SYLLABUS CODE: ENGI 241 TITLE: DIVISION: Science/Technologies Principles of Electrical Engineering I DEPARTMENT: Engineering and Technology COURSE DESCRIPTION: The student will apply electrical engineering analysis procedures to various configurations of passive circuits. These circuits will include multiple voltage and current sources, both dc and ac and of both dependent and independent types. Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, and network theorems such as Thevenin's, Norton's, and Superposition will be used in the analysis of circuits. The student will be proficient in analyzing sinusoidal and complex periodic waveforms. She/he will consider the frequency response of circuits to such driving forces and the frequency spectrum concept associated with complex waves. The student will be introduced to transient and steady state response concepts in circuit analysis including both energy and power considerations. She/he will analyze three phase circuits in the Y and ∆ configurations, and consider circuit operation under balanced and unbalanced loads. PREREQUISITES: C or better in both PHYS 122 and MATH 172 CREDITS: 4 LECTURE CREDITS: 3 LAB CREDITS: 3 LAB HOURS: As listed in the schedule. ADDITIONAL TIME REQUIREMENTS: Additional laboratory time is available as needed. COLLEGE POLICIES: Please refer to the STUDENT HANDBOOK AND BCC CATALOG for information regarding: ♦ Brookdale’s Academic Integrity Code ♦ Student Conduct Code ♦ Student Grade Appeal Process NOTIFICATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Brookdale Community College offers reasonable accommodations and/or services to persons with disabilities. Students with disabilities who wish to self-identify, must contact the Disabilities Services Office at 732-224-2730 or 732-842-4211 (TTY), provide appropriate documentation of the disability, and request specific accommodations or services. If a student qualifies, reasonable accommodations and/or services, which are appropriate for the college level and are recommended in the documentation, can be approved. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/LABS: Learning assistants are located in ATC 106. Faculty Offices are located in ATC 107. ENGI 241 SYLLABUS REQUIRED TEXT ELECTRIC CIRCUITS, Seventh Edition, by James W. Nilsson and Susan Riedel, Prentice Hall, 2005, ISBN 0-13-191930-X LEARNING OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENT: Student outcomes are evaluated using graded assignments and design projects, quizzes, a midterm exam and a final exam. By their work on the exam, quizzes, and assignments, students will: ♦ demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate, and solve electrical engineering problems ♦ demonstrate the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs ♦ demonstrate the ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering design ♦ apply Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws to circuits with both dependent and independent sources ♦ simplify circuits using network equivalences ♦ analyze circuits using Mesh Currents, Node Voltage Analysis, Superposition, and Thevenin's and Norton’s Theorem ♦ perform basic circuit analysis with both dependent and independent sources ♦ use standard lab equipment including oscilloscope, power supply, multi-meter and signal generator to make circuit measurements as well as to analyze and interpret data ♦ use engineering circuit simulation/analysis software for bias point, dc sweep, and transient analysis to verify circuit design ♦ demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively CORE COMPETENCIES The student will design and build electrical circuits, make circuit measurements, read and interpret data, use a spreadsheet to record and chart data, and write laboratory reports according to professional standards. Laboratory work requires the student to analyze measured data and prove calculated and measured data verify electric circuit theory. He/she will use simulation software to verify circuit behavior. This course teaches the following Core Competencies: COMMUNICATION SKILLS Students will develop and enhance the skills that allow them to think critically and communicate ideas in a clear, concise manner. Students will: 1.1 Communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively in writing form. 1.2 Communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively in spoken form. 1.5 Demonstrate effective listening skills. 1.6 Demonstrate effective reading skills. CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING Students will use critical thinking and problem solving skills in analyzing information. Students will: 2.1 Identify a problem and analyze it. 2.2 Create or develop hypotheses. 2.3 Recognize and construct logical forms of argumentation. MATHEMATICAL SKILLS Students will apply appropriate mathematical concepts and operations to interpret data and to solve problems, and understand connections between mathematics and other disciplines. Students will: 4.1 Be able to analyze, discuss and use quantitative information. Page 1 ENGI 241 4.2 4.3 SYLLABUS Be able to apply algebraic and/or geometric techniques to analyze and solve mathematical problems. Use appropriate problem solving technologies. SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE Students will develop a familiarity with the principles and methods of scientific inquiry, and with its significance to society. Students will: 5.1 Develop appropriate skills in observation and experimentation to solve problems. 5.2 Be able to analyze and interpret scientific data. 5.3 Be able to evaluate and apply appropriate technology. INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY Students will process information including defining, accessing, gathering, organizing, evaluating, and presenting information. The student will be able to: 7.1 Recognize a need for information. 7.2 Conduct and complete effective research. 7.3 Assess, use, document and present information objectively and effectively. 7.4 Use appropriate technologies and services to access and process information. STUDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Active participation in this course by all students is required and expected. Attendance for all lectures is strongly advised. 1. Students must submit their Laboratory Reports for grading no later than two weeks after they are scheduled to be performed. Late work may be penalized at the rate of 10% per week. 2. The progress of the student is evaluated by class participation, graded assignments, performance, test grades, and on time submission of laboratory experiments and circuit simulations. 3. There will be weekly quizzes, a midterm, and a final exam. There is no retest or makeup examination except for absence. 4. In order to pass the course, the student must have a passing test average and a passing average for Laboratory Reports, and a passing grade for the course project. COURSE PROJECT Each student will be required to perform a course design project consisting of a computer simulation of a circuit as well as performing all necessary manual calculations. Project requirements and the circuits will be distributed by the instructor. The student edition of PSpice is installed in the lab, and a copy of the software accompanies the course text. You may also obtain a copy from your instructor. FINAL GRADE The final grade will be determined by averaging each section and assigning them the following weights: 20% for the Midterm Examination 20% for the Final Examination 20% for Quizzes 20% for Laboratory Work and Computer Simulation Assignements 20% for the Course Project 100% Grade for the Course Page 2 ENGI 241 SYLLABUS The following scale is used to determine satisfactory progress on each unit examination and for the final grade: Final Grade Range A 90% to 100% B+ 85% to 89% B 80% to 84% C+ 75% to 79% C 70% to 79% D 65% to 69% F Below 65% There was a grading change on 1 July 2005. The change is the addition of a B+ and C+ grade. INCOMPLETE It is the student's responsibility to submit all work on a timely basis, and it is expected that all course requirements will be completed by the last class meeting. It may be possible to obtain a grade of INC. However, this option is discouraged except in cases of severe hardship. If granted an INC, it must be completed by the first week of the next fifteen week term. COURSE SCHEDULE Unit Week Subject 1 1 SI Units, Charge, Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power, read Chapter 1 1 2 Voltage and Current Sources, Ohm's Law, read Chapter 2, Homework 1, Laboratory 1. 1 3 Kirchhoff's Law, Voltage and Current Dividers, Resistance and Source Combination, read Chapter 3, Homework 2, 2 4 Node Voltage Network Theorem, read Appendix A and Chapter 4, Homework 3, 2 5 2 6 Mesh Currents Network Theorem, read Chapter 4, Homework 4, Laboratory 2 and 3. 2 7 Superposition, read Chapter 4, Homework 5. 2 8 Midterm 2 9 Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, and Maximum Power, Transfer read Chapter 4, Homework 6, and Laboratory 4. 3 10 AC Sources and Phasors, read Appendix B and Chapter 9, Laboratory 5 3 11 Network Theorems applied to AC Circuits, read Chapter 9, Homework 7, 3 12 Reactive Components, Power, read Chapter 10, Homework 8, Laboratory 6. 4 13 Polyphase Circuits, Read Chapter 11, and Appendix C, Homework 9 5 14 5 15 Final Exam Page 3 ENGI 241 SYLLABUS The required assignments and readings are posted on the course web site. It is the student’s responsibility to check: ♦ for the updated reading assignments each week at ♦ for the updated homework assignments each week at Page 4 ENGI 241 UNIT 1 SYLLABUS UNIT 1 OF 4 Name Of Unit Introduction to Circuit Analysis Unit Objective At the conclusion of this unit, the student will understand the SI units of measurement with an emphasis on those units that apply to Electrical Engineering applications, and analyze simple circuits using various laws and theorems. The student will understand the concepts of electrical circuits with both dependent and independent voltage and current sources. Method Of Evaluation Class participation and the grading of a written examination, the homework assignments, and the laboratory report. Estimated Time To Achieve 3 Weeks. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to: 1. understand and use the SI system of measurements in electrical problems. 2. define the units of measurement for charge, voltage, current, power, and energy. 3. define the circuit elements used in dc circuits including resistors and dependent and independent voltage and current sources. 4. understand and use Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws to analyze single loop circuits. 5. use Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws to analyze Single Node−pair circuits. 6. understand and use the concept of resistance and source combination. 7. understand and use voltage and current division in circuit analysis. 8. analyze series, parallel, series−parallel, and bridge circuits. 9. analyze and design basic meter circuits. 10. Y−to−∆ and ∆−to−Y Transformations. Recommended Learning Experiences Attend Class and participate in the lecture. Read The text Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3. Turn In Homework 1 − Chapter 2 Problems 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31 Homework 2 − Chapter 3 Problems 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 43, 45, 51, 57 Perform Laboratory Exercise 1 and 2. Page 5 ENGI 241 UNIT 2 SYLLABUS UNIT 2 OF 4 Name Of Unit Network Theorems Unit Objective The student will understand and achieve proficiency in the use of the practical voltage source, the practical current source, and the transformation from one type to another. S/he will understand and analyze circuits using Nodal and Mesh Analysis, Thevenin's, Norton's, and the Superposition network theorems. Method Of Evaluation Class participation and the grading of a written examination, the homework assignments, and the laboratory report. Estimated Time To Achieve 6 Weeks. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to: 1. understand the concepts of voltage sources and current sources. 2. perform source transformations in circuit analysis. 3. understand and apply the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. 4. analyze circuits using the Node−Voltage method of analysis. 5. analyze circuits using Mesh Current method of analysis. 6. analyze circuits using the Superposition Theorem. 7. analyze circuits using Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems. 8. transform a Thevenin Source into a Norton Source and vice versa. Recommended Learning Experiences Class and participate in the lecture. Attend Appendix A, Chapter 4. Read Turn In Homework 3 − Chapter 4 problems 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 27, 29. Homework 4 − Chapter 4 problems 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 52, 55, 56A, 58. Homework 5 − Chapter 4 problems 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93. Homework 6 − Chapter 4 problems 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65. 67, 75 Laboratory Exercise 3, 4, 5, and 6. Perform Page 6 ENGI 241 UNIT 3 SYLLABUS UNIT 3 OF 4 Name Of Unit Sinusoidal Analysis Unit Objective At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be proficient in analyzing circuits with sinusoidal and other periodic sources. Method Of Evaluation Class participation, and the grading of a written examination, the homework assignments, and the laboratory report. Estimated Time To Achieve 4 Weeks. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to: 1. understand and use complex periodic functions to represent voltage and current sources. 2. measure and calculate the average, RMS, peak, and peak−to−peak value of these complex waveform. 3. perform objectives 1 and 2 for complex waveforms that contain both an ac and dc offset component. 4. analyze circuits characterized by sinusoidal driving and response functions. 5. analyze circuits consisting of resistive, capacitive, and inductive components. 6. analyze and understand the concepts of reactance, admittance, and susceptance. 7. use Fourier Series Analysis to analyze nonsinusoidal periodic functions. 8. use a voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, frequency counter, and oscilloscope to make circuit measurements. 9. analyze AC circuits using phasors. 10. apply Network Theorems to analyze AC circuits. 11. calculate instantaneous, average, and apparent power 12 Calculate the power factor and reactive power. Recommended Learning Experiences Class and participate in the lecture. Attend Appendix B, Chapter 9, and Chapter 10. Read Turn In Homework 7 − Chapter 9 Problems 14, 15, 18, 19, 25, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 48, 56, 59, 60 Homework 8 − Chapter 10 Problems 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 22 Perform Laboratory Exercise 7, 8, and 9. Page 7 ENGI 241 UNIT 4 SYLLABUS Name Of Unit Unit Objective Method Of Evaluation Estimated Time To Achieve UNIT 4 OF 4 Polyphase Circuits. At the conclusion of this unit, the student will analyze three−phase circuits and apply the concepts of mutual inductance and ideal transformers to step−up and step−down voltages and currents, and transform impedance. Class participation, and the grading of a written examination and the homework assignments. 2 Weeks Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to: 1. define a three−phase voltage source in terms of frequency, phase difference, and windings. 2. analyze three−phase systems in the Y − Y, Y − ∆, ∆ − ∆, and ∆ − Y circuit configuration. 3. use phasors to analyze balanced and unbalanced three−phase systems. 4. perform power calculations for balanced three−phase circuits. 5. measure power in single and three−phase circuits using the wattmeter. 6. use the two and three wattmeter methods to measure power in three−phase circuits. Recommended Learning Experiences Attend Read Turn In Class and participate in the lecture. The text Chapter 11, Appendix C Homework 9 − Chapter 11 Problems 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16 Page 8