International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) Wireless Control of a Rectifier Based PMDC Motor Drive using FPGA Control S.Jaya Abirami, Student Member, IEEE, M.E Power Electronics and Drives, Kings college of Engineering. R.Sundara Moorthi M.E, Assistant professor , Kings college of Engineering. Abstract – This paper describes the working model of wireless controlled permanent magnet DC motor (PMDC) drive. The proposed design helps enhancing the control of DC motors that are installed in industries from a central location through wireless medium, hence replaces dedicated control units and human supervision. It is based on the fully-controlled MOSFET based rectifier circuit and communicates with a control unit(PC) through RF ZIGBEE transceiver. It is implemented using a Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA unit and to control a 12V PM DC motor and the results are shown. This methodology not only reduces harmonics in motor voltage and current but also reduces losses that occur due to high switching frequencies in conventional pulse-width modulation (PWM) based drives. This proposed design may be extended to single phase or three-phase AC-DC converter fed DC drives and to single-phase or three-phase AC motor drives. It is fully compatible with 50Hz and 60Hz power systems. Index terms: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), RF ZIGBEE Transceiver, fully controlled MOSFET based rectifier, Permanent Magnet DC motor. I. INTRODUCTION The automotive industry uses a large number of Permanent Magnet DC commutator motors, which can be used in either of the luxurious cars to most of the inexpensive cars. Here a wireless PMDC motor drive is proposed in order to provide a cost-effective and remote accessible control for both the domestic as well as industrial applications. For industrial applications, permanent magnet DC motors are seeing market adoption in various applications including machine tools, servo drives, elevators, light railways, missiles, radar, satellites, artificial heart motors, power tools and so on[1]. The proposed DC drive is implemented using controlled rectifier-based converter that produces fewer harmonics as compared to other variable speed motor drive methodologies such as PWM based variable speed drives [2]. DC motors are used commonly where high speed and precise motion control is required [3]. Most of the modern electrical vehicles make use of DC motors in order to provide motion to the vehicles [3]. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Hence research in the control and applications of DC motors still proceeds. The Spartan3 family of Field Programmable Gate Arrays is specifically designed to meet the necessity of high volume and cost-sensitive consumer electronic applications. The eight-member family of FPGS offers wide range of densities ranging from 50,000 to five million system gates. They are very low and affordable price and hence they are beneficial to a wide range of consumer electronic applications, including broadband access, home networking, display or projection and digital television equipment. Modern FPGAs and their distinguishable capabilities have been advertised extensively by FPGA vendors[4]. The Spartan II and Spartan III FPGA families from Xilinx have been successfully utilized in a variety of applications over the recent times that includes inverters, communications, embedded processors, image processing and so on[5]. The proposed design shown in figure 1 contains two main sections namely the Wireless Transmitter and the Receiver sections. Both the sections has microcontroller as a common. Transmitter section will have RF Transmitter module, switch and every module in this Transmitter section will be controlled by the Microcontroller. In this paper we have switches if any switch will press the microcontroller data to receiver section through the RF transmitter module. Receiver section of our paper contains the microcontroller, DC motor and the receiver module. The Transmitted analog signal has been received by the receiver module for process under microcontroller. The receiver module is received the signal from transmitter side and the receiver section microcontroller control the DC motor for transmitter side command. This project is a versatile device which can help us to control the DC devices that can draw few amperes of current. With the minute modifications in wiring systems of the circuit, it can be used in either 12 volts or 24 volts DC systems. This device has been used not only to control the speed of Page 22 International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) DC motor, but also to adjust the brightness of an automotive tail lamps. time electronic system that is used to control the speed of motor is designed. But here it is only upto 22 meters can be controlled through wireless medium[1]. A.W.Moore in his paper worked about the speed control of motors using phase locked loops. Motors of anysize can be controlled through this technique. But this method is less applicable in motors where synchronization is less required[2]. Savita Sonoli K.Nagabhushan Raju, in their paper worked about the DC motor control using FPGA implementation. Here they used PID controller and VHDL code for the design. But it is not a wireless control and human supervision is needed to ensure the process[4]. Yuen Fong Chan, M. Moallem done their work in FPGA based PID controllers. Here embedded feedback controllers using field-programmable gate array is designed. It ensures 40% savings in power consumptions[5]. Fm transmitter and send through the antenna. Here real Fig 1 – Block diagram of the proposed wireless PMDC motor drive using FPGA control A PWM circuit works by making a square wave with a variable on-to-off ratio while the average on time may be varied from 0 to 100 percent. resistive power controller is the efficiency, at a 50% level, the PWM will use about 50% Power, almost all of which is transferred to the load, a resistive controller at 50% load power Hence the power transfer can be achieved in this manner. The main advantage of a PWM circuit over others are it would consume about 71% of full power, 50% of the power goes to the load and the other 21% is wasted heating the series resistor. At the receiving end, the RF receiver receives this data, and transmits the received data to RF decoder. This decoder converts the single bit data into 8-bit data and presents it to the microcontroller to perform its gven action i.e., rotating the dc motor clockwise as well as anti-clockwise direction and then at variable speeds as required. To perform these functions, we are giving a regulated 5v, 500mA and 12v, 500mA power supply. The 7805 and 7812 are used to regulate the terminal voltages of either 5V or 12V DC while the bridge type full wave rectifier is used in rectifying the output at the secondary of 230/12V step down transformer. II – Related Works: P.Nagasekhara Reddy, in his paper worked in the wireless control of Induction motor using microcontoller. Here DTMF generator is used to generate the analogue output signal and it is fed to the ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Page 23 International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) III – Microcontroller Interfacing: a) Functioning of RF Transmitter Module TX433N: Fig 2 - Block diagram of transmitter section The transmitter module (TX433N) shown in figure 2 interfaced to the microcontroller through the encoder IC HT12E which modulates the digital data coming from the encoder IC into RF radio frequency signal by ASK modulation technique and transmits it via RF out antenna pin1. When the transmission enable command is received from the microcontroller, the encoder encodes the address and data from the µC and send serially to the transmitter module Din pin2. Following this, the transmitter module converts the digital signal into RF signal and transmits via wireless media. The wireless transmitter module can be used to transmit data up to 3 KHz from any standard CMOS/TTL source. It receives the data from the controller and transmits at a frequency of 433.92 MHZ. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Page 24 International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) Fig 3 - circuit diagram for transmitter section b) Functioning of RF Receiver Module RX433: Fig 4 - circuit diagram for receiver section The demodulated signal from the receiver module is sent serially to the decoder, the decoder decodes the received digital signal into ten address bits and eight data bits, the address bits compared with the instrument specific address, both address are match then the decoder generates the valid transmission signal to the microcontroller to receive the data. IV - DC motor speed control - theory Fig 5 – Block diagram of receiver section The receiver module (Rx433) shown in figure 3 interfaced to microcontroller through the decoder IC HT12D. When the RF signal received from the master PC it converts in to digital signal by ASK demodulation technique and send to the decoder, the decoder compares the received address with the instrument specific address and generates the valid transmission signal to the microcontroller. The D out pin 2 of receiver module connected to the Din pin14 of decoder HT12D. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 We know that the speed of a DC motor is directly proportional to the supply voltage. Therefore, if the voltage is minimized than the lower limit, the motor will not operate at all. Because of the safe operation of the motor, it is to be considered that the voltage should not be maximized beyond the upper limit. The lower limit is the minimum voltage level the motor requires for its operation and the upper limit is the maximum voltage level or it can be said as the rated voltage of the motor. By varying the average voltage sent to the motor, the speed controller works as shown in figure 6. The working is Speed controller is based on adjusting the voltage sent to the motor simply, but this is quite inefficient to do. But instead, there is an efficient way to handle speed control is by turning ON and OFF the motor supply very quickly. If the control is done by this way, the motor focuses only on the average effects. The average speed of motor can be increased by increasing the time for which the voltage is on compared to the time for which it is off. This on-off switching is performed by technique called PWM technique. Page 25 International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) VI – FPGA: The field-programmable gate array (FPGA) shown in figure 7 is usually slower than their application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) counterparts, cannot handle as complex a design, and draw more power (for any given semiconductor process). But their advantages include a shorter time to market, ability to reprogram in the field to fix bugs, and lower non-recurring engineering costs. Vendors can sell cheaper, less flexible versions of their FPGAs which cannot be modified after the design is committed. The designs are developed on regular FPGAs and then migrated into a fixed version that more resembles an ASIC. a)Configuring the FPGA: Fig 6 - Variation of motor speed and supply voltage with time V – Description of the development system: a)Cross compilers: In this paper, we use the Keil cross compiler is to program the microcontroller. When we are writing program for any microcontroller using cross compiler we cannot directly write the converted code on to the microcontroller. This means we need to use a special technique to load the program into the microcontroller. One of the methods is to use a microcontroller with a flash memory. Flash memory is similar to erasable programmable read only memory. So once program is written and debugged using cross compiler, we need to flash the program on to the flash memory of the memory. Once program is flashed the microcontroller is loaded with the hex code and it will be ready for execution. A 4-input LUT contains 16 configuration cells. The configuration cells are typically connected in a long scan chain. The scan chain (when programmed in this mode) has an input and an output. The output is used if multiple FPGAs are daisychained. Embedded RAMs are implemented as latches and are part of the scan chain. Note that this is a simplistic view of the FPGA’s internal organization. In reality, the scan chain is made from latches, not FFs. Latches are half the size - saves a lot of real estate with 25 million. Also, frames of 1024 bits are clocked into a set of FFs and loaded in parallel to a frame of latches as the file is loaded. b)Target Processor: In this paper we are using AT89C52 as a target processor. It is used to direct all the vital process that has to be executed during acquisitions. As the name suggests, they are single chip computers that are frequently embedded into systems for performing processing as well as controlling functions. Taking the remote control as an example, it is probably a microcontroller, that can operate as both decoder as well as a controller. They are also used in in automobiles, washing machines, microwave ovens, toys…etc, where automation is needed. Fig 7 - FPGA Data configuration ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Page 26 International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) Also, in some FPGAs, the very long scan chain is actually divided into multiple smaller chains, that are loaded by the configuration port. The configuration port has several modes, controlled by dedicated pins. Each vendor defines this differently. Table 7 shows the various modes of configurations of the FPGA. VIII - Testing and Results: a)PWM Rectifier with a single phase PMDC motor: Table 1 - Modes of configuration Fig 8 - Single phase PWM motor circuit b) Simulation diagram: Other pins are used to tell the FPGA to commence with the configuration and to report an error and that the configuration is complete. The pins dedicated to the configuration port can be reused as general purpose I/O once the configuration is complete. The serial load with FPGA as master is the simplest mode. VII - RF ZIGBEE module: XBee and XBee-PRO modules were engineered to meet ZigBee with IEEE 802.15.4 standards. They support the unique reqirements of low-cost and low-power wireless sensor networks. These modules require very low power, so that they provide reliable delivery of critical data between various devices. The modules operate within the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band. The XBee Range required for Indoor/Urban areas it is up to 100’ (30 m) and for Outdoor line-of-sight it is up to 300’ (100 m). They can transmit Power upto 1 mW (0 dBm). The XBee-PRO Range required for Indoor/Urban areas it is up to 300’ (100 m) and for Outdoor line-of-sight it is up to 1 mile (1500 m). They can transmit Power upto 100 mW (20 dBm) ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Fig 9 - Simulation diagram of rectifier based PMDC motor Page 27 International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) c) Output speed Waveform: IX - CONCLUSION : This paper describes and implements the simulation for a digital controlled rectifier-based wireless PMDC motor drive that has been proposed and implemented. The proposed design will be tested on a 160V/100W PMDC motor. It provides a economical and easy to operate solution for industry as well as home application to control PMDC. The drawbacks associated with microcontroller-based variable speed DC motor drives such as high-frequency harmonic contents and switching losses are minimized. Proposed design can control more than one DC motors by using a RF ZIGBEE Transciever. It can also be applied to drive electrical vehicles for telemetry purposes and remote control operations. Fig 10 – Simulation output speed waveform REFERENCES: [1] P.Nagashekara reddy, “Microcontroller Based Speed Control of Induction Motor using Wireless Technology” on International d) PWM output waveforms: Fig 11 – Simulation PWM output waveform e) Single phase voltage across coupling capacitor: Fig 12 – Simulation output voltage waveform ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Journal of Emerging science (IJESE) ISSN: 2319–6378, Volume-1, Issue-9, July 2013. [2] A.W.Moore Motorola semi-conducto products, inc, “Phase Locked loops for motor Speed control” on IEEE section 1973. [3] Y. T. CHAN, ADAM J. CHMIEL, MEMBER, IEEE, AND J. B. 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