PC Passport

PC Passport
Exercise Booklet
Date: March 2004
Publication Code: DB2310C
ISBN for this pack: 1 85969 499 3
ISBN for set of three Word Processing packs: 1 85969 493 4
ISBN for complete Beginner level pack: 1 85969 498 5
This guide makes up part of a suite of three documents designed to deliver the PC Passport
course at Beginner level for Word Processing
Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority
Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 7NQ, and Ironmills Road, Dalkeith,
Midlothian EH22 1LE
The information in this publication may be reproduced to support the delivery of PC
Passport or its component Units. If it is to be used for any other purpose, then written
permission must be obtained from the Publications Section at SQA. It must not be
reproduced for trade or commercial purposes.
© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2004
Welcome to the Word Processing Beginner Student Exercise Booklet. Here you’ll find
practical exercises that you can complete to help you learn the topics covered in the Student
Workbook. In the workbook, you’ll find references that tell you when to do each exercise.
Summary Tasks
The booklet also contains Summary Tasks that should be completed at the end of each
Learning Outcome. An instruction in the workbook will tell you when you should complete
these tasks.
Printing Documents
Some of the practical exercises in this booklet ask you to print your file once you’ve
finished the exercise. So that you can identify your own printouts, please add your name to
the footer on each document before printing. Follow these instructions to add a footer:
Select the File, Page Setup menu option.
Display the Header/Footer tab.
Click the Custom Footer button.
Type your name in one of the boxes in this window.
♦ Click OK then click OK again.
Internet Exercise Booklet — Beginner
Exercise 1.1
Exercise 1.2
Exercise 1.3
Exercise 1.4
Exercise 1.5
Exercise 1.6
Summary Tasks for Learning Outcome 1
Exercise 2.1
Exercise 2.2
Exercise 2.3
Exercise 2.4
Exercise 2.5
Exercise 2.6
Exercise 2.7
Exercise 2.8
Summary Tasks for Learning Outcome 2
Exercise 3.1
Exercise 3.2
Exercise 3.3
Summary Tasks for Learning Outcome 3
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Word Processing Exercise Booklet —
Exercise 1.1
1. Label the diagram below.
2. Switch on the computer by pressing the power button, usually found on the front of the
system unit.
Switch on the monitor by pressing the power button, again usually found on the front of
the monitor. A green light will indicate that the monitor is on.
If there is a printer attached to your system, make sure this is also switched on.
5. Take a moment to look at the hardware attached to your system, noting the buttons and
lights on each.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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Exercise 1.2
1. Complete these statements.
a) Microsoft Word is an example of ___________________ software, and it allows
you to
b) Microsoft Windows is _________________ software and its purpose is
is an example of Spreadsheet software.
2. Examine what’s on your desktop. This will vary with each computer, depending on the
programs on it and how it’s been used in the past. All desktops, though, have a taskbar,
usually along the bottom of the desktop. This taskbar contains the Start button, which
can be used to access all the settings and programs on your computer.
3. Follow the instructions below to practise using the mouse and keyboard.
♦ First, move your mouse across the desktop until the arrow is pointing to the button
that reads Start, usually found at the bottom left corner of the desktop.
♦ Click the left mouse button once to display the Start menu.
♦ Depending on the version of Windows you use, move your mouse so that the arrow is
pointing to either All Programs or Programs on this menu and then click the left
button once to show the next menu. Alternatively, rest the mouse pointer on this
option for a moment and the menu will pop out by itself.
♦ Find the Accessories option on the menu that pops out and move the mouse pointer
to it and click or rest once again.
♦ Now move the pointer to Notepad and click once.
This opens the Notepad program, which is a simple text editing program. You’ll find
out more about programs in the next part of the manual, but now you’ll use this
program to practise using the keyboard.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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4. Type the text shown below. Remember to:
♦ press the [SPACEBAR] when you want to type a space between words or after a
punctuation mark, for example, a comma or a full stop;
♦ hold down one of the [SHIFT] keys when you want a capital letter or the top symbol
from one of the keys with two characters on it;
♦ press [ENTER] when you want to move to a new line or leave a blank line, and
♦ press [BACKSPACE] when you want to correct a mistake you’ve just made.
5. Now that you’ve finished with the Notepad program, you should close it, so move the
mouse so that the arrow is pointing to the word File (called the File menu), and click
6. Move the arrow down to the Exit option and click.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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7. As you’ve asked to close the program, but you haven’t saved the file you typed, Notepad
asks you if you want to save it.
8. Point to the No button and click the left mouse button to discard what you’ve typed and
close the program.
9. Now you’ll practise various techniques using the mouse. Follow these instructions to
play a game of FreeCell, if it is installed on your computer.
♦ If you use Windows XP, click the Start button then All Programs then Games and
then FreeCell. Otherwise, click the Start button then Programs then Accessories
then Games and finally FreeCell.
♦ Press the [F2] function key to deal the game.
♦ Following the instructions on the preceding pages, play a game of FreeCell.
♦ When you’ve finished playing, close FreeCell by clicking the Game menu and then
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Exercise 1.3
1. Follow the steps below to open the Windows Explorer program and investigate the
contents of your system. Remember that as each disk is unique, the contents and the way
they are shown in the illustrations here may differ from those on your computer.
However, the Windows Explorer program will work as described.
♦ Start Windows Explorer by clicking the Start button then All Programs (or
Programs) then Accessories then Windows Explorer. The My Documents folder is
expanded so that you can see its contents. Notice that the four folders that are within
My Documents are shown in both the folders list and the contents pane.
♦ Click the plus sign to the left of My Computer in the folders list to see the disks that
are part of your computer.
Drives that are part of ‘My Computer’
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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Important! On many systems you might not be allowed to access the C drive and you may
be instructed to save folders and files on another drive, eg a network drive. Do not go any
further in this exercise until you know which drive your work is to be saved to.
♦ If you have access to the C drive, follow these steps:
Click the C drive (your hard disk) in the folders list. Windows XP’s security
measures might warn you about the importance of the files on this disk and show a
link that you have to click if you want to see them. If you see this message, click the
link so that you can see the contents of this drive.
The folders that are part of your C drive are listed in the folders list. They are also
listed in the contents pane along with any files that are stored on the drive, but not
inside a folder.
Click the plus shown to the left of the Program Files folder to expand it. This
displays a list of the subfolders within the Program Files folder, each representing
an application that’s installed on your computer. Since you haven’t selected (by
clicking) a folder or another drive in the folders list, the contents of the hard disk are
still displayed in the contents pane.
Click the minus to the left of the Program Files folder to collapse it, hiding its
2. Using these techniques explore the other disks and folders on your system, taking care
not to make any changes.
A group of files and folders that you will use to complete the exercises in this course will
have been placed on the drive where you’ve been told you can save your files. They’ll be in
a folder called WP – Int 1.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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3. Follow the instructions below to copy and move some files.
♦ Make sure that the WP – Int 1 folder is selected in the folders list so that you can see
its contents. Remember that your Windows Explorer window may appear different
from this illustration. However, the WP – Int 1 folder contains the folders and files
shown here, even if they are listed in a different way.
♦ First you’ll move the Spec document into the Reports folder, so point to this file and
click once to select it.
♦ Click the Edit menu and then the Cut option. Although this file isn’t removed from
the WP – Int 1 folder yet, it appears dimmer to show that it has been cut.
♦ In the contents pane, double-click the Reports folder to open it and then select the
Edit, Paste menu option. The Spec document is removed from its original folder and
placed in the Reports folder.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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♦ Click the WP – Int 1 folder in the folders list to see its contents and notice that the
Spec document is no longer in this folder.
♦ Next you’ll copy the Calendar document from the WP – Int 1 folder to the
Employee Documents folder.
♦ Select the Calendar document in the WP – Int 1 folder by clicking it once.
♦ Select the Edit, Copy menu option.
♦ Double-click the Employee Documents folder then select the Edit, Paste menu
The Calendar document is now in both the WP – Int 1 folder and the Employee
Documents folder.
♦ Check that this is the case.
4. Close Windows Explorer by clicking the small X at the top right of the window. This X
is called the Close button.
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Exercise 1.4
1. Open Microsoft Word by clicking the Start button and then choosing it from the All
Programs or Programs menu.
2. To make sure that the Standard and Formatting toolbars are displayed, click the View
menu and then Toolbars. Standard and Formatting should have ticks next to them on
the menu, showing that the toolbars are already displayed. If this isn’t the case, click the
toolbar to display it. (This means that you may have to click view then Toolbar again if
neither toolbar is displayed to begin with.)
‘Standard’ and ‘Formatting’ should
have ticks next to them to show that
they’re already displayed. If there’s no
tick, click the toolbar to display it.
3. Take a moment to familiarise yourself with the different parts of the Word window,
referring to the previous pages for an explanation of each if necessary.
4. Click the File menu on the menu bar.
The menu of options relating to the Word file is displayed.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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5. Click Exit to close Word.
6. Open Word again.
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Exercise 1.5
1. Make sure that Word is open.
2. Follow the instructions below to open a document that’s stored in the WP – Int 1 folder.
If you’re using a networked PC, check with your assessor where the files are stored.
♦ Point to the Open button on the toolbar. This button looks like this:
♦ Click the left mouse button to display the Open dialog box.
♦ Click anywhere in the Look in box to display the drop-down list.
♦ Click Local Disk (C:) or the name of the drive where you have been told the files
have been stored. If you’re working on the C drive, this might say something other
than Local Disk, depending on how your computer has been set up, however, it will
still be marked with (C:), indicating your computer’s hard disk.
The folders on this drive are displayed in the main window in the dialog box.
Remember that your drive will contain different folders and files from those shown
here, however, the WP – Int 1 folder will be in the list.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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♦ Double-click WP – Int 1 to see the folders and files it contains.
♦ Click the Startout document then click the Open button.
3. To print one copy of this document, click the Print button on the toolbar. This button
looks like this: . Remember to add your name in the footer so that you can identify
your printout. The instructions for adding a footer are given on the first page of this
4. Now you’ll close this document, so select the File, Close menu option. This means you
should click the File menu and then the Close option.
The document is removed from the screen.
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5. Follow the instructions below to open the Agenda document from the Meetings folder.
♦ Click the Open button on the toolbar.
♦ In the Open dialog box, double-click the Meetings folder to show its contents.
Notice that the Meetings folder now appears in the Look in box.
♦ Now double-click the Agenda document to open it. Double-clicking the document
means that you don’t have to click the Open button.
6. Click the Print button to print a copy of this document then close it. If you’re asked if
you want to save this document, click No. Remember to add a footer containing your
name to this document so that you can recognise your printout.
7. Following these instructions, open the Interview Letter document in the Letters and
Memos folder.
♦ Click the Open button on the toolbar.
♦ As you can’t see the Letters and Memos folder you have to go back to the WP – Int
1 folder it’s stored in, so click anywhere in the Look in box to open the drop-down
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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Click this folder to display its contents
in the main window. Remember it may
be on a drive other than C.
♦ Choose the WP – Int 1 folder from this list.
♦ Double-click the Letters and Memos folder and then open the Interview Letter
8. Follow the instructions below to make a small change to the document and then save it.
♦ Click at the end of the first paragraph of the letter, after the text …attend for an
interview at this office on
♦ Now type 28 November at 2 pm. to complete the sentence.
♦ Click the Save button on the toolbar. This button looks like this:
Since the file had already been saved, Word saves your changes over the original and
so doesn’t need to ask for a file name or a location.
9. Follow these instructions to open a rich text file that is stored in the Reports folder.
♦ Display the Open dialog box.
♦ Select the WP – Int 1 folder from the Look in drop-down list.
♦ Open the Reports folder.
By default, Word shows you any Word format documents in the folder you’ve
selected. As the file you want to open is a rich text file, it’s not currently visible
although it is stored in this folder.
♦ To show rich text files, click anywhere in the Files of type box to display a list of the
types of file you can open using Word.
♦ Click Rich Text Format (*.rtf) in this list.
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Now the Software document that you want to open is visible in the main window of the
dialog box.
♦ Open this document.
10. Read through the document and then close it.
11. Close the Interview Letter document.
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Exercise 1.6
1. Follow the instructions below to find help on opening documents in Word.
♦ First, make sure that Word is running.
♦ Click the Office Assistant. If you can’t see the Office Assistant, click the Help menu
on the menu bar to see the options under this heading then click Microsoft Word
When you type your
question, it will appear here.
♦ Type opening documents. These words appear in the Office Assistant’s question
♦ Next click Search. The Office Assistant returns a range of topics that match what
you’ve searched for.
♦ Click Open a document and then Open a document on your hard disk or a
network to display this help information. Normally this information will be shown in
a window that is arranged at the side of the Word window, although this isn’t always
the case. If it is, it means that you can see the help information as you follow its
instructions to carry out the task.
Click ‘Open a document on
your hard disk or a network’.
♦ Read this information.
2. The Office Assistant is still on the screen so, if the search box isn’t already displayed,
click the Assistant to display it so that you can ask another question.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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3. Follow the instructions below to find information about saving Word documents.
♦ Type ‘saving documents’ then click Search.
♦ Click ‘Save a document’. Now this information is displayed in the Help window.
♦ The word toolbar is shown in blue in the Help window. This is called a link, and here
it means that, if you click it, a definition will be displayed. Click toolbar in the Help
♦ Read the definition and then click anywhere in the Help window to hide it again.
♦ The text saving documents is also a link. Since it’s underlined, you can tell that if you
click it, the Help window will jump to another topic or another part of the same page.
♦ Click saving documents again the end of the first paragraph.
Read the text at the bottom of this
page then click this link to get
information about other file formats.
4. Read through this information and then click the link Saving documents in other file
formats at the top of this help information.
5. Read through this information and then experiment with the Office Assistant to find help
on one or two other topics.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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6. Next, click the Show button on the toolbar at the top of the Help window. This button
looks like this:
. This displays the Content, Answer Wizard and Index tabs.
7. Follow the instructions below to use the Contents facility to find help information.
♦ Click the plus sign next to Getting Started to see the help pages and sub-topics.
♦ Click How to get started with Word.
♦ Read through this information clicking any links you want to see additional help
♦ Explore the other topics available through the Contents facility.
8. Follow the instructions below to use the Answer Wizard facility to find help
♦ Click the Answer Wizard tab and type How do I print a document? into the box.
♦ Click the Search button to see a list of topics that match your question. The first topic
on the list is shown at the right.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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This is the information relating
to the first topic in the list
produced by your search.
♦ Take a look at some of the topics that have been listed relating to printing.
9. Follow the instructions below to use the Index facility to find help information.
♦ Click the Index tab and type Undo into the box.
♦ Click Search to find topics relating to this word.
♦ The first topic Undo mistakes is displayed
♦ Read this information and then try out the Index feature for yourself.
10. When you have finished, close the Help window by clicking the small X in the top right
corner (the Close button).
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Summary Tasks for Learning Outcome 1
In this set of tasks, you’ll use all the skills and knowledge that you’ve learned in this part of
the course to answer questions and produce a number of documents, some of them printed.
Task 1
1. In each box write then name of the component and a short description of what it does.
2. Identify whether each of these items is an input device or an output device.
Digital camera
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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3. Give two examples of system software and five examples of application software.
System Software
Application Software
4. Label this diagram.
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5. Explain each of these words and phrases.
All-in-one printer
Cable modem
Internet Explorer
6. Answer the questions below about these electronic filing systems.
a. On which drive is the Urban Development Project folder stored?
b. How many folders are in the Admin folder?
c. What are they called?
d. Which project does the file budget belong to?
e. Does it belong to a completed or a current project?
f. What other project belongs to this type of project?
g. What program was used to create the proposal file?
Task 2
Working in the WP – Int 1 folder using the Windows Explorer program:
1. Move the document Desktop Publishing document to the Employee Documents folder.
2. Move the Office Automation Conference document from the Letters and Memos
folder to the Employee Documents folder.
3. Copy the Advantages of Word Processors document stored in the Reports folder to the
WP – Int 1 folder.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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4. Complete this table with the contents of each of the folders now.
WP – Int 1
(don’t include
Letters and
Task 3
Open the Conference Room Reservation document in the Letters and Memos folder and
print it, remembering to add your name to the footer.
Task 4
In the Conference Room Reservation document change the memo’s date to today’s date
and then save the change that you’ve made. Print the document and then close it.
Task 5
Open the Agenda document in the Meetings folder, print it then close it.
Task 6
Close Microsoft Word.
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Exercise 2.1
1. Create a new document by clicking the New Blank Document button on the toolbar.
This button looks like this: .
Notice that the cursor (or insertion point) is flashing in the document. Anything you type
will appear at this position, and as you type, the insertion point moves along.
2. Type the following text. Don’t press [ENTER] at the end of each line; notice that
Word’s word wrap feature moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right
margin. Only press [ENTER] at the end of headings and paragraphs or when you want
to leave a blank line. Remember that you can press [BACKSPACE] to correct mistakes
as you type and press the [SPACEBAR] once after punctuation marks.
Great Bumblebee
Press the [ENTER] key here and here.
A characteristic feature of the bumblebee is its long, furry coat formed by the
body hairs. The great yellow bumblebee is a large sized bee with a yellow or
Press the [ENTER]
brownish body with a black interalar band (between the wings).
key here and here
to end the
paragraph and
quite leave
fast a blank line.
Adults are found between April and September. Working bees are
and therefore may be difficult to approach while feeding. The great yellow
bumblebee’s scientific name, Bombus distinguendus, comes from the fact that
when protecting their nest the bees omit a strong aromatic odour to warn off
3. Follow the instructions below to save the document in the Reports folder.
♦ Click the Save button on the toolbar.
♦ Word has taken the main heading of the document as the default file name so you
don’t have to type anything here.
♦ Display the Reports folder in the Look in box. This folder is stored in the WP – Int
1 folder you used in earlier exercises.
♦ Click Save.
4. Now you’ll add more text to the document. Click after predators at the end of the
second paragraph and press [ENTER] twice to leave a line between this paragraph and
the new text.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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5. Type the following text.
The great yellow bumblebee is widespread in northern and central Europe,
and Asia, but is thought to be declining throughout this range. In the UK,
during the 1960s, it was recorded in scattered localities, mainly associated
with areas of flower-rich meadows. Since then it has undergone drastic
reductions in range and abundance and is now classified as Nationally Scarce.
Today it is confined to a few areas practising traditional agriculture, such as
the Hebridean machair system or crofting areas of Orkney, Coll and Tiree.
6. Follow these instructions to make some changes to the document.
♦ In the document’s main heading, insert the word Yellow between Great and
Insert the word ‘Yellow’ between ‘Great’ and ‘Bumblebee’
Great Yellow Bumblebee
♦ Place the insertion point at the start of the third paragraph and type Range and
♦ Press [ENTER]. The text you’ve just typed becomes a heading for the third
New heading inserted before the third paragraph.
Range and numbers
The great yellow bumblebee is widespread in northern and central Europe,
and Asia, but is thought to be declining throughout this range. In the UK,
during the 1960s, it was recorded in scattered localities, mainly associated
with areas of flower-rich meadows. Since then it has undergone drastic
reductions in range and abundance and is now classified as Nationally Scarce.
Today it is confined to a few areas practising traditional agriculture, such as
the Hebridean machair system or crofting areas of Orkney, Coll and Tiree.
♦ Click before the word body in the second sentence of the first paragraph and type
A characteristic feature of the bumblebee is its long, furry coat formed by the
body hairs. The great yellow bumblebee is a large sized bee with a yellow or
brownish yellow body with a black interalar band (between the wings).
Insert the word ‘yellow’ here.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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♦ Position the insertion point at the end of the word interalar near the end of the first
♦ Use the [BACKSPACE] key to remove this word and the space before it.
♦ Remove the brackets from the text between the wings.
A characteristic feature of the bumblebee is its long, furry coat formed by the
body hairs. The great yellow bumblebee is a large sized bee with a yellow or
brownish yellow body with a black band between the wings.
♦ Double-click the heading Identification to select it.
♦ Press the [DELETE] key to delete this heading.
Great Yellow Bumblebee
A characteristic feature of the bumblebee is its long, furry coat formed by the
body hairs. The great yellow bumblebee is a large sized bee with a yellow or
brownish yellow body with a black band between the wings.
♦ Now click the Undo button on the toolbar to reverse your last action. This button
looks like this: .
The Identification heading is ‘undeleted’.
♦ In the second paragraph, remove the sentence that starts: Working bees are quite
Adults are found between April and September. The great yellow
bumblebee's scientific name, Bombus distinguendus, comes from the fact that
when protecting their nest the bees omit a strong aromatic odour to warn off
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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The document should now look like this:
Great Yellow Bumblebee
A characteristic feature of the bumblebee is its long, furry coat formed by the
body hairs. The great yellow bumblebee is a large sized bee with a yellow or
brownish yellow body with a black band between the wings.
Adults are found between April and September. The great yellow
bumblebee's scientific name, Bombus distinguendus, comes from the fact that
when protecting their nest the bees omit a strong aromatic odour to warn off
Range and numbers
The great yellow bumblebee is widespread in northern and central Europe,
and Asia, but is thought to be declining throughout this range. In the UK,
during the 1960s, it was recorded in scattered localities, mainly associated
with areas of flower-rich meadows. Since then it has undergone drastic
reductions in range and abundance and is now classified as Nationally Scarce.
Today it is confined to a few areas practising traditional agriculture, such as
the Hebridean machair system or crofting areas of Orkney, Coll and Tiree.
7. Follow the instructions below to copy some text.
♦ Select the text great yellow at the start of the Range and numbers paragraph.
♦ Select the Edit, Copy menu option to copy this text.
♦ Click before the word bumblebee in the first paragraph.
♦ Select Edit, Paste to put a copy of the words you copied here.
The copied text ‘great yellow’ is placed before ‘bumblebee’.
A characteristic feature of the great yellow bumblebee is its long, furry coat
formed by the body hairs. The great yellow bumblebee is a large sized bee
with a yellow or brownish yellow body with a black band between the wings.
8. Save the changes you’ve made by clicking the Save button on the toolbar. Remember
that, as you’ve saved the file before, Word doesn’t ask for a file name or folder.
9. Close the document using the File, Close menu option.
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Exercise 2.2
1. Follow the instructions below to open an existing document.
♦ Select the File, Open menu option.
♦ Ensure the Employee Documents folder is displayed in the Look in box. This folder
is stored in the WP – Int 1 folder.
♦ Select the Office Automation Conference document and then click Open.
2. Make the following edits to the document. Text that is scored out should be deleted and
where appropriate replaced with the given text. Elsewhere, the given text should be
inserted where indicated.
A buffet lunch and refreshments are included in the price.
Delete this text.
Insert ‘pricing’
Should you require details or to make a formal booking application, please contact the
Booking Office, the Mall, Edgewood. The enquiries telephone number is 01256
Change to ‘821479’
Change to ‘Elite Reservations,
Spring Walk, Edgewood’
3. Select the File, Save command to save your changes.
4. Practise scrolling around the document and repositioning the insertion point using the
techniques described previously.
5. Reposition the insertion point at the right of the name Stevens, then using
[BACKSPACE] to remove all the letters except the S, change Stevens to Smith.
6. Follow the instructions below to practise selecting text.
♦ Move the mouse pointer onto the word AUTOMATION in the subject heading:
OFFICE AUTOMATION CONFERENCE then double-click the left mouse button
to select this word.
♦ Now, position the mouse pointer on the first paragraph: Thank you for your ... then
triple click to select the entire paragraph.
♦ Double-click Milton in the hotel name in the first paragraph and without releasing
the mouse button, drag over the hotel name to select it.
♦ Experiment selecting different amounts of text as described previously.
7. Click anywhere in the document to deselect the highlighted text.
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8. Press [CTRL] [END] to move the end of the document, and if necessary press
[ENTER] to move the insertion point onto the line below the name Jane Simms. Type
her job title: PR Officer.
9. Save the changes you’ve made to the document and close it.
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Exercise 2.3
1. Open the document Employ held in the Employee Documents folder.
2. Follow the instructions below to format the entire document as Times New Roman, 12
♦ Select the entire document. You can do this quickly by holding down one of the
[CTRL] keys and pressing A.
♦ On the Formatting toolbar, click the small arrow at the end of the Font box (called
the Font drop-down arrow). Currently this box reads Arial.
The list of fonts available on your computer is displayed.
Click this arrow to
move down the list.
♦ Scroll down the list until you find Times New Roman then click this font name.
Note: Depending on how Word has been used on your computer, you might find
Times New Roman in the top portion of this list if it’s been used recently. If not, a
quicker way to reach this font would be to start typing its name, in which case the list
will jump to that font.
♦ Next, click the Font Size drop-down arrow and choose 12 from the list.
The whole document is now shown in the Times New Roman size 12 font.
3. Now follow these instructions to make further formatting changes to specific parts of the
♦ Select the main heading Employment Statement.
♦ This heading is to be shown with the Arial font, so choose this font from the list.
As you selected the heading before you applied the font, only the heading has changed.
Employment Statement
Employing People: Our Company Policy
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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♦ Now make this heading size 20.
Employment Statement
Employing People: Our Company Policy
Now you’ll change the format of the subheading Employing People: Our Company
♦ Select this subheading. Make sure that you select all the text as the effects will only
be added to selected text.
♦ Click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar. This button looks like this:
♦ Click the Italic button on the Formatting toolbar. This button looks like this:
Employment Statement
Employing People: Our Company Policy
Bold and italic
♦ Apply the same bold and italic formatting to the headings Pay and Conditions of
Employment, Security of Employment, Recruitment and Selection and Equal
Opportunity. Use the Format Painter to do this:
— Select the Employing People: Our Company Policy heading.
— Double-click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar. This button
looks like this:
— Click and drag over each of the other headings that have to be formatted in the
same way.
— When you’ve formatted all the other headings, click the Format Painter button
again to switch it off.
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PC Passport Support Materials
♦ Now make the changes shown here:
Employment Statement
Employing People: Our Company Policy
Our company’s success depends significantly upon the contribution of its
employees. The Directors therefore recognise that fair and effective
employment policies are essential to the achievement of that success. We also
recognise that these policies will only be successful if there is awareness and
acceptance at every level of the organisation.
The Directors have identified the following policy areas, based on the
foregoing principles, and consider them essential to the future success of
the company.
Bold and italic
Pay and Conditions of Employment
4. Save the changes you have made so far.
5. Format the final paragraph beginning The company believes… as Arial, italic and
The company believes that sound policies in these areas will be
to the benefit of the overall efficiency of the organisation, and is
in the best interest of its employees.
6. Follow the instructions below to use the Format, Font command to apply font colouring
to the subheadings in the document.
♦ Select the Employing People: Our Company Policy subheading.
♦ Select the Format, Font menu option.
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Click here and choose Blue
from the drop-down list.
♦ Click OK to apply the blue colour to the selected subheading.
Employment Statement
Employing People: Our Company Policy
♦ Now make all the other subheadings blue.
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PC Passport Support Materials
The document should now look like this:
Employment Statement
Employing People: Our Company Policy
Our company’s success depends significantly upon the contribution of its
employees. The Directors therefore recognise that fair and effective
employment policies are essential to the achievement of that success. We also
recognise that these policies will only be successful if there is awareness and
acceptance at every level of the organisation.
The Directors have identified the following policy areas, based on the
foregoing principles, and consider them essential to the future success of
the company.
Pay and Conditions of Employment
To offer pay and other conditions of employment which will attract, motivate
and retain suitably qualified employees.
Security of Employment
To provide security and continuity of employment consistent with the need to
ensure the continued viability of the organisation.
Recruitment and Selection
To ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour to meet the organisation’s
manpower requirements.
Equal Opportunity
To do everything possible to ensure that all employees, and potential
employees, have equal opportunities irrespective of sex, race or religion.
The company believes that sound policies in these areas will be
to the benefit of the overall efficiency of the organisation, and is
in the best interest of its employees.
7. Position the insertion point at the start of the heading Recruitment and Selection then
hold down [CTRL] and press [ENTER]. This inserts a page break and the heading and
all the text after it moves to a new page.
8. Save the changes to the document and close it.
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Exercise 2.4
1. Open the document Spec from the Reports folder.
2. Following the instructions below, apply a top border to the OVERVIEW heading shown
at the top of the document.
♦ Select the heading OVERVIEW.
♦ On the Formatting toolbar, choose the Top Border from the Borders drop-down list.
Click the drop-down arrow to show
the palette of borders available.
Then click the Top Border once to apply it to the
selected paragraph, which means that the border will
stretch between the left and right indents (which are
set at the margins for the selected paragraph).
A top border is added to the paragraph you selected beforehand.
Top border
The Centre intends to develop applications to be used for teaching and
training purposes in a number of areas including spreadsheet, database,
presentation graphs, word and document processing, statistics, project
management and accounting. Most of these areas will be used in the teaching
and training environment, although some will be used only by Centre
personnel for business purposes.
Application Requirements
Notice the line border stretches the width of the page. This is because the line length is
controlled by paragraph indents and no indents have been set on this heading.
3. The paragraphs in the document are very close together, which could make the
document difficult to read for some people. Follow the instructions below to add some
space between the paragraphs. Save the document frequently as you go through these
♦ Select the first paragraph below the OVERVIEW heading.
♦ Select the Format, Paragraph menu option.
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Click the ‘up’ arrow twice to
change this setting to ‘12pt’.
♦ Under the Spacing heading in the dialog box, use the buttons to change the After
spacing to 12pt.
♦ Click OK to apply this setting to the first paragraph.
The Centre intends to develop applications to be used for teaching and
training purposes in a number of areas including spreadsheet, database,
presentation graphs, word and document processing, statistics, project
management and accounting. Most of these areas will be used in the teaching
and training environment, although some will be used only by Centre
personnel for business purposes.
Application Requirements
Extra space has been added after the paragraph above.
♦ The OVERVIEW heading is very close to the first paragraph text. Use the Format,
Paragraph to add 9pt spacing after this paragraph. Remember to select this heading
before opening the Paragraph dialog box, and since the buttons in the dialog box
change the spacing in 6pt jumps, click in the After box and change it to read 9pt.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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Extra space
The Centre intends to develop applications to be used for teaching and
training purposes in a number of areas including spreadsheet, database,
presentation graphs, word and document processing, statistics, project
management and accounting. Most of these areas will be used in the teaching
and training environment, although some will be used only by Centre
personnel for business purposes.
Application Requirements
♦ Add the following spacing to the rest of the document:
— 6pt after the Application Requirements heading
— 3pt after the Word Processing, Project Management and Spreadsheet
— 6pt after each of the other paragraphs
♦ Apply double line spacing to the Overview heading:
— Select the paragraph below the Overview heading.
— Select the Format, Paragraph menu option.
— Under Spacing, select Double from the Line spacing drop-down list:
Choose Double from this list.
— Click OK to apply this to the paragraph.
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Your document should now look like this:
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♦ Change the line spacing for the paragraph from Double to 1.5 lines to see the
Finally, you’ll add bullets to the text under the Word Processing, Project
Management and Spreadsheet headings.
♦ Select the three paragraphs under the Word Processing heading, beginning with for
general business purposes… and ending with …exploited to the full.
Word Processing
The use of word processing will fall into 3 categories:
for general business purposes, which includes the generation of letters and
reports as well as the production of training materials and documentation
which includes high quality instruction manuals and teaching guides;
by students attending courses, who are required to have an understanding of
the basics of word processing and who will produce simple reports, memos
etc. as part of their assignment project.
by participant on training courses, where it is intended to offer a ranges of
courses from introductory to ‘power user’ level and where the facilities
offered by the software may be exploited to the full.
♦ Click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar. This button looks like this:
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
PC Passport Support Materials
These paragraphs now look like this:
Word Processing
The use of word processing will fall into 3 categories:
for general business purposes, which includes the generation of letters
and reports as well as the production of training materials and
documentation which includes high quality instruction manuals and
teaching guides;
by students attending courses, who are required to have an
understanding of the basics of word processing and who will produce
simple reports, memos etc. as part of their assignment project.
by participant on training courses, where it is intended to offer a
ranges of courses from introductory to ‘power user’ level and where
the facilities offered by the software may be exploited to the full.
Bullets have been added to the paragraphs that were selected.
♦ Apply the same formatting to the Project Management and Spreadsheet paragraphs
using the Format Painter.
The final document is shown on the next page.
4. Save your changes then print and close the document. Remember to add your name to
the document footer before printing it.
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The final document should look like this:
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Exercise 2.5
1. Create a new blank document.
2. Following the instructions below, create the following poster.
The Directors of the company
invite you to join them for drinks
The Moat House
6pm on 23rd December
followed by dinner and dancing
at 8pm.
♦ Add the following text box with text, formatting the text as Arial, 16pt.
♦ Apply the colour green to the text The Directors of the company invite you to join
them for drinks at
♦ Apply bold formatting to the text The Moat House 6pm on 23rd December
♦ Apply the colour red to the text followed by dinner and dancing at 8pm.
♦ Remove the border from the text box by choosing No Line from the Line Color list
on the Drawing toolbar.
Arial, 16 pt, green
Arial, 16 pt, bold, black
Arial, 16 pt, red
♦ Position this in the centre of the page:
— Click the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar and choose Align or Distribute.
— Now click Relative to Page. This means that when you choose alignment option
in the next step, the text box will be aligned in relation to the page and not in
relation to another object.
— Click the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar and choose Align or Distribute
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— Choose the Align Center option to centre the text box between the left and right
♦ Click the
ClipArt button shown on the Drawing toolbar.
♦ In the Search for Clips search box, type Christmas then [ENTER]. The available
clips will be displayed.
♦ From the choices of ClipArt that appear, select one of your choice. To insert a clip,
click it to display the shortcut menu then select Insert clip.
♦ Close the Insert ClipArt dialog box. The selected clip is added to your document.
♦ Repeat these steps to insert another piece of ClipArt.
♦ Select the picture by clicking it once.
♦ Move the mouse pointer to one of the corner selection handles until the pointer
changes as shown below.
Pointer at 45 degree angle with arrow head
♦ Press the mouse button and drag to re-size the image as shown on the previous page.
♦ Release the mouse button.
♦ Click the picture once and make sure the Picture toolbar is displayed. If it’s not,
choose the View, Toolbars, Picture menu option to display it.
♦ Select the Tight style from the Text Wrapping list:
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Choose this option so that the text
surrounding the graphic wraps to the
actual shape of the graphic rather
than its square bounding box.
♦ The corner handles on the picture change from black to white to show that the
graphic is no longer in line with text. Now drag the picture to the new position as
shown in the illustration on the previous page.
3. Save the poster as Christmas Poster in the WP – Int 1 folder then close it.
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Exercise 2.6
1. Open the Audit document stored in the Reports folder.
2. Use the Drawing toolbar to add the following shape to the page then format it as
indicated using the buttons on the Drawing toolbar and add the illustrated text. To add
the text to the shape, right-click it and choose Add Text from the shortcut menu.
Aqua fill colour and border colour
Preliminary Audit
Arial, 22pt, dark blue, bold,
3. Click the 3-D button on the Drawing toolbar and choose the first option to make the
rectangle 3-D:
Choose this 3-D option …
Preliminary Audit
… for this effect.
4. Make three copies of this rectangle using Edit, Copy and Edit, Paste then position them
and edit their text as shown below, aligning their left edges:
5. Use the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Basic Shapes category of AutoShape to add
the following shapes, formatting them and adding text as shown below. You use the
same font and paragraph formatting options as you did before.
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12pt spacing before
Arial, 18pt, bold
6. Position these shapes in the gap in the vertical group of rectangles then align them on
their top edges.
7. Use the Draw, Align or Distribute, Distribute Horizontally menu option from the
Drawing toolbar to ensure the rounded rectangles are evenly spaced.
8. Use the Draw, Group menu option to group the rounded rectangles so they will be
treated as a single object then centre it horizontally between the margins. Remember to
select all the shapes first, holding down the [SHIFT] key to add each to the selection.
9. Group the vertical rectangles then select both groups of objects and align their centres
using the Draw, Align and Distribute menu.
10. Using the Arrow tool from the Drawing toolbar, format each arrow as 4½pt using the
Line Style options and add the header The Implementation Plan:
Arial, bold italic,
24pt, dark teal.
All arrows should
be 4½pt and blue.
11. Save the document.
12. Display the 3-D Settings toolbar.
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13. Select the group of rounded rectangles then use the Depth options from the toolbar to
change the depth of the shadow to 72pt.
14. Select both groups of rectangles and change the Lighting so that it the objects are lit
from the top left corner.
15. When you’ve finished, save the document and close it.
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Exercise 2.7
1. Open the document Startout held in the WP – Int 1 folder.
2. Follow the instructions below to insert a photograph that has been scanned onto the
♦ Position the insertion point on the line above the heading Tips.
♦ Select the Insert, Picture, From File menu option.
♦ Choose the Office graphic file in the WP – Int 1 folder.
♦ Click Insert. The picture is inserted at the insertion point.
♦ Click the Center button to align the photograph to the middle of the line.
Starting a Small Business
Starting your own business can be fun, challenging and rewarding.
Do you have the finances, character and skills to take on the challenge?
Do you want to work for yourself: do you enjoy being in charge, or do you prefer
to take orders from someone else?
Are you prepared to take the risks involved?
Can you be patient enough to give the business time to become established?
Do you want to buy a going concern or start a brand new business? Buying will
show faster results but usually needs more money up front. Starting a new
business may cost less at the outset but will take time to become established.
Use your family, friends and associates as sounding boards for your idea.
Talk to other entrepreneurs to get a perspective on what owning a small business
Join a trade association. This can give you much-needed support and information
about issues facing small-business owners.
Don't consider starting a business just because you're fed up with the job you
have now – it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make a success of a new
business. Make sure you're doing it for the right reasons.
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3. Print one copy of the document and then close it, saving the changes that you’ve made to
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Exercise 2.8
1. Open the document Training Services stored in the WP – Int 1 folder.
2. Following the instructions below, spell and grammar check the first page of the current
document using the Tools, Spelling and Grammar command.
♦ Select all the text on page 1 of the document, up to procurement staff.
♦ Press [F7].
Word starts to check the selected text and highlights Supercomp as it’s not in the
♦ In the context of this document, this word is correct and so, since it appears several
times, click the Ignore All button.
♦ The next word highlighted is materil and as the suggestion in the Change To text
box is correct, click the Change button to accept it.
♦ Continue with the check, changing and ignoring the highlighted words as appropriate
until the check is complete.
♦ As only the first page of text was selected, a message is displayed asking if the rest of
the document is to be checked. Click No.
3. Following the instructions below, use the shortcut menu to correct highlighted words in
the rest of the document.
♦ On page 2, point to the first word highlighted with a red wavy underline, personel,
and then click the right mouse button.
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A shortcut menu is displayed, showing you the options for dealing with this word. In
this case, you have the choice of two suggestions, or you could ignore the word or
add it to your custom dictionary.
♦ Click personnel as the word to replace the misspelling.
♦ Continue to correct the other spelling mistakes in this document.
♦ Notice that the book symbol shown on the status bar is now displayed with a tick
, indicating that your document is error-free.
4. Save and close the document.
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Summary Tasks for Learning Outcome 2
Task 1
Open Comets stored in the WP – Int 1 folder and format it as shown on the following
pages. Print one copy of this document then save and close it, remember to add your name to
the footer.
Task 2
Create the Hale-Bopp document shown on the following pages and save it as Hale-Bopp in
the Reports folder. Close the document when you have finished with it.
Note: The graphic in this document is Hale-Bopp in the WP – Int 1 folder. Use the Insert,
Picture, From File menu option to add it to the document.
Task 3
Open the Vet Letter document held in the Letters and Memos folder. Correct the spelling
mistakes in the document then print a copy, save your changes and close the document.
Task 4
Open the Calendar document in the WP – Int 1 folder. Use ClipArt to add a matching
graphic on the blank line above each of the descriptions. If necessary, resize the graphics to
fit in with the style of the document. Print, save and close the document when you have
added all the graphics.
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Task 1 — Comets Document
Arial, 24pt, blue, italic and centred
All other text Times
New Roman, 10 point.
Comets and the Millennium
Whether you like it or not, there are a lot of gullible people in the world. It is truly
amazing what people will believe. But, what’s worse, it is truly upsetting how many
people are out there who try and take advantage of those people.
There are many stories about how people in ancient and medieval times reacted towards
comets. These are the kind of stories that help lighten the subject matter and they include
the following:
The comet of 79 was blamed for the eruption of Vesuvius that led to the
destruction of the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Halley’s Comet of 1066 was hanging in the sky for two months while the
English and Normans were planning for an invasion. At the Battle of
Hastings a few months later the Normans emerged as victors and from
that time on the comet was said to have been a sign that favoured William
the Conqueror.
The comet of 1665 was said to have been responsible for the Black Plague that
killed 90 thousand people in London.
The appearance of Halley’s Comet in 1835 was blamed for several things,
including the fall of the Alamo, the destruction of 530 buildings in New York
City because of a fire that raged for several days and nights, the massacre of over
280 people in Africa by ten thousand Zulu warriors, and wars that erupted in
Cuba, Mexico, Ecuador, Central America, Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia.
All non- bulleted text:
12pt after paragraph
Bulleted, 6pt after
paragraph spacing
These stories are basically examples of hindsight, or links that were made by modern
people to explain things in the past. Sometimes the dates of historical events can not be
perfectly matched to the appearance of a comet so a slightly different way is created to
establish blame, such as the following:
The appearance of Halley’s Comet in 1066 was said to have been “a warning” of
the fall of Jerusalem in 1070.
The appearance of Halley’s Comet in 1456 was said to have been “a heavenly
comment” on the successful 1453 invasion of Constantinople by the Turks.
Once again these are examples of hindsight.
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Task 2 — Hale-Bopp Document
Image is ‘Hale-Bopp’
from WP – Int 1 folder.
Blue, 36pt, bold and italic
The Hale-Bopp
How It Was Discovered
There had been no new comets discovered for several months,
one of the longest such spells in recent years, when Alan Hale
and Thomas Bopp separately discovered the new comet in
Times New Roman, 18pt,
bold and centred
Observations in 1995
At the start of August 1995, various people were stating that
the comet was larger than usual. This was backed up by
scientific data on the size of the comet and its tail.
On 5 October, the Hubble Space Telescope photographed the
comet. The photograph indicated that there was a jet of
material curving outward from the centre of the comet.
The comet was lost in twilight at the end of November, when
about 35 degrees from the sun. It could not be seen for the
remainder of the year.
Times New Roman, 12pt, 12pt
spacing after each paragraph
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Exercise 3.1
1. Open the document Company Car Entitlement stored in the Employee Documents
2. Following the instructions below, change the page setup for this document so that the
margins allow enough space for binding.
♦ Select the File, Page Setup command.
♦ If necessary click the Margins tab to display this property sheet.
♦ Enter the following margin settings: Top 4cm, Bottom 2.54cm, Left 2.54cm, Right
♦ This document is to be produced double-sided with facing pages, therefore click the
Mirror margins option to display a tick in this box.
Notice the Left and Right margins are now referred to as the Inside and Outside
♦ Enter 1.27cm into the Gutter text box to allow space for the binding.
Preview of doublesided document
Tick this box to produce
double-sided document
with facing pages.
♦ Click the Paper Size tab, and ensure that the Paper Size selected is A4 and the
orientation is set to Portrait.
Word Processing Exercise Booklet — Beginner
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Make sure the paper
size is selected as A4.
Preview of Orientation
set to Portrait
♦ Display the Paper Source property sheet and ensure that Default Tray
(Automatically Select) is selected for both the First and Other Pages.
Select Default Tray
(Automatically Select)
from both drop-downs.
Click OK to apply the
Page Setup options to
the current document.
3. Click OK to apply the Page Setup options to the current document.
4. Save and close the document.
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Exercise 3.2
1. Open the document Revised Car Policy stored in the Employee Documents folder.
You’ll recognise this document as a copy of the Company Car Entitlement document
after the previous exercise was carried out.
2. View the document in Print Preview mode by selecting the File, Print Preview menu
Multiple Pages Zoom Control
3. Use the Zoom Control drop-down list to zoom in and view pages at 25%.
4. For an alternative view, click the Multiple Pages button and select to view 1 x 2 Pages.
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Now two pages are shown side-by-side. This can be useful if you’re checking a large
document for layout before printing.
5. Use the [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys to view the other pages in the document.
6. Close Print Preview by clicking the Close button on the toolbar.
7. Use the File, Page Setup menu option to ensure the document is set to print on A4 size
8. Follow the instructions below to print two copies of pages 1 and 2 of this document.
♦ Add your name to the footer.
♦ Use the File, Print menu option to open the Print dialog box.
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Check that the printer shown in the Name box is the one you want to use.
Use the button on the Number of copies box to choose 2 copies.
In the Pages box, type 1-2 to specify that you want to print pages 1 and 2.
Click OK to send the document to the printer.
9. Save and close the document.
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Exercise 3.3
1. Open the Agenda document from the Meetings folder.
2. Preview the document to check its layout before printing. Notice that the final paragraph
of the document is on page 2.
3. As this document is to be printed on a single page, click the Shrink to Fit button on the
toolbar. The final paragraph now fits on page 1.
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4. Print 2 copies of this document to an appropriate printer.
5. Save and close the document.
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Summary Tasks for Learning Outcome 3
Task 1
Open the Office Automation Conference document from the Letters and Memos folder.
Change the top, bottom, left and right margin all to 1.5 cm. Make sure the document will be
printed on A4 paper from the default tray. Preview and print two copies of it, including
your name in the document footer. Close and save the document.
Task 2
Open the Promotions document from the Letters and Memos folder. Preview the
document and, if necessary, shrink the document to fit on one page. Print the document then
save and close it.
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