Gas for Europe

Gas for Europe
Gas for Europe
Nord Stream: Once a
Vision, Now a Reality
T he Nord Stream project was hugely ambitious in its aims and historic
for the further development of Europe’s energy mix. It was completed on time, on budget, and without permanently impacting the environment. The vision is a reality. The Nord Stream Pipeline system is
fully operational and is capable of transporting up to 55 billion cubic
metres (bcm) of natural gas every year to the European energy grid.
It would take 50 traditional coal-fired power plants or 40 nuclear power plants to
provide an equivalent amount of energy.
The pipelines will be a crucial element in Europe’s energy supply for at least the
next 50 years. And they represent another important milestone in the evolution of a
long-term, mutually beneficial relationship between Europe and Russia in the vital
field of energy and energy supply. Nord Stream is proud to have played a role in
this historic development. From the European Union’s (EU) perspective, the new,
secure source of gas provided by Nord Stream contributes to the region’s economic and environmental policy objectives. Policymakers increasingly see natural gas
as playing a valuable role in complementing renewable sources of energy. And just
as Europe needs a reliable source of gas from Russia to meet its goals, Russia also
relies on gas customers in Europe for income.
First direct connection to Russian reserves
Only a few years ago, Europe’s supply of natural gas was at risk. Reserves in the
North Sea were declining, and supplies had become unreliable at times. Political
and economic disputes involving the transit countries of Russian gas through the
land-based pipelines meant that millions of Europeans had been left, temporarily,
without gas. The completion of the Nord Stream Pipelines means that Europe has
a direct line to Russia’s vast energy reserves for the very first time. The arrival of
this additional route, involving no transit countries, does much to improve energy
security in Europe.
The project shows how it is possible for an undertaking of this scale to be organised and successfully completed when a unique set of conditions is met. The
first condition was a predictable and steady demand. This is underscored by the
increasing number of electricity plants in Europe that are powered by gas.
Chapter 8
Gas for Europe 279
Already, about half of all new electricity facilities in Europe use gas. The other condition was a blue-chip line up of shareholders: OAO Gazprom, BASF SE/Wintershall
Holding GmbH, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, and GDF SUEZ SA.
They are some of the most experienced gas companies in Europe, each with decades of knowledge about the sourcing, transporting, and marketing of gas. Their
commitment to the Nord Stream vision helped make the pipelines a reality.
The completion of the twin system is an enormous accomplishment in every way.
This is well documented in the preceding chapters. The pipelines are bringing added capacity to Europe. Meanwhile, Russia, a full member of the World Trade Organisation, has the opportunity to broaden its business relationship with Europe with
the completion of the Nord Stream project. Both sides have sought for decades to
broaden this relationship. The commitment is important because, by every forecast,
Europe’s need for gas is growing. A study by Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) confirms the European Union is bound to import more and more gas
to keep factories running, homes heated, and cities and communities functioning.
CERA predicts that Europe’s natural gas imports will increase by at least 20 percent by 2030, although the increase could be as high as 46 percent. Gas from the
Nord Stream Pipelines alone cannot meet this increasing demand. This is one reason Nord Stream has been asked to investigate bringing more Russian gas to Europe through the Baltic Sea. Given the success of Nord Stream, and the considerable body of knowledge now available about conditions in the Baltic Sea, another
pipeline built alongside the existing system could provide a solution.
In Europe, wind power has been expanding considerably, and this trend is set to continue. Some 32 percent of new power capacity
installed in the European Union (EU) since 2012 has been wind-based. Up to half of all electricity produced in the EU by the middle of the
century could be produced from wind, according to the European Commission’s Energy Roadmap 2050.
Gas is essential to meeting climate goals
Demand for gas is growing for both economic and environmental reasons. The
economic reason is to sustain growth. A drop-off in energy supply threatens
growth. This can be best seen in India, where delays in expanding its electricity grid
are among the reasons cited for the slowdown of its giant economy. The environmental reason is related to the status of natural gas as the most climate-friendly of
all fossil fuels. Using gas to produce electricity creates about 50 percent fewer
emissions per kilowatt-hour than using coal. Replacing only 10 percent of the EU’s
coal-generated power production with gas-generated power production would cut
carbon dioxide emissions by some 120 million tonnes each year. Numbers such as
these are important for the EU to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, the
international climate accord of 1997, when 15 EU nations pledged to reduce greenhouse gas production by 8 percent in the period between 2008 and 2012.
Though the Kyoto pact expired at the end of 2012, Europe remains committed to
the process. One of the reasons is that it has an established plan for reducing carbon emissions. In December 2011, the European Commission adopted its “Energy
Roadmap 2050.” This is now the basis for developing a long-term energy strategy
for the region. The roadmap outlines the EU’s commitment to reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 80 to 95 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050. The Commission expressly acknowledged the importance of gas in transforming Europe’s
energy systems in the short and medium terms.
The completed twin Nord Stream Pipelines play a modest but important role in this
process. By the conclusion of this book, Nord Stream hopes to have demonstrated
that the company shares the same environmental goals as the people of Europe
and their policymakers in Brussels and in national capitals. The company has also
shown that it has the financial resources and technical expertise to realise these
goals in an economically efficient and environmentally safe manner.
In the five years up to 2013, photovoltaic panels made up 50 percent of all newly installed power capacity in the EU – ahead of all other
power generation technologies. Over three-quarters of global solar power capacity in 2011 was located in Europe. The European Commission’s
Energy Roadmap 2050 predicts that by mid-century 10 to 16 percent of all electricity produced in Europe could come from solar.
Nord Stream has signalled its willingness to build on its track record and unique
knowledge of the region and the Baltic Sea to provide an expanded transport system for Russian gas should it be required. But for now, Nord Stream looks forward
to maintaining its commitment to increasing energy security in Europe both by operating the existing pipelines and by sharing the knowledge it has gained with all
those who share the same goal. •
Chapter 8
Gas for Europe 281
Gas Treatment Unit
This unit at the Portovaya Compressor Station facility treats gas before
it enters the Nord Stream Pipeline
system. It removes condensate or
gas hydrates, which occur under
certain pressure or temperature
conditions, and can dehydrate up
to 170 million cubic metres of gas
per day. After the gas has been
treated, it flows into the compressor
area before being fed into the
Nord Stream Pipelines.
Facts & Figures:
All about Nord Stream
OAO Gazprom is the largest supplier of natural gas in the world,
accounting for approximately 15 percent of world gas production.
It was established as a joint stock company in 1993 and is partly
owned by the Russian state (50.002 percent). Core activities include
exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing, and
marketing of hydrocarbons as well as generation and marketing of
heat and electric power. Gazprom controls approximately 70 percent of Russian gas reserves, produces 78 percent of all Russian
natural gas, and generates 17 percent of the electricity in Russia.
The company is a leader in the construction and operation of pipelines. It controls a 161,700-kilometre-long pipeline network, which
transports roughly 660 bcm of natural gas every year.
Our responsibility
Shareholding companies
Nord Stream was dedicated to building
its pipelines safely and now to operating
them safely. To achieve this, Nord Stream
works with experienced partners to ensure
the highest safety standards. Both the
definition of the optimum route through the
Baltic Sea complied with these strict requirements, which were also upheld during
construction. These rigorous standards will
continue to be met throughout the opera-
technical design of the pipelines and the
tional life of the twin pipelines.
Nord Stream’s contribution to the EU
and the Baltic Sea states
OAO Gazprom
BASF SE/Wintershall Holding GmbH
E.ON Ruhrgas AG
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie
The Nord Stream natural gas pipelines represent a vital addition to the infrastructure
that will bolster the European Union’s (EU)
energy security for the next 50 years and
beyond. The twin pipelines also contribute to meeting EU climate change goals.
Whereas other major gas infrastructure
projects are still only in the planning phase,
Europe has the security of the privately
financed Nord Stream project. Ever since
Line 1 of became operational in November
2011, Nord Stream has provided a fixed link
between the European gas transmission
system and some of the world’s largest
gas reserves in Russia. Gas began flowing
through Line 2 in October 2012.
A safe supply of energy for Europe
30 percent financed by
the five shareholders of
the consortium
70 percent financed by
commercial loans from over
30 international banks
Nord Stream provides an additional northern route to supply 55 billion cubic metres
(bcm) of gas to the European Union (EU)
annually, helping the EU to improve its energy security by diversifying its gas supply
routes. The twin pipelines will help meet a
large part of the expected gas shortfall of
between 211 and 232 bcm a year by 2030,
as they are capable of transporting enough
gas to supply 26 million households in
Europe each year. Nord Stream provided
this key energy infrastructure at no cost to
European taxpayers: the consortium’s five
shareholders provided 30 percent of the
7.4 billion euro investment, with commercial
loans from over 30 international banks
providing 70 percent. In the planning
phase, Nord Stream set new standards of
transparency and international environmental collaboration on transboundary
environmental impacts under the Espoo
process. Nord Stream brought together all
of the nine Baltic Sea states in one of the
most complex international environmental consultations ever undertaken. Before
construction and operational permits were
granted, Nord Stream’s meticulous plans
were examined and approved by the authorities of all five countries through whose
waters it would pass and their neighbours.
Wintershall Holding GmbH specialises in energy and is a wholly
owned subsidiary of BASF SE, the world‘s leading chemical company. Wintershall, with its headquarters in Kassel, Germany, has been
active in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas
in various parts of the world for more than 80 years. In Europe, the
company trades and sells natural gas and is also an important gas
supplier on the German and European market with its subsidiaries
WINGAS and WINGAS TRANSPORT. Wintershall is now Germany‘s
largest producer of crude oil and natural gas. In its exploration and
production activities, Wintershall deliberately focuses on selected
core regions where the company possesses a wealth of regional
and technological expertise.
E.ON Ruhrgas AG is a major investor-owned energy company.
Within the E.ON Group operating worldwide, E.ON Ruhrgas in
Essen, Germany, is responsible for the global gas business. E.ON
Ruhrgas is Germany‘s gas importer with the broadest portfolio of
suppliers. The company receives its gas from several countries,
among them Russia and Norway. E.ON Ruhrgas has been receiving
natural gas from Russia for 37 years. E.ON Ruhrgas Exploration &
Production operates in the British and Norwegian North Sea, Russia, and North Africa. Alongside gas production and procurement,
the company‘s infrastructure shareholdings help Europe achieve a
high degree of supply security. In partnership with other companies,
E.ON Ruhrgas is investing in efficient, technologically advanced gas
pipeline systems to link Europe with new and existing gas fields.
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie is a European gas infrastructure company. Its network ranks among the largest high pressure gas pipeline grids in Europe, consisting of over 15,000 kilometres of pipeline
in the Netherlands and northern Germany. The company offers
transport services via its subsidiaries in the Netherlands and Germany and also offers other gas-related services, for instance, in the
field of gas storage and LNG. The company is the first independent
gas transport provider with a crossborder network in Europe and
aims for the highest standards in safety, reliability, efficiency, and
sustainability. The Gasunie network forms the core of what is called
the northwest European “gas roundabout.”
GDF SUEZ SA develops its businesses around a model based on
responsible growth to take up today‘s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security
of supply, combating climate change, and optimising the use of
resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities, and businesses by relying on diversified
gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation,
as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: liquefied natural
gas, energy efficiency services, independent power production and
environmental services. The Group is listed on the Brussels, Luxembourg, and Paris stock exchanges and is represented in the main
international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Stoxx 50, DJ Euro Stoxx
50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe, ASPI Eurozone
and ECPI Ethical Index EMU.
Shareholders’ Committee
Alexei Miller,
Deputy Chairman of the
Board of Directors and
Chairman of the Management Committee of
OAO Gazprom
Alexander Medvedev,
Deputy Chairman of the
Management Committee
of OAO Gazprom and
Director General of OOO
Gazprom Export
Chapter 8
Vlada Rusakova,
Member of the Board and
Head of Strategic Development at OAO Gazprom
Nikolay Dubik,
Member of the Management Committee and
Head of Legal Department at OAO Gazprom
Gerhard Schröder,
Chairman of the Shareholders’ Committee and
former Chancellor of
the Federal Republic
of Germany
Dr Harald Schwager,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE
and Member of the Board
of Executive Directors of
Dr Rainer Seele,
Chairman of the Board
of Executive Directors
of Wintershall Holding
Dr Bernhard
Member of the Board of
Management, E.ON AG
Klaus Schäfer,
Chairman of the Board
of Management of E.ON
Ruhrgas AG
Paul van Gelder,
Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO
of N.V. Nederlandse
Gérard Mestrallet,
Chairman of the Management Committee and
Nord Stream from A-Z 285
Nord Stream Staff
Matthias Warnig
Dr Dirk von Ameln
Vladimir Borovik
Paul Corcoran
Ruurd Hoekstra
Matthias Warnig
Managing Director
Dr Dirk von Ameln
Permitting Director
Vladimir Borovik
Deputy Technical Director
Operations and Dispatching
Paul Corcoran
Finance Director
Ruurd Hoekstra
Deputy Project Director
Henning Kothe
Project Director
Ulrich Lissek
Communications Director
Jens D. Müller
Deputy Communications Director
Jean-François Plaziat
Deputy Technical Director
Operational Maintenance and
Dr Werner Rott
Deputy Project Director
Sergey Serdyukov
Technical Director
Matthias Warnig was appointed in March 2006 by the North
European Gas Pipeline Company, the forerunner to what
became Nord Stream in October
that year. From 1990 to 2006 he
was at Dresdner Bank, where
he held various positions, most
recently Chairman of the Board
of Directors. Warnig, who had
several functions in the government of the German Democratic
Republic, studied at the Institute
of Economics in Berlin.
Dirk von Ameln joined the company in 2006. Formerly, he was
Director of the Technical Divi-
Vladimir Borovik joined the company in September 2008. Before that, he served as Project
Paul Corcoran joined the company in 2006, after serving as
Finance Director at Wintershall
Ruurd Hoekstra joined the company in 2009. Before that, he
was with Shell International as a
Henning Kothe joined the company in 2006 in the role of
Commercial Director, and was
Ulrich Lissek joined the company in 2009, arriving from
the German retail and tourism
Jens D. Müller joined the company in 2006. He has wideranging experience in develop-
Jean-François Plaziat joined
the company in 2011. From
2006, he was a Deputy Director
Werner Rott joined the company in 2006. Prior to that, he
served as Head of the Depart-
Sergey Serdyukov joined the
company in 2006. He is a former
Director General of OOO Len-
sion of E.ON Gaz Romania,
and a member of its board of
management. From 1999 to
2004, he was Manager Pipelines
and Materials for Ruhrgas AG,
after working for Shell International Gas in London. Von Ameln
studied mining science at the
Aachen University of Technology, Germany. He received his
doctorate in 1989.
Director at the Blue Stream
Pipeline Company. From 1994,
he held the position of Deputy
Chief of the Operation, Servicing
and Spare Parts Department at
Gazprom in Moscow. Borovik
began working for Gazprom
in 1974, and has a degree in
mechanical engineering from
the Oil and Gas Academy in his
hometown of Ufa, Russia.
GmbH in Germany. He has
worked for the BASF Group,
in various positions in the areas
of financing, accounting and
controlling in the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Germany.
Corcoran completed his studies
in civil engineering at Liverpool
University, UK. He is a fellow of
the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
project engineer in the company’s Exploration and Production unit. He worked for Shell
in Oman and the Middle East,
and was Project Director for
the Gronigen gas field renovation and compression project.
Hoekstra studied electrical
engineering and information
technology at the HTS in Leeuwarden in the Netherlands.
promoted to Project Director
in 2009. Formerly, he was Head
of Controlling for investments
and cost centres at E.ON Ruhrgas AG in Germany. He also
worked as a Management Consultant in a variety of industries
for A.T. Kearney. Kothe has a
degree in industrial engineering
from the Technical University in
Berlin, Germany.
company, the REWE Group. He
worked at Deutsche Telekom
from 1993 to 2006, where he
was Head of Communications
beginning in 2003. During his career as a journalist, he worked in
various positions at “Kölnische
Rundschau” and “Die Welt.” He
studied geography and history,
with a minor in geology at the
University of Bonn, Germany.
ing communications programmes for energy and infrastructure clients, and has worked as
a Project Manager for many international public relations networks, serving clients such as
British Gas, RWE, Suez Lyonnaise, ABB, Vivendi, Vattenfall,
and Wintershall. He studied political science, with an emphasis
on foreign affairs in Germany.
for the South-East regional unit
of GRTgaz, the main French
transmission system operator.
Before that, he held the post
of Deputy Director of the National Gas Dispatching Centre
at GDF SUEZ in Paris. He earned an engineering degree in
marine technologies at ENSTA
and specialised in oil and gas
ment of Technical Controlling
at WINGAS, negotiating major
projects including Südal and
Speicher Haidach. From 1998,
he was in the strategic planning
department at the Wintershall
Group. Rott received his doctorate in 1990 from the Department of Thermodynamics and
Heat Transfer from the University of Paderborn, Germany.
transgaz (now OOO Gazprom
Transgaz St. Petersburg), and
from 1988, he was Head Engineer of Uralintergazstroy in
Perm, Russia. Early in his career, he worked on Russia’s
Dombarovka-Orenburg gas
pipeline. Serdyukov specialised
in automation and telecommunications at the Novocherkassk
Polytechnic Institute, Russia.
Henning Kothe
Jens D. Müller
Dr Werner Rott
Ulrich Lissek
The following is a list of names of those employees of Nord Stream AG who have worked with the project for more than a year. Even though we
have put together this list with the utmost care, it might be that we have overlooked someone. In this event, please accept our apologies.
Jean-François Plaziat
Adrian, John
Aebischer, Jörg
Aitchison, Robert
Andermatt, Thomas
Andersson, Nicklas
Andersson, Sven Olof
Annen-Benson, Diane
Antener, Markus
Arendt, Heinz
Auf der Maur, Paula
Sergey Serdyukov
Backens, Irina
Badaoui, Fatiha
Badel, Dagmar
Baturina, Elena
Bodmer, Michèle
Böhm, Martina
Bonnell, Simon
Bonnier, Anne Céline
Borovik, Vladimir
Brand, Paul
Brendel, Dieter
Brünner, Claudia
Brunnschweiler, Lukas
Burnyashev, Alexander
Bussmann, Daniel
Caguioa, Joel
Canepa, Gunilla
Casirati, Marco
Casuso, Sabie
Chernitskikh, Maxim
Chundokov, Murat
Cora, Claudiu
Corcoran, Paul
Dukarevich, Dina
Dalay, Hermie
Davidov-Pilgram, Vitali
De Filippi, Alessandro
De Groot, Cor
De Loor, Ellen
Dobberstein, Björn
Duchesne, Pierre
Dücker, Jörn
Dudley, Frank
Feygin, Boris †
Frame, Michael
Frame, Robert
Frey, Rebekka
Ehrler, Patricia
Ermoshkin, Leonid
Ewert, Bernd
Gaillet, Nicholas
Gallus, Thorsten
Garrecht, Ralf
Geelhoed, Fausta
Gerber, Carla
Ghisetti, Alessandro
Gjedrem, Trond
Goehr, Petra
Gorodnov, Sergey
Gossen, Norbert
Grabner, Sabine
Griffiths, Anthony
Haag, Alexander
Haelg, Bruno
Hanitzsch, Maud Amelie
Harris, Susan
Hausheer, Olivia
Haynes, Michael
Hinder, Aksana
Hizsak Archer, Christine
Hoekstra, Ruurd
Hovinga, Jan Pieter
Hunziker, Peter
Johnson, Garry
Joullié Dardier, Geneviève
Kaech, Barbara
Kashirov, Artem
Kernl, Susanne
Khokhlov, Alexander
Kiefer-Andersson, Samira
Kinscher, Elke
Kittilä, Anu
Kläusler, Christian
Klimenko, Oleg
Knauf, Sebastian
Kolmakova, Iraida
Kothe, Henning
Kube, Jan
Lange, Jens
Leifland Holmström, Tora
Liem, Susan
Liner, Hans
Lissek, Ulrich
Loosen, Jutta
Lopez, Giuseppe
Lugovina, Olga
Lvov, Artem
Mackenbach, Heike
Magliocco, Tamara
Mans, Martin
Marinov, Marin
Martin, Thomas
Massny, Peter
Mattle, Caterina
McKay, Julian James
McLean, Brian
Medvedev, Konstantin
Meshchankin, Evgeny
Mihaylov, Petar
Muir, James
Mullen, Anthony
Müller, Jens D.
Müller, Karin
Müller, Ulrich
Müller-Eversbusch, Mayke
Osipova, Olga
Osmakov, Alexei
Nasonov, Alexey
Neziri, Valbona
Nowack, Georg
Nowak, Simoné
Nussbaumer, Corinne
Nussbaumer, Marianne
Pachniuk, Iwan
Panchenko, Sergei
Pekkola, Tapio
Perevedentseva, Anna
Plaziat, Jean-François
Podgorbunskiy, Konstantin
Porter, Mervyn
Preston, Chris
Protasov, Vladislav
Putzi, Liliana
Oleshchuk, Mikhail
Rath, Peter
Reddy, Louise
Renaudie, Thierry
Richards, Tim
Rijkers, Ron
Rimensberger, Corina
Rivet, Nicolas
Röllin, Hansruedi
Rott, Werner
Salonen, Tiina
Sänger, Klaus
Sanova, Zalina
Sarakhan, Mikhail
Sass, Sebastian
Schälchli, Manuela
Chapter 8
Schetinina, Maria
Schiller, Nicole
Schmalstieg, Markus
Schmidt, Klaus
Schümann, Kay
Seiler, Manfred
Selvi, Andrea
Serdyukov, Sergey
Sethi, Manvinder
Shubin, Izosim
Smith, Marc
Smyth, Peter
Stadler, Nicole
Steiner, Ruth
Steiner, Stefanie
Stief, Elizabeth
Stief, Markus
Stoelzel, Christina
Stoilchev, Mihail
Stoll, Jette
Strahl, Fedor
Suenneke, Nadine
Sundelin, Minna
Sutton, Eann
Teismann, Irene
Traber, Marcel
Trafelet, Patrick
Turnbull, Andrew
Tye, Steve
Van Dyk, David
Vasilyeva, Irina
Vasin, Igor
Veysalov, Vugar
Volobuyeva, Kateryna
Von Ameln, Dirk
Vork, Arvo
Vorobiev, Mikhail
Voronov, Andrey
Vorontsova, Natalia
Wobbel, Bernhard
Yarovoy, Igor
Yusufov, Vitaly
Zakharov, Oleg
Zakoryukin, Pavel
Zhartun, Ksenia
Zheldakov, Alexander
Zirnig, Werner
Zöllner, Anja
Waich, Gertrud
Warnig, Matthias
Watkins, John
Weiss, Michael
Nord Stream from A-Z 289
crossing procedures: Consultations with
owners of active cables to be crossed in
order to reach mutual agreements covering
rights and obligations, etc.
cultural heritage: Cultural tradition, something that is passed from preceding generations. Includes shipwrecks and other remains
of archaeological interest.
Affected Parties: The states with territorial
waters and/or Exclusive Economic Zones
(EEZ) adjacent to those of the Parties of
Origin under the terms of the Espoo Convention. The Affected Parties of the Nord Stream
pipeline project are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
and Poland. All Parties of Origin are also Affected Parties.
as-built survey: A post construction survey
to confirm the exact location of the pipelines
as they were laid and to evaluate if further
stabilisation is necessary.
backfilling: Refilling an excavated area.
baseline survey: Provides data against
which every subsequent survey is measured,
enabling evaluation of any changes.
bathymetry: The term originally referred
to the ocean’s depth relative to sea level,
although it has come to mean “submarine
topography,” or the depths and shapes of
underwater terrain.
benthic fauna and flora: Collection of organisms living on or in sea or lake bottoms.
brackish water: The mixture of seawater
and fresh water.
buffer gas: After the pipeline has been pressure tested, drained and dried, it is completely filled with nitrogen, which serves as a
safety buffer between air and gas.
cable crossings: Areas in which the pipeline crosses a sea cable. See crossing procedures.
cage reinforcement: Steel cage placed
around pipes serving as reinforcement for
the concrete coating. See also concrete
weight coating (CWC).
capacity per line: The maximum amount
of gas that can be received or contained in
one pipeline.
CAPEX: Capital expenditures.
certification: Process of ensuring that a
system is compliant with industry standards.
concrete weight coating (CWC): To add
extra weight and to ensure stability on the
seabed, the steel pipes were coated externally with concrete. The concrete coating
doubles the weight of the pipes.
design temperature: The highest/lowest
possible temperature profile to which the
equipment/component or system may be
exposed during installation and operation.
digital terrain model: A digital model or 3D
representation of a terrain’s surface, including underwater terrain.
EEZ: See Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
electromagnetic pipetracking system:
See pipe tracking system.
emergency shutdown valves: See isolation and emergency shutdown valves.
Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA): A detailed study of environmental
aspects of a project. For Nord Stream this
was carried out in a transboundary context
governed by international law (see Espoo
Convention) and by national legislation in the
countries concerned.
epoxy coating: Interior epoxy coating to
reduce friction.
ESMP (Environmental and Social
Management Plan): Plans established at
the start of each project phase to ensure
compliance with all permit obligations and
with Nord Stream’s environmental and social
Espoo Convention: Sets out the obligations of signatory states to notify and consult
each other on all major projects that are likely
to have a significant impact across national
borders. See also Affected Parties; Parties
of Origin.
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): A sea
zone over which a state has special rights
over the exploration and use of marine
resources, formalised by the Third United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
in 1982.
Gas Transportation Agreement (GTA):
Nord Stream’s agreement with Gazprom Export which governs the transportation tariffs.
German landfall facility: Refers to the
entire installation at Lubmin of the onshore
and offshore Nord Stream facility, and the
gas receiving terminal of the connecting
pipelines, OPAL and NEL. See also Lubmin
landfall facility.
gradiometer array: A 6.7-metres-wide
twelve-sensor array mounted on a Remotely
Operated Vehicle (ROV) which detects any
ferrous (iron-based) metals on the seabed as
well as buried objects that may have sunk in
the soft sediments.
gravel placement: Method of providing
structural support for the pipelines to rest on
by placing gravel on the seabed.
Gryazovets-to-Vyborg trunkline: Pipeline
linking Unified Gas Supply System of Russia
(UGSS) across the Vologda and Leningrad
Oblasts to the facilities at Portovaya Bay.
Gulf of Finland: Easternmost arm of the
Baltic Sea that extends between Finland (to
the north) and Estonia (to the south) all the
way to St. Petersburg in Russia.
HELCOM (Helsinki Commission):
Governing body of the “Convention on the
Protection of the Marine Environment of the
Baltic Sea Area”. Ensures the environmental
protection of the Baltic Sea region through
intergovernmental co-operation between the
Baltic states and the European Community.
HRE (gas heating and reducing equipment): Used at the gas-in stage, when the
pipelines are filled with buffer gas. The unit
heats the gas to prevent hydrates from forming and to reduce pressure.
HS-ESMS (Health, Safety, and Environmental and Social Management System): Sets out the environmental and social
requirements for the Nord Stream project,
providing the framework for the standards,
planning, and procedures for every stage of
the project.
hyperbaric tie-in: Underwater welding of
the pipeline sections on the seabed.
firing line: The central assembly line where
the 24-metre double joints were connected
to the pipeline end and welded together by
semi-automatic machines.
flow capacity: The maximum volume of gas
that can be received or contained.
installation corridor: An subsea corridor, 15 metres wide, along the route of the
proposed pipeline, surveyed and scanned for
objects as small as ten centimetres.
intelligent end caps: End caps fitted to all
pipes, with sensors and chips that provided
a tamper warning and enabled each pipe to
be tracked at any location at all times. See
also Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
isolation and emergency shutdown
valves: Valves used to separate the pipelines from the landfall facilities in case of an
emergency. They immediately interrupt the
flow of gas.
landfall facilities: The installations at the
locations where the offshore pipelines surface
and meet land. See also Lubmin landfall facility; Portovaya landfall facility.
Lubmin landfall facility: The installation
located in Lubmin, Germany, where the pipelines reach land and where gas is prepared
and tested before being transported through
OPAL and NEL for onward transmission
through the European pipeline grid.
magnetometer: An instrument used for surveying the seabed which provides information
on ferrous (iron-based) materials.
marshalling yards: After concrete weight
coating, the pipes were shipped by carrier
vessels to marshalling yards where they were
loaded into the storage facilities.
multi-beam echo sounder: Equipment for
surveying the seabed to provide a detailed
picture of the contours of the seabed and of
objects lying on it.
Natura 2000: European Union-wide network
of nature protection areas established under
the 1992 Habitats Directive.
nominations: The quantity of gas entering
the system upstream and the amount extracted downstream. The client’s specification
of how much gas they want to flow into the
pipelines in Russia and how much they want
to remove in Germany.
Parties of Origin: The states with Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) and/or territorial waters in which a project is constructed
under the terms of the Espoo Convention.
The Parties of Origin of the Nord Stream
pipeline project are Russia, Finland, Sweden,
Denmark and Germany. Russia is a signatory but not a party to the Espoo Convention.
However, Russia acted as a Party of Origin
where its national legislation allowed.
permitting process: The process of applying for and obtaining permits for pipeline
PIG (pipeline inspection gauge):
Maintenance tool that is sent through the
pipeline, propelled by the gas pressure, to
Nord Stream Storybook
detect any sign of corrosion, while a device
on the PIG measures the internal dimensions
of the pipeline to detect buckling, its precise
position, size, and coordinates.
PIG trap: Section of the pipeline through
which the PIG is removed or inserted.
pipe tracking system: System using an individual Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
chip fitted into the end cap of each pipe segment, enabling identification and tracking.
pipeline integrity: The ability of the submarine pipeline system to operate safely
and withstand the loads imposed during the
pipeline lifecycle.
polyethylene coating: Exterior polyethylene
coating to combat corrosion.
polyurethane infill: Once the weld is
confirmed acceptable, a corrosion-resistant,
heat-shrink sleeve is applied around its entire
circumference. Then, polyurethane foam is
poured into a mould surrounding the weld
area. This foam hardens, providing further
Portovaya landfall facility Bay: The installation in Portovaya Bay in Russia that links the
Unified Gas Supply System of Russia (UGSS)
and the Nord Stream pipelines.
pre-lay survey: Although the seabed was
surveyed during the route planning phase, a
pre-pipelaying survey was performed before
pipeline installation to confirm past data and
to ensure pipeline safety.
pressure-segmented design: The pipelines were designed in three sections with
progressively thinner walls because the pressure would differ from one end of the pipeline
to the other, starting at 220 bar in Russia,
about 200 bar midway, and ending at 100
bar in Germany. Reducing the wall thickness
also reduced the amount of steel used. (See
telescope design.)
Project Information Document: Describes
the technical background and possible environmental impacts of Nord Stream. Produced
in accordance with the Espoo Convention by
the responsible environmental authorities of
the Parties of origin to notify each other and
the Affected parties of Nord Stream’s plans.
S-curve: As the pipeline was lowered to the
seabed, it formed an “S” shape, which prevented it being damaged during installation.
sea floor morphology: The form and structure of the sea floor.
seabed survey: Survey of the seabed
including investigations of the soil and bottom
sediments, water currents, sea temperatures
and wave parameters.
sediment sampling program: The program
for sampling solid fragments of inorganic or
organic material dispersed by underwater
operations including munitions clearance and
pipe laying.
side-scan sonar (SSS): A type of sonar
system that can be used to create an image
of large areas of the sea floor. Nord Stream
used it to search for metallic objects in and
on the seabed during the seabed survey.
stinger: Attaches to the stern of the pipelay
vessel to support the pipeline when lowered
to the seabed.
sub-bottom profiler: Equipment used in
seabed surveys that is able to penetrate
deeply into the material on the bottom of the
sea showing a cross-section of the mud, silt,
and bedrock that make up the seabed.
telescope design: See pressure-segmented
territorial waters: As defined by the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
coastal waters extending at most twelve
nautical miles from the baseline (usually the
mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The
territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign
territory of the state.
Trans-European Network for Energy
(TEN-E) guidelines: Issued by the European Commission with a view to prioritising
and facilitating gas and electricity transport
infrastructures and improving and diversifying
EU gas sources and routes.
turbidity: The suspension of sediment in
the water, in turn leading to the possible resuspension and relocation of contaminants.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID):
Each pipe segment was fitted with an
individual RFID chip in its end cap, enabling
identification and tracking.
Unified Gas Supply System of Russia
(UGSS): The world’s largest gas transmission
system, encompassing gas production, processing, transmission, storage, and distribution facilities.
S2S (ship-to-ship) system: Method of
transferring the pipes delivered by sea from
Mukran to a transport ship situated on the
opposite side of the pier.
wall thickness: The specified non-corroded
pipe wall thickness of a pipe, which is equal
to the minimum steel wall thickness plus the
manufacturing tolerance.
Glossary 291
Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures.
Affected Parties (Espoo Convention) 67,
69, 83
aggregate supplies 109, 111
Albrecht, Peter 94
Alferj, Domenico 162–163
Allseas 141
(see also Solitaire)
Ameln, Dr Dirk von 68, 71, 73, 75, 288
anchor blocks 257
anchor corridors 44, 60
anchor lines 172
Andersson, Samira Kiefer 211
anti-corrosion coating 108
anti-friction coating 108, 145
Apking, Jan-Philip 94
as-laid surveys 247, 259
asset management 245
Asset Management Policy 267
awards 4, 94, 133, 245
backfilling 137, 231
vessels 256
BACTEC International Limited 60
Baltic Gas Interconnector 26
Baltic Pipe 26
Baltic Sea
bathymetry 29, 44, 56, 217
benthic lifeforms 216, 217, 219, 233
cultural heritage sites 42, 44, 54–55, 57,
59, 219
ecosystem 41, 207, 209
environmental considerations 27, 56, 79,
207–209, 217, 227
environmental protection sites 22, 59,
209, 217, 221, 226–227
fauna and flora 227, 228–229, 235
fishing interests 59, 72–73, 81
munitions detection and clearance 45,
49–51, 56–57, 59, 60–63, 79
pipeline route 20, 21, 35, 36–37, 46–47
salinity 228
shipping interests 51, 59, 73
shipwrecks 42, 44, 45, 54–55, 57, 59, 210
surveys and investigations 28, 43–44,
water flow 235
in winter 18–19
(see also Bay of Greifswald; Bornholm
(island); Gotland, Sweden; Gulf of
Baltic Sea Pipeline Link see Ostee Pipeline
Anbindungs Leitung (OPAL)
Baltic States, permitting process 72
Balticconnector 26
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ 114
banks, participating 114
Barclays Capital 114
Barent Zanen (vessel) 158
baseline surveys
environmental 24, 207, 209, 211
pipeline 247, 259, 260, 261, 269
BASF/Wintershall 21, 23, 113, 285
bathymetry 29, 44, 56, 217
Bay of Greifswald 168–169
cofferdam 137, 186–187
soil management 137, 217
trenching 137, 158, 188, 231
wreck found in 42, 45, 54, 59
Bayern LB 114
BBVA 114
benthic lifeforms 216, 217, 219, 233
bird populations 221, 223, 227, 229, 235
blue mussels, water quality indicators 220,
Blue Stream 21
BNP Paribas 114
Boehm, Roland 106–107
Bonnell, Simon 41, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 57
Bornholm (island)
munitions dumps 49, 51
routing around 43, 81
Borovik, Vladimir 239, 241, 245, 247, 287
pipe transshipment 96
buckling detection 250, 261
budgetary planning see finance plan
buffer gas 192, 256
Bugsier 9 (vessel) 159
cable crossings 27, 51, 59, 158
cage reinforcement 109, 111, 122
Caja Madrid 114
Cambridge Energy Research Associates
(CERA) 281
capacity, pipeline 21, 239
capital expenditures (CAPEX) 110, 112
carbon emissions reduction
logistics 198
natural gas benefits 17, 33, 281
carrier vessels see pipe carrier vessels
Casirati, Marco 137, 141
Castoro Dieci 137, 147, 158, 168–169
Castoro Sei 46, 102–103, 147, 154–155, 158,
166–167, 227
daily reporting 164
PIG launcher 170
pipe laying 119, 165, 174–175
pipe welding 148, 149, 150–151, 164
retrofitting 102–103
cement supplies 109, 111
certification 261, 269
chemical munitions 45, 51, 78–79, 225
Cirelli, Jean-François 240
Citi 114
clams 223, 228
Coastal Thunder (vessel) 159
cofferdams 137, 186–187
combined capacity 21, 239
Commerzbank 93, 106–107, 114
communications programme 69, 71, 76
facts and figures 83–87
communications systems see Control and
Communications System
company formation and start-up 23, 25, 94
compression (start of operations) 239
Compressor Station Portovaya see Portovaya
Bay Compressor Station
concrete weight coating (CWC) 108–109,
111, 122, 145
cage reinforcement 109, 111, 122
coating plants 123, 125
conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD)
instruments 79, 214
conservation areas see environmental
protection sites
construction 119–121
facts and figures 198–199
landfall facilities 137
pre-laying process 45, 133, 137
project management 119, 121
(see also gravel placement; pipe laying;
construction debris 250
construction schedule 79, 173
consultation process 41, 43, 72–75, 78–81
contracts with suppliers 111
environmental monitoring 211
materials for concrete coat weighting
pipe coatings and logistics 97, 108, 129
pipe making 95, 97, 100, 110
pipelaying 95, 97, 101
pipeline repairs 259
Control and Communications System
241, 245
facts and figures 270
Control Centre, Zug see Zug Control Centre
Corcoran, Paul 91, 93, 287
corporate governance 94–95
corrosion detection 250, 261
corrosion protection 108, 145, 175
costs see capital expenditures (CAPEX)
County Museum of Gotland 43
crane vessels 159, 173
Credit Agricole 114
Credit Suisse 114
crossing agreements 27, 59
crustaceans 228
CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) instruments 79, 214
cultural heritage sites 44, 54–55, 57, 219
(see also shipwrecks)
CWC see concrete weight coating (CWC)
Danish Hydraulic Institute 44
Data and Information Fund 217
DB Schenker Rail 124
de-icing of pipes 134–135, 163
DekaBank 114
demand for natural gas 17, 32, 34, 35
Danish sector 54
permitting process 72, 73, 80–81
(see also Bornholm (island))
design pressure 58, 270
design temperature 245, 270
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) 95, 247, 261,
Deutsche Bahn AG 114, 125
dewatering 141, 182–183
dewatering PIGs 183–184, 250, 251
digital terrain model 44, 56–57
dive support vessel 176, 178, 200
diving bell 181, 202–203
diving operations 177–179, 200–203
DNV (Det Norske Veritas) 95, 247, 261,
DoF Asa 44
double-gate valves 194–195, 256, 267,
271, 275
double-jointing 174, 175
dredging see trenching
Dubik, Nikolay 285
dynamically positioned vessel 73, 140, 172
DZ Bank 114
ECA Euler Hermes 93, 113
ECAs (export credit agencies) 93, 107, 113
economic benefits 110, 125
ecosystem 41, 207, 209
EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones) 41, 67
EIA (environmental impact assessment) 24,
44, 69, 207
electromagnetic pipe-tracking system 267
emergency response plans 245, 247
emergency shutdown valves 193, 245, 246,
256, 266, 271, 275
Environmental and Social Management Plan
(ESMP) 211
environmental considerations
carbon emissions reduction 17, 33, 198,
dredging 217, 231
flooding and pressurising 141
gravel placement 230
logistics 133
munitions clearance 51, 61, 63, 79, 227
offshore/onshore pipelines compared 21
route selection 27, 56
soil management 137
underwater noise 227, 233
environmental consultations 41, 43, 72–75,
environmental impact assessment (EIA) 24,
44, 69, 207
environmental monitoring 44, 207–209, 211,
226–227, 232–233
effect of munitions clearance 60, 61, 63
effects of gravel placement 230
facts and figures 58, 230–231
(see also fish monitoring; water quality
environmental protection sites 22, 59, 209,
217, 221, 226–227
environmental regulations 67, 209
(see also permitting process)
Environmental Resources Management 44
environmental standards 261, 269
environmental surveys 43–44, 207, 209, 211
E.ON AG (later E.ON Ruhrgas AG) 21
E.ON Ruhrgas AG 15, 21, 23, 113, 285
epoxy coating 108
ERM 111
ESMP (Environmental and Social Management Plan) 211
Espiranto Santo Investment 114
Espoo Convention 41, 44, 67, 72, 81
Espoo Report 24, 69, 70, 71
Estonia, permitting process 72
Euler Hermes 93, 113, 114
EUPEC Pipecoatings SA 97, 108, 129, 133
European Gas Conference Award 94
European gas pipeline network 21, 31, 245
European Union (EU)
benefits of project 279, 284
energy strategy 281
engagement with 69, 71
gas connection options 17, 20, 27
gas imports 34
gas infrastructure 17, 20, 31
natural gas demand 17, 32, 34, 35
renewable energy 280
support for project 21, 30–31, 34
EUROPIPE GmbH 95, 96, 100, 110
Evans, Sverker 226–227
Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) 41, 67
export credit agencies (ECAs) 93, 107, 113
exterior polyethylene coating 108
external diameter 198
facts and figures
construction and logistics 198–199
environment and monitoring 230–233
history and planning 32–33
Nord Stream 284–285
operations and management 270–271
politics and permits 82–83
procurement and financing 110–111
research and routing 58–59
fail-safe mechanisms 241
Far Samson (vessel) 133, 137, 158, 184
fauna 209, 228–229
fish species 208, 228
marine mammals 79, 208, 217, 219, 227,
229, 233
terrestrial 213
(see also benthic lifeforms)
feasibility studies 26, 27, 41
Fillon, Francois 240
film, interactive 86
finance plan 91–94, 106–107, 112–115
facts and figures 110, 284
financial crisis of 2008 91, 113
Finnish sector 55, 230–233
Gulf of Finland 45, 51, 78–79, 230
permitting process 72, 73, 75, 78–79
firing line (pipeline assembly) 174
fish monitoring 208, 209, 212–213, 218–219,
fish species 208, 228
fishing interests 59, 72–73, 81
Flaa, Einar 177–179, 179, 180
flat-bottomed pipelay vessel see Castoro
flooding and pressurising 141, 182–185, 250
terrestrial 213, 219
(see also benthic lifeforms)
flow capacity 21, 239
Forsa 76
Fortis Bank Nederland 114
Fortum 20, 21
Fugro OSAE 44
funding requirements 112–115
gas deliveries 239, 245
gas heating and reducing equipment (HRE)
gas metering 245
gas operating temperature 245, 270
gas preheaters 273
gas pressure 58, 239, 245, 247, 270
gas transport capacity 21, 239
Gas Transportation Agreement (GTA) 107
gas treatment facility 245, 247, 282–283
Gascade Gastransport GmbH 245, 265
Gasuni see N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie
gauge plates 185
gauging 185
early involvement 15, 21
Index 293
experience of offshore pipelines 21
gas treatment facility 245, 282–283
Gryazovets-to-Vyborg trunkline 241, 254
natural gas exports to EU 32
shareholding 113, 285
Unified Gas Supply System of Russia
(UGSS) 16, 241
(see also Portovaya Bay Compressor
Gazprom Export 245
Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg 245
GDF Suez S.A. 23, 113, 285
Gelder, Paul van 240, 285
geodetic equipment 252
Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) 227
geophysical surveying equipment 28–29, 44
geophysical surveys 28, 43
geotechnical surveys 28
German landfall facility see Greifswald
Receiving Terminal (GRT); Lubmin landfall
German Logistics Award 133
German/Russian agreement 21, 23
German sector 54, 231
permitting process 75
(see also Bay of Greifswald)
Gjedrem, Trond 43, 44, 45
global gas reserves 33
Goot, Fokko van der 217
Gossen, Norbert 94, 95, 99, 100, 101
County Museum 43
Gotland, Sweden
munitions sites 49
mussels collection 223
pipe laying 162
route planning 35
security concerns 74
Slite 120, 126–127, 129, 146
government loan guarantees 107
gradiometer arrays 29, 39, 44, 48, 56–57
gravel placement 45, 73, 133, 173, 203
environmental monitoring 230
vessels 158
Greifswald Receiving Terminal (GRT) 241,
264, 272
Greifswalder Bodden see Bay of Greifswald
grey seals 208, 229
Groot, Cor De 101
Gryazovets-to-Vyborg trunkline 241, 254
GTA (Gas Transportation Agreement) 107
Gulf of Finland 45, 51, 78–79, 230
Haelg, Bruno 207, 209, 217
Hanko, Finland 125, 128, 130–131, 134–135,
hapa core sampler 225
harbour porpoises 208, 219, 229
harbours 111, 120, 125, 129, 138–139, 144,
145–146, 198–199
Health, Safety, and Environmental and Social
Management System (HS-ESMS) 211, 217
HELCOM (Helsinki Commission) 41, 59, 209
helicopters 161, 175
Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) 41, 59, 209
history and planning 15–37
alternative routes 20, 21, 35
connecting business with Baltic authorities
European support for project 21, 30–31,
facts and figures 32–33
gas industry expert’s perspective 30–31
Nord Stream formation and startup 23–25
surveys and investigations 28–29
(see also route development)
Hoburgs Bank 221, 227
Hoekstra, Ruurd 119, 121, 288
Holcim 109
HRE (gas heating and reducing equipment)
HS-ESMS (Health, Safety, and Environmental
and Social Management System) 211, 217
hydrography 28–29, 56–57, 79, 214, 230
hyperbaric tie-ins 141, 177, 200–203
IEA (International Energy Agency) 34
infauna 216, 217, 219, 233
environmental monitoring 232–233
finance plan 112–115
history and planning 34–37
logistics 144–147
Lubmin landfall facility 272–275
munitions clearance 60–63
pipeline construction 172–175
Portovaya landfall facility 254–257
public communications programme 84–87
underwater tie-ins 200–203
ING 114
inlet gas pressure 247
inlet gas temperature 270
in-service buckling 250, 261
inspections see environmental monitoring;
maintenance inspections
installation corridor 43
Institut für Angewandte Ökologie (Institute for
Applied Ecology) 44
intelligent end caps 136, 199
Intelligent Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG)
see Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG)
interior epoxy coating 108
internal diameter 58, 198
International Energy Agency (IEA) 34
Intesa SanPaolo 114
iron ore supplies 108, 111
isolation valves 245, 246
isopods 228
Ivanov, Sergei 240
Karlskrona, Sweden 127, 132, 138–139, 145
kfw IPEX-Bank 114
kicker line 253
Kothe, Henning 23, 25, 94, 95, 97, 288
Kotka, Finland, concrete coating plant 122,
125, 133, 140, 146
landfall facilities see Lubmin landfall facility;
Portovaya landfall facility
landscape monitoring 207, 213
Latvia, permitting process 72
lift bags 201–202
Lissek, Ulrich 68, 69, 72, 288
Lithuania, permitting process 72
loan guarantees 113
Lofts, Graham 106–107
logistics 121–133, 144–147
facts and figures 198–199
map 111
recording of vessel movements 231
long-tailed ducks 221, 223, 227, 229
Lubmin landfall facility 137, 262–266,
under construction 194–195
local operational facilities 241
pulling pipeline ashore 137, 189,
(see also Bay of Greifswald)
Lubmin warehouse 258
magnetometers 28
Magnusson, Marina 221, 223
Maimone, Salvatore 93
maintenance inspections 74, 250, 260, 261,
maintenance programme 259, 267
(see also repair methods)
maintenance team 259
Mäkinen, Anita 78–79
Marin Mätteknik AB (MMT) 41, 44, 56–57
marine mammals 79, 208, 217, 219, 227,
229, 233
Marine Monitoring AB 221, 223
Markit iTraxx Europe Senior Financials index
marshalling yards 75, 126–127, 130–131,
144, 145–146
materials, pipeline 108–109
facts and figures 111
transport of 133
McLean, Brian 133, 141
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 22, 42,
54, 125
media coverage 68, 76–77, 82
Mediobanca International (Luxembourg) SA
Medvedev, Alexander 285
Medvedev, Dmitry 240
Merkel, Angela 240
Mestrallet, Gérard 285
metering station 245
Miller, Alexei 21, 240, 285
mine clearance see munitions clearance
Mizuho 114
MMT (Marin Mätteknik AB) 41, 44, 56–57
molluscs 227, 228
mooring systems 172
(see also dynamically positioned vessel)
Moscow shareholders’ meeting 97
Mukran, Germany, concrete coating plant
122, 125, 133, 145
EUROPIPE plant 96
Müller, Jens D. 25, 288
Müller, Ludwig von 125, 129, 131, 133
multi-beam echo sounders 29, 44, 57
munitions clearance 45, 51, 59, 60–63, 79
environmental considerations 51, 61, 63,
79, 227
munitions dump sites 45, 49, 59, 63
munitions surveys 45, 49–51, 59
mussels, water quality indicators 220,
M/V Supplier (vessel) 159
Natixis 114
Natura 2000 sites 59, 221, 226–227
natural gas
benefits 17, 33, 281
demand 17, 32, 34, 35
reserves 15, 17, 32, 33
nature reserves see environmental protection
NEGP (North European Gas Pipeline Company) 23, 25
NEL (North European Gas Pipeline) 247, 272,
Neste (merged with Imatran Voima to form
Fortum) 15, 17, 20
noise control 75, 213
noise monitoring 213, 227
nominations process 241, 245
non-destructive weld testing 175
Nord Stream AG
company formation and start-up 23, 25, 94
company structure 23, 25
Nord Stream project origins 4, 15, 17
Nordea 114
Nordeuropäische Erdgasleitung (NEL) 247,
272, 273
Norra Midsjöbanken 221, 226–227
North European Gas Pipeline Company
(NEGP) 23, 25
North European Gas Pipeline (NEL) 247, 272,
North Transgas Oy (NTG) 15, 17, 20, 26,
28, 34
Novak, Alexander 240
Nowack, Dr Georg 137
NTG (North Transgas Oy) 15, 17, 20, 26,
28, 34
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie 23, 113, 285
Nychas, Anastasios 71
OAO Gazprom see Gazprom
Oettinger, Guenther 240
offshore/onshore pipelines compared 20, 21,
31, 34
OMK 95, 100, 110
onshore monitoring 213, 219
onshore pipelines 257, 267, 275
onshore soil monitoring 207, 213
OPAL (Ostee Pipeline Anbindungs Leitung)
247, 272, 273
operating pressure 239, 245, 247
operations 239–275
compression (operational startup) 239
Control and Communications System
241, 245, 270
facts and figures 270–271
nominations process 241, 245
Zug Control Centre 241, 244, 245, 247
(see also maintenance programme; safety
ordinance clearance see munitions clearance
Oskarsson, Ola 56–57
Ostee Pipeline Anbindungs Leitung (OPAL)
247, 272, 273
outlet gas pressure 247
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies 30
PAM (passive acoustic monitoring) 63
Parties of Origin (Espoo Convention) 67, 69,
71, 82
passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) 63
peg spacers 122
permitting process 27, 67–82
facts and figures 82
(see also crossing agreements)
PeterGaz B.V. 43, 44
PetrolValves S.R.L. 266
PHFs (pipe-handling frames) 178, 201
PIG (Pipeline Inspection Gauge) 74, 185, 247,
248–249, 250–251, 261
PIG launchers 170, 171, 183–185, 253
PIG receivers 184
PIG traps 256, 261, 266, 271, 275
double-gate valves 194–195, 256, 267,
271, 275
pigging see PIG (Pipeline Inspection Gauge)
pipe carrier vessels 120, 138, 140, 174
uploading pipes 142, 143
pipe coatings
anti-corrosion 108
anti-friction 108, 145
pipe de-icing 134–135, 163
pipe delivery 98, 120, 124, 132, 145–146, 199
pipe dimensions 198
pipe edge bevels 148, 174, 201
pipe elevator 174
pipe end caps 136, 199
pipe handling frames (PHFs) 178, 201
pipe laying 45, 147, 156–157, 162–163
facts and figures 199
process 174–175
S-curve 100, 173
sequence 121
pipe production 95–97, 96, 99–100, 110, 111
pipe segments, facts and figures 198
pipe storage 125, 129, 146, 258
pipe tracking system 199, 267
pipe wall thickness 58
pipe welding see welding
pipelay vessels 98, 147, 158, 159, 172
retrofitting 101
scale model 74, 84
stingers 104–105, 156–157, 173
(see also Castoro Dieci; Castoro Sei;
pipeline flooding, cleaning, and gauging 141,
182–185, 250
Pipeline Information Tour 74, 83–87
Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) 74, 185, 247,
248–249, 250–251, 261
pipeline inspections 259, 260, 261, 270
pipeline integrity management 247, 261, 267
safety standards 268–269
pipeline plough 133, 137
Pipeline Repair System (PRS) 267
pipeline route see route development
pipeline sections
telescope design 44–45, 58, 141, 269
welding 141, 177, 200–203
PL3 (pipeline plough) 133
planning see history and planning
Plaziat, Jean-Francois 245, 247, 259, 261,
267, 289
ploughing see trenching
Poland, permitting process 72
political considerations 20, 69, 71, 281
polyethylene coating 108
polyurethane fill-in/ infill 175
Pomeranian Bight 231
pontoons 154, 175
Portigon (previously WestLB) 114
Portovaya Bay Compressor Station 241,
242–243, 254–257, 282–283
Portovaya landfall facility 137, 196–197,
local operational facilities 241
Index 295
position monitoring 252
pulling pipeline ashore 137, 196–197
ports (harbours) 111, 120, 125, 129, 138–139,
144, 145–146, 198–199
post-lay process 137
(see also backfilling)
post-lay surveys 175
(see also as-laid surveys; baseline surveys)
power cable crossings 27, 51, 59
pre-commissioning 141, 250
pre-lay process 45, 137
(see also gravel placement; trenching)
pre-lay survey 175
press converage see media coverage
pressure testing 182–183, 184–185, 250
pressure wave monitoring 213, 227
pressure-segmented design 44–45, 58, 141,
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) 94, 114
procurement 95, 97, 99–101
facts and figures 110–111
(see also contracts with suppliers)
project costs see capital expenditures
Project Finance Award 94
project information document 41, 67
project management 119, 121
protected areas see environmental
protection sites
PRS (Pipeline Repair System) 267
public communications programme 69, 71,
facts and figures 83–87
public hearings 69, 71, 72, 82
Putin, Vladimir 21
PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) 94, 114
repair strategy 247, 259, 267
repair vessels 267
research vessels see survey vessels
reserves of natural gas 15, 17, 32, 33
Reutersberg, Bernhard 240, 285
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) 199
rigid inflatable boat (RIB) 63
risk assessments 45, 79
rock placement see gravel placement
RoRo traffic 129
Rosen Integrity Solutions 250, 261
Rott, Dr Werner 123, 125, 133, 289
route development 20, 21, 35–37
facts and figures 58–59
final route 36–37, 46–47
route optimisation 43, 58
route surveys 43–44, 56–57
facts and figures 58
finds along the route 54–55
(see also munitions surveys)
ROVs see remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) 93, 114
Ruhrgas AG (later E.ON Ruhrgas) 15
Rusakova, Vlada 285
gas connections with EU 17, 20, 279, 281
natural gas production 32
natural gas reserves 15, 17, 32, 37
participation in the environmental
consultations 75
permitting process 74
Russian sector 55
Russian landfall facility see Portovaya landfall
Russian/German agreement 21, 23
Rutte, Mark 240
RZB Group 114
quality assurance/control 121, 122, 136
quays see harbours
Rädeker, Hanne 80–81
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 199
Rambøll Management A/S 26–27, 44
RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) 93, 114
receiving terminal (of OPAL and NEL) 241,
247, 264, 272–275
reef structures 231
relief valve 273
remote monitoring and control 241
remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) 28–29,
44, 57, 173
pipeline inspection 261
support vessel 38–39, 52–53, 63
tether management system (TMS) 50,
renewable energy 280
repair methods 267
repair service agreement 267
S2S (ship-to-ship) system 120, 129
SACE S.p.A. 93–94, 113, 114
safety standards 121, 261, 268–269
(see also pipeline integrity management)
safety systems 241
emergency response plans 245, 247
emergency shutdown valves 193, 245,
246, 256, 266, 271, 275
relief valve 273
Sagitov, Roustam 75
Saipem S.p.A. 93, 95, 97, 101, 141, 172
(see also Castoro Dieci; Castoro Sei)
Sandpiper (vessel) 158
Sass, Sebastian 68–69, 74
Sassnitz-Mukran 111
scaups 229
Schäfer, Klaus 285
Schmidt, Klaus 123
Schröder, Gerhard 240, 285
Schwager, Dr Harald 240, 285
S-curve 100, 173
seabed interventions 45, 137, 230–231
(see also gravel placement; trenching)
seabed reinstatement 137, 217, 231
seabed sediment see sediment dispersion;
sediment sampling program
seabed surveys 43–44, 56–57, 207, 209
seabed topography 28, 44, 56–57, 213
seabirds 221, 223, 227, 229, 235
seal scrammer 51, 63
seals 79, 208, 229
SeaTerra 51, 60
SEB 114
security, national 74
sediment dispersion 73, 221, 226–227
sediment sampling program 211, 215, 217,
224–225, 230, 231
Seele, Dr Rainer 285
segmented pressure design 44–45, 58, 141,
Sellering, Erwin 240
Selvi, Andrea 259, 267
semi-submersible pipelay vessel
see Castoro Sei
Serdyukov, Sergey 17, 20, 21, 23, 247, 289
SGU (Geological Survey of Sweden) 227
shareholders 23, 113, 284, 285
Shareholders’ Committee 285
shipping interests 51, 59, 73
shipwrecks 42, 44, 45, 54–55, 57, 59, 210
facts and figures 59
Shtokman field, Russia 98
shutdown valves 193, 241, 245, 246, 256,
266, 271, 275
side-scan sonar (SSS) 44, 58
Skandi Arctic (vessel) 141, 159, 176, 178,
181, 200, 203
Slite, Sweden 120, 126–127, 129, 146
SMBC 114
Société Générale 93, 114
soil management 137, 217, 231
soil monitoring 213
solar energy 280
Solitaire 79, 140, 147, 159, 160–161,
pipe laying 162–163
pipe loading 142
Standard Bank 114
standards certification 261, 269
statistics see facts and figures
Statoil Repair Pool 259
Pipeline Repair System (PRS) 201, 267
steel cage reinforcement 109, 111, 122
Stern, Professor Jonathan 30–31
stingers 104–105, 156–157, 173
Stirling, Gunn 247, 268–269
storage of pipes 125, 129, 146
storage warehouse 258
Strøbæk, Neel 17, 20, 26, 26–27
sub-bottom profilers 28, 44
submarine pipeline plough 133, 137
Sumitomo 95, 100, 110
suppliers 111
(see also contracts with suppliers)
supply chain 123, 129
survey corridors 41, 43
survey vessels 28, 28–29, 48, 52–53, 159
operational inspections 260, 261
surveying equipment 28–29
surveys and investigations
route planning 28, 43–44, 56–57
(see also environmental surveys; mainte
nance inspections; munitions surveys)
Swedegas 15
environmental monitoring 221–223, 226
permitting process 73–74
Swedish sector 54
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Man
agement (SwAM) 226
Sea (UNCLOS) 67, 80
valves 271
kicker line 253
relief 273
(see also isolation valves; shutdown valves)
Van Veen Grab 215
velvet scoters 229
vent stacks 257
vessels 156–157
(see also pipe carrier vessels; pipelay
vessels; survey vessels)
vibrocorer 29
video, interactive 86
visual inspections 261, 267
Voronov, Andrey 261
Tali, Pietro F. 119
“telescope” design 44–45, 58, 141, 269
TEN-E (Trans-European Network for Energy)
21, 31
terrestrial flora and fauna 213, 219
tether management system (TMS) 50, 61,
Thomsen, Thomas 73
TMS (tether management system) 50, 61,
transboundary context 67–68, 70, 72
Trans-European Network for Energy (TEN-E)
21, 31
transport see logistics
trawl gear 81
trenching 133, 137, 188, 217, 231
environmental considerations 217, 231
soil management 137, 217, 231
vessels 158
Troms Pollux 140, 143
turbidity of seawater 211, 230
warehousing 258
Warnig, Matthias 3–5, 25, 95, 119, 240, 287
water currents 235
water quality indicators 220, 221–223
water quality monitoring 211, 214, 215, 216,
224–225, 227, 230
water turbidity 211, 230
weld testing 175
welding 148, 149, 150–151, 152, 153,
end of line 192
pipeline sections 141, 177, 200–203
quality assurance/control 121
welding plugs 201
WestLB (later Portigon) 114
Wieth-Knudsen, Laila 80–81
wind farms 32, 58, 59, 280
Wintershall see BASF/Wintershall
wire cage reinforcement 109, 111, 122
wrecks see shipwrecks
WWF 78, 79
UFK (Ungebundene Finanzkredite) 94, 107
UGSS (Unified Gas Supply System of Russia)
16, 241
ultrasonic testing 175
UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea) 67, 80
underwater noise 227, 233
underwater tie-ins 141, 177, 200–203
underwater welding habitat 141, 178–179,
180, 201–202
Ungebundene Finanzkredite (UFK) 94, 107,
UniCredit 114
Unified Gas Supply System of Russia (UGSS)
16, 241
United Metallurgical Company see ZAO OMK
United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Zirnig, Werner 217
Zug Control Centre 241, 244, 245, 247
Index 297
Editorial oversight
Ulrich Lissek,
Communications Director,
Nord Stream AG
Jens D. Müller,
Deputy Communications Director,
Nord Stream AG
Thomas Eugster
Swiss photographer Thomas
Eugster has been documenting the Nord Stream
Pipeline project since April
2010. The people behind the
construction and operation
of the pipelines are as much
a focus of his photos as the
technical aspects of the project. He has been working as
a freelance photographer for
over 20 years, with a key interest in engineering, as well
as cultural, travel, and social
themes. His assignments
have taken him to every
continent, and his photos are
published in consumer and
corporate magazines around
the world.
Michèle Bodmer,
Corporate Publishing Manager,
Nord Stream AG
Managing editor
Janet Anderson,
Freelance editor
Project manager
Henrieke Neitzel,
Kircher Burkhardt GmbH
Alessandro Alviani
Janet Anderson
Michèle Bodmer
Kevin Cote
David Gilliver
Jeremy Gray
Chris Hayes
Jens D. Müller
Dave Rimmer
Stuart Spear
Miriam Widman
Editing/text production
Janet Anderson
Michèle Bodmer
Deanne Corbett
Dave Rimmer,
KircherBurkhardt GmbH
think global
Editorial support/Distribution
Sabie Casuso,
PA to Communications Director,
Nord Stream AG
F&F/Timeline support
Steffen Hartmann,
Hill + Knowlton Strategies
Dainius Velykis,
Hill + Knowlton Strategies
Chief art director
Michael Pfötsch,
Kircher Burkhardt GmbH
Art director
Angelika Cords,
Kircher Burkhardt GmbH
Ben Kleinberg,
Kircher Burkhardt GmbH
All illustrations by
Viktoriamarie Schiffler
With the exception of:
Page 3: Niklas Hughes
Page 121: Niklas Hughes
All photographs by
Thomas Eugster
With the exception of:
Page 21, Nord Stream
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Page 59, Nord Stream
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Page 120, Nord Stream
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Page 190–191, Nord Stream
Page 196–197, Nord Stream
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Mauritius Images
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42-24099336, Corbis (2)
Creative publishing agency
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Nord Stream AG
Grafenauweg 2, P.O. Box
6304 Zug, Switzerland
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printed May 2013