LETTERS TO THE EDITOR An optical telemetry device to identify which dolphin produces a sound Peter Tyack Departmentof Biology,WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution,WoodsHole, Massachusetts 02545 (Received13 May 1985;accepted for publication19June1985) A smalltelemetrydevice,calleda "vocalight,"wasdesigned for attachment to a dolphin'shead usinga suctioncup.Thevocalightlightsupa variablenumberof light-emitting diodesdepending upontheloudness of soundsreceivedat a hydrophone withinthe suctioncup.If vocalights matchedfor sensitivity areput on eachdolphinwithina captivegroup,observers canidentify whichdolphinproducesa vocali?ation.Useof vocalightsindicatesthat sourcelevelsof whistles fromcaptivebottlenosed dolphins,Tursiops truncatus, rangefromapproximately 125to over140 dBre: 1pPa at 1 m. PACS numbers:43.80.Ev, 43.80.Nd INTRODUCTION A primaryobstacleto progress in the studyof dolphin communicationhasbeenthe inability of researchersto determinewhich animal producesa vocalizationwithin a socially interacting group. Dolphins occasionallyemit a streamof bubbleswhilevocalizing,or makesoundsaudible This paperreportsthe development of a telemetrydevice, called a vocalight,that useslight emitting diodes (LEDs) to broadcastthe levelof soundsproducedby a dolphin.The vocalighthasbeensuccessfully usedto studythe whistlerepertoires of twocaptivebottlenosed dolphins,Tursiopstruncatus(Tyack,in press}. in air. When observers can see the bubble stream or hear and localizea dolphinsoundin air, they can oftenidentifythe I. DESCRIPTION souffle. Butthese events donotoccurfrequently enough to A circuitdiagramof thevoealightispresented in Fig. 1. A smallpiezoelectric ceramicdisk(ChannelIndustriestype 5500,standarddisk1.27cmin diameterby0.32cm thick)is usedas a contacthydrophoneto pick up the soundsof a dolphin.This signalis ae coupledto a two-stageamplifier. The feedbackresistorin the first stageis a potentiometer allowingan adjustablegainof 20-60 dB. Smallcapacitors are addedin parallelto the feedbackresistorsto improve stability.The amplificationstagealsoincorporates a twopole,high-pass filterwith a 3-dBpointat 2 kHz. The highpassfilter is designed to reducelow-frequency noiseboth from water pumpsand from water flow alongthe device, while not reducingsensitivityto dolphinwhistlevocalizations.The 2-kHz cutoffpointis a compromise betweenthese goals.While the devicedoesrespondto high-frequency turbulenceasa dolphinbreaksthe water surface,it is not triggeredby flownoiseunderwater,evenduringhigh-speed ma- allow systematic analysis. Severalinvestigators haveattemptedto studycommunicationbetweenisolatedcaptivedolphinsusingan electronic acousticlink betweentwopools(LangandSmith,1965;Burdin et al., 1975;Gish, 1979}.But this approachdoesnot completelysolvethe problem,for the isolateddolphinsare ableto interactonlyacoustically, and the electronicreproductionof dolphinsoundsmay be discriminablydifferent from natural sounds. The needfor a techniqueto determinewhich animal produces whichsoundduringnormalsocialinteractionhas been discussed for over two decades. One obvious solution to theproblemisto usea telemetrydeviceto transmitinformation aboutsoundproductionfrom eachdolphinin the pool. EvansandSutherland(1963)proposedthedevelopment of a 27-MHz radio telemetrydeviceto broadcastsoundsfrom a dolphin'shead. This techniqueis limited to applications wherethe antennaremainsabovewater, for the conductivity of seawaterlimitselectromagnetic transmission, with losses increasing withfrequency (Mackay,1968). The useof soundfor underwatertelemetryis common, sincesoundhasfavorablepropagationcharacteristics underwater. But there are serious limitations to the use of sonic OF THE VOCALIGHT neuvering. The amplifiedandfilteredsignalis input to a LED display driver integratedcircuit(LM 3915),which compares the input signalto a 1.2-V referencevoltage.The dynamic rangeof thecircuitis 30 dB. If theinputsignalis 30 dB less thanthereference voltage,noLEDs lightup.For everydoublingof signal(3 dB)abovethislevel,anotherLED isturned on. If the signalexceeds the referencevoltage,the deviceis telemetrywith dolphins.If the soundsof the telemetrydesaturated,and all ten LEDs remain turned on. viceareaudibleto the animal,theymay interferewith norrealbehavior.Many spedesof dolphinhavehearingthreshThe dimensions of the vocalightare indicatedin Fig. 2. oldsas high as 150-200kHz (Popper,1980).Frequencies The circuit is constructedon the battery ease,which is a higherthatthisaredifficulttoworkwithforsonictelemetry. fiberglass tube,with the light emittingdiodesorientedat the 1892 J. Acoust.Soc.Am.78(5), Nov.1985 0001-4966/85/111892-04500.80 ¸ 1985 Acoustical Societyof America 1892 lOOK 100 100 LM•5915 pZTL tllOOKTL••..• v. MODE"9"--I •N "7":-i 1K: 0.1pf • FIG. I. Schematicdiagram of voca[ightcixcuit. Jl-I""' REFou T""':'-' "5"L'--I .3.1_ I ,o.,"lJRœFA0d b..o v- ß III * 4001 topof thetubeandthecontacthydrophone at thebottom. whichthe suctioncupis attached.The batterycase/ssealed Oncethe circuitis constructed andtested,it is pottedin withanendcapmachinedoutof acrylicplasticwitha rubber epoxy(HysolRE 2039resinandHD 3469hardener) us/ng O-ring.Dur•tcellTR-177mercurybatteries(9.8V) areused anepoxy mold.Thecircuit/sthenattached toa suction cup to powerthevocalight. {ArianticIndia suctioncuptype472, 5.08cm in diameter, Figure3 showsa Bodeplotof thefrequency response of madefromcompound 13312)usingthesameepoxy.In this a vocalight.Thesemeasurements were made at least2 m step,the hydrophone element/ssealedwith a thin film of from the nearestreflectingsurfacein an acoustictestpool. epoxyat the baseof the suctioncup.The contacthydrophone isbacked byclosed cellfoamtoreduce thestrength of signals comingfromanyd/rectionotherthanthesurface on Calibration tone bursts of 1.5-ms duration were used to al- TOP VIE W low measurement of soundlevelsunaffected by echoes. Tone burstswerebroadcastwith a poweramplifier,impedance matchingtransformer, anda USED F-40 transducer. Sound levelsweremeasured with a calibratedLC-10 hydrophone l m from the soundsource.The minimumfrequencythat could be tested with these short tone bursts was 2 kHz. At frequencies of greaterthan25 kHz, the outputof thesound projectorshowedamplitudemodulation, presumably dueto nonlinearresponse of the transformerat thesefrequencies. Th/s determinedthe upperlitnit of calibration. /EMBER SUCTION CUP •' EPOXy4 -.......... '% '-! .... •--. .... r-.-- .; • 13•- SIDE VIEW •' . .l•.. '• ' .-': '.'.BATTERY CASE i i I 18 YDEOPH•NE ELEMENT SUCTION CUP-"• CAP L . Icm 'FIG. 2. SC,dc drawingof thevoc•ght. 1893 12512• [__. / 135, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., VoL 78, No. 5, November 1985 I:I•Y i 20 /kHz) FIG. 3. Bodcplotindicatingthefrequency rcsponse of thevocalight.Frequencyresponse wasmeasuredin an acoustictesttank using1.5-mstone burstsanda calibratcdhydrophoneI m from thesource.The thresholdon theplotindicates thesoundlevelrequired tolightuphalfoftheIEDs ona vocalightattachedto thesoundprojector. Letters to the Editor 1893 The vocalightwasattachedto thefiat faceof thesound projectorwith the suctioncup.This placedthe vocalight hydrophone approximately 2 cm fromth6edgeof theactive element of the sound source and 7 cm from its center. At eachtestfrequency, thesoundlevelwasadjustedto light up approximatelyhalf of the LEDs. The thresholdof response of thevocalightwasjudgedby eye.Visualestimationof this thresholdlevelwasthe leastprecisestepin the calibration, because the short duration of the tone bursts made it difficult to estimateexactlyhow manyLEDs lit up. II. USE OF THE VOCALIGHT WITH DOLPHINS Captivebottlenosed dolphins,Tursiopstruncatus,were trainedto wearvocalightsat Sealand,an aquariumin Brewster,MA on CapeCod, and at the New EnglandAquarium in Boston.Vocalightswereplacedon the dolphins'melons severalcentimeters anteriorto theblowhole.To preventskin irritation,thesuctioncuponeachvoealightwascoatedwith a lubricantbeforeuseandwasremovedeveryhalfhouror so forrepositioning. Whilea dolphi ncouldshake theroealight off by rapid sidewaysmotion of the head, the vocalights usuallyremainedin positionduring normal activities,ineludingbreachesand chases.A suitablerangeof amplifier gainfor thisdevicewasdetermined by testswith thecaptive dolphins.The optimalamplifiergainwasapproximately50 dB. The vocalightswere usedto definethe whistlerepertoiresof the two Tursiopsheld at Sealand(for a detaileddescriptionof the resultsof thisstudy,seeTyack,in press).In order to determinewhich of the two dolphinsproduceda whistle,the vocalightswereadjustedto haveidenticalsensitivity. To helpidentifythedolphins,redLEDs wereusedfor onevocalight,and greenfor the other.Dolphin soundswere pickedupbya hydrophone in thepoolandbroadcast in air to observers aroundthe pool,who carefullywaW. hedthe vocalightnearestthem.If bothdolphinswerenearby,oneobserver could sometimesfollow both devices,but severalobserversat differentlocationswereusuallyrequiredto keepboth devicesunder observation.When a whistlewas produced, the observer called out an estimate of the number and color III. DISCUSSION Sincethe vocalightis calibratedfor soundlevel,it may be usedto estimatethe sourcelevelof whistlesfrom captive Tursiops, with severalcaveats.For a roughestimate,let us assumethat the problemsof nearfieldinterferenceeffects andsounddirectionalitywouldnot leadto significantdifferencesin measured levels.Figure3 showsthat for the fre- quencyrangeof 5-12 kHz, soundlevelsof approximately 125dB re: I pPa at 1 m fromthe soundprojectorwererequiredto light up half of the LEDs. Sincethereis a 15-dB increasein thresholdfrom lightingup half of the LEDs to lightingall of them, the thresholdfor lightingall LEDs wouldbe approximately140dB. No whistlesaudibleto us were so faint that no LEDS lit up, which would correspond to a thresholdof approximately110 dB. Almost all of the whistleslit up at leasthalf of the LEDs, corresponding to a thresholdof 125 dB. Many whistlessaturatedthe device, lightingupall LEDs.Thesewhistles hadlevelsofat least140 clB,but the max/mum levelsare unknown. Thereare few reportson the sourcelevelsof Tu•siops whistles.FishandTurl {1976)measured themaximumlevels at differentfrequencies of a sampleof whistlesfroma group of approximatelyten wild Tursiops.Maximum levelswere measured byusinga peakholdmodeona real-timespectrum analyzer.Theselevelsrangedfrom 150-173dB re: I pPa at 1 m, whichisconsistent with theresultreportedin thispaper thatwhistles exceeded levelsof 140dB.Useof thevocalight showsthat Tursiopscan modifythe levelsof their whisfies overa largedynamicrange.This pointis alsomadeby WatkinsandScbevill{1974),whomeasured sourcelevelsof whistiesfromwild spinnerdolphins,Stenella1ongirostris, varying from 109-125dB re: l/•Pa at 1 m. While the vocalighthasonlybeenusedwith captivedolphins,it mightbe usedwith wild dolphinsin an application whereobservers couldstayneara few individualsandwhere watervisibilitywasgood.The mostseriousproblemwould beattachmentof thedevice.Attachmentwouldbesimplest if onecouldcatchandrestraina dolphin,attachthe device byhand,andthenfreetheanimal.It mightalsobepossible to attachthe deviceto dolphinsnear a boat, usingpolesor a smallprojectilelike the suctioncup-tippedarrowsusedby Goodyear{1981)to attachsuctioncupsto baleenwhales. of the LEDS that lit up. If a whistlewasheardbut observers did not seeany LEDS light up, they calledout that noneof the colorof the LEDs on that devicelit up. Ifthey couldnot see any devicesclearly, they remainedsilent. These comACKNOWLEDGMENTS mentswererecordedwith a microphoneon a secondchannel of the same tape that recordedthe underwaterdolphin Thanks to Ronald Larkin, Francis Carey, Frederick sounds. Hess,Wfiliam Watkins,G. Richard Harbison,and Richard It was seldom difficult to associate observers' comments Kochlet for advice, engineeringassistance,and loans of with one whistle,unlessboth dolphinsproducedsimulta- equipmentand spaceduringdevelopment of the vocalight. neoussounds.While the loudnessof the whistles varied, the Testingof the vocalightwasperformedat the New England 30-dBrangeof the vocalightwasusuallysufficientto identiAquariumand at Sealand,.anaquariumin Brewster,MA. fy whichanimalhadwhistled.The vocalightswereadjusted Thanksto GeorgeKing,thedirectorof Sealand,Dick Gage, to turn on severalLEDs evenfor relatively faint whistles. Janet Hester, Jack Pearson, John Prescott, Susan Sinclak, and Keith Wilson. Thanks to Charles I. M_alme of Bolt BerObserversneverreportedthat neitherdevicelit up whena whistlewasheard.But occasionally whenveryloudwhistles anekandNewmanInc. for helpin calibratingthe vocalight. wereheard,and both dolphinswereseparated by only apThanks to Francis Carey, Karen Moore, William Schevill, proximatelyI m,bothdevices lit upfully,makingit impossi- and William Watkinsfor reviewingthe manuscript.This ble to identifywhichanimalproducedthe whistle. researchwas performedwith financialassistance from a 1894 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 78, No. 5, November 1985 Letters to the Editor 1894 W. H. O. I. PostdoctoralScholarAward and N. I. H. Post- truncatusMontagu),"Ph.D. thesis,Universityof Californiaat Santa Cruz,availablefromUniversityMicrofilms,Ann Arbor,MI. doctoralFellowship $-F32-NS07206. This is contribution Goodyear, I. (19•1)."Remoratageffects thefirstradiotrackingof anAtnumber5941fromtheWoodsHoleOceanographic Institulantichumpback,"in FourthBiennialConference on theBiologyof Mation. rineMammals,Abstracts, p. 46. Lang, T. (3., and Smith, H. A. P. {1965)."Communicationbetweendolphinsin separatetanksby way of an electronicacoustic!ink," Science 150, 1839-1844. Burdin, V. I., Re•nil•; A.M., Skomyakov, V. M.,andChupakov, A. O. (197S). "Communication signals oftheBlack Seabottlena6ed dolphin," Mackay,R. S.(1968).Bio-medical Telemetry (Wiley,NewYork),p. 359. SOy.Phys.Acoust.20, 314-318. Evans, W. E.,andSutherland, W. W.(1963). "Potential fortelemetry in studies ofaquatic animal communication," inBio-telemetry, edited byL. E. Slater(Pergamon, Oxford), pp.217-224. Fish, J.F.,andTurl,C.W.(1976). "Acoustic source levels offourspecies of small whales," Naval Undersea Center Report Number NUCTP547(14 Gish,$. L. (1979)."A quantitative description of two-way acoustic communication between captive Atlantic bottlenosed dolphins (Tursiops Popper,A. N. (19•0)."Soundemission anddetection by delphinids," in Cetacean Behavior. Mechanisms andFunctions, editedbyL. M. Herman (Wiley,New York),Chap.1,pp. 1-52. Tyaek,P. (inpress). "Whistlerepertoires of twobottlenosed dolphins, Turslopstruncatus:Mimicry of signaturewhistles?," submittedto Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. Watkins, W. A., andSchevili, W. E. (1974)."Listening toHawaiian spinner porpoises, $tenellacf.1ongirostris, witha three-dimensional hydrophone array," I. Mammal. 55, 319-328. Level effects in complex stimulus discrimination ChristopherW. Turnerand AnthonyT. Cacace Communication Sciences andDisorders, Syracuse University, 805SouthCrouse Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13210 (Received 23 July1984;accepted for publication 23 July1985) Thedependence of spectral-shape discriminations uponpresentation levelwasstudied using stimuliconsisting of a bandpass noiseanda lessintense puretone.Thelevelof thenoisebandwas heldconstant ( + 10dB)relativeto thelevelof thetone,andtheminimumchange in theintensity of thetonewasmeasured across a rangeof presentation levels.The resultsdemonstrated that,for tonalfrequencies locatedneartheupperedgeof thenoiseband,subject's optimalperformance occurredat intermediate presentation levelsandbecameconsiderably poorerat highlevels.This resultisin accordance with upwardspreadof maskingandemphasizes that presentation levelis animportantparameterto consider whenmeasuring discriminations of complexspectralshapes. PACS numbers:43.66.Fe, 43.66.Dc INTRODUCTION The abilityof subjects to discriminate betweencomplex spectralshapeshascommonlybeenstudiedby determining thedifference limenfor an incrementalchangein the stimulus.Usingsuchtasks,TurnerandVan Tasell(1984)andMasonet al. (1984)notedthat subject'sperformance wasdecreasedat high presentationlevelsin tasksrequiringthe discrimination of smallchanges in the levelwithinspecific frequency regionsof a complexstimulus.In a studyusing speechlike stimuli,Danaheretal. (1973)foundthatdiscriminationof frequency changes ofa second-formant component frequency patternseenin spreadof maskingstudies, or in otherterms,thebroadening of auditoryexcitationpatterns with increasinglevel. Thepresent reportdescribes theeffectupondiscriminationofa singlestimulus component resulting fromintercom- ponent masking, asa function ofpresentation level.Thedifference limen for intensity of a single pure tone was measured bothforthetonein isolationandin thepresence of a higher-intensity narrow-band masking noise. Thefrequencydistance between toneandnoisewasvariedacross conditions in order to determinethe effectsof intercomponent was in some cases reduced when a first formant was added to masking asa functionof frequency andlevelof thestimulus the stimulus,particularlyat high presentationlevels.They components. suggestedthat intercomponentmaskingmay affect the dis- criminationof spectralshapes.Thesepreviousstudiesdemonstratedthat performance in the discrimination of a given complexspectralshapemaybedependent uponpresentation level.Thisdependence wouldbeexpectedto followfromthe 1895 I. METHODS A two-interval, two-alternative forced choice task (2AFC) was usedto measurediscriminationperformance. The subject'staskwasto indicate,via response buttons,the J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 78(5), Nov. 1985; 0001-4966/85/111895-03500.80; ¸ 1985 Acoust.Soc. Am.; Lettersto the Editor 1895