VENTURES LLC.D.B.AGRAND LOCKE ADVENTURES GRACE THISISA RELEASE PLEASE BEFORE SIGNING. OFLIABILITY & WAIVER OFLEGALRIGHTS. READCAREFULLY shallbereferred to hereinafter The"Undersigned" means whoissnowmobiling as"Participant". Theperson '1. Definitions. parent isage18orolderORit means boththeParticipant andtheParticipant's or legal onlytheParticipant whentheParticipant guardian Parties" meanGrace Locke Ventures LLC,Grand Adventures and whentheParticipant isunder theageof 18."Released insurance organizations andcompanies, carriers, agents, employees, representativ itsrespective ininterest, affiliated successors The"Activity" means renting and/or using a snowmobile, andotherwise assignees, members, andshareholders. officers, directors, partinsnowmobiling. taking thattakingpartin theActivity AND agreeandunderstand canbe HAZARDOUS 2. Risksof Activity.TheUndersigned DEATH.TheUndersigned INJURY AND/OR acknowledge INVOLVES THERISKOF PHYSICAL thattheActivityis inherently in theActivity, Therisksanddangers of theactivity. butarenot dangerous of participating include, andfullyrealize thedangers speed; terrain; man-made limited collisions; andnatural obstacles and/or obstruetion to,equipment malfunctions anddefects; vehicles; othermotor lostorseparated; falling and/or becoming lackofshelter; storms, objects; encounters withothersnowmobiles andnegligence lightning, weather; lackoftraining; of others.THEUNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDG hail,snowandotheradverse OF THE RISKSLISTEDABOVEIS NOT COMPLETE AND THAT AND UNDERSTAND THATTHE DESCRIPTION ANDMAYINCLUDE RISKS. MAYBEDANGEROUS OTHER PARTICIPATING INTHEACTIVITY in of Risk.Inconsideration of theParticipant beingpermitted to participate 3. Release, Indemnification, andAssumption theActivity, asfollows: theUndersigned agree (a) Release. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASE, FOREVE LEGAL ANYOTHER ACTION AGAINST THERELEASED PARTIES with DISCHARGE, ANDAGREE NOTTOSUEORBRING nature whether or of any currently known or unknown, which Undersigned, respect causes of action the to anyandallclaimsand participation in connection withtheParticipant's inthe anyof them,haveorwhichcouldbeasserted onbehalfof theUndersigned breach ofwarranty, and/or ofcontract. ofnegligence, breach Activity, including, toclaims butnotlimited (b) Indemnification. defend fromand hereby agreeto indemnify, andholdharmless theReleased Parties TheUndersigned whatsoever of anykindor nature andfromanysuits, claims or demands or damage against anyandallliability, cost,expense participation outof,or related arising to,Participant's intheActivity including legalfeesandexpenses whether or notin litigation, participation oftheParticipant's theperiod intheActivity. shallsurvive Suchobligation onthepartoftheUndersigned (c) Assumotion thattherearedangers withthe agreeandunderstand andrisksassociated of Risk. TheUndersigned participation mayresultfromparticipating intheActivity, AND/OR DEATH including, butnotlimited intheActivity andthatINJURIES Parties. the andnegligence of theReleased Bysigning thisdocument, carelessness, to theacts,omissions, representations, THE whileparticipating in theActivity.RECOGNIZING loss,injuryanddeathareall possible Undersigned recognize thatproperty THENATURE ANDVOLUNTARILY CHOOSE UNDERSTAND OFTHEACTIVITY RISKS ANDDANGERS, THEUNDERSIGNED IN ASSUME ALLRISKS INANDEXPRESSLY ANDDANGERS OFTHEPARTICPATION FORPARTICIPANT TOPARTICIPATE KNOWN ORUNKNOWN, ABOVE, INHERENT, OROTHERWISE. THEACTIVIry, WHETHER ORNOTDESCRIBED is rented as is andwithnowarranties, express or implied.The 4. Snowmobile UseandDamage.TheSnowmobile duringtherentalperiod.Undersigned agreeto payfor forthecareof therentalsnowmobile Undersigned acceptfullresponsibility regardless of the circumstances underwhichsuchdamage mayoccur, anydamage thatoccursto the rentalsnowmobile fortheperiodoftimethesnowmobile is outofservice forwhich dueto damage Undersigned agreeto payforanylostrentalincome pay incurred in rented are lefton to for any costs retrieval of snowmobiles which agree Undersigned is responsible. Undersigned including to payallcosts, reasonable attorney's fees,incurred byReleased agree reasons. Undersigned trailfornon-mechanical pay per on this agreement. Undersigned agree to interest 18o/o annum any terms of ol Parties to collectanysumsdueorto enforce andshallhavetherighttocharg Parties areauthorized parties. thatReleased agree TheUndersigned allsumsowedto Released cardforanysumsowed. theUndersigned's credit : parent that or legalguardian acknowledges theUndersigned Participant, Inthecaseof a minor 5. MinorAcknowledgment. mino that the of the minor and on behalf he/she is also signing but that behalf, onhis/her he/sheis notonlysigning thisAgreement of a or legalguardian astheparent thisAgreement Additionally, bysigning of thisAgreement. byalltheterms shallbebound minor othenru minor that the waiving of the rights on behalf he/she is also parent guardian that understands minor, the or legal to theminorwouldnotbe permitted parent agrees that,butfortheforegoing, or legalguardian mayhave.TheUndersigned penalty of Participant, under signature, or legalguardian's without a parent participate thisAgreement Bysigning intheActivity. parent guardian signing adult minor Participant, of a asthe or ofage.lf signing isatleast18years fraud, represents thathe/she Participant. oftheminor orguardian represent thattheyarea legalparent prohibit (a)Participant inanyactivities willnotengage andunderstand: agree further TheUndersigned 6. Miscellaneous. (b)thisAgreement bythelawsof theStateof shallbegoverned andordinances; regulations laws,statutes, byanyapplicable in located shall be thestatecourts jurisdiction Agreement out of this for any claim arising andvenue Colorado, andtheexclusive jurisdiction (c)thisAgreement constitut insaidcourts; to andconsent agree expressly Colorado, andUndersigned Grand County, or prior communication arrangements, any and all contracts, parties and supersedes hereto the between theentireagreement (d) understa hereof; theUndersigned matter relating to thesubject theparties between oralorwritten, representations, whether partof this permitted lf any by law. to the fullest extent shall be binding and is a contract thatthisAgreement andacknowledge parties. lt is the between the contract termsshallbeanenforceable theremaining Agreement is deemed to beunenforceable, heirs,nextof kin distributors, subrogors, upontheassignees, shallbe binding thatthisagreement inientof theUndersigned oftheUndersigned. representatives executors andpersonal (check oneofthe isoneofthefollowing offraud, Participant thepenalty under certify TheUndersigned 7. AgeCertification. following): I permit. a validlearner's nge15orolder andpossesses license, driver's a valid andpossesses E Age18orolder Initials Initial OFLIABILIW& INDEMNIFICATION OFRISK.RELEASE ASSUMPTION READTHEFOREGOING IHAVECAREFULLY THAT LEGALRIGHTS THATIAM RELEASING IAMAWARE ITSCONTENTS. UNDERSTAND AGREEMENTAND MAYEXIST. OTHERWISE Names Printed of Participants Date of Participants Signatures Guardian #1 ofParenUlegal #1 Signature Guardian Printed Name ofParenUlegal Date Guardian #2 ofParent/Legal #2 Signature Guardian Printed Name ofParenVlegal Date Address Telephone EmailAddress Emergency Contact: Name Printed Telephone NAME/RELATION