Presentation Merging with Technologies INDIA DIGITAL VISION/SMART VISION INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE POWER GENERARTION THERMAL/HYDEL/SOLAR TELECOM(FIXED/WIRELESS/BROAD BAND) e GOVERNENCE EDUCATION and ENTERTAINMENT AGRICULTURE ELECTRONIC MEDIA MEDICAL Disaster Management VOICE and DATA Management July 2017 ViSiOn DiGiTaL InDiA Digital India is a Programme to prepare India for a knowledge future. Prime Minsiter of India has laid emphasis on National e- governance pla a d has ga e it’s appro al for Digital I dia – A programme to transform India into digital empowered society and knowledge economy. Digital India is an ambitious programme of Government of India projected at Rs 1,13,000 crores. This will be for preparing the India for the knowledge based transformation and delivering good governance to citizens by synchronized and co-ordinated engagement with both Central Government and State Government. Programme has been envisaged by Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) and will impact ministry of Communications & IT, ministry of rural development, ministry of human resource development, ministry of health and others. Programme Under Digital India • Infrastructure as a utility to every citizen: High speed internet shall be made available in all gram panchayats; Cradle to grave digital identity; Mobile and Bank account would enable participation in digital and financial space at individual level; Easy access to common service centre within their locality; Shareable private space on a public cloud; and Safe and secure cyber space in the country. • Infrastructure as a utility to every citizen: High speed internet shall be made available in all gram panchayats; Cradle to grave digital identity; Mobile and Bank account would enable participation in digital and financial space at individual level; Easy access to common service centre within their locality; Shareable private space on a public cloud; and Safe and secure cyber space in the country. • Governance and Services on Demand: Single window access to all persons by seamlessly integrating departments or jurisdictions; availability of government services in online and mobile platforms; All citizen entitlements to be available on the Cloud to ensure easy access; Government services to be digitally transformed for improving ease of doing business; Making financial transactions above a threshold, electronic and cashless; and Leveraging GIS for decision support systems and development. • Digital empowerment of citizens: Universal digital literacy; All digital resources universally accessible; All government documents/certificates to be available on the Cloud; Availability of digital resources/services in Indian languages; Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance; Portability of all entitlements for individuals through the cloud. • Ministries/Departments in the central or state governments. Requirements of funds for individual project(s) for Digital India will be worked out by respective nodal ministries/departments but according to government estimate it will cost Rs 113,000 crore. To implement this the government is planning to strengthen National Informatics Center (NIC) by restructuring it to support all central government departments and state governments. Positions of chief information officers (CIO) would be created in at least 10 key ministries 9 ACTION Broadband Highways • Laying of national optical fibre network (NOFN) in all 2.5 lakh gram panchayats in the country will happen in a phased manner. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity • Ensuring mobile access in around 44,000 uncovered villages in the country and government is taking steps to ensure that all villages are covered through mobile connectivity by 2018. Public Internet access • To expand the coverage of common services center (CSC) from 1.35 lakhs to 1.5 lakhs, i.e. one in every panchayat. e-Governance • Business process re-engineeering will be undertaken to improve processes and service delivery. Services will be integrated with UIDAI, payment gateway and mobile platform. e-Kranti • e-Kranti focuses on electronic delivery of services whether it is education, health, agriculture, justice and financial inclusion. Global Information • The focus will be on online hosting of data and proactive engagement through social media and web based platforms like MyGov. Electronics Manufacturing • Focus is on set tob boxes, VSAT, mobile, consumer electronics, medical electronics, smart energy meters, smart cards and micro ATMs. IT Training for Jobs • The government is planning to train one crore students from small towns and villages for IT sector. Early Harvest Programmes • The government is planning to deploy Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System in all central government offices located at Delhi. A web based application software system will enable online recording of attendance and its viewing by the concerned stakeholders. Vision of Digital India Centered on 3 Key Areas • Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen • Governance & Services on Demand • Digital Empowerment of Citizens Vision Area 1: Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen • High speed internet as a core utility • Cradle to grave digital identity -unique, lifelong, online, authenticable • Mobile phone & Bank account enabling participation in digital & financial space • Easy access to a Common Service Centre • Shareable private space on a public cloud • Safe and secure Cyber-space Vision Area 2: Governance & Services On Demand • Seamlessly integrated across departments or jurisdictions • Services available in real time from online &mobile platform • All citizen entitlements to be available on the cloud • Services digitally transformed for improving Ease of Doing Business • Making financial transactions electronic & cashless • Leveraging GIS for decision support systems & development Vision Area 3: Digital Empowerment of Citizens • • • • Universal Digital Literacy Universally accessible digital resources All documents/ certificates to be available on cloud Availability of digital resources / services in Indian languages • Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance • Portability of all entitlements through cloud Pillar 1. Broadband Highways Broadband for all Rural Broadband for all Urban National Information Infrastructure • Coverage: 250,000 GP • Timeline: December 2016 • CAPEX: Rs 32,000 Cr • Nodal Dept: DoT • Virtual Network Operators for service delivery. • Mandate communication infrastructure in new urban development and buildings. • Coverage: Nationwide • Timeline: March 2017 • Cost: Rs 15,686 Cr • Nodal Dept: DeitY 1yr: 50,000 GP 2yr: 100,000 GP 3yr: 100,000 GP Changes in Rules to facilitate. Integration of SWAN, NKN, NOFN. To be implemented in 2 years Pillar 2. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity • Coverage: Remaining uncovered villages (~ 42,300 villages) Universal Access to • Timeline: FY 2014-18 mobile • Cost: Rs 16,000 Cr connectivity • Nodal Dept: DoT Ongoing Programme Increased network penetration & coverage of gaps Pillar 3. Public Internet Access Programme – National Rural Internet Mission CSCs – made viable, multifunctional endpoints for service delivery Post Offices to become Multi-Service Centres • Coverage: 2,50,000 villages (now 130,000) • Timeline: 3 Years - March 2017 • Cost: Rs 4750 Cr • Nodal Agency: DeitY • Coverage: 1,50,000 Post Offices • Timeline: 2 Years • Nodal Agency: D/o Posts Ongoing Programme Reach of Govt. services to all GPs This should be long term vision for POs Pillar 4. e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology Government Business Process Re-engineering using IT to improve transactions • Form Simplification, reduction • Online applications and tracking, Interface between departments • Use of online repositories e.g. school certificates, voter ID cards, etc. • Integration of services and platforms – UIDAI, Payment Gateway, Mobile Platform, EDI Electronic Databases – all databases and information to be electronic, not manual Workflow automation inside government Public Grievance Redressal - using IT to automate, respond, analyse data to identify and resolve persistent problems – largely process improvements To be implemented across government - critical for transformation. Pillar 5. eKranti - Electronic Delivery of Services Technology for Farmers Technology for Education – e-Education • All Schools connected with broadband • Real time price information • Online ordering of inputs • Free wifi in all schools (250,000) • Online cash, loan, relief payment with mobile • Digital Literacy program banking • MOOCs – develop pilot Massive Online Technology for Security Open Courses • Mobile Emergency Services Technology for Financial Inclusion Technology for Health – e-Healthcare • Mobile Banking • Online medical consultation • Micro-ATM program • Online medical records • CSCs/ Post Offices • Online medicine supply Technology for Justice • Pan-India exchange for patient information • Pilots – 2015; Full coverage in 3 years • e-Courts, e-Police, e-Jails, e-Prosecution Technology for Planning • GIS based decision making • National GIS Mission Mode Project Technology for Security National Cyber Security Co-ordination Center Ongoing Programme (NeGP) – will be revamped to cover these elements Pillar 6. Information for All Online Hosting of Information & documents Citizens have open, easy access to information Open data platform Government pro-actively engages through social media and web based platforms to inform citizens 2-way communication between citizens and government Online messaging to citizens on special occasions/programs Largely utilise existing infrastructure – limited additional resources needed Pillar 7. Electronics Manufacturing Target NET ZERO IMPORTS by 2020 Target NET ZERO Imports is a striking demonstration of intent Ambitious goal which requires coordinated action on many fronts Taxation, Incentives Economies of Scale, Eliminate cost disadvantages Focused areas – Big Ticket Items FABS, Fab-less design, Set top boxes, VSATs, Mobiles, Consumer & Medical Electronics, Smart Energy meters, Smart cards, micro-ATMs Incubators, clusters Skill development Government procurement There are many ongoing programs which will be fine-tuned. Existing Structures inadequate to handle this goal. Need strengthening. Pillar 8. IT for Jobs Train people in smaller towns & villages for IT sector jobs IT/ITES in NE • Coverage: 1 Crore students • Timeline: 5 years • Cost: Rs 200 Cr for weaker sections • Nodal Agency: DeitY • Scope: Setting up of BPO per NE State • Coverage: NE States • Nodal Agency: DeitY • Coverage: 3,00,000 Train Service Delivery Agents • Timeline: 2 Years to run viable businesses • Nodal Agency: DeitY delivering IT services • Coverage: 5,00,000 Telecom service providers to train rural workforce to cater • Timeline: 5 Years • Nodal Agency: DoT to their own needs New Scheme IT ready workforce ICT enabled growth in NE Ongoing Skilled VLEs and Viable CSCs Telecom ready workforce Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes IT platform for messages Government Greetings to be e-Greetings Biometric attendance • Coverage: Elected representatives, All Govt employees • 1.36 Cr mobiles and 22 Lakh emails • Mass Messaging Application developed • Basket of e-Greetings templates available • Crowd sourcing of e-Greetings thru MyGov • e-Greetings Portal ready by 14 August 2014 • Coverage: All Central Govt. Offices in Delhi • Operational in DeitY & Initiated in Urban Development • On-boarding started in other depts • Procurement of devices – tender issued Targeted Mass messaging since July 14 1st e-Greeting from PM on 15th Aug 2014 To be completed by Oct 2014 Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes Wi-fi in All Universities Secure email within government Standardize government email design • Scope: All universities on NKN • 400 additional Universities • Cost: Rs 790 Cr • Phase I upgradation for 10 Lakh employees done • Ph II for 50 Lakh employees by March 2015 • Cost: Rs 98 Cr • Standardised templates under preparation Approval - Oct 2014 Implementation done by Dec 2015 Email to be primary mode of communication To be ready by October 2014 Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes Public wifi hotspots School Books to be eBooks SMS based weather information, disaster alerts National Portal for Lost & Found children • Coverage: Cities with pop > 1 Mill., tourist centres • Nodal Agency: DoT/ MoUD • Nodal Agency: MHRD/ DeitY • DeitY’s Mobile Seva Platform ready • Nodal Agency: MoES (IMD) / MHA (NDMA) • Nodal Agency: DeitY/ DoWCD Digital Cities Completed by Dec 2015 Completed by Mar 2015 In place by Dec 2014 In place by Oct 2014 DIGITAL INDIA Institutional Mechanisms at National Level Monitoring Committee on Digital India Digital India Advisory Group Apex Committee (Chaired by Cab Sec.) (Chaired by Minister CIT) CIO DeitY Line Ministries State Governments / UTs Composition of Monitoring Committee on Digital India • Prime Minister – Chairman • Finance Minister • Minister of Communications & IT • Minister of RD • Minister of HRD • Minister of Health Special Invitees: • Principal Secretary to PM • Cabinet Secretary • Secretaries of Expenditure, Planning, DoT and Posts • Secretary, DeitY – Convener DIGITAL INDIA MINISTER (Communications & IT) SECRETARY (DeitY) Reorganisation of NIC Addl. Secretary (e-Gov) Joint Secretary (Electronics Hardware Manufacturing) CIOs in important Ministries Joint Secretary (Personnel, Admn. & Industry Promotion S/W) Addl. Secretary (Digital India) Electronic Manufacturing – Target Net Zero Imports Joint Secretary (e-Gov) Electronic Delivery of Services - eKranti Joint Secretary (Infrastructure Development) Public Internet Access Programme Joint Secretary Joint Secretary (Capacity Building & Digital Enablement of Citizens) (IT applications in uncovered areas & Process Re-engineering Technology for Jobs Information for All E-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology Estimated Costs and Impacts Overall Costs of Digital India ~ Rs 100,000 Cr in ongoing schemes (only DeitY, DOT & not incl. those in other line Ministries) ~ Rs 13,000 Cr for new schemes & activities Impact of Digital India by 2019 • • • • • • • • • Broadband in 2.5 lakh villages, universal phone connectivity Net Zero Imports by 2020 400,000 Public Internet Access Points Wi-fi in 2.5 lakh schools, all universities; Public wi-fi hotspots for citizens Digital Inclusion: 1.7 Cr trained for IT, Telecom and Electronics Jobs Job creation: Direct 1.7 Cr. and Indirect at least 8.5 Cr. e-Governance & eServices: Across government India to be leader in IT use in services – health, education, banking Digitally empowered citizens – public cloud, internet access Challenges & Changes Needed Program on this scale never conceived Each Pillar/program has own challenges Human Resource Issues NIC - not equipped for a fraction of this task (obsolesce) - needs revamping & restructuring DeitY – needs program managers – at least 4 more officers at senior levels Ministries – Need a Chief Information Officer / Chief Technology Officer (CIO/CTO) Could begin with CIOs 10 major Ministries Can be anyone – from within or outside government To be patterned as AS & FAs – dual reporting Financial Resource Issues Mostly structured around ongoing programs : Better focus, need some restructuring Some others are process improvements or better utilisation of resources A few new programs may be needed – particularly in Electronics manufacturing and Skill Development Coordination Issues Program covers many other departments Need commitment and effort Leadership and support critical for success Faciliate of Equipments Satellite Support Equipments Telecommunication Support Equipments Fixed lī e and Wire less(P2P or Satellite Base) Dish Antena UHF/VHF Media Copper Cabels/Fibre Optics Cabels Data Centre Support Equipments Power Arrangement 24X7 for Above Grid Power/Battery Base/Invertor/UPS SMPS Po er Pla t DC Vōltage V/ 4V/4 V/ V/ Solar PV Power(ongrid/offgrid) DG Power V • • • • • • • • • Infra Products in Digital India Large Computor Infra Systems Large Telecom Infra Systems(Fixed & Wireless) Large Fibre Optics Infra Systems Quality Power Arrangement Skill Staff Software and Hardware Development Programme Partner Building and Shelters Committed to Go er e t of I dia Digital I dia i itiati e, DoT has a dated BSNL to setup 25000 Wi-Fi Hotspots in rural exchanges of BSNL. The setting up of 25000 Wi-Fi hotspots shall be funded from USO fund. Government shall provide full CAPEX and OPEX support to the tune of 942 Crore for the project. The OPEX support of 100% shall be provided by USOF for the 1st year and thereafter 75% support in the 2nd year, 50% support in the 3rd year of operation shall be extended to BSNL. Under this project, 1 Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) shall be setup initially in each rural exchange. Sikhana to Padega Hi Follow NBC2016 Safety Main It Should be Remain (Protect your Equipment for Surge Internal&External) We are with you always Security and Surveliance Digital India SCOPE Working Telecom & ICT field • Telepresence Services • RailTel’s Telepresence Service is an end-to-end, Full high-definition (FHD-1080p) videoconferencing service that gives users a virtual, face-to-face meeting experience. • Data Center Services • Great hosti g ea s ha i g po er, co trol a d peace of i d. A d that’s ho RailTel`s customers feel when they trust our certified NOC team to manage their hosting needs and challenges. • Rack and Space Collocation • RailTel facilitates co-location for equipment of telecom operators at its PoPs (Point of Presence) mostly located at Railway stations. Railway route & buildings being in heart of the city provide for high ARPU sites with maximum population coverage. RailTel also facilitates roof top BTS sites & in building solution at Railway stations & other Railway buildings. • Tower Collocation • • Wireless communications providers can now reduce capital expenditures and increase coverage by teaming up with RailTel. Our existing nationwide network of MW towers and other structures offers cellular, high speed data and other wireless communications companies. RailTel provides Tower colocation facilities to Telecom operators for mobile BTS • CCTV and Security Surveliances Systems Digital India Technology Options • Equipment – SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) – DWDM (Dense Wave Digital Multiplexing) – IP/MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) OPGW 24 F OPGW OPGW 24 F OPGW Repeater Tower with JB POWERGRID S/S SDH/ OADE U/G OFC 24 F POWERGRID S/S SDH/ OADE Tower Tower Approach Cable U/G OFC 24 F Shelter City PoP SDH Access Eqpt. DG set SDH Access Eqpt. City PoP Intracity Ring N/W JMV LPS LTD Intracity Ring N/W 38 Telecom Services Offered Point to Point Bandwidth SDH/DWDM N X E1/E3/DS3/STM-1/STM-4/STM-16/STM-64/10G /100G Capacity Scalable from present capacity of 400Gbps to Terabit Capacity Multiple Self – resilient backbone rings Internet Services Others Managed Services Telecom Services Offered WiFi Services IP Transit Services Data Center Services Internet Leased Line 2 Mbps – 1Gbps capacity links Internet Security Measures Three tier architecture Dual home connectivity in Backbone to avoid Single point of failure Dark Fibre on UGOFC Infrastructure Services MPLS Based VPN Resilient & Secure Network Design to cater to real time critical Power Transmission applications Co-Location Services 2 Mb – 10 G Layer-2 & Layer-3 VPN ports PoP Infrastructure Configurable Class of Service to suit data criticality Tower Space Leasing Network Scalability to 500 Gbps in core and 10Gbps/port JMV LPS LTD 39 NOFN • National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) project – a Govt. of India initiative is world largest rural broad band connectivity project through optical fiber. • Under NOFN project, around 6600 blocks of India in around 650 districts shall be connected to 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats of respective blocks by utilising existing fibre of BSNL, RAILTEL and POWERGRID. Incremental fibre shall be laid wherever required • Approx. 6 Lakh Km new incremental fiber to be laid. • Minimum 100Mbps bandwidth at each Gram Panchayat • BBNL (Bharat Broadband Network Limited)- a SPV has been set up for establishment, management and Operation of NOFN project. • Initial cost of project was around Rs. 20,000 Cr funded by USOF (DOT ). • Work allocation: BSNL (70%), RAILTEL (15%), POWERGRID (15%) JMV LPS LTD 40 40 NOFN – Status so Far • • Survey work had been completed and approved by BBNL for entire scope of project (36000 GPs) • Under Phase-I of project 9510 GPs are to be connected by laying around 22,000 Km of Under Ground Fiber in total 462 blocks in Telengana, Odisha, Jharkhand & HP. • Contracts for fiber laying has been issued to executing agencies to connect 7019 GPs in 341blocks. Balance 2491 GPs have been included in scope of phase-1 work recently. Accordingly, tendering activities for award of T&L contracts are under process. • As on date incremental Fiber laying has been completed for 4562 GPs after laying OFC of 10723Km. • Trenching and ducting for approximately 14,966 Km have been completed till date which includes 2541Km of T&L work in AP. JMV LPS LTD 41 41 Digital Equipment Power Sources • • • • • • • • Grid Power 230VAC SMPS Power 48VDC SMPS Power 12-30 VDC UPS Power 230 V and 440V Solar Power for Stand alone Equip 30W Solar Power for GPON Equipments Solar Power for Facilities Equipment Instalation Indoor /Out Door Source Safe Home Sweet Home Safe Place to Work (Office) Safe Working Environment (Industries) Follow Safety in Electrical Instalation Shocks Protection from Lightning Charges Surge in Systems and Result Surge in DC Application Protect 1) Safety for Human life/ Building/Equipments: To save human life from danger of electrical shock or death by blowing a fuse i.e. To provide an alternative path for the fault current to flow so that it will not endanger the user To protect buildings, machinery & appliances under fault conditions. To ensure that all exposed conductive parts do not reach a dangerous potential. To provide safe path to dissipate lightning and short circuit currents. To provide stable platform for operation of sensitive electronic equipments i.e. To maintain the voltage at any part of an electrical system at a known value so as to prevent over current or excessive voltage on the appliances or equipment . (2) Over voltage protection: Lightning, line surges or unintentional contact with higher voltage lines can cause dangerously high voltages to the electrical distribution system. Earthing provides an alternative path around the electrical system to minimize damages in the System. (3) Voltage stabilization: There are many sources of electricity. Every transformer can be considered a separate source. If there were not a common reference point for all these voltage sources it would be extremely difficult to calculate their relationships to each other. The earth is the most omnipresent conductive surface, and so it was adopted in the very beginnings of electrical distribution systems as a nearly universal standard for all electric systems. Factors affecting on Earth resistivity: (1) Soil Resistivity: It is the resistance of soil to the passage of electric current. The earth resistance value (ohmic value) of an earth pit depends on soil resistivity. It is the resistance of the soil to the passage of electric current. It varies from soil to soil. It depends on the physical composition of the soil, moisture, dissolved salts, grain size and distribution, seasonal variation, current magnitude etc. In depends on the composition of soil, Moisture content, Dissolved salts, grain size and its distribution, seasonal variation, current magnitude. (2) Soil Condition: Different soil conditions give different soil resistivity. Most of the soils are very poor conductors of electricity when they are completely dry. Soil resistivity is measured in ohm-meters or ohmcm. Soil plays a significant role in determining the performance of Electrode. Soil with low resistivity is highly corrosive. If soil is dry then soil resistivity value will be very high. If soil resistivity is high, earth resistance of electrode will also be high. (3) Moisture: Moisture has a great influence on resistivity value of soil. The resistivity of a soil can be determined by the quantity of water held by the soil and resistivity of the water itself. Conduction of electricity in soil is through water. The resistance drops quickly to a more or less steady minimum value of about 15% moisture. And further increase of moisture level in soil will have little effect on soil resistivity. In many locations water table goes down in dry weather conditions. Therefore, it is essential to pour water in and around the earth pit to maintain moisture in dry weather conditions. Moisture 9) Effect of current magnitude: Soil resistivity in the vicinity of ground electrode may be affected by current flowing from the electrode into the surrounding soil. The thermal characteristics and the moisture content of the soil will determine if a current of a given magnitude and duration will cause significant drying and thus increase the effect of soil resistivity Maintain less than one Ohm Resistance from EARTH PIT conductor to a distance of 15 Meters around the EARTH PIT with another conductor dip on the Earth at least 500 mm deep. Check Voltage between Earth Pit conductors to Neutral of Mains Supply 220V AC 50 Hz it should be less than 2.0 Volts. Maximum allowable Earth resistance: Major power station= 0.5 Ohm. Major Sub-stations= 1.0 Ohm Minor Sub-station = 2 Ohm Neutral Bushing. =2 Ohm Service connection = 4 Ohm Medium Voltage Network =2 Ohm L.T.Lightening Arrestor= 4 Ohm L.T.Pole= 5 Ohm H.T.Pole =10 Ohm Tower =20-30 Ohm Copper Clad Steel Solid ROD and Conductor An Arcing Fault is the flow of current through the air between phase conductors or phase conductors and neutral or ground. Concentrated radiant energy is released at the point of arcing an a small amount of time resulting in Extremely High Temperature. Fire Accident Due to Lightning We Want India Safe Practice Earthing and Protection Why Accidents happen? Accidents generally happen due to lack of maintenance, lack of Supervision, lack of knowledge, over confidence and negligence. Accidents may also happen due to one or more of the following reasons: Using improper tools Improper/non usage of protective devices Lack of proper instructions and supervision Mental/physical condition of the employee Poor Judgment JMV LPS Products Copper Cladded Conductor For Electrical Installation The Copper Clad Steel Grounding Conductor is made up of steel with the coating of 99.99% pure copper. These conductors/ wires or strands are equipped with the strength of steel with the conductivity and copper with the better corrosion resistance property. The concentric copper cladding is metallurgic ally bonded to a steel core through a continuous, solid cladding process using pressure rolling for primary bonding. The copper cladding thickness remains constant surrounding steel. We use different steel grades for the steel core result in Dead Soft Annealed, High strength and Extra High Strength Characteristics. The Copper Clad Steel Wire yields a composite conductivity of 21%, 30% and 40% IACS, and available in Annealed and Hard drawn. We are delivering products with varied conductivity and tensile strength as per the customer need. Further, the wire can be processed to be silver plated or tinned copper clad steel wire. Most Efficient JointProcess It is efficient and superior to all existing surface –to-surface mechanical retention connectors. What is Exothermic Welding System? Copper to Bi-Metal and Alumenium Types of Exothermic Joints: Possible to join any bi metal except aluminum Exothermic welding is a process of making maintain free highly molecular bonding process is superior in performance connection to any known mechanical or compression-type surface-to-surface contact connector. Exothermic weld connections provide current carrying (fusing) capacity equal to that of the conductor and will not deteriorate with age. It offers Electrical connections between two or more copper to copper and copper to steel conductors. Highly portable method as it does not require any external power source or heat source, so it can be done almost anywhere. It provides strong permanent molecular bond among metallic conductors that cannot loosen and further will not deteriorate with age. Connection does not corrode with time and it offers permanent conductivity. Installation ESE AT with radius protection form 32 mtr to 107 mtr. DMC Insulator . GI/FRP Mast . Down Conductor Copper / Copper Cadmium Cable 70 sq. mm Copper Bonded Ground Earthing Products Manufacture by JMV LPS BRADELY BRAND Innovation Never Stop(Cable Joints) Creditial Client List & Corportae Office Neeraj Saini – 9910398538 Rahul Verma – 9910398535 Manav Chandra - 9910398999