Master of science (ms) Main courses Advanced quantum mechanic (1) Basic concepts – Schrodinger equation and its applications – transform theory – Feynman path integrals and propagator and its applications – the angular momentum – symmetry in quantum mechanics – theoretical problems of quantum mechanics. Source Course 12345678- Modern Quantum Mechanics By : J.J. Sakurai Quantum Mechanics By : E.Merzbacher Quantum Mechanics By : A.S.Davydov Intermediate Quantum Mechanics By :H.A.Bethe & R.W.Jackiw Quantum Mechanics By :W.Greiner Lectures in Quantum Mechanics By : G.Baym Quantum Mechanics By :A.Messiah Quantum Mechanics By :Balentine /////////////////////////////// 18 Advanced quantum mechanic (2) Approximate methods - identical particles - time-dependent perturbation theory and the rate of passage - Scattering Theory Introduction of quantization . Source Course 12345678- Modern Quantum Mechanics By : J.J. Sakurai Quantum Mechanics By : E.Merzbacher Quantum Mechanics By : A.S.Davydov Intermediate Quantum Mechanics By :H.A.Bethe & R.W.Jackiw Quantum Mechanics By :W.Greiner Lectures in Quantum Mechanics By : G.Baym Quantum Mechanics By :A.Messiah Quantum Mechanics By :Balentine //////////////////////////// 19 Electrodynamics (1) Maxwell's equations - conservation laws - formulation of relativistic electrodynamics - border issues - Electromagnetic Waves - Radiant Systems Simple - Distribution - diffraction - Radiation by moving charges - brake light - the collision of charged particles. Source Course 1- Classical Electrodynamics By: J.D.Jackson 2- Classical Electrodynamics Radiation By:J.B.Marion ///////////////////////////// 20 Advanced Statistical Mechanics (1) Review of Probability and Statistics - An overview of the principles of thermodynamics - the kinetic theory - in equilibrium statistical mechanics (classical and quantum) consists of assembling and solvable models such as the perfect gas and Ising model - fluctuations aware equilibrium critical phenomena. Source Course 12345- Statistical Mechanics Statistical Physics Statistical Mechanics Statistical Mechanics Statistical Physics By :Pathria By :Huang By :Reif By :Ma By :Landau & Lifshitz ////////////////////////////////// 21 Computational Physics (1) A) Analysis of data 1- computing basic statistics: average – variance (x,y,z ) 2-Discussion of errors 3- Approximation of functions: interpolation B) numerical and physical models 1- Complete numerical solution of differential equations 2- methods of numerical integration 3- solve systems of linear equations and nonlinear C) simulations 1- Monte Carlo 2- of Metropolis D) introducing a bundle of high cases in the country. Note: A third lesson is that the project would be a joint project or multiple projects to be brief. Examples of projects include: 1- Distribution of the central potential 2- The two-dimensional Ising model simulations 3- Using molecular dynamics simulations of two-dimensional ideal gas 4- disparate simulation of harmonic oscillators 5- Finding the ground state of the Schrödinger potential for arbitrary 6- compares the results of various numerical methods for differential equations in physical models 7- The data for the test results 8- Simulation of charged particle motion in electromagnetic fields. Source Course 12345- Computer Simulation Using Particles By: R.W.Hockney & J.W.Eastwool, 1988,I.O.P Computer Simulation Of Liquids By:M.P.Allen & D.J.Tildesley , 1987,OUP Theoretical Physics on the PC. By:Springer- verlag . 1987 Computer Simulation Method in Theoretical Physics By:D.W.Heeman,1990, Springer- verlag. Computational Physics By: S.Koonin and D.C.Meredith, 1990, Addison - wesley //////////////////////////////////////////////// Advanced physics lab 23 Experiment 1: Electron spin resonance study of the magnetic field on the resonant frequency - Set the gamma factor. Experiment 2: Energy band-gap semiconductors: measurement of gap semiconductors using special resistance to temperature curve. Experiment 3: Effect of Zyman: neon atoms to measure the magnetic moment of one of the electronic states and dissociation coefficient of the gamma mode using the effective Zyman – calculated e/m (using a cadmium lamp). Experiment 4: mass spectrometry: Understanding how ion mass spectrometer measurements of K + or K + Experiment 5: Thin-film technology: an introduction to the technique of thin film vacuum evaporation method. Experiment 6: Electron - shot noise: All measurements Diode Nvyzyk vacuum and calculate the charge of the electron. Experiment 7: testing the analog computer, operational amplifiers: review of differentiation and integrator models, collecting and solving quadratic equations. Experiment 8: Discharge Optical: Optical Discharge Survey techniques to measure Earth's magnetic field and setting the discharge time constants and determine the resonant frequency and intensity of the magnetic field by the radio-frequency spectroscopy. Experiment 9: Effects of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic study of electron emission from a hot metal, the metal work function measurements and experimental study of the equation of Richardson and Long Meyer and study the effect of magnetic field on the flow and determine e/m . Experiment 10 : modulation with laser light using cells optical electro choir: measuring the choir, electronic optical properties of nitrous me benzene and get the work of the cell. Experiment 11: fluctuations in the pair of electrical and mechanical: coupling, obtain oscillatory modes and asymmetric and swing equation parameters. Experiment 12: Electrical discharges in gases: the study of electrical discharges in gases and gain versus current-voltage curves at low pressure. Experiment 13: Measuring Time remiss in dielectric: The dielectric coefficient of the liquid crystals and the coefficient of variation with frequency and temperature constant determination promiscuity permanent dipole moment of the liquid and the temperature study of changes. Experiment 14: Effect of paramagnetic and to determine the effective magnetic moment of divalent manganese ion Mn ++: Measuring the magnetic influence of solution containing ions and determine the effective magnetic moment, the lack of magnetic fluid by increasing the concentration of magnetic ions. Experiment 15: Microwave: microwave frequency measurement using resonant work, study measuring the interference patterns and the Bragg reflection. Experiment 16: Testing the effect of the field (Fyldayshn) crystal levels, obtain the work function of the metal tungsten. //////////////////////////////// 24, 25 Advanced Solid State Physics (1) crystal networks reverse - network - Determining the crystal X-ray scattering St. - categories networks and glory at a distance of metals - the theory of sommerfeld in metals - the failure of the free electron model - levels of electrons in periodic potential - public properties - electrons in periodic potential weak - bond - the other ways to strip the structure of the model of the electron dynamic classical model - half in classical semiconductor metals - measuring the Fermi level - the structure of the tape some metals - relaxation time - the spread of the electron approximation independent - the effects of the level of - classifying solids - energy - network in failure. Source Course 1- Solid State Physics By :N.W.Aschroft & N.D.Mermin 2- Quantum Theory Of Solid By : C.Kittel 3- Theoretical Solid State Physics By: March & Jones /////////////////////////////// 28 Advanced Solid State Physics (2) Classical theory of crystal harmonics - Quantum Theory of Crystal Lite - measurement of photon dispersion relations - nonharmonic effects in crystals - photons in metal - dielectric properties of insulators - semiconductors homogeneous heterogeneous semiconductors - Crystal defects - diamagnetic and paramagnetic - electron interaction and structure magneto - magneto order - superconductivity. Source Course 1- Solid State Physics By :N.W.Aschroft & N.D.Mermin 2- Quantum Theory Of Solid By : C.Kittel 3- Theoretical Solid State Physics By: March & Jones ///////////////////////////////// 29 Advanced Solid State Physics Laboratory (1) 68 hours of laboratory activity based on the following tests or the equivalent in other areas of the state, according to the Department of Plant and interests. Group 1: x-ray diffraction Learn about the benefits and risks of x-rays, obtain the spectrum of a monochromatic beam-column x - Introduction to Basic and workmanship Layvh cameras, powder and rotating crystal - experimenting with one of these cameras and the results use x-ray fluorescence method for the determination of chemical elements present in a solid. Group 2: thin films. Understanding How They Work by thermal evaporation apparatus, vacuum pumps - the resistor capacitor elements using thermal evaporation of thin layers of conductors and insulators, resistance and capacity measurements made elements thermal evaporation of a thin layer of tin oxide (the oxide indium) on a silicon wafer and provide a diode photocell - see graph I (V) diodes by using an oscilloscope - a thin layer of conductive thermal evaporation and producing a MIM and plot I (V) using the oscilloscope and study electrical properties of the system. Group 3: the study of magnetic materials Understanding the difference between materials Dia, Para and Ferro magnetism and workmanship following measuring devices - Magnetic field measurements (using one of the available methods) for examples of Dia, Para and Ferro magnetic a measure of volume changes YAM Article magnetic field at different temperatures and observed the phenomenon Magneto striation. Group 4: Determine the characteristics of a substance. Familiarity with the test methods and procedures for measuring devices to determine the crystal structure and defects of components and building materials - various methods of optical microscopy and spectroscopy - mass spectrometry - a method of nuclear magnetic and so on. ////////////////////////////////// 30 , 31 Advanced Solid State Physics Laboratory (2) 68 hours of laboratory activity based on the following tests or the equivalent in other areas of the state, according to the Department of Plant and interests. Experiment 1: the study of crystal structures and study models and point defects and linear crystals using soap bubbles and possible structural defects observed a semiconductor device using an electron microscope. Experiment 2 diffraction of electrons by a thin layer of carbon, properly researched and calculation of distances between the atoms of carbon, de Broglie relation. Resistance 3 Special tests measure the volume of a semiconductor device using four needles. Experiment 4: Measuring the density of charged carriers in a semiconductor is determined by using the power of instigating Hall and Hall experiments using three tests. Experiment 5: Determination of minimal forbidden energy band by measuring the resistivity change (Hall coefficient) of a semiconductor. Experiment 6: power measurements (drift mobility) of electrons and holes tested using Shockley - Heinz. Experiment 7: Determination of the effective mass m in the potential of a semiconductor thermoelectric measurements at several temperatures. Experiment 8: Determination of gross energy level of atoms in the forbidden energy band by a thermal-optical methods. Experiment 10: Determination of the lifetime of the minority charge carrier in a semiconductor by using a moving point of light. Experiment 12 : Determination of the spectral response (spectral response) of a photovoltaic (photoconductor) and the energy gap is determined by this method. //////////////////////////////////// 32,33 Material magnetic properties Introduction , types of diamagnetic , strong magnetic properties of materials , available magnetic properties and their application. Source Course 12345- Introduction To Magnetic Materials By :B.D.Cullity The Magnetic Properties Of Solids By : J.Crangle Introduction To The Theory of Materials By : N.Cusack Magnetism in crystalline marerials By : Cracknell Lectures on modern magnetism By : B.Barbara , D.Gignouxand C.Vettier science press, springer varlag ///////////////////////////////////// 34 Solids dielectric and optical properties 1- Solids dielectric properties : molecular origin , dielectric properties of dense matter 2- Solids optical properties : phonons , optical , phonons and acoustic phonons, plarytons, light absorption and radiation theory by agzytrones, linear optics, non-linear optics, non-linear optics, bloch functions , stark effect, twophotons absorption, agzytron ionization, light absorption and radiation by free electron – hole pairs, direct and indirect transition, spectroscopy 3- important semi-conductors optical properties such as : GaAs , cds,……….. Source Course 12345- Semiconductors By: R.A.Smith Concepts in photoconductivity and allied problems By: A.Rose Optical properties of solids By: Abeles Dielectric properties and molecules behavior By: N.E.Hill Introduction to semiconductor optics By : N.Peeyghambarian,S.W.Koch and mysyroulich 1993 ////////////////////////////// 36 Superconductivity 1- Introduction to the theory of Fermi liquids Landau - the mean field calculation methods (Green's functions) of the particle and the superconductive (equivalent Bvgvlyvbvf) - Hamylytvny model - electron interaction and the theory of photon pairs, "Bardeen - Cooper - Shryfr "- the leaves Elijah disorder - Type II superconductivity and vortex theory Abrykasf - phenomenological theory Gynrbrg / Landau / Gvr- magnetic and superconducting phenomena (such as the Meissner effect / Avkznfld and Kvantsh magnetic flux - Jabjabb Knight - no superconducting energy gap - superconductivity in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic) - effects (quantum Tdakhkhl) Zhozfeson. 2- New advanced topics in superconductivity: Andersons RVB theory, sherifers spin-bag thory , habard – andersons developed patterns for describe of the two – dimensional copper oxide materials properties , metal – dielectric and superconductor – dielectric phase transition. Source Course 1- Theory of superconductivity By: J.R.Schrieffer (1964, Addison Wesley)(reprint 1990) 2- High temperature superconductivity By: J.W.Lynn (1990, springer-verlage) 3- Funddamentals of the theory of metals By: (1988,north Holland) part II: superconducting metals 4- Solid state physics vol . 42 By: henty ehrenrich and david turnbull.(editors) ///////////////////////////////////////// 38 Physics of semiconductors Experimental study of electrical properties - Thermoelectric - optical and semiconductor connectivity - reminds Energy Bars - Atomic types of objects - reminds intrinsic and non-intrinsic semiconductors - an estimate of the density of electrons and holes in an intrinsic and non-intrinsic semiconductors - Electrons and holes in unbalanced mode - thermoelectric and photoelectric properties - the relationship between electronic structure and crystal structure, and the dependence of the physical properties of their constituent elements - crystal defects in semiconductors and its effects - scattering theory of magnetic properties (Hall effect) - the electrical conductivity of semiconductors in strong fields electrical - major applications of semiconductors. 12345- Source Course Semiconductors By: R.A.Smith Concepts in photoconductivity and allied problems By: A.Rose Semiconductors physics, an introduction, fourth edition By:K.seeger verlag Semiconductors By: wolf Quantum processes in Semiconductors By: B.K.Ridley oxford . science pub ////////////////////////// 40 Multi-particle Physics Apparatus (1) second quantization - Green's function at zero temperature - Dick story - diagrams Fyneman-linear reaction theory- green functions in non- zero temperature – matsobara green functions – kobo formula for electrical conductivity- canonic transforms – exact solvable models – bosons indent. 1234- Source Course Quantum theory of many system By: A.L.Fetter and J.D .Wolecka Many – particle physics By: G.D Maha The theory of Quantum liquids By: G.P.Blaizot & G.Ripha Quantum many particle system By:G.W.Negel & H.Orland /////////////////////////////////////////////// 41 Solids quantum theory Acoustic phone's – Plasmon's – optic phonons – magnetos- Fermi fields and hartry / fock – amplification – many / body techniques and electron gas- plarons – phonon- electron interaction – super / conductivity. Source Course Quantum theory solids (second revised printing) , 1987 By: C.Kittel /////////////////////// 42 Surface physics and its industrial applications Introduction of vacuum technique, preparation methods introduction and cleaning surface sample, Introduction of high vacuum technique, Introduction of surface phenomena ,related topics to electron – solid material Introduction, Introduction of surface analysis techniques, principles and application of auger electron spectroscopy technique, auger techniques applications and principles in petrochemical and tribology and textile industries , principle and applications of TPR and TPD techniques, principle and applications of SIMS technique. Source Course 1- Methods of surface analysis. Edited By: G.M.Walls and V.G.Ionex / Cambridge university press (1989) 2- Surface physics By: M.Prutton 3- Electronic properties of surface By: M.Prutton /////////////////////////////////////// 43 Atomic and molecular orientation Plasma physics Introduction, plasma concepts, plasma production, plasma properties measurement, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics plasmas, plasmas macroscopic properties, plasma fluid stability, transport phenomena in plasma, plasma kinetic equations. Vlasov theory in the case of plasma waves and instability, fluctuations, correlations and plasma radiation, collisions, shock wave. Source Course 1- Principle of plasma physics By: Nicholas A.Krall & Alrin W.Trivelpiece 2- plasma physics By: Laing 3- plasma dynamics By: T.J.m.Boyd & sanderson //////////////////////////// 45 Quantum electronics Quantum theory of the Introduction of radiation with matter, relaxation phenomena quantum theory, quantum phenomena of electrons-high frequency waves Introduction in the resonators, quantum systems behavior in weak field, quantum system behavior in strong field, simulator and spontaneous emission, simulator and spontaneous emission in free space, propagation in the resonator, non-linear phenomena in optics. Source Course 1- Quantum electronics (3nd Ed) 2- Quantum electronics ////////////////////////// By: amnon yariv, john wiley & sons, Inc. (1991) By: V.M.Fajn and Y.I.Khanin 46 Advanced atomic and molecular lab 1 Spectroscopy, hologram, ionization, required electronic equipment in researches such as multi–polayers specification, vacuum technique. ///////////////////////////// 47 Advanced atomic and molecular lab 2 Thirty – four hours of laboratory work in the one of the atomic and molecular physics fields with respect to facilities and didactic departments interests. /////////////////////////// 48 Quantum methods in atomic and molecular physics Dirac eqation, hydrogen atom, static fields, hyperfine interaction, hartri - fock formulation, multiple wave function, matrix elements, the interaction of radiation with atoms, absorption and desorption, high levels of electromagnetic interactions, general properties of molecules, the electron states of molecules, molecular spectroscopy, the single fields. 1234- Source Course Atoms and molecules By: M.Weissbluth Physics Atoms and molecules By:B.H.Bronsden and C.J.Joachain Spectra of diatomic molecules By:G.Herzberg Atomies spectra and atomic structure By: G.Herzberg /////////////////////////////// 49 Laser physics Radiation – material interaction, pumping phenomena, optical resonators, continuous and pulsed laser treatment, laser properties, the types of lasers, modulation of laser irradiation, laser amplifiers, switching and locking. Source Course 1- Principles of lasers By: O.Svelto (1989) plenum press 2- Lasers By: K.Thyagarajan and A.K.Ghatak (1981), plenum press 3- Lasers theory By: H.Haken, springer- verlag (1984) 4- Laser By: P.W.Milonn, john wiley & sons (1988) /////////////////////////// 50 Laser spectroscopy Laser as light source in the spectroscopy, absorption and emission spectroscopy with laser : magnetic resonance spectroscopy and stark spectroscopy, induced fluorescence with laser, stimulated states spectroscopy, double – resonance methods, multi-photons spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy with laser, high- resolution spectroscopy, laser spectroscopy applications. Source Course Laser spectroscopy, (1982), springer- verlag By: W.Demtroder //////////////////////////////// 51 trend in nuclear physics advanced nuclear physics 1 General properties of nuclei: nuclei and nuclear states - the nucleus - the nucleus - the nuclear binding energy ISO load scenarios and the effects of Coulomb - nuclear decay mode of the hub. Independently moving particles without interacting Fermi gas - a spherical symmetric potential wells - wells potential for particles with spin 1/2 - evidence for the core layer - model Bakouplazh jj - optical potential Nilsson model (modified potential wells) Nucleon potential independent anti-symmetric states of nucleons - interacting Fermi gas bearing - Modified Delta Interaction layer, Harter theory / seals - for finite nuclei - Harter / Fock pair potentials and Beauty Bar. Layer model coupling: coupling and the coupling strength - depending layers and stimulate particle - particle. Models set the transformation - symmetrical gig - Vibration - oval nuclei - coupling between the modes of collection. 1234- Source Course Nuclear and particle physics nuclear physics , (An Introduction) introduction to nuclear physics theoretical nuclear physics ///////////////////////////////// By: E.B.Paul By:W.E.Burcham By: H.Enge By: Deshalit and feshbach 53 advanced nuclear physics 2 Fundamentals of nuclear reactions: Reactions - elastic channel - the resonant behavior of the reaction threshold - describes the coupled channels (matrix S) – two channel scattering problem Reaction mechanism is simple: the approximation at high energies - Gelauber approximation to atomic number the image projected nuclear reactions - Direct Response - resonance - Nuclear Complex Electromagnetic interaction: a multipolar expansions - the quantization of electromagnetic radiation - radiation possibilities - experimental situation - nuclear reactions photon - in other electromagnetic processes and measurements. 5678- Source Course Nuclear and particle physics nuclear physics , (An Introduction) introduction to nuclear physics theoretical nuclear physics ////////////////////////////////////// By: E.B.Paul By:W.E.Burcham By: H.Enge By: Deshalit and feshbach 54 Laboratory of Advanced Nuclear 1 68 hours of laboratory or field-based experiments are similar with respect to the Facilities Department. 1- Characterized by radioactivity 2 - charged particle energy loss 3- Spectroscopy Scintillating 4- Techniques of Adaptive 5- the relative flux of neutrons 6- induced radioactivity 7- Gamma-ray spectrum Au 198 8- Induced radioactivity. 9- Neutron detection methods and properties of the neutron 10- Activities related to the analysis of mixtures of independent //////////////////////////////////////// 55, 56 , 57 Laboratory of Advanced Nuclear 2 68 hours of laboratory or field-based experiments are similar with respect to the Facilities Department. 1234- Sandy Hopper and beta radiation liquid scintillating counting Charged particle spectroscopy Alpha particle scattering Angular correlation 56789- Compton scattering Effect of mouse Baser Submit Now fission fragment detection by solid state track Decomposition Analysis meson II + of nuclear emulsion Meson decay, analysis of events in bubble chamber ////////////////////////////////////// 58,59 Laboratory of Advanced Nuclear 2 68 hours of laboratory or field-based experiments are similar with respect to the Facilities Department. 1-beta-ray spectrometry and liquid Sntlasyvn counters The aim of the present experiment liquid scintillation counting principles, measurements Ayzvtphay activities He3, C14 emits a weak beta particles Anchors, measure the maximum kinetic energy beta-emitting nuclei is by making a diagram kurie. 2- charged particle spectroscopy Experiments range alpha particles Po 210, Am241 techniques for detecting and measuring the energy of charged particles (by detector solid state surface barrier) is used. 3- Distribution of alpha particles. Alpha particles Po240 (with energy 5.3 Mev) is scattered by a thin gold foil. In this experiment the number of scattered particles as a function of scattering angle scattering cross sections are measured and calculated, and these calculations are compared with predictions of Rutherford: ﻓﺮﻣﻮل /////////////////////////// 58 A general method for determining the scattering cross section will be enhanced. 4- Angular correlation The angular correlation between 1.7 Mev gamma rays from 4+ to 2+ and 1.33 Mev gamma rays from +2 to +0 (steady state) NI60 caused by beta emission Co60 attempt to measure the angular correlation theory the following is known. ﻓﺮﻣﻮل Which can be compared with the measured curve. 5- Compton scattering The purpose of this experiment show the distribution of gamma-ray Compton scattering by free electrons in the process of realization of the angular dependence of the radiation energy is scattered. 6- Effect of mouse Basr The purpose of these experiments show application of spectroscopic analysis and display of multi-channel Basr hair to measure the width of the resonance absorption lines in rebuttal 14.4 Mev gamma rays from Fe57 is published. 7- pieces of crack detection by registering now track the solid state (solid state track recorder) The purpose of this experiment show spark scanning technique used to count the traces (traces) is split. 8- meson decay analysis II + of nuclear emulsion The purpose of this experiment is to become familiar with several types of measurements can be used in nuclear emulsion and the techniques used to analyze II + meson decay. ////////////////////////// 59 Advanced Reactor Physics Non-spatial and spatial transfer functions and solve equations - equations form a homogeneous bare reactor - a review of difficult calculations made in Maxwell spectrum of thermal neutrons - for Raktrvhay heterogeneous multi-group calculations - calculations of non-homogeneous reactor calculations such as tuberculosis - Physics Dynamic – reactors Source Course 1- Neutron physics By: K.H.Beckurts and K.Wirtz 2- An introduction to nuclear reactor theory By:JJ.R.Lamarsh ///////////////////////////////// 60 Nuclear Chemistry Degradation or conversion and decomposition reactor - nuclear conversion types - Fundamentals of nuclear reactions - nuclear reaction mechanism Composites - high-energy nuclear reactions - nuclear testing methods in chemistry - applications of nuclear chemistry. Source Course Nuclear chemistry //////////////////////////////////////// by:L.Yaffe 61 Nuclear Structure Discussion of models of nuclear or nuclear excitation mechanisms and the microscopic theory of the nucleus to the selected master. Source Course 1- Nuclear theory By:J.Eisenbery and W.Greiner 2- Theoretical Nuclear physics By:Deshalit and feshbach ///////////////////////////////// 62 Introduction to elementary particles Arrangements and the overall view of the phenomenon of particle - particle accelerators and detectors classification - law of survival - interactions within easy Curacy model - electromagnetic interactions - weak interaction - interaction curacy the standard theory of QCD. Source Course 1- Introduction to high energy physics By: Donald H.perkins 2- Subatomic physics By: fraueufelder and heley 3- Introduction to elementary particles By: david griffiths ///////////////////////////////////// 64 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 3 Review of A) quantum mechanics Non-relativistic of a particle with spin B) Special Relativity and Lorentz Verde - Klein-Gordon equation - Coulomb scattering - the effective cross section and kinematic formulas immutable - the emitter - particles with spin 1 - quantum mechanics other than a single particle with spin 1/2 - invariance equation Dirac - Coulomb scattering - second and higher-order processes in electrodynamics speinury - invariance of the Dirac equation - the Dirac equation of invariance - invariance parity - time inversion and conjugate time - strong interaction - interaction is weak. 1234- Source Course Relativistic Quantum mechanics Advanced Quantum Mechanics Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Relativistic Quantum Mechanics \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ By: I.J.R.Aitchison By:J.J.Sakurai By: J.D.Bjorken and S.D.Drell By:W.Greiner (springer- verlag 1988) 65 Lee groups in the fundamental particles Matrix groups - Lee groups - the classic groups - the classification of classical groups - especially groups show Lee unit groups - Group Lunates and it shows. 1234- Source Course Lie algebra in particle physics Classical groups for physicists Group theory for physicists Unitary system and elementary particles /////////////////////////// By: Grorgi By: B.G.Wybourne By: J.F.Cornwell By: D.B.Lichtenberg 66 elementary particle physics 1 Coerce models - color QCD - the deep inelastic scattering - the spontaneous symmetry breaking - theory Salam / Weinberg. 1234- Source Course Quarks and leptons By: halzen and martin Quarks and leptons By: huang Gauge theories By: I.J.R.Aitchison Gauge theories and new physics By:leader and predezzi /////////////////////////////////// 67 Astrophysics trends Astrophysics 1 Astronomical terms- a view of astrophysics- cosmic distance scale- cosmological dynamics- dynamics and argue astronomical objects- random processes- photons and fast particles- electromagnetic processes in space-quantum processes in astrophysics- stars. Source Course Astrophysical concepts /////////////////////////// By: M.Harwit 69 Astrophysics 2 Cosmic rays and their sources and mechanisms- astrophysics raise the matter in neutron stars and black holes - X-ray sources and their models of active galaxies- clusters of galaxies and penetrating radiation-gamma-ray sources and models. Source Course Astrophysical concepts ////////////////////////////////// By: M.Harwit 70 Gravity 1 History of gravitational theory - tensor calculus - Riemannian geometry - Einstein field equations - linear approximation of the field equations - conservation laws - solution Schwarz Shield . Source Course 1- Introduction to general relativity By: adler, bazin, and schifferd 2- Gravitation and cosmology principles and applications of the general theory relativity 3- Essential relativity, special, general, cosmological By: w.rindler ////////////////////////// By: S.weinberg 71 Gravity 2 Effects of classical general relativity- collapse gravity and black holes- Kerr A (kerr)- cosmology- gravitational waves Freebies (chosen by instructor). Source Course 1- Introduction to general relativity By: adler, bazin, and schifferd 2- Gravitation and cosmology principles and applications of the general theory relativity 3- Essential relativity, special, general, cosmological By: w.rindler //////////////////////////////// By: S.weinberg 72 The structure and evolution of stars By observation-the physical state of the star- the star of the original building- advanced delivery phases- the final structure of stars-stellar atmospheres. Source Course 1- Structure and evolution of stars By: M.schwarzshild 2- Stellar atmospheres By: mahalas 3- Principles of stellar evolution and nuclei synthesis By: D.D.Clayton 4- Atmospheres of the sun and stars By: Aller 5- Astrophysics and stellar structure By: L.Motz //////////////////////////// 73 The structure and evolution of galaxies Classification of galaxies - galaxies measured physical characteristics - the dynamics of galaxies - stellar distribution systems - Dynamics of the Milky Way - galaxies and clusters of galaxies few - unusual galaxies - galaxies of type N Kvaryzarha - red shift and broadening of the World - Genesis and evolution of galaxies. Source Course 12345- Galactic astronomy By: mihalas Galaxies : structure & evolution By: R.J.Taylor Galaxies By: harlow sharply Galaxies and the universe By: sandage The milky way By: B.J.Bok & P.F.Bok //////////////////////////// Cosmology 74 Introduction - Newtonian gravity and cosmology - General relativity and relativistic cosmology - Analysis of observational data - relational models that do not follow the principles of cosmology - the microwave background radiation - the thermal history of the universe and uncle synthesis - SINGULARIST models of cosmology - gravitational constant as a field variable - the cosmological models based on theory Einstein / carton - abnormal isotope model - the formation of galaxies a cosmological baryon asymmetry. Source Course 1234- Theoretical cosmology By: A.K.Raychaudhuri Physics cosmology By: E.Peebles Gravitation and cosmology By: s.winberg Modern cosmology By: D.W.Sciama ////////////////////////////////////////////// 75 Physics of the Sun 1 Introduction - About the Sun - Solar equipment - general atmosphere of the sun - the sun balance - active centers - the cycle of solar activity - a breath of the internal structure - the evolution of the Sun - History of the Sun. Source Course 1- The sun Ed 2- New sun By: G.P.Kuiper By: J.A. eddy ////////////////////////////// 76 Physics of the Sun 2 Introduction - Shade heaven, Split Solar - sunspots and other phenomena sphere Shade - Naj shades of sky and sun - centers in the atmosphere of the Sun - Solar Flares - Solar flares and the like - the solar wind. Source Course New sun By: J.A. eddy ////////////////////////////// 77 Pulsar Pulsar Survey - Breakdown of Search and Find - identified with rotating neutron stars - a pulse of radiation X- the internal structure of a neutron star - neutron star's magnetic field - the timing pulse - integrated radio pulse properties - single radio pulses - Crab Nebula - Crab Pulsar (Crab) - Pulsar distances determined through interstellar space - interstellar magnetic fields - interstellar scintillation - the process of radiation- issuing mechanism - Analysis of observational properties geometric considerations - discusses the origins Pulsar - high energy and compact stars. Source Course PulsarS ///////////////////////// By: F.G.Smith 78 Astronomical instruments and observatories 1- Introduction devices measure the position of celestial objects 2- stars photometric devices 3- astronomical spectroscopy and analysis of stellar spectra 4- Introduction to Astronomical Imaging Devices 5- Introduction and how to use different Catalog 6- Radio telescope 7- Project Color graph theory - so, the standard star photometry, preparation and analysis of the spectrum of the sun, planets and stars. /////////////////////////////////////// 79 Trends fundamental physics Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics An overview of the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics - density matrix formalism - Test EPR - integral quantum - hidden variables - von Neumann theorem - problems after nose (Retro diction) - Measurement theory - Non-High status members and inequalities - Paradox Kvshn / Aspkr - Quantum Logic. Source Course 1234- Quantum theory of motion By: peter R.holland, Cambridge U.P,1993 Quantum non-locality and relativity By: time maudlin, blachwell,1994 The structure and interpretation of quantum mechanics By: R.I.G.Hughes U.P,1989 Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics By: B.D Espagant, Addison – Wesley , 1989 //////////////////////////////////////////// 81 Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Semi-classical interpretation - Uncertainty Relations - Mklmlyk - Conflicts of B / Einstein - EPR argument and its philosophical consequences - potential variables and their bugs - Bell jobs - Quantum Logic - the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics - the measurement problem. Source Course 1- The philosophy of quantum mechanics 2- The philosophy of quantum mechanics ////////////////////////////////////////// By: Max. jamma , wiley- interscience, 1974 By:R.Healey , Cambridge U.P, 1989 82 Quantum field theory 1 Quantum scalar and electromagnetic fields - Vector Dirac mass and non-zero vacuum expectation values and thermal issues - interacting quantum field - the matrix S and the effective cross section approach - interaction Dirac formalism (or formalism LSZ) - Feynman diagrams and examples of interaction of quantum fields - Green functions - Examples of interactions of quantum fields - he normal - quantum electrodynamics (QED) - Compton effect - mating destruction correction of radiation - infrared problem - using quantum path integral method - constrained systems Non- abelian gauge fields - the model of Weinberg / Salam - color quantum fields - Open Bhnjarsh and Bazbhnjarsh - Unknown Bhnjaryha Treaty of massive fields - spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Source Course 1- Quantum field theory 2- Quantum field theory /////////////////////////////////////////// By: revised ed, f.mandl and G.Shaw, wiley, N.Y,1984 By: R.H. ryder, Cambridge U.P,1985 83 Quantum field theory 2 Quantum scalar and electromagnetic fields - Vector Dirac mass and non-zero vacuum expectation values and thermal issues - interacting quantum field - the matrix S and the effective cross section approach - interaction Dirac formalism (or formalism LSZ) - Feynman diagrams and examples of interaction of quantum fields - Green functions - Examples of interactions of quantum fields - he normal - quantum electrodynamics (QED) - Compton effect mating destruction - correction of radiation - infrared problem - using quantum path integral method - constrained systems Non- abelian gauge fields - the model of Weinberg / Salam - color quantum fields - Open Bhnjarsh and Bazbhnjarsh - Unknown Bhnjaryha - Treaty of massive fields - spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Source Course 1- Quantum field theory 2- Quantum field theory ///////////////////////////////////////////// By: revised ed, f.mandl and G.Shaw, wiley, N.Y,1984 By: R.H. ryder, Cambridge U.P,1985 84 Physics - Philosophy 1 (A) General information: Role models and approximations - Principles - stakes tests - the relationship between mathematics and physics - the physics of the contract - Measurement - Particles and Fields in Classical Physics (B) philosophical aspects of quantum theory and quantum field theory: Supplements - Not sure - Measurement - incompleteness - Final variables - except attitude - Quantum Logic - the different interpretations of quantum mechanics - quantum field theory Philosophical Foundations and Essentials (C) The Philosophy of Time and Space: Theory of space and time - to measure the time - the philosophical theory of relativity. Source Course 123456- Philosophy of physics By: M.bunge Space, time and causality By: J.R Lucas Space, time and Space – tim By: L.sklar The physics of time asymmetry By:P.C.W Davies Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics By: de espagnat Quantum physics : illusion or reality By: rae ///////////////////////////////////////// 85 Nuclear Physics 2 (A) philosophical aspects of quantum mechanics: Formalism - Scenarios - Visibility - density matrices and operators Illustrated - theories that contain variables final Neumann theorems and techniques Kvshn / Aspkr - realist interpretations of quantum mechanics - a paradox EPR Theorems Bell / Vygyz - Non-High status members - Measurement theory - Interpretation Kpthagy - Logic quantum paradoxes of quantum mechanics - quantum field theory problems - problems and methods in elementary particle physics (B) Statistical Mechanics and reversible time: Theory Ergodic - set theory - the case of H - reversible paradoxes - Relationship Varvnd (Retro / causation) and the paradox of Takhyvn. Source Course 7- Philosophy of physics By: M.bunge 8- Space, time and causality By: J.R Lucas 9- Space, time and Space – tim By: L.sklar 10- The physics of time asymmetry By:P.C.W Davies 11- Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics By: de espagnat 12- Quantum physics : illusion or reality By: rae ////////////////////////////////////////////////// 86 Classical Mechanics 1 Overview of the basic principles - principles of variation and Lagrangian equations - of both physical force - kinematic rigid body - rigid body equations of motion - small fluctuations - the Hamiltonian equations of motion - turning Kayvnyk classical perturbation theory. Source Course Classical mechanics (second ed) By: H.Goldstein /////////////////////////////////////////// 88 Electrodynamics 2 Waveguides and resonant cavities collisions between charged particles - energy loss and scattering - Radiation by moving charges - Radiation Brakes - Virtual Kvantahay methods - the processes of beta radiation - a multipolar fields - Attenuation damping - Own a piece battles - scattering and absorption of radiation by a system tying. Source Course 1- Classical Electrodynamics By: J.D.Jackson 2- Classical Electrodynamics radiation By: J.B.Marion /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 89 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Relativistic wave equation for a particle with zero spin - wave equation for a particle with spin 1/2 - Properties of Dirac Aspytvrhay - Dirac particle in an external field - Hole Theory - Will wave equation (weyl) - The wave equation for particles with arbitrary spin - Lvrntysy reliability and relativistic symmetry principles. Source Course 1234- Relativistic quantum mechanics Advanced quantum mechanics Relativistic quantum mechanics Relativistic quantum mechanics By: J.J.aitchison By: J.J.Sakurai By: J.D.Bjorken and S.D.DRELL By:W.Greiner (springer-verlag 1988) ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 90 Advanced Statistical Mechanics 2 Fluctuations of equilibrium critical phenomena - classical fluid - fluid Quantum - transfer and hydrodynamic theory and the human relations (Onsager) - Theorem fluctuations - waste - into phase disequilibrium. Source Course 12345- Statistical mechanics Statistical physics Statistical mechanics Statistical mechanics Statistical physics //////////////////////////////////////////// By: pathria By: huang By:E.Rrif By:shang keng ma By:landau and lifshitz 91 Computational Physics 2 A) Advanced Numerical Methods 1 issue of boundary conditions and the eigenvalues and Special Systems 2 Partial Differential Equations (3) estimate 4 Special Functions 5 Fourier spectral methods. 6 Optimization B) Advanced Simulation 1 Monte Carlo - critical phenomena 2 Molecular dynamics - Study liquid phase transition 3 Chaos in dynamical systems 4 network models C) The third lesson is a joint project with the computer. 12345- Computer simulation using particles By: R.W.Hockney and J.W.Eastwood,1988 , I.O.P Computer simulation Of liquids By: M.P.Allen and D.J.Tildesley , 1987 , O,U,P Theoretical physics on the PC By: 1987, springer – verlag Computer simulation method in Theoretical physics By: D.W.Heeman, 1990 , springer – verlag Computer physics By: S.Koonin and D.C.Meredith, 1990 addison - wesley ////////////////////////////// 92