INTRODUCTION TO OPHTHALMOLOGY FOR SENIOR MEDICAL STUDENTS Chi-Wah (Rudy) Yung, M.D. Course Director Introduction Welcome to Ophthalmology. You will spend one week with us to learn about Basic Ophthalmology. The objective of this course is to introduce you to the basic technique of eye examination and to recognize the signs of common eye diseases. This handout will aid you in your study. It covers the entire lecture materials and you final examination will be made up of questions from the lectures. However, I encourage you to take advantage of our library, which is located on the 3rd floor of the Rotary Building. You will find excellent audio visual teaching material which will cover a wide area of general ophthalmology such as ocular emergency or how to handle “pink eye,” just to name a few. Your one-week rotation will be spent mainly in one of two general ophthalmology clinics, the Regenstrief Eye Clinic and the VA Clinic. The faculty and resident staff will supervise you. Again, welcome to Ophthalmology and we hope you enjoy your rotation. 2 Contents Section I. The Basic Eye Examination II. Ocular Emergencies III. The Red Eye IV. Vision Screening in Infancy V. Introduction to Glaucoma VI. Diabetic Retinopathy: Diagnosis and Treatment VII. Neuro-Ophthalmology for the Primary Care Physician 3 Section 1: The Basic Eye Examination R. Todd Morason, M.D. History A. History of the Present Illness As with the general medical patient, the fist step in the examination of an eye patient is obtaining a thorough history. Demographic data, including the patient’s name, age, race, gender and occupation should be recorded. This is followed by a brief statement, in the patient’s own words, of the chief complaint (e.g. “Blurred vision in the left eye for two months”). Then, more detailed information regarding the history of the present illness is recorded. This would include time and context of onset, severity, exacerbating or relieving influences, variation (e.g. daily or seasonal), and laterality (i.e. is one eye or are both eyes affected). Clarify symptoms when possible. For instance, if the vision is blurred, determine whether it is more noticeable at distance, near or both. If eye discomfort is present, have the patient describe it specifically. Is it a foreign-body sensation (suggestive of corneal pathology) or is the pain more deep and intense (suggestive of iritis, acute glaucoma or scleritis)? As you will find, there are numerous potential complaints relating to the eyes, and these will be discussed in detail in upcoming sections. B. Past Medical History As many ocular diseases are manifestations of, or associated with, systemic disease, it is important to obtain a complete past medical and surgical history. Consider inquiring about diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. If a patient has diabetes, determine the number of years it has been present, what medications are used to control it and how well the patient’s blood sugars are controlled. Obtain additional review of systems as dictated by the clinical history. C. Past Ocular History Inquire regarding the use of eyeglasses or contact lenses, history of amblyopia, previous use of eye medications, previous eye surgery and prior eye trauma. D. Systemic and Ocular Medications Record all systemic medications. These are sometimes helpful in revealing medical problems not mentioned in the past medical history. Record all eye medications separately with their dosages and frequency. Often patients will not recall the names of their eye drops; however, the color of the cap on the container will reveal the class of the medication. (Red: anticholinergic (mydriatic, dilating drops), Green: cholinergic (miotic), Yellow: Beta-adrenergic blocking agents, Orange: dorzolamide and White: many medications such as antibiotics, steroids and artificial tears). 4 E. Allergies Inquire regarding allergies to medications, both systemic and topical, as well as environmental allergies. F. Family Ocular History Many eye conditions, such as glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration, are heritable. Inquire about these as well as any family history of blindness and its cause. Relevant family medical history should also be obtained. Examination You have likely developed a systematic approach in your physical examination of medical patients. A similar approach is used, albeit on a much smaller scale, in examining the eyes. In general, the exam proceeds from the more anterior ocular structures to the more posterior. It is natural to want to focus on readily apparent pathology; however, to avoid skipping over less obvious abnormalities all steps of the basic exam should be performed on all eye patients, regardless of their presenting signs and symptoms. A. Overview or “Gestalt” With some experience, it may be possible to determine the nature of a patient’s eye problem even before more detailed examination takes place. During history-taking, one may observe evidence of medical, dermatologic (e.g. Roseacea) or neurologic disease (e.g. hemi-facial paresis). Be observant of the patient as a whole before focusing in on the eyes, as this will often provide useful diagnostic clues. B. Face and Periorbita 1. Skin Observe the facial skin for any dermal or vascular changes. Observe the skin’s color, texture, tone and moisture. Note any lesions or evidence of trauma. 2. Facial Bones Note any significant asymmetry in facial bones. Observe for any signs of old trauma or congenital malformations. 3. Lid Position The position or the upper and lower eyelids should be fairly symmetric. Note any drooping (ptosis) or retraction of the eyelids. Assess effectiveness of eyelid closure and strength of the orbicularis muscles if appropriate. 5 Occluder C. Visual Acuity An accurate assessment of visual acuity is perhaps the most important element of the physical examination of the eye. The vision should be tested with the patient wearing his or her glasses or contacts, as the goal is to determine the patient’s “best corrected acuity”. In adults, acuity is most often tested using a Snellen eye chart. This chart is designed to be read from a distance of 20 feet. A similar eye chart in pocketsize form is also available; however, if this chart is used with presbyopic patients (age 40 or greater), they should be tested while wearing their reading glasses or bifocals. Near Card - The pocket vision screener is designed to be read at a distance of 14 inches. 6 Each eye is tested separately. The smallest line the patient is able to read accurately is determined, and this is recorded using Snellen notation. The notation is expressed as a fraction (e.g. 20/40) where the numerator denotes the distance between the patient and the eye chart, and the denominator denotes the distance at which a subject with normal vision can read the same line. If the patient is unable to identify the largest figure on the chart (usually 20/400), some measure of acuity may still be obtained. The distance to the chart may be reduced (note the change in testing distance in the Snellen notation, e.g. if the patient reads the 20/400 figure at 10 feet, the acuity is recorded as 10/400). Alternatively, the greatest distance at which a patient can correctly count the fingers of the examiner’s hand is recorded (e.g. CF at 1 foot). If the level of acuity is below the counting-fingers level, the ability to identify hand motion is assessed. Below this, the ability to perceive light is recorded (e.g. “light perception” or “no light perception” if the patient is completely blind). For pre-literate patients, it may be possible to test acuity using an Allen picture chart. In pre-verbal patients, the ability to fix on and follow a visual target may be used as a gross estimate of visual acuity (this ability develops at age 2-3 months). A photophobic response to bright light may be used in infants prior to this age. The pinhole test is helpful in determining best-corrected acuity in the presence of refractive error (myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism). The patient views the chart through a single pinhole opening in an occluder (one can be improvised by poking a small hole in a piece of cardboard). As the pinhole admits only parallel light, which is not refracted by the eye, the effect of refractive error on vision is circumvented. C. Pupils Examination of the pupils is extremely important as it may reveal serious neurologic or other types of eye disease. When recording pupillary findings, 7 the common notation “PERRLA” is not sufficiently specific. Rather, the millimeter measurements of pupil size should be noted. The pupils are first examined in ambient light. Their shape and size are noted. Next, in a darkened room with the patient staring at a distant target, the size of the pupils is measured with a millimeter ruler or pupil gauge (present on most pocket eye charts) with minimal, diffuse illumination. A light source, such as a penlight, is then used to assess the pupillary diameter of each eye under lighted conditions. If a difference in pupillary size between the two eyes (anisocoria) is noted, the accommodative reflex should also be examined. This is done by recording the pupillary sizes with the patient staring at a distant target, and then with the eyes focused on a near target (e.g. the patient’s own thumb placed 6 inches in front the eyes). The “swinging flashlight test” is then performed to detect the presence or absence of a relative afferent pupillary defect (also called a Marcus Gunn pupil). This test along with a discussion of various pupillary abnormalities and their causes appear in the neuro-ophthalmology section. D. Visual Field Examination A discussion of visual field testing and assessment is provided in the neuro-ophthalmology section. E. Ocular Motility and Alignment The patient is asked to follow a fixation target in all directions of gaze. The eye movements are assessed in each eye individually and then in both eyes simultaneously. The movements should be full in all directions and should be similar between the two eyes. Document any limitations in eye movement. A full discussion of motility assessment and alignment testing is found in the neuro-ophthalmology and pediatrics sections. F. Slit Lamp Examination 1. Uses of the Slit Lamp While many external eye abnormalities may be observed with a penlight examination, the magnified view provided by the slit lamp is invaluable in revealing subtle ocular pathology. Although the slit lamp looks a bit intimidating at first, with some practice the medical student will easily learn to use it to examine the anterior segment of the eye in detail. In addition, the slit lamp is useful for measuring lesions in the anterior segment, and, with the Goldmann applanation tonometer attachment, it may also be used to measure intraocular pressure. 2. Parts of the Slit Lamp A typical slit lamp is shown in the attached photo. The Haag-Streit 900 is shown, as it is the most commonly encountered model. There are three basic elements of the slit lamp: The patient-positioning frame (with chin rest and forehead strap) (1), the illumination arm (2), and the viewing arm (oculars and magnifying elements) (3). The Goldmann applanation tonometer is also attached to the viewing arm (4). 8 The patient should be positioned comfortably, with his or her chin on the chin rest (5) and the forehead pressed against the forehead strap (these should be cleaned prior to examining each patient). There is a knob below the chin rest to adjust its height (6). The height should be adjusted so that the lateral canthus (the angle formed by the upper and lower eyelids) is aligned with the black positioning stripe on the right side of the positioning frame (7). The height of the chair or slit lamp base may need to be adjusted to maintain patient comfort. The examiner should wear his or her spectacle correction or contacts when using the slit lamp. The oculars should be set for the examiner’s inter-pupillary distance and the eyepieces set to “0”. After the patient is positioned, the slit lamp is turned on with a knob below the slit lamp’s base (8). The viewing and illumination arms are connected to a moving base, which is locked into position with a knob (9). After releasing the locking knob, the examiner grasps the joystick (10). The joystick allows the examiner to shift the position of the viewing and illumination arms right, left, forward and backward. The knob may be twisted to raise or lower the light beam. This arrangement allows the view to be adjusted with just one hand, while keeping the other hand free for other tasks. The illumination arm is set to project light at an oblique angle toward the eye being examined. The height of the beam is controlled with a knob (11) (the beam height is displayed in millimeters on a meter (12) above the knob, which is useful for measuring lesions of the anterior segment.). 9 This same knob, when rotated fully counter-clockwise, switches the illumination to cobalt blue (which is used in combination with fluorescein staining to reveal epithelial defects of the cornea and during applanation tonometry.) The width of the beam is controlled with a separate knob (13). Just below the millimeter scale is a lever (14) which controls the brightness of illumination. A lever below the oculars allows adjustment of magnification (15). With the illumination adjusted to a comfortable level, the viewing and illumination arms are moved into position with gross movement of the base. The beam is positioned on the eye to be examined. While viewing through the oculars, the examiner is able to adjust the depth of focus with the joystick. By moving the joystick backward and forward, the depth of focus is adjusted from the more superficial to more deep structures. 3. Parts of Slit Lamp Examination a) Lids, lashes and lacrimal system The lids are examined for any dermal or vascular changes. The lashes are examined for evidence of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), such as flakes (“scurf”), collarettes or sleeves on the lashes. b) Conjunctiva The conjunctiva is examined for any injection (redness), and if present, its distribution (diffuse, perilimbal, or focal). Inflammation in the form of papillae or lymphoid follicles is also noted. Any secretions or discharge are noted. If a foreign body is suspected, the lower fornix should be examined by pulling down the lower eyelid with the free hand. The upper eyelid should also be everted to inspect the superior fornix. This is performed by placing a cotton swab horizontally against the upper eyelid at the level of the eyelid crease. The swab is held by the hand on the temporal side of the eye. The lashes of the 10 upper lid are grasped with the other hand. While pressing gently posterior and downward with the swab, the lashes are drawn outward and upward, everting the lid. The conjunctiva of the upper eyelid may then be examined with the slit lamp. c) Cornea The cornea is examined for abnormalities in the tear film. Also noted are any defects in the epithelium (best seen with fluorescein staining and cobalt blue illumination). The other layers of the cornea, including Bowman’s layer, the stroma, Descemet’s membrane and the endothelium are also examined. d) Anterior Chamber The anterior chamber is examined to assess its depth. Inflammation in the form of “flare and cell” is also assessed. When intraocular inflammation (uveitis) is present, flare results from protein spillage into the anterior chamber. It has a similar appearance to light beams streaking through murky water. Cell is the appearance of white blood cells in the anterior chamber. This finding can be quite subtle, and is best seen with high magnification. With the level of focus set within the anterior chamber, white blood cells appear as small specks floating in the aqueous, similar in appearance to dust particles floating in and out of a movie projector beam. Pigment cells and red blood cells may also be seen. Blood in the anterior chamber (hyphema) usually results from trauma. If present in sufficient amount, the red blood cells may settle inferiorly forming a flat-topped layer in the bottom on the anterior chamber. Layering of white blood cells in inferior anterior chamber (hypopyon) may also occur with severe intraocular inflammation e) Iris The iris is inspected for any nodules, tumors, cysts or neovascularization, which may occur in severe diabetic disease or other eye disease. Lens The lens is inspected for cataracts, of which there are several types. Nuclear cataracts are the most common. They result from aging and appear as a yellow to brown, hazy discoloration of the lens. Posterior subcapsular cataracts are granular opacifications which appear in the posterior aspect of the lens. They are sometimes age related, but may be associated with diabetes, steroid use or intraocular inflammation. f) Anterior Vitreous The anterior vitreous is the deepest structure visible with the slit lamp without additional lenses. Uveitis of the posterior segment of the eye may be seen in the form of flare and cell in the vitreous. Further discussion of slit lamp findings is found in the red-eye section. G. Intraocular pressure 11 The measurement of intraocular pressure is discussed in the glaucoma section. H. Fundus Direct Ophthalmoscope The direct ophthalmoscope is a useful tool for examining the optic disc and posterior pole. The best view is achieved when the pupils are dilated. In adults the most commonly utilized mydriatics are Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) 12 2.5% and Tropicamide (Mydriasil) 1%. One drop of each solution is placed in each eye. Full dilation usually occurs after 30 minutes. The pupils will reconstrict after 4-8 hours. Direct ophthalmoscopy is performed with the eye that corresponds to the eye being examined. The examiner should wear his or her glasses or contact lenses during the exam (a rubber pad on the back of the ophthalmoscope prevents it from scratching the glasses). To begin, the focusing lens is set to zero and the illumination opening is set to a full spot size. The brightest level of illumination tolerated by the patient should be used. The patient’s red reflex is checked from a distance of 2 feet. Often, opacities in the media (e.g. cataracts, vitreous floaters) may be seen. While the patient looks straight ahead the examiner approaches the patient’s eye with the ophthalmoscope. The eye is best examined at a distance of 2-3 cm. 13 The examiner then dials the focusing lenses until the image of the retina becomes clear (note: if the examiner has no refractive error or the error is corrected with spectacles or contacts, the lens power on the direct ophthalmoscope that produces a clear view of the retina corresponds to the patient’s refractive error). Red numbers signify minus lenses (myopic correction) and green or white numbers signify plus lenses (hyperopic correction). The optic disc, vessels and macula are then examined. The shape, size and color of the disc are noted along with the degree of cupping. The emerging vessels are examined and any pulsation of the vessels is noted. The macula is examined for abnormalities, such as diabetic retinopathy and hypertensive retinopathy. While the direct ophthalmoscope provides an excellent, magnified view of the posterior pole, it is not useful in viewing the peripheral retina, even with complete dilation. The peripheral retina is best viewed with the binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, seen in the following picture. 14 Further discussion of fundoscopy is found in the retina and glaucoma sections. 15 Section II Ocular Trauma Rudy Yung, M.D. I. History and Examination: A. History: Time and location of injury, ask the Ws (when, what, where and how). Past ocular history is also important. B. C. Ocular Examination: 1. Visual acuity: Use Snellen chart for distance vision or near card for near vision. Make sure that patient is wearing proper eye glasses and check one eye at a time. Knowing visual acuity prior to injury can be helpful. 2. External examination: Gross observation to detect any asymmetry, abnormal facial or periorbital features. Palpation of the bony orbit, avoid pressure on eye if nature of injury not known or if ruptured globe is suspected. 3. Retract upper and lower eyelids with care if foreign body is suspected. Again avoid this procedure if ruptured globe is suspected. Pupil examination: 1. Observe pupil shape and size. Abnormal pupil shape such as tear-drop pupil is highly suspicious for penetrating eye injury. 2. Direct pupillary response and consensual response: Afferent pupillary defect (Fig. 1). Figure 1 16 II. D. Motility. E. Slit-lamp examination if available. F. Intraocular pressure measurement. G. Direct Ophthalmoscopy. Eye Trauma A. Chemical injury – a true emergency. Need to initiative treatment immediately. At home, any source of water should be used to irrigate the eye before going to emergency room. In hospital or office, can irrigate the eye with any IV fluid before obtaining ophthalmology consultation. Be sure to look for foreign body by everting the eyelids. Do not waste time to perform a complete eye examination. Start treatment first, then perform history and physical. Damage from alkali injuries is usually worse and carries a poor prognosis(Fig. 2). The most damaging alkaline is Ammonia Hydroxide followed by Sodium Hydroxide. Figure 2 B. Subconjunctival hemorrhage – usually benign and self-limited. No treatment is required, but be aware of rupture globe. C. Hyphema – collection of blood in the anterior chamber (Fig.3) Associated with serious intraocular injury. Check for sickle cell status if patient is Africa-American. Hyphema may associate with acute rise in intraocular pressure in these patients and needs to be monitored closely. Hospitalization may be required. 17 Figure 3 D. Cornea abrasion – best diagnosed with staining the cornea with fluorescein (Fig. 4). Symptoms include sharp pain, tearing, photophobia and foreign body sensation. Treatment includes topical antibiotic, cycloplegic medications (e.g. Homatropine 5%), and pressure patching. DO NOT treat patient with topical anesthetics because they are toxic to the corneal epithelium. Figure 4 E. Corneal foreign body – can be removed with topical anesthetic as long as the foreign body does not extend the entire cornea into the anterior chamber. Be sure to look under the eyelids for hidden foreign bodies. Suspect intraocular foreign body if patient exposed to particles, grinding wheel or chisel, or foreign body propelled by any mechanical force (Fig. 5 and 6). Obtain facial X-ray if index of suspicion is high. 18 Figure 5 Figure 6 F. The open globe 1. Corneal laceration – through and through interruption of the cornea (Fig 7). The anterior chamber usually is shadow. Iris may be incarcerated into the wound. 2. Corneal-scleral laceration – wound extended into sclera, and may extend posteriorly (Fig 8). When suspect an open globe, one shall protect the eye from further injury by covering the eye with a shield or any device that can protect the eye(Fig 9) Do not instill any medication to the eye. Do not attempt to remove anything from the wound (tissue from inside of the eye may look like dirt or mucous). 19 Figure 9 G. Eyelid lacerations – check if the eyelid margin is involved. The nasolacrimal drainage system may be involved if injury involves nasal portion of the eyelid. Need to look for associated occult eye or orbital trauma. The multiple layers of the lid must be apposed correctly to avoid poor lid function, which could result in corneal injury or scarring. H. Bony orbit – fracture of the floor of the orbit most common (blow-out fracture). Eye movement may be restricted especially up and down gaze. CT is best to identify extend of the fracture. Medial wall fracture is usually associated with air in orbit. 20 The Red Eye Fred M. Wilson II, M.D. Shailaja Valluri, M.D. I Blepharitis: a chronic lid-margin inflammation (Fig. 1) Figure 1 1. Types Staphylococcal Blepharitis: occurs at the eyelash line (anterior margin) Seborrheic Blepharitis: Meibomian gland dysfunction (posterior blepharitis), almost always associated with seborrheic dermatitis. 2. Clinical Features: Burning, itching, foreign body sensation and irritation typically worse in the mornings Lids can often be stuck together in the mornings (especially in staphylococcal blepharitis) Hard fibrinous scales at the base of eye lashes Collarettes (scales that encircle eye lashes) often present Loss of lashes (madarosis) or white lashes (poliosis) or irregular lid margins (tylosis) 3. Treatment - Lid hygiene with diluted Johnson’s baby shampoo twice a day for one month then decrease to once a day Ophthalmic antibiotic ointment such as erythromycin or bacitracin once a day at bedtime for one month 21 4. Prognosis - Warm compresses to eyelids twice a day If there is associated conjunctivitis, use topical ophthalmic antibiotic solution such as sulfacetamide 10% qid or polymyxin/trimethoprim qid. Oral doxycycline or erythromycin if patient has meibomian gland dysfunction. Usually an annoyance, however certain complications such as corneal ulcers, scarring and neovascularization can occur. 22 Chalazion or Internal hordeolum: Inflammation of meibomian gland due to occluded orifice and extrusion of lipid contents of the gland into the surrounding area inciting granulomatous inflammation. (Fig. 2) II Figure 2 1. Clinical Features: Visible or palpable eyelid lump accompanied with pain, swelling, and erythema. Patients often have underlying blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction. 2. Treatment: - Warm compresses for 15 to 20 minutes over the lesion with light massage. Topical ophthalmic antibiotic (erythromycin or bacitracin) ointment two to four times a day. Refer to ophthalmologist if chalazion does not resolve after several weeks or if patient desires surgical treatment for a quicker resolution. After resolution a firm, nontender, localized nodule often remains. Preseptal Cellulitis: Anterior to the orbital septum. Orbit is not involved. (Fig. 3) III Figure 3 1. Clinical Features: Red, swollen eyelids usually without induration. May be tender Vision and ocular motility are typically normal No relative afferent pupillary defect 23 - No evidence of proptosis No pain on eye movement 2. Pathogenesis: Usually occurs following trauma or skin infection Can also occur as extension from other infectious site (sinuses, lacrimal sac infections) Common organisms include S. aureus and Streptococcus species. In pediatric age group Hemophilus influenzae is a fairly common pathogen. 3. Treatment: - Gram stain and culture any conjunctival drainage or discharge. Mild preseptal cellulitis can be treated with broad-spectrum oral antibiotic such as a second-generation cephalosporin. CT scan can be sometimes be useful to differentiate preseptal from orbital cellulitis, Moderate to severe preseptal cellulitis and children under the age of five should be treated aggressively with intravenous antibiotics. Tetanus toxoid should be administered if necessary. Topical ophthalmic ointment or drops for secondary conjunctivitis. 24 IV Orbital Cellulitis (Fig. 4) Figure 4 1. Clinical Features: Red, swollen, tender eyelids Hyperemia and chemosis of the conjunctiva Pain on eye movement with restricted ocular motility Vision can be decreased Afferent pupillary defect may be present Proptosis Double vision may be present Fever 2. Pathogenesis: Most infections originate from the sinuses especially the ethmoid sinus. Dental abscesses, upper respiratory infections, orbital trauma, eyelid and strabismus surgery, lacrimal sac infections have been associated with orbital infections. Common organisms include S. aureus and Streptococcus species. In pediatric age group Hemophilus influenzae is a fairly common pathogen. 4. Treatment: - V! Admit for IV antibiotics and close monitoring. Consult appropriate services (Ophthalmology, ENT) CT scan of orbit and sinuses CBC, blood cultures and culture any conjunctival drainage or discharge. Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as second- generation cephalosporin or ampicillin/sulbactam Nasal decongestants In immunocompromised individuals and diabetics one must also consider the possibility of mucormycosis Complications include subperiosteal abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, and meningitis. Nasolacrimal drainage obstruction 1. Clinical Features 25 2. Treatment - - VII Persistent tearing and discharge, often associated with redness + Dacryocystitis (infected lacrimal sac): raised, tender, eythematous, swollen lacrimal sac beneath the medial canthal tendon Congenital obstruction (usually due to persistent congenital membranes in nasolacrimal duct) Massage lacrimal sac daily Topical antibiotic solution (10% sulfacetamide qid for 1-2 weeks) if purulent discharge Systemic antibiotics if dacryocystitis Refer to ophthalmologist if no resolution after 6-8 months of age for nasolacrimal duct probing. Acquired obstruction Rule out nasal inflammation, polyps, tumors Systemic antibiotics if dacryocystitis Nasal decongestants If chronic and/or recurrent refer to ophthalmologist Acute Conjunctivitis (referred to as “pink eye” by the layman) (Fig. 5) Figure 5 1. Clinical Features Redness Itching Discharge: characteristic of cause Watery with white, stringy mucous: allergic Purulent: bacterial Watery or serous: viral or chemical Palpable, tender preauricular lymphadenopathy: characteristic of viral or chlamydial causes. Bacterial conjunctivitis presents typically without lymphadenopathy. 2. Bacterial conjunctivitis - Etiology: Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Hemophilus influenza, Pseudomonas sp. Treatment - Clean lids of discharge 26 3. Topical antibiotics qid x 5-7 days (10% sulfacetamide or Polytrim) or ophthalmic ointment qid x 7 (bacitracin, erythromycin, or gentamicin) Refer to ophthalmologist if not improved in 3-4 days Hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis (copious purulent discharge within 12 to 24 hours) - Etiology: Neisseria gonorrhea Critical Signs: profusely purulent discharge (flowing pus); sometimes prominent lid swelling; chemosis, occasionally preauricular lymphadenopathy Treatment Immediate conjunctival scrapings for Gram’s stain and for cultures and sensitivities are mandatory. Ophthalmology consult Ceftriaxone 1 gm i.m. in a single dose. If corneal involved then Ceftriaxone 1 gm q12-24 hrs. Topical ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin q 1 h if cornea is involved with the infection Treat for possible co-infection with chlamydia 4. Viral conjunctivitis Contagious: commonly occurs in epidemics (adenovirus) Treatment No- effective therapy except time (2-6 weeks). Strict hygiene with frequent hand washing recommended Refer to ophthalmologist if pain, photophobia, decreased vision Artificial tears qid for comfort 5. Allergic (hayfever) conjunctivitis Clinical Features: Itching, burning eyes Lid swelling Conjunctival Chemosis Redness - Treatment: Cool compresses Avoid allergens Topical/oral antihistamines (naphazoline gtts qid prn or Patanol bid) 27 - 6. Mast cell stabilizers (4% cromolyn qid ) Refer if refractory to treatment Chemical Conjunctivitis / Chemical burns (Fig. 6) Figure 6 - Acid - - Immediate damage/ Ocular Emergency Stat continuous irrigation with normal saline for many minutes to hours until pH of tears neutralized Cycloplegia ( Atropine1% qid or scopolamine 0.25% bid or homatropine 5% bid ) Patch with ophthalmic ointment ( bacitracin, erythromycin) Always refer to an ophthalmologist Alkali Immediate and delayed damage Stat continuous irrigation for many minutes to hours until pH of tears neutralized Stat referral to ophthalmologist Potential for serious ocular damage 28 VIII. Subconjunctival hemorrhage (Fig. 7) Figure 7 Usually spontaneous without known cause. Sometimes associated with hypertension, valsalva maneuver, and anticoagulants Patient often presents with bright red eye Normal vision, no pain, no history of trauma No treatment except time (2 weeks) and reassurance IX. Neonatal conjunctivitis (ophthalmia neonatorum) 1. Clinical Features Redness Discharge Cutaneous vesicles suggest herpes simplex 2. Etiology: Chlamydia (inclusion conjunctivitis), Candida albicans, Neisseria gonorrhoeae or N. meningitides, Herpes simplex type II, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, “everyday bacteria” (staph. strep. pneumo.), and chemical conjunctivitis from silver nitrate prophylaxis . 3. Treatment: - Conjunctival scrapings and cultures are mandatory; fluorescent-antibody tests are available for chlamydia and herpes 29 - 3. Prognosis: - Treatment highly variable depending on etiology. Consider ophthalmology consult whenever appropriate If Gram stain shows gram positive organisms treat with erythromycin ophthalmic ointment Q2-4 hours for 5-10 days If Gram Stain shows Gram negative organisms treat with tobramycin or gentamicin ophthalmic solution or ointment q2-4 hours for 5-10 days If gram stain is suggestive of gonococcus refer to ophthalmologist immediately neisserial infections usually require systemic ceftriaxone or penicillin herpes simplex may call for systemic acyclovir and topical trifluorothymidine (Viroptic drops) Chlamydial infections should be treated with both topical erythromycin ophthalmic ointment (qid) and systemic erythromycin (40 –50 mg/kg/day in four divided doses). Rapid corneal perforation can occur with neisseria or pseudomonas acute or chronic keratitis can be caused by herpes or chlamydia N. meningitides can be fatal, as can disseminated herpes simplex or chlamydia (pneumonitis) Note: Systemic tetracycline should be avoided in pregnant or breast feeding women and children under the age of eight years . X. Dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 1. 2. 4. Clinical Features Redness Burning “gritty”, foreign-body sensation (symptoms exceed the signs) Symptoms typically worse in the evenings Treatment Artificial tears instilled frequently (preservative-free) Lubricating ophthalmic ointment qhs Protective sun goggles for outdoor wear If severe, refer to an ophthalmologist Etiology Common with aging 30 - Associated with rheumatoid arthritis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, systemic medications (diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, dermatologic drying agents) XI. Exposure Keratitis 1. Clinical Features Redness Ocular irritation Symptoms typically worse in the mornings Inadequate blinking or closure of eyelids leading to corneal drying 2. Etiology - 3. Treatment - XII. Bell’s palsy (seventh cranial-nerve palsy) scarred or malpositioned lids Proptosis (thyroid ophthalmopathy) Artificial tears, lubricating ointment Mechanical lid closure (massage, voluntary forced lid closure, taping lids prn) Refer if severe Pinguecula/Pterygium (Fig. 8) Figure 8 1. Clinical Features - Conjunctival degeneration caused by exposure to sun, wind, and dust 31 2. Treatment: - Arises from bulbar conjunctiva in interpalpebral fissure near the limbus (nasal and/or temporal) Pinguecula: confined to conjunctival tissue Pterygium: extension onto the cornea, may involve visual axis These lesions respond to irritants in the environment (e.g., smoke, fumes) and become red and inflamed—thereby attracting attention Frequent use of artificial reduce symptoms Sunglasses for outdoor wear to prevent progression Topical ophthalmic solutions with vasoconstrictors qid prn to alleviate redness Refer to ophthalmologist if actively growing pterygium is present or if inflammation is severe XIII. Episcieritis/scleritis 1. Clinical Features Localized redness associated with discomfort and tenderness Noninfectious (immunologic) inflammation of sclera/ episclera usually sectoral in distribution; no discharge Most cases are idiopathic + Associated conditions: autoimmune disorders, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis May be vision-threatening with extension into the cornea or intraocular inflammation 2. Treatment: - Refer to ophthalmologist Topical Steroids Oral Non steroidals Severe cases might need oral steroids and cytotoxic agents Prognosis: - can be chronic can lead to uveitis, scleral melting, corneal involvement 3. XIV. Corneal abrasion 1. Clinical Features Redness Tearing Photophobia Pain 32 2. XV. Treatment homatropine) - Decreased vision Usually a history of trauma or contact lens wear Cycloplegic eye drops (1-2% cyclopentolate, 2-5% Topical ophthalmic antibiotic drops or ointment Pressure patch (2 eye pads) for at least 24 hours Do not patch contact lens related abrasions Oral analgesics with codeine if severe pain Refer to ophthalmologist in 24-48 hours if not pain-free Keratitis (corneal inflammation usually caused by infection) 1. Viral Herpes simplex type I most common Signs and symptoms: red eye with watery discharge and foreign-body sensation Epithelial dendrite or branching figure is characteristic, best seen with fluorescein stain Refer to ophthalmologist stat 2. Bacterial Signs and symptoms: red, painful eye with purulent discharge and decreased vision Discrete corneal opacity seen with penlight Hypopyon may be present Refer to ophthalmologist stat as there is risk of corneal perforation, corneal scarring and loss of vision. XVI. Anterior chamber: vision-threatening conditions 33 1. Hyphema: blood in the anterior chamber Usually follows blunt trauma Signs and symptoms: decreased vision, pain, redness, blood seen grossly layered out in the anterior chamber. Refer to ophthalmologist stat, risk of other unsuspected ocular damage, glaucoma, further bleeding 2. Iritis: inflammation in anterior chamber Signs and symptoms: circumcorneal redness, pain, photophobia, decreased vision, and small pupil; intraocular pressure may be abnormal + Associated conditions: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis sarcoidosis, dental abscesses, urethritis, inflammatory bowel disorders, allergies, tuberculosis, and syphilis May be seen following blunt trauma to eye; usually delayed 1-3 days - Complications: glaucoma and cataract Recognize and refer to an ophthalmologist 3. Acute glaucoma Sudden block of aqueous outflow by peripheral iris moving forward to occlude the trabecular meshwork Characteristically seen in susceptible individuals who experience attacks of acute rise in intraocular pressure when pupil(s) dilate(s) Precipitating factors: dim light, many pharmacologic agents (topical and systemic), emotional stress Signs: Circumcorneal redness Mid-dilated (5 mm), nonreactive pupil Cloudy cornea Increased intraocular pressure (usually 50 mm Hg or more) 34 - - IX. One or both eyes may be involved Symptoms: Severe ocular pain or headache Blurred vision Perception of halos around lights + Nausea and vomiting Presents as “a great masquerader”: can be confused with other conditions, e.g., cerebral aneurysm (headache, dilated pupil), appendicitis (nausea, vomiting) Refer to ophthalmologist stat VISION-THREATENING RED EYE DISORDERS A. Signs and symptoms 1. Decreased vision 2. Ocular pain 3. Photophobia 4. Circumcorneal redness 5. Corneal edema 6. Corneal ulcers, dendrites 7. Abnormal pupil 8. Elevated intraocular Pressure B. Conditions 1. orbital cellulitis 2. Episcleritis, scleritis 3. Corneal infection 4. Hyphema 5. Iritis 6. Acute glaucoma C. Recognize and refer GENERAL PRECAUTIONS IN TREATING RED EYES A. Avoid corticosteroids: they mask worsening of conditions, allow secondary infections, and make primary infections worse, and can cause glaucoma, cataract, and corneal melting and perforation B. Avoid topical anesthetics as treatment: they soon become very toxic to the eye and retard healing with prolonged use C. Do not patch infected eyes. Do not patch contact lens related abrasions D. Do not use irritating and allergenic drugs (neomycin, gentamicin, tobramycin, antiviral agents) for longer than two weeks 35 Section IV Vision Screening in Infancy Joseph C. Paviglianiti, M.D. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) Strabismus Amblyopia Leukocoria Cloudy Cornea Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Ptosis Nystagmus Retinopathy of Prematurity Anisocoria 1.) Strabismus (abnormal ocular alignment) - esotropia (eye turns in) (ET) (Fig. 1) - exotropia (eye turns out) (XT) (Fig. 2) - hypertropia (eye turns up) (HT) - hypotropia (eye turns down) (hypoT) Figure 1 Esotropia (ET) Figure 2 Exotropia (XT) - approximately 5% of all US children have strabismus - newborns commonly have strabismus but should grow out of it in a few daysweeks(Nixon 1985, 40% newborns straight, 33% exotropia, 3% esotropia) - infants often have flat nasal bridges and large epicanthal folds which can have false appearance of crossing ( To avoid being fooled: shine penlight at eyes; if light reflex is in center of corneas OU, then eyes are straight, even if it looks like they are crossed in); called “pseudoesotropia” - need to check motility to make sure eyes move equally in all fields of gaze 36 - - - - - - Specific Types of Strabismus: Congenital ET -eyes cross in before 6 months of age; parents say eyes “always crossed” since birth -affects 1-2% of ALL babies born -large angle (eye is really turned way in) -usually needs surgical alignment (doesn’t usually fix itself with glasses) -usually NOT much hyperopia (farsightedness) -likely will never have good depth perception/fusion even if eyes surgically aligned early Refractive ET -these kids are pretty farsighted, and in their efforts to focus, their eyes cross in (unlike congenital ET which is not a focusing problem) -usually mostly cured with glasses Nonrefractive ET -eyes cross in after age ~1 but not due to focusing problem; needs surgical alignment Infantile XT (eyes go out) -if newborn presents to office with XT before 6 months of age, (but older than a few weeks, see above) consider it a brain problem and consider a scan Intermittent XT -occurs after age 6 months usually -usually maintain good stereo/depth perception -parents note eye wandering out, initially only briefly, but as kid gets to be older, they lose control and the eye “stays out” more and more; -surgery indicated when eye wanders out more than it is straight Convergence insufficiency -eyes don’t converge well when trying to focus to read -c/o headaches, asthenopia (vague eye pains/aches) and diplopia when reading -tx c prisms and or surgery Nerve palsies causing strabismus (trauma is a common cause) -6th nerve palsy (LR doesn’t work, so medical rectus unopposed, pulls eye in) -3rd nerve palsy (MR doesn’t work, so lateral rectus unopposed, pulls eye out) -4th nerve palsy- Superior oblique doesn’t work, so inferior oblique (an elevator) is unopposed and patient presents with ipsilateral hypertropia and a contralateral head tilt) -NOTE all patients with their heads tilted (so they don’t see double) have 4th N palsy until proven otherwise. 37 2.) Amblyopia (“Lazy Eye”) - “lazy eye” means many things to different people and therefore it is a bad term and us smart medical people should never use it “my kid’s eyelid droops….it’s a lazy eye” (ptosis) “my kid’s eye wanders out (or in)…it’s a lazy eye” (eso/exotropic) “he don’t see so good out of his left eye…it’s a lazy eye” (amblyopia) - amblyopia defined as reduced visual acuity in a structurally healthy eye (derived from the Greek word for “dullness of vision”) - vision out of an amblyopic eye has been described as similar to a shimmer effect of hot air over a highway – “a continuously wavy motion in the environment”, “the object of regard fades in and out of focus continuously”; the vision is not really blurry…it’s more dull, with words and letters blending together. - “crowding phenomenon”- amblyopic eye may only be able to read a line at 20/50, but if letters presented individually, can get the 20/30 letters right - amblyopes therefore “do better” with more time given to read - some amblyopic eyes actually see better with less light in the room (neural density filter test-put dark lenses in front of an amblyopic eye and won’t notice much decrease in vision; vs. will notice decrease in eye with organic vision loss. - AMBLYOPIA affects 2-5% US/world population (it’s common and a lot of kids have it!) - Causes of amblyopia (decreased vision in one eye) A) Strabismic-most common. Bad alignment, means one eye is not looking at the target; over time, that eye shuts off permanently B) Refractive- usually due to anisometropia (a large refractive difference between the eyes, such that the eye that is more out of focus, gradually shuts off). Can also be due to bilateral HIGH hyperopia and myopia (really, really farsighted or nearsighted) C) Occlusion – usually due to ptosis (with lid blocking visual input) or cataract (with lens blocking input). Rarely can be caused by excessive patching of the good eye while trying to treat amblyopia of the bad eye (i.e. you patch the good eye so much it becomes the bad eye) D) Underlying organic etiology - for example, optic nerve hypoplasia (the vision is ↓ due to the bad nerve, but patch can sometimes get a little of that vision back) 38 3) Leukocoria (white pupil) (Fig. 3) Figure 3 Leukocoria - - - Big differential diagnosis, but most commonly: congenital cataract (discussed below) PHPV (persistent hyperplasia of primary vitreous) Retinoblastoma or other intraocular tumor (discussed below) Retina detachment (due to trauma or retinopathy of prematurity) Coats disease – fluid under retina Toxocariasis (nematode infection) from exposure to puppies or other uveitis Large retina coloboma most commonly picked up by parents in kids photos – one eye has red reflex, other white More on congenital cataracts: - cause 10% of all visual loss worldwide -1:250 newborns has some form of congenital cataract ranging from insignificant to vision threatening - etiology is mostly idiopathic, some familial with auto dominant inheritance; other causes: intrauterine infection (rubella, herpes, CMV), metabolic disorders (galactosemia), Lowes, Refsums, Alports, sulfite oxidase deficiency, Fabry’s), structural abnormalities (microphthalmia, coloboma, aniridia, PHPV, posterior lenticonus), trauma, radiation, craniofacial (Hallerman-Streiff, Rubenstein-Taybi.) More on Retinoblastoma -the most common intraocular malignancy of childhood -1:20,000 live births -there is an inherited form (usually bilateral) and a non-inherited form (usually unilateral-spontaneous) of retinoblastoma -retinoblastoma usually presents with leukocoria or strabismus -loss of recessive suppressor gene on chrom #13, “two hit hypothesis,” 50% of all cases hereditary -looks like a white mass sitting on the retina or a lesion under the retina causing a retinal detachment -usually dx at age 12-24 mo -if untreated → 100% fatal -if treated → 90% survival 39 -kids of pts with inherited bilateral Retinoblastoma have 45% chance of developing Retinoblastoma (takes two hits – so one parent contributes a bad gene, one a good gene therefore 50% x 90% penetrance => 45%) -kids of patients with spontaneous unilateral retinoblastoma have ~ 5% chance of developing Retinoblastoma) -treatment options: -enucleation: curative if tumor has not left the eye (which it does via optic nerve) -XRT -Focal (plaque) brachytherapy -Chemo -Cryotherapy 3.) Cloudy Cornea (Fig 4) Figure 4 Cloudy Cornea - think congenital glaucoma until proven otherwise. Glaucoma is increased pressure in the eye: presentations include: tearing, photophobia, cloudy cornea, megalocornea; Treatment: glaucoma drops and surgery to either ↑ outflow or ↓ production of fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye - Other causes of a cloudy cornea: STUMPED -Sclerocornea – the white of the eye covers the cornea -Tears in corneal endothelium – birth trauma, congenital glaucoma -Ulcers of cornea (herpes, rubella) -Metabolic – mucopolysaccharidosis, lipidoses, tyrosinosis -Peters anomaly (posterior corneal defect) -Endothelial dystophies -Dermoid - Infections - trachoma - endemic, over 250 million people worldwide have it - by far the MOST common cause of corneal scarring and blindness in the world 40 4.) Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (NLDO) - an obstruction in nasolacrimal system, most likely at Valve of Hasner where drainage system empties into nose beneath the interior turbinate - Symptoms: crusty, yellow matting/tearing of eyelids/lashes, usually from birth - tx: 90% resolve on own by age 1 yr: in meantime, treat symptomatically with antibiotic eye drops and NLD massage. - Otherwise, can probe open the system; if malformed, can do dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) to create a new plumbing system into the nose. 5.) Ptosis (droopy eyelid) (Fig. 5) Figure 5 Ptosis - is it congenital or acquired? if congenital, usually due to an underdeveloped levator palpebrae muscle, though congenital eyelid tumor or 3rd nerve palsy could also be implicated; also congenital Horner’s from a forceps delivery if acquired, need to closely evaluate pupil to rule out Horner’s (ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis) (unfortunately, a guaranteed board question); also need to consider myogenic causes such as myasthenia or chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia; look for a change in ptosis related to chewing or sucking (Marcus-Gunn jaw wink); also consider lid masses (e.g. neuroblastoma, neurofibromatosis) or any history of trauma 6.) Nystagmus - What is Nystagmus? - involuntary spasmodic motion of the eye due to disruption of the normal mechanisms for fixation or gaze stability - normally, the brain uses 3 different mechanisms to keep the eyes trained on a target a) “fixation” in primary position involves correction of retinal drift & suppression of unwanted saccades b) vestibulo-oculoreflex- maintains fixation while your head moves c) neural integrator- unknown location in brain serves to overcome the forces that want to pull the eye back into primary position. 41 - - - - How should physicians describe nystagmus? a) jerk (fast and slow phases) vs. pendular (sinusoidal waveform; equal speed in both directions) b) horizontal? vertical? torsional? in general, any new-onset nystagmus requires neuroimaging any newborn who does not have a partially focused image on the retina (e.g. due to bilateral cataracts, high bilateral refractive errors) by the age of 3 months will develop IRREVERSIBLE nystagmus additionally, nystagmus may be the presentation of optic nerve problems (colobomas, glaucoma, optic nerve hypoplasia, etc); the eye is trying to see but, due to a faulty nerve, none of the information can get communicated to the brain => develop nystagmus in summary, if the newborn brain doesn’t start receiving “eye input” by the approximate age of 2-3 months, irreversible nystagmus develops- think of it like the brain telling the eyes “I’m not seeing anything yet, so start looking around for stuff to see” and a wandering, searching nystagmus begins Types of Nystagmus A. Idiopathic Congenital Motor Nystagmus ! usually present early in infancy – onset age 2-3 months ! usually horizontal, dampens with convergence ! usually has a null point where nystagmus is least ! causes: - idiopathic - albinism - aniridia - Leber’s congenital amaurosis - achromotopsia ! ddx - spasmus nutans (nystagmus appearing at age 6months through 3 years & resolving between ages2 & 8 yrs., with head bobbing and torticollis B. Latent Nystagmus ! occurs when you cover an eye, the viewing eye gets nystagmus with fast phase toward side of viewing eye; usually in patients with history of strabismus C. Acquired Nystagmus (the kid definitely didn’t have it yesterday, but today he does) ! usually present Fridays at 4 p.m. ! etiologies include trauma, stroke, medications, demyelination, tumors (sometimes the locations of some of these problems can be guessed at by the type of nystagmus that presents itself): • seesaw nystagmus – one eye rises and intorts while the other descends and extorts ! think of chiasm or 3rd ventricle 42 • • • • • • • • convergence retraction nystagmus- poor upgaze, eyelid retraction, large unreactive pupils, with convergencelike movements on upgaze ! think dorsal midbrain or pineal gland upbeat nystagmus – fast phase beats “up” in primary position ! think brainstem or cerebellar vermis ! note: if upbeat nystagmus only happens when pt looks up: think of drug etiology rebound nystagmus- over/undershoot when trying to change gaze ! think cerebellum gaze-evoked nystagmus-not present when eyes straight ahead, but is present when eyes look to side ! think EtOH, sedatives, cerebellar problems downbeat nystagmus – fast phase “down” in primary position ! think cervico-medullary junction (e.g. Arnold-Chiari) periodic alternating nystagmus – fast eye mvts in one direction for about 60-90 seconds, then fast eye mvts in the other direction for 60-90 seconds; cycle repeats continuously ! think cervico-medullary junction or blindness vestibular nystagmus – usually has a rotary component ! can be associated with vertigo, tinnitus, deafness opsoclonus – random bursts of nystagmus which switches directions ! think of neuroblastoma or encephalitis in kids; drugs or strokes in adults 7.) Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) - the vessels of the retina begin to develop out from the optic nerve at about 16 weeks of gestation and reach the ora serrata by about 40-42 weeks of gestation - in selected preemies, the normally developing blood vessels are damaged and begin to grow irregularly and proliferate; scar tissue and gliosis follow, along with hemorrhage of the new, tenuous vessels; the scar tissue can cause traction on the retina, thus leading to the blinding condition of bilateral retinal detachments - related to the birth weight of the baby and the amount of supplemental oxygen received (low birth weight babies on a ventilator for a long time are more likely to get ROP) 43 - there are many other factors which are not really understood (vitamins, antenatal steroids, post gestational health etc) - currently all preemies born before 32 weeks of gestational age and/or born LESS than 1250 g are screened for ROP - the location of the abnormal vessels is followed closely o the retina is divided into zones, centered around the optic nerve o the amount of retinopathy of prematurity is described in stages o the additional finding of “plus” disease (vascular tortuosity) is also a bad sign o when a certain amount of ROP is found within the correct zones, then the peripheral retina is lasered via a DIODE laser, in the hopes of causing regression of the abnormal blood vessels; most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn’t - ROP is still a significant problem today, with an unacceptably high percentage of preemies going blind despite proper care and management 8.) Anisocoria (Fig. 6) Figure 6 Anisocoria -note that 10-20 % of ALL adults and children have a small amount of anisocoria (Physiologic anisocoria) -looking at old photos can be very reassuring and save an expensive workup -many times a parent will “discover” their child to have unequal pupils one day, but old close-up photos verify the anisocoria has been there a long time -common causes of anisocoria -secret use of miotic or mydriatic eye drops -HORNER’S – ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis (can use 10% cocaine and hydroxyamphetamine to differentiate between a 2nd or 3rd order Horners -Argyll-Robertson pupil- accommodates but doesn’t react to light; check FTA-ABS for syphilis -Adie’s tonic pupil – a dilated pupil that doesn’t constrict much to light or accommodation, but really constricts with a weak miotic agent -trauma or previous eye surgery 44 -third nerve palsy (also, note whether eye muscles and eye lids are involved) -probably best to refer most cases of anisocoria to ophthalmology, unless anisocoria is known and has been worked up previously 45 Section VI Diabetic Retinopathy: Diagnosis and Treatment Ronald Danis, M.D., Thomas Ciulla, M.D. Diabetic retinopathy is the most prevalent cause of blindness among working age (20 – 64 years old) Americans. About 25% of diabetics have some form of retinopathy, and about 5% have the more severe type of disease (proliferative diabetic retinopathy). Onset Type 1 Diabetes -Generally free of retinopathy for the first five years after diagnosis -After 15 years duration of diabetes, the prevalence of retinopathy is over 95% -After 20 years duration of diabetes, more than half will have proliferative disease Type 2 Diabetes -Frequently will have retinopathy at the time of diagnosis -After 15 years of diabetes, about 2/3 will have retinopathy For both types of diabetes, the severity and prevalence of retinopathy correlates with 1., the duration of disease, and 2., glycemic control. The Diabetes Complications and Control Trial (DCCT) demonstrated a greater than 60% reduction in the progression of retinopathy in patients with very tight metabolic control compared to patients with good blood sugar control. Hypertension and smoking may be aggravating factors in some patients. Women with pre-existing diabetes who become pregnant occasionally develop aggressive acceleration of retinopathy, usually associated with poor glycemic control and pre-eclampsia. X. Pathogenesis -Retinal capillary basement membrane thickening and pericyte loss with eventual capillary closure -Blood-retinal barrier breakdown from endothelial cell dysfunction, leading to retinal edema, which causes retinal neuronal dysfunction and vision loss -Progressive retinal ischemia leading to neovascularization, which causes fibrovascular proliferation out from the retina and optic nerve head into the vitreous gel. Complications such as bleeding (vitreous hemorrhage) and retinal detachment occur because of the contractile nature of the fibrous component of the proliferation with subsequent traction on the vessels (bleeding) or on the retina itself (detachment). XI. Clinical Stage of Retinopathy Two major sub-groups: Non-proliferative (background) and Proliferative 46 Non-proliferative (background) Mild non-proliferative retinopathy: -Consistent with good vision -Few scattered microaneurysms, intraretinal hemorrhages Moderate non-proliferative retinopathy -More microaneurysms and hemorrhages -May develop retinal edema with “hard” exudates -May have micro-infarcts (“cotton-wool spots”) -May have focal areas of non-perfusion (not clinically apparent) 47 Severe non-proliferative retinopathy -Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMAs) -Venous caliber irregularities (“beading”) -Often severe edema or large areas of ischemia are apparent 50% risk of proliferative retinopathy within 1 year Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Early proliferative retinopathy -Neovascularization of the optic nerve head and/or retina -With or without vitreous hemorrhage 48 Late proliferative retinopathy -Severe intraocular fibrovascular proliferation with tractional retinal detachment and/or vitreous hemorrhage (the usual cause of blindness in diabetic patients). XII. Vision Loss Macular edema can occur and cause vision loss in any stage except mild nonproliferative retinopathy. Vision loss from macular edema may be mild or, if severe and chronic, can cause legal blindness (acuity <= 20/200). Vision loss is usually gradual over a period of months and usually is described as simply “blurring”. Macular ischemia can also cause irreversible vision loss in the more severe stages of retinopathy. Vision loss from vitreous hemorrhage is characteristically abrupt. It may range from a few specks or lines in the vision (“floaters”), which may resolve over a few days to severe profound vision loss to the bare light perception level. Retinal traction and detachment may cause gradual or sudden vision loss, sometimes coincident with vitreous hemorrhage. XIII. Diagnosis Patient education: when patients present with vision loss, it is often TOO LATE to do anything to improve the vision. Vision loss from macula edema, vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment may not be reversible and is definitely more manageable when these complications are detected early. Routine ophthalmoscopic evaluation is key. Examination with the direct ophthalmoscope through an undilated pupil is VERY INSENSITIVE. Neovascularization often occurs peripheral to the field within view with the direct ophthalmoscope. Macular edema may be manifest only by retinal thickening, which cannot be resolved with the monocular view of the direct ophthalmoscope. Severely ischemic retinas are sometimes ophthamoscopically unimpressive because without patent vessels, there is no hemorrhage or exudation. Neovascular vessels may be very hard to resolve due to lack of contrast in the retina and difficulty in distinguishing them from retinal vessels. 49 Macular edema is best appreciated with slit-lamp biomicroscopy through a dilated pupil. Neovascularization near the macula can be seen with the direct ophthalmoscope in a dilated eye or with slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Peripheral neovascularization and vitreous hemorrhage may only be seen with the indirect ophthalmoscope. XIV. Treatment Macular edema The Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS), a randomized prospective multicenter trial, demonstrated that macular laser photocoagulation could reduce the rate of moderate vision loss from macular edema by more than 50%. Milder macular edema is more easily treated and controlled than severe macular edema. The laser treatment consists of a fine grid of 50 or 100-micron mild laser spots to areas of retinal thickening in a grid pattern or focally to treat individual microaneurysms (focal/grid laser treatment). There is generally no pain involved with this type of treatment and risks consist principally of inadvertent foveal burns with vision loss (fortunately, very rare) and corneal abrasion from the contact lens used to focus the laser beam. Occasionally, multiple treatments are performed in the same eye if it is poorly responsive, and vision loss may still inexorably occur. Macular edema may be influenced by systemic factors. Fluid retention from cardiac or renal failure contributes. Diuresis can sometimes influence the vision in such patients. Proliferative Retinopathy The Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) and the later ETDRS established to optimal timing and role of scatter or pan-retinal laser photocoagulation (PRP) in the control of proliferative retinopathy. Rates of severe vision loss can be decreased to around 1% per year if patients are treated in the early stages of proliferative retinopathy. Even patients who present with more advanced PDR can benefit from PRP treatment with a more than 50% reduction in the rate of blindness. This style of laser treatment consists of placing more than 1,200 laser burns to the mid-periphery of the retina, outside of the macular arcades. This is often done in more than one treatment session. Surprisingly, only about 10% of patients have any visual side effects from this treatment, and, generally, these are mild. If performed without anesthesia, most patients can tolerate the laser treatment with some discomfort. Some patients will experience pain with the laser treatment and require a retrobulbar anesthetic block to get them through the treatment. Particularly if patients present late, with advanced PDR, severe vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment may still occur despite laser treatment. Sometimes, the vitreous hemorrhage will spontaneously clear over a period of weeks or months, and no further treatment may be necessary. For non-clearing vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment affecting the macula, vitrectomy surgery by a retina specialist may be performed. This involves introduction of microsurgical instruments into the vitreous cavity (fiber-optic light source, pneumatic cutter-aspirator, micro scissors, cautery, laser). Depending on the specifics of the case, the prognosis for visual recovery varies greatly. 50 XV. Referral for Eye Exam • Type 1 DM – refer 5 years after diagnosis • Type 2 DM – refer at the time of diagnosis • Refer patients that are pregnant or are considering pregnancy • Follow-up examinations are determined by the stage of the disease Immediate referrals for diabetics with persistent decrease in vision or new onset of floaters. 51 Section V Glaucoma Louis Cantor, M.D., Darrell WuDunn, M.D., Ph.D. I. Introduction and Definition A. Glaucoma is a group of disorders characterized by progressive optic neuropathy (often characterized by excavation) accompanied by corresponding defects in visual function. Elevated intraocular pressure is a prominent risk factor. B. Primary glaucomas are not associated with known ocular or systemic abnormalities that may cause glaucoma. Primary glaucomas are usually bilateral and may be inherited. C. Secondary glaucomas have associated ocular or systemic disorders that cause or contribute to the development of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Secondary glaucomas are often unilateral and familial occurrence is less common. II. Epidemiology A. In USA 1. 10 million at risk due to elevated IOP 2. 2 million affected 3. About half are undiagnosed 4. 116,000 blind B. Worldwide 1. 100 million at risk due to elevated IOP 2. 3 million blind III. Hereditary Factors A. Prevalence 1.5-2.0% in general population; 10-15% in first degree relatives. B. Genetics – numerous genes associated with glaucoma have been identified IV. Classification of Glaucoma A. Open Angle Glaucoma: outflow through trabecular meshwork is impaired 1. Primary 2. Normal tension glaucoma 3. Secondary a. Increased resistance to trabecular meshwork outflow associated with other conditions: i. Pigmentary dispersion ii. Pseudoexfoliation iii. Phacolytic iv. Steroids b. Increased resistance posterior to trabecular meshwork secondary to increased episcleral venous pressure (e.g. carotid cavernous sinus fistula) 52 B. C. D. Angle Closure Glaucoma: resistance to outflow is increased because peripheral iris obstructs the trabecular meshwork 1. Primary – pupillary block 2. Primary – plateau iris 3. Secondary – pupillary block (phacomorphic, secluded pupil) 4. Secondary – without papillary block (neovascular glaucoma) Combined Mechanism Glaucoma – combination of two or more forms of glaucoma Childhood Glaucoma V. Clinical Evaluation A. History – importance in diagnosis and management of glaucoma 1. Ocular history 2. General medical and surgical history 3. Family history B. Examination 1. Refraction 2. Pupils 3. Anterior segment (Slit Lamp biomicroscopy) 4. Tonometry (intraocular pressure measurement) 5. Gonioscopy 6. Ophthalmoscopy especially optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer C. Visual Fields VI. Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma A. Epidemiology 1. prevalence a) 1.3-2.1% in general white population b) 3 to 4 times higher in general black population 2. risk factors a) IOP (normal range 10-21 mmHg) b) Age, black race, family history c) Diabetes, systemic hypertension, migraine? B. Glaucoma Suspect 1. Glaucomatous optic nerve appearance with or without elevated IOP but normal visual fields 2. The higher the baseline IOP, the greater the risk of developing glaucoma; however, most individuals with elevated IOP never develop glaucoma C. Normal tension glaucoma 1. Characteristic glaucomatous optic neuropathy and visual field loss but with IOP consistently in normal range VII. Secondary Open-Angle Glaucoma A. Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma B. Pigmentary glaucoma 53 C. D. E. F. Traumatic glaucoma Neovascular glaucoma (early) Steroid-induced glaucoma Others VIII. Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma A. Epidemiology 1. prevalence - <0.1% in USA 2. risk factors a. family history b. hyperopia (far-sightedness) c. ethnic background (Eskimos) B. Clinical features 1. Symptoms a. Eye pain and/or headache b. Blurred vision c. Seeing halos around lights d. Red eye e. Nausea/vomiting 2. Signs a. Injected conjunctival vessels b. Edematous cornea c. Fixed and mid-dilated pupil d. Markedly elevated IOP (>50 mmHg) e. Optic disc swelling XVI. Medical Management of Glaucoma A. Beta-adrenergic Antagonists 1. Non-selective (timolol, levobunolol, carteolol, metipranolol) 2. Beta-1 selective (betaxolol) 3. Action: reduce aqueous inflow 4. Side effects a. Bronchospasm b. Bradycardia c. Low blood pressure d. Impotence e. Confusion f. Fatigue g. Hallucinations B. Adrenergic Agonists 1. Non-selective (epinephrine, dipivefrin) 2. Alpha-2 selective (apraclonidine, brimonidine) 3. Action: reduce aqueous inflow and increase uveoscleral outflow 4. Side effects a) Alpha-1 effects: a. Mydriasis 54 C. D. E. IX. b. Lid retraction c. Vasoconstriction d. Increased heart rate and blood pressure b) Alpha-2 effects: a. Miosis in some b. Hypotension c. Fatigue Parasympathommimetic agents (miotics) 1. Cholinergic agents (pilocarpine, carbachol) 2. Anticholinesterases agents (physostigmine, demecarium, echothiophate) 3. Action: increase aqueous outflow through trabecular meshwork 4. Side effects: a) brow ache b) miosis c) blurred vision d) retinal detachment e) prolonged paralysis following anesthesia (irreversible anticholinesterase agents) Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors 1. Oral (acetazolamide, methazolamide) 2. Topical (dorzolamide, brinzolamide) 3. Action: reduce aqueous inflow 4. Side effects a) Oral a. nausea b. depression c. parasthesias d. fatigue e. skin rash f. aplastic anemia g. renal stones b) Topical a. local irritation b. same side effects possible as with oral Prostaglandin Analogues 1. Latanoprost (prostaglandin F2alpha analogue) 2. Action: increase uveoscleral outflow 3. Side effects a) iris pigmentation/lash changes b) inflammation/cystoid macular edema Surgical Therapy of Glaucoma A. Open Angle Glaucoma 55 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Surgery indicated with intraocular pressure cannot be maintained low enough to prevent further progressive damage to the optic nerve Reasons for lack of control a) failure of medical therapy b) medical therapy not tolerated c) compliance problems d) progressive optic nerve cupping and visual field loss Laser Surgery - Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty Filtering procedures (trabeculectomy) Glaucoma tube implant surgery Ciliary body ablation Angle Closure Glaucoma 1. Acute angle closure glaucoma (pupillary block) is a medical emergency and needs to be treated promptly to prevent/minimize vision loss 2. Initially, IOP should be lowered medically a. Beta-adrenergic antagonists b. Alpha-2 agonists c. Oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors d. Osmotic agents e. Topical steroid for inflammation f. Pilocarpine 1% to constrict pupil 3. Laser surgery a. Laser peripheral iridectomy – created alternate route for aqueous to pass from posterior chamber to anterior chamber b. Laser peripheral iridoplasty – constricts peripheral iris away from trabecular meshwork 4. Glaucoma filtering surgery is IOP remains uncontrolled 5. Treatment of fellow eye – prophylactic laser treatment to prevent attack in fellow eye 56 Section VII Neuro-Ophthalmology for the Primary Care Physician Robert D. Yee, M.D. XVII. A. Definition and Symptoms Disorders of optic nerve, brain or other cranial nerves damage vision, produce abnormal appearance of pupils, cause misalignment of the eyes or generate abnormal eye movements. Common chief complaints include blurred vision, scotomas, unequal pupils (anisocoria), double vision, illusory motion of objects (oscillopsia). XVIII. B. Examination 1. History - onset and course of deficit - eye pain, headache - neurologic symptoms - systemic diseases - medications 2. Ocular - best corrected visual acuity - color vision - visual fields patient's description confrontation tests - pupils size and reactivity "swinging flashlight test"(relative afferent defect) - ocular motility misalignment (tropia) ductions (patterns of cranial nerve palsies) nystagmus - ophthalmoscopy optic disc (color, margins, elevation) nerve fiber layer macula retinal blood vessels (emboli) 3. Neurologic - coordination, motor function, sensorium Visual Pathway Diseases 1. Patterns - Optic Nerve usually monocular decreased visual acuity 57 color vision loss afferent pupillary defect central scotoma + or – disc swelling acutely, atrophy later - Optic Chiasm binocular bitemporal hemianopsia, esp. red object border long vertical meridian mild optic atrophy - Optic Tract binocular homonymous hemianopsia (asymmetric) mild optic atrophy 2. Optic Nerve Diseases - Optic Neuritis young adults sudden onset eye pain or headache, esp. on eye movement worsening over few days spontaneous recovery initially disc may be normal (retrobulbar optic neuritis) or swollen (papillitis) atrophy later risk of developing multiple sclerosis treatment with intravenous corticosteroids - Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (AION) older (systemic vascular diseases) sudden onset no pain lower ½ visual field pale swelling optic disc with splinter heme no recovery 2 types: non-arteritic and giant cell arteritis. Patients with GCA are at high risk for bilateral blindness. Need Westergren sedimentation rate urgently. Treated with Steroids While awaiting temporal artery biopsy - compression by mass gradual onset with progression disc may be normal, swollen or pale 58 - Toxicity binocular gradually progressive cecocentral scotoma with decreased color vision optic atrophy later in course digitals, tobacco-alcohol, nutritional def., anti-TB drugs - Amaurosis Fugax (transient visual loss) 3. Ischemia Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis monocular, curtain-like 2-5 minutes look for emboli in retinal vessels Vertebrobasilar insufficiency binocular 10-20 minutes transient vestibular, brainstem symptoms Papilledema (increased intracranial pressure) monocular or binocular few seconds precipitated by change of body or head position and Valsalva Visual aura of migraine scintillating scotoma with spread over 20 minutes + and – associated severe, long-lasting headache - Central Retinal Artery Occlusion sudden, painless, monocular visual loss whitening of neurosensory retina cherry red spot in macula embolus from carotid artery, heart valve emergency treatment breathe increased CO2 paper bag, Carbogen retrobulbar anesthetic injection digital ocular massage paracentesis 59 4. Optic Disc Swelling (differential diagnosis) -Papilledema increased intracranial pressure acute stage bilateral with normal acuity swollen, hyperemia no spontaneous venous pulsations opacified retinal nerve fiber layer splinter hemorrhages, exudates cotton wool spots, retinal folds chronic stage (optic atrophy) decreased visual acuity and field decreased disc swelling disc pallor and decreased nerve fiber layer permanent visual loss causes: brain tumor, meningitis, hydrocephalus, hypertensive, encephalopathy, pseudotumor cerebri - Pseudopapilledema crowded hyperopic disc drusen (buried or surface) - Papillitis - AION Ocular motor disorders 1. Cranial Nerve Palsies - Symptoms diplopia limited range of ductions - 3rd Nerve Palsy ptosis exotropia and hypotropia + and – dilated, non-reactive pupil limited adduction, supraduction, infraduction pupil-spared-possible diabetes, hypertension with spontaneous recovery pupils involved with severe pain – possible aneurysm, tumor 60 - 4th Nerve Palsy hypertropia excyclotorsion (torsional diplopia) limited infraduction in adduction often caused by head trauma 6th Nerve Palsy esotropia limited abduction 2. Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia Limitation of adduction Better adduction with convergence Slow abducting saccade (medial rectus) Nystagmus of abduction eye (lateral rectus) Bilateral INO – suspect multiple sclerosis Unilateral INO – suspect ischemia - 3. Nystagmus - - Oscillopsia or blurred vision Characteristics direction waveform (jerk, pendular) effects of eccentric gaze Acquired forms from many CNS locations brainstem, cerebellum vestibular system Congenital nystagmus no oscillopsia horizontal, even in vertical gaze high frequency jerk or pendular patient might not have been aware of long-standing nystagmus Pupil Abnormalities 1. Afferent Pupillary Defect (Marcus-Gunn pupil) - Swinging flashlight test bright hand-light fixation at distant target 3 sec on first eye, rapidly to second eye for 3 sec., back to first eye and repeat watch for initial constriction of pupils watch for dilation of pupil as light half on eye 61 - sensitive sign of optic nerve disorder, even mild marked pupillary defect not found with suppression amblyopia, macular disorders, optic tract or posterior visual pathway disorders - Physiologic anisocoria of 1 mm is common - Pharmacologic fixed, dilated pupil 2. Anisocoria inadvertent or intentional cycloplegic drop to eye does not constrict to drop of pilocarpine 1% - 3rd Nerve Palsy extraocular muscle paresis present constricts to pilocarpine 62