’s strategy for stakeholder engagement was directed solely to “key stakeholder engagement.” The focus on “key” stakeholders appears to perpetuate many of the issues faced by PRPs before the Task Force issued its recommendations. The first recommendation directed at this final Superfund Task Force goal is that key stakeholders are to be identified and “targeted” for communication. The key stakeholders the Task Force identifies include (1) states, local governments, and recognized Native American tribes, (2) industry, PRP groups and organizations, (3) community groups, (4) environmental organizations including environmental justice groups, and (5) financial and banking associations. This focus on groups and associations, though, may not address the inequities in PRP identification and the allocation of liability for large complex sites described below. The Task Force recommends that EPA collaborate with other federal agencies to solicit views on how to better engage federal agencies involved in cleanups of federal properties. This recommendation is an important recognition of the difficulties inherent in the “unitary executive” theory of government (the realization that one federal agency seldom sues another because they are all part of the same federal family). Singling out the federal facility sites for increased engagement is an important acknowledgment that such facilities are not subject to the same statutory penalties for noncompliance with an EPA information request under Section 104(e) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as private parties due to EPA’s longstanding policy of not seeking enforcement against other federal agencies. Although there have been a few very limited exceptions, federal PRP participation at most Superfund sites occurs with a more relaxed timeline and reduced scrutiny of the comprehensiveness of information exchange than the timeline and information exchange for private PRPs. The Task Force Report acknowledges this deference, calling for EPA to obtain the recommendation of the federal agency site owner on how to “achieve the Administrator’s goals” at the agency site. The Task Force nods to this less stringent enforcement by offering “feedback sessions” to federal PRPs while bringing the full force of EPA’s informationgathering authority to private parties. Thus, the recommendations do not appear to call for changes in EPA’s deferential treatment of federal PRPs. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 3 The third recommendation for achieving the goal of partner and stakeholder engagement is the establishment of a federal advisory committee. The advisory committee is to identify barriers to site cleanup and reuse by engaging community groups, developing financing and infrastructure ideas, constructing new ways to address mining and sediment site use, and to propose a methodology and forum for evaluating the effectiveness of the Task Force recommendations. The ideas generated by this advisory committee are anticipated to provide the structure for Congressional reauthorization of the Superfund program. The 1980 CERCLA statute was first re-authorized in 1986 with SARA. Some of the most notable SARA amendments included the importance of permanent remedies and innovative treatment technologies; inclusion of standards and requirements in other state and federal environmental laws and regulations; new enforcement tools; increased state involvement and citizen participation; and focus on human health problems posed by hazardous waste sites. By the mid-1990s, the tax on the chemical and petroleum industries that funded the Superfund expired and today the Superfund Trust is without sufficient capital to address legacy contamination in the manner anticipated when the statute was enacted. Deposits into the Trust Fund from other remediation activities around the country have proved to be inadequate to restore the Trust Fund to significant levels. In light of all of these realities, will the Task Force’s recommendations achieve the goal of increasing stakeholder engagement and cooperation? Issues that limit stakeholder engagement at present include a) limited PRP identification; b) the possibility of large “orphan share” liability, and c) the need for more predictable and reliable remedies. The impact of the Task Force recommendations on these important issues is unclear. The “Big Fish” May Continue to Swim Alone A long-standing concern by many practitioners in the Superfund process is inequity in the 4 identification of PRPs. Section 104(e) of CERCLA provides EPA with the ability to conduct extensive investigations and learn a great deal about PRPs. When the EPA issues a 104(e) request, EPA can seek a wide array of disclosures, including information about materials disposed of on a property, the history of any releases of hazardous substances on a property, and the ability of a party to pay for the cleanup. EPA can also request to inspect and copy company documents and enter a site to conduct sampling under its 104(e) authority. The information gathered from these “information requests” plays a significant role in the ultimate determinations of relative liability among PRPs even when those allocations take place outside of EPA’s purview. Yet, if only a small number of parties receive those mandatory disclosure questionnaires, other PRPs could be at a distinct advantage in allocation negotiations because they have not been forced to complete the highly invasive search that is required by EPA’s 104(e) process and have not been compelled— under the weight of civil and criminal penalties for nondisclosure—to provide as complete and robust a picture of past activities. However powerful this information-gathering authority is, EPA does not always utilize this power to its full potential. A common complaint among PRPs is that EPA fails to pursue all the PRPs that could be identified at a particular Superfund site. Often, once EPA has secured participation from a few “Big Fish” PRPs with deep pockets, EPA stops the 104(e) process of searching for additional PRPs to participate in a cleanup. These “Big Fish” PRPs are then left to take on a larger portion of the cleanup because less information is known about the other, smaller parties. The paradox for larger, solvent parties is that cooperating with EPA often brings an end to the PRP search activities and fewer parties with whom to share the cost of cleanup. This issue was raised by several members of the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Subcommittee during a January 18, 2018, Congressional hearing. When specifically Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 asked how PRPs are identified, EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of Land and Emergency, Barry Breen, stated, “We continue to look for potentially responsible parties. Ultimately, we’ll pick those that we think both have responsibility and the assets to pursue.”2 Unfortunately, he did not say EPA would pursue all parties with responsibility and assets. The Task Force recommendations may perpetuate rather than alleviate the “Big Fish” problem. By focusing on achieving the engagement of key stakeholders such as PRP groups (often made up of the larger companies), the recommendations may not achieve or even address the identification of smaller stakeholders who are nonetheless important to an equitable allocation of responsibility for cleanup costs. The time and expense of that PRP search effort are often passed along to the PRP groups without the commensurate statutory mandates that would accompany those inquiries if made by EPA. The Orphan Share Remains an Orphan The portion of cleanup liability at a Superfund site that is attributable to insolvent or defunct parties is commonly referred to as the orphan share. Many Superfund sites were historically home to or used by entities that are now insolvent or defunct. As a result, the orphan share can often make up a sizeable portion of cleanup liability at Superfund sites. CERCLA is a joint and several liability statute, which results in financially viable PRPs absorbing the orphan share. In an effort to reduce the impact on viable parties in the past, EPA allowed for an exercise in enforcement discretion in which EPA would absorb a share of the “orphan” costs to reward those PRPs willing to step forward and undertake remediation. Plans fostered under the Clinton Administration gave EPA enforcement discretion to forgive a portion of EPA’s oversight or past cost collection and absorb a percentage of the orphan share in exchange for settlement with PRP groups. All of these plans utilized Section 122 of CERCLA and placed time periods and moratoriums on EPA enforcement to facilitate settlement.3 However, EPA does not uniformly contribute to settlements in this manner. There are no guarantees to PRPs that EPA will choose to forgive any portion of a PRP’s orphan share obligation. EPA is free to require liable, solvent parties to pay for the entire cleanup, including orphan shares. It is no wonder that negotiated settlements can take years as EPA and private parties wrestle with the magnitude and distribution of the orphan shares. The Task Force recommendations regarding the “key stakeholder” concept is an important step in bringing state, local, tribal, and industry groups to the table to begin talking to EPA and each other and developing levels of trust and communication. EPA has statutory tools that may facilitate that process and recognize the importance of engaging all potential stakeholders. The End of the Engagement The ultimate result of meaningful dialogue with PRPs, regulators, environmental groups, and communities is the successful completion of the cleanup activities and natural resource restoration. Without incentives for cooperation, the parties may be less motivated to work together in an expeditious manner toward cleanup. The goal of remedy completion, though, exists within the backdrop of increasingly sophisticated technology capable of detecting more minute levels of hazardous substances or new human health and environmental toxins, which can result in the proverbial moving of the goal posts in environmental remediation. The Five-Year Review for evaluation of remedy effectiveness at NPL sites can lead to uncertainty with respect to the ultimate issues of just how much remediation is needed, and whether the remedy will still be effective if new technology allows for the identification of previously unknown hazards. Is it any wonder that regulators are hesitant to make decisions that may be outdated scientifically before remediation is complete? Can a cooperative PRP ever have hope of achieving final site cleanup? Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 5 Engagement of key stakeholders could be greatly facilitated by determining a mechanism for ensuring the finality of a remedy. The advisory committee created as a means of engaging key stakeholders would perhaps be an appropriate vehicle to raise this type of issue. Bringing all stakeholders together is certainly a worthy goal and foundation for which the other Task Force recommendations will succeed or fail. Irene M. Munk is the managing partner in the Portland, Oregon office of Foley & Mansfield, PLLP. Her practice focuses on Superfund litigation, cost recovery and allocation work as well as complex toxic tort matters. She actively advises clients around the country on Brownfields redevelopment and contaminated property re-use matters. James P. Brady is an associate attorney in the Seattle office of Foley & Mansfield PLLP. His practice areas includes Superfund litigation, toxic tort defense with a focus on asbestos –exposure cases, and representation of homeowners and financial institutions in real estate litigation. Endnotes 1 42 U.S.C. § 9607a(1-4). 2 Footage of the entire hearing is available at https://energycommerce.house.gov/hearings/ modernizing-superfund-cleanup-program/. 3 Interim Guidance on Orphan Share Compensation for Settlors of Remedial Design/Remedial Action and NonTime-Critical Removals, June 3, 1996, https://www.epa. gov/sites/production/files/2013-10/documents/orphanshare-rpt.pdf. Join your friends and colleagues in San Diego at the Section’s 26th Fall Conference, Oct. 17-20, 2018. Two days of cutting-edge CLE programming session topics include: • Tech giants’ environmental, energy, and natural resource footprints; • Non-federal efforts to address climate change; • The current terrain of public land law; • Counseling clients before, during, and after natural disasters; • The long road to Superfund reform; • Defining the future of offshore energy; and • Changing regulatory landscapes under the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. Featured Networking Opportunities • Welcome Reception - Kick off the conference with food, drinks, and friends old and new • Public Service Project - Support the San Diego community by participating in our public service project. • #SEERRUNCLUB - Start your Friday off right on a casual fun run/walk. • Section Cocktail Reception and Dinner - Join us for an evening under the stars, next to the beautiful San Diego Marina. • Leadership Day - Learn about the Section, its committees, and opportunities to get involved. Your Stay in Sunny San Diego • Come experience 70 miles of beautiful beaches, swaying palm trees, and a year-round nearly perfect climate. San Diego is a dynamic metropolis, home to world-renowned family attractions, sophisticated arts and dining, exciting nightlife, trendy neighborhoods, unique shopping, and endless outdoor recreational opportunities. Register today at the early bird rate and save $50. ambar.org/environFall 6 Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 EXPENDING CLEANUP AND REMEDIATION AT COMPLEX SITES THROUGH ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Chris Moody, R.G., Principal Geologist Farallon Consulting, L.L.C. Portland, Oregon The Superfund Task Force identified several opportunities to accelerate cleanup and reuse of Superfund sites. In its recommendations to the administrator, the Task Force identified the need to promote the “application of adaptive management at complex sites.” Adaptive management has a long history of usefulness in evaluating complex resource systems and is mentioned in several guidance documents and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) memos. The methodology can be used to identify the ways in which complex food webs react to remedies and overcome other uncertainties in the remediation process. Although stakeholders have raised objections about the uncertainties of costs and time frames inherent in an adaptive management approach, these concerns can be alleviated by building trust among the stakeholders and providing a specific path forward with triggers based on monitoring. In short, the phased nature of the adaptive management approach reduces uncertainty with management decisions and can return all or parts of these sites to their intended uses. What Is Adaptive Management? Adaptive management is used in business, environmental science, and industrial ecology. Its learning-based approach is built on the concept that complex resource systems like those at EPA Superfund sites are only partially understood at the outset. Greater understanding of these resource systems is attained through the practice of adaptive management. Rather than delaying action until “enough” is known about a system, adaptive management supports action in the face of the uncertainties and complexities of large ecosystems. Adaptive management is not, however, a trial-anderror approach, nor is it classical experimental science. It is a structured approach of iterative decision-making designed to refine understanding of complex systems. Understanding gained about resource systems at one site is then applied to other sites. Essentially, adaptive management is a decision framework that describes one or more series of actions that are selected based on the previous cycle of study results. Adaptive management has been formally used in environmental management theory since the late 1970s to manage waterfowl harvests, evaluate forest management approaches, determine the impact of harvesting on fish populations, and identify the intersection of social and ecological systems. Contaminated-site managers adopted the theory in the 2000s, although studies by the National Research Council (NRC) found that adaptive management has been inappropriately applied. Nonetheless, it has been included in numerous guidance documents, such as the 2001 NRC Framework for Risk Management, 2002 EPA Principles for Contaminated Sediment Sites; 2003 NRC Environmental Cleanup at Navy Facilities, 2005 EPA OWSER guidance, and EPA directives and memoranda such as the Horinko Principles 2002, Risk Management Principles 2002, and OLEM Directive 2017. EPA’s 2002 Principles for Managing Contaminated Sediment Risks at Hazardous Waste Sites “recommends that EPA site managers make risk-based decisions using an iterative decision process.” Although the majority of guidance documents to date are directed at large sediment sites, recent communication from EPA staff indicates that EPA believes this approach could help with management and cleanup at large groundwater sites, as well. Why Use Adaptive Management? There are inherent uncertainties in large-scale remediation. Uncertainties typically encountered in sediment sites include ongoing sources, the dynamic nature of heterogeneous sediment deposits, estimates of bioaccumulation and Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 7 magnification for ecological receptors, and the predicted effectiveness of various remedial alternatives. At groundwater sites, uncertainties include hydraulic conductivity values for the aquifer and data uncertainties such as measurement errors. These and other uncertainties cause decision paralysis, when interested parties and stakeholders believe there is only one chance to find the correct solution. The traditional approach is to select a highly conservative remedy that seems most certain to achieve the remedial action objectives (RAOs). Such conservative methods are less successful, however, in accounting for a project’s inherent uncertainties. For example, in a complex river system investigation, investigation and remedial action planning can take so long that original sampling data become outdated, resulting in further design delays while new samples are collected and analyzed. Even after the selected conservative design has been implemented, the actual protectiveness of the remedy may not be known until construction is complete. Add to these delays the evolving science behind toxicity evaluations (recent examples include the vapor intrusion pathway, “new” Contaminants of Concern (COCs) such as 1,4-dioxane and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, and EPA and state agencies’ health assessment of trichloroethylene), which may require revisions to ongoing remediation and reassessment of once-closed sites. Adaptive management could support the implementation of an active management solution following a round or two of data collection, and could prevent or minimize the need to continue to investigate and postpone cleanup. Parties can use adaptive management to verify an action’s protectiveness over time. This allows the communication of actual measured effects, which make a much more compelling case than modeled effects when communicating to stakeholders. In the scenario where there is uncertainty in the relationship between sediment concentrations, biota accumulation factors, and their effect on human health, adaptive management could also 8 be used to determine how active management influences those relationships. Concerns About Implementation Although adaptive management is often the most efficient and effective management approach at sites with uncertainty, the dynamic nature of adaptive management often conflicts with the desire of potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for a firm schedule and an identified cost of exposure. It can be difficult to persuade upper management to approve funding for a mutable plan, or to convince the public and stakeholders to take interim remedial steps, especially if public resources are involved. Legal teams strain to craft orders/agreements. Decision-makers resist committing time and money to an iterative process that advocates action despite uncertainty, or may view an admission of uncertainty as an admission of weakness. Typical concerns about the use of adaptive management include: • Uncertain time frame—How many cycles of active management and monitoring events are needed before a decision can be made that the work is complete? • Uncertain costs—Active management selected on the first round of work may or may not be enough. • Excuse to do less active management—For stakeholders not familiar with the approach, it can seem that PRPs are trying to “get away with” a remedy that has less active management. The risk associated with the implementation of the remedy needs to be explained and put in context. • Difficulties with settlements—It can be especially tough to structure settlements, including how to address groups of smaller parties since PRPs need some certainty to allow relative costs and settlement factors to be considered. There are ways to manage these stated concerns and limit the back-end risks, most of which are already in place in regulations and guidance. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 Solutions Problem: Lack of trust between stakeholders leads to a push for a more final solution. Solution: Create a work group approach with a central goal of preparing and using a conceptual site model (CSM) to discuss how risk management decisions should be addressed. According to practitioners, one of the main concerns is that different stakeholders want to handle uncertainties in different ways. The framework of a CSM provides a common base around which to focus the discussions, and allows a more cooperative approach. Problem: PRPs are often reluctant to agree to a settlement when the total cost of the remedy is uncertain. Solution: Cost and timing uncertainties can be bounded by providing a specific path forward with triggers based on monitoring. Early or interim records of decision (RODs) can specify the process to be followed in later stages. RODs must include a preferred alternative, but also can “[w]hen appropriate, provide a commitment for further analysis and selection of long-term response measures within an appropriate time frame” (40 C.F.R. § 300.420(f)(5)(iii)(D)). As discussed in OLEM Directive 9200.1-130, key points in an adaptive management plan include specific key indicators tied to RAOs; selection of criteria that might trigger a change in the remedy; and specific actions to be taken if the trigger is not met. An added benefit to interim remedies is that the National Contingency Plan (NCP) does not require numerical cleanup numbers to be achieved (40 C.F.R. § 300.430(f)(C)(1)). Problem: At large multi-party sites, there is typically a group of smaller parties who can and should be allowed to settle their liability and not wait until all phases of a remedy are completed and final costs understood (aka, the cash-out parties). Solution: Cash-out settlements could be limited to one remedy phase, and specific reopeners could be identified in the settlement (e.g., if costs exceed a certain percentage over those anticipated or if new sources or contaminants are identified). Problem: No specific guidance or rules addressing the use of adaptive management are identified. Solution: The existing five-year review process could help provide a framework for adaptive management. Five-year reviews are required if hazardous substances remain that pose potential risk, which would be the case if a site was using adaptive management. A protectiveness evaluation is one of the key goals of a five-year review and could provide the mechanism to identify the need for more or different actions. Furthermore, fiveyear reviews can be conducted on an operable unit (OU) by OU basis. Using an existing process may assist in explaining to stakeholders how the active management and monitoring rounds could be used to support a more beneficial final solution. Conclusion Adaptive management is a powerful tool that has the potential to reduce the time to clean up large sediment and groundwater sites. Once common concerns are addressed, adaptive management has demonstrated successes, including the Berry’s Creek site in New Jersey, which is phasing the work to determine how surrounding marshes will react to sediment removal, and the South River site in Virginia, which is using adaptive management to assess how removal affects mercury loading rates. If the process is structured appropriately, adaptive management may also offer the opportunity for early off-ramps for areas of the site, so that these areas can get back into full productive use (ecologically or socially speaking). The use of adaptive management is not appropriate for all sites. Sites with relatively manageable uncertainties and cost implications, for example, do not require a process of learning to understand how to manage risks. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 9 The recommendation by the task force of using adaptive management to expedite cleanup is well supported by the science and described in guidance materials. The experiences of the parties from the Berry’s Creek and South River sites should be shared, and their findings used to identify more sites where adaptive management could potentially reduce the time and costs needed to move sites to closure. Mr. Moody has over 24 years of experience in providing oversight and technical assistance for remedial investigations/feasibility studies and remedial design/remedial construction projects with a focus on in-water sediment sites. His specialty areas include the investigation and cleanup of large riverine sediment sites, sediment strategy development, and allocation and litigation support. ABA membership offers resources that will support your career from your first to your final job. Don’t delay, renew today! • • • • • • • Committees Free CLE ETHICSearch Mentoring Career Advice Advocacy Section membership www.americanbar.org/membership/ did-you-know.html 10 SUPERFUND REFORMS: POTENTIAL IMPACTS ON PRIVATE PARTY CERCLA CLAIMS J. Barton Seitz and Thomas C. Jackson Baker Botts L.L.P. Washington, D.C. In May 2017, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt embarked on an ambitious plan to reinvigorate the federal Superfund program, announcing his intent to restore “Superfund and the EPA’s land and water cleanup efforts . . . to their rightful place at the center of the agency’s core mission.” Since then, EPA has commenced a series of actions designed to effectuate the Administrator’s Superfund objectives. As EPA continues to move forward with these actions—particularly at individual Superfund sites—potentially responsible parties (PRPs) will likely need to reassess their timing and strategy for pursuing reimbursement of cleanup costs from other responsible parties. This reassessment is particularly apt given the Agency’s intent to use the full range of its enforcement authorities under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) to drive remediations forward and recent judicial trends specifying strict time frames for pursuing CERCLA contribution actions. Superfund Task Force and Related EPA Actions When the Superfund Task Force issued its recommendations in July 2017, they included a number of initiatives intended to expedite and enhance the cleanup process at contaminated sites across the United States. These recommendations included, for example, proposals to “[i]mplement[] early response actions at selected portions of sites,” “utiliz[e] enforcement authorities to get work underway quickly and to keep work on schedule,” and “increasing PRP . . . adherence to project deadlines.” A consistent theme underlying the Task Force recommendations is Administrator Pruitt’s desire to achieve greater and quicker progress in completing Superfund site remediations. EPA announced Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 in early December 2017 an initial list of 21 contaminated sites across the United States that are targeted for “immediate and intense action.” According to the Agency, these sites were not necessarily the largest or most complex, but rather were those “with critical near-term milestones and/or site-specific situations that will benefit from the Administrator’s direct engagement . . . [and] require timely resolution of specific issues to progress towards cleanup and redevelopment efforts.” The Agency’s plans for these sites include, among other things, achieving prompt agreements by PRPs to perform work, resolving disputes over the scope and/or scale of proposed cleanups, and using federal enforcement authorities where necessary. EPA’s objectives are laudable and may well allow sites to be returned more quickly to productive re-use. However, the Agency’s emphasis on expediting Superfund cleanups could have significant ramifications for parties confronting substantial site cleanup liabilities. For example, recent experience indicates that regional EPA staff are under substantial pressure from Agency headquarters to move more quickly to complete negotiations on PRP settlements—whether they involve PRPs conducting removal actions, commencing remedial investigations and feasibility studies (RI/FSs), and/or performing longer-term remedial actions. Shorter deadlines are being identified, less flexibility is seemingly being afforded to PRPs to vary from EPA-specified “model” settlement terms, and overall the Agency is reemphasizing the importance of PRPs achieving established milestones and work plan deadlines. At the same time, the Agency is buttressing these initiatives with the substantial threat of using CERCLA section 106 unilateral administrative orders (UAOs) to force reluctant PRPs to accede to EPA requests. For example, in December 2017 EPA Region 5 issued two separate UAOs to a group of six PRPs for the U.S. Smelter and Lead Refinery site in East Chicago, directing that the PRPs conduct an approximately $24 million residential yard cleanup to address impacts from historical lead salvage/recycling operations, and perform an estimated $2.25 million cleanup of related indoor lead dust. The Agency is pursuing UAOs at other contaminated sites across the country as well. CERCLA Litigation Landscape EPA’s recent focus on prompt resolution of site negotiations and quicker (and even more stringent) cleanups may force PRPs to accelerate their decision-making on whether and when to pursue claims to recoup cleanup costs from other PRPs. Indeed, given the magnitude of the costs incurred in cleaning up Superfund sites, there can be a strong incentive for PRPs to look for opportunities to recover some or all of their costs. However, the road map for doing so can get complicated depending on how the cleanup progresses and what legal mechanisms are used to govern the work. In the legal landscape as it exists after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Atlantic Research Corp., 551 U.S. 128 (2007), parties that undertake cleanups on their own may be able to assert a cause of action against PRPs to recover their costs under section 107(a) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9607(a). Depending on the type of cleanup work being undertaken, this type of cause of action is subject to either a threeyear statute of limitations that starts to run when a removal action is concluded or, in the case of a remedial action, a six-year statute of limitations that commences to run when on-site construction of the remedy begins. 42 U.S.C. § 9613(a)(2). While PRPs conduct cleanups on their own in some cases, work at Superfund sites more often proceeds instead under judicial or administrative orders or settlements. Typically, EPA will seek to negotiate an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent (ASAOC) with PRPs to conduct the RI/FS for the site. In some cases, initial steps to address immediate risks—e.g., removal of leaking drums, securing the site through installation of fencing—are taken before the RI/FS is even initiated. EPA will generally seek to negotiate an ASAOC with PRPs to conduct these removal actions as well. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 11 While courts have reached varying conclusions about whether consent orders provide a basis for a claim against other PRPs, the prevailing view is that EPA’s current model ASAOC for conduct of an RI/FS or a removal action serves as the basis for a cause of action for contribution under section 113(f)(3)(B) of CERCLA. For example, in Hobart Corp. v. Waste Management of Ohio, Inc., 758 F.3d 757 (6th Cir. 2014), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that an ASAOC that EPA negotiated with the appellants to conduct an RI/ FS resolved the appellants’ liability for some of the overall response action (the RI/FS), and therefore served as a basis for a contribution claim under section 113(f)(3)(B). Although there has been some disagreement among the courts, several courts have held that such claims are subject to the three-year statute of limitations in section 113(g)(3), which begins to run on the date of the order. (In contrast, within the Fifth Circuit, courts have found that section 113(g)(2) establishes the applicable statute of limitations for PRPs’ CERCLA contribution claims for costs incurred pursuant to an EPA administrative settlement. See, e.g., Geraghty & Miller, Inc. v. Conoco Inc., 234 F.3d 917, 925 (5th Cir. 2000).) Under section 113(g)(2), the statute of limitations varies depending on whether the costs being sought are associated with a removal action (claims generally must be commenced within three years after completion of the removal), or remedial action (claims must commence within six years after initiation of physical on-site construction of the remedial action). As the Hobart court noted, section 113(g)(3) does not explicitly cover contribution actions under section 113(f)(3)(B), but neither does any other section of CERCLA dealing with statutes of limitations. At the same time the court found that section 113(g)(3) does cover other types of contribution claims, and therefore provides the most suitable limitations period and triggering event for actions for contribution under section 113(f)(3)(B). Once the RI/FS is complete and EPA has issued its Record of Decision, the Agency will usually negotiate a consent decree with the PRPs to govern the Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA) 12 phase of the cleanup, which gives rise to a cause of action for contribution under section 113(f)(1). This cause of action is again subject to the threeyear statute of limitations in section 113(g)(3), with the statute running from the date of entry of the decree by the court. As noted above, EPA also has authority to rely on UAOs issued under CERCLA section 106 to require PRPs to undertake the work specified in an order, with a party facing the prospect of significant statutory penalties if it declines to comply with the order without having a good faith basis to do so. Some courts have viewed UAOs as equivalent to civil actions that would give rise to a cause of action for contribution under section 113(f)(1) of CERCLA. However, since the Supreme Court’s decision in Atlantic Research, the majority of courts have rejected this view because UAOs “don’t share the same characteristics as a ‘civil action’ in terms of scope, finality and opportunity to appeal.” Diamond X Ranch v. Atlantic Richfield Co., 2016 WL 4498211 (D. Nev.), at *5. Because a PRP that is subject to a UAO could otherwise be left without a means of seeking contribution from other PRPs, several courts have found that UAO recipients have an implied right of contribution under CERCLA section 107(a). For example, in Emhart Industries, Inc. v. New England Container Co., Inc., 478 F. Supp. 2d 199 (D.R.I. 2007), Emhart incurred costs—which it alleged could ultimately amount to $15,000,000—addressing contamination at the Centredale Manor Superfund site pursuant to several administrative orders, including UAOs. The court followed the majority of other courts in concluding that a cause of action under section 113(f)(1) was unavailable because the UAOs were not “civil actions.” Nevertheless, the court went on to hold that “[t]he implied right of contribution under § 107 provides an avenue for recoupment of legitimate cleanup costs where other avenues, either cost recovery under § 107 or contribution under § 113(f), are foreclosed.” It is not clear what statute of limitations would apply to such a claim. However, given the rationale used by courts in finding that the three-year statute Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 of limitations in section 113(g)(3) applies to claims for contribution for costs incurred pursuant to ASAOC—i.e., that section 113(g)(3) applies to all forms of actions for contribution regardless of whether section 113(g)(3) specifically mentions them—the prudent course would be to assume that causes of action based on an implied right of contribution under section 107(a) are also subject to the short, three-year limitations period of section 113(g)(3). Potential Ramifications Given EPA’s focus on accelerating site activities and completing site cleanups, PRPs are under increased pressure to quickly assess their potential CERCLA liabilities, achieve reasonable agreements for performing necessary work where warranted, and perform required investigation and cleanup activities. At the same time, due to the courts’ increasing application of a short three-year statute of limitations to all CERCLA contribution actions, PRPs might have only a limited three-year time frame following the execution of an ASAOC or consent decree, or the issuance of a UAO, to commence CERCLA claims against other PRPs. As a result, parties that enter into judicial or administrative settlements with EPA or are subject to UAOs may wish to adopt a creative “two-track” strategy for managing their site investigation and/ or cleanup responsibilities, while concurrently and expeditiously pursuing their CERCLA contribution rights (to the extent available) against other PRPs to avoid a possible statutory time bar. Such a strategy should seek to take advantage of EPA’s apparent willingness to “streamline” the cleanup process—consistent with certain Task Force recommendations—while still satisfying legal obligations to the government. In parallel, the assessment of possible contribution claims will need to efficiently identify other PRPs, preliminarily assess their respective liability shares based on relevant legal, historical, and possibly contractual factors, and evaluate the benefits and costs of a litigation approach to recoup an appropriate share of site-related response costs. J. Barton Seitz is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Baker Botts L.L.P. His practice focuses on complex litigation and regulatory counseling involving a broad range of environmental, health, and safety matters, with a particular emphasis on environmental contamination cases. Thomas C. Jackson is a special counsel in Baker Botts’ Washington, D.C., office. His practice includes representation of PRPs at a variety of sites around the country. connect.americanbar.org/seerconnect Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 13 WORKING WITH EPA AND PRP GROUPS TO ACHIEVE TASK FORCE GOALS David Batson and Stephen Smithson AlterEcho Washington, D.C. For much of the its first three decades, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund program has plucked lots of low-hanging fruit, remediating most of the relatively simpler contaminated landfills and facilities. Now, current and future generations must remediate the most complex sites—typically large areas of aquatic sediments and/or groundwater with extensive contamination from multiple historic sources. EPA and private parties subject to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) face increasing challenges in addressing these contaminated sites across the nation. They are complex and problematic because they generally involve contamination that has spread over large geographic areas and requires decades of extremely expensive remedial action. Also, both the identification of potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and the determination of legal and equitable responsibility for site costs are complicated by the often long, and sometimes convoluted, histories of facility operations, which may involve numerous owners and/or operators that are no longer in existence. The EPA Superfund Task Force was established, in large part, to help the government and private parties address these problems. What follows are recommendations to help EPA achieve four of the Task Force’s five overarching goals: expediting cleanup and remediation; reinvigorating responsible party cleanup; encouraging private investment; and engaging partners and stakeholders. It is a new opportunity for the EPA Superfund program to promote a collaborative approach in reaching the hard-to-harvest fruits of successfully remediating complex sites. Implementation of the Task Force recommendations regarding expediting cleanup and remediation efforts will have a potentially dramatic impact on the current process and timeline for 14 remediation of complex Superfund sites. For instance, PRPs and their counsel have developed practical methods and approaches to coordinate interests and resources to collaboratively remediate hazardous waste sites without the need for preliminary litigation. To address these complex sites, however, PRPs will inevitably need to rethink long-established methods and approaches to addressing CERCLA liability and remediation of hazardous waste sites. To oversimplify an otherwise complicated set of interactions, to succeed private parties must organize and maintain an effective PRP group to provide a forum for pooling of resources and expertise, determining joint interests, making collaborative decisions, negotiating with EPA, and jointly funding investigation and remediation actions. The success of PRP groups in these endeavors is critical to the functioning of the federal Superfund program and to meeting the goals of the Superfund Task Force. It is through the activities of PRP groups that EPA is able to negotiate work and funding agreements with the maximum number of PRPs, without entering multiple individual negotiations. There are two activities critical to the success of a PRP group, convening and allocation, that we suggest could benefit from EPA initiatives in support of Superfund Task Force goals. “Convening” (the organization of a PRP group and establishment of group norms) is a complex and important step in the life of a PRP group. It is at this stage when PRPs come together and negotiate contracts regarding group decisionmaking and governance, sharing of common costs, and joint defense commitments. Historically, at complex sites, this can involve the interactions and coordination of scores of PRPs and counsel, regarding responsibility for hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. Meanwhile, PRP groups at such sites need to be prepared to function effectively over multiple years, sometimes decades, as site remedial actions progress and as substantial transaction costs are incurred. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 We suggest that EPA can support the successful convening of effective PRP groups, including reducing the associated time and cost, in two important ways. • • Provision of funding for retention of impartial convening neutrals. Frequently, complex sites languish because PRPs, placed in an adversarial position by issuance of EPA notice letters, are unwilling or unable to coalesce into a functioning group, potentially leading to increased site costs if uncontrolled contamination is able to spread. EPA can help PRPs overcome the challenges of collaborating by providing funding for the use of an impartial neutral professional to bring PRPs together and facilitate their organization into an effective PRP group. Use of CERCLA information-gathering authorities to support PRP group efforts to maximize participation of PRPs. One of the common interests of PRPs and EPA is to maximize the number of parties sharing site costs. However, PRP groups often have difficulty obtaining credible evidence to identify additional PRPs who might help them address site contamination. EPA can use its information-gathering authority to aid PRP groups in the identification of additional PRPs, potentially leading to a critical mass of PRPs who can move forward to address site issues. “Allocation” is a voluntary process used by PRPs to collaboratively assess and reach agreement on the responsibility of group members for the costs associated with remediation of a Superfund site. An allocation involves the consideration and application of relevant equitable factors to the facts of the case to determine the relative responsibility of PRPs for the costs associated with remediation of harm created by each party’s activities. An allocation, as an equitable distribution of remedy costs, considers the type of anticipated remedy to determine the relationship between a party’s activities and the costs of the remedy. See, e.g., United States v. Atlas Minerals and Chems., Inc., Civ. A. No. 91-5118, 1995 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13097, at *271 (E.D. Pa. Aug. 22, 1995) (“Ultimately, the allocation of response costs . . . should consider each party’s relative responsibility for (1) the need for remediation at the site, (2) the selection of the particular remedy, and (3) the cost of the selected remedy.”) Designed originally to determine PRP responsibility for remediation for landfill sites, current allocation methods and processes can be extremely costly and may require a number of years to complete at complex sites. At sites with contaminated sediments, for example, a multitude of facilities adjacent to or within the watershed of the waterway have typically engaged in operations or practices that have led to the release of a wide variety of hazardous substances into the environment over an extended period. Generally, these substances have migrated to the aquatic sediments through various pathways, including process discharges, spills, dumping, sewer systems, groundwater, and surface water. The ultimate location of these substances in the sediments may have been affected by daily tidal and river flows, storm events, contributions from upstream and downstream sources, and navigational dredging. An allocation of such a site requires an intensive investigation to identify and assemble relevant facts, and to evaluate the history of facility operations on multiple properties and the relative impact and fate and transport of contaminants. This complicated factual matrix of differing types and degrees of potential impacts on the need for and costs of a remedy must then be evaluated using appropriately derived equitable factors to determine allocated shares of PRPs. Given EPA’s policy of preferring to negotiate with PRP groups, the success of PRP group allocation efforts is critical to obtaining agreements for remediation of Superfund sites. We suggest that EPA could support the success of PRP allocations in several different ways, while again reducing overall cost and time requirements: Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 15 • • • Use of information-gathering authorities to obtain information needed for conduct of an allocation. EPA typically uses its information-gathering authorities to obtain information on the potential liability of contaminating entities. However, as noted previously, the level of information required for an equitable determination of party responsibility for site costs is much more substantial and difficult for PRP groups to credibly obtain. By adding requests for data identified by PRP groups as needed for allocation purposes, such as detailed explanations of facility operations and practices, EPA can obtain information that will greatly enhance the effectiveness and ultimate success of PRP allocations. Provision of time for conduct of allocation in site enforcement plans. Allocations require a substantial commitment of both resources and time on the part of PRPs, often requiring efforts in excess of two years for complex sites. EPA can support PRP success by building time for the conduct of an allocation into its notice and negotiations schedules. Adopting a policy of accepting the outcome of credible allocations as the basis for EPA cash-out and work party settlements with PRPs. At complex sites, it is difficult for EPA to justify the relative responsibility of a settling party if challenged based on the limited information typically obtained for a liability determination. In light of the historic support of courts for the use of allocation, EPA would gain a substantial benefit if able to credibly use an impartial allocator’s recommendation of allocated shares to support settlement determinations, including ones regarding a site orphan share. This would require changes in both PRP and EPA practices to allow EPA to obtain sufficient understanding of an allocation’s conduct to justify use of the allocation outcome. One possible approach is for EPA to sponsor the allocation through providing funding for and oversight of the allocation. The effective involvement and collaboration of PRPs is the most direct route to accomplishing the administration’s goals for increasing the effectiveness of remedial efforts at complex Superfund sites. In addition to the valuable actions recommended by the Superfund Task Force, EPA can substantially increase the success and pace of site cleanups by supporting the convening of PRP groups and the activities undertaken by PRPs to allocate responsibility for site costs. David Batson, Senior Allocator and Mediation Specialist with AlterEcho, has over 35 years of experience assisting corporate, legal, and government clients resolve complex, multi-party hazardous waste sites and other environmental disputes. Stephen Smithson is General Counsel for AlterEcho. He has been involved with environmental issues for more than 25 years, and has represented PRPs in dozens of cost recovery actions. Ethics and Environmental Practice: A Lawyer's Guide Irma S. Russell and Vicki J. Wright, Editors Sometimes the practice of environmental law seems to involve an endless stream of ethical problems, and there is added importance to these issues because there is real potential for public safety concerns in these cases. This book provides a broad focus for the practitioner, addressing the diverse and important issues of legal ethics that can arise in the context of environmental law. www.shopABA.org 16 Product Code: 5350259 2017, 280 pages, 6 x 9, Paperback Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 ALTERNATIVE FINANCING OFFERS ADVANTAGES FOR SUPERFUND REMEDIATION Timothy D. Hoffman Dinsmore & Schohl LLP Dayton, Ohio Of the Superfund Task Force’s many recommendations, perhaps the greatest opportunity for expediting the remediation, reducing expense, and encouraging redevelopment lies in encouraging non-traditional approaches to financing site cleanups. The Task Force identifies employing nontraditional financing as its first strategy to promote its goal of “Encouraging Private Investment.”1 According to the Task Force, thirdparty investment is a way “for the Agency to accelerate cleanups and promote reuse of NPL sites.” To achieve this goal of increased third-party investment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to consider “alternative approaches to financing site cleanups, including environmental liability transfer approaches.” If the Task Force recommends increasing use of “non-traditional financing,” what is wrong with “traditional” financing? Contracting mechanisms impact both cost and efficiency. For example, according to a 2013 report by the EPA Office of the Inspector General (OIG), EPA’s continued reliance on “high risk cost-reimbursement and timeand-materials task orders” in its own Superfund contracts lead to dramatically increased expenses.2 As described in the report: One contract was a T&M contract, and the other contract was awarded by paying the contractor a fixed price per ton of remediated land. Tasks performed for each contract were similar. We used a conversion rate to convert tons to cubic yards and found the cost per cubic yard for the T&M contract was $80.16, while the cost per cubic yard for fixed price type contract was $32.74. EPA awarded the first contract using a high risk T&M contract. It later awarded the second contract using a fixed price per ton because of several concerns, one of which was the cost being incurred to clean up the yards using the T&M contract. By moving to the fixed-price type contract, Region 7 saved $13,828,003 for the 261,607 cubic yards removed by the fixed-price contractor. According to the OIG, “[r]educing the reliance on these [T&M] contracts can result in numerous benefits, including cost savings, increased competition, and achievement of socio-economic goals.” When considering the financing of cleanup and redevelopment, the type of funding matters as well. While there are certainly benefits in holding property owners and Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) accountable, mere accountability is not a predictor of creativity, efficiency, and vision in returning a property to beneficial use. Ultimately, the best solution will find a way to get contaminated properties into the hands best suited and incentivized to complete the remediation in a timely and cost-efficient manner. Communities do not want to see a vast swath of property labeled “Superfund” and kept from beneficial use for decades. Ideally, a cleanup would quickly return a property to a condition in which the property is not just safe, but also a potentially attractive property for local investment. However, the fundamental question is why would an investor decide to invest in a Superfund cleanup? Historically, EPA has sought to encourage the transfer and reuse of a property through developments such as Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser status, comfort/status letters, and Ready for Reuse Determinations. At the same time, PRPs have sought to transfer liability and achieve cost certainty through combinations of indemnities, hold harmless clauses, fixed price contracts, and insurance agreements. Large and uncertain environmental remediation costs can pose a risk for not just a company’s value, but its viability. While EPA’s traditional tools to encourage reuse are certainly helpful, the Task Force recommends Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 17 exploration of additional approaches to risk management to improve efficiency and encourage the reuse of CERCLA sites. In particular, the Task Force recommends review of environmental liability transfer (ELT) approaches at PRP cleanups. In addition to exploring the expanded use of ELTs, the Task Force recommends establishing a national working group to identify “[c]reative uses of insurance, annuities, indemnification and other tools for third parties interested in buying/selling the risk of cleanup.” An ELT has advantages over traditional funding mechanisms. In an ELT, a contractor normally agrees to accept title for the contaminated property and agrees to accept liability for the remediation. The contractor assumes this liability for a fixed price and accounts for possible overruns through insurance. This approach allows the property owner to transfer a potentially large and uncertain liability for a fixed price. In theory, the contractor assuming liability for the property would be sufficiently motivated to complete the remediation in an efficient manner and redevelop the site for a profit. As expenses increase with time, a fixed price approach should incentivize speed in completing the remediation. The ELT approach is not without risk. In 2017, an ELT contractor sued a PRP for rescission of the agreement based on alleged failure by the PRP to disclose the extent of contamination on the property. While the case settled, it does demonstrate that an erroneous calculation of remediation costs could pose a threat to the viability of an ELT. Ultimately, a default on cleanup obligations by a contractor, for whatever reason, negates the advantages of a private fixed price solution. For this reason, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to enter into an ELT without a clear picture of the nature and extent of the contamination at a site. Fundamentally, an investor will only take on the obligation of cleaning up and redeveloping a Superfund property if it has a level of certainty in a profitable outcome. As stated by Stephen A. Cobb, 18 on behalf of the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials3 at a hearing on the Superfund Task Force’s recommendations, “Investors require a level of certainty not typically found in the Superfund program.” Prospective purchasers of a Superfund property must negotiate a confusing array of statutory protections, liens, and representations that can make financing difficult. While it remains to be seen what specific actions the Task Force will recommend to promote alternative financing at site cleanups, it is worth exploring fixed price solutions in the interest of speeding up and reducing the cost of remediation. Timothy B. Hoffman is a partner and member of the Board of Directors at the 650 attorney law firm of Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP. He has practiced environmental law for over 35 years representing regulated parties in a variety of cases. Endnotes 1 Superfund Task Force Recommendations, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July 25, 2017. 2 EPA Should Increase Fixed-Price Contracting for Remedial Actions, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Report No. 13-P-0208, Mar. 28, 2013. 3 U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on the Environment, Jan. 18, 2018. The Superfund Manual: A Practitioner's Guide to CERCLA Litigation Peter L. Gray Product #: 5350254 2016, 478 pages, 6 x 9, Paperback shopABA.org Emphasizing the practitioner's needs for focused, case-oriented information, this guidebook to CERCLA litigation casts light on the cases and issues that are central to current Superfund litigation. It provides key summaries of the state of the law under CERCLA along with invaluable practice tips. Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 42 SHADES OF SUPERFUND Larry Schnapf Schnapf LLC New York, New York One of the highlights of Scott Pruitt’s first year as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator has been his focus on improving the federal Superfund program. One of his strategies was to appoint a Superfund Task Force to provide recommendations for achieving five goals, although the principal problem that Administrator Pruitt asked the Task Force to address was the long period that Superfund sites languish on the National Priorities List (NPL). The 13 strategies and 42 recommendations of the Task Force Report actually consisted of 153 specific actions and 85 additional sub-actions, for a total of 238 potential actions that EPA could take “to reinvigorate and prioritize the Superfund program in a most expeditious manner.” The Task Force conceded that the recommendations “do not represent all potential actions that may be needed in the future,” but rather are “a good beginning” aimed at leading to program efficiencies and areas in need of refinement. The sheer number of proposed actions resembles the old aphorism of “throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.”1 While the Task Force Report contains good, common-sense management practices, it contains few recommendations for addressing the primary reason for the slow pace of site cleanups—the rigid and complex remedy selection process. Instead, most of the Task Force proposals focus on actions that could be taken after the remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) has been completed. Thus, this author believes the Task Force Report will likely only improve the Superfund program at the margins. The Most Promising Task Force Recommendations From this author’s standpoint, the following Task Force recommendations hold the most promise for expediting cleanups and promoting redevelopment of NPL and brownfield sites.2 Specific Action #4–Identify sites where human exposure is not under control and prioritize effecting controls (included in Recommendation 1); Specific Action #12–Issue directive for greater use of early actions and interim Records of Decision (RODs) (Recommendation 3); Specific Action # 24–Issue directive for greater use of early/interim actions utilizing interim response actions (Recommendation 5); Specific Action #26–Evaluate the groundwater beneficial use policy involving aquifers that are not reasonably anticipated to be used for drinking water use (Recommendation 6); Specific Action #46–Issue directive requiring consideration of early actions and a separate track for Remedial Design (RD) actions at PRP-funded Superfund Sites (Recommendation 12); Specific Action #47–Reissue/revise remedial design guidance (Recommendation 12); Specific Action #48–Develop criteria for utilizing alternate tools to pursue liable parties at NPL-caliber sites such as greater use of the Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) (Recommendation 13); Specific Action #50–Designate states as leads on sites where appropriate (Recommendation 13); Specific Action #52–Examine use of special accounts for Bona Fide Prospective Purchasers (BFPPs) that agree to perform cleanup, develop guidance for disbursing such funds to BFPPs, and consider financial incentives available to BFPPs (Recommendation 14); Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 19 Specific Action #64–Identify efficiency opportunities for timely resolution of disputes with PRPs that arise in implementing cleanups (Recommendation 16); Specific Action # 65–Establish and promote strict adherence to project deadlines (Recommendation 16); Specific Action #70–Consider greater use of unilateral orders for recalcitrant parties to discourage protracted negotiations (Recommendation 16); Specific Action #75–Increase use of Memoranda of Understanding to identify state agencies that can take lead for sites (Recommendation 19); Specific Action #76–Identify situations or phases of cleanup where state agencies can assume primary responsibility (Recommendation 19); Specific Action #81–Work with PRPs, local governments, and local professionals to identify opportunities for PRP-led cleanups to integrate reuse outcomes (Recommendation 21); Specific Action #82–Issue directive to encourage integration of reuse outcomes into PRP-led cleanups (Recommendation 21); Specific Action #84–Create a task force to explore uses of insurance, indemnification, and other tools to incentivize third-party liability transfers and revise comfort letters to encourage such approaches (Recommendation 22); Specific Action #85–Identify regional best management practices for addressing BFPP concerns and use tailored comfort/status letters/BFPP agreements (Recommendation 23); Specific Action #86–Improve process for responding to requests for site-specific tools and create regional third-party inquiry teams (Recommendation 23); Specific Action #87–Develop a model for such requests and streamline/expedite regional/headquarters/DOJ approval process 20 (Recommendation 23); Specific Action #88–Expand use of prospective purchaser agreements (Recommendation 23); Specific Action #93–Develop new policy memorandum for expanded use of Prospective Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and windfall lien resolution agreements with third parties at NPL sites (Recommendation 25); Specific Action #96–Revise BFPP agreements to identify site-specific reasonable steps for satisfying appropriate care obligations to address future liability (Recommendation 26); Specific Action #109–review and revise comfort letters to address concerns such as windfall lien uncertainties, comprehensive reasonable steps, lender liability (Recommendation 28); Specific Action #110–Revise “Common Elements Guidance” and identify potential opportunities to expand Good Samaritan settlements (Recommendation 29); Specific Action #113–Propose guidance to address concerns over municipal liability (Recommendation 31); and Specific Action #114–Revise model comfort letter to address municipal liability concerns (Recommendation 32). The bulk of the recommendations would be implemented by guidance and policy. While it is understandable that the Task Force would heavily rely on the use of guidance since these documents can be drafted quickly, there is no shortage of irony in this approach, considering the recent Department of Justice memorandum barring the use of guidance documents for purposes of civil enforcement litigation. Indeed, guidance documents and policies were principal mechanisms used by the Clinton Administration to adopt its own Superfund reforms. The good news is that the Task Force considers its Report to be a living document that will evolve over time. To truly implement meaningful reforms Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 to the Superfund program, the Task Force should now turn its attention to revising the National Contingency Plan (NCP), the critical response planning document that is at the heart of what ails the Superfund program. Proposed Changes to the NCP The Hazardous Substance Response subpart of the NCP was last revised in 1990. In the ensuing years, EPA and the states have learned much about remediating contaminated sites. EPA should consider the following amendments to the NCP: Amend ARARs—The NCP requires remedial actions to comply with applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs).3 When the NCP was amended in 1982 to incorporate CERCLA, states had not yet established soil or groundwater cleanup standards or guidance.4 The principal cleanup criteria that were then available were federal and state water quality criteria that EPA concluded were too rigid and would require the use of potentially inappropriate levels of cleanup that would not allow consideration of individual circumstances at each release.5 So, instead of establishing cleanup standards, EPA developed “a system for decision-making which has as its primary feature a reasoned process that contains a series of checks throughout to ensure that the decision-making process produces an effective remedy. The methodology emphasizes cost-effective, environmentally sound remedies which are feasible and reliable from an engineering standpoint.”6 The state of New Jersey and the Environmental Defense Fund challenged the 1982 NCP revisions for not including cleanup standards.7 EPA settled this litigation by agreeing to amend the NCP to include the concept of ARARs. In the preamble to the 1985 revisions to the NCP, EPA stated that ARARs could only be determined on a site-by-site basis.8 among EPA, responsible parties and states. According to a position paper by the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO), the problems with ARARs have included: Inconsistencies in ARAR determinations; Inconsistent application of State requirements by EPA; EPA inappropriately determining that a State requirement is procedural rather than substantive when the State believes it is an ARAR critical to implementation of the chosen remedy; Reluctance of other federal entities to recognize State environmental laws and regulations as ARARs; Lack of written documentation when EPA finds that a State cleanup requirement was not an ARAR; and Inadequate time for states to challenge EPA’s determination that a State requirement is not an ARAR.9 As previously explained, the ARAR concept was developed when state soil and cleanup standards and criteria did not exist. Now that virtually every state has adopted risk-based cleanup criteria, EPA should redefine ARARs so that there is a rebuttable presumption that state cleanup standards should be used to establish the remedial goals. If a state has established a risk-based cleanup standard for a particular contaminant, the process for searching for a remedial goal should stop there. The cumbersome process of identifying other cleanup criteria should only be used when a state has not adopted a cleanup criterion for a particular contaminant or a specific exposure pathway such as vapor intrusion. While some will argue this could result in different cleanup standards at different sites depending on state cleanup criteria, such a critique is really a Trojan horse since inconsistent cleanups among the regional offices have long plagued the Superfund program. The process of establishing ARARs can be timeconsuming, confusing and often results in disputes Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 21 Incorporate Land Use and Groundwater Policy in the NCP—When one reads the preamble to the 1988 proposed NCP amendments and the 1990 final regulation, the dearth of any discussion on considering land use or redevelopment in the remedy selection process is striking. EPA first issued guidance and policy in the 1990s to incorporate land use considerations in remedy selection and has also adopted several groundwater protection/restoration policies as well as institutional/engineering controls guidance. Given increasing criticism of agency use of guidance, EPA should incorporate these principles into the NCP.10 Revise Subpart H to Allow for Streamlined RI/ FS Process—Recall that EPA adopted the RI/FS approach when it added the Hazardous Substance Response Subpart F to the NCP. The purpose of this addition was to provide a reasoned decisionmaking process for remedy selection in the absence of media cleanup standards and limited agency experience with remedial technologies. Another rationale for adopting the rigid stepwise approach was to ensure that the federal government could recover its response costs. It may have made sense to require the evaluation of five alternative remedies in 1982 and 1985, but this is a wasteful and time-consuming exercise in 2018. The states now have mature remedial programs that use risk-based cleanup criteria, and many have adopted streamlined site investigation and remedial procedures. EPA should revise NCP Subpart H to allow responsible party- and BFPP-funded cleanups to proceed under these state superfund, RCRA and voluntary/brownfield cleanup programs without having to comply with the more rigid Subpart F requirements. For example, dozens of NPL-caliber sites have been remediated under the New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP), which does not require an assessment of five alternatives. The BCP requires applicants to select a proposed remedy and evaluate an unrestricted cleanup alternative. The New Jersey Technical 22 Requirements for Site Remediation (Tech Regs)11 do not require an alternatives analysis, but instead rely on the state minimum Remediation Standards.12 Indeed, in responding to comments to its Tech Regs, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection stated in 1993: The Department, however, does not advocate the specific stepwise approach used by the Environmental Protection Agency in the CERCLA RI/FS process because the Department does not believe it is necessary or appropriate for all sites.13 EPA can enter into State Memoranda of Understanding (SMOUs) with states with remedial programs that satisfy the requirements of Section 128 (State Response Programs) that would allow the states to implement CERCLA in lieu of EPA. Indeed, it may be that EPA’s resources may be best focused on performing removal actions to eliminate imminent risks and issuing unilateral administrative orders with the long-term remedial actions performed by or under state oversight. Other Recommended Changes to Help Expedite Cleanups There are additional suggestions that go beyond the Superfund program but that could help expedite the cleanup of the nation’s inventory of contaminated sites, which is estimated to be approximately 294,000 sites:14 Require States to Use Parceling to Encourage RCRA Brownfields—EPA RCRA Brownfield Reforms urged states to allow owners or operators of Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs) to sell off clean parcels of their facilities (e.g., portions never used for any waste management) while the Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs) or Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) were undergoing corrective action. Only a handful of states have followed this suggestion. EPA could use its Section Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 128 State Response Program approval authority to require states to adopt parceling at corrective action sites. Clarify RCRA Liability for Generator-only Sites—There is much confusion if closure obligations for a generator site run with the land. A prospective purchaser may be interested in redevelopment of a site that appears on the RCRA generator database but is concerned that it will become subject to closure obligations for the areas where wastes were managed. Presumably, generator sites could be treated as any brownfield site without the need to undergo formal RCRA closure. Add Landowner Liability Protections to TSCA for PCB Cleanups—Purchasers often take steps to qualify for CERCLA BFPP only to learn after taking title that the property has been impacted with PCBs, and that they are subject to the Toxic Substances Control Act cleanup obligations. Given the ubiquity of PCBs in the environment and particularly in the nation’s water infrastructure, EPA should consider including this concept when it submits a legislative package to Congress for Superfund reforms. TSCA PCB Reform—The PCB cleanup and disposal rules are a bit RCRA-like, a bit CERCLAlike, and not well integrated. The cleanup should also not depend on the original spill concentration but on current concentrations and media. EPA should take another look at its PCB cleanup regulations and consider repealing the entire Subpart D to 40 C.F.R. 761. Disposal of PCBcontaining material could be handled entirely within RCRA via the listed-waste and Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) route. Pursue Cost Recovery from PRPs for Sites Receiving Brownfield Grants—EPA has been awarding brownfield grants to local governments without considering if there is a responsible party that could be incentivized to participate in a cleanup. EPA should conduct PRP searches for all sites that are awarded brownfield grants or loans, and then seek cost recovery from those entities to replenish the brownfield funding program or the Superfund Trust. This will allow these programs to be more sustainable and not be as reliant on Congressional appropriations. This approach would ensure that polluters are forced to pay for the contamination they leave behind when they abandon a community and would also impose “consequences” on those firms that closed plants to export jobs to foreign nations. Congress could instruct EPA to seek recovery from responsible parties for brownfield funds that are awarded for sites where such responsible parties exist. Reform EPA Remedial Programs into a Single Unified Cleanup Program—The federal government’s remedial programs were created as we became aware of new environmental concerns. As a result, multiple remedial programs were established by separate laws. This has resulted in different cleanup standards and procedures. EPA has separate staffs for CERCLA, RCRA, TSCA (PCBs), and USTs. We now have four decades of experience remediating sites. If Administrator Pruitt wants to implement truly transformative changes to the federal remedial programs, he could task the Office of Land and Emergency Management with consolidating the CERCLA, RCRA corrective action, and PCB cleanup program of TSCA into one remedial program with a consistent regulatory approach. Such an approach could reduce redundant staff and therefore advance the Administration’s goal of shrinking the EPA workforce. In closing, the Task Force recommendations remind the author of the first fireside chat of President Carter in 1977 when he announced that Department of Energy Secretary James Schlesinger would come up with a national energy plan within 90 days. President Carter came to understand that strict deadlines—while occasionally useful for prodding the bureaucracy—could also be destructive since such deadlines might force him to go ahead with ideas that are not effective or viable. Hopefully, the Task Force will now turn its attention to developing longer-term Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018 23 recommendations like those discussed above so that EPA’s administrator 20 years hence will not have to announce another round of management efficiency and guidance-based Superfund reforms. Larry Schnapf is the principal of Schnapf LLC and adjunct professor at New York Law School. His practice focuses on environmental issues associated with business, real estate and financing transactions as well as brownfield redevelopment projects. 6 47 Fed. Reg. 31180 (July 16, 1982). The 1982 NCP placed heavy emphasis on cost-effectiveness (§ 300.68(j)), and Fund-balancing (§ 300.68(k)). Endnotes 1 The process of testing many different tactics at the same time to identify what works (sticks) and what doesn’t work (falls to the floor). 2 The author numbered the specific actions. The Task Force Report only assigned numbers to the Recommendations. For the ease of the reader, the Recommendation number where the specific action is located follows each item. 3 Generally, “applicable” standards are those that would otherwise be legally applicable if the actions were not undertaken pursuant to CERCLA section 104 or section 106. “Relevant” standards are those designed to apply to problems sufficiently similar to those encountered at CERCLA sites that their application is appropriate, although not legally required. Standards are also relevant if they would be legally applicable to the CERCLA cleanup but for jurisdictional restrictions associated with the requirement. See 50 Fed. Reg. at 5861, 47917 (Feb. 12 and Nov. 20, 1885). The 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) codified EPA’s definition of ARARs with some variations. See 42 U.S.C. 9621(d). 4 The NCP was originally developed to provide a framework for emergency responses to oil spills. The passage of CERCLA required revision of the NCP because CERCLA provided that the NCP would become the national roadmap for responding to releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants. 5 See 47 Fed. Reg. 10972, 10978 (Mar. 12, 1982) “Most of the comment focused on the provisions for determining the appropriate extent of remedy. While some commenters supported the process established in § 300.68 for selecting 24 a remedy, many commenters criticized the Plan for not explicitly requiring consideration of State and Federal health and environmental standards in development of remedies. Similar comments stated that the Plan should include specific levels of clean-up that must be attained with any remedy. . . . It must be noted, however, that circumstances will frequently arise in which there are no clearly applicable standards. For instance, acceptable levels of hazardous substances in soil are not established, and there are no generally accepted levels for many other hazardous substances in other media.” 7 Environmental Defense Fund v. EPA, No. 82-2234; New Jersey v. EPA, No. 82-2238 (D.C. Cir. Feb. 1, 1984). See 50 Fed. Reg. 5862 (Feb. 12, 1985). 8 EPA was again sued over the 1985 NCP amendments, with some litigants complaining that ARARs were too vague. The ARARs were upheld in Ohio v. EPA, 997 F.2d 1520, 1525 n.1 (D.C. Cir. 1993). 9 “State Concerns with the Process of Identifying Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Applicable, or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements” (Feb. 28, 2018) (available at http://astswmo.org//files/policies/ PositionPapers/ARARs-Position-Paper-Feb-2018. pdf). The position paper was prepared in response to a recent EPA memorandum, “Best Practice Process for Identifying and Determining State Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements Status Pilot,” OLEM Directive 9200.2-187 (Oct. 20, 2017). 10 For example, see “Summary of Key Existing EPA CERCLA Policies for Groundwater Restoration,” OSWER Directive 9283.1-33 (June 26, 2009), listing various policies. 11 N.J.A.C. 7:26E. 12 N.J.A.C. 7:26D. 13 25 N.J.R. 2412 (June 7, 1993) (response to comment 1193). 14 See CLEANING UP THE NATION’S WASTE SITES: MARKETS AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS, EPA 542-R-04-015 (2004). Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, July 2018