Name Science Date Two-Column Notes on Mixtures Basics and Separating Mixtures articles from “Mixtures Basics” article on What are the physical properties of mixtures? ● Molecules are ________________ ________________ _______________ ● __________________ _________________ does not change--__________________ still arranged in same way What is an example of a mixture? ● Water with _____________ _____________ __________________________ in it ● Each substance keeps own ___________________ ________________________ ● Can boil off ________________ and other substances remain What is a solution? ● Mixture with substances __________________ spread throughout ● Also known as ___________________________ mixtures (from Greek, homos = same; genos = kind) How can you tell something is a mixture? ● Substances can be ______________________ in different _______________________ ways What are 2 ways mixtures can be physically separated? ● __________________--solids remain, liquids separated ● _________________--heavier substance sinks Article adapted from Ducksters Education Site Chemistry for Kids How does filtration separate mixtures? ● Mixture is forced through _______________ with tiny ___________________ ● Filtrate--substance forced through _____________ ● _________________--particles removed by filter How does distillation separate mixtures? ● Uses _____________ to separate mixtures of __________________ __________________________ ● Different substances have different ________________ ______________________ ● Ex. water ___________________ leaving salt behind ○ Steam from water cools ○ Condenses back to pure water How does a centrifuge separate mixtures? ● Device that _____________ at very high ____________ ● Allows ____________ particles to settle __________ ____________ ● ______________ particles move to ______________ of cylinder How does evaporation separate mixtures? ● Liquid turns to _________ ● Sometimes ___________ is used