1I I I Il I IIl 1I Ill I) Control Number: 23379 l l I Ill IIIl Il Item Number: 21 Addendum StartPage: 0 December 10,2002 Via Overnight Delivery r' 1 0 C 210 N. Park Ave. Winter Park, FL # Central Records Filing Clerk - Docket #23379 Public Utility Commission of Texas 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 787 11-3326 32789 -c - Tc I-: 2:l a" t-3- G! r i xt P.O. Drawer 200 RE: Winter Park, FL 32 790-0200 Tel: 407-740-8575 Fax: 407-740-0613 tmi@tminc.com Cbeyond Communications of Texas LP Docket #23379 - Quarterly ROW Access Line Report !J f: N c 3 117 :TI - c-3 (7 ss .:c =i2: m 3 u - o To whom it may concern: It has come to our attention that there is an error in the allegation that Cbeyond Communications of Texas LP failed to file the quarterly access line count report for the first quarter of 2001. Attached to this correspondence please find a copy of the notice of violation as well as a copy of the report filed on May 10, 2001 and signed received by Garnet Elkins on May 14,2001. Due to the information above, we respectfully request a Settlement Conference for relief of any and all penalties and violations. Please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence by date-stamping the extra copy of this cover letter and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided for that purpose. If any further action is required, please contact me at 407-740-8575. Sincerely, Elizabeth A. Corddry Director, Compliance cc: Julia Strow - Cbeyond Communications of Texas LP Carey Roesel - TMI Jaime Slaughter - Enforcement Attorney (via fax only, #5 12-936-7268) file: Cbeyond Communications - Reporting - Texas May 10,2001 Via Overnight Delivery 210 N. Park Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Ms.GarnetEkhs Project No.: 21911 Texas Public Utility C o d s s i o n 1701 North Congress P.O.Box 13326 Austin, TX 7871 1-3326 , , p.0. Drawer 200 Winter Park, FL 32790-0200 RE: 1 Tel: 407-740-8575 Fax: 407-740-06 13 tmi@trninc.com Cbeyond Communications of Texas, LP TX Right-of-way Access Lines Report (CLECs)’ For the quarter of January 1,2001 to March 31,2001 Dear Ms.Elkins: L Enclosed please find the TX Right-of-way Access Lines Report (CLECs) for the quarter of January 1, 2001 to March 31, 2001, filed on behalf of Cbeyond Communications of Texas, LP. No check is enclosed as there are no remittance fees due. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by date-stamping the extra copy of this cover letter and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided for that purpose. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to my attention at 407-740-8575. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, I Elizabeth A. Corddry () Compliance Reporting Consultant cc: file: Brian Musselwhite - Cbeyond Communications of Texas, LP Cbeyond CommUnicati.onsof Texas, LP - Reporting - Texas I -1 1 .- l i f c 1 i i I i i B i I’ Eec CJS 0 2 12:16p Yvonne Washington 678 424 2500 P-2 Rebecca Klein Chairman Brett A. Perlman Commissioner Julie Caruthcrs Parsley Commissioner W. Lane Lanford Public U Yitv Commission of Texas E x e c u t i v e Director ' November 27,2002 Cbeyond Comrnunicarjons of Texa . LP 320 Interstate North Parkway Atlanta, GA 30339 Re: Notice of Violation I lid Report to Commdsion of Cbeyond Communications of Texas, LP's vic lation of P.U.C. SUBST.R. 26.467(k)(3) (relating to Subsequent quarter11 ::ompensation and reporting); SIR No. 01-0522-44 .I Dcar Cbeyond Communications of . exas, LP: The purpose of this Notice of Viol ion and Report to Commission is to notify you that the Enforcement Division of the PL: lic Utility Commission of Texas is recommending assessmcnt of administrative penalt I .s against Cbeyond Communications ofTexas, Lp for its failure to comply with P.U.C. SUBS . R. 26.467(k)(3) relating to the reporting of access lines in Texas. A copy of P.U.C.PROC.I 22.246, which outlines your options, is enclosed with this Notice of Violation for your co: ,-enience. s:. Introduction inistrative penalty against a person regulated by it who 'opted pursuant to PURA.2 The penalty for a violation :j,OOO.OO, but each day a vjolatjon continues or occurs is inposing a p e n a l t ~ .Section ~ 15.023 lists several factors !.d, including the seriousness of the violation, economic ecessary to deter future violations, efforts to correct the .stice.may require .4 I- The commission may impose an ad violates PURA' or a ruIe or order may be in an amount not to exceed a separate violation for purposes of upon which the penalty must be ba harm,history ,of violations, amount violation, and any other matter that. Pursuant to P.U.C.SUBST. R. 26.4 (CTPs) are required to file quarterlj access lines, by category, by municj no later than 45 days from the er excludc lines that are resold or lei I '7(k)(3), all Certificated Telecommunications Providers ccess line reports that include a count of the number of dity, for the end of each month of the preceding quarter of the preceding calendar quarter. The report shall ::d to other CTPs unless an intercarrier agreement has Public Utility Regulatory Act, Tex. Uti!. ( I Ide Ann. $0 I I .001 - 64.158 (Vernon 1998 & Supp. 2002)(PURA). PURA 9 15.023(a); See also, Tex. Local ( 'v'[ Code Ann., Chapter 283. PURA 0 15.023(b). v ---- --- --I- ~ 1701 N. Congress Avenue PO Box 13326 Austin, 1 I 78711 512/936-7000 Fax: 512/936-7003 web site: www.pucstate.tx.us r%c ts 02 i2:17p P.3 678‘424 2500 Y v o n n e Washington . -- . been reached.’ The CTP shal include with the report a certified statement from an authorized officer or duIy aut .xized representative of the CTP certifying that the information contained in the reG :it is true and correct.6 “Fully exempt” CTPs who have complied with each of the applic 4e requirements of P.U.C. SUBST. R. 26.468 are the only CTPs that do not have to file quar : rly access line reports. Failure to comply with the cc kmission’s reporting requirements subjects a CTP to administrative penalties, procedu. : s, and factors set forth in P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.246 and PURA 00 15.023- 15.027. Whei mposing penalties, P.U.C. SUBST. R. 26.468 requires the commission to consider additional ‘actorswhich includc, but are not limited to the impact of inaccurate or delayed reporting o municipalities, the number of days the report was filed late, and the history of previous.vi( . dtions. 11. Summary I if the Alleged or Continuing Violation Commission records demonstrate I ,it Cbeyond Communications of Texas, LP failed to file quarterly access line count reports : the manner required by commission rule for each of the quarter(s) set forth below: ’>uarter(s)I of*<2001 ’ ’ Accordingly, pursuant to PURA { I 15.023 - 15.027 and P.U.C. SUBST. R. 22.246, the Enforcement Division recommend the assessment of an administrative penalty against Cbeyond Communications of Texas 1 2 . ~ 111. Staten t nt of the Amount of the Penalty The Enforcement Division recomme : IJs assessing an administrative penalty against Cbeyond Communications of Texas, LP in t b ,\mount of $ 75000.00. This recornmendation is based upon consideration of each of the : : :tors set forth in PURA 0 15.023, P.U.C. SUSST.R. 26,468 and P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.24 Specifically, considering each of these factors, the Enforcement Division’s recornmenc bod penalty is capped at $75,000.00 pcr quarter for calendar year 2001 violations. Th: i recommendation represents a $5,000.00 penalty for violating the reporting requirements : f P.U.C. Subst. R. 26.467(k)(3) for 15 week days for each separate quarter a violation occc ed. 1 IV. . Statement Relating to ‘beyond Communications of Texas, LP’s Rights Persons alleged to have committed : violation or continuing violation have a right to a hearing on the occurrence of the violc . on or continuing violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the violatioi .xcontinuing violation and the amount of the penalty. Options available pursuant to comm :sion rule to resolvc this matter include paying the penaIty, requesting a settlement confe: i nce and requesting a contested case hearing.’ A copy of P.U.C. PROC.R. 22.246 is attached I : this Notice of Violation. P.U.C. SUBST. R. 26.467(k)(3). Id. P.U.C. Proc. R.22.246 ’ . .Dsc 06 02 12:17p I _. Yvonne Washington 678 4 2 4 2 5 0 0 Repor .Bf Violation or Continuing Violation This correspondence constitutes the Enforcement Division’s Report of Violation or Continuing Violation and has beer ,)rovidedto the commissioners. V. If you have any questions about I issues raised in this Notice of Violation, please do not hesitate to contact Jaime Slaughter Enforcement Attorney, at (5 12) 936-7345. ;a: Sincerely, W. Lane Lanford Executive Director Public UtiIity Commission of Texa P.4