National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) Modeling Stepper Motor Control System with Micro-Stepping Excitation Mode Navya Thirumaleshwar, Hegde1Dr. S. Meenatchi Sundaram2, , Aldrin Vaz3 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology,Valachil, Mangaluru, Karnataka State, India – 574143 2 Associate Professor, Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India Abstract - This paper aims at providing an detailed exposure to the basic operation of a stepper motor, its drive and logic. The modeling and simulation of the electromechanical behavior of step motors are of high importance because they are often used in satellite and sub satellite systems. After having presented the mathematical modeling which leads to the stepper motor running’s solution, using the Runge-Kutta numerical integration method. This paper results in designing a driver circuits for full step, half step, micro stepping of bipolar permanent magnet stepper motor of given requirements. The full-step and half-step motors tend to be slightly jerky in their mode of operation as the motor moves from step to step. The amount of resolution is increasing, in contrast we can reduce the resonance, vibration problems using micro-stepping at a low step rate. The micro-stepping with step motor is used in large number of applications like pointing an antenna towards a desired direction in order to minimize de-pointing losses or moving the telescope to track a star/planet motion. Key Words - Stepper motor, full step, half step, micro-step. I. INTRODUCTION A stepper motor is a marvel in simplicity and reality. Motor has no brushes or contacts and it is a synchronous motor with the magnetic field electronically switched to rotate the armature magnet. The essential function of a step motor is to translate switching excitation changes into precisely defined increments of rotor position. A stepper motor is an electro mechanical device, which converts electrical pulses into discrete mechanical movements. The name stepper is used because this motor rotates through a fixed angular step in response to each input current pulse received by its controller. A.Types of Step Motors First type is the variable reluctance motors given. The second type of step motor is the permanent magnet motor, which utilizes permanent magnets to perform electromechanical rotation. Finally, the hybrid step motors combine mechanical and electromagnetic properties of other two types to achieve higher torque. Each coil around a single stator tooth belongs to a single phase in both motor types. This is called the monofilar winding scheme. Same voltage polarity ISSN: 2231-5381 applied to monofilar windings will create a magnetic flux always in the same direction. The stator tooth around which the coil is wound will have a single magnetic polarity dictated by the winding orientation. This kind of excitation is called the unipolar drive of the winding. First of all, the basic method of wave drive excitation is given and it is followed by two-phase on excitation, which is an alternative to produce full steps. The discussion continues with half step excitation, which doubles the effective step number and thus increases the positional accuracy. Finally, micro-stepping excitation, which is the most important of all regarding this paper, is explained. The details of stepper motor modeling are given in section 2. The stepper motor specifications and simulation results are presented in section 4. II. STEPPER MOTOR MATHEMATICAL MODEL In order to investigate the dynamics of mechanisms driven by stepper motors a model had to be created[2]. With a minimum background of basic laws of electromagnetism and motor physics, this section provides a brief derivation of a nonlinear model of the 2-phase PM stepper motor shown in Figure 1. As explained earlier, when the windings of a phase are energized, a magnetic dipole is generated on the stator side. If for example phase 2 is active (phase 1 is switched off), winding 3 produces an electrical north pole and winding 4 a South Pole. Alternatively powering the windings of the stator commands the rotor flux to follow the stator field. Figure 1.Block diagram of stepper motor. Va = voltage applied to the winding A. ia = winding current. ea = flux induced voltage in the winding. Page 136 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) ic = winding current. θ= motor position. D = Viscous friction constant. Kc = motor torque constant. ec = flux induced voltage in the winding. State variable form: Vc = voltage applied to the winding C. Stator winding A, Va di L a dt Ria ea Stator winding C, Vc a Ric and L c dic dt ec Are the magnetic flux in the stator windings A and C, a m m cos n = maximum stator flux. d dt dw dt dia dt dic dt w T Jr 1 Va L 1 Vc L windings given by, ea ec m d(4.6) c dt d mn m sin n dt mn m cos n d dt Kc w sin n K c w cos n m=number of turns on the stator windings. Conservation of energy: Mechanical power out = electrical power in wTa ia ea wTc ic ec Ta ia K c sin n Tc ic Kc cos n Jr III. STEPPER MOTOR MODEL SPECIFICATIONS The voltages ea andec that are induced in the stator d m a dt K Dr w ia c sin n Jr Jr K R ia w c sin n L L Kc R ib w cos n L L ic K c cos n Complete model using equations: SSM motor parameter Rotor inertia Power Resistance Time const Voltage Inductance Load inertia Holding torque Gear ratio Step size Torque constant Maximum rate current Table 1.Motor specifications values SAGEM values motor parameter 1e-07kgm2 Rotor inertia 500e-07kgm2 11w Power 8w 48 ohms Resistance 42 ohms 2msec Time const 2msec 28v Voltage 13v 96mH Inductance 105mH 1e-07kgm2 Load inertia 5kgm2 0.7Nm Holding 0.7Nm torque 157 Gear ratio 200 1 degree Step size 15degree 1.489Nm Torque 0.12Nm constant 0.47A Maximum 0.31A rate current IV. METHODOLOGY Algorithms can be implemented with the help of MATLAB. The common methodology in implementing algorithms consists of the following steps Define the initial and final conditions. Define the motor specifications along with the initial and final time of the motor to run. Define Pulse width in PPS depending on the step size of motor chosen. Find the acceleration/deceleration, speed and position for different excitation modes of the motor. Plot the results. d2 d J r 2 Dr T Ta Tc dt dt T ia K c sin n ic K c cos n di Va Ria L a wKc sin n dt dic Vc Ric L wK c cos n dt Where, ia , ic = currents in phases a and c. L , R = self-inductance and resistance of each phase winding ea , ec = currents phases a and c. n = number of rotor teeth on each of the two rotor poles. Jr = rotor inertia. W = Rotor speed. ISSN: 2231-5381 V. STEP MOTOR EXCITATION MODES SIMULATION AND RESULTS Mathematical modeling of the two phase stepper motor is derived and the equation in the state variable form is solved using Runge-Kutta numerical integration method. Solutions for Page 137 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) Ia, Ib, w, Theta are calculated, simulated. Initial time and final time for operation of motor and step size are defined. Total inertia of the motor is calculated as JT=Jm+ (Jl / N2) when the motor is connected to the load of inertia J l .The value of w and Theta is found and the graph is plotted where calculation done with load connected to the motor by a gear ratio of 1:157 from the equations of stepper modeling. A.Full Step Mode Excitation 1. Full step (single coil excitation) Motor operated with only one phase energized at a time. This mode used when torque versus speed performance not important where motor operates at fixed speed and load conditions. This mode requires least amount of power from the power supply of any of the excitation modes. Table 2.Full step sequence. A C B D Figure 3.Plot of pulse generated by ABCD coils. 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 winding A current 0.6 0.4 0 0 0 1 When input voltage is applied then coil AC gets energies so BD de - energizes. Coil A generates positive pulse and same way when the coil C energies, then also positive pulse are generated as shown in figure 3. In next sequence when input voltage is applied then coil BD gets energies so AC de - energizes. Where coil B generates negative pulse of that of A and same way when the coil D energies, then negative pulse of coil are generated as shown in fig 3. Pulse generated by the all windings of the motor ABCD as shown in below figure 2. Current from the coil A, from the equation as same as the voltage in the winding A, where the first pulse started from the zero as same to controller design. Current from the coil C, from the equation as same as the voltage in the winding C, where the first pulse is missing as same to controller design as shown in figure 4 and 5. pulse generated by coil ABCD 30 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 time in msec 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Figure 4.Plot of Current generated by A coil winding C current 0.6 0.5 0.4 Icp in amps 4 Iap in amps 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 20 0 V in volts 10 -0.1 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 time in msec 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Figure 5.Plot of current generated by C coil. -10 Two phase SSM stepper motor, which is used in ASTROSAT SATELLITE having high resolution and high accuracy where theta measured to be of step angle of 1deg as shown in the below figure 7. -20 -30 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 t msec 0.05 0.06 0.07 Figure 2.Plot of pulse generated by ABCD coils. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 138 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) 1 2 3 4 A 1 0 0 1 C 1 1 0 0 B 0 1 1 0 D 0 0 1 1 Figure 6.Plot of motor speed motor rotation. Figure 9.Plot of pulse generated by ABCD coil. Pulse generated by the all windings of the motor ABCD as shown in above figure 9. Current generated by the A and C coils in dual phase excitation is √2*I the current as in case of single coil excitation in figure 10 and 11. Figure 7.Plot of motor speed motor rotation. Figure 10.Plot of current generated by A and C coil. Figure 8.Plot of torque generated by motor. Torque generated by SSM motor is as sown in figure 8 for single coil excitation. 2. Full step (dual phase coil excitation) Motor operated with two phases energized at a time. This mode provides good torque and speed performance with a minimum of resonance problems. Dual excitation provides 3040% more torque than single excitation. Motor requires twice power from driver power supply. Table 3.Full step dual phase sequence ISSN: 2231-5381 Figure 11.Plot of current generated by A and C coil. Motor position is having less resonance and vibration as compared to single coil excitation as shown in figure 12. This Page 139 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) mode gives better speed and torque performance. Motor position is half way to that of a single coil excitation as shown in below figure 13. resolution. Complete freedom from resonance problems. Motor operate at wide range of speeds. This mode used to drive almost any load commonly encountered. This mode also used in less torque applications. Table 4.Half step sequence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 C 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Pulse generated by the all windings of the motor ABCD as shown in below figure 15: Figure12.Plot of motor speed. Figure13. Plot of motor rotation. Torque generated by SSM motor is as sown in figure 14 for double coil excitation. Figure 14.Plot of torque generated by motor. Figure 15.Plot of pulse generated by ABCD coils. Figure 16.Plot of pulse generated by ABCD coils. B.Half Step Mode Excitation It is alternate single and dual phase operation results in half of normal step. This mode provides twice the full step ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 140 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) Figure 17.Plot of current generated by A coil. Current generated by the A and C coils in half step excitation is same the current as in case of full step excitation as shown in figures 17 and 18. Figure 20.Plot of motor rotation. Figure 21.Plot of torque generated by motor. Power generated by the coils A and C is more as compared to the full step as shown in figures 22 and 23. Figure 18.Plot of current generated by c coil. Motor speed and position is as shown below figures 19 and 20, where motor steps through an angle half of the normal step. Figure 22.Plot of motor power generated by A coil. Figure 19.Plot of motor speed. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 141 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) Figure 23.Plot of motor power generated by C coil. C.Micro Step Mode Excitation Micro-stepping mode that controls the current in the motor windings. Micro stepping is typically used in applications that require accurate positioning and a fine resolution over a wide range of speeds. Smooth movement at low speeds. Increased step positioning resolution as a result of smaller step angle. Va sin n 2kv Vc cos n 2k v Figure 25. Plot of pulse generated by C coil. In Micro stepping mode the currents in the winding are continuously varying as shown in figure 26 and 27. Plots of motor speed and motor rotation of step angle 1deg as shown in the figures 28 and 29.Motor position for microstepping is highly accurate and linear, smooth. So microstepping is used in all space application. Where, n = 0, 1, 2, - - - - - - - - (4Kv-1) Kv = number of steps. Sine and cosine of the input voltage divided into given number of steps here Kv = 8 and n= 31 as shown in the below figures 24 and 25. Figure 26.Plot of current generated by A coil. Figure 24. Plot of pulse generated by A coil. Figure 27.Plot of current generated by C coil. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 142 National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES-2016) Figure 28.Plot of motor speed. The major disadvantage of the micro step drive is the cost of implementation due to the need for partial excitation of the motor windings at different current levels. If static friction is in the system, the angular precision is limited. Cost of implementation is high. In wave-drive and two-phase on excitation, step size is equal to the natural step size. In half-step excitation, step number is doubled and step size is halved. Non-linear factors of the system bring limitations on the number of micro-steps achievable and introduce difficulties in achieving constant current and torque outputs. Micro-stepping method can significantly improve system performance. motor allow for realistic simulation conditions, resembling commercially available devices. All these highlight the pertinence and usefulness of the elaborated mathematic model of the stepper motor. The model and the simulation program can be used in the optimization process of the design and in elaborating an efficient control strategy in order to improve the performances of the motor in study. Simulation is carried out and compared to realistic motor called SSM and SAGEM used in ASTRTOSAT satellite and its data, specifications. There are different driver topologies for step motor control, each having advantages and disadvantages for certain needs. Microstepping can be enabled using the H-bridge topology. Stepper motor is modeled using differential equations and then numerically solved by “Runge Kutta” method. Stepper motor performances for different step rates are tested. Step motors provide fine control of rotation angle and speed through discrete excitation signals. Micro-stepping enables higher precision through fractional excitation of step motor windings. REFERENCES [1] P.P.Acarnley, stepping motors: A Guide to Modern Theory and Practise. Stevenge, UK: P.Peregrinus, Ltd., 1982. [2] M.Bodson and J.Chiasson, “Application of nonlinear control methods to the positioning of a permanent magnet stepper motor,” in Proc.28th IEEE Conf.DecisionContr.,Tampa,FL 1989. [3] J. Chiasson and M. Zribi,“Position control of a PM stepper motor by exact linearization,” IEEE Trans Automat Contr., vol.36, no, 5, May 1991. [4] M.Aiello, R,Rekowski, M.Bodson, J.Chiasson, and D.Schuerer, “Experimental results of using an exact linearization controller on a PM stepper motor,” in Proc. IEEE Int, Conf. Syst. Eng., Aug.1990, Pittsburg, PA. [5] M. Zribi, Mohamed, “Control of a PM stepper motor using modern nonlinear control techniques” M.S.E.E.thesis, Purdue University 1987. Figure 29.Plot of motor rotation. Maximum torques at both low and high step rates is as shown in the figure 21. Figure 21.Plot of torque generated by motor. VI. CONCLUSIONS The quantative results found during the simulations fit well with the expected behaviour of an electric stepper motor. In particular, the proposed solutions to simulating real stepper ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 143