BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002 Phones 2323 0131 2323 3375 Extn 4284 TeleFax +91 11 2323 1192 Website : www.bis.org.in email : eetd@bis.org.in ्या पक पररचाऱन मं मस दा तकनीकी सममतत : ईटी रऱख रषण सञापन ईटी सद्भ 23/टी-107 ददनाक 24-08-2015 23 ................................................................................................................................. रषती : 1. ईटी 23 क सभी सद्य. 2. वि्युत तकनीकी विभाग ऩररषद क सभी सद्य. तथा 3. ूचि रखन िाऱ अ्यग सभी ननकाय मह दय, कृ्याीी नन्नलऱखखत मस दं की एक-एक रनत संऱ्न. ह : रऱख स्या 1. रऱख : ईटी 23 । 6899 । शीषभक रकाश सिाओ क लऱए ्ित जऱन िाऱ एऱ ई डी ऱ्ऩ भाग-2 काययकाररता अऩऺाऍ ं (ऩहऱा ऩुनरीऺण) का अिऱ कन करं और अऩनी सम््तय ं यह बतात हुए भजं कक अंतत: यदद यह मानक क ूऩ म रकालशत ह जाए त इस ऩर अमऱ करन मं आऩक ्यमिसाय अथिा कार बार मं ्याीु कदिनाइय ं आ सकती हं । कृ्या इस मस द सम््तय ं यदद क ई ह त कृ्या् अगऱ ऩ्ृ ि ऩर ददए ऩर मं अध ह्ताी ऺरी क उऩररलऱखखत ऩत ऩर भज दं । यदद क ई स्ममनत रा्त नहीं ह ती अथिा स्मऩनत मं किऱ भाषा संबंधी रुदट हुई त उऩर ्तऩ रऱख क यथाित अनतंम ूऩ ददया जाएगा । यदद क ई स्मऩनत तकनीकी रकृनत की हुई त विषय सलमनत क अ्यीऺ क ऩरामशय स अथिा उनकी इ्छाज ऩर ददया जाएगा । आग की काययिाही क लऱए विषय सलमनत क भज जान क बाद रऱख क अनतंम ूऩ द स्म नतय ं भजन की अंनतम तारीख ध्य िाद, भिदीय, ।डी ग ्वा मी । वञातनक एफ एव रमुख संऱ्नन : उऩरलऱखखत (वव्युत तकनीकी) 25-09-2015 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002 Phones 2323 0131 2323 3375 Extn 4284 TeleFax +91 11 2323 1192 Website : www.bis.org.in email : eetd@bis.org.in DRAFT IN WIDE CIRCULATION DOCUMENT DESPATCH ADVICE Our Ref ET 23/T-107 Date 24-08-2015 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE : ET 23 ________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESSED TO: 1. 2. 3. All Members of Lamp and Related Equipments Sectional Committee, ET 23; All Members of Electrotechnical Division Council; and All Interested. Dear Sir(s), Please find enclosed the following drafts DOC NO. 1. DOC: ET 23 (6899) TITLE SELF-BALLASTED LED LAMPS FOR GENERAL LIGHTING SERVICES PART 2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (First Revision) Kindly examine this draft and forward your views stating any difficulties which you are likely to experience in your business or profession, if this is finally adopted as STANDARD. Comments, if any, may please be made in the format given overleaf and mailed to the undersigned. In case no comments are received or comments received are of editorial nature, you will kindly permit us to presume your approval for the above document as finalized. However, in case of comments of technical in nature are received then it may be finalized either in consultation with the Chairman, Sectional Committee or referred to the Sectional Committee for further necessary action, if so desired by the Chairman, Sectional Committee Last date for comments: 25-09-2015 Thanking you,' Yours faithfully (D Goswami) Sc ‘F’ & Head (Electrotechnical) Email: eetd@bis.org.in Encl: As above Date 24-08-2015 Sl. No. Name of the Organization Clause/ Subclause Paragraph/ Figure/Table Type of Comment (General/ Technical/ Editorial Comments Document No. ETD 23 (6899) Proposed Change Electric Lamps and Their Auxiliaries Sectional Committee, ETD 23 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Electric Lamps and Their Auxiliaries Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. This standard specifies the performance requirements for self ballasted lamps for general lighting services for supplies > 50 V a.c. up to 250 V a.c at 50 Hz.; This standard is published in two parts. The other part in the series is: Part 1 Safety requirements This standard was first published in 2012. Revision of this standard has been undertaken to align it with latest development in this fileld. There will be and are already LED products in the market which substitute existing lamps, either as retrofit mains voltage incandescent or self ballasted fluorescent lamps or as replacement for tungsten halogen lamps below 50 V. This standard is based on IEC 62612 ‘Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services for voltage above 50 V — Performance requirements’ issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) with following modifications: a) Made applicable for supplies > 50 V a.c. up to 250 V a.c. at 50 Hz.; b) Schedule of type test and acceptance test has been incorporated; c) Ambient test condition changed to 27°C; d) Selection of samples incorporated; e) Conditions of compliances incorporated; f) In Table 2 data related chromaticity co-ordinates and CCT values for 5 700 K added; g) Requirements of harmonics and p.f. have been added; and For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 1 DOC: ETD 23( 6899 ) BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS DRAFT FOR COMMENTS ONLY (Not to be reproduced without the permission of BIS or used as a STANDARD) Draft Indian Standard SELF-BALLASTED LED LAMPS FOR GENERAL LIGHTING SERVICES PART 2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (First Revision) Last date for receipt of comments is 25-09-2015 1 SCOPE This standard (Part 2) specifies the performance requirements for self-ballasted LED lamps with supplies > 50 V a.c. up to 250 V a.c at 50Hz , together with the test methods and conditions, required to show compliance with this standard, intended for domestic and similar general lighting purposes, having, a) a rated wattage from 1W to 25W ; b) a rated supplies > 50 V a.c. up to 250 V a.c.at 50Hz and c) a lamp cap according to IS 16102(Part 1) : 2012 ‘Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services: Part 1 Safety requirements’. This standard does not cover self-ballasted LED-lamps that produce tinted or coloured light. This standard covers LED lamps that intentionally produce white light, based on inorganic LEDs. The only feature provided by this standard, when applied for replacement purposes, is information on maximum lamp outlines. These performance requirements are additional to the requirements given in IS 16102 (Part 1). NOTES 1 When operated in a luminaire the claimed performance data can deviate from the values established in this standard e.g. Due to luminaire components that impact the performance of the lamp. 2 Higher wattage lamp is under consideration. The life time of LED lamps is in most cases much longer than the practical test times. Consequently, verification of manufacturer’s life time claims cannot be made in a sufficiently confident way, because projecting test data further in time is not standardised. For that reason the acceptance or rejection of a manufacturer's life time claim, past an operational time is out of the scope of this standard. Instead of life time validation, this standard has opted for lumen maintenance codes at a defined finite test time. Therefore, the code number does not imply a prediction of achievable life time. 1 The categories, represented by the code, are lumen-depreciation character categories showing behaviour in agreement with manufacturer’s information, provided before the test is started. In order to validate a life time claim, several methods of test data extrapolation exist. A general method of projecting measurement data beyond limited test time is under consideration. The pass/fail criterion of the life time test as defined in this standard is different from the life time metrics claimed by manufacturers. NOTE — When the lamps are used in the luminaire, the ambient temperature inside the luminaire is expected to be higher than the room ambient temperature. The procedure for design and measurement is covered in IS 10322 (Part 1). 2 REFERENCES The standards listed below contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed as follows: IS No 1885 ( Part 16/Sec 1): 1968 2418 (Part 1): 1977 6873 (Part 5) : 1999 14700 (Part 3/ Sec 2) : 2008 15687 (Part 1): 2006 16101 : 2012 16102 (Part 1) : 2012 16106 : 2012 CIE 1931 IS/IEC TR 61341: 201 Title Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 16 Lighting, Section1 General aspects Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting services: Part 1 Requirements and tests Limits and methods of measurementof radio disturbance Characteristics : Part 5 Electrical lighting and similar equipment Electromagnetic compatibility: Part 3 Limits, Section 2 Limits for harmonic current emissions Single-capped fluorescent lamps: Part 1 Safety requirements General lighting — LEDs and LED modules — Terms and Definitions Self-ballasted LED lamps: Part 1 Safety requirements Method for the electrical and photometric measurements of solid-state lighting products MacAdam ellipses as normally applied for (compact) fluorescent lamps and other discharge lamps Method of measurement of center beam intensity and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps. 3 TERMINOLOGY The definitions given in IS 16101, IS 1885 (Part 16/ Sec 1) and the following shall apply. 3.1 Rated Value — Quantity value for a characteristic of a LED lamp for specific operating conditions. The value and the conditions are specified in this standard, or assigned by the manufacturer or responsible vendor. 2 3.2 Test Voltage — Voltage at which tests are carried out. Note : Specification of test voltage is made in Annex-A. 3.3 Lumen Maintenance (Lx) (of an LED lamp)/ luminous flux maintenance — luminous flux at a given time in the life of a led lamp divided by the initial value of the luminous flux of the lamp and expressed as a percentage x of the initial luminous flux. NOTE — The lumen maintenance of a LED lamp is the effect of decrease of the lumen output of the LED(s) or a combination of this with failure(s) of LED(s) if the lamp contains more than one LED. 3.4 Initial Values — Photometric, colorimetric and electrical characteristics at the end of the ageing period and/or stabilization time. 3.5 Life (of an Individual LED Lamp) Lx — Length of time during which a LED lamp provides more than claimed percentage of the initial luminous flux, under standard test conditions. A LED lamp has thus reached its end of life, when it no longer provides claimed percentage of the initial luminous flux. Life is always published in combination of with the failure rate (see Note 4 and Clause 3.7). NOTES – 1 LED lamps have a different end of life characteristic than conventional lamps, because typically they rather will dim over time in a gradual way than being subject to sudden lamp failure. Lumen maintenance is the governing characteristic for lifetime of LED lamps. 2 The built-in control gear and LED’s (with a certain probability), however, may show a sudden end of life failure (see 3.7). 3 The maximum reduction of lumen maintenance may vary depending on the application of the LED lamp: This standard uses a value of 70 percent (L70) as an example. Dedicated information on the chosen percentage is to be provided by the manufacturer. 4 End of lamp life is normally determined when 50 percent of the lamps failed, indicated in combination with the chosen lumen maintenance, for example: L70, F50. For professional applications, the combined value L70, F10 is advised, meaning maximum 10 percent of the lamps has failed when the point of 70 percent lumen maintenance has been reached. 3.6 Rated Lamp Life (h) — Length of time during which a population of LED lamp provides more than claimed percentage of the rated luminous flux, published in combination with the failure rate, as declared by the manufacturer or responsible vendor. NOTES 1 For sample size, see 17. 2 Notes 1, 2 and 4 of 3.5 shall apply. 3.7 Failure Fraction (Fx)— The percentage x of a number of tested lamps of the same type, that have reached the end of their individual lives. For marking of the failure fraction (see Table 1). NOTES 1 For self-ballasted LED lamps, the failure fraction expresses the combined effect of all components of an LED lamp including mechanical components, as far as the light output is concerned. The effect of the LED could either be less light than claimed or no light at all. 2 For self-ballasted LED lamps normally a failure fraction of 10 percent or/and 50 percent are being applied, indicated as F10 and/or F50. 3.8 Photometric Code — Colour designation of a LED lamp giving white light as defined by the correlated colour temperature (CCT) and the colour rendering index. Attached to this, information is given on CCT tolerance category and life time category. 3 NOTES 1 An example of the construction of the colour code is given in Annex-C. 2 The term general colour rendering index (CRI) is referred to CIE. The term colour rendering index designates one digit derived from the CRI (see Annex-C). 3.9 Stabilization Time — Time which the LED lamp requires to obtain stable Photometric conditions with constant electrical input for each measurement. Note – An LED lamp may be regarded as stable at stable thermal conditions. 3.10 Ageing — Preconditioning period of the LED-lamps before initial values are taken. 3.11 Type — LED lamp, representative of the production. 3.12 Type Test — Test or series of tests made on a type test sample for the purpose of checking compliance of the design of a given product with the requirements of the relevant standard 3.13 Type Test Sample — Sample consisting of one or more similar units submitted by the manufacturer or responsible vendor for the purpose of the type test. 3.14 Acceptance Test — Tests carried out on samples taken from a lot for the acceptance of the lot. 3.15 Batch — All the lamps of one type put forward at one time for acceptance test. 3.16 Inspection Test Quantity (ITQ) — The number of lamps selected for the purpose of determining the acceptability of a batch as to safety requirements given in Part 1 of this standard. 3.17 Rating Test Quantity (RTQ) — The number of lamps selected for the purpose of determining the acceptability of a batch as to initial readings and colour. 3.18 Life Test Quantity (LTQ) — The number of lamps selected for the purpose of determining the acceptability of a batch as to life performance 3.19 maintained value - Photometric, colorimetric and electrical characteristics at an operational time, including stabilisation time. 3.20 Family - Group of LED lamps that have same design characteristics, distinguished by common features of materials, components, and/or method of processing. 3.21 LED lamp efficacy - Quotient of the luminous flux emitted by the power consumed by the LED lamp Note 1 to entry: Efficacy is expressed in lm/W. 3.22 LED die - Block of semi-conducting material on which a given functional circuit is fabricated 3.23 LED package - Single electrical component encapsulating principally one or more LED dies, possibly with optical elements and thermal, mechanical, and electrical interfaces. Notes 1 The component does not include the control unit of the controlgear, does not include a cap, and is not connected directly to the supply voltage. 2 An LED package is a discrete component and part of the LED lamp. For a schematic built-up of an LED package. 4 3.24 tLED – Designated location of the point where to measure the performance temperature tLED at the surface of the LED Package at rated voltage and ambient temperature 27°C. 3.25 Directional lamp - Lamp having at least 80 % luminous flux within a solid angle of π sr (corresponding to a cone with angle of 120°). 3.26 Peak intensity - The highest value of the luminous intensity regardless of whether or not it occurs on the optical beam axis. NOTE The peak intensity is expressed in candela. 3.27 Centre beam intensity - The value of the luminous intensity measured on the optical beam axis NOTE The centre beam intensity is expressed in candela. 3.28 Beam angle - The angle between two imaginary lines in a plane through the optical beam axis, such that these lines pass through the centre of the front face of the lamp and through points at which the luminous intensity is 50 % of the centre beam intensity. 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The LED lamps for which compliance with this standard is claimed shall comply with the requirements of the relevant safety standard IS 16102 (Part 1). For measurement of lamp characteristics, see Annex A and Annex B. It may be expected that self-ballasted LED lamps, which comply with this standard will start and operate satisfactorily at voltages between 92 % and 106 % of rated supply voltage and at an ambient air temperature between –10 °C and 50 °C and in a luminaire complying with IS 10322 Part-1 : 2012 ‘General requirements and test for luminaires’. The requirements for individual LED lamps apply to 95 % of the production population. 5 MARKING 5.1 General Requirements for Marking For this performance standard the following data are to be provided visible in addition to the mandatory data of IS 16102 (Part 1) by the manufacturer or responsible vendor, and placed as specified in Table 1. 5 Table 1 Places where Marking is Required (Clauses 3.7, 3.8, 5.1, 9, 10, 11, 12.1, 12.2, 13 and 13.1, 15.2) Sl. No Marking Details (1) (2) (A) Product1) (B) Packaging X ii. Rated luminous flux (lm), Peak intensity and beam X angle (see Note 2) Lamp photometric code (see Annex C) --- (B) Product Data sheets or Leaflets or Website (5) X X X iii. Rated life and the related lumen maintenance (Lx) --- X X iv. Failure fraction (Fx), corresponding to the rated life --- X X v. Lumen maintenance category (see Table 4) --- X X vi. Rated correlated colour temperature (F 2700 to F 6500, X see Table 2) Rated colour rendering index --- X X X X viii . ix. Rated efficacy (lm/W) (see Note 3) X --- X Dimensions, including dimensional tolerances --- --- X x. Power Factor X X X (3) i. vii. (4) NOTES : 1 These requirements are minimal. Additional regional regulatory marking requirements may exist and overrule. 2 For directional lamps, peak intensity and beam angle are measured according to IS (under preparation). 3 For non-directional lamp, marking of peak intensity & beam angle are not mandatory. 4 ‘X’ = required, ‘---‘ = not required. 5.2 BIS Certification Marking The self-ballasted LED lamps may also be marked with the Standard Mark. 5.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of conditions under which the licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. 6 DIMENSIONS The LED lamp dimensions shall comply with the requirements as indicated by the manufacturer or responsible vendor. If the luminaire itself or any covering (if applicable) do not interfere with the dimensions of LED lamps, those lamps are also suitable as replacement. Compliance is checked by inspection. 7 TEST CONDITIONS Where in the standard a testing time of 25% of rated life with a maximum of 6 000 h is required and the same result can be achieved with a short-term test of at least 2000 h, this is a valid option, provided that 25% of rated life with a maximum of 6 000 h test is conducted in parallel. NOTE – All maintained values shall be checked after 2000 hours Life and after accelerated operation Life test and the sample may consider to comply with the claimed values of manufacture. Life test to be continue till 25% of rated life with a maximum of 6 000 h and if the sample comply to Life test requirement then final compliance shall be established. 6 Test conditions for testing electrical and photometric characteristics, lumen maintenance and life are given in Annex A. 7.1 Validation Tests for Component Changes When any changes in components (like change in Housing, Optics, LED Package and driver) made by manufactures in already certified product, the assessment of compliance w.r.t this standard verified by tests as per Table 2. The change has to be documented in the manufacturer’s technical file and relevant test reports should be available. Table 2 Validation of Component Changes Sl No. (1) Part characteristics where variations are allowed (see Note 2) (2) Conditions for acceptance (3) i. Housing/chassis, The temperature measurement of various components ( including heat sink/heat LEDs solder point t LED ) shall be conducted . Also Photometric management parameters ( Luminous flux , CCT , CRI) measurement shall be conducted. Thermal management system evaluation showing the effect of changes shall be documented in the manufacturer’s technical file.. ii. Optics (see Note The Photometric parameters measurement (Luminous flux, CCT, 1) CRI, peak intensity, beam angle ) shall be conducted. Also the LEDs solder point t LED temperature shall be conducted. The test results showing the effect of optical material change shall be documented in the manufacturer’s technical file. iii. LED package The Photometric parameters measurement (Luminous flux, CCT, CRI, peak intensity, beam angle ) shall be conducted . Also the LEDs solder point t LED temperature shall be conducted. The test results showing the effect of LED Package changes ( including life and photo biological hazard )shall be documented in the manufacturer’s technical file. iv. Controlgear The Temperature Switching and Supply voltage switching test shall be conducted. Also the LEDs solder point t LED temperature and Photometry parameters measurement (Luminous flux, CCT, CRI, peak intensity, beam angle ) shall be conducted The test results showing the effect of changes in BOM shall be documented in the manufacturer’s technical file. NOTES 1 Optics include for instance secondary optics (lenses), reflectors, trims and gaskets and their interconnections. The results relate to changes in luminous flux, peak luminous intensity, luminous intensity distribution, beam angle, shift in colour co -ordinates, shift in CCT (see 12.1) and shift in colour rendering index (CRI) (see 12.2). 2 Any change on part tolerances are documented in the manufacturer’s technical file. 3 Examples are under consideration. 7 8 LAMP POWER The initial power consumed by each LED lamp in the measured sample shall not exceed the rated power by more than 10 percent. The average of initial power consumed by the LED lamps in the measured sample shall not exceed the rated power by more than 7.5 %. 9 LUMINOUS FLUX and EFFICACY 9.1 LUMINOUS FLUX To comply with this standard, the initial luminous flux of each LED lamp in the measured sample shall not be less than 90 percent of the rated luminous flux. The grouping of LED lamps is defined in following table: Table 3 Grouping (Clause 9.1) Sl. No (1) i ii iii iv v Lamp Group (2) Luminous Flux Range (3) 80 lm to 400 lm 401 lm to 800 lm 801 lm to 1200 lm 1201 lm to 1600 lm 1601 lm to 2000 lm A B C D E Luminous flux is measured according to Annex A. The average initial luminous flux of the LED lamps in the measured sample shall not be less than the rated luminous flux by more than 7.5 %. 9.2 EFFICACY LED lamp efficacy shall be calculated from the measured initial luminous flux of the individual LED lamp divided by the measured initial input power of the same individual LED lamp. Compliance: For all tested units in a sample, the LED lamp efficacy shall not be less than 80 % of the rated LED lamp efficacy as declared by the manufacturer or responsible vendor. 10 PEAK INTENSITY Where a peak intensity value is provided by the manufacturer or responsible vendor , the initial peak intensity of each LED lamp in the measured sample shall not be less than 75 percent of the rated peak intensity. Compliance is checked according to Annex A. NOTE 1 Compliance criteria for the average value of the peak intensity are under consideration. 2 This requirement is to be applied to LED lamps having a directional (spot) distribution. 8 11 BEAM ANGLE Where a beam angle value is provided by the manufacturer or responsible vendor, the initial beam angle of each LED lamp in the measured sample shall be within ±25 percent of the rated beam angle. Compliance is checked according to Annex A. NOTE: 1 Compliance criteria for the average value of the beam angle are under consideration. 2 This requirement is to be applied to LED lamps having a directional (spot) distribution. 12 COLOUR NOMENCLATURE, VARIATION AND RENDERING 12.1 Colour Variation Categories The rated colour of a lamp shall preferably be one of the following seven values: F 2700, P 2700, F 3000, F 3500, F 4000, F 5000 or F 6500 For reference purposes, the standardized chromaticity co-ordinates and CCT values corresponding to these colours are given in IS 2418 (Part 2). The chromaticity of a LED lamp is measured both initially and maintained after an operation time of 25 percent of rated lamp life (with a maximum duration of 6 000 h). The measured actual chromaticity values both initial ( See Table 5 and 6 ) and maintained ( See Table 7) are expressed as fitting within one of these categories , corresponding to particular color tolerances around the rated colour as indicated by the manufacturer or responsible vendor. For colour marking requirements (see Table 1). To comply with this standard, the measured initial colour variation of each LED lamp in the sample shall be within the rated colour category (Either Table 5or 6) and maintained colour variation in the sample shall be within tolerance as per Table 7. A tolerance category shall be assigned according to the MacAdam ellipse size or quadrangle size that includes (circumscribes) the chromaticity co-ordinates of all LED lamps in the tested sample. Table 4 Correlated Colour Temperatures and Chromaticity Co-ordinates Sl. No. (1) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Colour Indication (2) CCT (3) F 6500 F 5700 F 5000 F 4000 F 3500 F 3000 F 2700 P 2700 6400 5700 5000 4040 3450 2940 2720 2700 As per CIE 1931 /IS: 2418 (4) x y 0.313 0.337 0.329 0.342 0.346 0.359 0.380 0.380 0.409 0.394 0.440 0.403 0.463 0.420 0.458 0.410 Note – The letters in the ‘colour’ designation stand for: a) F = values from IS 2418 (Part 2) and IS 15687 (Part 1); and b) P = value close to the Planckian curve. 9 Note:- If central color point is defined as per CIE 1931/IS 2418, MacAdam ellipse size is applicable. CCT and chromaticity co-ordinates are measured according to Annex A. Table 5 Initial color variation category on nominal rated chromaticity co-ordinate values as per IS 2418 Sl. No (1) i ii iii iv Size of Macadam ellipse centred on rated color target (2) 3-step 5-step 7-step >7 steps ellipse Initial color variation category (3) 3 5 7 7+ Table 6 Initial color variation category on nominal rated chromaticity co-ordinate values as per ANSI C78.377 ANSI TABLE DELETED Table 7 Maintained color category on nominal rated chromaticity co-ordinate values Sl. Lamp change in chromaticity based on CIE 1976 u’v’ Maintained No. diagram from initial measurement to the measurement color category (1) at 25% of rate life with max 6,000 hours (3) (2) i 0.003 3 ii 0.005 5 iii 0.007 7 iv >0.007 7+ Example: CAT 5/7, meaning initial shift within a 5 step ellipse and maintained shift within a 7 step ellipse. Note - This standard applies mainly to retrofit LED lamps for which it is important that the chromaticity corresponds as much as possible to the lamps to be replaced. Tolerance areas are based on the CIE 1931 MacAdam ellipses/Ellipses defined by macadam published in the journal of the optical society of America 1943, as normally applied for (compact) fluorescent lamps and other discharge lamps. 12.2 CRI The initial colour rendering index (CRI) of an LED lamp is measured and a second measurement is made after a total operation time of 25 percent of rated lamp life (with a maximum duration of 6 000 h). To comply with this standard, all measured initial CRI values from the sample LED lamps shall be greater than or equal to the rated CRI value (see Table 1) less 3 points and all measured maintained CRI values (at 25 percent of rated lamp life with a maximum duration of 6 000 h) shall be greater than or equal to the rated CRI value less 5 points (see Table 1). For method of measurement refer to IS 16106. 10 13 LAMP LIFE Life of a self-ballasted LED lamp as defined in 3.5 is the combined result of the lumen maintenance performance (see 3.1) and the life of the built-in control gear and the LED(s) itself (see 13.2). An indication for the reliability and life of the control gear is attained by an endurance test (see 13.2). Both elements are tested. Reference is made to the definitions of 3.5 and 3.6, describing the indicated percentage of tested lamps of a total batch (F50 or F10) that may fail the requirements of the tests under 13.1 and 13.2. For marking of rated life (see Table 1). 13.1 Lumen Maintenance This standard has opted for lumen maintenance categories that cover the initial decrease in lumen until 25 percent of rated lamp life has elapsed with a maximum duration of 6 000 h, see Fig. 1. Based on the life definition (L70) there are three categories each covering an additional 10 percent of lumen maintenance compared to the initial lumen output at 0 h as given in Table 8. NOTES 1 As the typical life of a self-ballasted LED lamp is (very) long, it is within the scope of this standard regarded unpractical and time consuming to measure the actual lumen reduction over life (L70). For that reason this standard relies on approximation methods to determine the expected life (L70) of any self-ballasted LED lamp. The actual LED behaviour with regard to lumen maintenance may differ considerably per type and per manufacturer. It is not possible to express the lumen maintenance of all LED’s in simple mathematical relations. A fast initial decrease in lumen output does not automatically imply that a particular LED will not make its rated life. 2 Compliance of lumen maintenance after 25 percent of have a nominal life of 25 000 h. life time or 6 000 h implies that the lamps would BISDG: Comments invited on specifying Minimum Life for Lamp. The initial luminous flux shall be measured, which measurement is repeated at 25 percent of rated lamp life (with a maximum duration of 6 000 h). The initial luminous flux value is normalized to 100 percent; it is used as the first data point for determining lamp life. The measured luminous flux value at rated lamp life (with a maximum duration of 6 000 h) shall be expressed as a percentage of the initial value. Measurement of lumen maintenance shall be carried out at 1000 h, 2000 h and at 25% of rated life with a maximum of 6 000 h. Corresponding lumen maintenance value shall be 95% and 90% of rated luminous flux at 1000 h and 2000 h respectively. Lumen maintenance at 25% of rated life with a maximum of 6 000 h shall be declared by the manufacturer. NOTE — This will give additional insight as to the reliability of the measured values. For marking of the lumen maintenance (Lx) and lumen maintenance categories (see Table 1). A self-ballasted LED lamp is considered having passed the test when the following criteria have been met (see Fig. 1): a) The measured flux value at 25 percent of rated lamp life (with a maximum duration of 6 000 h) shall never be less than the maximum lumen maintenance related to the rated life (L70) as defined and provided by the manufacturer or responsible vendor. b) The measured lumen maintenance shall correspond with the lumen maintenance category as defined and provided by the manufacturer or responsible vendor: Cat 7 to Cat 9 for L70. ( See Table 8) The lumen maintenance figure may vary depending on the application of the LED lamp. This standard applies a minimum value of 70 %. Dedicated information on the chosen percentage should be provided by the manufacturer. 11 Table 8 – Categories of Lumen Maintenance After an accelerated operational time as stated in 13.2.2 Lumen maintenance (%) (2) Sl No. (1) i. Category (3) 90 9 ii. 80 8 iii. 70 7 13.2 Endurance Test for Built-in Electronic Ballast Since a self-ballasted LED lamp is a unit, which cannot be dismantled without being permanently damaged, the built-in control gear has to be tested as part of a LED lamp. 13.2.1 LED lamps shall be subjected to a temperature cycling test, and a supply voltageswitching and accelerated operational life test as follows: Note – All tests can be carried out in parallel with different LED lamps. 13.2 Endurance Test for Built in Electronic Ballast Since a Self-Ballasted LED lamp is unit , which cannot be dismantled without being permanently damaged , the built in control gear has to be tested as a part of LED lamp. 13.2.1 LED lamps shall be subjected to Temperature Cycling Test and Supply switching test as follows : 12 a) Temperature cycling test Temperature cycling test according IS 11000 Part 14 ( Sec 1 to 3) shall be checked with specified rate of change . The LED lamp is placed in a test chamber in which the temperature is varied from –10 °C to +50 °C over a 4 h period and for a test duration of 250 periods (1 000 h). A 4 h period consists of 1 h holding at each extreme temperature and 1 h transfer time (1 K/min) between the extreme temperatures. The LED lamp is switched on at test voltage for 34 min and off for 34 min. If a supplier claims suitability for operation at extended conditions (voltages or temperatures outside of normal conditions, including high humidity) then: a) lamps shall be tested under claimed extended conditions; and b) lamps shall start and operate satisfactorily under claimed extended conditions; and Compliance: At the end of the test all the LED lamps shall operate for a period of at least 15 min and show no physical effects of temperature cycling such as cracks or delaminating of the label. NOTE The switching period of 68 min is chosen to get a phase shift between temperature and switching period The temperature requirements of Clause A.1 do not apply. NOTE — The aim of the test is to check the mechanical strength of the assembly. b) Supply voltage switching test — The ON 30 s/OFF 30 s cycling shall be repeated at test voltage for a number of cycles equal to half the rated lamp life in hour (Example: 10 k cycles if rated life is 20 kh). The temperature requirements of Clause A.1 do apply. NOTE The purpose of this test is to check the endurance of the built-in electronic components. Compliance: At the end of the test all the LED lamps shall operate and have a luminous flux which stays within the claimed lumen maintenance code for a period of at least 15 min. 13.2.2 Accelerated operational life test The LED lamp shall be operated continuously without switching at a test voltage and at a temperature corresponding to 10 K (see last paragraph and the note) above the maximum specified operating temperature, if declared by the manufacturer and over an operational time of 1 000 h. If there is no declared value then the test shall be performed at 50 °C. Any thermal protecting devices that would switch off the LED lamp or reduce the light output shall be bypassed. Compliance: At the end of this test, and after cooling down to room temperature and being stabilised, all the lamps shall have an allowed decrease of light output of maximum 30 % compared to the for at least 15 min. The temperature requirements of Clause A.1 do not apply. An accelerated test should not evoke fault modes or failure mechanisms which are not related to normal life effects. For example, a too high temperature increase would lead to chemical or physical effects from which no conclusions on real life can be made. 13 NOTE This test is to check for catastrophic failures. 14 DIMMING Requirements are under consideration. 15 HARMONICS AND POWER FACTOR 15.1 The harmonics of the input current when measured in accordance with IS 14700 (Part 3/Sec 2) shall be as given in 15.1.1 and 15.1..2 15.1.1 : No requirements below 5 W (not including 5 W) for all lighting equipment. 15.1.2 For lamps having an active input power more than 5 W and smaller or equal to 25 W, the harmonic current shall comply with one of the following two sets of requirements: – the harmonic currents shall not exceed the power-related limits of Table 9, column 2, or: – The third harmonic current, expressed as a percentage of the fundamental current, shall not exceed 86 percent and the fifth shall not exceed 61 percent. Moreover, the waveform of the input current shall be such that it begins to flow before or at 60°, has its last peak (if there are several peaks per half period) before or at 65° and does not stop flowing before 90°, where the zero crossing of the fundamental supply voltage is assumed to be at 0°. Table 9 Limits for Harmonic current Sl No. (1) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Harmonic order (2) n Maximum permissible harmonic current per watt mA/W (3) Maximum permissible harmonic current A (4) 3 5 7 9 11 3.4 1.9 1.0 0.5 0.35 2.30 1.14 0.77 0.40 0.33 13 ≤ n ≤ 39 (odd harmonics only) 3.85 n 0.15 15 n 15.2 Power factor for LED lamp shall be minimum 0.9, except for <5W which can be minimum 0.5. 16 TEST FOR EMISSION (RADIATED AND CONDUCTED) OF RADIO FREQUENCY DISTURBANCES 16.1 The emission (radiated and conducted) of radio frequency disturbances when measured in accordance with IS 6873 (Part 5) shall be as given in 16.1.1 and 16.1.2. 16.1.1 LED lamp shall comply with the terminal voltage limits given in Table 6. 14 Table 10 Limits of Frequency Range Against Emission (Clause 16.1.1) Sl No. (1) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Frequency range (2) (3) Limits (4) 9 kHz-50 kHz2) 50 kHz-150 kHz2) 150 kHz -0.5 MHz 0.5 MHz-2.51 MHz 2.51 MHz-3.0 MHz 3.0 MHz-5.0 MHz 5.0 MHz-30.0 MHz 110 90-803) 66- 563) 56 73 56 60 — — 56-463) 46 63 46 50 1. At the transmission frequency, the lower limit applies. 2. The limit values in the frequency range 9 kHz to 150 kHz are considered to be provisional which may be modified after some years experience. 3. The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency range of 9 kHz to 50 kHz and 150 kHz to 0.5 MHz. of 16.1.2 Where the light source is operated at a frequency exceeding 100 Hz, the lamp shall comply with the field strength limits given in Table 8. Table 11 Limits of Loop Diameter Against Transient Frequency Range (Clause 16.1.2) Sl No. (1) Frequency Range (2) i. ii. iii. iv. v. 9 kHz-70 kHz 70 kHz-150 kHz 150 kHz-2.2 MHz 2.2 MHz-3.0 MHz 3.0 MHz-30.0 MHz 2m Limits of Loop Diameter (3) 3m 4m 88 88-582) 58-262) 58 22 81 81-512) 51- 222) 51 15-163) 75 75-452) 45-162) 45 9-123) 1. At the transmission frequency, the lower limit applies. 2. Decreasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency. 3. Increasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency. 17 SELECTION OF LAMPS FOR TESTS (SAMPLING) 17.1 Inspection Test Quantities (ITQ) The sampling criteria, condition of compliance and tests to be carried out for ITQ shall be as given in 16 and 17 of IS 16102 (Part 1). NOTE — Method of selection of lamps for type testing are under consideration. 17.2 Rating Test Quantity (RTQ) Rating test quantity consisting of 15 LED lamps shall be selected at random from the lamps which have passed the inspection test. The RTQ shall comprises of the tests given in 18.2 and 18.3. 17.3 Life Test Quantity (LTQ) 15 Life test quantity consisting of 10 LED lamps shall be selected at random from the lamps which have passed the rating tests. The LTQ shall comprise of the tests for life d lumen maintenance 17.4 Accidentally Broken and/or in Corrected Operated Lamps Lamps, which are accidentally broken and or have been operated in conjunction with incorrect controlgear before the life test is completed, shall, when necessary, be replaced to ensure that the required number of test lamps completes the test. Any such broken or incorrectly operated lamps shall be neglected in the evaluation of life test results. NOTE — In order to avoid unnecessary delay, it is recommended that spare lamps be available through the test. 17.5 Test for Harmonics The number of sample for this test shall be one. 17.6 Test for Emission (Radiated and Conducted) of Radio Frequency Disturbances The number of sample for this test shall be one. 17.7 Temperature cycling test & supply voltage switching test 5 samples for each test to be taken for Temperature cycling test & supply voltage switching test. 18 CONDITIONS OF COMPLIANCE 18.1 General Conditions A batch shall be considered as confirming to this standard, if the requirements contained in this standard are fulfilled. If the batch fails to satisfy the requirements of any of these requirements, it shall be deemed not to comply with this standard. 18.2 Acceptance Test A batch shall be considered to comply with the requirements of acceptance test if the number of LED lamps failing does not exceed the qualifying limits given below: Test Parameters Qualifying Limits For wattage of individual lamps (see 8) For initial luminous flux of individual lamps (see 9.1) Colour (see 10) For all the requirements taken together 4 4 2 5 18.3 Marking, Dimension, Centre Beam Intensity and Beam Angle Compliance shall be considered to be achieved if all the lamps of the RTQ (see 15.2) meet the requirements of 5, 6, 10 and 11. In the event of one or more failures the remaining LED lamps of RTQ shall be tested, from which not more than one shall fail. 18.4 Life and Lumen Maintenance A batch shall be considered to comply with the requirements of life if the total number of LED lamps having life shorter than 25% of rated life with a maximum of 6 000 h together with those failing to meet the requirements of lumen maintenance, as follows: -1 -2 Upto 2000 h At 25 % of rated life with a maximum 16 of 6 000 h 18.5 Harmonics Compliance shall be considered to be achieved if the sample selected meets the requirements of this standard. 18.6 Emission (Radiated and Conducted) of Radio Frequency Disturbances Compliance shall be considered to be achieved if the sample selected meets the requirements of this standard. 19 TESTS 19.1 Classification of Tests 19.1.1 Type Tests The following shall constitute the type tests to be carried out on selected sample of selfballasted LED lamps, sample being drawn preferably from regular production lot: a) Marking (see 5), b) Dimension (see 6), c) Wattage (see 8), d) Luminous flux and Efficacy (see 9), e) Peak intensity (see 10), f) Beam angle (see 11), g) Colour chromaticity and colour rendering index (CRI) (see 12), h) Life (see 13), j) Harmonics (see 15), and k) Emission (radiated and conducted) of radio frequency disturbances (see 16). 19.2 Acceptance Test The following shall constitute as acceptance tests: a) Marking (see 5), b) Dimension (see 6), c) Wattage (see 8), d) Luminous flux (see 9), e) Colour chromaticity and colour rendering index (CRI) (see 12). 17 ANNEX A (Clauses 4 and 7) METHOD OF MEASURING LAMP CHARACTERISTICS A-1 GENERAL All tests shall be made in a draught-free room at an ambient temperature of 27 ± 1°C and a relative humidity of 65 percent maximum. All tests shall be carried out at rated frequency. Unless otherwise specified for a specific purpose by the manufacturer or responsible vendor, lamps shall be operated in free air in a vertical base-up position for all tests including lumen maintenance tests. The test voltage shall be stable within ±0.5 percent, during stabilization periods, this tolerance being ±0.2 percent at the moment of measurements. For luminous flux maintenance testing the tolerance is 2 percent. The total harmonic content of the supply voltage shall not exceed 3 percent. The harmonic content is defined as the R.M.S. summation of the individual harmonic components using the fundamental as 100 percent. A-2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS A-2.1 Test Voltage The test voltage shall be the rated voltage (see A-1). In case of a voltage range, measurements shall be carried out at the mean value . A-2.2 Ageing Lamps normally do not require any ageing prior to testing. However, the manufacturer may define an ageing period . A-2.3 Stabilization Time The lamp under test may be regarded as stable and suitable for test purpose, if the difference of maximum and minimum readings of luminous flux or luminous intensity observed over the last 15 min is less than 0,5 % and for lamp power is less than 1 %. If stabilisation conditions are not achieved within 45 min, the measurement may be started and the observed fluctuations shall be reported. A-3 PHOTOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS A-3.1 Test Voltage The test voltage shall be the rated voltage (see A-1). In case of a voltage range, measurements shall be carried out at the mean value. A-3.2 Establishing Lumen Values The initial luminous flux shall be measured after thermal stabilisation of the LED lamp, for conditions (see A-2.3). Reference is made to document IS 16106. NOTE — Method of measuring the luminous flux of LED lamps is under discussion. Annex B has been reserved for a description of an improved method. A.4 Peak intensity The peak intensity shall be measured in accordance with IS/IEC TR 61341 (currently under printing). A.5 Beam angle The beam angle shall be measured in accordance with IS /IEC TR 61341 (currently under printing) 18 The beam angle is not determined by the half peak, but by the half centre beam intensi ty. ANNEX B (Clauses 4 and 9) METHOD OF MEASURING LUMINOUS FLUX FOR LED LAMPS The contents of this Annex are under consideration. ANNEX C (Table 1) HOW TO COMPOSE AND UNDERSTAND A PHOTOMETRIC CODE Example of a lamp photometric code like 830/359, meaning: 8 – Initial CRI of e.g. 82 30 – Initial CCT of 3 000K 3 – Initial spread of chromaticity co-ordinates within a 3-step MacAdam ellipse 5– Maintained spread of chromaticity co-ordinates after accelerated operational life time within a 5step MacAdam ellipse 9 – Code of lumen maintenance after accelerated operational life time; in this example: ≥ 90% of the 0 h value. The colour rendering value is expressed as one figure which is obtained by using the intervals, see IEC/TR 62732: CRI = 70 to 79→ code 7 CRI = 80 to 89 → code 8 CRI = ≥ 90 → code 9 The highest value is 9. 19