The Ticket To Work Program and the New Partnership Plus Option APSE 2010 Conference Atlanta, GA What is the Ticket to Work Program? • Voluntary employment program administered by SSA • Offers beneficiaries receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) based on disability increased choices in obtaining services & supports to enter and maintain employment • Pays participating Employment Networks (ENs) for Milestones and Outcomes beneficiaries achieve in moving towards self-supporting employment • Ultimate goal: Reduce reliance on Social Security disability benefits, increase self-sufficiency, and improve the quality of life for beneficiaries What Are Employment Networks? • Private (for profit & non-profit) organizations, government agencies, service providers (traditional and non-traditional), educational institutions, and employers that offer education, training and employment services • Can be a single entity, a partnership, or a coalition of providers functioning as a single EN • Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies are automatic ENs • Federal agencies cannot be ENs Choice: An Underlying Principle of the TTW Program Beneficiaries can choose • • • • Whether to use their Tickets When to use their Tickets Where to assign their Tickets Whether to work with the State VR agency ENs Have Choices • ENs choose a payment system (2 options) > Outcome Payment System: EN receives payments when beneficiary’s net earnings are above SGA and beneficiary is in zero cash benefit status > Milestone-Outcome Payment System: EN receives payments when beneficiary achieves designated Milestones while still receiving an SSA check and Outcomes after leaving the rolls. • EN can choose – Who they serve and What services they provide • Ticket represents new revenue for some Supported Employment cases but also two new lines of business; – ongoing support for non-SE VR closures and – job placement funding for direct referrals w/o VR SE funding. How Does the Ticket Work? EN & Beneficiary Connect EN & Beneficiary Negotiate Individualized Work Plan (IWP) EN Submits IWP to MAXIMUS, Assigning Beneficiary’s Ticket to EN EN Provides Services & Supports to Complete Negotiated IWP Beneficiary Goes to Work & EN Collects Evidence of Earnings EN Submits Payment Request to Maximus & Gets Paid (30-45 days +/-) Key Features of Interest to Beneficiaries • The Ticket Program is voluntary and free to beneficiaries – No penalty for not participating • Tickets available to all adult beneficiaries with disabilities ages 18 through 64 • Using a Ticket and making “timely progress” towards a beneficiary’s employment goals will postpone medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) • If the beneficiary stops working due to his/her disability, there is an expedited reinstatement to temporary benefits while SSA determines eligibility for ongoing benefits Phase 1 Milestone Payments 2010 Rates Type Ticket Holder Gross Earnings EN Payment (SSDI) EN Payment (SSI) Milestone 1 $360/mo for 1 calendar month $1,275 $1,275 Milestone 2 $720/mo for 3 months w/in 6 months $1,275 $1,275 $1,275 $1,275 $1,275 $1,275 $5,100 $5,100 Phase 1 (cumulative) Milestone 3 $720/mo for 6 months w/in 12 months (cumulative) Milestone 4 $720/mo for 9 months w/in 18 months (cumulative) Total Potential Phase I Milestone Payments Phase 2 Milestone Payments 2010 Rates Type Ticket Holder Gross Earnings EN Payment (SSDI) EN Payment (SSI) Phase 2 Gross > SGA $382/mo. $220/mo. (up to 11 mos.) (up to 18 mos.) Total Phase 2 Payments $4,202 $3,960 Total Potential Ticket Payments Phases 1 and 2 $9,302 $9,060 ($1,000/non-blind; $1,640 for blind) Outcome Payments Under OutcomeMilestone Payment System 2010 Rates Type Ticket Holder Net Earnings EN Payment (SSDI) EN Payment (SSI) Earnings > SGA $382/mo. for 36 months $220/mo. for 60 months Total Outcome Phase Payments $13,752 $13,200 Total Potential Ticket Payments (Phases 1 & 2, and Outcomes) $23,054 $22,260 Outcome Phase ($1,00/non-blind; $1,640/blind) “AND” 0 cash benefit VR Agencies and Ticket On a case by case basis, a State VR agency can choose whether to serve a beneficiary • Under the traditional Cost Reimbursement program • As an EN under the TTW Program What Is the Traditional Cost Reimbursement Program? • Reimburses State VR agencies for the cost of services and supports provided to assist Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities to obtain and maintain employment • To trigger a CR payment, a beneficiary must work 9 months during a 12 month period with earnings above the applicable SGA level after deductions for subsidies and IRWEs – often referred to as SGA plus $200 • SGA changes each year (2010 SGA: $1000 non-blind/$1640 blind) • Cost Reimbursement payments also include payment of an approved amount for administrative, counseling, and placement (ACP) costs for each month a beneficiary’s VR case was open New Opportunities for EN/VR Partnerships • New TTW regulations (effective 7/21/08) give SSA authority to address need for post-employment supports • Old regulations – SSA paid for beneficiary success under either the traditional CR Program (VR only) or under the TTW Program, not both • New regulations – Permit payments under both CR and TTW programs on behalf of the same beneficiary for the same Ticket • When VR serves a beneficiary under the CR program, the Ticket still has value when taken to an EN after VR closes the case > Payments for sequential, not concurrent, provision of services > New opportunities for EN/VR partnerships referred to as “Partnership Plus” TTW and New Partnership Plus Option • Social Security beneficiaries continue to have the opportunity to work with both VR agencies and local Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRP’s) • VR agencies provide valuable training and rehabilitation services that are intended to get a person in the workforce • Most VR cases are closed 90 days after job placement (longer for Supported Employment) • Many beneficiaries need job supports beyond VR case closure > Traditionally done by CRPs with no additional revenue Partnership Plus New Ticket regulations provide the potential for followalong revenue by making funding available sequentially to State VR agencies for the provision of up-front services leading to employment and then to CRPs for providing ongoing supports to ensure beneficiaries retain employment after VR case closure. Power of the NEW TTW Regulations National Perspective • Access to a broader array of supports • Strong opportunities for collaboration • Existing providers (including VR vendors) can become ENs • VR is one partner in a larger system How Does Partnership Plus Work? When VR chooses Cost Reimbursement for a beneficiary, the Ticket still has value after VR closes the case • Beneficiary has option of assigning his/her Ticket to an EN to receive > ongoing support services > job retention services > transportation > other services and supports to maintain employment Beneficiaries Served by VR Under Cost Reimbursement When VR notifies MAXIMUS that a beneficiary will be served under the CR program, the beneficiary’s Ticket • Is not available for assignment to another EN while the VR case is open • Is placed in the new “in-use SVR” status that extends protection against medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) while the beneficiary is receiving VR services How Partnership Plus Works Beneficiary goes to VR & applies for services. Beneficiary & VR develop IPE for Cost Reimbursement case. VR notifies MAXIMUS to place Ticket into “In-Use SVR” status EN provides services as outlined in IWP to assist beneficiary in maintaining employment. EN & beneficiary develop IWP that is sent to MAXIMUS for approval which triggers Ticket assignment to that EN. EN submits for Phase 2 Milestone payments based on beneficiary attaining SGA level earnings. Beneficiary & EN continue working together. EN submits for Outcome payments when disability checks stop. VR provides services as outlined in IPE. [VR may purchase services from vendors who are approved ENs] Beneficiary connects with EN to discuss need for ongoing support services. VR submits CR claim when beneficiary earns above SGA for 9 months within a 12 month period. After you become an Employment Network, you should notify your local VR agency and discuss working together. That’s what Partnership Plus is all about… VR closes case & notifies MAXIMUS after beneficiary has been stabilized in employment for at least 90 days. At case closure, VR counselor advises beneficiary of option of assigning Ticket to an EN for ongoing support services. VR and EN get PAID! Beneficiary increases his/her self-sufficiency! Everybody WINS! Availability of Phase 1 Milestone Payments Partnership Plus - When beneficiary assigns Ticket to an EN after VR case closure • Phase 1 Milestones not available to EN if VR closed case with beneficiary employed > VR provided services leading to initial efforts at self-supporting employment > SSA pays EN for Milestones & Outcomes achieved after Ticket assignment Partnership Plus: Coordinated Efforts Between VR & ENs Vocational Rehabilitation • Up front services • Individualized services/service plan [Individual Plan for Employment – IPE] • Choice between Cost Reimbursement and functioning as an EN • If functioning as an EN, choice of EN payment system Employment Networks • Longer term services/supports • Individualized services/service plan [Individual Work Plan – IWP] • Choice between Outcome only or Milestone/Outcome payment systems Partnership Plus Options VR EN VR EN Employer/EN VR EN Example 1: Earnings above SGA • VR serves beneficiary, chooses CR, closes case with beneficiary employed above SGA after 90 days, and beneficiary assigns Ticket to an EN using the Outcome/Milestone payment system. • After one calendar month, EN begins collecting Phase 2 Milestone payments for the months the beneficiary continues working above SGA. • If beneficiary continues working and goes into zero cash benefit status, EN begins receiving Outcome payments. • Based on an agreement, the partnering EN can provide timely notice and data to VR to submit for CR, or VR could use its established tracking system to provide evidence of work and earnings to the EN (both require written consent of the beneficiary). Example 2: Earnings below SGA • VR serves beneficiary, chooses CR, closes case with beneficiary employed below SGA, and beneficiary assigns Ticket to an EN. • Since all Phase 2 Milestone and Outcome payments could potentially be paid to the EN, the EN has a strong incentive to get the beneficiary up to SGA earnings. • Many cases will reach SGA over time and become reimbursable for VR. • When the beneficiary’s earnings are above SGA, the EN can provide timely notice and data to VR to submit for CR, or VR can use current methods of tracking beneficiary’s employment after case closure. Example 3: No Earnings at Closure • VR serves the beneficiary, chooses CR, closes case with beneficiary unemployed, and beneficiary assigns Ticket to an EN. • The full value of the Ticket is potentially available to the EN. EN has an incentive to get the beneficiary working at TW level and eventually to SGA earnings to collect payments. • Some cases will reach SGA over time and become reimbursable to VR. • When the beneficiary’s earnings are above SGA, the EN can provide timely notice and data to VR to submit for Cost Reimbursement. Creative Partnerships Are Emerging Some VR agencies are offering incentive payments when ENs assist beneficiaries in reaching certain levels of work and earnings - DARS, the TX State VR Agency, and other states such as VA and IN have implemented post-employment benchmark payments that coincide with Ticket outcomes. Partnership Plus: Working with Employers A chance to approach the employers VR works with about becoming ENs – One more incentive to work with VR. • Beneficiaries can assign their Tickets to employer ENs after VR case closure and the employer would subsequently qualify for EN payments under the TTW program. • In addition to EN payments, employers can also access the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) that reduces an employer’s federal income tax liability by as much as $2,400 per qualified worker. Partnership Plus: Benefits to the Beneficiary • Individualized, sequential services • Coordinated system of services with increased access to employment supports and other types of supportive services with needs identified by beneficiaries: Benefits counseling Follow along services Ongoing support services Job retention services Skill building Transportation Job coaching Mentoring Benefits to the Beneficiary (continued) • Flexibility in employment plan development • Choice of providers • Can choose VR for up-front services and EN for longer term supports • Protection against medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) Partnership Plus: Benefits to ENs • Increased collaboration/communication • Flexible program services and supports • For most ENs, Ticket payments are unrestricted funds which can be used to support/expand the infrastructure of service providers in the state • Can work with the consumer during a single time period or during multiple time periods > EN – VR – EN • Does not interfere with EN providing services under a fee-for-service agreement with VR while the VR case is open and later functioning as an EN for the same beneficiary > VR – CRP/FFS Agreement – VR closure – CRP/EN > SSA does not considered this double dipping Partnership Plus: Benefits to VR • Emphasizes collaborative relationships by encouraging partnerships between VR and ENs [instead of competition] • VR does not have to complete the SSA 1365 for CR cases – Must notify MAXIMUS of date beneficiary sign IPE • Increases choice for consumers to access in long-term employment supports • Focused on long-term competitive employment • Strengthens all partners in the system Benefits to Both VR and ENs • Assist beneficiaries to maintain and advance in employment • Potential to increase funding system-wide > Increases Cost Reimbursement program income for VR > Increases Milestone and Outcome payments to ENs • Opportunity to minimize/share administrative tasks associated with tracking work and earnings, and submitting for payments from SSA Partnership Plus: Benefits to SSA • More beneficiaries will have access to employment supports • SSA staff can give the message that beneficiaries can work, and that there are services and supports available to them • Increasing knowledge system-wide about work incentives, reporting procedures, etc. VR Agencies Can Still Choose to Function as an EN On a case-by-case basis, a VR agency can still choose to serve a beneficiary as an EN under the Ticket to Work Program • Ticket is assigned to the VR agency • The VR agency must operate under same rules as any other EN • Creates a competitive relationship since increased funding available under Partnership Plus is not an option • If Ticket is reassigned at case closure, VR and EN may need to share EN payments based on the services each provided and how they contributed to Milestones & Outcomes earned Why Is the New TTW Better for ENs? • Social Security is making it easier for ENs to participate • NEW Ticket to Work is more profitable for ENs > New Phase 1 and Phase 2 Milestone payments available while beneficiary is still receiving cash benefits • TTW is an additional revenue source • EN payments are yours to use as you choose Why Is It Better for Beneficiaries? • More ENs participating means more choices for beneficiaries • New opportunities for EN-VR partnerships means a better mix of services for beneficiaries and better coordination of services • Service provider and beneficiary have more control of employment services and their flexible design And Finally… • More beneficiaries receiving Tickets means more opportunities for ENs and VR agencies to match services and supports with beneficiary needs • More successful beneficiaries means more money coming into the State to support the service delivery infrastructure For More Information • To become an EN, call CESSI at 1-877-743-8237 (v/tdd) • After becoming an EN, receive assistance from MAXIMUS at (866) 949-ENVR (3687) • For more information on the Ticket to Work Program: > Visit SSA’s Work Site at: > Visit CESSI’s web site at: > Visit the Maximus web site at: • Any questions on the Ticket to Work Program should be e-mailed to: