Feb. 24, 1942,

Feb. 24, 1942,
Filed March 8, 1940
Paul C. Gav-diner‘,
His At’oov‘nefg.
Patented Feb. 24, 1942
' 2,274,365
Paul C. Gardiner, Scotia, N. Y.. ,asaignor to Gen
eral Electric Company, a corporation of New
Application mm a, 1940, Serial No. 322,929 ‘
12 Claims. (Cl. 111-412)
My invention relates to voltage regulators and
more particularly to voltage regulators employing
plied to an electric valve regulator for energizing
a load circuit, such as a direct current load cir
cuit, which may be represented by a resistance i
and an inductance 2. The system is energized
electric valves or electric discharge devices.
In the application of electric valve regulating
circuits to the control of direct current load cir e1 from a source of direct current comprisinga pos
cuits, it is important that the regulating appa
itive conductor 3 and a negative conductor 4.
ratus be capable of maintaining the load voltage
The direct vcurrent supply circuit may be ener
within a narrowly de?ned range of values and
gized, if desired, from the output circuit of the '
at the same time afford an appreciable range of
recti?er (not shown). An electrical condition
adjustment in the value of the voltage main 10 such'as the voltage of the load circuit is con
trolled by means of an electric discharge device 5
tained at the load. ' In accordance with the
having an anode 6, a cathode I and a control
teachings of my invention described hereinafter,
I provide new and improved electric valve regu
grid 8. The electric discharge device 5 is prefer
lating circuits for direct current load circuits.
ably of the high vacuum type and serves as a
It is an object of my invention to provide new
variable impedance element connected between
and improved electric valve regulating apparatus.
the supply circuit and theload circuit to im
vide new and improved electric valve translating
press 'a constant voltage across the load circuit.
To vary the potential of the grid 8 of discharge
apparatus which maintains the voltage of a di
device 5, I provide a serially connected impedance
, It is another object of my invention to pro
rect current load circuit ata substantially con 20 element, such as a resistance 9, and a second or
control electric discharge device [0, also prefer
stant value.
It is a further object of my invention to pro
vide a new and improved electric valve regulating
system for energizing a direct current load circuit
from a direct current supply circuit, and which 25
ably of the high vacuum type. The control dis
charge device i0 comprises an anode ii, a cath
ode l! and a control grid I3. The anode ll of
the control discharge device in is connected to
grid 8 of discharge device 5. The control dis
across the load circuit at a constant value, and
charge device l0 transmits variable amounts of
which permits a wide range of adjustment of the
unidirectional current through resistance 9 and,
magnitude of the voltage impressed across the
hence, controls the conductivity of discharge de
34) vice 5.
load circuit.
is capable of maintaining. the voltage impressed
Brie?y stated, in the illustrated embodiments
of my invention I provide electric valve regu
lating apparatus for energizing a load circuit
from a direct current supply circuit through a
control electric discharge device of the high
vacuum type. A second control electric discharge
device controls the conductivity of the ?rst dis
charge device. In order to increase the sensitivity
of the control discharge device and also to obtain
a considerable improvement in the range of ad
justment of ,the magnitude of the voltage main
tained across the load circuit, I provide a circuit
including a constant current means for main
taining the cathode potential of the control dis
charge device at a substantially constant value.
For a better understanding of my invention,
reference may be had to the following description
taken in connection with the accompanying
drawing, and its scope will be pointed out in the
appended claims. Figs. 1, 2 and 3 diagrammati
cally illustrate embodiments of my invention as
applied to circuits for energizing a direct current
load circuit from a direct current supply circuit.
Referring. now to Fig. 1 of the accompanying
drawing, I have represented my invention as ap
As a means for varying the conductivity of the
control discharge device ill in response to the
voltage of one of the associated principal cir
cuits, such as the supply circuit, I provide a volt
-' age divider I3 connected across the supply cir
cuit and comprising a resistance l4 and an ad
justable tap l5 which is connected to the grid l3
of discharge device l0. Adjustment of the tap 15
controls the component of supply voltage im
pressed on grid l3 and establishes the magni- ‘
tude of the voltage maintained across the load
circuit by the discharge device 5. I connect in
series relation with'resistance 9 and control dis
charge device iii a capacitance f6. The capaci
tance it serves as an energy storage device to
maintain the potential of the cathode I! at a
substantially constant value, thereby serving as
a source of ‘reference voltage.
To maintain the voltage across the terminals
of capacitance l6 constant, I provide a constant
current means energized from one-of the asso
ciated principal circuits, such as the supply cir
cuit, for transmitting a constant current through
an impedance element, such as a resistance II,
which is connected across the terminals of ca
pacitance it. To transmit constant current
maintains a constant current through the resist
through the resistance I1, I provide an electric
discharge device 18, preferably of the high
vacuum type, having an anode IS, a cathode 20,
ance ‘I1 irrespective of the small current varia
tions through this element occasioned by the
changes in conductivity of the control discharge
a control grid 2i, a screen grid 22 and a sup
device III.
The operation of the electric valve regulator
may be more fully explained by considering the
cluding resistance 24 and a glow discharge de
system when the supply voltage rises. The con
vice 25 connected between the cathode 20 and the
ductivity of the control discharge device ID in
positive conductor of the supply circuit to main
tain the screen grid 22 at a constant potential 10 creases, effecting a decrease in potential of the
control grid 8 of discharge device 5 and thereby
above that of the cathode 20. The control grid
increasing the effective impedance of that device
' 2i and the suppressor grid 23 are preferably con
and reducing the load voltage to the desired
nected to the cathode 20 so that there is substan
value. During this change, the potential of cath
tially no potential difference between these con
ode H has remained constant due to the fact that’
trol members and the cathode, and the conduc
the discharge device I! has transmitted a con
tivity of the discharge device I8 is determined by
stant current through resistance l1. As the volt
its applied anode-cathode voltage and the poten
age of the supply circuit increases, the current
tial difference between the screen grid 22 and the _
pressor grid 23. I provide a voltage divider in
cathode 20. The voltage divider, including re
sistance 24 and valve 25, serves to vary the con
transmitted through the voltage divider, includ
20 ing resistance 24 and glow discharge valve 25, also
ductivity of the discharge device l8 to maintain
This current, of course, must ?ow
through the resistance l1 and has the effect of
tending to raise the potential of the cathode 2|.
tive of variations in the magnitude of the voltage
This effect offsets the tendency to increase the
of the supply circuit.
Due to the fact that the-capacitive reactance of 25 anode-cathode current due to the increase in
anode-cathode voltage of the electric discharge
the capacitance l6 connected in the input circuit
the current conducted thereby constant irrespec
device I8 when the supply voltage rises. The po
of the control discharge device III is appreciable,
tential difference between the screen grid 22 and
and due to the effective resistance connected in
the cathode 20 causes the discharge device II to
the input circuit incident to a portion or resist
ance l4, it is possible to use filtering capacltances 30 operate within that region or its characteristic
which maintains the current through the resist
of smaller size or rating to absorb undesirable
ance IT constant under these conditions. The
voltage ripples which would otherwise be im
tendency to change the current through resist
pressed upon the control grid 8 of discharge de
ance I'l occasioned by changes in the conductiv
vice 5. A capacitance 26 of substantially smaller
rating than that permissible in the prior art 35 ity of the control discharge device, I! also is com
arrangements, due to the high impedance of the
input circuit of the discharge device I0, is con-'
pensated for by the discharge device It and the
voltage divider including resistance 24 and glow
nected between the negative terminal of the load
circuit and the grid 8 oi'discharge device 5.
' discharge device 25. In this manner the cathode
The operation of the embodiment of my in
l2 of the control discharge device 10 is main
40 tained at a constant potential, making it pos
vention shown in Fig. 1 will be explained by con
sidering the electric valve regulator when it is
operating to maintain a constant voltage across .
sible to utilize changes in supply voltage to con
trol precisely the conductivity of that discharge
device 5. It will be understood that the regula
tor also operates to maintain the voltage of the
the load circuit. The control discharge device I0
transmits variable amounts of unidirectional cur 45 load circuit when the supply voltage decreases.
The magnitude of the voltage impressed across
rent through resistance 8 and resistance I‘! to
the load circuit may be adjusted or established
vary the potential of the grid 8. In this manner
by adjustment of the tap I! of voltage divider
the effective impedance of the discharge device
l3. Inasmuch as the input circuit impedance of
' 5 is controlled to maintain the output voltage or
the load voltage constant. The conductivity of 50 the control discharge device II is relatively large
and since the potential of the cathode I2 is main
the discharge device i0 is in turn controlled by
tained at a substantial value above the negative
means of the voltage divider l3 which is respon
conductor, the output voltage or load voltage
sive to the supply voltage. 0! course, since the
may be adjusted throughout a range substantial
output voltage is also proportional to the supply
voltage, the supply voltage may be used as a ref 55 ly greater than that‘ afforded by the prior art
arrangements. For example, I have toundlthat
erence voltage for the load voltage.
the output or load voltage may be varied through
The potential oi.’ the cathode I2 is maintained
a range extending from 100 volts to 350 volts.
at a substantially constant value above that of
Fig. 2 diagrammatically illustrates another em
the negative conductor 4 of the supply circuit and
of the load circuit. Electric discharge device I! 60 bodiment 01’ my invention which is similar in
many respects to that shown in Fig. l, and cor-'
transmits a substantially constant current
responding elements have been assigned like ref
through the resistance H to maintain a constant
erence numerals. Instead of using a voltage di
voltage drop thereacl'oss and thereby maintain
vider comprising only a resistance, in the ar
cathode [2 at a constant potential. The voltage
divider, including resistance 24v and glow dis 65 rangement of Fig. 2 I provide a voltage divider
comprising a serially connected glow discharge.
charge device 25, controls the conductivity of the.
discharge device I 8 to maintain the current‘ device 21 and a resistance 28, the common junc
ture 22 of which is connected to grid ll of con
through the resistance l1 constant by maintain
trol electric discharge device II. This latter fea
ing a constant voltage difference between screen
grid 22 and cathode 20. Furthermore, this volt
age divider is also responsive to variation in cur
rent transmitted by the control discharge device
10 inasmuch as it is connected between the upper
ture is disclosed and claimed in my copending
patent application, Serial No. 322,919, ?led con
currently herewith and'which is assigned to the
assignee of the present application.
The embodiment of my invention shown in Fig.
ductor 3. In other words, this voltage divider "5 2 operates in substantially the same way as that
terminal of resistance 11 and the positive con
a,214,ac_s A
explained above in connection with Fig. v1. Vari
'a controlled electric discharge device connected
ations in supply voltage cause variations of cur
rent transmitted through the resistance 2. and,
hence, raise and lower the potential of grid II in
in series relation with said second impedance and
a voltage divider for controlling the conductivity
of said last mentioned electric discharge device;
response to these variations, thereby controlling
3. In combination, a direct current supply cir
the conductivity of discharge device I to main
cuit, a load circuit, an electric discharge device
tain the load voltage constant.
comprising a pair of principal electrodes and a
Instead oi’ connecting the constant current
control grid‘ connected between said supply cir
portion of the regulator across the supply cir-~
cuit’and said load circuit, means responsive to
cuit, in theembodiment of my- invention shown 10 the voltage of one of the’ ?rst mentioned circuits
in Fig. 3, the electric discharge device I! is con
for impressing a variable control voltage on said
control grid and comprising in series relation an
nected across the output or load circuit. Other
wise, the arrangement of Fig. 3 is similar to that
impedance element, a control electric discharge
of‘ Fig. 2 and operates to maintain the output
device and a capacitance, said control electric '
voltage of the load circuit constant.
discharge device having an anode, a cathode and
While I have shown and described my inven- _
a control grid, a voltage divider connected across
tion as applied to a particular system of connec
a said one circuit for impressing a predetermined tions and as embodying various devices diagram»
component of voltage of said one circuit upon
matically shown, it will be obvious to those skilled
the second mentioned control grid to vary the
in the art that changes and modi?cations may be 20 current conducted by said control discharge de
made without departing from my invention, and
vice in accordance with the voltage of said one
I, therefore, aim in the appended claims to cover
circuit, and means for maintaining the potential
of said cathode at asubstantially constant value
all such changes and modifications as fall with
in the true spirit and scope‘v of my invention. comprising a circuit for transmitting a substan
What I claim as new and desire to secure by
tially constant current including an impedance
Letters Patent in the United States is:
element, a controlled electric discharge device
for transmitting a constant current through the
1. In combination, a direct current supply cir
cuit, a, load circuit, an electric discharge device
last mentionedv impedance element and a voltage
connected between said circuits for controlling \
dividerresponsive to the voltage of said one cir
the voltage of said load circuit and comprising a 30 cuit for controlling the current transmitted by
pair of principal electrodes. and a control grid,
the last mentioned electric discharge device.
means responsive to the voltage of one oi the
4. In combination, a source oLcurrent, a load ?rst mentioned circuits for impressing a variable
circuit, an electric‘ discharge device comprising
control voltage on said grid and comprising in se
_ a pair of principal electrodes and a control grid
ries relation an impedance element and a con
connected between said source and said load cir
trol electric discharge device having an anode, a
cuit, means for impressing a variable control
voltage 'on said control grid and‘ comprising
cathode anda control grid, a voltage divider con
nected across said one circuit for impressing a
means connected across said source in series re-.
predetermined component of voltage of said one
lation comprising an impedance element, a con
circuit upon the second mentioned control grid 40 trol electric discharge device and a capacitance,
to vary the current conducted by said control dis
said control electric discharge device having an
charge device, a second impedance element,
anode, a cathode and a control grid, a voltage
means comprising a controlled electric discharge ~ divider connected across said source for impres
device for transmitting a substantially constant
sing a predetermined component of voltage of
current through said second impedance element, 45 said source upon- the second mentioned control
means for controlling the conductivity of the last
grid to- control the current conducted by said >.
mentioned electric discharge device in response
control electric discharge device, and means for
to the voltage of said one circuit to maintain the
_maintaining the potential of said cathode at a
current conducted by the last mentioned dis
substantially constant value comprising a circuit
charge device constant, and means interconnect- '
connected across said source andv including in
series relation a constant current means and a
ing said second impedance element and said
cathode to maintain the potential of said cath
ode at a substantially constant value.
2. In combination, a direct current supply cir
cuit, a. load circuit, an electric discharge device
connected between said supply circuit and said
load circuit for controlling the voltage of said
load circuit and comprising a pair of principal
electrodes» and a control grid, means responsive
to the voltage of one of the first mentioned cir
cuits for impressing a variable control voltage on
said grid and comprising in ~series relation an im
pedance. element, a control electric discharge de
vice and a capacitance, said control electric dis
charge device having an anode, a cathode and a’
control grid, means for controlling the conduc- ~
tivity of said control discharge ‘device in re
sponse to the voltage of said one circuit to vary
the current conducted by said discharge device,
a secondvimpedance element, and constant cur- '
rent means connected to one of the ?rst men
tioned circuits iortransmitting a substantially
constant current through the second impedance
element to maintain the potential of said cathode
at a substantially constant value and comprising
' 5. In combination, a source of current, a load
circuit, an electric discharge device comprising
a pair of principal electrodes and a control grid
connected' between said source and said load
circuit, means for impressing a variable control
voltage on said control grid and including means
connected across said source in series relation
comprising an impedance element, a control elec- .
tric discharge device and a capacitance, said con
vtrol electric discharge device having an anode,v
a cathode andav control grid, a voltage divider
connected across said source for impressing a
predetermined component of voltage of said _
source upon the second mentioned control grid
to control the current conducted by said control
electric discharge‘ device, means for maintaining
the'potential of said cathode at a substantially
constant value comprising a. circuit for trans
mitting a substantially constant current and in
cludingin series relation a resistance and a sec
ond control electric discharge device, and a volt
age divider connected across said source for con
trolling the conductivity of said second control
electric discharge device.
mitted through said impedance element, means
for maintaining the potential of said cathode
6. In combination, a source of direct current,
a load circuit, an electric discharge device hav
ing a pair of principal electrodes and a control
grid connected between said source and said load
circuit, means for impressing a variable control
voltage upon said control grid and means con
substantially constant comprising a circuit con
nected across said load circuit and‘vj'including in
series relation a controlled electric discharge de
vice and a resistance, means‘ior connecting said
last mentioned circuit and said cathode,“ and
means for controlling the conductivitf’o‘ffthe
last mentioned discharge device to maintain the
prising an impedance element, a control electric 10 current transmitted through said resistance at‘ a
nected across said source in series relation com
discharge device and a capacitance, said control.
electric discharge device having an anode, a
cathode and a control grid, a voltage divider
connected across said source for impressing a
predetermined component of voltage’ of said
source upon the second mentioned control grid
substantially constant value.
9. In combination, a direct current supply cir
cuit, a direct current load circuit, an electric
discharge device connected between said circuits
for controlling the voltage of said load circuit
and comprising a pair of principal electrodes and
a control grid, means for varying the potential
of said control grid in response to the voltage
to control the current conducted by said control
electric discharge device, means for maintaining
of one of the first mentioned circuits and com
the potential of said cathode at a constant value
comprising a second control electric discharge 20 prising in series relation an impedance element,
device and a resistance connected across said
source, said second control electric discharge de
vice having an anode, a cathode and a grid, and
means for energizing the last mentioned grid to
a controlled discharge device and a capacitance.
said controlled discharge device having an an
ode, a cathode and a grid, a voltage divider con
nected across'said one circuit and including a
control the conductivity of said second control 25 glow discharge device for varying the conduc
discharge device to maintain the current trans
tivity of said control discharge device, means for -
maintaining the potential of said cathode at a
substantially constant value comprising a circuit
including in series relation a controlled electric
discharge device and a resistance, means for in
terconnecting said circuit and said cathode, and
a resistance and a glow discharge device, the
means for controlling the conductivity of the last
common juncture of which is connected to said
mentioned discharge device to maintain the cur
last mentioned grid.
rent through said resistance at a constant value.
7.'In combination, a source of direct current
supply circuit having positive and negative ter 35
10. In combination, a supply circuit, a load
circuit, electric translating apparatus for con
minals, a load circuit, an electric discharge de
trolling an electrical condition of said load cir
vice having a pair of principal electrodes and a
cuit, means for producing a voltage for con
control grid and being connected between said
trolling said translating apparatus and compris
circuits for controlling the voltage of said load
circuit, means for varying the potential of said 40 ing an electric discharge device having a pair of
principal electrodes and a control grid, means
control grid in response to the voltage of said
controlling the potential between one of said
supply circuit comprising in series relation an
principal electrodes and said control grid and
impedance element, a controlled electric dis
comprising an electric discharge device of the
charge device and a capacitance, said controlled
discharge device having an anode, a cathode and 45 type having an anode, a cathode, a control grid,
a screen grid and a suppressor grid. means for
a grid, a capacitance connected between said an
connecting said control grid and said suppressor
ode and the negative terminal of said supply-cir
grid to said cathode, and means for controlling
cuit, a voltage divider connected across said sup
the conductivity of the second electric discharge
ply circuit for impressing a predetermined com~
ponent of voltage of said supply circuit upon the 50 device in response to an electrical condition de
rived from one of the first mentioned circuits
grid of said controlled discharge device, means
including a voltage divider connected across said
for maintaining the potential of said cathode at
circuit and comprising a glow discharge device
a substantially constant value including a serially
connected directly between said cathode and said
connected control electric discharge device and
a resistance connected across said supply circuit, 55 screen grid.
means for connecting the last mentioned circuit
11. In combination, an electric circuit, an im
pedance element, means for controlling the cur
to said cathode, and means for controlling the
rent through said impedance element and com
conductivity of the last mentioned electric dis
prising an electric discharge device comprising
charge device to maintain the current transmit
mitted through said resistance at a substantially
constant value and comprising a voltage divider
connected across the anode and cathode thereof,
said voltage divider comprising in series relation 30
ted thereby substantially constant.
' 8. In combination, a direct current supply cir
cuit having positive and negative terminals, a
load circuit, an electric discharge device connect
ed between said circuits for controlling the volt
age of said load circuit and comprising a pair of
principal electrodes and having a control grid,
means for varying the potential of said control
grid in response to the voltage of said load cir
cuit comprising in series relation an impedance
element, a controlled electric discharge device 70
and'a capacitance, said controlled discharge de
vice having an anode, a cathode and a control
an anode, a cathode, a control grid, a screen grid
and a suppressor grid, and means for controlling
the conductivity of said electric discharge device
in response to ‘an electrical condition of said elec
tric circuit and comprising a voltage divider con
nected across said circuit and including a glow
discharge device connected directly between said
screen and said cathode for maintaining a con
stant potential difference between said screen
grid and said cathode.
12. In combination, an electric circuit, an im
pedance element, means for maintaining a con
stant current through said impedance element
grid, a voltage divider responsive to the voltage
including an electric discharge device having an
of said load circuit for varying the potential
of said control grid to vary the current trans 75 anode, a cathode, a control grid, a screen grid
and a suppressor grid, means for connecting said
control grid and said suppressor grid to said
cathode to maintain these elements at substan
tially the same potential as said cathode, and
means for varying the conductivity of said dis~
‘charge device in response to the voltage of said
electric circuit comprising a voltage divider con
nected to said eiectric circuit and having a glow ~
discharge valve connected directly between said .
cathode and said screen grid, a resistance con
nected between said screen grid and the positive
terminal of said electric circuit and a second‘
resistance connected between said cathode and
the negative terminal of said electric circuit.