Useful websites: Display We would love to see your old toys, if you have any that you would like us to display or share with the children that would be wonderful. Letters and Sounds: Sounds we have learnt so far: s a t p i n d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th Next sounds: ng ai ee igh oa oo ar Tricky words we have learnt so far: the to go we me be I he she Next tricky words: was no go my Our PE day PE days are still Monday. Could we please remind all grown ups that children’s hair must be tied back and earrings must be removed. Money for snack Milk for children under 5 is free, if your child has turned 5 and would still like milk, this will need to be paid for from the week after their 5th birthday. For those over 5 milk is 20p. Toast is 25p Please can children continue to hand all money to the class teacher in the morning. Homework: Reading and keywords will continue to be sent home every day. We will practise your child’s words and book on a Wednesday of each week but if they need a change of book in between this please feel free to pop a note in their diary and ask your child to place it in the change box first thing. Dates: Disco: 14 December 3:30-4:30pm th Christmas concert: 15 December at 9:15am th Party day 17 December- non uniform th Reception Learning Challenge Planner How have toys changed? WOW: Plan and make our own toys Toy day LC 1 What did our grandparents play with? LC 2 How do different toys work? LC 3 Can we plan and make our own toy? Personal, Social and Physical Communication Emotional Development and Language Development Circle time- dance/ feelings, looking handwrit after property ing Appreciating what we have in comparison to those less develop fine motor others, taking skills and roles. Nurture group Roleplay Small world Begin DEMs group Discussion s about old Continue Playing alongside turns with toys and new to grateful Using tools fortunate- being Write toys. Circle time Literacy Elve’s workstation roleplay Continue Space ship roleplay- child choice Outside- Santa’s workshop Write Christmas list Phase 3 letters and sounds Thought bubbles for our toys as well as toy characters from toy themed films and stories Expressive Arts and Design Plan and make toys/ Santa’s workshop Creating pictures of their favourite toys Calendars Party hats Use Toy story as an aid to imagine what our toys might do if they came alive Christmas songs