CAERUS Select Quarter four 2014 Investment Review 2 | CAERUS Select Contents Chief Executive’s Statement4. Managing Director’s Review5. Important Notes6. Contact Details7. Market Commentary8. Featured Article: Oil Price Fall – The Only Certainty is Increased Uncertainty 9. CAERUS Active and Passive Portfolios 10. CAERUS Blends14. CAERUS Tactical Income18. CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Portfolios: Profile A-D 22. Portfolio Changes30. Index and Peer Group Returns 31. CAERUS Select | 3 Chief Executive’s Statement Integrated Wealth Management Keith Carby Chief Executive CAERUS Capital Group Limited In this edition of CAERUS Select, we consider the impact of, and possible outcomes from, the extraordinary and unpredicted fall in the price of crude oil over the last quarter of 2014, and look at the possible timing of a rise in UK interest rates. At the end of the third quarter of 2014, I promised we would look at the market corrections that had occurred. Indeed the markets moved, with the FTSE 100 falling by around 10% at the start of the final quarter, climbing back by nearly 9% at the end of November only to plunge back down again and, finally, return to close to its third quarter peak. So, more of a roller coaster than a steady correction for Investors who are in funds tracking the London Stock Exchange indices. each Portfolio is checked and adjusted, where necessary, and the Client’s objectives are reviewed, to make sure the Portfolio remains aligned to the Client. The markets and indices, and the individual shares within the markets, will rise and fall, often dramatically, giving the direct Investor a significant challenge in staying on course. The Select Portfolios provide a less stressful and far better balanced approach to Investment. Of course, this a very short-term view, whereas CAERUS Clients are for the most part invested for the medium to long term, with specific objectives for their money. As an Integrated Wealth Manager, we have the resources of specialists and experts to build and manage the Select Portfolio solutions to deliver, as closely as possible, the Client’s chosen objectives. ‘Strategic Asset Allocation’ is the foundation of the Select Portfolios, with the proportions of assets in each Portfolio being determined by the needs of the Client and by taking into account very specific factors, so as to match Client to Portfolio. The asset allocation for 4 | CAERUS Select Keith Carby Chief Executive CAERUS Capital Group Limited Managing Director’s Review Andy Ferns Managing Director CAERUS Capital Group Limited The outlook for 2015 may be tough for Investment markets, but great for Advisers and their Clients. From April 2015, a new era in financial planning begins, springing from the tax changes and structuring options, under the banner of Pensions Freedom. Still not out of the woods Pensions Freedom After seven years, the Financial Crisis that destroyed the banking system and shook the world economy to its core has still not faded from the headlines. The impacts of the credit crunch are still working themselves out, most obviously in Europe. The Euro is falling in value and, once again, Greece is on the cusp of renouncing the common currency. We see falling prices across the continent and a weak outlook for growth reflected in oil at $50 a barrel. In the UK, the prospect of a hung Parliament will hold back equity valuations until some clarity emerges from the electorate. The first thing to say about the reform of pensions is that with freedom comes responsibility. And risk. And that’s why it pays to access the highest quality of Advice. But markets are seldom calm, and investing is a long-term proposition. So, where’s the good news for Advisers, and their Clients? America’s recovery is on track. Cheap oil and lower commodity prices will boost consumer spending in the wealthier nations. Money is cheap and, with the European Central Bank finally opting for Quantitative Easing, likely to get cheaper. Despite all the anxiety of the moment, most serious forecasters expect global growth to accelerate in 2015. And there’s even better news. But with the prospect of new rights for savers to access their capital, as and when they see fit, and to pass Defined Contribution pension funds down to their children and grandchildren, free of tax, the landscape looking forward, has changed out of all recognition. A savings wrapper designed to provide a secure income in retirement may, at a stroke, become a primary tool in estate planning with ISAs to follow. As Custodians of our Clients’ wealth, CAERUS Advisers offer the perfect blend of choice across the entire spectrum of risk and Investment style. Whatever the markets throw at us, CAERUS has the right solution for every Investor, whether cautious or adventurous, seeking an income or planning a secure future for another generation. The prospects for 2015 look bright indeed. CAERUS Select | 5 Important Notes Views and Opinions Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF) The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of CAERUS Portfolio Management Limited and Parmenion Investment Management. They should not be taken as a personal recommendation to buy or sell, or as Advice on how any Investment mentioned is likely to perform. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information published in this document. It cannot, however, be guaranteed. OCF means Ongoing Charge Figure, defined as the expected total cost of managing and operating the fund for the coming year. OCF includes the Annual Management Charge paid to the fund manager plus the additional operational charges of the fund (custody, distribution, audit, registration and regulatory fees). Performance Data OCF does not include an estimate of performance fees unlike the old measure, Total Expense Ratio, or TER, which was based on the experience over the prior year. Unless otherwise stated, all performance figures are from FE, formerly Financial Express Analytics, and are calculated on a total return, bid to bid basis (no initial charges) to 31st December 2014 (net income reinvested). Performance figures include the underlying funds’ Annual Management Charges and exclude rebates and external charges from Parmenion or the introducing Adviser. The OCF figures quoted in this report are net of any rebates paid to Parmenion from the Annual Management Charge. Any such rebates received are credited to the Client’s Portfolio. OCF figures in this report do not include Parmenion’s own charges or those of the introducing Adviser; neither do they include any dealing costs associated with buying or selling the funds. Where performance data is not available for a period of five years or more, this is quoted from inception date. Where no performance figures are shown, no data is available which we have labelled as N/A for the purposes of this document. The tables in this document provide past performance data and should not be taken as a guide to future returns. The data represents the period over which Parmenion Investment Management has operated the funds in their stated configuration. CAERUS Portfolios have been operating using the same formulation since 3rd March 2014. The value of Investments and the income that can be earned from them may go down as well as up and a Client may not get back the full amount invested. Rates and bases of taxation are subject to change. The risks of Investment associated with different asset classes, for example, overseas equity, property, corporate debt, commodities and alternative assets vary in their nature. Yield The Quarterly Investment Review quotes the historic yield, which reflects distribution declared over the past twelve months as a percentage of the unit price. It is based on a snapshot of the Portfolio on that day. 6 | CAERUS Select Seeking appropriate Financial Advice Parmenion is not authorised to provide Investment Advice to individuals. It is important that Clients take a medium to long term view when investing and are realistic about performance outcomes. If a Client wishes to obtain Financial Advice as to whether an Investment is suitable for their needs, they should consult an authorised Financial Adviser. Clients should ensure they have understood the contents of their Adviser’s suitability report before proceeding with any proposed Investment. Regulatory CAERUS Portfolio Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 175524. Parmenion Investment Management Ltd is a subsidiary of Parmenion Capital Partners LLP. Parmenion Capital Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number: 462085. Parmenion Capital Partners LLP is registered in England and Wales OC322243. Contact details CPML Contact Details Parmenion Contact Details Head Office: Building 120, Windmill Hill Business Park, Swindon, SN5 6NX. Head Office: 2 College Square, Anchor Road, Bristol, BS1 5UE. Office: 01793 733 800 Website: Email: Office: 0845 519 0100 Website: Email: Your Financial Adviser Firm is: Finura Partners LLP Head Office: Level 2, Juxon House, 100 St Paul’s Churchyard, London, EC4M 8BU. Office: 02037 133 352 Website: Email: CAERUS Select | 7 Market Commentary Simon Brett Director & Chief Investment Officer Parmenion Investment Management For over five years now, we have got used to 300-year low interest rates, at 0.5%. With the UK economy, along with the United States, leading the developed world in terms of growth, it is no surprise that there is so much speculation as to when, and by how much, interest rates will rise in both countries. Over the past couple of years, the forecast date of any rise has been pushed further out in time. Last year, there was an expectation that rates would rise before the Election in May 2015. Now, the consensus is the latter half of 2015. Some of the factors that will influence the extent and timing of any rate rise in the UK are discussed in the paragraphs below, and they may not even rise at all. The financial crisis of 2008 was the catalyst for the dramatic fall in rates, a response to stop the economy falling into a depression. At the time, it was seen as an emergency response along with Quantitative Easing i.e. the ‘printing of money’. There was no expectation that rates would be at the same level almost six years later. However, the contraction in the economy has been severe, worse than the 1930s and, for that matter, worse than any other post-war recession. It is only in the past few months that output reached its pre-crisis levels. So what are the triggers that will prompt a rise in rates? The Canadian-born Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney, imported the concept of ‘forward guidance’ to the UK from his previous role in Canada. It is a tool to help companies and individuals plan for the future by knowing the likely causes of a rate rise. In 2013, the first forward guidance was that a fall in the unemployment rate to 7% might be followed by a rate rise. However, rapid jobs growth meant this target was reached earlier than expected and no rate rise occurred. Therefore, a range of indicators is to be used but with a particular emphasis on the ‘output gap’- the difference between the potential and actual output of the economy. When the gap narrows, inflation is usually expected to rise as the supply of goods/services cannot keep pace with the demand. How quickly the output gap closes will obviously depend upon the speed of economic growth. And there are some uncertainties in 2015 that may dampen growth. The result of the May 2015 General Election is difficult to predict. With the likelihood of another coalition Government being high, political instability is not a promising backdrop for consumers to continue to spend, companies 8 | CAERUS Select To raise or not to raise? to invest and overseas Investors to find the UK attractive. Add in a slowing housing market, as evidenced by falling mortgage approvals and the already high indebtedness of the UK consumer, any rate rise may cut short the recovery if the consumer reduces spending as a result. In the background, the woes of the Eurozone (our largest trading partner) continue with the European Central Bank reaching the point where it will initiate a substantial programme of Quantitative Easing across the EU. The long-term problems caused by a single currency don’t look like they will be resolved in the near future. For now, inflation is not a problem. As explained by Harry Garrett in his article, the dramatic fall in oil prices and other commodities have given a fillip to the income of the UK consumer. Inflation in November was just 1%, below the Bank of England target of 2%, resulting in Mark Carney having to write to the Chancellor to explain why inflation is 1% below its target. Should the oil price fall even farther, inflation will not be the cause of the first rate rise. On a positive note, it does allow wages to rise faster than inflation, meaning real wage growth for the first time since 2008. Given the caution in the paragraphs above, perhaps rates will not rise in 2015. Remember Japan twenty years ago and its drop in rates as a ‘temporary’ measure. Low rates became entrenched as that economy suffered deflation. There is now a growing consensus that the ‘new normal’ for UK rates will lie between 2% and 3%. This is far below the long-term post-war averages and may be the final consequence of the financial crisis of 2008. Depending upon your age, such low levels are surprising, but to younger savers and borrowers they may become the new reference point as to what is expensive or cheap money in the years ahead. Figure 1. United Kingdom Interest Rate Benchmark Interest Rate 6 4 2 0 JAN ‘08 JAN ‘10 Source: | Bank of England JAN ‘12 JAN ‘14 Featured Article The situation obviously affects different countries, economies and individual companies in different ways. Very simplistically, net users gain and producers don’t. Generally the global economy should benefit with the most obvious impact for many being a marginal boost to household incomes as cars can be filled up for less, heating bills decline and manufacturing costs fall. Similarly, near-term inflationary pressures subside, which reduces pressure for interest rates to rise, providing a further shot in the arm to the UK consumer through continued low mortgage costs. However one major concern is that this simply feeds an ever increasing feelgood-factor, potentially fuelling the current debt binge that’s still prevalent throughout the western world. Further afield, many Emerging Market (EM) economies rely on imported oil and lower prices are good news for their competitiveness, however the story is very different for EM oil exporters. The grey bars and left-hand scale in the chart opposite show the individual breakeven prices per barrel for different oil producing EM countries in order to balance their budgets. From this it’s fair to say to avoid unwanted financial stress, the price of oil needs to shift back up towards $90+, and soon. If on the other hand the current situation continues then the probability of ratings downgrades increase, which may lead to increases in debt servicing costs and spikes in foreign exchange volatility. Fiscal Breakeven Oil Price (USD/b) (LHS) 2014 general govt budget balance (% of GDP) (RHS) ECUADOR ANGOLA -10.0 BAHRAIN -5.0 0 VENEZUELA 0.0 20 RUSSIA 5.0 40 NIGERIA 10.0 60 GABON 15.0 80 AZERBAIJAN 20.0 100 SAUDI ARABIA 25.0 120 NORWAY 30.0 140 REPUBLIC OF CONGO % of GDP 160 KAZAKHSTAN There is no one single reason to explain the dramatic slide, in fact quite the opposite. To name a few; weak economic data, the switch from oil to alternative energy sources, slowing Chinese GDP growth and increasing domestic US energy production. OPEC’s recent confirmation that they would not reduce supply in an attempt to stop the slump led to a further decline in the price. Therefore working with an assumption that a lower oil price is here to stay, we now look at the effect this has caused throughout the Investment world. USD/b KUWAIT For the majority of 2014 the oil price was underpinned by global geopolitical uncertainty. So much so, that only a brave and irrational Investor would have bet that the price would plunge over 40% within six months. Figure 2. 2014 Fiscal Breakeven Oil Price (USD/b) and forecast budget balances ABU DHABI Harry Garrett Investment Analyst Parmenion Investment Management Oil Price Fall – The Only Certainty is Increased Uncertainty Source: Fitch. Note Abu Dhabi includes Fitch’s estimate of the ADNOC dividend. Venezuela and Ecuador breakeven estimates are for 2013. Historically, consensus would lead us to believe the oil price is a lagging economic indicator due to its sensitivity to published economic data, but consensus isn’t always right. If, as some are beginning to think, oil is a leading indicator then the above paints an unpleasant picture for oil producers and many EMs. But also in this heavily globalised Investment world the effects are unlikely to be confined to just the vulnerable EM. High Yield debt is a less obvious casualty of this swift oil price correction. The US is now the largest oil producer in the world, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia, due to the transformational technology called ‘fracking’ which has caused this upsurge in production. However this is more expensive than traditional drilling methods and needs higher oil prices to justify the greater costs. Smaller independent oil companies have tended to develop the new oil fields, often financed through the High Yield debt market. Following the fall in the price of oil, their profitability is under threat raising the possibility that they may not be able to finance the debt. Considering the energy sector now makes up around 15% of the US High Yield debt market, the stability of the asset class may be called into question, with prices already beginning to slide in the last quarter of 2014. This overview barely scratches the surface of how the oil price can affect many different economies, consumers and Investment asset classes. The oil price is just one of many links between economies and financial markets that rarely stay stable over time. This reinforces the necessity to maintain a diversified Portfolio across multiple asset classes to align an Investment outcome with a Client’s attitude to risk and capacity for loss. Something which CAERUS Advisers with the benefit of Parmenion’s Investment capabilities can achieve regardless of the uncertain Investment landscape that awaits them. CAERUS Select | 9 CAERUS Active and Passive Portfolios The CAERUS offering is built around seven asset classes; Managed Liquidity, Fixed Interest, Property, UK Value and Income, UK Growth, Developed Markets and Emerging Markets. An Investor in the CAERUS offering assumes that the risk and return relationships between the various asset classes are stable over the long term. Thus, the asset allocations for the ten Risk Graded Portfolios will not change frequently. The fund OCF and historic yield for each Risk Grade are shown below. The data included will vary from month to month, depending on the fund selection of the Investment Manager and the expenses of the underlying funds themselves. These figures are therefore only included for the purposes of transparency. 3 15% 55% 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 100% 4 15% 35% 10% 20% 10% 10% 0% 100% 5 5% 30% 10% 20% 15% 20% 0% 100% 6 0% 25% 10% 20% 20% 25% 0% 100% 7 0% 15% 15% 20% 20% 25% 5% 100% 8 0% 0% 15% 20% 15% 35% 15% 100% 9 0% 0% 10% 15% 15% 35% 25% 100% 10 0% 0% 0% 10% 15% 40% 35% 100% Ris kG rade 10 Ris kG rade 9 8 7 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 6 5 4 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 0.98% Historic Yield 1.34% 2.35% 2.48% 2.48% 2.43% 2.39% 2.38% 2.10% 1.83% 1.41% CAERUS Passive Ris kG rade Ris kG rade Portfolios are rebalanced to their asset allocation on a quarterly basis. Fund OCF* 0.38% 0.25% 0.22% 0.22% 0.18% 0.16% 0.20% 0.21% 0.19% 0.14% Historic Yield 1.25% 2.17% 2.36% 2.58% 2.72% 2.81% 2.90% 2.82% 2.65% 2.38% *Correct as of 24th December 2014 10 | CAERUS Select 3 2 0.94% 10 100% 0.91% Ris kG rade 0% 0.84% 9 0% 0.82% Ris kG rade 5% 0.78% 8 5% 0.72% 7 10% 0.67% Ris kG rade 55% 0.63% 6 25% 0.49% Ris kG rade 2 Fund OCF* 5 100% Ris kG rade 0% 4 0% Ris kG rade 0% 3 0% Ris kG rade 0% 2 20% Ris kG rade 80% 1 1 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade TOT AL Risk Ris kG rade 1 MA RK ETS EM ER GIN G DE VEL OP ED MA RK ETS CAERUS Active UK VAL UE AN D IN CO ME UK GR OW TH MA NA GE D LIQ UID ITY FIX ED INT ER EST PR OP ER TY CAERUS Active & Passive Portfolios Net Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF) and Historic Yield by Risk Grade Portfolio Holdings as of 31st December 2014 The current Portfolio holdings for CAERUS Active and Passive are shown in the tables below, as of 31st December 2014. Please refer to page 30 for details on fund changes over the period. Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index AXA Sterling Credit Short Duration Bond Allianz Gilt Yield Ignis UK Property Feeder Artemis Income Artemis UK Smaller Companies Aberdeen Japan Equity Aberdeen Emerging Markets Equity AXA Sterling Credit Short Duration Bond Vanguard UK Investment Grade Bond Index Ignis UK Property Feeder Vanguard US Equity Index Dimensional Global Ultra Short Fixed Income Fidelity Moneybuilder Income L&G UK Property Feeder Franklin UK Equity Income JOHCM UK Opportunities JPM US Equity Income Fidelity Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Dimensional Global Ultra Short Fixed Income L&G All Stocks Index Linked Gilt Index L&G UK Property Feeder M&G Short Dated Corporate Bond Invesco Perpetual Corporate Bond Threadneedle UK Property Invesco Perpetual Income Jupiter UK Special Situations Pioneer SICAV US Fundmental Growth M&G Global Emerging Markets Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex UK Equity Index Vanguard Global Bond Index Hedge Threadneedle UK Property Vanguard Japan Stock Index Aberdeen Defensive Gilt M&G Index Linked Bond Investec UK Special Situations Liontrust Special Situations First State Asia Pacific Leaders Schroder Global Emerging Markets M&G Short Dated Corporate Bond SWIP Defensive Gilt M&G Optimal Income Threadneedle UK Equity Income Schroder UK Smaller Companies Jupiter European Vanguard UK Government Bond Index Jupiter Strategic Bond Troy Asset Management Ltd Trojan Income Jupiter North American Income PFS TwentyFour Dynamic Bond Unicorn UK Income Threadneedle European Select MA RK ETS EM ER GIN G MA RK ETS Vanguard FTSE UK All Share Index DE VEL OP ED UK GR OW TH UK VAL UE AN D IN CO ME PR OP ER TY FIX ED INT ER EST MA NA GE D MA RK ETS EM ER GIN G MA RK ETS DE VEL OP ED UK GR OW TH UK VAL UE AN D IN CO ME PR OP ER TY FIX ED INT ER EST LIQ UID ITY MA NA GE D LIQ UID ITY CAERUS Passive CAERUS Active Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Vanguard Pacific ex Japan Stock Index CAERUS Select | 11 5Y EAR RE TUR N return 3 year 2 year return 1 year 6 month return 3 month 5Y EAR RE TUR N return 3 year 2 year return 1 year 6 month return 3 month return For the shorter time periods of 3 months to 1 year, the lower Risk Grades retrun more than the higher Risk Grades owing to the strong performance of Fixed Interest and Property versus other asset classes. For longer time periods the poor relative performance of Emerging Markets has impacted the performance of the higher Risk Grades. return For the periods 2 and 3 years, the Portfolios rise in value up to Risk Grade 8 and then drop in line. This is due to the high weighting in Emerging Markets in Risk Grades 9 and 10 and its underperformance versus other equity asset classes. For all other time periods, the Risk Grades have been distorted by the strong performance of Property and Developed Markets. Risk Grade 7 is the only exception with a slight underperformance over 5 years. return CAERUS Passive - Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 return CAERUS Active - Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 Passive Active 1 1.22% 1.83% 3.06% 3.70% 6.46% 14.51% 1 1.39% 2.16% 3.72% 4.02% 6.78% 15.06% 2 2.60% 3.90% 6.35% 10.11% 16.15% 29.71% 2 2.89% 4.64% 8.00% 10.49% 16.66% 31.40% 3 3.03% 4.49% 7.19% 13.41% 20.62% 35.98% 3 3.16% 4.97% 8.52% 13.28% 20.97% 37.78% 4 2.95% 4.18% 6.87% 18.01% 26.65% 42.24% 4 2.61% 3.87% 6.97% 16.39% 25.94% 42.66% 5 3.48% 4.92% 7.76% 22.57% 32.81% 49.80% 5 2.85% 4.20% 7.40% 20.53% 31.96% 50.06% 6 3.67% 5.12% 7.99% 25.31% 36.66% 54.35% 6 2.83% 4.13% 7.31% 22.95% 35.55% 54.11% 7 3.39% 4.84% 7.98% 25.66% 37.16% 53.96% 7 2.52% 3.85% 7.03% 22.85% 35.45% 52.31% 8 3.38% 5.01% 8.54% 27.50% 39.86% 54.65% 8 2.42% 3.91% 6.99% 23.89% 37.55% 51.38% 9 2.93% 4.34% 7.90% 24.95% 38.17% 51.93% 9 2.14% 3.67% 6.67% 21.39% 35.35% 46.90% 10 2.67% 3.86% 7.33% 23.33% 37.93% 50.52% 10 1.97% 3.52% 6.28% 19.75% 34.71% 43.98% Please note that Portfolio returns prior to 1st March 2014 are based on the performance of the PIM Strategic Multi-Option Portfolios, upon which the structure of the CAERUS Portfolios is based. These returns simulate the performance that would have been achieved by these Portfolios had they been in existence during these periods. Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. 12 | CAERUS Select CAERUS Active and Passive Portfolios CAERUS - Asset Class Returns to period end 31st December 2014 The CAERUS Risk Graded Portfolios are built through a weighted exposure to seven underlying asset classes. For transparency purposes the returns of each asset class are given below. These returns should not be considered in isolation as the asset class risk and return characteristics are taken into account within the construction of each Risk Graded Portfolio. 0.99% 2.46% 4.15% 6.60% Managed Liquidity 0.64% 0.99% 2.46% return 4.15% 5Y EAR RE TUR N 1.88% 3 year return return 6M ON TH RE TUR N 3M ON TH RE TUR N 5Y EAR RE TUR N return 3 year 2 year return return 1 year 1.88% 2 year 0.64% 1 year Managed Liquidity 6M ON TH RE TUR N CAERUS Passive 3M ON TH RE TUR N CAERUS Active 6.60% Fixed Interest 3.53% 5.21% 7.89% 8.73% 16.47% 34.28% Fixed Interest 3.84% 6.59% 11.01% 10.07% 17.46% 37.68% Property 3.42% 7.19% 13.24% 20.81% 21.70% 34.53% Property 3.42% 7.19% 13.24% 20.81% 21.70% 35.91% UK Value and Income 2.11% 1.86% 5.02% 33.01% 48.54% 71.36% UK Value and Income 0.74% -0.56% 1.48% 22.81% 41.90% 65.75% UK Growth 0.59% -0.94% -0.15% 22.62% 40.59% 59.21% UK Growth 0.25% -0.76% 0.75% 21.65% 36.51% 50.69% Developed Markets 7.51% 11.67% 15.01% 40.86% 52.11% 63.47% Developed Markets 5.65% 8.76% 12.03% 39.15% 55.00% 69.01% Emerging Markets -1.52% -1.92% 2.45% 3.17% 18.80% 27.43% Emerging Markets -0.68% 0.94% 3.51% -1.29% 11.07% 10.52% Please note that asset class returns prior to 1st March 2014 are based on the performance of the PIM Strategic Multi-Option asset classes, upon which the structure of the CAERUS Portfolios is based. CAERUS Select | 13 CAERUS Blends CAERUS 75% Active & 25% Passive - Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 The CAERUS Blended Portfolios are built around the seven asset classes used in CAERUS Active and CAERUS Passive; Managed Liquidity, Fixed Interest, Property, UK Value and Income, UK Growth, Developed Markets and Emerging Markets. An Investor in the CAERUS Blended Portfolios assumes that the risk and return relationships between the various asset classes are stable over the long term. Thus, the asset allocations for the ten Risk Graded Portfolios will not change frequently. Please refer to pages 10-11 for details on the asset weightings and underlying funds used in the solution. 10 Ris kG rade 9 Ris kG rade 8 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 7 6 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 5 4 3 Ris kG rade 2 Ris kG rade 1 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 0.46% 0.53% 0.56% 0.60% 0.63% 0.65% 0.68% 0.74% 0.75% 0.77% Historic Yield 1.32% 2.30% 2.45% 2.51% 2.51% 2.50% 2.51% 2.28% 2.03% 1.65% * Correct as of 24th December 2014 CAERUS 50% Active & 50% Passive Fund OCF* 0.44% 0.44% 0.45% 0.47% 0.48% 0.49% 0.52% 0.56% 0.57% 0.56% Historic Yield 1.29% 2.26% 2.42% 2.53% 2.58% 2.60% 2.64% 2.46% 2.24% 1.90% * Correct as of 24th December 2014 Fund OCF* 0.41% 0.35% 0.33% 0.35% 0.33% 0.33% 0.36% 0.39% 0.38% 0.35% Historic Yield 1.27% 2.22% 2.39% 2.56% 2.65% 2.71% 2.77% 2.64% 2.44% 2.14% Correct as of 24th December 2014 14 | CAERUS Select return 5 year 3 year return return 2 year 1 1.26% 1.91% 3.23% 3.78% 6.54% 14.61% 2 2.68% 4.09% 6.77% 10.21% 16.28% 30.13% 3 3.07% 4.62% 7.54% 13.40% 20.73% 36.46% 4 2.88% 4.12% 6.91% 17.63% 26.50% 42.39% 5 3.34% 4.75% 7.69% 22.09% 32.63% 49.92% 6 3.47% 4.88% 7.83% 24.75% 36.42% 54.38% 7 3.18% 4.60% 7.75% 24.97% 36.75% 53.61% 8 3.14% 4.73% 8.15% 26.59% 39.27% 53.85% 9 2.73% 4.17% 7.59% 24.04% 37.44% 50.67% 10 2.48% 3.76% 7.06% 22.40% 37.08% 48.85% Please note that Portfolio returns prior to 1st March 2014 are based on the performance of the PIM Strategic Multi-Option Portfolios, upon which the structure of the CAERUS Portfolios is based. These returns simulate the performance that would have been achieved by these Portfolios had they been in existence during these periods. Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. CAERUS 25% Active & 75% Passive * return Risk Grade CAERUS 75% Active & 25% Passive Fund OCF* 1Y ear 3 month The fund OCF and historic yield for each Risk Grade are shown below. The data included will vary from month to month, depending on the fund selection of the Investment manager and the expenses of the underlying funds themselves. These figures are therefore only included for the purposes of transparency. 6 month return Net Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF) and Historic Yield by Risk Grade return For periods 3 months to 1 year the strong relative performance of Fixed Interest and Property have distorted the performance of the lower Risk Grades. The higher Risk Grades in all other periods have suffered from the poor performance of Emerging Markets versus other equity asset classes. return 5 year 3 year 2 year return return 1Y ear 6 month return 3 month return 5 year return 3 year 2 year return 1Y ear 6 month return 3 month Risk Grade return For time periods up to 1 year, strong performances from Fixed Interest, Property and Developed Markets have distorted the Risk Grades up to 5/6. For all other time periods the higher Risk Grades have suffered from the poor performance of Emerging Markets versus other equity asset classes. return For periods 3 months to 1 year the strong relative performance of Fixed Interest and Property have distorted the performance of the lower Risk Grades. The higher Risk Grades in all other periods have suffered from the poor performance of Emerging Markets versus other equity asset classes. return CAERUS 25% Active & 75% Passive - Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 return CAERUS 50% Active & 50% Passive - Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 Risk Grade 1 1.30% 2.00% 3.39% 3.86% 6.62% 14.76% 1 1.35% 2.08% 3.56% 3.95% 6.70% 14.91% 2 2.76% 4.28% 7.18% 10.32% 16.41% 30.57% 2 2.84% 4.47% 7.60% 10.42% 16.54% 30.99% 3 3.12% 4.75% 7.88% 13.38% 20.83% 36.93% 3 3.16% 4.88% 8.22% 13.36% 20.93% 37.39% 4 2.81% 4.05% 6.95% 17.24% 26.34% 42.53% 4 2.74% 3.99% 6.99% 16.86% 26.18% 42.66% 5 3.19% 4.58% 7.61% 21.59% 32.44% 50.02% 5 3.04% 4.42% 7.53% 21.11% 32.25% 50.12% 6 3.27% 4.65% 7.67% 24.18% 36.17% 54.38% 6 3.07% 4.41% 7.51% 23.61% 35.91% 54.36% 7 2.97% 4.36% 7.52% 24.28% 36.33% 53.23% 7 2.76% 4.12% 7.29% 23.59% 35.90% 52.84% 8 2.90% 4.45% 7.76% 25.67% 38.67% 53.02% 8 2.66% 4.17% 7.37% 24.75% 38.06% 52.17% 9 2.53% 3.99% 7.27% 23.13% 36.69% 49.38% 9 2.32% 3.82% 6.96% 22.21% 35.93% 48.06% 10 2.30% 3.66% 6.78% 21.46% 36.21% 47.15% 10 2.12% 3.56% 6.50% 20.53% 35.33% 45.42% Please note that Portfolio returns prior to 1st March 2014 are based on the performance of the PIM Strategic Multi-Option Portfolios, upon which the structure of the CAERUS Portfolios is based. These returns simulate the performance that would have been achieved by these Portfolios had they been in existence during these periods. Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. CAERUS Select | 15 CAERUS - Asset Class Returns to period end 31st December 2014 The CAERUS Risk Graded Portfolios are built through a weighted exposure to seven underlying asset classes. For transparency purposes the returns of each asset class are given below. These returns should not be considered in isolation as the asset class risk and return characteristics are taken into account within the construction of each Risk Graded Portfolio. 2.46% 4.15% 6.60% Managed Liquidity 0.64% 0.99% 2.46% RE TUR N RE TUR N 4.15% 5 year 1.88% 3 year RE TUR N RE TUR N 6M ON TH RE TUR N 5 year RE TUR N RE TUR N 3 year RE TUR N 2 year RE TUR N 1 year 1.88% 2 year 0.99% 1 year 0.64% 6M ON TH RE TUR N 3M ON TH RE TUR N Managed Liquidity 3M ON TH RE TUR N CAERUS 50% Active & 50% Passive CAERUS 75% Active & 25% Passive 6.60% Fixed Interest 3.61% 5.56% 8.67% 9.07% 16.72% 35.13% Fixed Interest 3.69% 5.90% 9.45% 9.40% 16.97% 35.98% Property 3.42% 7.19% 13.24% 20.81% 21.70% 34.88% Property 3.42% 7.19% 13.24% 20.81% 21.70% 35.22% UK Value and Income 1.77% 1.26% 4.14% 30.46% 46.88% 69.96% UK Value and Income 1.43% 0.65% 3.25% 27.91% 45.22% 68.56% UK Growth 0.51% -0.90% 0.08% 22.38% 39.57% 57.08% UK Growth 0.42% -0.85% 0.30% 22.14% 38.55% 54.95% Developed Markets 7.05% 10.94% 14.27% 40.43% 52.83% 64.86% Developed Markets 6.58% 10.22% 13.52% 40.01% 53.56% 66.24% Emerging Markets -1.31% -1.21% 2.72% 2.06% 16.87% 23.20% Emerging Markets -1.10% -0.49% 2.98% 0.94% 14.94% 18.98% 16 | CAERUS Select CAERUS Blends 5 year RE TUR N RE TUR N 3 year RE TUR N 2 year RE TUR N 1 year 6M ON TH RE TUR N 3M ON TH RE TUR N CAERUS 25% Active & 75% Passive Managed Liquidity 0.64% 0.99% 1.88% 2.46% 4.15% 6.60% Fixed Interest 3.76% 6.25% 10.23% 9.74% 17.21% 36.83% Property 3.42% 7.19% 13.24% 20.81% 21.70% 35.57% UK Value and Income 1.08% 0.05% 2.37% 25.36% 43.56% 67.15% UK Growth 0.34% -0.81% 0.53% 21.89% 37.53% 52.82% Developed Markets 6.12% 9.49% 12.78% 39.58% 54.28% 67.63% Emerging Markets -0.89% 0.23% 3.25% -0.18% 13.00% 14.75% Please note that Portfolio returns prior to 1st March 2014 are based on the performance of the PIM Strategic Multi-Option Portfolios, upon which the structure of the CAERUS Portfolios is based. These returns simulate the performance that would have been achieved by these Portfolios had they been in existence during these periods. Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. CAERUS Select | 17 CAERUS Tactical Income The CAERUS Tactical Income Portfolios aim to deliver a set of target yields while controlling the level of Portfolio volatility. Parmenion will use Tactical Asset Allocation to both achieve the target yields and to keep Portfolio volatility within the constraints identified for each Risk Grade. The CAERUS Tactical Income Portfolios have, as their name suggests, the flexibility to adopt tactical asset allocations. This means the Investment manager (PIM) has the capability to alter the asset allocation of the Portfolios in light of changing market conditions. This flexibility enhances PIM’s ability to increase allocations to income generating assets to meet the target yields, when it is prudent to do so, while simultaneously managing the Portfolios’ volatility and exposure to risk. All changes to asset allocation are made within prescribed limits only. Key Benefits • 10 Risk Graded Portfolios • Rising target yields, rising from 3% to 5.25% • Tactical asset allocation to make the targeted yields achievable • Proactive blending of Passive and Active funds • Natural income planned to arise throughout the calendar year • Controlled use of Maximiser Funds. 18 | CAERUS Select What are Maximiser Funds? Up to 35% of a Tactical Income Portfolio may be invested in Maximiser Funds to help ensure an attractive level of income. It is important that Clients understand this. A Maximiser Fund is a Portfolio of stocks in which the fund manager has a high level of conviction. Derivatives contracts are written on a select number of the underlying companies, carefully managed by a derivatives specialist, generating additional income in return for giving up some potential return on a stock above the level specified in the contract. In this way, Maximiser Funds can generate an income greater than that achieved by only investing in stocks. It can also improve stability, since the higher income acts as a dampener on any Portfolio losses. Tactical Asset Allocation The CAERUS Tactical Income Portfolios use a range of neutral strategic asset allocations as their starting point. These strategic asset allocations are based around the performance and volatilities of various asset class indices over a 20 year period and combined with a qualitative overlay to ensure diversification. As market conditions change over time, so do the relative volatility and valuations of different asset classes. When prudent to do so, the CAERUS Tactical Income Portfolio asset allocations can adapt to ensure that target yields are achieved with the least anticipated risk and within the acceptable range of volatility for each particular Risk Grade. ocf * 12m Ga in max MA X1 2m LOS S AN N Dev UAL iat ISED ion Standard AN NU ALI SED RE TUR N histor (12 ic y Months ield ) target yield CAERUS Tactical Income Portfolios Summary Data Risk Grade 1 3.00% 2.57% 4.78% 3.52% -5.25% 9.33% 0.56% 2 3.25% 3.29% 5.53% 4.92% -8.77% 11.41% 0.63% 3 3.50% 3.82% 6.18% 6.64% -12.47% 14.23% 0.69% 4 3.75% 4.20% 6.69% 7.89% -15.44% 16.97% 0.73% 5 4.00% 4.46% 7.00% 8.90% -17.82% 19.67% 0.76% 6 4.25% 4.57% 7.09% 10.14% -19.84% 23.49% 0.77% 7 4.50% 4.73% 7.32% 11.55% -22.45% 26.44% 0.79% 8 4.75% 4.95% 7.42% 12.52% -24.09% 28.35% 0.80% 9 5.00% 5.18% 7.46% 13.50% -25.66% 30.42% 0.81% 10 5.25% 5.26% 7.37% 14.43% -26.16% 33.15% 0.81% Correct as of 5th January 2014 * Please note, the Annualised Return, Standard Deviation, Maximum Loss and Gain figures are based on the simulated returns, of the Portfolio’s neutral asset weightings over the last 20 years to December 2013. Figures are based on indices and therefore exclude the effect of taxes or fees from Parmenion or the Adviser. Charges are however taken from Portfolio liquidity and therefore will not affect the income distributed. CAERUS Select | 19 Portfolio Holdings as of 31st December 2014 The current fund holdings for CAERUS Tactical Income Portfolios are shown in the table below, as of 31st December 2014. Please refer to page 30 for details on fund changes over the period. Asset Group Holdings Managed Liquidity Dimensional Global Ultra Short Fixed Income Corporate Bonds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18.34% 11.67% 5.00% 1.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% AXA Sterling Credit Short Duration Bond 18.33% 11.67% 5.00% 1.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% M&G Short Dated Corporate Bond 18.33% 11.66% 5.00% 1.66% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Fidelity Moneybuilder Income 7.50% 7.50% 11.25% 11.25% 10.00% 7.50% 5.00% 2.50% 0.00% 0.00% M&G Corporate Bond 7.50% 7.50% 11.25% 11.25% 10.00% 7.50% 5.00% 2.50% 0.00% 0.00% Jupiter Strategic Bond 7.50% 7.50% 11.25% 11.25% 10.00% 7.50% 5.00% 2.50% 0.00% 0.00% PFS TwentyFour Dynamic Bond 7.50% 7.50% 11.25% 11.25% 10.00% 7.50% 5.00% 2.50% 0.00% 0.00% High Yield Bonds Kames High Yield Bond 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% JPM Global High Yield Bond 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% Property Henderson UK Property OEIC 3.25% 4.33% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 2.17% 2.17% 2.17% 2.17% 0.00% UK Equity Income US Equity Europe ex UK Asia Pacific ex Japan Global Maximiser Total 20 | CAERUS Select L&G UK Property Feeder 3.25% 4.34% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 2.17% 2.17% 2.17% 2.17% 0.00% Threadneedle UK Property 3.25% 4.33% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 2.16% 2.16% 2.16% 2.16% 0.00% Schroder Global Property Income Maximiser 5.25% 7.00% 5.25% 5.25% 5.25% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 0.00% Rathbone Income 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 1.90% 2.20% 2.60% 2.90% 3.30% 3.50% 3.80% Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index 0.00% 3.50% 5.25% 6.65% 7.70% 9.10% 10.15% 11.55% 12.25% 13.30% Troy Asset Management Ltd Trojan Income 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 1.90% 2.20% 2.60% 2.90% 3.30% 3.50% 3.80% Artemis Income 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 1.90% 2.20% 2.26% 2.90% 3.30% 3.50% 3.80% Fidelity Enhanced Income 0.00% 3.50% 5.25% 6.65% 7.70% 9.10% 10.15% 11.55% 12.25% 13.30% JPM US Equity Income 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% Aviva Inv US Equity Income II 2 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% Standard Life Investments European Equity Income 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% Newton Asian Income 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.67% 1.67% 2.67% 3.33% 4.33% 5.67% 6.67% Henderson Asian Dividend Income 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.66% 1.66% 2.66% 3.33% 4.33% 5.66% 6.66% Schroder Asian Income Maximiser 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.67% 1.67% 2.67% 3.34% 4.34% 5.67% 6.67% Schroder ISF Global Dividend Maximiser 0.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 7.00% 9.00% 11.00% 13.00% 15.00% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% CAERUS Tactical Income Solution 6 month return 3 month 6 month return 3 month Risk Grade from i (01 .02 ncept .20 ion 14) The CAERUS Tactical Income Risk Graded Portfolios are built through a weighted exposure to nine underlying asset classes. For transparency purposes the returns of each asset class are given below. These returns should not be considered in isolation as the asset class risk and return characteristics are taken into account within the construction of each Risk Graded Portfolio. return Since inception all Risk Grades rise in line to Risk Grade 9. Over 3 and 6 months, the strong performance of US equities, Property and Global Equity Income Maximiser has distorted the Risk Grades. from i (01 .02 ncept .20 ion 14) CAERUS Tactical Income - Asset Class Returns to period end 31st December 2014 return CAERUS Tactical Income - Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 Risk Grade 1 2.14% 3.12% 5.38% Managed Liquidity 0.58% 0.92% 1.68% 2 2.59% 3.74% 6.71% Corporate Bonds 2.57% 3.83% 6.91% 3 2.88% 4.02% 7.61% Property 5.44% 7.67% 12.78% 4 3.09% 4.19% 8.31% UK Equity Income 1.43% 0.90% 7.29% 5 3.29% 4.43% 9.08% US Equity 9.66% 15.25% 22.92% 6 3.25% 4.12% 9.51% High Yield Bonds 0.41% -2.09% 2.06% 7 3.46% 4.32% 9.97% Europe ex UK 2.58% 0.39% 5.90% 8 3.49% 4.29% 10.29% Asia Pacific ex Japan 3.33% 5.75% 15.13% 9 3.50% 4.22% 10.55% Global Equity Income Maximiser 6.21% 8.07% 14.11% 10 3.25% 3.82% 10.28% Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. CAERUS Select | 21 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Portfolios: profile A-D Armaments (Strategic) Ethical Investment provides the opportunity to invest in ethically sound Investment solutions that cater for a range of ethical preferences. It gives Investors the option to avoid companies that engage in activities that they could not usually support, and proactively invest in companies that recognise their corporate responsibilities. Investing ethically is now one of the fastest growing areas in Financial Services with funds under management having grown to approximately $3.74 trillion in the United States alone (Source: Each asset class is populated with funds according to their ethical profile and risk adjusted returns. Incorporated within the solution are four ethical profiles (A to D) and ten Risk Graded Portfolios (1 to 10), which are designed to capture over 80% of Clients’ ethical preferences. Each ethical grade incorporates an increasing number of positive and negative ethical criteria, and a rising level of adherence to these criteria. An Ethical Fact Find is available to assist the Adviser in identifying the appropriate ethical profile. 22 | CAERUS Select p eth ical eth ical p prof ile prof ile c b prof ile eth ical p p Pornography (Production) p p p p Human Rights (Evidenced/Country Based) p p p p Environmental Management / Technology** p p p p Animal Testing (Non-Medical) p p p p Tobacco (Production) p Environmental Impact p p p p p p p p Gambling Solution Description The CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Investment Solution offers the discretionary management of Active funds across eight distinct asset class groups. There is an independent ethical overlay provided by the Ethical Oversight Committee, which includes Julian Parrott and Julia Dreblow. Both Julian and Julia are Ethical specialists, with over 20 years’ experience in Ethical Investing, previously holding the positions of Chair of the EIA and Director of UKSIF, respectively. prof ile SCR E cr ENIN iter G ia * a Ethical Investment is known by a variety of terms including: ‘Green Investment’, ‘Socially Responsible Investment’ (SRI) and ‘Sustainable Finance’. All of these terms refer to financial or Investment services which strive to maximise Investment performance and social welfare. In general, ethical Investment looks to encourage corporate practices that promote environmental stewardship, consumer protection, human rights and diversity, although additional criteria such as the avoidance of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, gambling and pornography are often included as legitimate areas of concern. These criteria can be broadly summarised as environmental, social justice and corporate governance issues or ESG criteria. d Ethical Screening Criteria by Ethical Grade eth ical What is Ethical Investing? Alcohol Production p Nuclear (Power) p Number of Criteria considered 6 7 8 10 Target Screening Threshold (%) 50% 75% 100% 100% Minimum number of Screen Criteria 3 5 8 10 Any funds which fail these criteria are excluded from the Portfolio. This decision is determined by the Ethical Oversight Committee (EOC). * As this is a positive criteria, funds are required to have this approach to warrant inclusion in the selectable funds for each Ethical Grade. ** Please note: ‘avoidance criteria’ does not always mean ‘zero involvement’ as most ethical funds have deminimus limits which allow for limited (normally non-manufacturing or wholesale related) exposure to excluded areas. This allows funds to be manageable and support otherwise positive larger companies. CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Asset Class Weightings as of 31st December 2014 The CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Portfolios are constructed using up to eight asset classes, each with their own distinctive risk and reward characteristics. Ten Risk Graded Portfolios (1-10) are produced, by varying the percentage exposure to each asset class, to match the risk tolerance of a particular Client. UK Government Bonds are currently excluded from Ethical Profile B, whilst Ethical Profiles C-D also exclude Property due to the restrictions in sourcing a suitable ethical fund. The current split between the asset classes for each of the Portfolios are detailed in the table below. Strategic Investors assume relatively constant long-term risk and return characteristics, and as such the underlying asset allocations will only vary where these have materially changed. CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile A Asset Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Managed Liquidity (Unscreened) 70.00% 45.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Corporate Bonds 24.00% 28.00% 40.00% 40.00% 32.00% 24.00% 12.00% 4.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Gilts 6.00% 7.00% 10.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 3.00% 1.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Property 0.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Equity Growth 0.00% 3.00% 6.00% 9.00% 15.00% 18.00% 21.00% 21.00% 24.00% 24.00% UK Ethical Equity Income 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 14.00% 16.00% 16.00% International Ethical Equity 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% Emerging Markets Equity 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Managed Liquidity (Unscreened) 70.00% 45.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Corporate Bonds 30.00% 35.00% 50.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Property 0.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Equity Growth 0.00% 3.00% 6.00% 9.00% 15.00% 18.00% 21.00% 21.00% 24.00% 24.00% UK Ethical Equity Income 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 14.00% 16.00% 16.00% International Ethical Equity 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% Ethical Emerging Markets Equity 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile B Asset Group CAERUS Select | 23 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile C Asset Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Managed Liquidity (Unscreened) 70.00% 45.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Corporate Bonds 30.00% 45.00% 65.00% 65.00% 55.00% 40.00% 25.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Equity Growth 0.00% 3.00% 6.00% 9.00% 15.00% 18.00% 21.00% 21.00% 24.00% 24.00% UK Ethical Equity Income 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 14.00% 16.00% 16.00% International Ethical Equity 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% Ethical Emerging Markets Equity 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Managed Liquidity (Unscreened) 70.00% 45.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Corporate Bonds 30.00% 45.00% 65.00% 65.00% 55.00% 40.00% 25.00% 15.00% 5.00% 0.00% UK Ethical Equity Growth 0.00% 3.00% 6.00% 9.00% 15.00% 18.00% 21.00% 21.00% 24.00% 24.00% UK Ethical Equity Income 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 14.00% 16.00% 16.00% International Ethical Equity 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% Ethical Emerging Markets Equity 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile D Asset Group Portfolios are rebalanced to their asset allocation on a periodic basis. 24 | CAERUS Select CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Portfolios Net Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF) and Historic Yield by Risk Grade The fund OCF and historic yield for each Risk Grade are shown below. The data included will vary from month to month, depending on the fund selection of the Investment manager and the expenses of the underlying funds themselves. These figures are therefore only included for the purposes of transparency. 0.52% 0.57% 0.62% 0.65% 0.69% 0.73% 0.77% 0.80% 0.82% 0.84% Historic Yield 2.06% 2.43% 2.83% 2.87% 2.78% 2.50% 2.27% 2.06% 1.88% 1.71% Correct as of 24th December 2014 * 10 Ris kG rade 9 Ris kG rade 8 Ris kG rade 7 Ris kG rade 6 5 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 4 3 Ris kG rade 2 Ris kG rade Fund OCF 0.53% 0.58% 0.64% 0.66% 0.70% 0.74% 0.77% 0.80% 0.82% 0.84% Historic Yield 2.24% 2.64% 3.12% 3.16% 3.02% 2.68% 2.36% 2.09% 1.88% 1.71% Correct as of 24th December 2014 10 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 9 8 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 7 6 5 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 4 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 3 2 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 1 10 Ris kG rade 9 8 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 7 6 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 4 5 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile D Ris kG rade 3 2 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 1 Ris kG rade 1 Ris kG rade Fund OCF CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile C * Ris kG rade 9 8 Ris kG rade 7 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 6 Ris kG rade 5 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 10 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile B 4 2 Ris kG rade Ris kG rade 1 Ris kG rade * 3 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile A Fund OCF 0.53% 0.57% 0.61% 0.64% 0.68% 0.72% 0.76% 0.79% 0.82% 0.84% Fund OCF 0.54% 0.58% 0.63% 0.67% 0.71% 0.75% 0.79% 0.82% 0.85% 0.87% Historic Yield 2.24% 2.60% 3.06% 3.10% 2.96% 2.64% 2.32% 2.05% 1.86% 1.71% Historic Yield 2.16% 2.44% 2.81% 2.81% 2.69% 2.37% 2.06% 1.78% 1.61% 1.48% Correct as of 24th December 2014 * Correct as of 24th December 2014 CAERUS Select | 25 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active (A-D): Portfolio Holdings as of 31st December 2014* The fund universe for each of the Ethical Profiles is determined by the Ethical Oversight Committee (EOC) as per the ethical screening criteria defined on page 22. The table below shows the current holdings for each Ethical Profile (A-D), to demonstrate the impact of the ethical screening on fund selection and for the purposes of transparency. Please note these holdings may change over the period, depending on the views of the Investment manager. Details of any fund changes over the period are available on page 30 of this document. Asset Class Managed Liquidity (unscreened) Asset Class AXA Sterling Credit Short Duration Bond Ethical UK Equity Income M&G Short Dated Corporate Bond Ethical Corporate Bonds Ethical International Equity Pictet Water F&C Ethical Bond Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Global Growth Alliance Trust Sustainable Future European Growth Ecclesiastical Amity European Standard Life Investments Ethical Corporate Bond Henderson UK Property OEIC L&G UK Property Feeder F&C Stewardship Growth Standard Life UK Ethical Kames Ethical Equity Alliance Trust Sustainable Future UK Growth Ecclesiastical Amity UK 26 | CAERUS Select Emerging Market Equity Allianz Gilt Yield M&G Index Linked Bond Ethical UK Equity Growth Henderson Global Care Growth Kames Ethical Corporate Bond Ecclesiastical Amity Sterling Bond Property F&C Stewardship Income Henderson Global Care UK Income Rathbone Ethical Bond Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Corporate Bond UK Government / Inflation Linked Bonds * First State Asia Pacific Sustainability Fund weightings are excluded, as it would depend upon the Risk Grade selected. D c b A fund D c b A fund Illustration of the Impact of Ethical Screening on Portfolio Holdings as of 31st December 2014 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Portfolios CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active (Profile A-D): Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 Over 2 years, and since inception, Ethical Profiles B-D have performed in line. One year returns for Ethical Profiles A-C have been disrupted as Ethical Corporate Bonds and Property have outperformed UK Ethical and International Ethical equities. Over 6 months, all Risk Grades across all Ethical Profiles are perfroming in line, and over 3 months, other than the relative underperformance of Emerging Markets dragging down returns for Risk Grade 10 in Ethical Profiles, A,B & D, are all in line. from i (01 .03 ncept .20 ion 12) return 2Y Ear 2.40% return 6 month 1.55% 1Y Ear 3 month 1 return from i (01 .03 ncept .20 ion 12) return 2Y Ear return 1Y Ear 6 month return return 3 month Risk Grade return CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile B CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile A Risk Grade 1.77% 2.76% 5.20% 7.05% 12.45% 1 4.91% 7.02% 12.87% 2 2.63% 3.88% 6.78% 11.44% 17.21% 2 2.36% 3.46% 6.43% 11.44% 18.16% 3 3.65% 5.21% 9.17% 14.72% 22.64% 3 3.27% 4.60% 8.92% 14.56% 25.37% 4 4.04% 5.49% 9.12% 18.49% 26.44% 4 3.65% 4.89% 8.79% 18.39% 29.15% 5 4.27% 6.02% 8.98% 21.29% 29.61% 5 3.96% 5.53% 9.01% 22.04% 33.03% 6 4.31% 6.18% 8.49% 22.94% 31.70% 6 4.08% 5.81% 8.80% 24.89% 35.48% 7 4.41% 6.45% 7.76% 24.72% 33.78% 7 4.23% 6.20% 8.81% 28.02% 38.36% 8 4.33% 6.67% 7.84% 25.49% 32.01% 8 4.29% 6.61% 8.85% 29.69% 39.30% 9 4.36% 6.97% 7.67% 26.24% 33.15% 9 4.36% 6.97% 9.01% 31.52% 41.92% 10 4.34% 7.35% 7.88% 25.81% 33.10% 10 4.34% 7.35% 9.51% 32.13% 43.38% Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. CAERUS Select | 27 CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active (Profile A-D): Portfolio Returns to period end 31st December 2014 from i (01 .03 ncept .20 ion 12) return 2Y Ear return 1Y Ear 6 month 3 month return from (01 i .03 ncept .20 ion 12) return 2Y Ear return 1Y Ear 6 month return return 3 month Risk Grade return CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile D CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile C Risk Grade 1 1.55% 2.40% 4.89% 7.02% 13.09% 1 1.65% 2.56% 5.05% 7.12% 13.13% 2 2.30% 3.24% 6.11% 10.42% 18.16% 2 2.55% 3.68% 6.75% 10.87% 18.60% 3 3.18% 4.28% 8.16% 13.62% 25.02% 3 3.60% 5.03% 9.39% 14.58% 26.02% 4 3.56% 4.56% 8.02% 17.18% 28.40% 4 4.09% 5.52% 9.66% 18.51% 29.92% 5 3.87% 5.20% 8.24% 20.59% 31.93% 5 4.30% 6.10% 9.87% 21.92% 33.56% 6 4.02% 5.59% 8.24% 23.59% 34.58% 6 4.50% 6.62% 10.20% 25.22% 36.64% 7 4.17% 5.98% 8.24% 26.64% 37.22% 7 4.69% 7.14% 10.54% 28.58% 39.74% 8 4.23% 6.39% 8.42% 27.71% 38.20% 8 4.84% 7.72% 10.98% 29.82% 40.95% 9 4.33% 6.86% 8.72% 29.95% 40.76% 9 4.87% 8.13% 11.24% 32.05% 43.58% 10 4.34% 7.35% 9.35% 31.09% 42.32% 10 4.86% 8.59% 11.85% 33.17% 45.15% Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. 28 | CAERUS Select CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active Portfolios CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active (Profile A-D): Asset Class Returns to period end 31st December 2014 Emerging Markets has performed well over all periods, for Ethical Profile B-D, owing to the outperformance of the First State Asia Pacific Sustainability fund. Over 3-6 months Property, Government and Corporate Bonds have also performed well, whilst UK Equity Growth and Income outperform over 2 years and since inception. from (1.3 incept .20 12) ion 2 year return return 1 year 6 month return 3 month from (1.3 incept .20 12) ion return 2 year 1 year return return 6 month return 3 month Asset Class Asset Class Managed Liquidity return CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile B CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile A 0.81% 1.28% 2.69% 4.91% 8.44% Managed Liquidity 0.81% 1.28% 2.69% 4.91% 8.44% Ethical Corporate Bonds 3.28% 5.04% 10.26% 12.04% 23.72% Ethical Corporate Bonds 3.28% 5.04% 10.26% 12.04% 23.72% UK Government Bonds 7.16% 11.21% 15.24% 12.46% 16.17% Property 3.87% 7.23% 12.90% 21.28% 25.91% Property 3.87% 7.23% 13.08% 20.85% 21.24% UK Ethical Equity Growth 5.23% 4.34% 1.96% 35.07% 45.31% UK Ethical Equity Growth 5.23% 4.34% 1.96% 35.07% 45.31% UK Ethical Equity Income 4.71% 5.18% 5.59% 35.51% 47.99% UK Ethical Equity Income 4.71% 5.18% 5.59% 35.51% 47.99% International Ethical Equity 4.27% 3.44% 4.31% 25.67% 27.29% Emerging Ethical Equity 3.46% 14.74% 23.13% 33.06% 54.93% International Ethical Equity 4.27% 3.44% 4.31% 25.67% 27.29% Emerging Markets Equity 3.46% 14.74% 16.83% 12.30% 20.27% from (1.3 incept .20 12) ion 2 year return return 1 year 6 month 3 month return from incept (1.3 .20 12) ion return 2 year 1 year return return 6 month return 3 month Asset Class Managed Liquidity return CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile D CAERUS Strategic Ethical Active - Profile C Asset Class 0.81% 1.28% 2.69% 4.91% 8.44% Managed Liquidity 0.81% 1.28% 2.69% 4.91% 8.44% Ethical Corporate Bonds 3.28% 5.04% 10.18% 12.03% 24.52% Ethical Corporate Bonds 3.64% 5.57% 10.73% 12.38% 24.66% UK Ethical Equity Growth 5.23% 4.34% 1.67% 34.54% 45.25% UK Ethical Equity Growth 4.23% 4.04% 2.38% 34.34% 46.34% UK Ethical Equity Income 4.71% 5.18% 5.89% 31.89% 43.74% UK Ethical Equity Income 4.71% 5.18% 5.89% 31.89% 43.74% International Ethical Equity 4.27% 3.44% 3.88% 24.59% 26.19% International Ethical Equity 6.81% 7.78% 11.48% 31.59% 34.06% Emerging Ethical Equity 3.46% 14.74% 23.13% 33.06% 54.93% Emerging Ethical Equity 3.46% 14.74% 23.13% 33.06% 54.93% CAERUS Select | 29 Portfolio Changes Portfolios affected: CAERUS Active and Blended Portfolios BUY Sell JPM US Equity Income AXA Framlington American Growth Along with many other US Active funds, the AXA fund has struggled of late. A switch was therefore made into JPM US Equity Income, a bottom up stock picking fund with an emphasis on quality companies. The fund manager does not like to overpay for companies so therefore valuation is important. The fund invests in a wide range of sectors to spread risk. However with a high ‘active share’ the holdings are quite different from the benchmark. 30 | CAERUS Select Portfolios affected: Rebalancing of the Property Asset Class. CHANGE CAERUS Active and Blended Portfolios Post a review of the Property sector, it was decided to equally weight the holdings between the Threadneedle, Legal & General and Ignis UK Property funds. With large money flows into London and South East property markets, this region appears to be close to fair value. The Threadneedle fund (managed by the highly experienced Don Jordinson) seeks out higher yielding properties in more secondary locations and as such appears to offer more upside over the next couple of years. Index and Peer Group Returns Index and Peer Group Returns to period end 31st December 2014 1Y EAR return 3 year return 5 year return IA Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares 2.02% 2.57% 4.84% 9.24% 16.03% 26.78% IA Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares 2.06% 2.59% 4.85% 14.13% 23.66% 31.70% IA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares 2.69% 3.47% 4.87% 20.04% 32.01% 40.06% IA Flexible Investment 2.64% 3.67% 4.89% 20.14% 32.31% 38.36% LIBOR GBP 12m 0.25% 0.52% 0.98% 1.89% 3.49% 6.66% iBoxx Sterling Gilts All Maturities 6.63% 10.84% 14.67% 9.86% 13.05% 41.91% Citi UK Inflation-Linked Securities Index 6.82% 12.47% 17.24% 17.84% 18.68% 56.42% iBoxx Sterling Corporates All Maturities 4.31% 7.19% 12.25% 14.42% 32.28% 51.51% Barclays Global Aggregate GBP (H) 2.30% 3.55% 7.92% 7.97% 14.37% 26.84% PIM Property Index 3.29% 6.67% 12.18% 20.43% 21.37% 33.00% MSCI United Kingdom -0.44% -1.35% 0.50% 19.02% 31.15% 44.41% IA UK Equity Income 2.14% 1.59% 3.16% 29.16% 47.25% 63.83% MSCI North America 8.11% 14.50% 18.86% 51.15% 65.84% 98.56% MSCI Europe ex UK -0.61% -2.98% -0.73% 24.36% 44.20% 28.97% MSCI Pacific ex Japan 2.39% 1.62% 5.72% 9.46% 30.37% 38.13% MSCI Japan 1.45% 4.54% 1.95% 27.23% 31.60% 35.23% MSCI World ex UK 5.52% 9.30% 12.52% 40.60% 55.78% 70.82% MSCI Emerging Markets Index -0.71% 1.06% 3.90% -0.69% 12.26% 13.12% 2 year return 6 mont return H 3 mont return H Performance data for comparative indices is included below over various market periods. Comparative Indices Please refer to Important Notes on page 6 for how performance figures are calculated. Performance data is correct as of 31st December 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. The value of Investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. CAERUS Select | 31 Notes 32 | CAERUS Select CAERUS Select | 33 Notes 34 | CAERUS Select CAERUS Select | 35 CAERUS Portfolio Management Limited Building 120 Windmill Hill Business Park Swindon SN5 6NX. Registered in England & Wales under No 03056894. CAERUS Portfolio Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is entered on the FCA register ( under reference 175524.