LTI-EPLL Based Control Algorithm For Solar PV Power Generating System Bhim Singh and Shailendra Dwivedi Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi-110016, India Emails:, Index Term- Solar PV Array, Linear Time Invariant Enhance Phase Locked Loop (LTI-EPLL), Grid Integration, Power Quality. I. INTRODUCTION The use of conventional sources of energy results in global warming that affects the whole world. It is realized on the burning of fossil fuels that produce harmful gases which affects the living organism. Now a days large amount of electrical power is generated through the use of conventional technology. Hence, it is necessary to use some alternative sources of energy (solar, wind, etc) [1]. Currently very less amount of electrical power is generated through alternative sources of energy so an increased focus is required to increase the amount of electricity produced in this natural way. Solar photovoltaic (PV) power generating system is popular technology to overcome the power quality and energy problems by integrating clean power to AC grid with an improved power quality [2]. A maximum power from solar array is attained through MPPT algorithm by using a DC-DC boost converter. Presently, the large number of algorithms are proposed by the researchers to track the MPPT [3], [4]. In this paper, perturb and observe based control algorithm is used to extract the maximum power from the solar array. Due to presence of nonlinear loads, power feeding to the grid is not clean. To feed the clean power to the grid, a power conditioner is required. In proposed system, VSC (Voltage Source Converter) is working as a power conditioner and LTI-EPLL (Linear Time InvariantEnhanced phase Locked Loop) based control algorithm is employed to control this VSC. Evolution of different algorithms and classification is discussed by many researchers [5-8]. To solve the power quality problems of the grid interface SPV system, a precise and quick response of reference signal is required in the presence of distorted load current. As LTI-EPLL based control algorithm has an input-output. So it can be represented in transfer function form. Possessing a transfer function description is very easy for design and development of proposed control algorithm. There are some issues with general PLL and other PLL structures like stability problem, their nonlinearity structure, and dependency on the input signal. These issues become noticeable when PLL structures are included in the enormous closed loop systems. II. DESIGN OF PROPOSED SYSTEM The design of proposed 30 kW solar PV grid interfaced power generating system as shown in Fig. 1, is given in terms of solar PV array, DC-DC boost converter, DC bus capacitor and interfacing inductors as follows, Boost Converter ipv Voltage Source Converter S1 S3 S5 R-C Filter Lb Solar PV Array Abstract-This paper deals with a double stage grid integrated solar photovoltaic (SPV) power generating system employing linear time invariant enhanced phase locked loop (LTI-EPLL) based control algorithm. Proposed system consists of solar PV array, DC-DC boost converter, DC-AC voltage source converter (VSC) and three-phase, 415V, 50Hz distribution system. There are two stages in this system. First stage is a DC-DC conversion and second stage is a DC-AC conversion. For better utilization of solar PV array and maximize the solar PV energy extraction, perturb and observe based control algorithm is employed. Proposed system not only feeds the power to the grid, moreover it includes the features of power factor correction, harmonics elimination, load balancing and reactive power compensation of three phase distribution system by using LTI-EPLL based control algorithm. Proposed system is modeled and its performance is simulated in MALAB/SIMLINK platform and results are shown to validate the design and control of proposed SPV system under nonlinear loads. vpv A Lfa iina Cdc B S4 S6 iinb C S2 isb vsb vsc iinc Lfc iLa iLb iLc ipv MPPT Control isa vsa Lfb S1-S6 Linear/non linear loads LTI-EPLL Based Control Algorithm Fig.1System Configuration isc Grid A. Design of Solar PV Array The proposed system is designed for the peak power capacity of 30 kW rated at 415 V, 50 Hz ac grid. TABLE-I DESIGN OF SOLAR PV ARRAY PV Module Short circuit current (Isc) 3.8A Open circuit voltage (Vocn) 21 V Voltage at MPP, Vmpp 0.85*21=17 V Current at MPP, Impp 0.85*3.8=3.2 A 700V Power at MPP, Pmpp 30 kW Thus the array of 30 kW peak power capacity is designed with 13 modules in parallel and 34 modules in series with an PV array of 13*34 modules. B. Design of DC-DC Boost Converter The ripple current for inductor at D = 0.2 is given as, V D 595*0.2 (1) Lb MPP 3.93 mH I1 f sw (3.025*10000) where ΔI1 is input current ripple, and it is considered as 6 % of DC-DC boost converter inductor current I1 (PMPP/ VMPP) = 50.42 A. Thus a calculated value of ΔI1 is 3.025 A. Thus the inductance (Lb) value is selected as 3.93 mH. Vdc Selection of DC Capacitor Voltage The design of DC link voltage Vdc is given as, = 2 3m = 713.27 700 V 2 * 415 3 *0.95 I1 Pmpp 3 * VLL 30000 ( Pdc / Vdc ) 3 * 415 2* * v dcrip Number of parallel module Imp=np*Isc (np) np=13 Modules 2VLL The grid current is calculated as, Cdc Number of series module ns=700/21=34 Modules (ns) 2 = (3) 41.73 A (4) D. Design of DC bus Capacitor The DC bus capacitor value is estimated as, Current at MPP, Impp= Pmpp/ Imp=30000/(0.85*700) Vmpp =50.42 A C. 3mVdc 3 *0.95*700 3.83 mH 12hf s I1 12*1.2*104 *(0.05* 41.73) Considering, ∆I1, = 5% of input current, fs = 10 kHz. Here h is overloading factor which is taken as 1.2. The Lf from (3) is calculated as 3.83 mH. Solar PV Array Voltage at MPP, Vmpp Lf where VLL is the VSC AC line voltage, m is modulation index. A. Selection of AC Inductor The AC inductor (Lf ) value is calculated on the basis that current ripple ∆I1, switching frequency fs, Vdc and it is given as, (30*103 / 700) = 3250.7 F 2*314*0.03*700 (5) where Id is the DC bus current of VSC, ω is angular frequency and vdcrip is % ripple voltage considered as 3% of Vdc. Hence estimated value of DC bus capacitor Cdc is 3250.7 µF and it is selected as 4000 µF. III. CONTROL ALGORITHMS There are mainly two stages of proposed SPV system. First stage is used to extract the maximum power from SPV array by using DC-DC boost converter and second stage is used to control a grid interfaced VSC which is also operating as a shunt active filter. The details of control algorithms are as follows. A. MPPT Control There are so many algorithms to track the MPP. Some are simple which are based on current or voltage feedback and some are reasonably complicated. P&O (Perturb and Observe) is simple as compared to other MPPT algorithms. According to the structure of MPPT, the required parameters are voltage and current feedback signals. The maximum power point is obtained when dPpv/dVpv=0, the slope of the dPpv/dVpv=0 can be calculated by output voltage and output current. The output of the MPPT block is duty ratio. Moreover, it can be given as, dPpv (2) = dV pv (n) Ppv (n) Ppv (n 1 ) V pv (n) V pv (n 1 ) , (6) where Ppv (n) V pv (n) I pv (n) B. Control of VSC Figs.2 shows the control algorithm for extraction of the fundamental component of load currents and estimation of in-phase and quadrature voltage templates. These fundamental components are used to extract active and reactive power components of load currents. These real and reactive components of load currents are used to estimate reference grid currents. Three phase sensed voltages (vsa, vsb, vsc), load currents (iLa, iLb, iLc), and Vdc of VSC are main parameters of the control algorithm. The in phase voltage templates are estimated as follows [9], wpa v vsa v , wpb sb , wpc sc Vt Vt Vt (7) The quadrature voltage templates are estimated as follows, wqa wqc wpb 3 3wpa 2 3 wpc wpb 3 2 3 , wqb 3wpa 2 3 wpb 2 3 wpc 2 3 , wpc 2 3 (8) Amplitude of PCC voltage (Vt) is estimated as, V t 2 2 2 {(2 / 3)(vsa vsb vsc )} (9) This Vt is passed through the LPF to eliminate the negative sequence voltage from PCC voltage and to achieve the fundamental component of positive sequence PCC voltage. The LTI-EPLL algorithm is having fully LTI structure that is constituted by an input-output transfer function. This type of configuration is not available for any other PLL structure. This has revealed the fact that LTI-EPLL structure is equivalent to band pass filter. This type of algorithm is very useful where PLL is involved. The input and output of the LTI-EPLL blocks are sensed load current and extracted fundamental load current. The transfer function of LTI-EPLL algorithm is as follows, iLfa (s) ( G1s ) iLa (s) (s 2 G2 s n 2 ) (10) where G1 and G2 are the gains which play an important role to control the transient and steady state behavior of LTI-EPLL and makes the fundamental load current sinusoidal. The values of these gains are 20. The transfer function from iLa to iLfa is having unity gain and zero phase shift at the center frequency and zero gain at zero frequency. The realization of LTI-EPLL algorithm reveals high structural robustness with respect to EPLL algorithm. State space representation of load current is as follows, diL3 G1 * iL1 * sin(iL7 ) dt diL 7 cos( iL 7 ) n iL1 * G2 * dt iL3 (11) (12) Where ωn is the natural frequency and iL1, iL2, iL3, iL4, iL5, iL6 and iL7 are the components of load current. So by using these equations fundamental component of phase „a‟ load current is extracted. Similarly fundamental components of load currents of phase „b‟ and „c‟ (ifLb,ifLc) are extracted. To estimate the fundamental active component of load current of phase „a‟, sample and hold logic is employed to sample the analogous fundamental active component of load current and store its value for some length of time. The output of zero crossing detector is used for the triggering to this block. A quadrature template (wqa) is used as an input to the zero crossing detector which is 900 apart from the in phase template (wpa). The output signal of the sample and hold circuit is considered as fundamental active component of phase „a‟ load currents (iLa, iLb, and iLc). Correspondingly, fundamental active components of phase „b‟ and „c‟ load currents are extracted. For extracting fundamental reactive component of load current of phase „a‟, another sample and hold logic is used and in phase template is used as an input for the another zero crossing detector which provides the triggering pulses to the sample and hold logic. The output of this sample and hold logic is the fundamental reactive component of phase „a‟ load current. Similarly fundamental reactive components of phase „b‟ and „c‟ (iLqb, and iLqc) are estimated. The magnitude of fundamental active and reactive power components is passed through the absolute block. An average value of magnitudes is estimated for load balancing and also uses to extract the 3-phase grid currents. Magnitude of active component is estimated as, I pLA i pLa i pLb i pLc 3 (13) Similarly, reactive component (ILqA) can be estimated as, I qLA iqLa iqLb iqLc 3 (14) To estimate the active power component the reference DC link voltage v*dc and DC link voltage is compared. This error voltage is given to the PI regulator which maintains the dc bus voltage as, vdcer v*dc vdc (15) The output of PI regulator is represented as Iloss and the active current component is represented as I*p which is given as, I * p I pLA I loss (16) Thereafter, in phase components or active power components of reference instantaneous grid currents in phase of PCC voltages are calculated as, i* psa I * p * w pa , i* psb I * p * wpb , i* psc I * p * wpc (17) vdc LPF PI Regulator vdc* Signal Extraction of phase „a‟ iLa iL1 G1 × iL4 iL2 ʃ iL3 ωn iL5 G2 sin iL7 Hit crossing wqa S&H u i pLa iloss + + + + + 1/3 iPLavg ʃ S&H Hit crossing u iqLa + + + wpa 1/3 Iqq PI iLb Signal Extraction of phase „b‟ iLc Signal Extraction of phase „c‟ The terminal voltage magnitude (Vt) is calculated in (9) and the reference terminal voltage amplitude value (Vref*) are compared. The voltage error is estimated as, ver V *tref Vt (18) This error is given to the PI regulator which gives reactive component of VSC current (Iqq), and grid reactive component of current is estimated as, (19) The reference instantaneous quadrature components of grid currents are calculated as, qq i*qsa I *q * wpc , i*qsb I *q * wpb , i*qsc I *q * wpc (20) The reference currents can be generated by using (17) and (20) as, i*sa i* psa i*qsa , i*sb i* psb i*qsb , i*sc i* psc i*qsc (21) By comparing sensed grid currents and these reference currents, an error is generated which is given to the hysteresis controller to generate the gating pulses for VSC. C. Comaprison and Stability Analysis of EPLL and LTIEPLL Algorithms The stability analysis of the EPLL and LTI-EPLL algorithm is shown in Fig.3. From the Bode plot, it is observed that LTI-EPLL algorithm provides near to unity gain of fundamental component of load current. While in EPLL algorithm, a low attenuation is provided for all other frequecy component of load current. Hence output of the LTI-EPLL algorithm is considered that the fundamental component of load current is in phase with + * + isa × wpc × + + + × isb * wqa wqb wqc Hysteresis controller isa isb isc Gating pulses for VSC × + * + isc × Vt* Vt vsa vsb vsc Fig.2 Control algorithm for proposed system × wpb iLfa cos iL6 I *q I qLA I iPLnet wpa Determination of Terminal Voltage and unit templates wqa wqb wpa wpb wpc wqc the actual load current. Extra Gain margin by EPLL Algorithm LTI-EPLL Algorithm EPLL Algorithm Extra Phase Margin by EPLL Algorithm Fig.3 Bode plot of EPLL and proposed LTI-EPLL Algorithms IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The response of solar PV power generating system is simulated by using perturb and observe method for tracking the MPPT and LTI-EPLL algorithm for improving the power quality of the proposed system under linear and nonlinear loads. The system response has been achieved as grid voltages (vsa, vsb, vsc), grid currents (isa, isb, isc), DC bus voltage (vdc), load currents (iLa, iLb, iLc), active power (P), reactive power (Q) and VSC currents (ic). Here solar PV array voltage vpv, solar PV array power (Ppv) and current as ipv respectively. All the responses of the proposed system is observed as follows, A. Various Intermediate Signals Fig.4 shows the intermediate signals iL1, iL2, iL3, ifLa, ipLa, iavg and iref under sudden removal of load on phase „a‟. It can be observed under load perturbation, all extracted components of load current are settled in the few cycles. However, it does not affect the dynamic response of the system due to fast action of PI regulator. As the load is removed then the magnitudes of ifLa, ipLa, and iavg components are also changed but at the load removal, reference grid currents are increased as the grid power is increased. decreased to 500 W/m2 then corresponding magnitudes of the grid currents are also decreased. It is realized from 0.4 s to 0.45 s. The response of the proposed system is satisfactory under different insolation. Fig.5 Steady state response of proposed system with nonlinear load Fig.4 Various Intermediate Signals B. Steady State and Dynamic Responses of Proposed System Under Nonlinear Loads Fig.5 shows simulated results for steady state operation under nonlinear loads. It is realized that grid currents are sinusoidal while the load currents are nonsinusoidal. The compensator currents contain both harmonics current and current drawn from the solar PV array. The DC link voltage is also maintained to its reference value. Fig.6 shows the simulated results of proposed system under unbalanced nonlinear loads. It can be observed that grid currents and grid voltages are balanced and sinusoidal. For realizing the unbalanced operation phase „a‟ load is removed. Under this condition, the total power consumed by the load is decreased and total power feeding to the grid is increased which can be observed in Figs.7. Harmonic spectra of vsa, isa, and iLa, are observed as 1.56%, 3.26% and 22.91% in Fig.7. This is meeting an IEEE-519 standard [10]. So VSC not only balances the currents it also mitigates the harmonics of the load current. C. Performances of Solar PV System under Different Insolation The performance of solar PV system under different insolation is shown in Fig.8. It is realized that when the value of solar insolation is 1000 W/m2 then the magnitudes of the grid currents are maintained and it is realized from 0.35 s to 0.4 s. As the value of insolation is Fig. 6 Dynamic response of proposed system under nonlinear load V. CONCLUSIONS A grid integration of solar PV power generating system has been proposed with LTI-EPLL algorithm. LTI-EPLL algorithm has been used for extraction of fundamental active and reactive load currents to generate the switching pulses for three-phase VSC. Based on simulation results, it has been concluded that proposed algorithm is able to shape grid currents sinusoidal and also maintained power factor near to unity. Moreover, under nonlinear loads the THD of the grid current in the proposed system is also found within the limit of an IEEE-519 standard. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 7 Harmonic spectra of proposed system (a) grid voltage (b) grid current and (c) load current. Fig.8 Performance of solar PV system under different insolation with non linear load APPENDICES A. Solar PV array Data Voc = 21 V, Isc = 3.8 A, Vmpp = 17 V, Impp = 3.2 A. No. of series cell in each module Ns = 36, the open circuit voltage of one cell is 0.5V to 0.6V, ns = 34, np = 13 current temperature coefficient Ki = 0.0032 A/K, voltage temperature coefficient Kv = -0.1230 V/K,. B. DC-DC Boost Converter design Parameters Lb = 3.93 mH, D = 0.15, Fs = 10 kHz. C. Parameters for three-phase VSC DC link voltage is 700 V, grid voltage = 415 V, frequency = 50 Hz, Switching frequency (fs) = 10 kHz, DC link capacitor = 4000 μF, interfacing inductor 3.83 mH, DC voltage controller: Kpd = 0.023, Kid = 1.2, AC voltage PI controller: Kvp=0.01, Kip=0.015, line impedance: Ls = 0.4 mH, Rs = 0.02 Ω, nonlinear load: Diode bridge rectifier with L = 100 μH, R = 15 Ω and ripple filter: Cf = 12 μF, Rf =6 Ω. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Authors are extremely grateful to Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, for aiding this work under Grant Number: RP02583. REFERENCES [1] F. A. Farret and M. G. 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