ZEALAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE THE NEW Sales by Auction. THIS DAY. EX ' LADY EHMA.' A anil Flowering Sydney, ani» Ilu'Tisr inst., for tho Erection Motu Ihi, for a Quarantine Station. Plans anil specifications may be seen, consisting of—-b.. OX ACCOUNT OF WHOit IX MAY Auckland, June 17, 1572. Tjy Auctioneer. CONCERN. 11 o'clock, Valuable Also, Valuable anil well-selected Library of MO tho laost talented awthors. vol?., by EX gA FROM LONDON. l ditto ditto ALFRED BUCICLAND. THOMAS I>. GILLIES, Superintendent. 1 ditto ditto Conditions 5 baling Tar, »tc. TUTS DAY. 11l E REMUKRA iA 120;?— YARDS, 1 ditto ditto 3 in lamb to a prise I'am. Lous-wool. Also. The Trize ll;inj. and -10 last year's Lamb?. »,.>•. IGl§— 1 reserve — l Ac. case 'J-S l-'aucy Prints ditto ditto 2 ALFRED AUCKLAND. 7 so cases Zinc, &c. n 15 1(5 17 Terms C:uh. is FRIDAY, JUNE 21. l» ■i,j »i HAT MARKET. 22 •>;; J4 The undersigned £. ha« recciwd instructions from Mr. Sadgrovo tosell by auction, on Fiiday next, at 11 o'clock, FIRST-CLASS Heavy Draught A 4 sets Ilarnesj, nearlv new Also, QUEEN-STREET. Drays 3 Tip FRIDAY, JUNE 21. CLOCKS. MAY Will sell by auction, at tb. ir Stores, Fort-street, Friday, the 21st June, at 11 on o'clock, THE following American Clocks. mere or le?s slightly damaged, ex * Hekiislee,' from Loiu'.on ' EIII >"Z so 31 casos, cotnpri'sinz each 0 Clocks, viz. • S-d,.y Tudor.' Oiu. and -in. I.c-vcr, and Cottage Alarm Shan'Cloclcs, all ui.»re or leas damaged. U". C<; bO SO '.12 i):'i •ui 1)7 05 115 117 11-. CO. & A LAKGK PAIvCICL of the above and Seasonable I x>u<U, just landet'. AT 12 O'CLOCK. S7 03 04 11.-ive rcc'-ivcl iiisiniciions tu ell by auction, at .T. S. Macf.irlane's lltmil. I'liei-n—trcet, This l>av Thursiliiv, 20th .lune, al II n'clock, FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 51 52 Mi REVERSIBLE DITTO SnEi'HERD'S LONGS HARRISON .C3L 110 121 122 123 124 125 120 127 12S AT THE IRON SUED ON TUE WHARF. 120 'IVrnis at tale. 130 144 40 MATS COUNT CERN. DATES, ON CANDIED WHOM IT MAY CON- OF E. & ISAACS 11. at 12 "' * MATS CANDIED v London. more or K*=? damage!, ex ' Hel '' DATES from TO-MORROW, X POULTRY. — Ducks, Fo-wls, AT Tur- Hams, limtcr, Uccf, 1 lour. Onions, Totatous, ic.. &c. GROCERIES (assorted). HOU6EHOLIJ FUIiMTVUK AM) The subscribers Cheese, EFFECT.i, liave r.-ecivetl instructions from T. Maclfarlanr, K-ij , I'rovisiunal Trustje in llankruptcy, tu hell, at the Kuurns, l-'urt-strcet. Tliis IJuy tTlmr.silav', 2'Jtli instant, at 11 o'clock, (In the Estate of A. N'. I.airil.; household furni- ture, &c„ of the JIKITISII HOTEL, North sale, conofPianoforte by Shoro, reniovetl to Mart for convenience of kfj-s, l.'eese, I'igeor.=, iirahma Pootta I'o'.vls, .'ic. PIJODtCE.- llacon, us HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, COTTAGE PIANOFOR i E, Sec., &c. The 0 O N. MARKET-DAY AUCTION SALE, ARTHUR'S MART. 147 DAY. the " o'clock, THIS BY ORDER OF TllH PROVISIONAL TRUSTEE IN THE ESTATE OF A. N. LAIRD. Till sell by auction, at the Iron She.l, close ;o aXorth Shore Ferry Wharf, on FrMar the21st iA 115 140 AC- 4 * Hord." Clu-val '•lass, Large Toilet (marble slab Uhetfonier, Loo Table, Hair-scuted Chairs, Ilockini;, Stulfc«l, an«l Wood Chairs, Jiook CaS'S clu-sts l/rowers, Wash- stands and Ware, Iron and Wood IScdsteadu, MatMirrors, Toot Rath, Tables. Fender, Oilcloth, Patent Man;.'!?, (ilass Show Child's Chair, Jiooks, Iron Cots, Meat L*afe, ('a <kc. trasses, 1 ., SAMUEL COCHRANE it. SOX, & Auctioneers. 110 152 153 151 155 150 157 153 101 10S 100 107 10S 10!> 170 171 172 152 I*3 I*4 INS IS7 101 10- I'.'3 101 2uo 201 202 203 204 205 200 207 AT L'LEVK.V ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM CONCERN. O'CLOCK. 110I1 0 XAXO ES. R. ARTHUR Has received instructions to sell by auction, at the Mores of Me.ssr.*. J. O L i:ob«rton and Co., I>urhamstreet. To-morrow_. Friday;, -Jlst inst., at 11 o'clock a.m., to close consignments, ABOUT tons SO 200 210 212 TO CLOSE CONSIGNITENTS. TO BE SOIJTby AUCTION. WARRNA MBO 20S FRIDAY, JUNE 21. TO-MORROW, FRIDAY, JUNE 21. "\7arrmunbool I?OTAXOES, in lots to suit purchasers. IT MAY 214 210 217 The subscribers will sell, at tho Rooms, Fort-street, on Friday next, the 21st o'clock, June, at half-past 11 SUPERIOR Lot of Modern \ including r.'oM nnd Silver XV .1 Watches. Dimuond liinf;, ('.old Chains, i'ins, Loekets, Silver Cyar Case, and an Assurtuient of Faney (ioods. Terms—Cash. 213 215 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND RING, GOLD CHAINS, PINS, FANCY GOODS. 21S 210 220 221 227 22S 220 -30 232 233 234 2-35 2.I1; 257 235 -30 210 211 SAMUEL COCIIRANJ2 243 245 SOX, &. Auctioneers. 240 247 FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 24S MONDAY, JULY 8. AT 11 O'CLOCK. AND CHILDREN'S IU" THE BLANKETS, Ii U G S. UNDER DECREE OF TITE .SUPREME COURT, EX 'HELENSLEE,' DAMAGED. OE EDWARD HE ITRANT, DECEASED. ESTATE BOOTS', &C. AXI) 11Y ORDER OF XIIK TRUSTEE. TO B.E SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IX MAY CONCERN. PROPERTIES AT PARNELL AND NEWMARKET. Will sell by auction, at CO. their Stores, Durham-street as N above, L :n diamond, AC under-£6", 101, 113, 1 (K 114,110, XI/ lis, n<j_ HOOTS & ' 103 10r' 111 ' Assorted Elastic Kid §10 j, 115- 2 trunks Elastic Clove Kid Hoots 5110 l trunk Assorted Uppers 1 trunk < .'iris' Kid Hoots 4 trunks »;irls' Cordovan Boots 1 trunk Women's Cordovan lloots §4iO— L In diamond, A B under 51074— 1 bale, so pair 0-4 Striped Blankets ICIS— 50 pairs Super llrcwn Uluukets 1 pkj. Samples Übinkets 1 pkg. Samples Carriage Rug 3. - — Terms Cash. snhsrritiprs have received the I.:uhl Mart, Fort-street, The 12 o'clock, 10 0 1 11 oi 20 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 12 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 010 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 O 0 10 oio 10 0 010 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 3". 0 035 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 oio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 1 0 1 0 10 10 10 10 10 1 0 1 0 10 1 1 1 1 1 the of Kdvvard deceased, viz. PAItNKLL—Part of Allotment 71, Section 1, of the of Auckland, 50 feet frontage to a street running from the main road past Mr. Giles's, by a depth of 1-13 feet, and having thereon a four-roomed Cottage, outhouse, and good well of water. Suburbs NEWMAltKET—Allotment 3">, Section 14, of the Suburbs of Auckland, containing 0 acres and f> perches, and bounded on two sides by a stream of water. The land is mostly in grass, ami is situated close to tho Newmarket ilailway Station, and to the property of A. Kcir, Esq. SAMUEL COCHRANE Auctioneers. & SON, 3'>'. l 310 311 S 312 :ti:i 311 :-ir> 310 10 317 s S s 10 5 5 10 320 021 322 32."> S 320 12 333 12 330 337 S 33S S 310 311 342 10 10 10 0 0 331 S 10 lo It 311 31.; 317 34S :il'J 3.".0 S S S s ! si 353 S 10 :;5t S 3*5 350 357 12 10 10 10 o 12 .s s ;;/;l 10 3 300 307 10 s b s :u:s 8 si ;ii : 370 371 372 5 A .S s 10 10 6 5 5 : j ;i. 11 a S 7 13A Hi 7 7 1!U 20A -JIA 22A 23 v 24\ 25 v 27A 7 K 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 111 S t> 35 37a S 2iW 0 0 10 I 0 0 1 0 S Under tho irfritMice of these Powders, the Horse rapidly regains h !■. and .-trenyth, the mat becomes 1 0 10 smooth, and the «.«•-. the true index of health anil to its natural brightness, and disease, is soon re<t« • the sluggish animal .. gain* all the pl::ck consequent S a 8 10 5 5 fi I7A s 5 5 10 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 110 57a 110 5SA 5 uIA li i;2a S OUa CI A 5 fi 0 5 fi <«.i CO A 1 2 12 70A 71A 72a S fi 5 5 fi 5 1 10 0 110 110 SOa 1 1 1 1 ,-2A 83a MA ssa COA 4,7 5 5 },SA silv S a !H)A fi ft 5 5 ft ft 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 S 75a 70a 7 1 30 10 1 0 14 1 0 11 73a 71a ft 01A <J2A 03a 01a 05a 0 0 0 0 10 s 5 lo S 8 s 8 s 8 10 30 10 10 0 CO 22 2.5 20 34 1 24 Agents -14 Publications. 20 25 20 "riIIU li C H 20 "0 20 30 HEAP L> It ron 20 On HKRALD " Number of "0 20 Auckland," to bo continued " The Church be published the First Gazette for the Diocese of monthly,on the tirst day of each month. Piicc - Twoi'KM K ; or, including postage, Tiiiu:kim:nck. Subscription -Two Smi.if Tiikiih Shillings, posted. Annum; linos I'kr or. The Chuich < lazette"is ititemled to form a record of events of interest to Members v( the Church of Kngland, in New Zealand, and to furnish a means of communicationbetween the Membersof the Church -'0 20 20 »5 " 25 2S in the Diocese of Auckland. Publishers: Messrs. I'noN ash Co., (»ueen-street, who will receive Subscriptions, and to whom Advertisements and Communications to thu Kditor should bo forwarded. 23 23 L5 2"> 30 p II A F F T. tunity now offered. S. & Canada Buildings, Qpeen-stebbt, AUCKLAND. MES. JOHNSTONE, SEVE2T DOOE3 ABOVE THE POST STEAM, HOUSE, on AND hand, fl. P. 20 2S Machinery, Etc. DAVE Y AND Printing Establishment, No. 10, Wyndham-street. Tho obovo Establishment haring th« largest num. bor of latest improved Printing Machines, togethor with the most varied and extensire stock of Typo, la the Province, orders can bs executed on tho shortest notice. I Euling of all description! dona on the premlis*. ' NEBRASKA.* CKUICKAIIANK rpnos. lIINE & & AND IKON MERCHANTS, •SI'KNI'KM-STIt EKT, MKI.BOI'KNK, Importers of the Celebrated ' Orb* Galvanized Iron. Messrs. T)avey and Co. aro prepared to arrange for the importation of all kinds »,i Machinery, for Agricultural, Mining, and Manufacturing purposes, at current rates, direct from tho manufacturers. Mr. Davkt will give his personalattention to any orders received, ensuring <juick despatch, and lowest freight obtainable. Tkhmh —One-third cash remittance, payable to th«i order of Tjiomas Davky a*i> Co. at Union Bank of Australia, London. Balance on ship's arrival in Now Zealand. Temporary London AdUrtsg~l22/ Cannon-strfet* B JEWELLERY E. The INSURANCE COMPANY. MODERATE KATEo OF PKEsIIITI. OGice —Queen-dtreet, Auckland. GEORGE P PIEP.CS, Head Maiuiar. ! JEWELLERY! TMPEEIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON. Capital: £1,000,000. X A?ent—SAMUEL JACKSON*. Fort-street consignment Tfil.M liLh-S, J'KNCIL CASES, BABIES* CORALS, &C., &C. CO. The above aro all of the most exquisite design and finish. The new Spring-snap Ring entirely supersedes all other fastenings for Jewellery. CO.'S BRANDT. A shipment of aboro in Ilhds.. Qr.-casks, and Cases, to land from Mielenslcc.' CIIUICKSIIAKK & Conveyances, &c. O T I E. C On find after MONDAY, June 3, our WAGATO COACH will leave Auckland EVEfIY MO>DAY, ESDAY, $ and Fill DAY, 103, QRUICKSHANK Queen-stkebt, Seeds, Bone TA K I Gordon's Canvas—Best Navy Brown Booking Oflice, Elliot-street. C. MAIZE CO.'S TELEGKAPHIC TIME TABLE. Leave Auckland even- Monday, "Wednesday, ail Friday, at fj a.m., for— s. i s. d. Point Russell Otahuhu 2 G .5 0 I'aputoetoe Papakura TARTARIAN SEED CLOVER (to arrive) OATS FREEMAN'S The tindersijnert " Papatcetoe Otahuhu Leave Auckland at 3 p.m. for Papa:oetoe Drury WILXiCOX, Otahuhu Papakura Leave Drury at 7.30 a.m. for Papakura Papatoetoe Otahuhu Auckland Daily for Panmure and Howiik. BONEDUST! HAY HONE MILLS. are now .. Papakura Drury. Leave Drury at 12noon for? Papatoetoe Papakura Otahuhu Auckland DURHAM-STREET. jgONEDUST! .. DAILY TIME TABLE. Leave Auckland every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at G.30 a.in., and every Tuesday, Thtjslsy* and Saturday, at S a.m., for— LONEDLST, BONEFLOUR PERUVIAN GUANO 10 cast* Fine Fresh Currants 120 cases Dressed Java Rico .. .. COCKSFOOT & .. Hamilton every Tuesday, Thursday, ind Saturday, at u a.m., forPapatoetoe ..J5 6 f> 0 Otahuhu ..!7 6 15 0 22 6 Auckland Drury .. 23 0 Papakura Parcels forwarded to all parts of the AYaikat". and must bo paid for before leaving the otlice. "Wtion'fc hold ourselves responsible for any parcel.', valu.'over RYE GRASS JAKINS Ngaxuawahia >0 0 Hamilton ..*5 9 Cambridge ..*0 4 G C 6 7 C .. Learo SEED "WHEAT (Winter) Wittand William's Stout snpplving Bonedust ol their own manufacture,guaranteed free from adultera* per ton of 2,240 lbs. (sacks or bags intion, at cluded).—J. &J. SOPPETT, Freeman's Bay: or to Hendekson ix Macfaklane's, Queen-street. Bones purchased Ln any quantity for cash. Leave Auckland at 3 p.m. Leave Howiok at Carriages, Bupgies, or Saddle Horses -:an be of the province. for all parts iirsd rfer NOTICE.—On and this date a comT'*ent Guide find good Saddle Horses can be had at**? 1 bridge, in wishing tit connection with our Coach, for p:tiei visit the undermentioned places, r ~}~~ Tauranga, .Maketu, Eotorua, Cabinet-makers and Upholsterers. Taupo, and In --r>ier. Hot Lakes Terms moderate. Boosi.nu Office :—Elliott-street. WINKS furnish & lIALL Beg to call the attention of parties about to to their large Stock of ENGLISH, AMERI- anil COLOSLVL-MADK Fb'KXITUiIE, at greatly-reduced prices. Walnut and Rosewood Wardrobes Drawing-room Suites Chests of Drawers Marble Top and other Oval and Shaped Loo and Card Tables '.V"'islistaii(l3 and Dre.-sing Tables ChefToniers and Davenports Bedsteads —iron, brass. -Music Waggons and Whatnots mahogany and other Couches and Easy Chairs woods Dining and Drawing-room Commodes Bidets Chairs Toilet Pets and Sideboards Hair, Flock, Spring, Dining Tables Flax .Mattresses Palliasses, Feather Beds Dinner Waggons WHARF, MOO Tt E, Gilt Chimney Glasses Bolsters and Pillows Geneve Gin Marble Top and Mahogany Pressing Tables Tapestry, Three-ply Kidderminster and Scotch Carpets. These goods were all purchased previous to the late great advance, and they will give their customers the fail benefit of this. Hearthrugs. Door Mat?, Mattingsand Felts Floor Cloths, thoroughly seasoned, cut to any plan llall Tables and Chairs Old Hum, 30 o.p. Curaqoa Maraschino Cherry Cordial Cherry Brandy Orange Hitters R. M. has on sale a small quantity of OLD PORT of the finest quality that can bo bad Id London, & LINE OF MAIL COACHES. Ngartiawahia Point Ilussell CHEESE (Canterbury) BACON and HAMS SALT BUTTER cases Tennant's Pale Ale, quarts cases Tennant's Pale Ale, pints 30 cases German Lager Beer for Pickling Strong: "Walxor's Knclish Ginger Wine SparkUng Hock Chaini>»gne, pints and quarts Australian White and Red Wine Guinftss's Stbnt, bottled by Machin Blood's Ate'and- Stoat BURTON" ALE, lis. per dozen PORTER, 4s. p-r gallon ; in bottle. 9s. 6d. per dozen The Trade supplied with lihds. and qr.-casks. COBB Drurv BRAN, SHARPS CADUCEUS,' Orange Boven G'trman Uitte WILL COX & FEED OATS WIIEAT (for fowls) 100 cases Fine Old Jamaica Bum cases Burnett's Old Tom fine Proprifjor. .. 300 cases Marteli's Pale Brandy 100 cases Do L;uge's Flask Brandy 50 cases Arbonin Maret's Old Urandy 20 qr.-casks lleunessy'n Pale Brandy 18 qr.-ca.sks MarU'lls Dark Brandy 10 qr.-ca.sks U.V.P. Braniiy 20 qr.-cas-ks Lemon Hart's Rum cases Dust, Etc. Have on Sale SYDNEY Tobacco—lo's and "Champion" Brand Cigars-Manila, Havannah, and Hungarian High-street, Auckland, April '25.1572. 50 100 50 20 G. QUICK, Adoklasd. Q~ TONS CIRCULAR HEAD POTATOES Iron Tanks 4 jS" S " Merchant Navy Brovrn Common Canvas, 2 bales Colors in Oil, and Oxide of Iron Paint 3 ex 7.30 CO., boxes Dutch Parrafliu Candles case Assorted Stationery •50 boxes TD Pipes, McDougall's, tipped. SALE, day, a: same p.m., and will leave Hamilton the following mcnicr, JEWELLER, & for HAMILTON", at a.m., arriving in Hamilton the at 0 a.m., arriving in Auckland at 7.30 p.m. RICHARD BECK, CO. Martell's Pal# ami Brown Brandy Campbelltown Scotch WhiskeyFine Old Irish Whiskey Browning's Celebrated Old Tom MACHINERY INT IJS G ' TUB PUBLIC A_SO SIIITPINO SUPPLIED WITH WIKB AND SPIRITS OF FIRST QUALITY. CCX, Agent, Shortland-street. FI the Articles received are Broociies, Dress Necklets, Bracelets, Lockets, AVatcues (Gold and Silver), Watch(ji-arus, St cds, UiiKASTriNs, Scarp Brooches, Dolly Vat.den Scarf J4uoociie.s (the nbw FASHIONABLE WINTER WEAR], SLFEVK LINKS, WINE srililT, AND BEER MERCHANT. AND IMPORTER. QITEEN-STItEKT. rjIIIOMAS CASES, ex R. 25 AND MABINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Eakuixos, BITTERS. 5 reccircd 3)J CO. CANS, H. FEKDELO W, IRONMONGER AND IMPORTER, 20 20 PACIFIC I-lER Amongst AIFEEN-STEBET tho Kirdt-class C'crtille.itc for CliafTClitters, Chcese-jiris-es, iiml Ilairjr U tonsils, at tho lute Agricultural Show iu Auckland. 20 20 & 1572. Stores and Groceries Oils, Ac. Portable Engines, by Rnston, Proctor and Co, Steam Dimmers, Saw Benches and Saws. BUCHOLZ & CO., Fort-street PATENT CHEESE PRESSES. DTER, Resident Secretly. Henry Gilfillxn, 7, Queen-street. MedicalReferee : Snrgeon. T. B. The selection has been made most carefully, and all tastes have been consulted, and the result will bo found to be the most elegant collection of bijouterie in the colony. Faints, HAND-POWER, JOSEPH 103, Qbees->tebet. Oilman's for application to anj of the agent*, or at Agent for Auckland: JEWELLERY! CnUICKSIIANK June 17, o* the Head Office as abore. NEW ZEALAND and Pale Orange Ale—Jeffrey's, Tennant's, and Morice Cox's Porter—Jeffrey's, 15. Porter's, and liorthwick's with all the latest improvements. 20 will be sent, THORNE, Jt7>\, OFFICE, SHOKTLAND-STEEET. Zc-aland. UNLIMITED LIABILITY. FIRE and MARINE RISKS accepted by GEOSGE Jewellery, Also. Always ou handPort, Sherry, Champagne, Moselle, Claret, VerJuniper-tree mouth's Whisky, Schnapps, Geneva, Ac. Bitters—German Aromatic, Dubois* Pomeranzen, - »>ew The Bank of The New Zealand Branch of the above Sodrty is now established, and is prepared to carry on bisness in their Branch Offices, Grev-street, Wellingtoc. Prospectuses, showing the present state ar.dpic-rress of the Society, and forms of proposal, may be hi, or MO EE. IN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, 200 boxes Price's Belmont Candles 25 boxes Palmer's Vestas 50 cases Castor Oil, id tins. C U T T EES! CIIEESE-PKESSE3! A Largo Stock "0 25 COMMERCIAL and GKXERAL PRINTING of every description, at the rery lowest rates, and in tho best style, executed at tho llekald Steam direct immediate attention to tho oppor- 20 cases American Salmon 20 cases American Lobsters Farm Implements, 20 -'0 20 20 "0 20 20 OFFICE. would AND OTHER LATK ARRIVALS:— COO cases Hennessy's Pale Brandy tui: MONDAY, July 1-t, will 20 AT Tnß " CLEAR THESE CHOICE GOODS, ON aAZB TT E DIOCKSK OF AUCKLAND." Printing', <£c. p for New Zealand:--Messrs. "Wish, Dunedin. 20 20 33 2 24 Japanned and Galvanized, Slop Pails, Baskets LINSEED OIL, Boiled and Raw. Turps BLACK and "WHITE LEAD, Paints, Brashes &c., &c. •Sc., lIAVB ON' HANI>, EI LATK AJIHITALS, '- 20 1 1 10 0 1 0 0 Hand, Pocket, Bull's Eye, Stable, and Ship SCOOPS— 1 " 20 20 20 20 30 20 LANIERNS- 150 t'lie 30 — DO9F; SCRAPERS coming nut Oil. and conscientious practitioner openly taking them under his own charge."—I.n/io t, May 00, 15.VT. We are therefore glad that Dr. l'eancy, a Melbourne surgeon of established reputation, has had the courage to grapple with this subject, and by the publication of this work point out a way of e.scape to sufferers from the injuric-on their constitution, and the drain made on their purse, by impudent charlatans. To such sull'erers we commend a perusal of Mr. Uer.i'ey's vo'timc. T'h'jr<q>h (Victoria. 25 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 arrive for tho season, Mrs. J. has determined to EOII SALE—Seven Tons of Cocoa- <iKi>. liKAsrv. F.11C.5., " 22 27 "0 "0 Ua\iug large shipments to Merchandise. tant functional aihio-nts and abherrant phy.stoluK.e-al states affecting humanity can be rc-cued from tho grasp of tho most disgusting and villainousquackery, ami treated with benefit to the patient, is by the scien- *>0 Thomas Buchanan, Esq. Joe Dransfield, Esq. Medical Officer ; Alexander Johnston, Esii» Bankers : val Cocoa, Plain and Bordered, a rge assortment AND Midir il Dictionary, vol ii. The only way by whiih some of the most impor- 20 Chairman A. de 15. Brandon, EsfJ., M.11.R. The Hon. Morgan i?. tJraco, E=<|., M.D., M.L.C. George Hunter, Esq., M.H.R. Auditors : and Foot Mache, Elgin and Japanned and Papia Patterns Local Board of Directors : Hon. C. J. Pharazvn, Esq., M.L.0., Chainria lion. William Fitzherbert, A1.11.i1., Deputy of JEWELLERY of the and most fashionable devices has just been received by Mr. R. BECK, and is on sale at his establishment. s 8 » 0 0 Toilet Seta in variety TRAYS— larse newest empiric. In the pres.-nt era of high r. tinement and of luxurious if not vicious enjoyments,and u.ider the inlluence of noxious plans ard systems (-f edneatiou, instances are very numerous for which medical advice is required for tin* remo\al of the morbidly disqualifying conditions about to be considered, but is not resorted to so frequently a it owglit to be. Since advice is thus often neces.- iry, the ability of thosu from whom the community have a riu'ht to expect it. of the most judicious kind, should be equally great in providing it. There is every reason, al.-o. to believu that it would bo oftener sought after if the subject were known to be more fully entertained by the duly qualified members of the profession." - l><\ C j'Utiul'd « 0 0 0 0 aspkcts, HeadOfiice: Wellington. DOOR MATS— discussed, ami thereby relinnui<hed to the irregular jiractitioner, or to tin* entirelv umpmlilled s s s -'5 20 20 20 210 A 1 327 220 a 110 5 ij S S 25 TIN AND JAPANNED "WARE— Baths, Sitz, Hip, Sponge, Shower, A Spermatorrhea, uith impotence and sterility, "are subjects «'f irurh greater practical importance than ha>» been conceived by inanv, and often involve the happiness and perpetuation of families. Yet have they, by a sort of piofcs.-ional prudery, been either entirely overlooked by medical writers or very impet- S ->0 20 1U 1 1 1 O 24 1 1 20 114 1 0 10 07A 5 5 s 100 1 0 0 Satins, Coventry and post Cs., MKDICAL, . ZEALAND BRANCH. NEW Forks, Cruet Stands, Toast Racks NEW Surgeon to tlie Melbourne Hospital and 11. >1. Troops di'ring the War in the Crimea. S S 20 3 S 020 0 24 fj.s., ij:<;al I'v ■!amr.s 10 10 10 0 0 05A uiA f, 0 Price PHYSIOLOGICAL, ITS Kotmerly S 0 1 2 12 1 0 0 1 0 0 -ha 49A 50A 52 A 53a 54A 50A 5 fi 5 5 10 French PfiO- FOE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE, £c Tea and Coffe® Pots BRITANNIA METAL AND BLOCK TIN— Tea and Ceffee Pots Dish Covers Jelly Moulds, &c. and Jackcts, and Paisley Shawls, Genoa Velvets, Lyons Wovo S P 3-: R M A T ORKII G-: A, JN S 0 100 10 0 1 0 0 40a 41A .1 .s s s 0 Mantles EDiriOiV Now Ready, SECOND S 10 10 S o the and French Spoons, Millinery, Wholesale Agents for New Zealand KEMPTIIOUNK. PUOSSKR AND CO., Ihinediu and Auckland. s 10 1 0 :I-,A Bonnets. English Reductions. Frcnch NEW S S Oio a in Is also included on good health. S 0 0 2 THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT And 3 S 10 LINUIE.VT. POWDLKS. S S S A T7STKALTA>T MUTUAL YIDEXT SOCIETY. XA. Hornby's Celebrated, with and withoutMangle MEXICAN MUSTANG WORM AND CONDITION S S AND CHAHAIf Vaile's Buildings, Queen-street. Agents—P EEECE Established 1549. Lockwood Brothers* and Joseph Rodders Jc Son's Table and Dessert Knives, Carvers, Steels, &c., &c. ELECTRO AND ALBATA PLATE— "VTASniNG MACHINES s S 1 I \ 10 10 10 272 10 10 1 0 •• :i2\ :;3A 0 0 200 s LIFE DEPARTMENT The rates of premium haTe beeo calculatedTPith great care ; ther will be found both moderate and equitable, and will ill most cases compare faroably with those of other offices. kept in every way distinc; The Life Fund 3 from those of the Fire Branch. CUTLERY— The best external application for all disease? inci- S mitted. are S. 3IORRIN. HOLLOWARE of all descriptions STEELING. The Shareholders are about 500 in number, mos o' whom are botk wealthy and influential. Losses tinder policies Issued br the Com pant »m have prompt attention. Payments in CASH, h--? or at home, fit the option of the assured. Claims arisiag from explosion of gas in boilings on which the Company hare Insurances will l> kJ. MORRIN Ranges Fender and Fire Irons ENAMELLED AND TINNED clearance. dental to Horses and Cattle. Testimonials from the highest racing authorities. Horse and Cattle Dealers, Graziers. Ac., attest its superiority ; used expressly in the Artillery and Cavalry Departments of the United States and Mexico, by sanction of their respective S i 2 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 v fi fi ft 5 207 WESTON'S MEXICAN' MUSTANG s s 110 :;'u 10 10 1 0 10 1 0 10 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 io 8 S. & & HATE OX SALE STOYES— Sham Register and Gothic Hall English Cooking Cash Purchasers, be subjected toa like Discount. AND BREEDERS OF STOCK. TO FARMERS a 10 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 30 20A MA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 10 0 10 0 1 0 24 1 2 3 10 0 1 I 0 1 2 0 1 035 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 O 1 2 0 v 10A 7 23S 8 10 10 1 7 5 250 20-1 205 200 S S S S 010 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 oio o l 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 oio 010 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 :;-,i 10 rp French Ribbous, Dress Materials, <fcc., &c., will, to a period that great perfection and uniformity is attained. Kxperienco is the only safe guide as to etlYct of remedies. If we judge by this rule it must be confessed that WKSTON'S MAGIC PILLS have a strong claim upon the confidence of an acute and discerning people. 5 10 0 10 010 o 1 0 oio 0 10 :u:: 12 Handicraft, havr been prepared in the Weston Kauiily for so long so 1 os 10 1 0 1 0 2; »7 r r> 0 10 010 0 10 0 1 0 Oil) 1 0 1 0 255 !is(l r> . 10 10 10 MAGIC PILLS (suuAit coated). This crent Medicine limy be used according to Nature's requirement:. We point wilh confidence to lojik duration and wide-spread reputation as proofs positive of public appreciation. The MAHIC PILLS S 1 0 10 0 T. Carved Ivory, Inlaid Papier Machie, &c., &c., Moriantiquo Silks, NO FICTION." IS WESTON'S £> oio 10 0 10 0 oio 0 0 0 2-'J 254 5 0 0 0 0 311) S 0 10 0 10 oio oio 0 31S S fi 0 10 010 0 10 oio 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 instructions to sell, at Monday, July 8, at JL soa 3H4 :»5 3oti s 10 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 oio 0 10 oio 24U 250 on following PROPERTIES, iu rpiJl'i estate Meurant, 0 0 0 0 0 1!!)1 'JO.". S S 1 1 -'.*3 14 Oio 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 010 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 O 1 32 0 0 2S 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 O 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 oio 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 oio 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 ~>7 -J.NS Japan placo Mrs. Johnstone in a > oio 0 10 0 10 0 10 251 ■S!i JOHN EOBEII TO oio 2SI -js:. -jm; 77A 7:IA 252 LADLES', GIRLS', 'J.VJ 300 301 10 <J0 01 AY. G. 10 13 10 10 Oio QUEENSLAND SHAWLS <iothic. -OS 0 til TARTAN SQUARES. -".17 S 0 0 0 -Jso w i;u iVi -7'J 10 15 la 15 15 13 10 0 0 Chisels and Gouges Spokeshaves, Turnscrews, Squares Braces Hammers. &c. A.*gurs, Scotch Screw and Shell toilet table, at such prices as must command a speedy suffering from pain, inflammation, and weakness, curing in a few days the sickness ami diseases of months and years, giving instantaneous Kase and Comfort in all ordinary pains and aches, either inter- "TRUTH Fasteners, &C., &c. Socket and Firmer suitable for tlio drawing-room and for gracing the congestions; in nal or external, all cramps, fact it fully verifies the vcrdict given by the millions that havo used it. 5 5 f> 1 0 1 0 0 0 -7S 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 3- 10 oio '170 *J77 8 60 3G-i>". GREY CALICOES 7:2-i:.-. GREY SIIEETIXGB 7--ix. i SO-i.v. CROYDEN DITIO SHIRTS DOE TROUSERS -I'l 'jrr» b 10 io io 10 10 0 ]'. £ s 0 0 'J7 0 14 oio oio oio n. rnent Bolts IMPORTATIONS to exhibit valuable works of guch as the great Australian Public in IS»>4. and the wonderful and mysterious iutluencc it exhibited iu stopping the most excruciating l'air.s, Aches, and lnlirmities, in a few minutes after its tise is well known. Its Upset l'rice. Area. A. Magnificent CARPENTERS' TOOLS of every description ROBERT SORBY & SONS— miraculous power in raising the Hed-riddi n, Crippled. Klieunmtlc, Neuralgic, divesting the system from all £ io 10 10 8 57 :,s MEN'S CRIiIEAX Lot. 13 i". 10 io si 02 I'AXCY PRINTS 0 023 No. of 1 rice. 0 10 oio 0 10 oio oio 0 10 0 10 ;-,0 MEN'S TWEED H. I3ACC3 & 4'.) HORROCK'S LONGCLOTIIS, A. k B. OS ON ACCOUNT OF "WHOM IT CONCERN. E. 43 .-,1 ALFRED DUCKLAND. AMERICAN •"I 33 4J AT. J. S. MACFARLANE'S EOND, Horses T: 27 DAY. THIS 0 10 oio 0 30 0 12 0 0 Upset fctench Brads Foreign Markets. position ALL NERVOUS AND INFLAMMATORY ACHES AND PAINS. WESTON'S WIZARD OIL wns tlrst introduced to will be 1' 1 ILA N'lA Xl" I, I'OVEUTY BiV. Area. -v. li. r. Xo. of Lot. WIZARD OIL, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA AND GOUT, AND Town Sections. 3 baling Tar, MAIZE. AT "Wire, Flooring Circular, Vertical, Pit, Cross-cut, Hand, Ripping, Panel, Tenon, and Compass Saws, ail] sizes The Great American Remedy for TOWNSIUI' OK GISBOUM-:. SITI'.VTK 1 ditto ditto EAYMARKET. THE is put up. 4. All lands not disposed of at the sale immediately thereafter withdrawn from sale. 150$— 1 ditto ditto Ij7»— For sale, To-nicrrow, at 11 o'clock, without 20Q Jcc. ladings Tar, 1 bale 10-1 l ancy Reverse Stripe Uugs TO-MORROW. BAGS balinys Tar. iSL-c. Ewbank's, American-cut, and Finishing, BRASS GOODS— Sash Fasteners, Roller Ends, Rack Pulleys, Case SASn WEIGHTS, Sash, Line, Axle Pulleys, Tower From China anil three-fourths and Cast, Patent T, Gothio Hook-off, TNrought Butts, Parliament, &c. NAILS— Specimens of Art at less than invoice prices in tl:» DIBECT' WESTON'S CAPITAL: ONE MILLION' Crystal, China, Ebony, and Brass THE HAEKET Casli Purchasers somo SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL L\T SURANCE COMPANY. O Sale, Plate, and Mortice HINGES— Medical. paid as follows, viz.:—One-fourth at the time of sale by way of deposit, and the remaining sale, in the within out; calendar month after the event of the second payment not being made within the siul period of one calendar month the sale shall and the forfeited. void, drpo-.it be a. Any lot may be withdrawn at any time before it IGOj— 1 bale 7- in. Grey Sheetings ALFRED BUCKLAND. TEE Wliito Medium Twill I*Jl§~ 1 ditto ditto FIRST-CLASS, Larp;e-frauied, 4rU tiu. Ill's— 1 Thereby offering to Sai.E. of 1. The land will bo sold in lots by auction to the highest bidder. In case of doubt as to tho highest bidder for any lot, or in ease the person to whom a lot has been knocked down shall fail to make the deposit hereinafter mentioned, the lot willbe at once put up again. 2. The purchase money of any allotment shallbe 1 ditto ditto DIS- IRONMONGERY. LOCK FURNITURE— TRICES, Tenders arc invited until -1 p.m. on THURSDAY, 27th June, for Erection of a liridgc on the Waiuku Road. I'lan and speciticiition at my ollice, Stichbury's liuildings. P. F. MARTINEAU T.URIiOWS, Architect and Surveyor. ami seventy-two. 1 ditto ditto — TEE CENT. LESS THAN * Auckland. for Fort-street, March 23.1572. Undersigned have tor Carpenters' Patent Rim, Dead, Locks, all sizes ] liU-'S lSlij— AT 23 TRICT. 1 — Dairy Cows Eat aiul Store Pigs. NE BALE GEEY 111 GH WAT ARAKA Court house. CJisborne, bv the Provincial Secretary, on THUKSDAY, tho eighteenth day of .Inly, 1672, as Town and Suburban Laud, at the hourof twelve o'clock noon. Ciiven under my hand, at Auckland, this fifth day of .Tune, One thousand eight hundred > 131 ° § PUP.LIC AUCTION, at tho A in Diamond. I I I over Tub Architect. . lul/ 500 Fat Sheep iO well-bretl Cattle, principally Steers from one to twoyears old £0 grown Steers .1. S. McF. the Superintendent by The Auckland Waste Lands 1 hereby notify, for public information, Act, that all those pieces or parcels of land enumerated in the Schedule hereunder will be ollered for SALE by I CATTLE W KLL-FATTED -gUILDERS' portion of the following UILDERS. CHOICE AND SUPERB GOODS, rians, Ac., at my ollice. Queen-street. EDWARD MAIIONEY, " | Tor sale. This Day ;Thuri,lay\ at 12 o'clock B GEORGE THORNE, Government Life Insurance Harrows, Iron and "Wood Desires to draw Spccial Noticc to tho remaining O'IiALLOKAN, Legal Manager. Tenders willbe received up to 2 o'clock on SATURDAY. the 22nd instant, for tho erection of a Villa Residence near All Saints' Church, L'onsonby lload. liy Thomas Jtannatyne Chillies, Esquire. Superintendentof the Province of Auckland. Under ami in pursuance of the powers vested in CO. & Have received instructions to sell by auction, at J. S. M.icfarlane's ISoud, This Day (Thursday.', Juuo at eleven o'clock, 15 EMDE 11 A YARDS. IAA G. HAKRISOX rjTo XOTIFICATIO.X. j W. JOHNSTONS Coromandel, June 14, 1572. POVERTY BAY. DAMAGED BY SEA WATER. S. O. PUII LI C THE LANDS. OF L E TOWNSHIP OF GISBOBNE, DAY. MRS. deposit of iilO to accompany cach tender. Sp..cillcationa to bo seen, and all information to he obtained, on application to Messrs. Mowijbay, lincen-strect, Aucklaiul ; Mr. O'Hallora::, Albert-street, (irahamstown ; and at the Company's ollice, Coromandel. PREMIUM. Forparticulars apply to Baine's Patent English Hay Hakes English Brag Rakes Lyndon's Spades, black and bright, No. 0 to 3 American and English Flat Prong Potato Forks American Garden Rakes and Hoes Ploughs, Howard's and Hornsby's New Patterns S- E A Tho auctioneers solicit an early attendance, as the irholc must be sold and removed same day. THIS E Meach Gold Mining Company's ground. Coromandcl 'HELENSLEE,' CLEABY, MASTER, rcaily. now D SECURITY AND LOW RATES OF j Entire Furniture, N ABSOLUTE Scythe Stones, round and square American Hay Rakes, 3 bow Tondera will bo rccoircd up to tlie 27th June, 1572, for sinking a Shaft to the depth of 100 fuet in the Tiauos, Choice Engravings, Ccoliing Utensils, SC., &c. E GOVEEX. ME2TT LIFE INSURANCE AND kinds Sulphur and Bluestene Hay Scythes, Sorby's Patent and Crown, 40 inch to 45 inch American and English Scythe Handles QHINA! JAPAN! General Government Ollices, GEORGE SIBBIN, ZEALAND IIATB OX BALE Kerosene Lamp 3, great variety Gunpowderand Ammunitionof all Woolsacks, Slieep Shears and other information obtained, on. application to the undersigned. PANIEL POLLEN, Agent General Government. Island Piues, &C., &c., specially selected for Auckland Gardens. Also Nursery. 100 FRUIT TUKE3 from tho Dcvonport Camellias, Azaleas, Norfolk QUEEX-SIKEET. l) 0 received ollicc until noon on WEDNESDAY, June 20th of Buildings on tho Island of of OrnaCHOICE Collection Shrubs, from -Tons mental AXD RETAIL IRON* MERCHANTS, & I THE TENDERS IRONMONGERS at tliis 1 S. MOEE IN, S. & | MACFARLA.NE'S BOND, will 1 at Insurance Companies. * WHOLESALE Brussels, j AT J. lvno is l'lto- CO. rjl The subscriber will soil, at the Corner Mart, at 11 o'clock on the above date, been instructed to sell, as above, This Day Have Ironmongery, Etc. i j Residence or Mi;. W. Kwns, crcnixc; to Ki'iiorE. & J Fancy Goods. 1 SALE OF FURNITURR, PIANOS, VALUABLE LII3RARY, AT "FERNWELL," GRAFTON ROAD, B. TONICS Tenders. THIS DAY. DAY. THIS The Sales by Auction, j Sales by Auction. 20, 1872. Lice, 2Jet, and Muslin Curtains Silk Biocatelles, Utrecht Velvets Dama3fc?, Furniture Chintzes, Table Covers, and Window Hollands ALL SORTS OF SEASONED TJMBEU. The trade supplied wholesale. Agents for the Gnjver <5: Baker Sewing Machines reductd to £9. WINKS AND HALL, WHOLES ALB RETAIL CABINET-MAKERS & UPHOLSTEREES. C. G. QLTICK # Propria haedin&toN. Henry BAZAAR YAP.D 3, AUCKLAND. Bazaar Royal Mail Coaches Time Leaving OnehungsLeaving Auckland— a ni* & S a.m. The a ' B3» 10 a.m. 10 12 not>n 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 1- noon P- 111 5 p.m. ~ - Sundays. 10 a.m. 10 a.m, 4 p.m. 4 P Special Coaches await the arrival of steamers. Livery and liait Stables at Auckland and Oneht"?»* Horses bought and sold on commission. Coaches can b9 always had at nierht on the am**l of steamers at Onehunga to proceed with to Auckland. ir. HARDINGTO>, Propriety T3 EMUE lv A 'BUB E3- TIME TABLE. FROM BrttT"2RAFROM Avcklakd. a.m. -5 a.m. 5.15 p ni; 4.30 p.m. "\YEDN KSDAY3 AND SATVKDAIS. From Kemu era. From Awckla>d. 1.45 p.m. 1 r> P' m "W. CKOWTHER Printed and published by the Proprietor, V Ancklan. Cms holsi Wilson, of Sbortland-street. Establishment, 1 at his cieneral Steam Printing W'yyifl ham-Street. Thursday, JBKB 20, 1572.