* AvOIO h"J,s+kers.=., LABONATiJ.NY SERIES PROFESSIONAL AADIO TRANSDUCERS "PBECISION SOUND... BY DESIGiI" FOSTEX specializes in the manufacture of a comprehensive range of professional audio equipment including loudspeaker systems and components, microphones, amplifiers and stereo headphones. Our goal at all times is to provide products which will excellent performance and reliability. This demands a fully integrated manufacturing system, from continuing reseach and development of basic materials through extensive, strict, quality assurance programs. All majoi components and critical such as cone materials and diaphragm assemblies are manufactured using advanced technology, in our own factories, These methods, together with through enviromental testing and scientific measurem€nts, assure the fulfillment of our qoal. PRECISION SOUND ,,, BY DESIGN, 4 Way monnor sysrem 1FW40OS Photo I 2 I M1250+ I M6en to 0252 Ji*t.. r r-r325' Stet@ Te.hsi.. 1925) DIMENSIONS OF TRANSDUCERS CONE TRANSDUCERS L475 Mountins hole.lie i 4-6 Dia 200 250 300 400 460 aoo 194 194 262 265 294 ,/w 4-67 @AO a-67 : s6/ t464 770 daoo dia. !ln43 d,240 +67 d395 Baffle &67 d357 427 d)750 F2()5 tix-25() L3A5 F356 FW:XXI F476 L470 L475 L467 L4Ag la77 Lll79 FWzUx) FlN4ooS L569 FWA@ COMPRESSION 0262 H32rl @@m Throat dia. R 25.4 mm 6 5O.4 mm d1016 Mountjng hole dia Speaker component aoplicated model 3-l\,46 o272 02f6 D262 D266 D252 D256 D2g2 D2t6 4M7 D502 D5OA Ds82 D5A6 57 .15 SUPER TWEETEBS ra25 @effi Ta45 r35 loa T725 T925 l94A - 6/0 wth P92 FT6OO Mounting flange for T945 FULL RANGE TFANSDUCERS @@M PSAO PSIOO 105 PSt60 d165 PS2()0 PS3()() 6312 B c 47.1 60 ao a3 77.5 tOO 94.5 _ 12O 156 135 Mountinq hole dia. Batfle dia a6 d72 115 d93 155 193-q 4- 6.2 4-5t 8 6145 292 a 6xa 4p7A SOUND REINFORCEMENT COMPONENT GUIDE iil @@@ al n'd & r" l l,El lNl | '.8 I lEl I'l 3i l'!-l I JE STUDIO MONITOR COMPONENT GUIDE LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM COMPONENT GUIDE t----l-."d;..--r t.t-' --t I E 1ff"""""",-, se-100, II *- llll BKroo 1.9 lH IIEE ll 1s0.2504 It! .9 lltt Iit (, lll BKlso-BK21o I I BSl502 I I I FOSTEX I I t t------_-------- zooo I I tt l'"""'JJr=6'gt_l_rfu l GKTo2o ll cxsorr lI cxroo * l I i ffid;;- l ffi#-:L {Nlore nlormaton avaiable in the catalogue of professiona sowd renlorcemenr) GS300t GS3003 EULL.NANGE TRANSD UCERS fOR COLUMN LINE.ARR^f,Y SYSTEMS The PS series speaker is specially designed for the column speaker system wrth multiple use {2 ,9 ocs.l of PS8O,zPSl00 in stage sound reinforcement arid stage monitor system. PSl60,/PS200,/PS300 are excellent applications for column line-array and the background music speaker system on the wall. Extended frequency response and vocal aniculation, they are suitable for use in public address, commercial, educational and industrial applications, these heavyduty systems provide complete reliability and are available in several configuration to best suit each purpose. Diameter [cm] 8 lmpedance lohmsl I Resonance frequency [Hz] 25o Frequency range [Hz] fo-20 k Elficiency [dB/W(1m)] 90 Power handling [W(Mus.) I mo [s] 088 10 Eflective Q' Ny'agnet weight tgl 140 Total weight tksl 0.36 ' " N/oder 20 dB. N412 is designed with 2 woofers in 8 ohm-parallel. 10 16 20 30 88 88 200 150 100 50 fo-16 k f r20 k frl8k fr18k 92 94 96 9A 50 25 65 100 1.66 5.5 11 28 o.7a i 0.9 1.0 93 398 830 1060 0.63 1 .3 2.4 4.O .1 '1 Edgewooid loice co I on m ca bobbin Voice coil is ailninum DIYIDING NETWORI{S ln order to form as excellent speaker systerr. it is absolutely necessary to use high performance dividing network parts, such as, for example, a large-sized inductor incorporating a cut core of low capacitor that permits minimized loss or leakage, and an attenuator R80 of high power input resistance, capable of controlling inputs. The R8lois an attenuator kit of high power input, which incorporates a special transformer to permit attenuation per dB step down to FI|SSO r,pSrOO**PSi6O **PSZ)O**PSitd) Model ryee rme. fffijnv& R:I;;s N2tt 2 way N22t 2 way N23l 2way N3l2 3 way N3l3 3way N322 N3lO Sohms 8O0 Hz Sohms 'I ,2OO Hz Sohms 3,0OO Hz Sohms 1,2OOn kHz Sohms SOO.| kHz 3way Sohms 6OOn kHz 3way Sohms 75O kqz N32o 3 way Sohms N412 4way Sohms 6oon kqz 25O/8OO/7 kHz 15O 15O 15O 15O Attenuaror W(Mus.) Variable (RBO) W(Mus.) Variable (R8O) WMus.) WMus.) 150 WMus.) 15O WMus.) 150 w(Mus.) Variable Variable Variable Variable 150 WMus.) l!9 r"1'!"r*",or 15O pl (RAO) (R8O) (RAO) (RaO) r.l"3"r*urq W(Mus.) Variabte (R8O) CONE TRANSDUCERS FOSTEX Laboratory series loudspeakers are specially designed for use in sound reinfqrsgrngnl, discotheques and studio monitor applications. All units feature l) I Low mass, rigid, cones 2) High efficiency magnet circuits 3) Rugged durable construction 4) High power handling The "L" and "F" series have edgewound aluminum or copper voice coils on epoxy-mica bobbing for increased durability and power handling. The "FW" series features coated cones and extra-long voice coils: two layers of round copper wire result in the optimum mass. and density for the smooth reproduction of low frequencies. SOUND REINFORCEMENT, DISCOTHEOUE, STUDIO APPLICATIONS Dia Model l/167 L459 L477 l.479 L569 F356 F476 FW8(b 40 40 40 40 46 30 40 80 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm lmp. 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 ohms ohms ohms ohms ohms 8 ohms 8 ohms 8 ohms Resonance Frequency trrrrcrerrcy Power Crossover Voice coil frequency ranqe -*^,^-^ handlinq frequencv Dia./matierial 40 Hz fo-3.5 kHz 300 WMus.) 2.0 k or under *10 cm/alumi. 99 dB fo-2-0 kHz 400 WMus.) 1 .5 k or unde. *10 cm/copper 30 Hz 96 dB 40 Hz fo-3.5 kHz 100 dB 300 WMus.) 2.0 k or unde. *10 cm/alumi. 400 WMus.) 1 .5 k or under *10 cm/copper 30 Hz fo-2.0 kHz 98 dB 30 Hz t o-2.O kHz 99 dB 500 W(lv1us.) 1 .5 k or under * 10 cm/qqpp€r 50 Hz fo-7.0 kHz 99 dB 1 00 W(lMus.) I cm/alumi. 50 Hz fo-6.0 kHz 100 dB 10 cm/alumi. 1 50 WlMus.) 14 Hz fo-800 Hz 100 dB 300 W(lMus.) 350 Hz or under x10 cm/copper Magnet weiqht Net Magnet weight Net weight 8.6 ks ,850 g 8.6 kg ,850 g ,5109 8.6 kg ,5109 8.6 kg 2,000 q 12.2 ks 1,1009 5.7 kg 1,5109 8.6 kg 2,000 g 28.0 ks STUDIO MONITOR APPLICATIONS ONLY Model L355 l47O L473 F2O5 Dia. lmp. 30 cm 40 cm 40 cm 20 cm FW3O3 30 cm FW.IOO 40 cm FW4(X)S 40 cm UL25O 25 cm I ?A%?i:"r" 8 ohms ohms ohms ohms ohms ohms ohms 40 25 25 38 21 17 17 I ohms 30 Hz 8 8 8 I I Hz Az Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz t'?;1;3"t .n'","n"r f.l['fl, f o-4.0 kHz 98 dB l OO W(Mus.) f o-3.5 kHz 99 dB 1 50 WMus.) f o-3.5 kHz 1OO dB 150 W(Mus.) lo-2'kHz 33 dB 45 WlMus.) f o-4.O kHz 92 dB 1OO W(Mus.) f a-2.5 kHz 95 dB 1 50 W(Mus.) f o-2.5 kHz 96 dB 50 WMus.) f o-3.O kHz 97 dB 1 OO W(Mus.) 1 Crossover Voice coil frequency Dia/mateial weight 5.7 kg 8.6 kg 4.6 kg 4.1 kg 6.4 kg 4.6 kg 4.6 kg 1.5k or under * 8 cm/alumi. 1,1OOg 2.0 k or unds *1Ocm/alumi. 1,8509 2.O k or under *1O cm/alumi. 1,51O g * 5 cm/alumi. 73O g 2.5 k or under I cm/copper 1,820 g 1 .5 k or under 10 cm/copper 1,850 g 1 .5 k or under 10 cm/copper 1,510 g ,'P-X','lrl:#: *6.5 cm/copper 1,420 s 4.7 ks Alnico-Ferrite Selection Guide Dia./Power 2OO mm ALNICO FM FERRITE 250 mm 125() 300 mm 400 mm/150 W t355/F356 FW3(xI w75tF476rure L470tF $n 400 mm/300 W 4OO mm/4OO Wl 460 mm/soo W w77 L467 Laag L469 L569 800 mm FW8{)0 DUAL SPIDER CONSTRUCTION (L469/ L479 / L569 / FW8O0) These models are intended for demanding high power applications. Specially stiffened cones and heavy voice coil assemblies increase power handling at extreme low frequencies. Dual spiders maintain long term stability and linearity while preventing catastrophic failure. These units are ideally suited for super bass use :n sound reinforcement and discotheques. apDlicated Model-1469, 1479 applicated Model-!569, FWSoo COMPRESSION I'RIVERS FOSTEX compression drivers are available in three voice coil diameters, two throat sizes, and offer aluminum, duralumin or phenolic diaphragms and alnico or ferrite magnet structures. The "1 inch" throat units feature 4 cm and 5 cm voice coils. While the "2 inch" throat units have a 10 cm coil diameter. Diaphragms are field replaceable with only a screw driver. ' The FOSTEX sensitivity is measured with H351 HA21 for * throat units and H251+ HA51 for 2 inches throat units at 1 inch SOUND REINFORCEMENT. DISCOTHEOUE, STUDIO APPLICATIONS Frequency E- . range -rrrurcrruv Power Crossover Dia. of Voice coil Diaphragm Magnet Net handling frequency throat dia. miteriit wei"ght weight D256 8/6 ohms 500-13 kHz 104 dB 50 W(lMus.) 500 Hz o. over 25.4 mm 4 cm phenotic 650 g 3.3 kg D262 8/6 ohms 800-15 kHz 104 dB 60 W(lMus.) 800 Hz or over 25.4 mm 5 cm duralumin 830 g 2.3 kg D26r6 8,16 ohms 500-12 kHz 105 dB 60 W{Mus.) 500 Hz or over 25.4 mm 5 cm phenotic 830 g 2.3 kg D276 816 ohms 500-12 kHz 1O7dB 60 W(lMus.) 500 Hz orover 25.4 mm 5cm phenolic 1,1009 4.4 kg D5O2 8/6 ohms 500-10 kHz 10BdB 100 W(lMus.) 500 Hz orover 50.0 rnm 10 cm duralumin 3,1009 13.0 kg D5O6 8i6 ohms 300- 6kHz IOBdB 120 W(N.4us.) 300 Hz orover 50.0 mm 10 cm phenolic 3,1009 13.0 kg D582 16ohms 500-10 kHz 106dB 100 W(lvus.) 500 Hz orover 50.0 mm 10 cm duratumin 3,700 g 9.2 kg D586 8/6 ohms 300- 6 kHz 106 dB 120 W(N/us.) 300 Hz or over .50.0 mm 10 cm phenolic 3,700 g 9.2 kg Model lmn. STUDIO MONITOR APPLICATIONS ONLY N/oder rmp. l#gq8""t Efficiency [H;;s fiequency kHz kHz 600 Hz or 8O0 Hz or D252 I ohms D272 8/6 ohms 500-20 800'1 5 dB dB 104 106 Crossover 50 W(lMus.) 60 WlMus.) Voice Dia. ot throat dia over 25.4 mm 4cm over 25.4 mm 5cm Compression driver quick selection guide 50 mm lOOmm Dia. oI throat Voice coil dia. material 25.4 mm 50 mm 40 mm ALNI@ FEFIRITE ALNICO FERRITE ALNICO FERRITE Metallic D*2 Dlr2 o262 o252 D23t2 Phenolic D506 D5A2 D5A6 D276 D266 D256 coil Diaphragm material l\y'agnet weight aluminun 650 g dualumin 1,1 00 g Net weight 3.3 ks 4.4 kg SUPER TWEETERS FOSTEX super tweeters are available in two diaphragm sizes: 2 cm and 4 cm. The T825/T925 feature extended smooth high frequency response and use the same 2 cm aluminum diaphragm and voice coil assembly. The T825 uses a diffraction horn and offers an unprecedented wide dispersion, even at very high frequencies. The Tg25 operates as a ring radiator with controlled conrcal dispersion. Similar in dispersjon characteristics, the T845,/T945 respectively, use the larger 4 cm aluminum diaphragm for high power applications. fhe T725 is a horn loaded tweeter which offers extremely wide bandwidth and is recommended for use in critical applications, such as studio monitors. SOUND REINFORCEMENT, DISCOTHEOUE, STUDIO APPLICATIONS fffigi$' gru:"""' *. lg",o'' '" T925 I ohms kHz dB T845 T9.r5 FT600 - ohms 8/16 ohms I ohms 8 5.0 2.9 2.o o.5 k-4O fHz k-2o kHz k-15 kHz f-19 108 106 dB 1i o dB 104 dB W(Mus.) 7.O k 50 WMus.) 3.0 k so w(Mus.) 3.o k 30 w(Mus.) 1 .2 k SO or or or or over over over over 2 cm/ atum| 2aO g(ALN|CO) 1.8 kg 4 cn/ atumi. zaO s(eLNlCOi Z.O t6 4 ctr,/ atumi. z+o 6imr.rlcq z.o t6 2.5 cm/ coppef sgo girsnnffq z.s ti STUDIO MONITOR APPLICATIONS ONLY r\iroder Dia rmp. ffff:iff" f72l5 Tg25 - I I ohms ohms lj:g:** 2k-2OkHz 2 k-2O kHz Efficiency 102 102 dB dB [:S:;"q 3:tr9& Xijii:iJin, 50 W(Mus.) 2.5 korover 50 W(Mus.) 4.0 k or over 2 2 Y3,gF cm/alumi. cmlalumi. rvlounting flanser P92 is for T925, P94 is lor T945. CAST IIORNS AND ACCESSORIES Net weiqtrt 350 g(ALNICO) 2l kg 2aO g(ALNICO) 2.1 kg ;nii:i#i.H'?",i:#,:?:"j"ff::,:X Mode, ,v,ateria, f$,-J"* radial horn for various sound reinforcement and discotheque applications because of its H25t tight a oy 2S0 Hz wide dispersion and longdistance performances. H35l lightalloy 350 Hz The H450 is designed as combination of exponential horn and acoustic lens lor producing exceptionally wide dispersion in same applications of above. The material of acoustic lens is made by aluminum for minimising reflection sound. The combination of compression drivers and casting horn including accessories such as horn adaptors & lens are clearly shown at sound reinforcement guide. H251 H255, H35l and H45O are mountable with either 1" or 2" compression drivers by using proper H.l{tO light alloy 450 H55O light alloy 600 H85O light alloy H555 light alloy HA2l light alloy HA22 light HA25 light HA5l K{5O Hz Hz 850 Hz 500 Hz alloy alloy light alloy lron ?]ft.T fl,ffiff) mm 90' mm 90' mm 12O" mm 12o' mm 60' mm 25.4 mm{Dual) 50/25.4 mm 50.0 mm 90' 25.4 25.4 50.0 25.4 25.4 mm 25.4 25.4 ffi1" size(mm) kq 7OOWX320HX4O0D kg 560Wx20OHx324D 10.0 kg 715Wx288H x458D 1.6k9 330Wx100H x23OD .4 5.8 11 1.5 ks dtSO x 32CD 2.2 kg 22OW x22OHx1A2O 1 .0 kg 1 .3 kg 0.7 kg 1 .1 kg 254W x182H x 60D - throat adaptors. WOODEN NADIAL IIORilS FOSTEX wooden horns feature a noncompromise radial horns, precision milled solid birch and pine to regid specifications. The high density of the woods eliminate resonances from the pass-band. The natural curved horn is produced extremely wide dispersion and smooth sound performance together with selected compression drivers for studio monitor system. 1 inch throat adaptor is pre-mounted in H320 H420 (birch) and H325 H425 (pine) except H220 which can be mountable either 1 inch or 2 inches throat adaptor as option. Bffii&lr H"nt si."t'.r H22O larninate 22O Hz *50125.4 mm 140" 14.4 kg 757Wx180Hx391 D 25.4 mm 140' 8.1 kg 643Wx115Hx403D H32O birch 32O Az 25.4 mm 14O" 6.0 kg 6O0Wx120Hx 377.5D H325 pine 34O Hz 25.4 mm '140" 32kg 444wx90Hx292.5D Ha2o birctr 420llz 25.4 mm 140' 3.0 kg 484Wx90Hx31D H425 pine 460 Hz voo*r vu."n.r 3S#"* 'Throat adaptor is separaied. ilfuT